The Huron Signal, 1883-07-06, Page 3Newel rad haters, In the course of his uppah at the e Halite: banquet, Sir Cherie' Tup, er told the story d bow he defeated the )hies. Joseph Howe. His version was somewhat di$.reat firma that of Mr. Howeitiveu la 1887. This u Mr. Howe's version : "Dann/ the Crimean War our army was decimated by the great battles .rt the Alma, B•lseleve arid- Inkermaq `iurr..esded by h•'rdas a Resiting, and sefreriau for simples., there was some rink that they might be driven hoie the sea. Reisfurwments were urgently re- quired, and s foreign enlistment act was paved. To assist in carrying out that rot, I risked my life for two months in the Crated States, stereended by Rus- sian agents, American .yssprlbisers and Fenian:, Mr. Iiibsun, now in this rum wee in New Turk et the time, and knew the state .d feeling, and urged ase W quit the service, enol u•.t risk 1010 nu meat ur pe•wit:0 violence. I persevered. rarely sleeping twit), in the sante bed till recalled, and this I did fee Ragland in her hour of pent e s s Now, what was Dr. Tapper doing .t this time He was su..aring the meaty •1 Cumberlaud, and while I was absent en the sarvioe of the Crown, •army ea- deatroetatt to deprive me GI my .at. fie afmsdwad mein every part of the country : Ae invested stories that I teas istprisomel Ong weld not he beak 1 only got back a few days befo a the elsations, tura) late for say esrvaer, or efficient erganisetion and w•. defeated of coarse Ls THIe re mosmeaues MODS Ra WON Teta eSsr RR Now Rutile, and certainly illustrated deveeis,.t--ravitls eneudge after a mode that matte W be remmanitec.iL" t •:teems ear aka Rousse Inas. It is no nee, young man ; you can't sell neckties unless you advertise One t).1 in the newspaper is worth two in your prices. r lessors by the toe int and sell calico Eby the yard. Zoe,line of goods you handle should have a ine. Lits to bed sad warty to rt.. Fill tip Agro: shelves and advertise. Zlntl the display in the show window try you display in the columns ,d this Palm - Be bald. Oh sll.nee tr'da by a c int in the ainerpttper over your own )tune. Often as)ioa receive nlhr stock., Kiva the people new eat about them. Printer's int vitt self tinnsr. zinc. Ars yoe short of a teachers? Call 'em that' the storms by qts oolsmn. The type won't click like • clock un tick. It times are dell, electrify the market with electrotypes. L your laic is read by the people, yes will de an ink Ilttlada lis big trade. �� �th ppie if you want to sell a RMw tCmrts. If country (tide who meditate a career •in the city would turn their attention to .domestic wriest, lasted of thronging •the stores and workshops, mistress and .maid would be mutually benefitted. It k .L an smplhy..nt Hutt a heyt]tltim, more ireepectable *ad better paid than that of .factory orshop lids, and I believe diet 1 tray truly add, mors profitable than •dress or bonnet making. or any sort of sewing, and to uty rued quite as respect- able. I honor all wer'.;ert whu da their w ork well, Do wetter what it tray be, .nave that it is bourse, useful work. And se doss everybody whose respect and es- teem are worth hating. If there is am reason wby "hired girls" are imbm.d with the idea that their occupation is re- , gaoled u very inferior, it is solei be- cause they have been so outrageously ig- norant, unskilled and unfit for the posi- tion.—[Bluomiegtnn Rye. Anva$TWWWNO axrettucs. — Robert Bother, of New York, editor of the Led• ;and one of the most successful adver- tisers of the day, says of advertising in answer to a correspondent :—"One of the points of good advertising is to address the same people over and over again. •For instance: Suppose you were intro - discoed, with about NO ethers, too the President, the chances ars that the Pre- .ident would not remember you. But if you had an opportunity of aeeing him again, and said, 'Mr. President, I am Charles Wetsey, of Brooklyn ; Senator So -and -en did me the honor of introduc- ing me to you,' and yon did this two or three times you would be remembered. In the same way an advertiseme.it pre - seated once is forgotten almost invari- ably and is thrown away, while one pre- sented three or four times makes an im- r pression '" Mr. Bonner ought to be a good judge of each things,as a great pert of the fortune he has amassed was acgeir- ed through judicious and persistent ad- vertising. .flyer's Agee Care is a powerful tonic bitter,compossd wholly of vegetablesub- stances. its action is peculiar, prompt and powerful, breaking up the chill,cur- ing the fever and expelling the poison from the system, yet leaving do harmfu or nnplessant effect upon the patient. Sufferers from chills and fever who hate used quinine as a remedy will appreciate this. • nu HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY: JULY 6, UV. earners sleet Weases- Wrtn'i'et duttlquro ...P1/.011 N,,r.v than fll-:accts: j1 There is no torture that • woman wooW not suffer W enhance her beauty. Women love always ; when earth slips treat them, they take refuge et beeves The wI,..l..2r of a beautiful woman can be heard tnrther Than the loudest call of duty. Of all the closes that lieu pecoMeM, women alone take p.h.asur. su being ix &afo a prmisuig • w..utaa to love her, one should lave seem t!ieiu .11, ur .h d IMO only her We censure the iiicin.tauey of woven when we are i ictuns ; we oa.1 it charm- ing when we are thtrobjscts. Thu highest mark 4 esteem a wuivan nun gilid • num is to ark bit friendship ; and the moat signal proof of her utditi'ei- once is to offer him hurs- A.. 10, • lean is lees a lover of *o.n.o. than of worueu ; he is mule in love wits the ..ex than the individual, h' ru.er k caning she may be, lieu are au fearful of wounding a AV., - LUAU'S vaulty that they rarely remember th it she ins] by some po sibility p ms.). a Kral u of common sense_ a laap.t•t llallter. ieattm.�y. Throuth the use of Dr. Dow's Star- tte"n Oil Luiiweet I was cured of rl'ou- matiem s r severe that I could not rest at n ight from the severity of the pa+u. f wee :rippled in both knees, and almost had given up hope. The action of the Linimeuit was inervefluus in the mutton of the reult and the speed with •ihi:h relief was obtained. I trust you sill publish this, as I know there are malty nutttyrs to rheumatism who might be relieved and permanently cared by this wondurfnl Liniment if only known. Rev. J E V,tawser, Prime Willism, N. B. A despatch from Little Miaow. ri .aye that the life of the Marquis de Mortis has been threatened by Frank O'Dunnel a buffalo bnnter, who objected to the for- mers extensive sheep and nettle ranges. O'Donnell and his goring commended a rei=n of terror, hot he is now a prisoner with some of his followers. The decision of the Supreme Court is the subject of the status of British Co- lumbia ocurt. settles the right of the Provincial Legislatures to legislate in matters affecting the local courts. Wh*n the blood moves sluggish in the veins because it is loaded with impuri- ties, an alterative is needed as this con- dition of the vital Quid cannot last long without serious results. There is noth- ing better than Ayer's Sarsaparilla to purify the blood and impart er .try 10 the system. Ciao&doers. _ A Dame well known in ounection with the Hair Renewertwhich canine grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. Bold at 50 teats per bottle by James Wilson. 2m Thousands boar witness to the post - tire curative powers of the GRsar Gaa- waw IIMIDONaron, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific fur general debility, seminal weakness, impotency, eta , and all diseases that arise from self - abase or overtaxed brain, finally ending is consumption, insanity and a ptema- t:::•e grave Sold by all druggists, or will be aent free on receipt of $1.00 pot box, or six boxes fur $a. Address F. J. CREASY, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Send for circ.Lr and tealime.eeals of genuine cures. Geo. Rhynes, Goderich. 3m Mr. T. Ginn, carpenter, St. Thomas, says my wife has long been troubled with Constipation, she has used a great many an called cures, but without doing her any lasting gond. Dr. Caseenflem- ach Bitters cured her and she thillin it the best niediciue ever made_ Fcr sale by all Druggists everywhere, in large bottles at 50 cents. Says Dryden "She knows her Ivan, and wh.;n you rant and swear. Can draw you to her with a sen✓le hair.' But it must be beautiful hair to havo such power ; and beautiful hair oan be ensured by the use of Cn oatesR HAIR RxNswsa. Sold at 50 cte. by J. Wilson. 2m An anecdote is told of a clockmaker who, being employed to construct a new clock for the temple, London, wap desir- ous of a suitable motto to be placed un- der the clock. One day he applied to the benchers of the temple for the *motto, while they were at dinner, and one of them, annoyed at the unroatenable in- terruption, testily replied, "Go about your business." Understanding this to be the selected motto, the clockmaker inscribed it under the clock, where it still remains to admonish all to attend to business. Weary Bergh We can reconrtnend to Mt Henry Cergh the dumb animal's friend, if not already aware of its virtues, Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Oil liniment, as the following will show. "Last winter, during one of our heavy storms, my horse a valuable one, cut himself badly. I called at the fine store and the tradet recommended Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Oil Liniment. I poured it on the cut, and in less than an hour he was as well u ever. I always tarry it with me for similar cases " R B. Cares* Knowitc.n,1.Q. Mr. Orrin Unwell. a millionaire of Nevada, goes about his tine plana iS workingman's attire, which satasliSSM leads to funny mistakes One dor a tramp, seeing him at work near the tence, called out "Soy, Pat, ain't pees •iilip into the kitchen and gut me a bit of bread." "The poor fellow looked bas- est," said Mr. Cowell, "en 1 went Mead got Mm reran of the beat the enok meld ,thus me. Whoa i brought it out he east- grstutated ear on my skill in tasking seek a pod loud" elamSNm are Wls.ebes. Call at U. Rhyme drug score and pt • package ut Mo(r.gur & Puke's Oarbulic hereto. It is composed of Va- s dune, llarbolie Acid and Cerate, tied ►v never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches. Ulsassted Sores, hough Shin. It mires when all others fail. Try sL, &ranee ream mletNeaae Cures T.wtheehe and heuralgr quick as drab, retioves nay pato • utssastly, the cheapest and quidteat/tppliosties kunst Why eager with 1'uutlutshe. Neessjria, Headaele, Rheumatism, Larsbanss, llaila tier, Wire Threat our Acme Palm o1 any hind when you AVM Ru to Oen.. Rhymes drug Awe and gat a perfect and inseam Weston" OUrie tot twenty -ire owta. Ask fur Krsn's Fluid LMKh.tuutg-_ Cream cures sueburi on mute cunt. plssions, louse* runes un others. and could water seta mull others beet. ■menet ave Agate. 1 saw au much said about the merits 01 Hop Betters, and lay wife who was al• «aye do ct.,ring. sad sever well, teased w w urgently to get her s nee, 1 me - Jaded to be hitsabcTttei again ; end I am *lad 1 did, ter in lees time two .Wet use of the Bittern, my wife was owed, and she inti timained au fur 18 swathe since. I like melt bussbutlgi . —H. T., $t. Paul --pioneer Pews. it It dose sot alwsptopy hes cheap labor. Two yew% aeon el excellent ad- dress, with their wives of esyaleiiy good appewranc. otfwd their serums' as Meeks a a Missouri More. Aa they showed e familiarity with the' ashes., and were willing to work for half the used wet" the four uld employees of the coroner mon dismissed to give place to the m4ong> era Ons dark night M the end id a month they diasppeare 1 with $0000 worth a of *sYr7iy (eagle. This is always the owe when Poison's Nerviline is a5,plied to any kind of pain; it is sure to disappear as if by magic. Stronger, more penetrating, and quicker in action than any other remedy in tte world. Buy a Lottle of Neryiliue to -day and tri its wonderful power of relieving pain of every d!aerirlion. Pain caneet stay where it u ted. It is just the thing to have in the house to meet a sed - deo attack of illness. Only f.5 oats a bottle. Sample bottles only 10 mitts at J. Wilson's. Illeenalladess --"Alt year ewe If yon remala a you yon te Get hep calces% that bemire-Pei1, The vfeithiat wnpsao, " smallest chilli, and sickest -invalid era ase hop bidets with eafet and itieet-good. . 'T• Old men tetbbfing around from' WNW matiem, ki ntet trooble nr any weellrippe will be -ma a altao.t neo by- using bitters. My wife and ter were made healthy by the use of bitters and I recommend thea) to mypeople.—Metho. dist e.ergymen. Ask any good dooter 1f hiop Bitters ars not the beer ram or median, On earth. Malarial fever, Ague and Biliousness will leave every neighborhood aa seen u hop bitters arrive. "My mother drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out of her system with hop _id Mt bitters."—[Ed. Oswego Sun. Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bitten and you need net fear aickueea. Ire water is rendered harmles and more refreshing and reviving with hop bitters St each draught. The vigor of youth for the aged and infirm in hup bitters. lm ' One to two e.etles of FOONN&JO Off H SALTO is warranted 1. ears ordinary 0unsitpatiuo,leavieg ue alter tasdertsy to that out►dititus• Price $1.0U. A MstrtasRasall a....m... 1., these titres whets aewatlpapese are d.•oded with palmed w tame adver- tisements, it is grattlywg r know what r procure that will re y pure you It you are Whw.us, blond. out of under, herr sat so, ur : mend debilitated, Mein u ,...lhiire in 11. world that will pure pow r• t uiskly all Electric Bitters. mu They am a wt W ell waukiad, and can be had ler ..,.ly fifty owtt. • totals et Jame. Wtlsen. [2:) t' - r Form'! T" whim eR1t si ea •'� 411 , wit lies TOSI �esd eat a vlss brig - diet Pee Cable, Cramps, DFrwNry is Iffornes, the ,ATN KILL= eels h and e leaaa �,iaalea.�eyr taa�It is , se la es.a of the blast nem stables end Mammrie in 1Ae wast'- Ts reseseltehe a sarg�irhh, ear ether Mai ahttlaed )sad .41117 4 ie tsmt' tr8) It.:tii� tb.m %Malin ver OP The P II: MIT LIS to ter sale b7 Dta.sistsdvBteeess and Mediate* bestow the west. m Kalamazoo, Mich., Feh. 2, 1880. I know Hop Bitten will bear recom- mendation honestly. All who use them confer upon them the highest encomiums, and give them credit for making cures - all the proprietors claim for them. i have kept them since they sere first offered to the public. They took high rank from the brat, and maintained it, and are more called for than all others cs•mbined. So long as they keep up their- high reputation for purity and usefulness, I shall continue to recom- mend them—something i have never before done with any other patent meth- ods*. 2 J. J. Batteries, M.D. wee ta.w.r•eee. A liberal reward will be panl to any y wbo will produce a Dawe of Li ver, or Stentedi sompbint thet Elec- tab Bitten will )sot speedily cure. Bring thews along, it will cat you nothing for the medicine if it fait e* core, and Tv WIN be well rewarded Say pour tench % brattish AU Oland diMwseee. Bilious- nralh e%SSWtliss. Onnetip.tion. and eme- nd debility are quissrly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed nr money retun.led Price only fifty cents per bottle. For sale by J Wilson [5) INCREASED STRENGTH CREAT - RD by the use of aloohol, strychnine. op - tum, chloral or any form of stimulant or nar- cotic, le dmpty wanted energy. Y overdriving the heart •nd nervous e) stem auger nu the consumption of those topue elements that generate vital force. and Mevitabile reaction must follows. The brightening of the faculties nod buisysacy of toeUr& induced by R'H.4lCt '8 PIRMPRATIS AND CAT.[9AYA is not from stimulation. hut • ph :to- loglr�d result o: promoting digestion ant. se- curing the nutrition of the nerve ganglia. people are always on the took 011 for mares. 10 Iao,case their sarataggae,and ir, tune be come ',earthy': those who do no improve "their oppor•tun ities remain la poverty. We offer a gree chance te maksWe want teen. wo- men, boys and girlto work for us in tbe.r own localities. An one can do the work pro- perly trots the drat start. The buatnees will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Ex- pensive outfit furnished free. No one who en- dages tads to make money rapidly. You can gevote your whole time to the work, or only your spare momenta. Full laformatlon and all that is nsent tree. Address ST,N note d• Co. . Matte Nem a: nacho, ietreebl.MmINK sat. *erMeRtssy, a[tgwq_Il NMI kW es 111." 7sedat>femt- muss a-wlbw- Unlvesal- 17 meowed e mart stes�� be the bast ii Rdtrvs4 la the ettd for an clams of travel. KANSAS CITY A:l eenaeetions made In Volga Delmit Through Tickets slat th al.brated clue tale at an calces is the 1:. S. Cassel► Aa Intorm.tfen whole Renee of Tare•. ele.•plea ete . •bretf,, !r .Alen 1. BOOTS AND SHOES At the Oldest Setabisked [ague Store Is'll9lnt., In EndIess Variety, Si' suit the plisit fastidious and th Teem eoononais buyer MY SPRING STOCK Is now ewuipl..e, and I take pleasure it inferring may customers that at w re vious time lave I had such a Large & Varied Stock Aa at peasant. I lave raised the Standeri of duality and Lowered the Price unti it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can he gut elsewhere. CUSTOM W ORS of every'grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be r eR. in the most approved styles by tine -Maas workmen, sad of the very best material ubtaiaahle. E_ D0 W 3" I 1\1- k' Try IL mad roe win sad travails. a luwry, lsttaai of a Mi. comfort T.1 POTTER. PERCIVAL iowttl, as rice Iree%J: Grr.': 2!ille , her. OA. 1 .I, let. l bdeaawmoMili J. SIYraot , CanadianjPess. Torono, t'1 t Geo. 13. .JogrovrON, Ticket Agent, Godereh CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST,ASSORTMENT IN TOW N A full line of all the Lending Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Physicians Pre8cripi,ione a Scecialty. ) GEORGE RIITN.AIS PLAME'S i3T,OCK, THE SQTTARE Extensive Premises,mrd Splendid New Stock. a, , uis i G EX• l `- CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hatlii/on Street, Goderich. A good sasortment of gltchew.bsdioote, Dining Roca asdEParior I, etagere. each its Ta Mee, Chair, 1hair, cane and wood seated), Cupboards, Hedetatlids, Mattresses. Wash -stand• Lounges, Sofas, $hint -Nota, Looking Olaases, N. B.—A temp lste assortment of Comns and Shrouds always on hand also Hearers for hire at reasonable rats . OTS&SHOES mow Wed.d.up Picture rnuntast • specialty.—A call solieited 131 Beg t. announce to the Penne that they have opened hu•iness in the shove Store in the store 1e'ely .occupied by Horace Newton liar ing purchased a large and well ase)rted stnek of Spring and Sommer Goods at close figures, we are determined t•, give the Pnblie the benefit. QUICK BALES & SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR MOTTO. p-rIesse call and examine our rods before purchasing elsewhere. p1'Remember the place, next door to J. Wilsons Drug Store p 'Cu tom work will receive our special attention. SI -None but the hest of material used and Ant -clams workmen employed MIP Repairing neatly done en the shortest notice (:oierich.March 9,1882 DOWNING & WEDDUP row Tfq OOHNTRr. wax '. •'+"•T�1i _' ' . & PACIFIC Rpr, Rena the Ceset.den ��$.., litrairddst:eitrti I!a, by reason or ISP snrt,sled thee•• graphloal pesttl*A, t MtbVIeet sew w.R:mote between the asst, morasses row mioutleeas•rs.td.• emlYelL.J1•orthwsst and ,{buthw.st. It Is Moran, mod serene tree, that Ice oonneotions srn after woe pawetpetlloes of road men She Atlantic and the ►*oboe. By Its main_lina anJ brunches It rwsohes Chicago. Joliet. Peoria. Ott.wn. Let malts, Oan seq ah';ne and Reek fecund, M linnote i Davenport. mlweeatlne, Washlnetoii. Kebeue, KAO*WIle, O$k*lgoaw. Fairfield, Dee Moines, West Llbe.sr. Iowa Olt', Atlanticr. Avoca, Audubon. Herten, Outfit*** tenter and Gowned loots, In lows; Oalleie, Trenton, Cameron and S aman tact. M rdseeMi. sod $.ewrw- worth and Atahia,n In Kansas. and the ltunersd* tttflJ ilipb. � .M11 latents Inteernedlale. The , "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," As It In tlaraitlarty milled, offers to travelers aN the adesn.a llee and .onslarte ki.ldeet to a se me .% track. safe brlyes. Union Depots at all ooane.tIns pints, Fast Iiprses Trains, composed ed MODfOUI. WILL VINTILATIED, WELL t4UY'to, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ItLNQANT DAV °GAO.'S* I a Mos eV the MOST MAONIVIOZNT NORTON R*OLIN1NO ONAIR CARS ever built p PULLMAN'S lateen deehi ed and kandeon+eet PALAO( $t.ZEMINO CARS. and DiNINO OARS tat are s.kho, leered b7 prams and people to be me MIST RUN tarots ANT ROAD 1N TNS COUNTRY, and in wiles saperler Meets are served to travelers at the low rat. of StVttrry-ftVI OLNTS tAON. TNRtt TRAIN! *bon way between Oh0OAOO and the MISSOURI RIV[R. TWO TRANS emelt way between► ONIOACO and MNIN*APOLIS and ST. PAUL, eta the fa m ou• ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A Mew and Direct Line, via S*neoa and Kankakee, has recently been opened, between Newport News. Richmond. Cincinnati, Indtanapotte and La Fayette. sod Council Bluffs. St. Paul, telnnespolls and Intermediate pinta. AO Through Pae*engers carried on Fast leptons Trellis. Fos more detailed Information, see Maps and reddens, whish niaybei obtained, as well as Ttowns. at all p.Ino1ai Ticket Onhoes in the United etetee and Canada, o, m R. R. CABLE, t. ST. JOHN, shat Pveset A cone Manager, Oee'I T'k't • hee'r AS't OHICACO. Ir.,r.s. MIRE $i -k Tiradacpbe sad 'dews all the tremble. incl. •.*t to a ruses emu d the system etch as Ins t1teat, Nass^. Drowatnera, D etre.. ager eaten. Pate in the Sldv. Le. Nbl1. their Most smdcrk able emcees Use bas shows 1• curies SICK W'sdaeh.,yet CaNA1IJtW Wig!Veen tonally Valuable In GomsItpploa, cerise sad preventing tb!e Annoying eemp asset. wipe ibsy MM eerr+rt Y14 -,orders of tbm stomach, at limbo* the liver and r.-gulats the lewd.. Yves It they esti vend H.EAD eA.l`�MUtroll !iL llrepwsg t�eerpIalatt~kliose was M t who os y1 ill*their th�efl elle tosemanywavetksKe s/w#sW�s le do w;tbout thea. net atter all slot ACI4E is theta", et vs away AWN that bee M where we Ilikate 0s -at tweet_ Oar pats Mire M WIS. ease ei tutees LSU* Dv" Pins are wry wry N labs Oar• sK use fate re. •e lab vesveMu st bsee pergs but by tb.ir 'vette sense as. thews. In '551. et In mem: Ravi M by drwggla• everywhere, et east by 1 p CARTER MBDiCINa OQy Now TOA 01110.