The Huron Signal, 1883-07-06, Page 71'Hh HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 6. 1885 Fun arta Fancy. A lawyer is about the may man that ever made anything by opposing a ro- omy 'a ia'sap's will. La they make everxthing of paper now it is singular that weal paper is not uti- lised for °erects. One why knows says that an tbe over. - try they blow a hurts before dinner, but in town they take ogle. The startiug point of ulaaty a leve tuatoh-The old tuau'a boot. Why are bores line trees 1 Besausd' we love them best when they leave. We hear a good deal about the "rage for speculation ;" but the rage generally comes after the spec lotion. A wit beii> g asked, uu the failure of e bank, "We rree you not upset r n,Idlxt, "Nu, I only bot illy balance." What a curious language Eutligh is. Farm anti lbarben. Tee tow of eiratoe' I7eeioeherei. ir0 sae knows it until she ha tried It hoe. much she may change the aspect of thitlp about the house by ttsitse t Isttle vim*. " On a sunahiuy fly Inky the ul4 cheinsend tables out ou the porch or by eels ops door, and, after thoeos kly dating and wiping off with a damp cloth seedy • thin coat of varnish, and so cover up scratdhes and marred spots of all kinds. le will dry in • short tuna, and Yue s. be surprised to see how much g I'y lu have done. A flannel cloth toiti!lias alwuld be in every garden. The prettiest way to grow them is W uake a circular mound of rich soil iu the centre of your dower garden, sowing the seed 01 nosed varieties, keep the weeds downYaad yoe will have brilliant du - p ay of dowers all summer. Amateur florists to who it a as, ub- inect to save their own seeds, should bear mind Mat the double aster, which a Witha fiery attic linseed oil, is good w rub fernilare with ; bet the gfeaNat care iu apt to degsnsrate to the single form, oil repaid by Le Coq to yield double flowers , test be exercised to prevent any chied from seed from the outer floreat being left on the wood to alitact of tuts' disc. And in rising choice pp��itli- It same be rubbed until you would not dower seed the upper port of the pod is kisow,•essspt by the Proved vP earh b:oktn off by the yarcteter, ea the:seed a`t��t "7 vi_ from it it gives mostly single dowers. ''� which is heavier than the uth- For cheerful effect use for beds the er kiRd on furniture, will Ins" ul oil hs look w gaud M new. dwarf, aid for fences the climbing `rpt and wipe before applyi� the ver - A niers is late when be u dyad •udgnue 'turtiu.nr. They never go out of fashion, hick es else{ul but 1u`itep ns them and a train is late when it hasn't come. but cru iucreasutg in popularity every until they're dry. If this is duos every A housekeeper asks : "What is t',.. in their seatonston oand tts heyclaret readily *primo yehe oil willcloths without it. Zeit. twice as simplest way to keep jelly from nt•''.i i bought b the ladies for corsage bequets ing on the top 1" Shut a small bey .I,, :I using nothing but their dark green leaves %etastllsg ol.reve� the pantry for a fuw minutes. for a relief. When so used they are "I would like scalloped oysters," she very effective, and undoubtedly will be Ithysician s are often startled bl ee- rem&rked. He answered meant°g to be the rage here ere long. Yellow is grow- n*Ya discoveries. The fact tlhkibr. funny, "I don't know how to scallop lug to bo the fashion in Bowen. uyaters." "Then bias some," said she. .t query in the N. Y. Tribune is en - Artist (on sulumer tour) : '•Ah, orad- ""red u fullnws : "Hyacinths never bl(K'm w well th t am, might I have the pleasure of paint -e second time; the firs ing your picturesque little cottage f" sprke of flumen appears to exhaust the Country dame : Wa'al, I don't know. bulb.A good plan u to dig up after the Guess ye can. Ye might whitewash the foliage dies down to summer, dry and re - fence, too, if ye Idea" plant in August or September. The side °boots or offsets may be set out to A young blood, aft eted with a horn ble stetter, enters an English pharmacy. "I wa-wa-want," says he, ".tome p -p pills of ip-ip-ip-ipr''• herrn I' cries the impatient clerk, a1i t ti.r hha••i Sees. "Did that la iy take u.u'►ra.e 1" said the proprietor of a fieriest' s'• re to his clerk who bad just iL'), ak stiety diapui t�o� with a customer. "filth, n e, l tot t'Y_' ten yards of turkey nidewlico and a.ytttel buttons to watch. "I don't want no rubbish, vis, finer timents, if you please,"',tIaid tliu si tee. who was asked e Iset, itot an ce,:tap!t she desired for her life heelest el a 4,46 - Discovery for Consumption oat and Lung diseases is daily sots that they have *en up startling them to ralr/ their uty, and exami8e into the his wonderful d' 1•e - hundreds of our t i hpai- ns sag it in their p ' Trial bottles free at J. \Vilaop ■ Store. Regular size $1.03. : form new plants. Narcissus pewit no epecu►l tare, and may rel i.uu undisturb- e.i for revera1 years, giving a mui_h ••i 01sis in the desert is no b old decayed znt*ru each autumn ht to the 'tendering Arab than Ter f ,tlowine isa disc: i.tion of a punt 311 'Yen Huron's Kidner• n•• not veryu (e well kuuwexpt amongt e unf urate sufferer fiif fl .ries. called thepilea, ur artillery plant �t is a perfect, p.tadt risii i off oa branch covered with smallcure. Scald by J. li reel bu.ie we dipped it in a tuh of water, and &het: held it in the sun. In a fuw minutes nue ,.f the buds bunt, throwing into tau air the 'Alen, in the allape of a cloud of dote. It was fo:lowed by anoth- er ee 1 another, u.itil the branch re - sem ibled # minwture field, puffs of ata the, a patently, being seen in every portion stone. "Let it he ee •. :res 1 sineee of :he Ilene As e.ch bud bi•o•s•.ru•••i, it Sometime( like this fis�'} - Ft liliatw J•,ii n ikon, oel 7%1 vt eh% ..W yourig .' ( A visiteer in the C••i rtr: et •itat' -a r •..)• old IW:tottltwoniau d•sin! at her c.•ttt_e door aa., it Bide bey i.f six or sev. is. who h.ppeta to be playing neer hy. h..te child Iolitely ;' but she must be very old. She has been here ever since member.' He (to the findhoe) : "I as trl, ar yo ver u. iced ht4 china ? She ( th china 1 Wha 'Shu breaks t eat+me� x av When old Mrs. Brushy hadgotthroueh reading in the papers au" Kccouneisf the last great tire, she raised her speotacl from her eyes to tke top i tf her head, es remarked : "If the firemen would wear 'Ws raw' Memet = o t ch ties mike t d in neentey, - *Ley 1fiN be a irMiing of theft. -Lisa atdeery fir's." . "I have been married fo'mental weeks and my husband and I camtdt decide whether we should' retain oekold lune lotto.. or burn them. \v hat would you advise P Mrs. C. : "Put t;aetn in a pasteboard box tin toe sermtnt girl e room. A supply at old love. late •s hoe bleu known to k(iap a girl euptente,l oats pla4 for three fonths at w time.' On t)ti facade of the princlpa!hotel in Vichy, France, is the anao..eement , "All laigsages spoken here." A tourist entering plies the host wit& English, Spanish Russian, etc. Seeks that the good fellow understands *war • wool, he enquires who it is in the .}Intel who speaks every tongue. The>y„-yeine host with digudty responds : "Tbe.travelera, assumed.the .....ane of a feeneva eetes, ev11:eh gin i0F :qui giifiying glass i':e e at- t•d a t,, stfbifb1'sjipraranoe. A M rylaod :ran advised the reader& of the N. Y.' Tramite what to plant in llangi se haskeem : "Put a plant (f Ger- mats or English ivy or some other tine- lerfetl vine at each wire or chain ; place aT br:ia 'aria a moss -pink, a Kenilworth y s., .ri oxalis, between eaoli ivy. In e centre put • coleus, • fancy-leafe.1 uium or a centaurea, better known as 'dusty miller,' with an artillery plant �saxi , fsse•k *wetr try gelhin Men, . �& ~ ' d.b anght dole oar ale egreen' aA ht pink one,, n each stele of the centre plant; en peg ip flee vie throe cuttings of t. tyy eii\ whish there are now sr•, e. tletles, Vesta, green and bronze ;;rern are 1 white, xnd multicolor, the lat- est, prettily variegated grte:l, white and pule ; the last th .ugh very handsome, is 1'7 .•t sir ng a grower as the others and has a tee.lency to run back to the older 'r''-' ' . . In the (flat r off mealtimes no pes,pa ration lras'r'Adved with universal cum- nneudttiou for the alleviation it affords, apd the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney diseases, as Dr Van Buren's Kinney Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by J. \Vilston. 2m • Thousands are being cured -of Catarrh every year with Ball's Catarrheir'e, that he doctors had given ftp and said could not be cured. 75 ciente a betels. Sold by George Rhynes, sole ageut for Guide I;tth. 3m Deterioration of etrnwtherrle.. A correspondent calls atteitiun to the process of evolution which yin visible progress in the case of the strewberry. Within the last twenty-five years it has changed in shape, size, color and flavor. The very memory of the taste of the real strawberry has almost been forgotten, and the modern strawberry is a new, though ea yet partially developed. variety of mushroom. The chiynge, dose writer goes on to nay, began with the increase in the size of strawberries. The fruit soon doubled its original size, but it lost its flavor and its color. Within the last two years it has rapidly developed a core, which is as tough, fibrous and as unwholesome as the core of a pi stopple. It is a pity to lose the strawherry of our early youth -the beautiful berry around which so many poetical associations, and so much sugar and cream hare gathered --but, on the other hand, it is a great thing to see before our edpyr eyes the great evolutionary processes of nature. The fate of the strawberry teaches us the evils of over -cultivating. We were not content with the original strawberry, but we tried to make it larger andhettee. The result is the strawberry has disap- peared, and in its place we have a miser able mushroom. During the absence of Hon. Mr. M wat England,whither he has gonetu.watch over the interests of the Province in cer- tain , -reg appealed to the Judicial Com- mittee of the Privy Council the Ron. Mr. Pardee will take charge of the Atturney- Genetal'a Department. Hon. Mr. Har- dy ha, for seine months past been acting Minister of Education in the roma of the Hon. Mr. Crooks, who is still absent in Eogland through ill health. For all disorders of the Stomach, Liv- er and Kidneys, Dr. Caresn's Barensoh [totem ire unsurpassed. They strength- en the whole muscular systeul, give a healthy enmplexi(.n, loving beck the keen edge of appetite and arouse into hsaklty action the whole physical ennr■y of the human frame. A threat Dtseevery. Th it is daily bringing joy to the homes of Lheusauds by saving many of their deer ones front an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in tate T!ertest, Pain in Sidoand Chest, or any divease of the Throat and Lunge, a passions cure. Guaranteed. Trial Bot- tles free ret J. Wilson's Drug Store. Large sista $L 00. (6)• �l is tneTl went fur jet arti- tkingfMstj,•iut rendelilt black Pawnee' St o11 'er e l. 11T radon w-ts cur tiepins rettea St en ice °'hon a recons n :md sailer a.nd f but sand is a g.rter t jlwtiu'er, if a hot Ovate hag nd.r - • t fr •stAep !j?Cel.,ric in d, tee right net's'. the °dmf aey • • 1 nter y tomer of th eu rays. 'tune ladder e • Infiatn eys, 1 - body i of . n Be bold by J. Wilson. 2in A novelty has been introduosdf tit the iefterntion teas in London. The cakes and ether dinner spoiling abominations are seldom partaken of by guests who care al'out the appearance of their gloves. A holy who receives s good deal hu in- trudnced a silver cake 10fter, something like a pair of old-faahoned sugar tongs, but shorter, and with broad, flat ends. Untit one gets used to it. it looks decid- edly old to see a piece of cage emceed t.o the ni,.uth with tongs. No household should be considered complete without a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney ('ure is its the closet. It is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly cure all forms of kidney diseases. Sold by J. Wilson 2m `imply utirtcniona is ell i cart My of the effect of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney t'nre in my cue. An elderly lady writes this from Ant igonish, N S., who Redsnfllte'ad from pains in the belrlt for twenty yetRa. Cn l hy .1 Radion 1510d1 rich. 'hot tea. mot itll whams area. ' I NT' erre I'.Yeaecr I'hus- upon $ientitle ormu Profs.., Austin, M. D. of Beeto,c Pulmon- ary Consume 'ck H , 'Ner- vous Attacks, Ve o and �jpuralgiam and all wutin 4 huan system. Phosphate is nut a -. seine, bay a Nutrimemeapcause i1cOrstains no Vegetable or ttioee}}sal Poisons, Opiates, Njcotics, and. ulants,'hut stmt.! ly the PhosphaRloatt Gartrie.slisslents found in our daily foot sin e kettle is sufficient to poi e. ugeists sell it. $1 00 per bottle.. .oweeN rl Co., sole a_enta f tr the i1'omimon, 55 Front Street East Torquato. Now that there is a reliable rea:edy for kidney troubles, half the terrorsattached too th,eee complaints have been removed Fur this lot all he thankful, and to Dr. Van llaren'a Kidney Cure award all praise for haying thus remised a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path it was never knew° to fail. Rodd by J Wilson. 2uu bur k1.** Aralea s41e. t The ereetest medical wonder fli the world. Warranted to Illenetigr cure Burns, Bruises,Co.,Ulcers,-NdlAtheurn, Fever Sores, Cerffiitrss, Piles, Chilblains. Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions; gl etianteelt w cure in every instance, oro coney refunded 25c. per box. For sale by J. Wihn*. ly. Tire* are MIN reel.. 'rhe best bleed purifier and ,v.:, n1 re- gulator ever placed within the teach ,4 suffering humanity, truly is Elec,ric Bit- ers. inactivity of the Liver, Dilieussase Jaundice. Constipation. Weak Bitlnees, or any sheerert retinue.; asease of n lua1•pett'izer. t r mild attmnlant, will always find 1 c Bitten the best and only re - known. They act surely an ' every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. f?inM d shy cents s bottle hy ,7 Wilson (41 Banking. BABY OY UONTRILAL. CAPITAL - stfitPLu1, - Godefich Branch. D. GLASS - - - - Muuayer. Allows Lateran on deposits. Drafts, Tette. of credit and circular notes issued, paab a all parts of the world. 1714, CANADIAN BANK OF OOMMERCI �J Paid sip Capital, - 16,000,000. Rest, - - 11,400,000. Prwtdewt - hu.V tuff McM4STER (leaeral Maaapr, - '• 1r..+-••+anav doderich Branch, A. M. 13088, - - - - 111A,a.rR. Interest allowed on deposits. Draft• on a therincipal Towne and Cities to Canada Great' Britain and the United States. bough and sold. Adrancesto Farmers on Notes. with sane more endorsers, without mortgage. 1733 GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER -IAT TIM - Oldest Established House IN '1" OOIINTY_ Silks, sating. ribbOtia, all wool Vertuh a•slnteres, licnry and blesehod cotton, points. d -e,, at kss than wholesale prices. Scotch and Canadian tweeds at wholesale pricea leerier. outweadre ice.. Arc.. very low. New Life for Fsuetie'a Weakened ley Dia rare, Debility sad Dissipation. The Great German Iuvigorator is the only specific for impdency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, fotgtfulness, pities in the hack or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great' Gorutan Remedy will restore the fest functions and secure health and happiness. $1.00 per box, six boxes for $5.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on reoeipt of price, postage paid, by F T- Cheney, Misled... Ohio, sole rgent lar United States. Cir- cular and testimonials sent free. Sold by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for Goths - rich. 3m : IYMRPORATKD A.P. 18;1. THE HAMILTON PROVIDENT AND t-ROCERIES Before you ben of pedlar.. or graugerr try my teas, loung Ilysu1 tea warranted pure hon tecta per pound up. HIack teas at 2511. equal to most Nat. tea *old. My £Oct. Inset is . worth Mots.. onset Imported at 7lets. per pound. All sp,a•r sold by me u'arru:.., d )rare LOAN SOCIETY. 13dRI:2V.r.A.R,.1D STORM, I .told 111 .:•,..L a tar>;e •a4•rrtnl,nl of 11n - teen. 1.0 eel, nail, t,aintr, salla. gin,: to -e - ),,r with n,r'-, rip -/•s iron ,nt of ahclf hardware. and the 'eel CORI SHEi_LER on the c.ntEstat of America. 1'. ive only fly, dollar.. H isa f to semeaa.s of corn *ad try- it CAPITAL $1,000,01111.11 HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON, ON T. intending narrowcrs will consaltthetr best in- terests by examining the edvaalegiloun terns offeree) by thin Society. before going else- where. For rater of interest. loan tables aid further partl.•nlare. apply to SAMUEL POLLOCK, Agent, Goderich. liodertrh. May 17th. 1981. IISVm INSURANCE CAIID. 5'14 -WA Its:. OODRRIC I G9t ERICH EOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and fi_tLT WELL MEN New H,•It.EI{S and SALT PANS maunfac •ural OII ahorte,l not K•t•. All Liads o: Itc ttir.Ii exr..uted Ender the per: -.,,41 .uwreir:u:t eI .'ropru tors wl 0 1`. ft. ft.o. •. i ( ARK W ork lt7 en. 1787 303.00 11I:ward. We •v " , • 1':.• :b : • ,..1 or any case of Liver •'.•., .,o, •• '• -;.- sac•. -ick Headache, Indignetinn. het •• or CORI\cues,' we cannot care with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the direct ions arc atrictlrcomplied with. They are p i r y regetable, and 1. ' r fall to Mee s•ti t■ n :,,:'. se tear C.at' cd. large L'oxce, coe:4:n t:r, :' ::.; r••n: a. Tor sale by all firer: v - • I -liens art! imita- tint' . •'°rod „ntr t JOIN • I'.' . flit -s.' RIsl,e . I3. . •1', . Frtc 'rel pa. , - , o,. ulr.'• •.; p Ie'>r .. r '•t:L+R '.aft 1. •Toltr. Health is Wealth BRITISH ASS. (•(Yl'. Tottovro-lmtabtish* PH(EN1X INS. COT, of LostM, Ragtandt - Established 17E2. HARTFORD iNA. (NYV. of HARTF(rtl•, Conn -Z*tablished Isla Rieke taken in the above ccs 51 the lowest rates try HORmi St CANADA PER. The uneer,tgw,Is also Appraiser for the LOAN AND SAVI COT Town' rn. Motwy to loan enn Lest -claw •rFtwity, nor tto�pcit'Mt.-( ROP 1e ) fl01:TON. Ander' :l stent. 10. Mitis. of 14 aweepEse h, Sbefore you ,, ,-. ,nighty and 1& egging to rnnq ,er (1Me.. 4S • week in - tows. 's /rat two. ,les •rte, l ( aesalre.. v. e w a eve.T%lillwe• p sreninak i ng Its IIr� e •ea. an *refit }ay. If 1 oo sr...st which tem r pay all ' lrrtra for star to EliAta.wrr red Me A CUItE MKNETIcytEDIci N .eeeRAIN &NERVE FOOD.. , _,• Sew Old sad ■os.g, Male and lrwale Poland%ely cure, Nervouuness in ail its stages Weal; Jbauer r lout al Brute Power,va wr, Ytial LoProtb tem Sweats, ertuatoraena, e.r7Yst. 7v b'pr• Hormone's. &annul Ireakwras said ee.wwt Low of Peeper. It reg,aIrs Nereewe Waste, Rdime-sates tee Jaded /steel - leak et,esg1heartAe Rq/eebled Bran, aad Ile- ateew top Torte and 1"tepor to the K.r- hewMsd Owsw.Hse Urysaa. With each or- der tor TweL5a packagespanted with die dollars we will send our r Written Guar- antee guar antee to reload the wawa. It the treatment does sot efbct • cure. It Is the ('heagust abd Mese Medlciae in the market. DEFull address. we metre to Waall tree to anyuteri' in y amplwhish Me410.16gtt1k ■edlesate te sold by Drug- gists at Mots. per box. or its boxes for $is, or will be raatlad free of postage, on receipt of the money, hy addressing Windsor, Oat.. Canada Sold in Goderich. b • J11110 WILSON, and all Druggists vervwhere 186&-ly DK. l:. C. '.. :. .t BRAIN i .l ..T tri:\ i•, a : .;”....i:'...: ....r liyttit,'u. 1: z artei.z.V.) . .- 4ril-s, N, trona ..cur:.,)7i1, Ilesdaclo ,• ! 1,, r,,wiesnscc 4. the use of ale .teiefuh,csa.ltc•n. lel 1)up.18---... ,.,r :leo Walt..,•• -.tit Ing en its' . o mlecr:. uy and •I•at ;o. Harr. .I......, L.044 ,(I , • . 'untain Lees and Sporn, - - nree-r v• rtien of lie bre., d 'ndi.'. : v••. Our Ism -,t . l:,:. h Ia-., • Olt - taiga one ..: :.-u: ,a..,t. ,sur. do.i&i a hex. or sir laevo•. • • i ILrrs • scut hr prnl prr paid en re We Kna...ntcr six boxes to vs e'. . 1,V ith each melt r re- ceived 1.3 ,: , n •'ompul,leo! with five,LHln:•-•. ,. ., ,, ole portlescr nor w-rt'ten stto, r-•• n, •' the motley if the tteatte /hoer e• 1 • •1 ,-4 r. Burr. Guarantees 1414nta1 01111 ser £ t ,:f.. Ill 1:.401,rale no: het - lasA a(;.11* I:. 4 , .,, t01IN 4' P: .t. 1.S ft 4).. auk' 0....,:v.., . ^.•Teeru:. to (alt. DTHE CREAT R mood 0 1 NiGPiMPLES, BLOTCHES IS nisi f ler WIIllll CURE 'r:1:ow ing ,diseases : Ithell eslwtIMi a, P4y ph Iii, %silt Maestro, heti riy and ES::' D:SEASES. It will remove 1 1 1 caI L -:c •rs and U .1 Sores. CAUTION -Ask for " Dr. Char. nine, £arseparflla," take r •t other In its place. If your Dr•i- ..- gist has none in Mock, requc.: him to send for It.. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER Perry Darla .II y un S Lat•'• • s !. Ag-,t..'•,.NTRi-A:.. r- --Thonaandsof.ravea are annually robbed of their' eelus,llves prolong. . eappine and health restored by rh o use et thegrest GERM"ANR.INVIGORA TOR• which positively and persnencgt y cures Ina- I'atesey (mused lay ee y ex(eenof ilea Lind.) esstsal weakness, and all diseme s 5):11 fol- low as a 'equines of Self -A blare. es loss of en- ergy-, 10se of memory, ret 1. ersul !asritude, painin the back, dimness ..f vision, Trines - tore old age, ami mtrey o" er discos sthat lead to insanity or c.n siii,p:. ei ar.d a prema- ture grave. Send for clrenlan with testimonials fere by nail. The 1111111611111 %TOR is sold at al per box. or rix loxes for $5. ',, ill druggi.-ta, or will Ice sent free my mail."•surely Pealyd. on receipt of price, by addressing. F. J. CH4NKY. Drugggie:. 117 41umallt St.. Toledo. Ohio ONO. RIIVNAF, Sole Agent for Ooderich WORM POWDERS. Are 1' aunt to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a sate, sure, and etleersal destroyer of sorsa in Children or Adults u ►:'..': (:URE OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS, 1. 1, DROPSY, '!1, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, ' - i every species of de arising from c-.... d ':VER, KIONEYe, BTOMAO$. COWELE OR BL000, T 'L•JR'1,, • a:•CHE, T. MILBURN & CO., Prop"T 0. 1 Grady's Specific Isdiainee TRAGI MARK Tem Gnaar TRAoe NAM ZxuWall 1ir- tta'nY. AO W.• falling euro tar Seminal WSAIN ties, Speet4at01. elou t asy, andalldisease* that follow ata se - Ab 115•rg TA+1 wins of self WTN PaT os of htct.or Uaive 1- tude. in in the Back. legion, Premature old age, and rr, er diseases that lead to Insanity we premature grave. Mars in our pamphlet, which we Mad free by tatail to everyone. The Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 t.% sr six packages for {, or will he by 'mail onreoeti t 0110e money toy ng THE GRAY MILDICINKC Toreito.Ont. 11 Sold in Goderich by Jas. %Vtl.0 AYER'S Hair Vidor remotes, with the gloss and freshness oe youth, Laded ur gray hair to a natural, rich brown Dolor, or deep black, as may be desired. By iia use light or red hair may be darkened, Win hair thickened, and batinses often, though not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and stimulates a weak and alekly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scarf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As • Ladles' flair t)reeeing. the Vwuu is uuegtalled ; It oontalna neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soh, glow, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, 4greeawe, and lasting perf nue. ala. C. 1'. Hatcasn writes from Kirby. O., July 3, 140'1: " last fall my hair ooinmettowl falling out, and to a short time I became nearly bald. I aged part of a bottle of Avaa's Huta Vrooa whlehpp ,towl the failing of the hair, audatarted a new growth. 1 have now a full head of hair `rowing vigorously, and am convinced Mat bat for chemise( your preparatlou 1 euwuld hale been entirely bald. ' .f. W. Bo W e N, proprietor of the McArthur (Ohio) Enquirer, tan,: • Avert's Ila in \'IOOR 14 a most exeelle,u preparation for the hair. 1 speak of It from my 01r1. .•sperienee. Its use promotes the `towtle of n' i. .tab, and takes it g1 csy and soft. The V10114 11014 sure cure for dandruff. Not within nep tie, :ledge has th•• preparation ever Is; 4,3,1 to give , „tiro satisfaction.," 7115. ANet'a PAIRBAIRV, leader of the esle- bratoi " l•'airtesint Famitr " 01 acottieh Vocalista, writes from /tn.tne, Abur., Feb. (1, MO: '•Yves ranee ley hair Logan togivuwleery evidence of the eleang,•It Well tteut.ius clue procuret le, 1 halo need Area-, 1IAIR \'nett, mud so have her.. able to maintain all appea *Ileo of youthfulness -a mat- ter of c ntal, erabbi eel:sequeuce to 'kiloliters. ora,oar, ndo: ,, and in fact every one who lives 1n tee eves ell the pub le." Mitt. ,0.:t PLRtl:•orr' writing- front 14 Elsa SL, ('amss.a1:,e,1 Mon, A 14, 1152 says: "Two tears ago &frost aw of any kalr came off. it I:Ihiewtvery mtr sled t was feet grnwfng 4114 ('. i using A ate HAM VIGOR the falling stoppal and a sew gust§ entatseeaaeeeedd,, and in :aatut a ...meth my head was completely oovered wtth short hair. It has eonttnned to grew, and Is now as good as before It fell. 1 regnlulyt eedbut Mkt! beetlc of. the Vltava, bat now use it occasiou- a! I Y 1e :e ,lreartng." We hate hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of AYER'e HAIR \Tuns. 1 t needs but a trial to convince the most ,keptieal of its value. TYMPANIC!) HT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mess. bold by all Druggists. Ali 1 , •t aflli4: Hot Pay t J Werk r'nnstent empl• ' nrrapit,1,eestred. .'antra Leek e ' ,n ,, t Onel''e. 1,49 S72 cck node at tome l y the in' -,►Neu°, nest hesiwea. now be. .• vhf public. ('apital not need- 11 a will start yon. Men, *n - en, boyssnd girls warted every K fat sae NOW Is tae thee. Too ,. .•. .. It seem ttt or viae your whole u010 to the bnsiueea. X0 ether huairw•as will pay yon ever11 en well. Ifo Orn cart fall 10 htake ewoneons pay, by engaging et Costly outfit and terms free. Mone last, teeny, and Amore/it-1 la ms Titre (1♦.. Armond* Maine i..l....... -....-_,-........,--....--4.--...-_,.._...e rel tt . . h • r• trip .pf4, q..' v.lth no nney will HALL'S n�eal>•es ATARRH RE tesMBIM / Reeolmnended by i'kl'Rlelaua. C t Flo T. 9 Catarrh of the Nasal Cavity--Lnronlc and U1tera Catarrh gg! hhl ar. Lye or 1 Kroft. It .s tau INTERNAeLLY an.fy acts PIRECTLY emelt the Blood and Mucous Serrate} of the System. t e best Wool Purifier in the WO*WoolLD, and is worth ALL that la charged for IL for Nei atone. THE ONLY INTERNAL CURE FOR CATARRH tar 115 TISK MARKRT -art $ 1 00 D�$wi;l_,_rso4 s $100 '.9RLr.ANn, ,I.t., a1tre/11 4, WS. My little uneighter saes trout'ed whit tlasirra for tworears, •end was very Innen Men 114.411 by the use ,.1 " Halt's (:atorrb Cure" M'., , lee _sow about au rot W. T. 'Op. \Vett.A`rrt, Out., Earth 1', MIR 1 have used " hall's Catarrh Ours, ' ... 1 AIM. oma from the good results I derived haus sag tomes, believe it will one the musk emissur. "age of Catarrh if •t. use be mutts -:ed tie a reasonable length of time. W. H. n):LLaita. witxkalp, out., Karen 23,1e9 E. J. crtexer R Cn„TIM*. O. Gruff - flare mold Ran's Catarrh Cara for gill itse year, ami it give* entire saLaf• tion. norm trnl7 H. W. HOh3ON, %twigs. Hall's Catarrh Cure void by all Wham, ,.Iois'Id Ra%ail Druggists au.l I'e,tL•r, in Potent at Winos le the Unite,' Matas and Qa•da, PRICE ,i Centel a Bottle. $9.00 a Dos,. The oo y genninn Haire Catarrh Cara is man. Maetured by F. J. ('1111175? el 00., Toledo, O. aMBewan erg Imlls1Uns. Mated for the Ontario leads by K W. HOBSQ I, Welland* Ont riEnTIGE RHYNAS, `4.1„ Agent