The Huron Signal, 1883-07-06, Page 22
The Travetee se aaaetes.
The *.4otrs grew and derives round rue:
1 kiwi the dew -full in tie ale i
Tip nagenala et the darkening tkaslut
1 liar the night-tr -ash can $. grayer.
The evening wing 404 Erna rarewado,
And loving Wards A,clasp '-um mine .
Alone Igo to meet the tarknelea
Annus sh an
As rrole the dish
pm with s
W hat wales ate
iv1Mt hos
triTilni A
• of stragigtogi
e, what
gee* `. f
What sone. OR wAat bretleeaele.
Wbls �uaa� 1 or mese 'mai
Whatwsot procession sweeps before me
OfsbstifffikargnPepetthwee 1
1 shrink from uslpsaed•atotn
I dread the myrl 1•voloed strain) :
Give me the untorgotten facets.
And let my hist ones speak again.
Me will not chide my mortal yearning
Wbo la ore- brother and or- Friend.
In whose full Life divine and human
The heavenly and the earthly blend.
Stine be matey of soul -communion.
The serve or spiritual strength renewed,
The reverence for the pure and holy,
The dear delight of doing gaol.
No fitting ear la mine to listen
An endless anthem's rise and fall
No serious eye is mine to measure
The pearl gate and the jasper welt.
Andrews, 3 N $traitten, 3
Wintim. 1 M McLean, 2
W lt•,berteon.
Promoted with credit
it. N Simone, W
C teeegwiller,
besiege, M ilwaq A Ma
E Scobie, J McLeod. J St
J Murry , Mc
W Robertson G Martin, 31+< Wilson, 3 A Spence and
11 McNigkt, $ F But.atur. tlplliug-1 L Gordon, t
Gxu.IL.3 M Wdente Grammy --
order ut4.itigksue, 2 L Gordon, 3 W f3tretth •
p-1 E Wasilseold, 2 0 Marti#,
• fltatolr� >1 E Pawnor. 2
3 L noesis. (hog -1
Gordop, 3 G Old. Arith.- t,
3"L ,lobi • 3 E Pae.
thong - 1 s .. -- d, j .L,
G Mai
SI Ise
ts17kt1se as s\e a Ta *e Ts ..
Mosouw, Addington County, Oat,
June 96. -- While the little daughter of
Wm. Ger, who lives about Mier miles
*um gathering eggeat the barn
site that bad th. (row f n
fund tellers on the
Plain shad distitet .w1
--The last
For love must needs be more then knowledge
What tatter if 1 never know
Why Aldebaran', star is ruddy
Or colder !Sirius white as scow !
Forgive my human words, 0 Father!
I go, Thy larger truth to prove,
Thy mercy shall tranaeead my longing
1 seek but love, and Thou srt Love !
i go to find my lost and mourned for
Sate in Thy sheltering goodueap still.
And all that hope and faith toreahadow
Made perfect la Thy holy will.
-J. G. Wutrriae.
unman...el. examinations.
ST. AIvDagvt''a Waal, --1n Div. -Digest
H IDIDRRaot , Teacher.
No. on roll 35 -Precut at examina-
tion 34- Promoted 80 % 12.
Honors -Gen. prof. -1 L Adams, 2 A
Neftel, 3 L Johnston and R MoSween.
Reeding --1 M Comma, 2 J Cragie, 3 L
Adams. Spelling -1 R Mo8ween, 2 L
Adams, 3 A NafteL Geog-1 B Bain,
2 J Johnson, 3 L Buchanan. Arith--
1 Y Edward. R Healey and L Adana.
Writing- 1 L Adams, 2 A Rusk, 3 M
Promoted in order of merit-LAdatas,
A Neftel, L Johnston, R Mchween, M
Edwari, M Tait, M Stowe, R Healey.
L Buchanan. M Cozzen., E Smith, L
Jetsam(Div.-Must CAlapsatL, Teacher.
No. on roll ]07 -Present tt9-Pro-
meted 21.
Promoted to 2d Reader -N Videan,
D McDonald, H Stowe, K Mclvor, M
Murray, 1) Wilkinson, J Healey,
Promoted to 2d pert -C Babb, J
Beale, .1 Matheson, G MCSween, H Mc-
Ewen, D Wiggins, L Little, J Little, M
Craigie, M Johnston, 8 Morrison, D
Chambers, G Green, M McArthur.
Sr. DANT»'S WARD, ler Div, -Mia• Mo -
Keens, teacher.
No. nn roll 52-pre.enf 51. Promot.-
00 % 25.
Boners -Gen. Prof. -1 M Clark, E
Robertson, M Seegmiller. Reeding -1
A Struthers, W Whitely, K RusselL
Spelling -1 A McVicar, and A Brune, 2
W Atkin. Geog.-1 A Struthers, 2 ilii:
Clark, 3 It Armstrong. Arith.-1 s
Robertson, C Anstays, J McIntosh.
Writing -1 W. Aitkins, 2 M Andrews, 3
E Robertson.
Promoted in order of merit -M Clark,
E. Robertson, M Seeginiller, J Mclnttrnh
P. McPhail, A Brace, A Struthers, C
Anstays, .1 Wilson, W Aitkin, K Russell
R Breckenridge, W Whitley, M Andrew
A McVicar, G Weatherald, R Ara-
etreng, L Cattle, G Creasman, R Miner,
R Bridget, D. Yule, M Wilson, W Bates
L Rosa,
Jt'e1OR DIv,-Miss RALPH, teacher.
No. on roll 88 -Present 82. Promot-
ed 34.
To god header --M McKnight, A
Wella, C Scobie, R Black, H Weathor-
ald, W Jardine, F park, L McCaig, S
Ward, C Cnutpbell, A. Tichhorne, J Jar-
dine, W May, A Wilson, W Brown, M
Tichborne, W R Miller, A Bates.
To 2nd Part --M Sheppard, T Hillier,
M Wells, 't 11 'right, E McCaughan, A
Glover, L Seegmiller, J Robertson, A
Tuttle, M Holman, F Evans, W Ward,
F Humber, N. 8hanklin, E Miller, D
14tr Dr% s. -Mt, ,LAURESIT., Teacher.
-NO. on r, ilI u' -Present 51. P-romot•
cd80 19.
Honors --Gen prof. -1 It Kedzlie, 2
A Letwwn. 3 H Wakefield. Reeding -
1 J Stiarhen, 2 E Elwood and A lt'erth.
Spelling -1 E (itdley, J .Strachan. R
Kedzlie and H lVaketield. Writing- -1 F
Itobtrtnett, R Kedzlie, P k edzlie an
\V Robertson.
Promoted in order of merit.-- 11.
Kedzite, A Lawson, H N'ake$eh1, 111:
Church, .1 Ktraehan, E Elwood, C
area, P fhedelie,• .1. Old, It Miirtay
T Bono., 1' Holland, H ArnI.tron„ 1
• Bhsrtnant, E 11idlev, A Graham A
.-M -Miss HAss b-Teacear.
fib t ed wit li'cAAR 75 with
70 7, 23. Tota1313,
Runup -Gen. prof. -1 (11Vhitley, 2
C Seeginiller, 3 N Garrow. Reading --
1 F Ball, 2 C Seegmiller, 3 N Elliott.
g-1 N i9ttiott, 2 L Spence, 3 M
ikon. Geog--1 C Seegmiller, 2 C
McDonald, 3 11 Hillier. Arith-1 0
Whitely, 20 Robertson and l3 McLean.
Writing -1 C Seegniller, 2 S Strachan,
3 (i Cameron. Tables -1 A Scctord, 2
M Wilson, 3 J Ellwood.
Promoted with credit in order of
merit -0 Whitely, C Seeginiller, h Car-
row, N Elliott, M Hillier, C Monroe, A
Securd, 14 Wilson, H Whitely, 13 Smith,
8 Strachan, P Mc1wen, L Hopper.
Without credit -C McDonald, C Sin-
clair, G Robertson, F Ball, A Read, L
Spence, C Morrison, B Graham, A Pur -
ter, C Lee, E Carl, C Cameron, G Mc-
Lean, A Addison, B Dunn, J EUwood,
K Baker, E Cam,Lbell, D May, J Cragie,
13 Cook, 13 Smith, M Black.
bra Div. Mute Butane teacher.
No. on roll 48 -present 45. Promot-
ed with credit 75 y 14, without credit
70 % 13. Total 27.
lfionots- :es Prof -1 C Campbell, 2
W Monroe, 3 H Stenzel. Reading --1
W Monroe, C Sharman, M Keag, A
Kirkpatrick. Spelling- 1 L Elliot 2
C Smith, R Ralph and C Campbell.
Geog-1 C Campbell, 2 L Acheson, 3 R
Ralph. Arith-1 C Monroe, 2 M Ache-
son, 3 M Mitchell. Gra¢-1 C Camp-
bell, 2 J Gloves 3J Grant. Writing -
1 L Acheson, 2 b Campbell, 3 E Ralph.
Promoted wftteredit in order of merit
-C Oampbetl, W Monroe, If Stenzel, L
Acheson, J Glover, M Acheson, R Ralph
M Mclvor, 8 Ellard, M Cathcart, M
K A McIvor, E McKenzie, 7 Breck-
'Without credit -J Grit
G Bell, H Reid, E Ralp
A Moss, R Sanders, C
Old, A Kirkpatrick, R
Ora Div. -+-Miss WA .ON, Teacher.
No. of roll 46 -Prase
ed with credit 75 f 32, t
66 j 10. Total 42.
Honors -pen. prof. -
2 H Clutterbuck and d Watson. Read
ing-1 M 1Raloolmsen, 2
Robertaon. Spelling --1
2 A Dick,eoA 3 A Bate
Bates, 2 M' s Malcomw
Comp,- 1 W Robertson,
J Fraaer. Geog.-1 W Robertson, 2 A
Church, '3 A Dickson.
Robertson, 2 $_McKay, 3 1 Simmons,
Writing -1 W Robertson
3 F Stitt.
Promoted with credit in order of
merit -W Robertson, H
Watacn, A Dickson, A
tosh, N Swaffield, MA[alIu,ason, J Bax-
ter, J Framer, J Andrews, A Johnston,
M McKay, E Simmons,
Polley, P Sheppard, W Kennedy, A
Church, N McPherson,
T Strsitoa, F Stitt, J Cluttorbuck, S
Maleoson, F Pretty, M Thompeon, J
Williams, H Fulford, A Buchanan.
Withoutmelt - A
Thompson, L,
Henderson, W Moorho
Currin, J Hall, 1 Brown.
nt, C Sharman
h, M. Mitchell
Weatherald. J
1 Eagle.
r t
nt 43 -Prompt
without credi
1 W Robertson,
Polley, 3 W
W Robertson
Gram. -1 A
n, 3 J Fraser,
2 A Dickson, $
Ankh. -1 w
2 A Watson,
Clstterbuck, A
Batas, W Mt:In-
A Waddell, H
}g Brockenridve,
W Elliott,
use, 1 Coutts, E
3ao Div. -Mina BLAS/:, teacher.
No. on roll 50 --present 45. Promot-
ed with oredit ti's 26, without credit
GO % 12. Total 3&
Honors -Gen Prof -1 M Parsons, 2M
Marlton, K Nicholson, M Noble. Read-
ing -1 W Miller, 2 K Johnston, H Cox.
Spelling -1 M Parsons, 2 A Johnston,
and M Watson. Grammar -1J Wiggins
2 A Miller, 3 1 Hillier. Comp. -1 F
Weatherald, 2 8 Thoburn, 3 M Marlton.
History -1 8 Thoburn, 2 H Parsons, 3
D McPherson. Arith- 1 M Noble, '2 M
Parsons, 3 K Nicholson. Geog-1 H
Parsons, 2 C Monroe, 3 J Lawson.
Writing -1 L Graham, 2 F Weatherald,
3 M Marlton
Prompted with credit in order of merit
-M Parsons, M Marlton, K Nicholson,
M Noble, H Parsons, A Johnston, A
Miller, S Thoburn, W Miller, C Monroe,
F Weatherald, E Wilkinson, K John-
etcn, H hall, E Hillier, J Lawson, P
Walton, M Strachan, L Graham, F Cat-
tle. M Ilutson, J Bain, C Andrews, J
\Wiggins, A Cox, M Watson.
1Withont credit --S Cathcart, M Mc -
Bain, A Bedford, A Reid, D McPherson
A McLean, G Monroe, B Moore, J
Thomson, A McKay, W Black. W \Vil-
2Su Div. --Mies T *stn, Teacher.
No. on roll 48 -Present 33- Promot-
ed with credit GJ 13, with,mt credit
G0 8. Total 21.
>!' 1dalatosli, M
Wilson. M u
ton, Ay.
, J�McKa ate
Character is higher than intellect.
A great soul will be' strong to Lye as
well se to think. •
His heart was as great as the world,
but there was no token in it to hold the
memory of a wr,ng:
The fountain of beauty is the heart,
and every generous thought illustrates
the walla of your chamber
The ornaments of a house are the
friends who visit it.
Nothing great was ever achieved
without euthuaiaam.
There is no beautifier of completion,
or form, ur behaviour, like the wish to
scatter joy and not peen around us.
The finest and noblest grouni on
which people can live is the truth ; the
real with the real ; a ground upon which
nothing is assumed.
Poetry is the only verity -the express-
slon of a sound mind speaking after the
ideal, and not after the apparent.
We prize books, and they l.riae them
most who are themselves, wise, In the
highest civilization the book is still the
highest delight
The crowning fortune of a man is to
be born to were pursuit which finds him
in employment and happiness, whether
it be to make baskets, er broadswords,
or canals, or statutes, ur songs
The restraining grace of cununon
sense is the mark of all the valid minds ;
the common sense which does
not meddle with the absolute, but takes'
things at their word -things as they ap-
Some men are born to own, and can
animate all their possession. Others
mn not ; their owning is not graceful -
seems to be a compromise of they= char-
acter ; they seem to steal their own di-
vidends They should own who (au &d-
e:Outer ; not they who hoard and con-
ceal; not they who, the greater proprie.
tors they are. are only the greater beg-
gars, bot they whose week carets out
work fur more, ooene a path for all
Fur he is a rich man in whose the peopll
are rich, and he is a poor mon iu whom
the people are poor.
The man of talents pr>UOa them
like so many tools, does his job with
them, and there an end ; but the man of
genius is possessed bjit, and makes him
into a book or 4 life, axording to its
whim. Talent takes the existing molds,
and makes it. castings better or worse, of
richer or baser metal, according to knack
and opportunity ; bot genius is always
shaping new ones, and runs the man in
them, so that there is always that human
feet in its results which give us a kindred
What is the reason thatall children are
geniuses, (thought they contrive .o soon
to outgrow that dangerous quality,` ex-
cept that they never cross-examine them-
selves on the subject 1 The moment
that process begins, their speech loses its
gift of unexpectedness, and they become
as tediously impertinent as the rest of
The sixteenth centuary was a epend-
thrift of literary genius. . . . Mor-
taigns, Tama, and Cervantes were born
within fourteen years of each other ; and
in England, while Spenser was still Del-
ving over the propria ewor mrrihun, and
Raleigh launching paper ttaiies, Shake-
speare was stretching his baby hands for
the moon, and the little Bacon, chewing
on hie coral, had discovered that impene-
trability was one quality cf matter. It
almost takes one's breath away to think
that "Hamlet" and the "Novum Organ-
on" were at the risk of teething and
measles at the wine time.
There are two kinds of genius. The
first and highest may be said to speak oder
of the eternal to the present, and must
compel its age to understand it ; the
second understands its age, and tells it
what it wishes to be told. Let us find
strength and inspiration in the orie,_
amusement and instruction in the other,
and be honestly thankful for both.
No history gives us so clear an under-
standing of the moral condition of aver-
age men after the restoration of the
Stuarts a, the unconscious blabbing, of
the Puritan .ailor'e son, with his two
1;iences, as it were -an inward, still
sensitive in spots, though mostly tough-
ened to India -rubber, and good either
far rubbing out old scores than retatuiug
Humors-(:e�j a„t. 1 W Sanders, 2ithem ; and an outward, alert and ter- r oyer}th• ong else had failed. Asthma,'
' M Crai;ric, 3 t.: Hodge. Reading -1 M i tna^antl� effective in firs. PeTya
I Bronchitis, Heoareenese, Sere,,, C•rpchs,
itle toed w t
tuft tinder ilia a ' tlislati 0
' due the leers' of a m►u
5 sides.4 the
was OM bolted lice a 1tr� ars
moon. Considerable excitement Isheed by it, :Lane people believing it to be
a warning of the coaapwwation of the
world. Th i cetryspontie l declares that
thin is no hoax, as he hut examined the
egg etre/Wry..
Referring to the above, the Toronto
News gets off the following :-
"It is to be regretted iu the present
stringent condition of the egg and poul-
try market that hens are going into the
prophecy business, thus erleroacning up-
uu a domain which in mutleru Owes has
been considered sacred to newspapers
and weather cranks. But the present
movement may be the introduction of a
system of marling we with the date of
their manufacture- tithe Kingston hen
intended her action as such she should
have been lees geuersl It is of little
consolation to the consumer to know the
year in which the egg wits laid. Of
course it would remove the too frequent
ionpvemion that the -egg wan produced
before the flood, yet tee take the liberty
of pointing out the necessity of chanking
the stamp at least once a month in order
that the reform introdnoed In the King-
ton hennery may satisfy the wawa
As to the meaning of the ones wet are at
• loss to determine, unless it got stamp-
ed es *Mew by accident, owing to the
new invention not working satisfactorily.
Of course superstitious people will at once
attach a deeper meaning to this symbol.
Nothing lees than the end of the world
will ratisfy those who insist un giving •
preternatural ititerl,retation to such af-
fairs. To the aenttmental it will mean
an unusual nurnber� mind ft
io Love,
but by the practical tgind ft will be read
as •signal that we have crossed the Ru-
bicon in the matter of high prices for
dead hens and stale eggs. The publie
are c•rtsinly usder great obligations to
the prophetic Kingston ben which laid
the egg, or to the enterpitising Kingston
liar who invented the yarn."
knelled rbeasaaes
All over the land are going tato eattera�y
over Dr. King's New Discovery for Cod -
sum ton. Their unlooked for recovery
by the timely use of this great life flay-
ing remedy, musette them to. go nearly,
wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to
positively erre severe coughs, wide, as -
Ilona, hay fever, bronchitis, hoarseness,
loss of voice, or any &Section of the
throat and langs. Trial bottles free at
James Wilson's drag store. Large airy
$1.00. (2:)
The First Tetegrwpk.
The first telegraphic message ever sent
by este inetru ment and recorded by snot$.
erwa�overw short line erected in New
York by Prof. Morse in 1837. It read
thus :
"Attention. the Universe ' -By King-
dotns, right wheel
Thin' was five years after he had begun
work on it, and seven years before the
line between Baltim .re and Waahingtes
was erected. The latter was completed
on the first day of the convention in
Baltimore at which James K. Polk was
nominated for the Presidency.
1be first message on this line was :
"What hath God wrought r. Signed.
"Fanny Ellsworth," a daughter of one
of the wen who was pointed out as being
"as crazy as old Morse."
Just think o1 it ! Only forty years
ago the whole world jeered and ridiculed
Morse and his proposed electric telegrai,'t
In later years he was decorated with
bad.;ea of honor conferred upon him by
every civilized power on the globe.
The world aures.
Seeing is believing. Bead the testi
monisla in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
Butene Kidney Cure, then buy a bottle
and relieve yourself of all those distress-
ing pains. Your Druggest can tell you
all about it. Sold ky J Wilson Goderioh
There are many forms of nervous de-
bt tty in men, that )yield to the nee of
Carter's I*un Pills. Tleoe who are trou-
bled with nervous weakress,nightsweats
Le. , should try them. ov- any other injurious Ingredient.
A Sufferer from Headache writes
A Life essel*E_Present. my "n.tant eanpea/on. L141 are invaluable
hhaere been eiand
Mr. NI. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kar,, sni v.i' from Headache, sad your Pule urs the
aaved his life by a simple Trial Bettie e; aalyibn,. t oosld took to for rsllsf
Dr. King's New Disce,very, for Con-
stimptioon, which cannel him to pre+cure
a gangs bpttle, that completely cured nim, Dar e>reoulon tnQ their
it praise and I always do when D,oetore, change ..f climate and W. I. P for ,.t tv ( pegs • aro,,,
Thee thaw tee Tlidieseetves.
1'icton, F, h. 17. -Thu is to certify
that I have used Poison's Nervikne for
theuwatiam,anst bate found it a vendible
remedy for all interni pain, and would
Iteeatly recotrtfltend it to the palette, -N.
T.•-"`- .
lr.ds County, Jan. 9.- -We are
tba habit
we an
the greet vale
fur p* We
l(s no
you ew its flan
send you oleuty mo i of use temp.
;\dd'Ly J. M•ils.itt.
Oats nl aur best
the public' tart it
mirk Cure, and
for it. Price 75
by (b o. Rh
citiaeas would say be
has tried Hall's Os.
Wts all that is shinned
Dyspepsia iu its worst farms will yield
to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Pills
aided by C.rter's Little Liver Pills. They
not only relieve piesent distress but
strentitKt•u )he alo,i ach and digestive ap-
Every Saturday From Quebec.
ereekrkll? 111 ras4/sin.
SPEED, rourof3.IND $AFITT.
Suuamer .1rrangernent.
810 .&8Olt7 1 3 .
Clmass(an May 19
Polynesian �i
Peruvian June 2
!Sarmatian 7
Parisian " 16
Sardinian. •• 2't
Circassian- •• v
July 7
. • 11
leuideasiannalan- •m
C,reembia . . . , A seg. 1
yrrP�r�yyy��a����`�`ip_tw4n ; '.:. •• 1e
°..... so
• 27
Circassian 3
Polynesian Nov, 10
Sarmatian 7
.. ;�
Pawengcrs require to leave Godericb at noon
on Teursdays, to connect with steamer at
Prepaid reit/lie-ate Lamed at"greatty reduced
rates to persons wishing to bring their friends
out from. the Old Country.
For '1.. Leta and alt (nformatloa, apply to
Ticket Agent
Goderich, Slay 17th, 1883. Ooderlch.
Iceoll Bros. & Co,, Toronto.
Manufactures and Wholesale Dealers in
• -� .1 1, cELEBRATEDt
brand u unexcelled by an) other ..11 on the
Imarket. In re,vy;nition of Its superior merit.
we have received
All the Highest Prizes !
wherever we exhibited it since 147*. among
other swards a large number of
!Gold, Silver it Bronze Medals,
beside. nun.rry,Uw llipi mss. li ::7:--,'.4.1
. w:arra,rtwd
not to gum or , log ; wear. e. nal to Castor Oil
and helw Mss *ban one-half the pprice is the
eitloetDon the market. ref Tit l' iT.
rtueer sena S
R. W- McKenzie,
ISM. Goleric h.
A large preporttoe of the dlas..ea which sass0
human suffering result from derangement of tit.
stomach, bowels, and liver. ATE,'. CArnsirno
PILL' set directly upon these organs, and as.
especially designed to care the diseases caused
by their derangement, including Constipation.
Iadfge.tloa. Dyspepsia, Headaebe. Dysen-
tery, and a host of other ailments, for all of
which they are a safe, sere, prompt,aaa pteaaant
remedy. The este1sive use of two l'tLLt ivy
eminent physician,. In reenter pees , Mims
saml.takahly the estimation 1B which *sp ate
keld by the meaieal profe.elon, ---
These Pii... are oompounded of veggypts see
t tSne,s only, and are ah,,otutely free ffrausalom.l
will gale ly move my bowels and dM*� deng
from pain. Theyare the moot .fleetly. amend *e
SSMMst.physie 1 have ever found. It I • piesis"
to setos
w 37 so
etrechan, 2 (S Pollee, 3 Em Campbell
Forth, A Rolnrtson,C .lohnten.
Spiting -1 L Reid, 2 R Rusk and M 1054211.03 ter.. a I and all Throat and Lune diereses, it is
S it unarantenil to cure. Trial Bottles at J.
l yrele Dn..1ot - moo, Ct,'ty Niehulauu. /:rammer-1 1V Sanders 2 For any 7'eeti.omi,lar'co recommending Mt Wilr•n'a dray at-rr. Tome airertf. (1'•
Promoted If W Horton, 3 G does. dileetem Costiveness Ileadaehe, eta
Teacher. No, on roll 34 present 43 • G Polley,
C Hodge and F Lawrence. Conts-
p. - 1 Green' Sl'cedy Cure fur D , oc ut Li-
^ F Y { Ps
1'0 2nJ Roesler. -lis Ro1M, t is cry - 1 Sanders, 2 14 Cragie and I that ere not genuine ; none of v. hick are
(i 1V
e n.
M - W
+e. 1 Sat
Ptt•lhaow, 14. :1icF ••u, h•, N Stt•:u' 1. 1 „ leer., _ '1 ' tn,m persona in the fro
14p rr t r inn.,snri
>, \ is i ie nt, a 1W 6f,•Leea. \rich. -- l \V I .of milts away, lest ir.,n pars,,:>s steel
Hates, B Church, L lto'ley, .l Sto,kea, M • Prim. it eye.- 1 around Hamilton, Ont. We 1s. f. [ give mall
Bite, .1 Weft, It: Acheson. 11' Cilia ford ' n' Ata a y. rice 3 C linin. Writ
+ l U f oUce• 2 d1 At h l. i I
0 Erse, 1, Brier t u s on. •
T r 2rd Part. --1 Ache/en, F, Cathcart, renes
K iaweon. it 11y"° M Brty, N' lira' Pn•m•+tel with credit in ostler
r' 'weft \1' .Sunders, 1V CrA,tir. L H+
(: i'ri r ll,Btxter, 1V 1fdiva n. A R:
I•; Cain t i o \f b 1 (' P Il
('kr: SC'H'nn
Ts D • }' \1 Q T 1 ti!tot Hr
u eheo H 1$itn
w- + not es five of net, en that yott cannot
be decried I17puruhseine a ;Teeth's.
of • ertiele. but know it• vele. before ?my-
ego, iisg Tri.! bottles ami teltim•miate kiven
tal.. fee at Gtr,. 11 bye.", t .Ir•e.t sod,.
e c o ar,r>, e u ey, 1,
• - .�.�...�---
,,. ..e .- ', e r 4+.liL malls
+'r. No. 1,11 /V)/ A;--l,resunt (;A, Pro• + '4ith.•ut coolie T Hayes, L Rohl E
555,54,• 1 w t t r5r55.t 40; 18. roil Wight + Revd, A !:nitrite F. /Portion, R Campbell.
+MIA ;0 23. Tutai4f. J Crc••ir.•ut, 11 Strachan.
Hong; t- rink. prnl 1 N Ktr,titen, 2I lar Dr% t ; -1C. IL
.lee•tt 3 Ft d( i � _ \1tLt,it•.. F'r.
r , 3 'r it C3 ;i 17, without Oa 11.
1V Robe tiff ght. Head me I ;1,,, on roll 4f) --present 30. , t•o.;-
1 C feegssiller, 2 R fttrnnT A Mill tel with credit
81 =-1 -1 F Wright Ltn(1 B Strunk,. 21 TtAttl es.
A Ylesrt►shhe --1 n 8sa'Rrnil el:: g�„g
2 W C'Jtseas, 9 1D (latrnw, Arita. 1 D
-lien. prof. -1 R Pa(Mtnre, 2
L elle den, 3 W *millers Reading. --1
' A kuRon a netts *ewe,
es was a1Mh a rush made for any
btu *ore a3 13 noir at J. Wilsuls'. foe 4
Tea ibitk of Dv King's New lifinov-
.'rt f ,r (swan nt ti.•rt, t;ot ha avid eni51..
c .lien,.,! a,' :t Aattnta, bruit- 1
, ifs c. .:gee G.altaurany
:uh t. i + f... ..r Lanus can get
n Trier Bottle of this great remedy 'roe,
by eal1ine •t above Doig ijtore. Regi;. l
lar Tis. i'1- (�; I
"Why should a roan triune blood is tv tem
Kit ike hisgr:m•lsire ct:t in alab►ster (t�
Or let h'. $.'Utas ow rutty, meant and than.
When "CilseAtzsas erwea willm'tke
it grow the faster Por sale to, J. tt'f1.
eon. 1tn
Pet fact, Posture and Plea,nauete
the cores effected by Dr. Vas Ruree
Kidney Cure, Relief in all CASCO.
nay Disuse a obtained _��af ter • few (Low.
See the* 700T Drgttgt elves you 11r
Van Reren'e Kidney (,'are t•..d ht, J. •
\•l{bn GOderieh. fat
\ Rv:wARn -Of oneSasea • 7 t.0 i.
It‘ ' to any "uesendinfAthe best fuer ]mei
rhyme rn "Tea/RRRr, the ret(Ntkable
Tillie gemfor Ai Teeth ase Rat . Ask I
yoet drsggeef4,f s*tdrest.
Fraaklle St., Richmond, Va., Jun. 3, lin
staan.•1 hawsae nr.mAmten*M'•de Pbry r.ty.ou n annadrnhbeavreleas
as ll►
� w Ws constantly keep them on hand desired
tem_ sad prise time as a pleasant, ,takes aria
.a gib miresmae, TOR .iPkPIRA
'bZwari ee J. T. liArs.•
e/fR1' 17, iter.
• " ~ ywan perR I
M efil•�'of ' Mom kt��
!astir las'syerilen.•e assn a�
Avss's Piciw.
lase n1 ttleasttl�t'�
e. d tib s awoke sad
n iwesies, d met by 8eariyt sea IbgegM
.• Mae A1. 'T se tk. ween to 1
NW Sir
Dr. J. C. Arg t Co,, Lowell, Male,
*n14 M a1t tRwgprt.
1 , s -r -,n,.. tb...n.1..fn' batieg-
0..D f Nal effort,.,r
hem. I Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Ask i ��oabanyt�: gas ity
easy kit eestrs aesrsnf itiris atsos� gf� w.b0114111-
Isags bJ ty jtrs�,r . (itis sea kettle' flee to
121 fteisi , ir
Landon Layer itasains, per .e., . , 2 60
12 lbw. Currants, for - , . 1 00
25 Ile. foto, for 1 00
25 lie Baricy, for 1 0()
5 Be. White 'Belgian ( rn-li $-sea,. 1 00
5 Ito,. 6lau1gg{uld Soot ell kinds, . 1 00
6 IgM. Swede Turnip Seed, 1 00
Sums Very cheap
tI l' STOCK Ole- -
9roteries is ?rah and flood!
Ci-ooCc�eI r1oC�
Utallkiede at Bottom Prices. A very erre
stock of Olaasware and
Gzgss sETq SOC. up to 82.00.
Chitin, Sets
fr„in $5.00 up to $20.00.
from $10,00 up to $30.O0. J r
All other linea of Crockery at proportionately
Low Prices.
tar Hatter and Nags takes fit exahat� the
Groceries, etc., ur Cash paid tf des�iL
Teas a Specialty.
G. H. OLD, the Groner,
Market 8q., (70daric
A1018° a
TESTIZdQ -1 & 8
Collingwood, Ont. -The Crowfoot Bitters 1
took cured me of Sick Headache, atter twenty
yeaof autTertngs without being able to i1yearnrelief. Mag. J. HOLLW'eO.HIAD.
Clarksburg, Ont. -Th. Crowfa Glitters per-
fectly cured me of Saltrheum,, without ns'-tg
any other medicine. MRs, Jouru LoVOHRAn,
4f you wish to get the worth of your waey
ask year ekes gist for It.
May lTtb, 188 1101 6m
The Great Pain Conqueror
rapii ly ,t' .ala pain, t teaepoonful ea wate
wilt cr-e. ,'ant-ctng head Sebe In five min-
utes, if a•. fed • . ,l r IBC111e* bi -face of the
body a• t •o h ache, ue I. tnat'sm,
else., Ite. vn the ,nee. er cso, o, a^ • instant
relief 1. is a char:n'ttn relived--. Ont l).,, and
mon.; refunded If not aa rep, es( into.
I. TAPOCe'i•T,g C,.. bele Prmerietan.
Brantford, Ontario
W. J. C. Nafte1,
Druggist. etc., Agent for Gal
-115 THa-
Deep's Lake, Turtle Mountain
and Mouse River Country,
Tributary to the ('tilted States Land Office
agtTtek e L ■ A P asd nag particulars
as s l led eft= to any sdee s b
0eaertal Tpavernt Agent.
ST. PAUL, M1UEAMus R 1111111111114 N. N.
Se IL /rem M. Tans. Os.
1111. 62.10
Hee on hand a large gess' fry of
leersowingbroadcast, also a lot of
Canadian Corn.
fiearri, h May 1711, 1713.
• 1
e a
a fe