HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-29, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAYI JUNE 29. 1883. BIDDEN() GOOD-BYE S IpMMrolb ra Ip■r and Pres entation c lir. te. Ferguson ON of those pleasing events that tend to ism that good citizenship is appreci- ated by • large number of people, took place at Bailey's hotel on the evening of Thursday of last week, when a coutph- assatary supper was tendered by the oitiaens of Goderich, and a handsome "Z" jewel waspresented to Mr. D. Ferguson, an oldand much respected business matt, prior to his departure for Detroit, %here he purposes going into trade. After the supper had been partaken of, F. W. Johnston, reeve of Ouderich, was called to the chair, and the folowing touts were given and duly responded to : The Queen—"God Save the Queen.' The Prince of Wales and royal family —Song. The guest of the evening" was then introduced by the chairman in an appro- priate manner, and the character and in- tregrity of Mr. Ferguson were highly spoken of. When the chairman had resumed his seat, Mr. It. Radcliffe arose, and after a few pleasing prefatory remarks pre ✓ ented the guest of the evening, un be half of Huron Royal Arch Chapter, with a past principal's jewel. Mr. Ferguson, in responding, thanked the doners for the valuable present which they had given him, and also thanked the residents of Goderich fur the kindly feeling shown him since his advent to the town. In conclusion, he assured them that no matter where he went the recollection of the kindly feelings ex- pressed to him on this occasion would never fade from hia memory. The Educational Interests—Respond- .ed to by Mr. G. Swanson, John Butler, W. H. Ball and M. Nicholson. Municipal Institutions — Messrs. Sloane, Murney and Campbell. Mercantile Interests -- Messrs. John Acheson, G. Shepphard, C. A. Nairn and J. F. Robinson. Agricultural Interesta—W. J. Harris and A. Sands. Our Visitors—Mr. W. Swanson. Army and Navy—Jleasrs. Cooke, Ad- dison and Beck. ' " The Stars and Stripes," the flag of the future home of the guest of the even- ing, was also drunk with much enthusi- asm. Oheppardtoa. Gaaalt4Io. STAND BACK. —A cow be- longing to Joerph Hogarth gave birth to a calf recently, which weighed 100 lbs. at its birth. In 45 years experience on the farm, this is the largest- the owner has yet raised. The Press—Responded to by Mr. Jaz. Mitchell. The Ladies—By Messrs. Sloane, John- ston and Nairn. After touting " The Host and Host- eas," the gathering was brought to a close by the singing of " Auld Lang Syne." During the evening songs were inter- spersed by Messrs. Cluas, W. Lasham, Ed. VanEvery, and others. Mr. Ferguson left Goderich on Friday, with the best wishes of the people of the town for the prosperity of himself and family in the time to conte. Ootlsrloh Tovashlp. John Smeltser sold a horse to W. Steep Clinton, for $150. D. Junor s year old stallion turned the scales at 1380 tbs. John Ferguson, Ba d, caugh• salmon trout on Thursday that wan hod 57 the., and two „then that weigh 79 ter. Mr. and Mrs, McMurray, of Thurlow, Hastings couuty, are visiting the family of their eon, Robert McMurray. of this township. FIRST Rtes STaAwaatts RA.—Alen. Gerrard has presented us with the first ripe strawberries of the season, picked on the 23rd of June. This is rather lat- er than usual, showing that the spring has been hack ward. All his old costum- ers will be glad to hear Oat he an sup- ply them as uvu.:i with the best berries in market, honest measure and at R eder- ste rates. Give in your orders early in the season to prevent disappointment. 31at1[lil. DOMINION DAY. —Ten of the township schools have pledged themselvea to at- tend the picnic at Kintail on the 2i:41 of July. Port Albert. $140 were refused last week for a three -year -told )oke of steers, owned by one of our fanners. Scaaita.—Five polecats were killed by one of our residents last week while cleaning nut hia sheep pen. MATRIMONIAL LacTvaa. —The break on the culvert at P. Kelly's has been re - pared by Jas Kirkpatrick and James Thurlow. The jovial reeve of the town. ship let the job, and meeting one of ear best known and moat respected bachelors, (who doesn't live a thousand miles from the temperance hall), advised him strong - 1] to enlist in the noble army of bene - dicta, as the road would be in better con- dition if there were!less!fsingle men to wear them out 0 THE WORLD OVER There are 261 prisoners in the central prison. The tallest Princess in the world is the Crown Priucen of Denmark. She is 6 feet 3 inches high. The Queen a health is really improv- ed. She was able t , wall[ from the ata - tit n to ber carriage on her arrival at N'tudsor on Monday. Louis Riel has rest t.ted to Winndpeg, his seq1,tenc: t1 banishment having expir- ed rwMs time since. Sir John will have a cheap, to ''catch ' him uuw. While fishing one day last week, Gene Mathews, of Momaburgh, caught a pic- ker'eal which had ,wallowed aj ack-knife. The knife wee closed and the handle is about 2; inches long. The decision of the Supreme Court in the subject of the status of British Co- lumbia ccurts settles the right of the Provincial Legislatures to legislate in matters affecting the local courts, At Chester, II1., St. Mary's levee broke Suuday night. and St. Mary's bottom, a large wheat -raising region, was flooded. Twenty thonsand acres of wheat are under water on this bottom alone. During the absence of Hon. Mr. Mowat in Eogland,whither he has gone to watch over the interests of the Province in cer- tain cases appealed to the Judicial Com- mittee of the Privy Council the Hon. Mr. Pardee will take charge of the Attorney - General's Department. Hon. Mr. Har- dy has for some months put been acting Minister of Education in the room of the Hon. Mr. Crooks, who is still absent in England through who health. It does not always pay to hire •cheap labor. Two young men of excellent ad- dress, with their wives of equally good appesrance,offer'ed their services as clerks in a Missouri store. As they showed a familiarity with the business, and were willing to work for half the usual wages, the four old employees of the concern were dismissed to give place to the strang- ers. One dark night at the end of a month they disappeared with $9000 worth of goods. The Tory candidate for Algoma, Mr. W. H. Plummer, recently held a meet- ing at Rat Portage. He was asked by the Mayor would he, if elected, support incorporation under Manitoba. He re- plied that he would vote with his party. The ?stayer clinched the matter by ask- ing why, if Rat Portage was in Manitoba its people should vote for a member of the Ontario Legislature. He had not received an answer up to the time of going to press.—{Ex. TaMPRaaNI'a RALLY.—There was a stir at the Temperance Hall on Satur- day morning, when I. 0, G. T. Lodge No. 213, assembled to go to the union pic-nic at Benmiller. About 9 o'clock Marshal John Hall gave the word, and seven teams, laden with " precious freight," started for the grounds. The head team picked up your Dunlop re- porter, and a warn[ debate between him and a student from your [classic seat of learning was much enjoyed by the com- pany. Athough the theme was the peace- able one of the respective merits of the farmers of Leeburn and Dunlop, tall -talk was indulged in, and coffee and pis- tols (at ten paces) for two were suggest- ed. No gore was shed, however, and the eloquent debaters are again at peace. The officers wore their new regalia for the first time in public, and looked well. The spot chosen for the bivolack was in "Sherwood Forest," a owned by the salt king, Sam. Platt. The ladies were under the especial are of Bro. Hat - ry Horton and G. H. Clutton, who looked after their fair charges most loy- ally. The pic-nic was a monster affair, and passed of very enjoyably.—WeesTER BiowN. A big time is expected here on Dontiti: ian Day. The anniversary teameeting of the Port Albert church Sunday school will be held on Wednesday evening next July 4. Tea will be served at seven o'clock. Ad• dresses are expected from Rev. Messrs. Carry, Caswell, Bennett, and Thos. Mc- Gillicuddy, of Goderich. Tho choir will furnish appropriate music. D hop• Councillor Peacock, of Goderich town- ship, and wife, visited our town last week, and were the guests of Deputy - Reeve Allen. TI(R SICK LIST.—Last week the un- settled weather gave our sick committee a number of cases to look after. A ■ were case of cramps was cured by the tonic. The bluff constable and jolly en- gineer were deputed by the sick commit- tee to visit the patients house and ad- minister the potion. They did their duty faithfully, and next day the pa- tient was about again sound as a bell. Colborne. Mr. James L,chart has gone to Sault St. Marie, for the purpose of taking up land. Mr. R. Wonnacott left " box and dice",for the same place on Wednesday, 13th. - Quito a number of our German friends attended the camp -meetings held at Hainburgh last week. Good times aro reported. Statute labor is what moat of the fann- ers are killing themselves at now. l'he waters of the Maitland river con- tinuo very high for this season of the year. 0, that they might abate. Aabtrn. John McDonald was not as badly in- jured as was at first supposed. He is around as usual again. The young people who went to the pic- nic at the falls, Benmiller, on Saturday, were not as favorably impressed by the beauty and sublimity of that well-known resort, as a good many seem to be. We have much better grounds of our own, and would propose that if a demonstra- tion should be lieltl again it be held at Auburn. The trustees of our schtmol havetleceled to renovate the scho-t.l house during mid- summer holidays. Thiols a step greatly needed, and the teachers and pupils will feel the advantage of it next winter. Rev. .Ju. l'rit.chanl was a(rt, inted High Court chaplain, by the E• •resters at their meeting held in Ganant»cue lately. The Sacrament of the Lord a supper wall he dispensed in the Peettitenan church on Sunday, July 7th. The Sabbath aoh,role in ce,ntunct.on with the public aehnml intend holding a union pio-nic at the river en Wednesday next. when a u.eel time may beexpect A'1 'tire invited. Those from a distance who want t. have a really good tune a•td n es some delightful scenery ahould not fail to rums a l teas's Terrible e. arse. There is a young woman in St. Thom- as who is rather unpatriotic, but few will blame her undoi the circumstanoes. She appeared at the police office in great excitement, and endeavored to obtain a warrant for the arrest of her husband, or at least an order compelling him to re' main in the city, and backed up her re- quest by stating that she had married him only last Thursday, and didn't want him to go into camp with the soldiers just now. A writer in the Washington Post finds in the fact that Mr. Sheehan, one of the Guiteau jurors, has been sent to the in- sane asylum a proof that the baleful prophecy of Guiteau, that every one who had anything to do with his trial or con- viction would be followed by a curse. The writer points to the following inci- dents in confirmation of his theory: The death of District -Attorney Corkhill's wife Juror Hobb's wife, and Surgeon -General Barnes ; Judge Porter's health wrecked ; Marshal Henry, Bailiff Stahl, Detective McElfresh,JaiiI-waggon Guard Perry Car- son, and the driver, James Leonard, dis- missed from service ; Dr. Noble Young, important witness,dead; Rev. Dr. Hicks, libelled ; Dr. Gray, another expert. sht t at in a Utica asylum ; Dr. McDonald, the subject of investigation in connection with hia administration of Ward Island, N.Y.; Officer Pat Kearney removed from the Baltimore and Potomac depot. Au Orangeman on Kir John )Macdonald. DL. Francis Junes, in his lecture on "Witham, Prince of Orange, and his Times," made a ver clever hit at ainat Sir John Macdonald : "James Il, he said, persecuted the Hugenots at the bidding of his master, Louis, just its the politicians of the Do- ntinien acted under instructions from the Province of Quebec. (Applause.) df James II had been a modern politian, instead of allowing the tool of his intoler- ance, the ever notorious Judge Jeffreys to he caught, he might have given him five thousand pounds to enable him to es - c,1, heft then gone round the country wishing to God that he could catch him." Mr. Jones was for some years member for Teals. He was then an ardent sup- porter of Sir John Macdonald while he sat in parliament. Since his defeat,like his first parents at the fall, he has had his eyes opened, and seems better able to understand the tricky and insincere et,nduct of the Primo Minister. Mr. Jones, as a prominent Orangeman, is likely to give Brother Sir John and Brother Bowoll some trouble.—(Adver- tiser. Fenno me entertained that the crops will suffer from the superabundance of rain. We hear that in some sectio,$ damage has been done, especially in the low lands. It is ail very well for people who live in the cities to shelter them- selves from the run until the storm is over, but it is a very different thing to the farmers. The fruit crops have nut. ferd as well as the grain, the result of which will be that instead „f having great crops of all kinds, as everybody expected, the crops will be anything but great. The merchants have been very conservative in their buying, and then is, therefore, ground for hope that will he able to weather the steam when it strikes them. The effect of a "mod harvest is to put money in circulation, and give the merchant, something to do, hat unless matters brighten up before harvest time the great expectations in which we have all been indulging will „t I,c realised. Telegram Mr. Woodworth, M. P., had a farm in Manitoba that cost him about $1900. The railway officials got some gravel from him which they valued at ,72, and arbirstors appointed put it at $100. In the estimation of his own modest self, this gravel was valued at $19,317. .The government has compromised the matter by allowing hint $8.300. This man was one of Sir John's mat servi'e followers during the hast session. Comment is un- necessary. Mr. J. R. Cameron, for a long time past managing editor of the Hamilton Spectator, is alx,ut to leave chatournal to take a similar position on the Minne- apolis Tribune. \\-e trust the el ertator will nut in the future 1eny the reality of the exodus; and we will cheerfully bear the testimony to the fact that Canada is losing an able man, though a Tory. Coming so aeon after the victory in North Brant, Mr Cameron's departure ma4-es it look as if the fates were kind to the Ref•,nn party this season. When advertising a piece of residence property far sale, a shrewd real estate agent will mention among other advan- taves of location that "good schools are within easy reach," that "churches of different denominations are within short distances," that "though in a quiet and retired part of the city. two minutes' walk takes you to a street car line lead- ing int" :he heart of the city," etc. But did you ever notice, in this enunierntion of inducements to buy. the fact that a tirst-class salmon was located on the op- posite corner, nr that on the next block, was a "free lunch counter," where the "best beer in the city" was always on draught, or a poola•,t.m which would be an handy and pleasant for the boys t No, indeed. while the church, the school, and the easy access to business are essential to the well being and tnain- tanco of the home, the ethers are, in every sense antagnostic and inimical to everything that is reckoned dearest and moat valued in that sacred place. THE Cist'INNATI Bi -vl'Lbtrs. —The Sarnia I)bserr.v has the following : "Two ynung men,Frank Sargent and John \V. Innes, on a fortnight's tour on bi- cycles from Cincinnati, (him, came down on the Ontario from Goderich onfiunday morning, and left on the G. T. R. for Stratford on Mnwday morning. Their first ride was to Detroit, at which point they entered Canada. Leaving Windsor in the direction of Leamington, they be- came lost in the swamp. and found it necessary to tow their bicycles two or three miles nn a raft made by rails, themselves walking on the top rails of a snake fence. They psssedthrough Blen- heim, ht. Thomas, London to Goderich. From Stratford they r'dde to Hamilton aad Toronto, from thence to Niagara by steamer, from Ruffale to Cleveland they will bestride their shadowy carriages, and from there to Cincinnati by rail. The young gentlemen expressed them• selves highly delighted at the courteous and exceedingly hospitable welcome ae- enrded them by res; m wheelaen in Canada, and were i!> well sattafied Pith their trip np to this point Alto• gedier they will rats 000 miles, half of which were completed on their arrival at Oulerieh A iauglable incident during an evening journey recurred while skirt- ing a graveyard. They passel a pedes- trian on either side and the it oft hreese bore after them for a c,,naidcrable de- fence the shrieks of the fright-atncken man, who probably insagine•l he had be• visitant" held ghostly visitant 0 0 1;.% SO4 SN4 0 W E O P4 -4-a0W ra .1-10 o 144 (DO 00 o O u2 cp it TEI LARGEST STOCK OP WALL PAPER WEST OF TORONTO AT IMITRI TS BOOK STORE. DADOES., FRIEZES. FILLINGS. BORDERS. FRESCOES. STENCIL DECORATIONS. CORN ERS. CENTRE PIECES. EXTENSIONS. CEILING DECORATIONS. AND ALL KINDS OP BORDERS, PLAIN AND GOLD The above Wall Papers are this seasons DIRECT IMPORTATIONS from the Beet American and English Manufacturers, and comprise all their Latest Designs and Patterns. '_Nothing can equal them either it Price or Quality. INSPECTION /MUTED. Satisfaction Guaranteed. The Prices range from 5c per roll up to $2.50. JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. Moorhouse. North Side Market -SO., Goderich. BIG DRESS GOODS SALE THIS MONTH, AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S "Who's Your Tinner ?" "Why, Saunders 4' Son." THEY DO ALL SORTS OF Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work IN GOOD SHAPE ANI) AT LOW PRICES. Iron Roofing and Eavetrou�;!zing Attended to t to �1 s.� 1 Promptly by Experienced Hands. Anything in our line finished ■p promptly, and NO HIGH PRICES CIL-I RGED ! OUR STOCK OF Stoves ari.d -'Tiriware IS LARGE AND WELL AS$ORTI,D. J.4•MfES S•4 U.Y.DERS 4 50.1; Goderich May 31, 1883. West street. neat door to the P.O. Dominion- Barb Wire Company. SOLE 34 -ANL -FACTURES iN CANADA OF THE LYMAN FOUR POINTED BARB STEEL WIRE FENCING. This wire fencing is trade of the very test quality of wire that tan he procured, and the barb is the best arranged barb made. No better wire fencing is in the market, which tact is attested for by its Increased use by all the leading Railway lines In the Dominion. The best is the cheapest every time. Call and see it before purchasing and it shall speak for itself. Sr JOHN A. NAFTEL. Sole agent for Goderich and vicinity. I am also agent for the Queen City 011 Works celbbrated Castorine and Peerless Lubricating Oils 1 have now in stock a large assortment of the hest brands of white lead manufacture f guaranteed free from one ounce of adulteration. Quality will tell. JOHN A NAP' ?'FL (.HEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. Auctioneering. JAMES BAILEY, LICENSED AL'C- • TION EF.R for the County of Hnron. liav• ing entered the Hat. Is now prepared to attend to all orders for Auctioneering. Orders left at Bailey's Hotel, Goderich. or sent by mall. promptly attended to. 11 JOHN KNOX, LICENSED ACC- • TIONEER for the County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. Or den left at Martin's Hotel or at this office will he promptly attended to. 11187-tf. 1-4 W. BALL, Ai-CTIONEER FOR 1 . the County of Huron. Sales attended Ip any part of the County. Address orders to (toderich P.O. 1883. WILSo N'�t Pisiipiill Drug Str, Warner's Safe Care, Van Bursal Kidney ('nrc. Hail's Catarrh ( ore (Invitee. Hair Renewer. Crowfoot Indite Bitters. Warner' Aervine, Klttgi New Discovery. Fowler's Extract or etreweerry. trTr bNu � 1L the new Pain Romedr— bIAMOND DYES, BEST IN THE WORLD. 100. rzare. Legal. 1 C. rches coHAYES, rner of SOLICITORtoo stmt. (1tlerich, oyer Butler'nares bookstore\Vest. money to lend at lowest rates of interest. J EWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERe, Attorneys, Solicitor+ in Chancery dt, Office In the court House, Ooderlch. iRA Lewis, M.A. 11.12.L. E. N. l.rwts. 1820. el ARROW & PROUDFQOT, B A R T RiMTF.1te. Attorneys, Solicitors. etc Ooderlch. J. T. Harrow, W. Proudfoot. 173 SEALER & MORTON, BARRIS- TERS, Re., Ate.. Goderich and Win ham. C. Meager Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Morton. Wing ham. 1751. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, V Barristers,Solicitors In Chancery. &e. 3odertch and Winfrh$m. M. ('. Cameron. Nears.C.; P. lam moron Goderich. 1761. W. YOUR FORTUNE ! 1f yon will rosern this Slip with t'. rents, or 9 for e-oent stamp.. we will arnd .m, h) ma,l peM-patd. Ms 1. g , p , , I,raiit 111111 1.hmmn �t eSNalwing 100�sPast Selling Articles. ce1etae la Nis perrq n���sam�isiiii,, rvtwas lea Theo Desset ( mar Hit arenseta INNS V the N. •