The Huron Signal, 1883-07-06, Page 5I'HL HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1888 A GRANGE TRIP. 11111.: a Whitt to the �Ydel a e�� Th truest_ June 24th, aboytr� i terse estate, Hensel!, ►pptelh B eld, Clutton, S afortlt' Du 0 Rebell, visited the Model Fa excursion was got u un • of Prince Al oL Niteth Huron, mfrs altZ i 11.40. tt ell lstk/Rt c' Matic i. h�(1�ihth ne: tit. ' 1de11[onlio, K1 n d11 y t M. )>�ttd T lannah, T t ul•rr arrival to t' a cib, .ig aendetl their vay to t where�y were welcomed with lunch tstock, chew tumuli. ett&u p ere v Went paths"( thetas t 4elled ell adfierument F been, where Mr. h Uiurotys,wa1 f:'Mi1b to t ld [the to arra e a to meet th of theeouhtry lip hiekthey could {c 11 11110 tie oollese. If hmissiouetthe agnc r out 1R Lilly anti in the siftings, Ube fanners would be y be Ho thanked the farmers lor their aid said he would be alwa glad give thean a welce, te. Er. Bishop, M P., spoke ad- the tw- ice of the manner in wh the 1 anyetere con iacted, an t t the commissioners would see that all farmers were guyed stir in the [natter Of 1Ue ikles and not let the bee cattle be f �g ht u y alsl�rL ot- '.• f. Rf. Raw ju&t the femurs • t,Qutrealbo put la the same foot- ing u others. He thought proportionate rates should be granted to all. As it was .11' retinal it ietiod •►coli be tail.. eido them► \,Tit bee* at a fa (loss tg in rjt� `Ill *tae dsi1 alt be Cam etre: MUM said it called by iia right name, Experimental farm. The place is an experimental one and that time iMlwed to double the aelaber. 11111111 ta aloes a[' t -et t tare, them we bear 11 mad the etre alAsgth of • Reform and th. sggrepte vote. >O..en is much tf with whit it ought to be. Summer Boating. FLACE! 1R&C`HAMt) UA,W,.L*TI LMnlsat nese N 'r lira SUMMER root tine e • few gyms. dile reams are Very largesrd , FURX $HED hot Yid water. iu and ental O choice t Cable, sR7eer7 its he taunt; be instills station. R}46.;r+lSeeo Ten D9ilsw pokrei • MAgLA'•rD PLACR, ooderich. atarla MONITOR STOVE ths tale land Ip[vRmaeu tau the tie fleet interests of ' QWada he said it wee hot what it should be. On the 28th Appt ember at the Proviaeial exhibit iontoi/ ) ) •J theia,iloaldbo oties& tort sale &heed of / _ n> {fen Rest Value / li J ><nV your Money 11f f r%7/1.H'!./ � �d .utY iA� ceiv £ d re P twlmty o moron receive a sitars ')fir. Meliorate and Mr. Wilson also *livered abort addresses in which tbev both /poke of the benefits to be derived from the college and also the pleasure it gave them to visit the institution, and hoped that the college would be kept out of the lauds of politicians. The following resolutions were then put and carried unanimously : Moved by Mr. Hannah, seconded by Mr. McQuade, that having visited the Agricultural College and Experimental Farm thew years ago, we are mire than • pleased with the great improvements t mad, E A S /NT 3- 2 " = S made since that time, and we therefore Lid lesire to express our entire confidence in said institution, and believe it will at 1t T7f a gesecr,tses duke in Black and Colors -meet lovely gamut; and excellent value distant day be s great boon to the farm - These gentlemen in speaking the D ZL ■Cs 0-0013.S "O O� Singhon of this resolution, expressed themselves tie to the ntni hoer and Plata and in Scotto Gingham's. end worth Ile and 111c.Cona c. n. the beet [rake. Embroidery. Brown Heeleq Werra MillIuerr, 17ovree7. Feathers and Ribbons. .ad 1 loved. &•s. la plain and fancy handles. ,treaty early and get the Ant choke. Rapeetfs111 Sours. all do red awl" beet oil yet. It Bp 1011. r111' tote otlt HAAT IR0NS. Noi1ko, Calf on rue sad je *abi - a ,$PARSOIr S/ Agent floelleiarieb 1nl viyldtj. Oodericb, June 7th, lflS. • iAlt - 5 NOTICE. the usual Mldsuoinser Olusitum .i Mrs. Fletcher's School WILL as WILD in Vlstoria Sun, on Friday Evening. July Oth, 1888 1p cnt�re�y Otw sad v rttgtr•Ptp i, �Dw. TaDleanI. i'ts1e, g0.. w01 uc BEE. 1'ltuG-RAMME$. Tiobts M be had at all the beak store and from the molls. Oederieh. inhale, ISM lee'f-it God rich Coi1Yard Thos. N. Ducey, Proprietor, The sabtcriber begs to inform the re tISSte • and l;lnity that he has oyoaetit •'Coal Depot at the dock, and will be pleased to All W orders to that Ilse at the Lowest Living Rates. PattTltS Dte1BINti TO GET GOOD COAL at reeaoaabie nates, WI and ez<imlae quota - Hose and quality of twal before purchasing elsewhere. uederiob. JUDO Fath. list& heel 91.16-7 PRACTICAL BAR . i. and Htair-dresser, Mara and s w the while fur Ds•t' M e caa • to to a continuance ort Y ways be Fouad W Shay 133 es Pe (Moe Ouderieb. Worth f eat Traaporla I �aay ON COAL IIEPOT soap` wf u1 Kansa it a t the(cal for the corning eca- wlLowl est Rates Going fa their orders new. and thug ea- ln,Ythe dealer to secure It when the tote of kale•, aid the price of Boal is at the POW wbtaa ft always U in the mid - $LSI CKS.hfITHS WeaUse a stiuty for sumer and fall nee *omit &rely before the middle of July, if pos- sible. Orders by mail carefully attended t0. Write er apply to JOHN A. NAFTEL, Hardware Merchant, Ooderieh. Aux* rL iW. 1866- The ChMpeet, goat Cgmfortrble ss��ltdd Plettwttnt'Route TO ALL POEM is TEE GREAT NORTH WEST L vie the Steamers of the North West Trane portation Cent pony. one of woke wW, weath- erprrinitLeave tbtnla Every n k 4rit FMa4t, on »rrltsl of GraddTrunq� lAT Gw11I:Rlsal the w413CD. r Prince Arthur's Landing, Duluth. sad an poises I n Ma&ltoba, Minnesota. Dakota and the North, West. BPMICJIAL_ The Steamer -MANITOBA' will leave Gode- r weather pe�uittibig. every ten dais- on uesddraystnand ?riders, alternate tri., for► Michip •icotin. Pre Nlpeton. SIb'er Islet and YincaThunder !say. For further intorMatlon as to rated, apply to WM. LICK Got1erIeb. or to .TAM11-i3. BEATTY, ticuseel atatiele.r, &.renis. J one 7th. tae i Will dui A GREAT OPPORTUNITY -. • nl:e little celeste the tbretai &tis i sfrli� tut the following. vis: -If the . 16 rllifeils The t4usd Mss dsMaw to clear or The Balance of Her Stock of Summer Goods I "Who's Your !inner ."' " Why, Saunders 4. Son." THLY DV ALL $ORTd OF Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work IN uO1ODl4HAPt AND AT LOW I'RICILii. Iron Roofing and Eavetroua Bing Attended to b Peeaptiy by Expersoed Hand*. Anything in our line dusted up promptly, and NO. HIGH PRICES CHARGED I Ol'JtdTOCKOt' Stoves el=c1. Ttziware Oodericb May U, 1M3. IS LAUDE AND WELL .t9llORTID. J.daMES Seg (:NDERS • SON, it oat street, neat door to the Y.01 Dominion Barb Wire Company. OGLb: MANUF.tI1UItk-t+ IN t \N.1u.t OF THE ULAN FOUR POINTED BARB STEEL WIRE FENCING, This wire frumpy la iuote sf the tonLet quality o: w Ire tt at rar, be procured. and the braved b the best arranged barb mads' n tetter wire bracj is .0 the sennet. which fact is attested far by its increased use by a.: tae leatiin,t Rs :way I II.: It i. .o liominior:. 'rho best Is the cheapest every time. Call and me it before pure saint. and a shall speak for itself. r rJOHN A. N ArrEL, Sole agmen for Ooderiah and , i, init • 1.m died agent for the Queen Pity Oil Works t,1 Caatorlae and Peerless Lubticatiug Oils 1 have now its stock a Large a:sothl eat of the 1..•.,' brands ,t wt.tr les 1 manntei tetrad. guaranteed free from out. Dupre of ads.FPrarnn. l.u&tai;..a11.t.1I. JOHN A I'TAF'TFL i'tc1? r HAI:nit' krv. FMrt)Itl('M. Fs&�ouersMISS GRAHAM, lurider to make ri oa Isem1 •seadlly 1aer,... 7skl will oder the wbeing my is arch loft as tteay salt twastdiwsiyarwaaers. aaa •�tt a.rh pt'loa fiat cannot De &p- preasbed by any to tbbee sewn.. N pip Ilea this versa : WE TRY TO STUDY ECONOMY IN EXPENSES by workineg obotuaSilly , tewexchange hal aid always appreae• WWepxyMr aiteatlos tor, e decided improvementof the farm during the past three yw', and that it should be kept up and supported by the farmers. They eleoepoie a -the grange movement, and that through it they have secured a representation to the parliament of the country. They also hoped to see the professors of the institution pay them .t visit and talk to the grange and explain the working of the institution. Moved by Mr. R. McMordie,aeconded by Wm. Hannah, that we tender a hearty vote of thanks to Profs Mills and Brown for their kindnese and trouhle in explain- ing the.different peculiarities of the sere. ral breeds of cattle and rarietiep of caress produced at this institoticn.-(dnefph H Yegt Wawsaosh. R. d. Pic -Nit. -The annual plc-nic • in aid of the West Wawaneeh Roman Catholic church was held in Hickingbot- tom's grove,near St. Augustine, on Tues- day last, and despite the dampness of the weather was largely attended, a number being present from Lucknow, Goderich, Dungannon, Wingham and Blyth. From early morn rico began to pour into the grounds from all quarters, and by noon fully thousand were present. Thtwo�are adnir- ably adapted for an occasion of this kind. On the east side adjoining the road is a large open field, while the rising ground to the weft, ooeered with a dense growth of woods, forms a pleasant and cool re- treat for dancing, etc. Here a large platform was *rooted on which the merry dance was kept up with much spirit dur- ing the day to the sweet straits of the VFfngbam string band. Two 'urge tattles that fairly groaned beneath the weight of the choice viands provided by the ladies of the church, were well patroniz- ed, and all who hid the good fortune to participate were loud in praise of the cul- inary abilities of the litchis of the section. The competition for a meerschaum pipe between John C. Martin, hotel keeper, of Ooderkeh and Mr. Smith, marble dealer, of Wingham, resulted in favor of the latter, the total receipts amounting to 11411.60. The pio-nic was brought to • close aboutseven o'clock, when all left for home thoroughly satisfied with the day's enjoyment. -[Sentinel newer. ftsiert (y. The Conservatires concede eight of a majority to the Mowat Administration, but *dentate upon wresting a few seat', from them after the election trials have been held and anumbeyAo �iPnr luen- cies made vecon the Mowlit Administration shite to have s majority of eleven and profess net to be in the lent alarmed about the result of the election trial. They saw that whatever money was spent in the elec- tions was spent by the Conservatives, the ttle or none to vend11 Reformers hMow tlitig has a majority of eleven he should be able not only to pill through the section, but tri carry on the government of the provisos for the full term. After Mr. Blake left the Admin- istration Mr. Mowat which it aofttlwith oI tnajoritv of fourteen. July oh. 1883. MISS STEWART The Square, Ooderoli. OH, SAY! NEIGHBOR HARVEST TOOLS Where did you Ret those A. S. WHITING Irma CO. -FOR They are the Best Goods I Hata Seen. MEP • -I OOT THEM AT--- SEE H E 1 THE NEW FERTILIZER. Cottolo seed Couupouiul is Cheaper. and as good or better, than must of the Comtinercial FerUlizers of the present day. This Fertilizer U a real manure, not mereir s stimulant, the value of which is Prov. 1 by its increasing use wherever lot reduced. A hundred Otoesand tons sere .i.tir ted last year tb England for fertittling per ss.s.•e ramie - Gardeners take notice that vette' shies ILIAD - tired with It mature and ripen ,• :tier than with ordinary manures. R.W.M'KENZIES CHE4J' H4RD W.4RE STORE. HE HAS John A. Nafttel, Ede Agent for Guderieb. Also Agent for Herby Climax. king of feed. took 1)iploma at Provincial Show last MO. March 22, 1883. The Finest Assortment and Best Value iN THE COUNTY. 175 PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. Oodertch, J1111 Db. 1162. STURGEON OI�L�IMEtit -I-I_CP*- - RHEUMATISM. Thanks the Ldlaof Ooderlch and i,inity fee tt:e isherd Patrouagc bestowed upon her since opening out in town, and would co! the.r attention to her CHOICE STOCK 0i' ,LLINENT -1011 TILE- S T.T Irk:--- STTIdMER SSON_ The Stock is carefully choecn. and Made Up in the Most Fashionable Styles ! Miss Graham feels assured test her experience in Toronto, London and other cities will en- &stetter to give the fullcet eetisjsction. MISS GR.,4H.d.1I, .Miss Stewart's Olt! Stand. Bel atioa, Neuralgia, Lame Back, Lumbago, Contracted Joints, Cramp 1n Mueolee, Sprains. BEST HORSE LINIMENT. • ha Large Barnes 23c. Bot,,. J. 1. BRAILBI, )IIO*TRBAL, P.Q. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Chicago House The Rev. t. P. Wilde. well-known City missionary 1s New York, and brother of the Late eminent Judge Wilda. of the ase tete- setts Ruprese dart. writes as follows "73 11. taw st. New a:416, 1.6*. u J. C. `res Co.,s sante tlaeom- Meas ine tivasiad .ere e 1&11 toLeatnsilswstabt,ter ve riii� hwotac pm 1 my Ilmhe, MM saint 1a /0 at night, and burned so in tamely, that I eowld •steely bear any Mottling over UMW. I was also t relerer from a seven e•terrb and catarrhal sushi my appetite was poor, sad lay sya•a a ia•1 TIM dews. Knowing the vase et A s IAWra-- cr u. h o eramatansy i item Ilse eryarn, i `t ger 1tj he Int . 1 lithe arpnrreR the ed. dttaw. • short Om ars Meer sad itching were atta'.d, said all ceps d bides osd the akineared byred. It1 set catarrh vwere deo sd 6y the seas =wmcsac, health greatly Im in= y 1 t. 1 reel • h 8gscee eat and I attribute tbeee resales so tie tea �A>Lrr . beet I d medicine with�s the !feat blood mdlelse everIOd It 1n email dosss three sac • day, ani�g, M all, lam than two bottles. 1 place these taste at your service, hoping theme publication say doped. Z. 1'. W t c rw. Yours respectfully, Th., above leonine 1a bet tee of the mourns, Meetly eomtng en oar notice, which prove the per` foot adaptability of Area's itusaraano.A so the cure or all diseases arising hos tapers or 1s 15 ?HZ IMAM QUARTERS OF FASHION. YOU , NEWM ILLINERY OF ALL KINDS. J, cheap line is Trimmed Hats a specialty. .♦, first class Dress Making Establishment also carried ow in connection with the Millinery Department. .1 call solicited. A. J. 'WILKINSON. ; HOME MAITUVACTLIRFF PIET 0 N0BI ZjdERCHANT TAILOR, NORTH -STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, GDERI F1'RVISH OR MAKE UPI- (ants' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. OTJT M'R'LT=T ptiv.rlebed baDDa .nd . weakewd v1t. Ayer's Sarsaparilla C HAS. A. NAIRN Ilse THIS TM EST $RAND OI CANNED PEACHES IN THE MA1tIA%. ANT) Her CANNED TOMATOES ANI) CORN ARIL DMUUMI». .A. TRIAL WILL OONVINCE_ IOURT HOUSE /WL'AR2. OODERICH. ONTARIO' Ger'o •ret *ow wee, altruism, sarlebee, and etrsagtbeos the blond, stimulates the action of tbw stnenaeb and bowels, and tbertby eaa1W 1110 system to Milt Slid Orem MN the amused •11 SertyWosa Mara, Imp 5886 er the Ma, RMasariw, C>tc/wa. Qeser.I biNati, sed 1.11 deoeden resume" tram poor ce arabans blood sad a few Mated the mynas. MCP AILED aT Dr..1. C. Ayer t£ Co., Lowell, Masa. 0•M by all Dreggi.b, pries et, Mx tnttlm for R6• an Tette FIressfoo'6. CLTTlleli A ttrECISLTt. IERIE T /IT 1614. MTI'v. wtlllYta PRONIOTLY ATrtet►Lla Tao. NOTE TUE AIIIRtat t PHILO NOBLE, N ORTH-STIt EBT, GODHRICH. EEDS! SEEDS. AT 'r B1 MJDDICAL HALL. JUST ItICt'EIVi,D A LARGE AND VARIED STtL''K5OF FRESH GARDEN, FIELD, AN D FLOWER SEEDS, from one of the most Reliable Meod W arehonsee in the Dominion. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS -Beet Purgative Medicine- F'Oi 3:30..slo F()R SALE BOTH IN BULK ti IN PACKAGES. P. JORDAN, Chemist sad Druggist, Mit HJLL_ toronNIFLI08_ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! 1 take this opportunity to annalpee to the public that haring purchased the 7=R'Y COORS STOCSC and trade of Mrs. W. D. Shannon. and having mads Large Additions to the Stock 1 for which cash was paid. i am now prepared to glue great bargains to all who will favor me with their custom. .lay motto shall be "Small Profits and quick Returns.' p,r-t:.,tris delivered free to any part of the town. W. H. RIDLEY. ONT�HIO STEEL B�98 FENCE COMPAN7� I.IMITF 1) ewe pp .yeeadaebt, and n ptt m twt /Md Overrertie ., Always relish's. Wire F'ers.cix .g riot BY iRIT PRIZE rd 4thin w as (AT TORONTO EXHIBITION 1882. .WCXH 1TZIA), 'competition D