The Huron Signal, 1883-07-06, Page 8s THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY' JULY 6, L88'. l3AWKINS HITS 'EM. The Alleged Interview a Oor- r'eapondent'e BurlepuR TM Pest Albert Man nitres " the North. west t'.rrespead<a t. 1 aeckd.l tag. r Mr Teas slltrey. tlonaieem, July 2d, 1883. To the Pwlitor of T1s Huron teasel. My attention has been directed to two effusions from Winnipeg, that ap- peared in your last issue, and in which sup nine has received conspicso men- tion. 1 have been induced by them to revert to the remarkable interview. that hu excited the ire of these Western cor- respondents, and as I note its peculiar details, his improbable situations, its supernatural ideas, and its glaring u oun- sisteneies, I am completely aswan ed, that two gentlemen of the law should be so easily deceived, ea to put any faith in the genuineness of the article, as they evidently do. The whole affair was a burlesque, pure and simple, and the facts that toy first intimation of the in- terview was its appearaucu in Tui Sto- NAL, and that I had but a very brief conversation with the ourrespondent, in cumpauy with others, and in which no such expressions or sentiments as I am credited with were uttered, is sufficient proof of this. I have numbers of 'nettle w Winnipeg and the prairie province, for wham I have too high an estimation, to wilfully misrepresent to its disadvan- tage the oountry in which their Iota are cast. When I think it necessary to give to the public my opinion of the North-west, I shall.du so in a leas sensa- tional but .nore rational style, without resorting to middle -men, and over the signature appended below. I would have contradicted the report of the pre- tended interview ere this, had 1 thought there were any endowed with sufficient gullibility to suppose it genuine, and even now, with the letters of the "Mad Win- nipegers " before me, I cannot but think that they were produced, not because of any belief in the genuineness of the arti- cle, but because the random shote of the pseudo -reporter found sumo vulnerable pots. So much for the interview. I have a few words to say regarding the tone of the Winnipev communications. I have learned that Mr. Seager, at let prior to his departure for the West, was considered a gentleman. His western education has apparently done its work, and done it well, u evinced by his choice English and choicer epithets. The readiness and ease with which " un mitigated liar " flows from his remarka- ble pen is equalled only, I should juige, by the readiness with which the " cheap and potent intoxicants," he so naturally enlar es on in the next breath, would flow down -his equally remarkable throat, Had I the advantages of a protracted western experience and a frontier vo- cabulary, I would say that the " Old Goderich Boy" is a acontemptibde whelp, whose thickness of skull has led him into slaking, ever the signature of a respecta- ble glass, statements he dart► -nut over hisi*n; and that Mr. Seager is either a neteriousblockhead, whose conceptive fa- cultiesaretaxed to their utmost in inform- ing their possessor when he is hun, ry and that he should go lute the hen -e when it rains, or a mixture of the me .t- ern cra.ie and dude, whose chief tu.us are publicity and notoriety, at whatever cost. But I must refrain, my knowledge of Billingsgate being unequal to the oc- casion. I will say nothing here concern- ing Winnipeg or,Maniteba. Time and space will not permit, and my impres- sions of these places are my own. How- ever, as far as Huron and its people are concerned, I entirelyagree with the Win- nipeg writers, and atm proudtuknow,that amongst the number from Ontario who hive succeeded in the West, the Huron- ites have occupied an ample share of the loading places. And, by the way. Mr. Editor, I had almost forgotten to refer to a Mr. Gil- roy, who has ledged his complaint with the St',. I trade inquiries concerning this gentieman, ,end met with but a small measure of success. The parties of whom I made inquiries were about equally divided in their opinions, as to whether he was the int-ontor ref Gilroy's kite, a land shark, ger a noted insurance agent, and from the variety of these ideas, i cntife to the conclusion, that be was "reallyandtruly nobody at all,' and as nobodies were not my game, I con- cluded to give him a severe letting alone, hoping he trill see this copy .,f TMs S1CNAL, and relieve fila wounded feelings by a perusal of the facts herein stated. Thanking you, sir, for the space allotted to this. an.l hoping that your paper will be issued as usual. notwith- standing the elimination of part „f its title in the mire' of the " Old (Ju tench Boy.' I remain, our truly. THOS. R. tlAwkisA. laeethat amount to the credit of tt e bt,ard W. MrTt-H u.u, aster From ti. Macdermott oom g of damage from drain en W .tree'. Referred to public *elks committee. From night watchman Yule, for a policeuian a uniform. Moved by Juhuston, seconded by See- ger, that the putitiun be granted, the chairman of the supply committee to see to the obtaining of the uniform -Car- ried. aCtoureee. A number of accounts were read and referred to Beane* committee. rea Peas saloabl. To the Mayor utuf Cotuncid of the tows+ G uider'ieh, MONORAILS SIRS, -At a meeting ( the tire company, on the llth of June, was resolved that the company be du banded on and after the 1st of Jul n ext, and that your honorable body requested to grant to the members the company one-half of the usual ann grant for the last six months, and that you will purchase trom the met bers the following furniture at th prices : one chandelier $9, several Pi tures $1 each, and carpet 75o. per ya CMAs. Roes, sec'y fire oo'y. YIN AY(' It cOMMTTTEE a RI?ORT. recommend ronunend the payment of t folle.mg accounts : - E. C. Belch lb ; Nicholas Morrish, $60.75 ; G. Da via $17.55. We would also call t dun of the supply committee to t visibility o! purchasing lamp g the dozen and oil by the quantity. J. C. DETLOR, chairman. Moved by Detlor, seconded by Mitc r'e , that the oort 17e adopted -tri R CEMETERY CIMMRTi 8 RLPORT. of it 7 be of ual also Il- es. c- rd. he N. he he lasses b- ed. eve n p of era, der The following are the names of the new om c pnty : E. Graham, Cap Thos. Mc- Kenzie, 1st Lieut. , J. W. Stith, 2ndLieut. ; Charles hates, Trete.; Herbert Hilliard, lisc'y. ; John Yuill, W. L. Mo - Nen, Geo. Smith, Janet Bailey, E. C. Belcher, Thos.e t,rahaui, members. Moved by Mummy, seconded by John- ston, that the retort of the tire oommit- tee be adopted. Moved in amendment by Sloane, se- conded by Jordan, that the report of the tire committee lay over until next meet- ing of cuuucil. lin the atnsndnlent there voted,Tua- Smith, Detlor, Scobie, Seeger, Sloane, Nicholson. Jordan -7. Nay --Johnston, Murney, Colborne, Elliott, Bngham, Canteion, Mitchell, Butler -8. Lost by one of a majority. Or, the motion there voted : Yea - Johnston, Detlor, Murrey, Elliott,,Swine,Bingham, Cantelun, Mitchell, Butler - 8. Nay - Smith, Colborne, S, Seager, Sloane, Nicholson, Jordan -7. Motion carried by a majority of 1. On metier' the clerk was instructed not to give any further orders fog relief to Mrs. Ames, but to obtain a ticket for her to carry her to Sault Ste Marie by one of the Beatty boats. By-law No. 8, of 1883, for the licens- ing and regulating of owners of livery stables, au rs of hoes, cabs, carriages, and other vehicles for hire, and for es- tablishing the rates of fares to be taken by the owners or driven, and for enforc- ing payment thereof, was read, together with communication from J. T. °arrow, Esq., respecting same, when, on motion it was referred to oommtttes. Moved by Detlor seconded by Jordan as that the board of public works be in- structed to osrtain the probable cost of laying sufficient piping from the water er tank to a point n the east side of •he Square, for the purpose of • fountain ; also Dost of a basin 6 or 8 feet in diame- ter, properly cemented, and to report as soon as possible to the council. On motion council adjourned. flee attest a by ell We beg leave to report that we h sold to Joseph McEwen the grass u the Maitland cemetery for the sem $10, ho to cut all grass in fence e over graves, &c., all to be un the superintendence of the sexton. SAM.L SIOANE, chairman. On motion the report was adopted. HARBOR COMMITTEE'S RIPORT. We had before us the rules and regu- lations for the government of the wharf and commercial docks, made under order of the Governor-General in Council, also the several Acta of Parliament relating to the appointment of harbormasters and heir duties. We find that since the harbor tolls have beon abolished but few rulesremain in force. The Governor -in -Council, how- ever, has power to make, rescind, modi- fy, or alter rules and regulations for the use and management of harbors. We would recommend that the Minis- ter of Marine and Fisheries be requested to make further rules and regulations re- specting Goderich Harbor. We think no change is required in rules Nos. 1, 2, 6, 8 and 12. The word "wharfinger" in Nos. 9 and 10 should be changed to "harbor master." There should also be rules made giving the control of vessels and the placing of thous at the docks to the harbor master. Alae oompefing the ''sera of the docks to have the locks cleaned up and removing Of any debris after the unloading of a vetwl, and the repairing of any damage done ; and toe harbor master to have full power to enforce the rules and regula- tions made. According to requeat of Council we are having four notices painted on bonnie, stating that no tolls are now payable at Goderich harbor on merchandise. ABRAHAM SMITH, Chairman. The report was adopted. Pt'BLn; WOIKB eOMMITTEE 8 RIPORT. w� In Goderich, on the Lath Jre. at the resi- dence of the bristleser intim. by the Rev . Dr. tire. Mr. Isaac K.Katgh1. to Annie Khan - both. eldest dandier of Mir. Janie' Reid. The public Works Committee begs to report that they recommend the follow- ing improvements and repairs ba made during the current year: Harbor hill -Gravelling and cleaning out water table, probable cost $25. Picton street -Grading on west end, 10 rods, $4. Eldon street -Sidewalk, west end, $2; gravelling, $25.00 ; drain to South street,via Bennett street, continuation to R. `;ytnmcnd's property and to Bayfield read, to the natural outlet down theBay- tield Rossi, $175. Bayfield road -Gravelling, including some on Bennett street, $30. Britannia Road -A small drain across near high school, $5. Huron Road -Drain across near 1. McLean's, $7. Walnut Street -Opening water table from John Elliott's to Walnut street, $3. Huron Road -Gravelling, &c., and sidewalk, $20. Maitland Road -Carrying off salt water, $10; grading opposite Chrystal d Black's machine shop, $10 ; tank near 0. T. R. machine shop, $125. St. David Street -Drain $15. East Street -Gravelling centre of road, $16. - Bruce Street -°ravelling centre t f road, $10. Victoria Street -Gravelling northerly from Proudfoot's store, $25. Cambria Road -Repairing foendary to bridge, $10. Napier Street-Orading and repairing, $5. Platt's Hill -Repairs, $55. Quebec Street -Drain, $45. West Street -Improvements, $50. St. Andrew's Ward -Tank to finish commenced last year, $50. St. Patrick's Ward --Renewing side- walk in front of Mr. Proudfoot's store, costing $'20 -Mr. Proudfoot paying one half, $10 -town share. North Street -A short piece of sand box drain, $6. We would recommend also that the sum of $100 be granted for improving the square and $25 for improving the Park-, and that .lances Elliott be allowed t•4 tap the spring on Huron Road near his property. According to instrnctiOns from the council we have had two lamps put up at the harbor, and one at the foot of the sidewalk near the Ocean Howse ; also have had the Comm.rcial Docks clewed 'again. At Goderich. on Std July. of inflammation of tae lunge. 1st bee shy -third year. Human F. Barber. daughter of the tate I. Jonathan Barber, of Moatswnl. sad beloved wife of George Rice, Aeierte� In Colborne. cm Julie 75th. I8 , A. M. Campton, a years add 11 months. In pungae non. ea fi... -- y Jane 23rd. 1383 Mrs. john C. Milian. egad M years In W�si,tIkerton. eaS. t�tesrreaLSi sof the June tat h. (lonld.EEN .1.111 sears. 3 months. son of In Oodericch on Wednesday, July Mei, 18Ri, Ada. l• earn e. h sadter �is days. John Ya V tear. aged Loans anti insurance. ochi g 0 WI 0'1 E -4i k O PI o Wcd.51 0 P4 tir +a $4 00 8 Ei)• r4;me 0I'deri 600 000 Ti) LOAN. APPLY TO W CAMbRON. HOLT kCA.M.K ON.G e • ick. MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to sunt borrowers at 6 to tie per out. Private Nada Apply to Bangs and Moslem ()oder ugh. VUR TOWN FATHERS. N Mal Wan Dear Pea Mr last ■eetiBg- Jane 19, 1r 3. The regular meeting •.f the to wn coun- cil was isel.l this .venins;. .111 the members o1 the cOuue.l were present. the mayor in the chair The minutes of last mooting were read, epurov cd and signed. Tus TRIxRCRRR / &EPOL.T ahnwe.l as follows. M Receipts.. . 1-apenli•ures • . ... . am.70 ttalanet on hand. .. • • •' " Referred to finance committee. 'TRY. srXTOa'4 RTi'c,RT, showcl H interments m Maitland ceme- tery state flit rein rt --1 adults and 1 In - fent -and 1 removal ; also a statement of cash received for work done for par. 'tic, and amount paid for expense*, leav- e... a Wane* of $21.50, -which was duly doodad W tn2 treasurer, Filed, TRI kraI T INerttle:eoa s ai14ricr ahowtrl $212.:17 expended tm public works sloes last rep•.rt, and emateid od that a street lamp be pieced the pest office -tarried. ,•OMV 1.1414' ATI'.! *. Tho following oemmunications were read : From secretary of school inard, as follows :- (islr'rt.smss,-I am instructed by the retied of school trustees to inform you *hat they will require the sum id $4,700 tor sehn 1 puns/lees ami request yet MONEY Tt) LEN p. -PRIVATE funds -o 1 freehold security. Apply to Cleo. Swanson. Goderich. UMW. 4i50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND VV11f) on good Farm or ere -ciao' Town Property .t 8 per cent. Aoo1r to H. It ADCLIFFS. 1731 itIONEY TO LEND -A LARGE LTA amount of Private Foods for Irrveatment it lowest rates on eretd sMortgages. Apply toGARROW k PROUDFOOT. L OANS FREE 0? CHARGE. - Stoney to lend at lowest rates. tree of any costa or charge+. .SKAGER & MORTON. opposite Colborne Hotel. Goderich. Yard March 1,111. 177. 20,000 PRIVATE FUNDI, TO LEND • on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgages purchased. no Commission charged, Conveyancing Fen reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one day if title is aatistacwry.-DAVISOS k JOHN STON. Barristers. kc.. Goderich. t7SI J RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Lite and Aoeldeat Insurance Agent. R^presenting frstclasmCompanies. Alsoskeet tor the CANADA Lang STOCK ISet'RAitCL Co. Money to lend on Mortgage. either in Town of Farm Property, in any way to suit the borrow er. OmoS,-lnpMairst Naim block Goderich iebicat. C R. MCDONAGH M.D. PHY SIC - k. . IAN. tt'RGKON, etc.. Graduate of Tor- onto or onto Univer.;t>, l:icertiete of the Royal (•ol- tege of Physician., London. England. kc.. kc., M. C. P. s.. Ontario. Office and residence Opposite Bailey'. Hotel, Hamilton street. God- erich 1:95-4m DR. MCLEAN, PHYSICIAN, IRrR- OKON, Coroner bc, Ogre and residence Bruce Street- locoed door west of Victoria Street. 1751. HG. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . etas, Surgeon sad Acconehcr. Graduate of Toronto University. Omceopposite Carver ren k Cameron's Bask. Lecknow. It not in canoe. ononlre at the Bank. 111111.y. 'FIRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, 1J Pnysictan4. Surgeons. Accouckers. kc. office at i r. Shannon's residence. near the grol Goderich. G. C. Silas NON. J. C. HAMIL- TON 1731. TAMES $MAILL, ARCHITECT &c. • office. Crebb's Block. Kingston et.. bode rich. Plans and apeh-iM a' ions desertion -Feet Iy Carpenters. plasterer . and mason's work measured and valued. Eye, Ear and Threat. DR. RYERSON 317, Cho ea Street. Tommie. mel.. 1.. It. ('. P.. L. It. C. S. F... Lecturer on the Kyr. Fir and Throat. Trinity Medical ('ol- Icgr. Toronto. and surgeon to the Mercer bre end Far lntirm,rl. tare Clinical Awlstaat Royal 0phtha;mtc Hospital Moorfields. and Geatrat [Radon Throat and Kar Hospital. may be ooesuhed at THE WINDSOR HOTEL. STRA TF'ORD, Oa Last Saturday of Beery ietk. .Inn'Sth.Itrt-h l BINC+kIAM'S ce a Pel, RO E B Chairman. r'I I.k t IMMITTItg a IIPORT. Having heard that the fire company is the beat piece in to hold "__ had determined upon disbanding upono • au c.) rn au THE LARGEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER WEST OF TORONTO AT =RIM'S BOOK STORE. DADOESt: FRIEZES. FILLINGS. BORDERS FRESCOES ST DECORATIONS. OORN ER& °ENTRE PIECES. EXTENSIONS. CEILING DECORATIONS. AND ALL [INDS OF BORDER8, PLAIN AND GOLD, The above Wall Papers are this tlesaIMMIDER[CT IMPORTATIONS from. the Best American clad English iinufaeturers, and comprise all Their Latest Designs and Patterns. 1 Nothing can equal them either in Price or Quality. INSPECTION INVITED. 3atieiactian Quaraateed1 The Prices range from 5c. per roll up to $150. JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. Moorhouse. North Side Market -Sq., Goderich. BIG DRESS GOODS SALE THIS MONTH, AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S the first of July your committee met at P once and requested Mr. John Ynili t,' BINGHAM'S NURSERY solicit members to forma new enmpanT, ' adjoining the vont, will rnppty W scour• under the Bre by-law of the council. The company has been formed, officers elect Rongo�t of e' ie � ers �etAet ftlmalOrwmeTits ed, and request recognition from the estlsr. council. Annexed hereto find names of '13 IN' CII -1 A.111. officers and members of the cnmpeny nn lerirh Inn' +lets 'mitt eine Beer es rhair'man z 4 -SUCH AS rllh: ."G Tui I.ATTG►t IS GUARANTEED e fU r A a . 1 i i w Fri M 4 11 f C w 3 g to m ' b x_ hi 1¢ , V 'a' ` o .uctioneering. TAMES BAILEY, LICENSED AUC- • TIONKKR for the ('ounty of iluron, hav- ing entered the list. 1s now prepared to attend to all orders for Anctloneering• orders lett at Bailers Hotel. Goderich, or sent by mail. promptly attended to. HOS Legal. RC. H A YE$, SOLICITOR a e., °see corner of the 'rewire and Wee stret. °nitwit*. over Butter's booketere- money to lend at lowest rites of interest. L EWIft .t LEWIS, BARRISTERS. JOHN KNOX, LICENSED Alio- Att4vneys, Solicitors In ('hancery kc f TiONKKR for the Connty of Huron. Ocoee In the ('outs Howe. Goderich. !(ales attended in an parte of the County. Or- Ito Lawle. M.A. B.C.I. E. N. Lawn, den left at Martin's Hotel or at this ogee will. its' be premptly attended to. 1I 7-tf. VI', BALL, AUCTIONEER roilH. the Ctwnty of Huron. Sales attended 1n any part of the County. Address order, to Ooderirh e.0. • WZL�O N' Prtscriptioo Drug SIR W•ate Care Vs1RaB11Oatasrf Can. Cin Bitters. arawe� rt[[imrg Xeervlwe. w DNooverl'. owler a Extract of /frewnerry. Try NlRYILlNR, the egg Pain name') trial bottfleess.. 10c. `DIAMOND DYES, CBEST iN THE WORLD. IOC PIER. PALCM AG3.1E CI ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BA R T ntiersRS, Attorsers. Sotbltevs. rte ' Goderich. J. T. Darrow, W. Breedlove. 175 St EAGER & MORTON, BA R R I s TKIItI. etc., kc., Oodertch and Wingiti m. C. Seager Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Mono.. WIng ban. 1761. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barrister' ttoottors .in Chancery, krQi. LMo;d1rHoWMW1, acarangham. 1751. YOUR FORTUNE! if you will return this Slip, with SI mete, nr 9 three -cent stamps. we will send fuse byhtn..' ppaosst paid. ass beginning. a beautiful (' rem.. Onkel containing 100 Fast Selling Articles There goods Pere need in every bodge in ....th, reentry and the of w ick will brtag you in, honorably, oVW TR aper day ued apt coc�lD1 mels tRY hag ytfer fl s.bsie- hMe Nr each ganga. if y� de tet wYa to gasp Your 'see, kianty chew this Nip of a rifted. male or tertian. that nedis . help. Ing hand. Thin may be your last chance Honer deka. 4 W. KiNNKV v5rmnnth N " 44/31%It