The Huron Signal, 1883-07-06, Page 1i stirred.. ••••••••• 0.11111041111.. ."i." 440,bgtfsl y .... •. tlit'r.t 0 wail INTELLI GEN FII YIAR. w v tticl::tw. I GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1883. McOiLLICt'DDY DROP,. Pratatltrt. 1 $I.5 A YEAR IN ADVANCH • new advawletrareats. 1 :r• Teele -R. w. MaKent e. • 1{sr d Throe' -(k. Rvee.ta S"•' y--Mies*.,.sr . a W pet as ue-J. J. Wrigb'. .r o of Thant* gvurrs Itluu. The H •, prove for Pie -Moe -K. Hingham. Thu • . t C bred Darlam tea for Service -Jas. 1 minas. Dentistry. lkif oi(OH(M O!i, SUf•1$')?f DEN- . '11f. O1.13titroll, r•1,Wu9'itr9nt tam `• l t see isst e B 11C at K . ttraa:. qO doriU - Lie People's Column. CARD OF THANKS • CARD On !ala t of almost( sad family. Ulla my oar - meet wt, . to express. es tar ss I can in words, o r he iri'ett .ratityde to friends. aoqustn- Weee end lie . be elk lance MIof ate,sad aegis- ter d• ter NW each ezpewaslaee of tgwa/ death este test hatw•t=.cid tad warm-hearted Meade. psratiVI Strangers c a whom we have .o sack claims. ulteReit RICE OodrteL July'k last tela WANTED AT ONCE AN EXPERI- saeed W.Me per moans. J. .1. Wilma. TM at Torre iSO WANTED. -A GOOD SMART WO - man to take charge of the Dining Room. Marr he ex4eriereoPd. Good wages. J. J. WRIGHT The Paha Farm. tall-tt. SERVANT GIRL WANTED - For Mr gsaurd host work -m wt be good watt hose firer Apply to Tea SIotsaL O ec odwl gaN-tt. MILE ! MILK ' A10 - ha teksa a U . mil gak `t Iiia = 1>r1 -4t. OTICE TO DKBTOM-•IOTICE I8 • hereby that an wee Siedebtteed to t add a ses* or awaatsee tad t10rs- : Feta wD11M~ K awe. 1 mean 1 it rfl Q f' BRED WARD BJames Melir t>..nt M- J Ms saerr sLMM J wiiwner la let atevers.Ist. DURHAM BULL IL" TOR STATICS. tire n ouwcr ;Bmre, Wel be to la - ad be = ynbiei w set n TWO THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULLS FOR SALT -The animals an bM• sato ea lot ZS.oe.. of West Wwaaosh. WM bess14 at a Dal•aaln. For farther par- ticulars ar ticularsapplyto'JOHY WASHINGTON. Lo- t an P. o tall -It. N(nlCL - TRE STATUTES OF Ontar;o, 10th Victoria. U. are now read for dtsMri0 bet s. at tse. t.f the L of the Pesos. O.de irk. tt#stastkw of tiss Peace and others entitled to same. IRs Lewd, (' k of Use Pere. (rile of Clerk et the Phan, Goderich June M. gar3. 1 197-1t R W. F. FOOT, ORGANIST AND -LTA _choirmaster of St. Oeor.e's Church. is prepared to gire iastrnctloa in the following • breaek.s of megi al study vis : -Pias. Oren fsMreb and `a tp Stagingat sight. Votoe setters. thersttt0 Uwe and harmony. As Mr. Peet has had many yeah experience both ,In city and country. a thorough training may be expected hy pupils. Vocal classes liberally dean with. Pupils on church organ can have app of instrument. Terms moderate. 1M1 -3m. For Sale or to Let. VARM FOR SALE -BEING THE easterly 120 acres of block lettered "R." ill the 7th Concession of the Township of Col- borne. About e.0 or 00 acres are cleared. The growing timber omelets of maple. beech and elm. A frame house. a large frame ban and stable are on the premise.. Fences Only four miles from Ooderich by • gn vet road. For particulars apply to JOAN BRE('KEN RIDO' K. Goderich, or to SKAGER & MORTON. Molioltors, Oodertch. 1256 NEWS ABOUT HOME. 'A el'naina ye.'akin' ettes. t.a faith he LI pitsnt II." . sowzrr TOPSOIL • Teekerrseeth hammocks, an lilies at im- ChMcest tans and very cheap kroka setts at Sheppard's book store. Sear Ultaanat TALww.-iill►est prices paid for all kinds at the factory, corner of Kingston aid Caen brie streets, tiodsrieh. Haran Soap Company. 1t 41st. Your, six and eight '.all croquet, cheapest to town. at Iwrle's book store. Now that the rush of work attending tae alebratien of ilwalaless Dy is over. Robison. 1. pnparod to give the ctee- .st Sheat« so tii•h tad code in phole- pheitogrepiser,Robeou, t5. photographer, over C. atrn's store. Lawn tennis sets. complete, for 810.01 and $05.00. Just arrived, at loutish bookstore. THE AMtttlt:AN iitcycLtwrl-1I will be a pretty sight to see fifty or slurs Welclis spiamladyg around the square, and nobowill deny that they will make • picture worthy of Sellars. the photographer. who can photo babies. bicyclists or the general public in the best style. Dark k Duke's cricket balls. regulation M- imosas and bane bats, at Imrie's book store. Iverybody seemed satisfied with the cele- bration in Uoderich on Dsw•iaion Day, and ail the year round everyone is satisfied that W. L. F n's is the spot to go to for the beat value in wines and liquors of all kinds. Subscribe for your magastaes and • periodi- cals at Ivories book store. He has mads spe- cial arrangements with publishers to secure toe his cinnamon' a prompt and regular deliv- ery. James Saunders & Son are the agents for Jelin Shaw & done. Wolverhampton, Eng- land, for their 'Snows Bicycles, •ad as they sail them on low oomalesl0w, os amens cls rely on sautesde` lowest Call 4g prme erc )alm .ell a Am tat-claArctic Refrigerator for $12.00. Semple on exhibition. 'Tbe cheap- est 6bouse ander the sun." mama oddpiete Medical and Surgical le- etlt dsa V tie world Is the Drs. IC. & K's U. S. l[edlest and Surgical Association .f 1Do• trot; Ifitoh. Kings ring the most s to Amert0a, , a ddnate. trona Sur own and the farhmsd aot- Immo. Than soRiring from aM dhr sages or deforming', which are their ties. should eall aeon numbers of their We Alston Hotel Goderick. detmday seri Sea degcfthis week July 7 and t. 17 ake- tioa fres. "Why don't they bring in the tea 1" Better late than never -The American Bicyclists. Alex. and Will Hutchison are home from Mo.ttroal for vacation. G. W. Ii ses, of Wiani is spend - his holids in Gudseiil t. Miss Johnston. Of Detroit, u visiting her sister, Mrs Henry Marlton. • Mrs. Byyrom Wade, of Seaforth, is the of Mrs. Rubs. Do h. FOR SALE. A tint class brink house. cellar un 'or the whole house. and 11acres land on 1ho Hay- field ay field road. Goderlc.there is • good stable and driving shed.hard and soft water on the pram - Meg, grounds well laid out. Fir alare apply on the premises or to 1i. (ler, ferinh Foundry. tf. FOR SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE residence. corner Brittania road and Mc- Donald street. opposite the 111gh School. with two tote. The hots Is In good repair with carriage house and stable and other out candle's. The garden is well stocked with reit trees, grape vines. shrabery a:c. It H. CCoZZiNts. For terms apple' to Melton ! Johnston, Heretofore. ing y. guestnig Mrs Capt. Charles 'McIntosh .f De- troit is visiting friends in town. R W. McKenzie is nuking a big deal in harvest tools Read his ady't. The new tug James Clarke has gone to the fishing grounds --her tint trip. Miss Frances Noble, of Brantford, spent a few days at her home, South street. Mrs. Rubs Nutt, of Brussel, was in town during the week, the guest of Mrs. H. Dunlop. L J. Treble, blacksmith, has returned from the North West, and looks well after his trip. Miss Jessie McKenzie, of St. David's Ward school, is spet.ding vacation at home in Stratford. Mies Oliver, of the High school staff, is spending her holidays at the home- stead, near St. Marys. 1. E. Knight, having taken unto him- self a'.iodetich young lady as a partner for life, has settled in Clinton. J. C. Macdonald, of the Post Office Department, Ottawa, is visiting his old home, accompanied by his wife. We understand that E. N. Lewis s handy manual for magistrates has ex- hausted its first edition, and will bo ret printed. W. H. Aborn, a tomer pupil of the High school, is in town, visiting old faces and settees: He is the guest of Harry Horton, jr. L1OR SALE OR TO RENT. -THAT 1 beautiful trick residence occupied by Mr. Rha, sad formerly oseaplsd by Mr. H. Maloomson. at the head of Margate street. Possession given In Oetober. For particulars apply 1s the owner J. HRICK NRIi)OL Newgate 'street. O treet. oderich. fait. FOR SALE OR T() RENT --THAT Valuable Property known as the Shep psrdtos Stare an Pest OAoe. with quarter of an acre of land, Is offered for sale or to rent. Sleek in cone all stew and fresh this year. The prewrietor ass other bushman which will re- quire M. •gl4atyation. Also the west half of of esu, x3, R.D. D. Aaeld ; sit new land ; two qws ereksrds, two teed wens. and comfort - ship huge hone••. The let °swains 100 scree. NI are Cleared and all well fenced. Se aero• heavily timbered wItb hard_ of particulars addr..s t R. T HAYAw Sbeppardton P.O. 1480 - Tp MINT. briskbemg ea the teener i kith sad MIa7s► . .oe « . rooms. (MOROI CATTLH By telegraph we learn that the bicy- duts will stake their appearance in town this (Friday) afternoon. They will get a right hearty welcome. Dr. Ryerson of Toronto, the celebrat- ed oculist and auriat, will be at the Windsor hotel,Stratfor], on the last Sat- urday of every month. See advt. Dr. W. O. H. Macdouald, formerly of Goderich, has been ar'pointd medical examiner to the New York City and Brooklyn Life Insurance Company. It is reported that our townsman, James Reid, carpenter, has been be- queathed a considerable sum of money, by ;he death of • relative in Scotland. Josh Thomas, of Ingersoll, came home for his summer holidays, and the notes of his cornet were heard in the band on Monday. And he rattled out the music, too. Tits are. :12 residents of (luderich availed themselves of the excursion to Buffalo on Wednesday last, to enjoy the oelebration of Indep.ndenoe Day in that 1 bet ktrp es HOLSE TO al. -THE WELL - beet saes hs •on Kesttasstrew war t lop ei Mswtsl dad tftfeef. ARM TO RENT. le berm. nearly frt. of et step'. Groot Yarn .nd other buildings. Brick cottage with cel Mr. Good *rented and all well fenced. F.n- Ie. re M R. T HA TWIN yheppartton IW. -4t Mw Mutts is Malting relatives in town. She is pleased with her Detroit hots, but is glad to see Goderich again. She is•cc.mpel .-d ..y I&.r 41 ., ]Nes. r.r. Lang, if D. toiit. INSANE.- Patrick Kelleher.aged 17 years,a son of eerie of the Irish emigrants, ee, was committed to gaol tor insanity oi, Tuesday last. He has lieu of uua•n ..! mind since he was six yeers. Fred. C. Macdonald has retorue.l from attending TrinityCollege, T.•ronto. He shows traces obevies! studied lien'. The bracing sir of Goderich will soon re- store him to his wonted -vigor. Miss Lizzie Hodge was the recipient, at the examination of the pupils, at St. Joseph's Conn.!, of a beautiful writing desk, of rosewood lined with purple vel- vet, having obtained the highest marls Thus. McGillicuddy has removed his place of madame to the corner et Well- ington and Quebec streets, in St. An- drew's ward, where he cantos found Sher olioe hours by those with urgent busi- ness R. C. Pie,nc.-The ladies who have under supervision the arrangements for the R. C. Picnic at Bingham': grove on Wednesday, July 18th, are making good progress, and prophesy of a most.uoo.-s- ful gathering on the occasion. Don't forget tee ¢Me, July 18th. NATIONAL Mvszc.-We did not bear any Canadian sir from either the band or remade .n Dominion Day. When was the music of "Canada, Fair Can- ada T' or "The Maple LevT, Forever r' Let us have something Canadian' on Dominion Day besides lacrosse. On Monday afternoon lest a young man and woman from Clinton, while driving aloe* by the Lighthouse, were thrown from the vehicle by the horse becoming frsctiou*. The buggy was badly damaged, and the occupant., the young wofnan particularly, were badly k•raised. MAsoitic.-Among them who will at- tend the meeting of the Main' is timed tLodge of Canada at Ottawa next. week ilt E. Radcliffe, D.D.G.M., and A. McD. Allan Master 04 Goderich Lodge ; and Joseph 'Beek, of !Ashford, willrspr.- s.nt Huron Chaptr at the meeting of the grand chapter. Mr. D. D. Wilson, Reeve of Seaforth, accompanied by his wife andyoung s u, took passage on the United E m 'pre on Wednesday morning last, on route for Medicine Hat. Medicine Hat is the euphonious title of the "city" which has sprung up at that point which the C. P. R. has now reached Ar KxAmIATION.-The following u the number of pupils at the examination for certificates, which has been going on in the court room during the week. From the High school- Intermedi•te'6, third class 27, second class 7. From public schools -intermediate 4, third class 5, second clam 3. Total 51. NAMHVILLa STUDENTS. -These jubilee singers will appear in the North street church, on Tuesday, July 10th. The Prescott Telegraph w ="The com- pany merits all the good words that have been said in their fever, and in our opiu ion are without peers in their peculiar concert line. The directors of the Me. Zthanioi Institute are entitled to thank fur bringing such a fine company here." A SHAita.-It is a pity that the au- thorities do not prohibit boys from kill- ing the squirrels on the square. The pretty little animal are harmless, and shouid be enco urged in so public *place rather than destroyed. It is a shanie to see the innocent little things ruthlessly hunted and killed with such odds against them, as a horde of foolish boys present on an exposed place like the square. Let the sgdirrel live there. • At the regular meeting of Huron Lodge No. 62 I. 0. O. F., held on Thurs- day evening last, the following officers were elected for the ensuing torr : N. G. H. W. Ball ; V. (i., John Smith ; Rea Secy., E. Elms, (re-elected) ; P. Secy., Geo. Stiven, (re elected) Treas., N. Campbell, (re-elected). Representa- tives to the Grand Lndgo which meets at Ottawa in August : P. G. Geo. Stiven, and P. G. Chas A. Nairn. at 7. Capt. Dan Allan, of Toronto, boo'b'y of A. McD. Allan, of this town, has been promoted to the task of Major in his corps, the Quota's Own. He has just recovered titan a severe illness. Polity Fawns Tan . --A local poet has seat as a leng poem trip of a merry party d ri merryledd* and lasses te the TOM Hera, bet dowel give her >i a► t►o ewe s+Mw.s w a sample e =ease.: reritr. e fe day yore." The "porno" is trendy written on twin- e! cloth. and looked "utterly utter " T>r ,e, of the G•desidb Ar- H. Horton. Reading by the retiring I FROM DAKOTA- ti>l diene• orks, has iu preparation digress, Miss Seegeidler. Scipplioon a large °entrain :,f orua,.autal stouts fur views of a very interesting character were as .14 wetldeat of ••derse• Ives ■l ha" the new $6,008 residence being erected shown by S. P. Halls, aided by patent ero'allw 51 tete lousrr. by D. D. Wibiou, the eg< king of lea- ' li:itera. The effects were very good, I ),amour., Jun. 90th, 18135. forth.ooasid.ring the hurry with vim*tl.q To the &diner of Tits Smash. Data Furze e, -As I promised to send . to rwr t• aye a w:e cart m you a letter, and, as Iam nowquitesstle- ' tied with my trip, i nd also taken up with The 1.... 'n .l e.l.!y di.trw.iug, as Mr. of the society, resolved .A1 osteone Y he coutinued „Ler a long At the the country, and especially the class of McViter is at prr.rnt In 'Mexico, mould ton attend the f tneral. and aatored'tie eoum, sod tri opplsase was • the the and treads here, aid wishing it would be known to all my friends in The ft :roils of John11e icer will re- had to be inhibited Dar a the evening Bret to lee.11 of the death . d his deuele Jr- C. Robertson, gold tt ialli•t of To- ter A•f the i f runts Univeeaity, acid • refiner itutber Rob*. Anderson. of the Wanderer's close of tag proceeding. 1. made a brief I. Eioyyclub, Toronto, is in town with spwch, and wasagain wady rwoaised. his wheel. The Wanderers have • nest A brie( and suitable addrer Wee aleo given by T. McGillicuddy. Mush inter- est eeutred in the awarding of the prises. all of which, with one exception, were captured by ladies. The fuliewing is the prize list : Eewy--1 Miss L BYir, 2 Miss M. Seegmiller. Reading --1 Miss Strang, 2 bliss Start. Reodation-1 Miss K. Macaws, 2 Miss Maggie Cameron. French prize snored by A. J. Moore, wort by John Swanson, who hu been studying the language only since last fall. The pries were handed to the winners by Hr. Strang, who alio con- ducted the literary exercises Mr. Halls superintended the business routine. The society adjourned by singing in right royal style, "Auld Lang Syne. utailorm of grey. faced with black and krsiding. Mr. Atdersou is the guest of his btothor-is-law. James Imrie, station- er. We were fortunate here .,n Wednes- day, se far as damage by the storm is wine/rued. At Kincardine haiWo•es ae big r sop fell, sighs tad awaits. were carried off, and the Masonic Hall sees belly wrecked. Much damage waadone in the county of Brace. A Gzitasot:a Naiori•os. -Among the enthusiastic anglers is numbered Wm. Campbell, town clerk. He has been Batching the tinny ones in large numbers during the pest week or two, rising at daybreak end enticing them with the early worm. On Tueseny Mr. Campbell kindly sent us over a half dozen of fine pickerel, caught that morning at the neer m,wth. STRAW DIARY FIAT' YAL. -The c,•ut- mates of twnagement for tae straw• beery ISstivsl and lawn party under the ansgssioes of St. Geod'e's church has t'e Bided to bold it on the grounds ••f Gro. Ptswst•e. Iraq. Essex strew', .o t Tu.•ea ap Mat, 10th inst. The young _gentleman are informed there will be a large assort - meet of "crushed strawberry" on the oc- casion. TIDAL WAVE -T ,e waters of Lake Dorm suddenly roes t I • height of lour feel nn Moeday about noon. A ferias' gale also prevailed for about ifte•« telaetes. A number of stately elms were prostrated at Ridgewood, H. Y. At- trillp estate. Our local weather observ- er, ON. Maodosald, thinks we matt hsve,sut the tail ..d of a cyclone on the p0111a H. I. Strang, principal of the High School, after 'setting instructioas from the town clerk as to bait, location, etc., went drown te the water's edge on Wed- nesday evening, and tined* • good haul .o( fish. At one time he got a bite. but was enable to land his tinny prey. Hugh Hamilton came to his assistance, and they succeeded in hauling it on sin re- • catfish of large size and great strength. Before assistance came Mr. Strang could almost have sworn it was a small whale. Messrs. Palliser, Palliser & Co., of Bridgeport, Ct. the well-known archi- tects and publishers of standard work* on architecture, hare lately issuoi a sheet containing plans and specifications of a very tasteful modern eight -room cottage with tower and also with the necessary modifications for building it without the tower, and with but six rooms,if desired. In its most costly form the outlay is estimated at $3,000; with- out the tower it Mas been built for $2,- 500 ; and if only six rooms are included, the Dost may be reduced to $1,700 or 12,- 000. Details aro Riven of mantles, stairs, doors and casings, cornices, ete. The publishers have found it that., most popular plan they have ever issued, and state that it has been adopted in more than five hundred instances within their knoeledge. The same finu4issue sp-oi- ticatione in blank adapted for frame or brick buildings of any cost ; also forms of building contract, and several books on modern inexpensive, artistic cottage plana which are of great practical value and convenience to everyone interested. We have received specunena of the new Royal Readers -special Canadian series, from theublishers, Jas. Camp- bell & Son, of Toronto. There is no doubt but that the Royal Readers are far in advance of the books now in use in nor schools; Another feature of the series is its special Canadian character. The work must have been through the hands of experienced teacher of high OB+1r..4I'lE..-On Wodnbsday, at St. Peter's, the retrains of the late Mrs,Csr- nil, beloved wife of Patrick Carrel, township oouncillor, ..1 Colborne, and mother of Patrick Carrel, barrister, Sea - Furth, were escorted by a large number of relatives and friends and placed on a catafalque before the altar, while the Requiem High Mass was being celebrat- ed by Father Watters, assisted by Fath- er McRea, Father Shea, of Seaforth, kneeling in the sanctuary, the chair and Father Boubat, of Ingersoll, assisting. At the request of Miss Cooke, o rzanist, Miss Downie, of Seaforth, presided at the organ. Miss Walsh, of Seaforth, kindly assisted the choir. At the .iffer- tory the beautiful hyRtn ,duet' "The Dying Christian to His Sul," was finely rendered by the Misses Welsh enol Dow - capacity. nie. At communion, Father Boubat 1.Io•a,... Fran DISTxnrrtnv. The sang the "Lux '.'erne." The hymn, Mad Mews Itisr LaMeceds. It has been our fortune to indulge in hawse moving daring the week. On Friday our new landlord was re- moving some articles left by the former tent, and called in the moieties« of a Young matt living in "the wiled." "It's a daag rood thing you *t a man t . mute into this imam," remarked this eastatant. 'How's that T' asked t►ie landlord, "It would hay hew tot on be," end the other. "Sot oa ere T' t.-s•holld the land- lord. 'Yes, Wee ; there's • let of feller s who are again' to have all canard homes in town sot firs to. The landlord looked at his newtsaant, and heated a deep ask of rel eL Bat isn't this doleful news fur owners of vacant houses 3 •' M ww't a strew Taste. - A couple of our residents won specu- lating upon the probabilities of a rain store on Monday het, while goading on the corner of West chest ted the Square, when they were accosted by as Aahi.ld man who had some ho fawn to se* the sports. " Say, gentlemen," said he. " mint it kind of quiet hero to -day 1 Then don't appear to be any liveliness here of say account. Now, 1 passed Kihtail early this morning, and thinp were works' lively. There had been two bights. and the fellers that separated the two par - tier of the two first parts were steatite' ready to jine in on their own :comsat ; but, hang it a11, there don't appear to he a chance for a ghost of a racket 'round here." And the man from Ashfield who want- ed to see a "lively time," heaved a deep sigh, and walked disconsolately into the "Woodbine" for somethieg to re- lieve his melancholy. The Man With the Powerful Voter. "Who is that eras with the powerful voice 1' asked a young lady on Domin- ion Day at the games. "What young man r replied her es- cort. "Why that young man with thepower- ful voice and the white waistcoat," said the fair questioner. "And riaging the bell'' queried the escort. "Yes. And he calls out the games with so powerful a voice." "Oh, that's Jack Robinson." "And hasn't he a noble voice ?" said the young lady, admiringly. "He has," replied the escort, as Mr. Robinson's stentorian tones rose above the noise of the brass band. "Anti does he sine," asked the young lady. "You should just hear him in 'Lar- board Watch'," replied the escort. "He has a powerful voice.' "A very powerful voice," repeated the young lady_ teiees Frees the Angier.. I caught nine dozen trout last week. Judge Sinclair. I've been hauling in the pickerel. - following is the Statement of the govern- "Statist Mater," was suns' by the choir, Town Clerk Campbell. ment distribution of the license and the "Mere,- by Father Boubat I take them as they come. brant the fund to the municipalities of and Mfesys Drtwaie and Welsh. Mies ger. the Writ Riding of Huron :-Goderich, Cooke played the "Dead March in Seel" The "suckers" and "sheepheads' uts- $1,906,75 ; Clinton, $574.21 ; Wingliam, a. the cortege left the chart*. Father lordly noose up before me. His worship. $448,77 ; Blyth, 298,72 ; Colborne, 'Vatter made a few • reworks, touching 1' ! ,rid of fislu I ed 8215,90 ; Ash , 161,64; W. Wawan- osh, $86,68 ; Tornberry (part of town - Goderich I am going to tel you all front the time I started tin I landed here. I lett Goderieh ua Monday morning, and got to Duluth on Thu,.day. We had an excellent tripoli the way up,and I hearti- ly thank Copt. Ed. Iitoh.rtsou, mate and putter of the boat. They favoured ma well, and when I landed at Duluth the custom house officer didn't puzzleme. 1 hired scar than for Jaeaest.wn, costing me $40,and I would not have begrudged it if I had nothing to du but to see the beautiful soenery from Duluth to James- town. First aro the deep cuts and beau- tiful little valleys and green timber to Brainard. I thought then Could not be a prettier One than Goderich, but that took my eyes, and from there to Fargo wet• still prettier patches of timber here and there, broken by small lakes and a beautiful groan prairie. I could hardly believe my own eyes Fargo is about 3 times the size of Ooderich, and a tine place with . ectric lights. You .an read the newspaper in the streets the darkest n ight. From thee. t0 JaoestoR*, 93 mil«, is nothing but the level prairie without • stup nor a atone to b. seen, bat ins 41.14. mof wheat, oats smi'iailey. It seemed to be like the ocean I Can't fully tell bow it I•tsked,Mtt Mader ahead of anything I ever saw; and J•ateatown g aps them .1L It lies in the valley of the James river, 4b wiles frost 'lies 1 thought I was going to have a hard trip of it. but I never in my life .aioyed myself mors than I did Deming out ere. 1 hind two teams and got nay statin taken down here. We followed the valley all tis way, and 1 can't describe the beauti- ful watery of the James river Salley. It teiRu. from 3 to 6 'nils wing with du of timber hen and there. I did sat isili .. that thee/moony wee so for ad- vanced. As it u, every body is busy, building, ploughing and improving. There is a good honest hard working clam of people here, and I honestly be- lieve then is over $6 in circulation here to one sant in Ontario. Every town I sew was fairly alive. Then have been over 800 buildings put tip in Duluth this spring, also in Brainard,Fargo and James- town, and as for this place, they are building as fast as they can get material pt,and it's alive. There are over 300 teams hen now at work on the R. R., and there are as fine frame houses here as then are in Gedsrish. I am glad to say that one of our Goderich town boys who left there four years ago, and was one of the pioneers here, hoe a fine stone house 1812ti, 10 feet high, and that is Angus Matheson. He is a good sharp, lively, go-ahead fellow,and deserves credit, and finds that atone is cheaper that lumber, which costs here from $35 to $70, per 1,000. And it costs more to build a email house here than a large one in On- tario. But other thinp are not much dearer than they are there. 1 am griev- ed that 1 was not out here Were now, and I give my friends this advice, and also to whom it may concern. I would ad- iise any man that has no land to come here 11 he can, or any one that rents Dom., but an old man that has a good home and out of debt, you had better stay. A man of money can make it fast here. My son-in-law has a large board- ing house here, andls doing n.ore busi- ness than the British Exchange in Gode- rich. I have read in some of the east in papers since I came here, of kirsch groat storms happening out here, but there was nothing heard of them here, and I think this is a good climate and crops are as far ahead here if not further than theyars in Huron, and they had on .an average here last year 38 bushels to the acre of wheat. Potatoes -I never sew the beat of them, and all garden stuff. As for apples they have none here yet, but there are lots of wild plume. This to just as good a place as Canada for fare: - mng. It rained three times since I cause here and the mein look good. 'They have good showers occasionally. I was well treated by the officer at Duluth, Edward Patterson, and at Jamestown by Sanford A. Shaw, formerly from Sttat- ferd, and he told mo he has tared over $10,000 in the last fire years. Ile flow keep. the Commercial hotel, and is d,.ing a good business. it would take a week to write all, I would wish to esy, hut i wilt stop and let others testifly M some- thing. Tremain yours truly, War. MsCAin, Milk man fr,'s Goderich. A note front Mr. Angus Matheson on the satire subject will appesr next week. deeply on the virtues of the demand se a wits, mother, and truly Christian wo- N very . ng canoe trtov Hio STEAwaSailee.- -The strawberry into town. --John Sturdy. outlook fur the season is said to he ex- shi ), $44,15 : Hallett( part of township), man. Its s grand rmeresti,.n H ugh Hamil- tremely favorable. Local reports of 10 12. satoe. strawberries two, three and fyer inches Hen' 14. 11100L LITwaART MoiTy.- i trait as noseswosal h•nok Togs in circumference are remind in (nem all ODrrvAay. Mrs. Ries, wife of Mr. The closing meeting of the term was G eror4e Rica of the North American (all of intMast and was largely attended. SMyd' direction.. bort New Ynrk reports throw Chemical Malt Works, died on Warless- The election of officers for the next tease No esrly worm that g"ts the NAL all those m thereshade. A dealer in con __Jobs Valuator venation with a reporter of .one of the of a few weeks. The dweeaatn( was high- Kees ; 1st Vice -Pres., Miss F. Renton; Tse down at peep 0 day I'. t, (►se. pro h one that weasurea thirteen inches in circumfer ly respected by her acquaintances, and 2n Vice Pres , Mis. K Macar. ; Sea. I I oft« spend a gn,et hoar angling. one., Std a. man who a)" .......1 it to me her death is }such regretted hy a large Mr. Pentland ; Treas., Mr. Ander'' : i WlIkingnn picked ninety gnerta ft»m one patch that ar3L of hieids Her bereaved family' Librarian, Mr. Allan; `sec of Coos., Mies, I'm a fine hand with the roe'. Harney averaged ten berries to the gaert. But has the entire sympathyof the entire Strang ; Editress, Maggie Cameron. lleOwrS•uk. the troabL w we can't wet • rice for community. The funeral took plan• on D rithe • eft' the t Ib ' P day last, of inhrnrnsticn, after an illness resulted as follows :-President, Mr. • Lading papers eau . "H a ng evening e o wing Thursday afternonn,and the obsequies at gramme was offered : Readings -gingen Rt. (ieorge's church. were largely attend- Harriaon and Dnncan• Mimes Struthers ed. The funeral service wax performed and M. Miller Miss Strather's exhibits by Ven. Archdeacon F.Iwnnd and (Rev uncommon powers as n reader. Solo, John Walters Mies Caldwell T)aett Miss Atari and PT"- Arid res Pretty good, t..o. -The man them. Thew ber'tiea ahoold ixtng trots wits tri bnq beard. 20 to 40 eenta a quart, and it is haul 1 rise the ro l during v.eatio n nnly. work to get 15 rents Rot them, w*lie H. I. Strang. nesrl all the beii.. the+ :mets net► doab e the usual size, and 8 and 10 serfs i carr was 'am awl H H Rinse a quart is the hest we stn get few these "