HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-29, Page 7rah HURON SIGNAL, FRIUAY, JUNE 29, th8 Tun anb FencQ. To preserve cherries -Keep the small • boys ore A blued relation-tellin: the story of a tragedy. Tho wrestling season does not end un- til the fall. Stare -way -The entrance ,Ennui a lohurch door after services. The mosquito as a public singer draws well, but never gives satisfaction. For good board apply at any sawmill, and for plain board go to any carps tet shop. one who knows *ys tl r to the a,un• try they Wow a horn be. to dinner, Kut in town they take one. The Muss Pointers i ,1iss.) place eggs instead of dimes in the c,utributiwt box. They are entered in the ehureh,L .oLs aa lav offerings. •• You said, lir. J1)h•,11, chit your u m brella hod a straight hen Be 1" "i thought it did,but sines it vanished! �'•i certain it ended with a husk'. During the last year of its existeu_e, William and Mary college had butione student, and how he contrived te, make a base -tall nine out of himself we can't Imagine. A plug bat implies a sort of dignity and propriety that tine slouch hat dee' nut even hint at. Be who wears one must keep the rest of his dress in har- n.onieus trim, else the ineonsistency ('f' dress is to marked. A man with a plug hat will buy en uuhrella and seek the society of ladies. He can't go Lusting and tishing in a plug, uor run, jump, romp, •.r get into a tight in a plug. 1 'Words of Wisdom. No legacy is so rich as honesty. Economy itself is a great income. Men murk the hits, and cwt thALtniss- ea It costs more to avenge wrvugs than to bear them. Whatever makes men happier makes thein better. It is a good rule to be deaf when a slanderer begins to talk. • Feebleness of means is, in fact, the feebleness of him that employs them. Circumstances are the rulers of the weak ; they are btu the instruments of the wise. Out in the world then show us two slies of their character : by the fireside only ane. - A woman may get to love by degrees ; the best tiro does not flare up the aeon - est. Where there is much pretension much has been borrowed; nature levee pre- tends.' Neter despise humble services ; when large ships run agrouud, little boats may pull them off. Attrition is to the stone what good in- fuenceeare to the man ; both p•_dish, while they reveal hidden beauties. When a man is at the foot of the hill i••. hie fortunes, ho may stay a long while there in spite of professional accomplish- ments. The tees -i man : trees out his es u for- tune. • A life spent w... _sly should be me :s tired by a nobler le e -by deeds, not years. He is most to blame who breaks the law -no matter under what pt •voC.%tion he net. Nothing can constitute a good bre.d- •ng that has not gold nature for its fuutt- dation. Menage sometimes accused of pride nterel, ' '+ethc' •-^nr woad he proud themaelvea 1' they were in their places. By re' ,, hie•.nlf, L, vastness, by restraint and Cort -•1, the wise ••• w may. • e tee hituaels ani islani wl•iee no demi •.n overwhelm. Some people are nothing but money, pride and pleasure. These three thins engruss their thoughts and take up their whole soul. Per,everence can sometim nal gen- ius in its results. 'There are only t• creatures," says ! 'rn proverb "which can surmount the pyramids -the eagle and the snail." 1 ne beginning of hardship is like the first taste of bitter food -it seems for a moment unbearable ; yM ' their is n• '' • dr c else to satisfy our hunger, we take another kite anti find it possible to go e 11. One ought to love society if he wi-hell to enjny solitude. It is a se,cial nature that solitude works upon with the mus: various power. If one is misanthropic, and betakes himself to loneliness that he may get away frons hateful things, soli- tude is silent emptin... to hits. Peace ie better than joy. Joy is an uneesy guest, and is always on tip -toe to dopai.. It tries at.,', us out, and yet keeps us ever fearing that the next moment it will be gone. Peace is not so. It comes more quietly, it stays more contentedly, and it- never r nate our strength, nor gives us one r- ',ins, fore- casting thought. - In the history of medicines no preps ration has receival such universal com- mendation for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cute it effects in kid- ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney Cure. its action in these distreaane complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson. 2m es. A v.. al " ,eery. That is daily Ireeeing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones fmm an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's new Discus.;. a .'or Consump- tion. retie m, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Los. of Voir'e T:c:-ling; in the Threat. Pain in Fide and Chest, or any disease of the T7,a.d anti Lunge, a positive cure. Que...:,teed. Trial Bot- tles few at J. Wilson's Dry! Store. Large sire $1.00. (K) No bomesise d should be considered cemplste whims! a bottle of Dr. Van Btawfa Caw Cure is in the closet. it is es ably nems') that will positively, neeminisalWand promptly cure all forme of Midsq Weise& Sold by J. Wilson Ilea tarelos of Geld. Keep the tongue Irons unkindness. It is vain to gether virtues without hu - The truly sublime is always easy and P at Wei. What tutu want is not talent --it is parte-ed. t'ngislefulnese is the very poison of aatuhome Happy those who fearing God fear u otaiug else. O e always has time enough if he will • I p.y it well. A. every golden thread is valuable, se lu . • cry minute. ....k to tee point, and stop when you les reacted it. It is wisdtm • think, anti fully to sit .•!.too thinking. 't' t' mother grace of alt ;1,i. graces is Ci... t amu ere'd-will. 1 testi no ismer crushed that man t. .. furtunedecided not. slu.uld believe only in wurks welds me sold for nothing everywhere Genius at first is little more than a great cal acity for rt..;iving discipline. Ile at peace without thinking of the future ; there may. be none for you. \Vitheut earnestness no man is ever great, or does really "'teat things. (What we charitably forgive will be re- compensed as well as what ee charitably give. Prayer is not conquering God's reluct- ance, lout taking hold of God's willing- ness. To educate the mind and let manners and heart run wild, curses humanity with mildew. None are ruined by the justice of God but those who hate to be reformed by the '"ace of God. Never let your zeal outrur, your chari- ty. The fumes. is simply human, but the latter is divine. Devote each day to the subject thee in time, and every evening will then find something done. Be sure you are right, and go ahead. With right and duty y. .t aro always in g..o] company. All that is enviable is not bought ; love, genius, beauty are dteine gifts that riches cantata aagntte. Beware t f the first lie, it may require a duznn to hide it, in any one of which you are liableto be caught. Those who would let anything take the place of Christianity, !must first alaol- ish all sorrow from the earth. Seel! throe ' proper and honest ef- fort to gain a good reputation, a Neuman - eel every man should strive to secure. For a man to thjnk that he is going to do the work of a Witham without obsta- cles, is t� dream iti the lap of felly. As water runs down from the swelling hille, and flows together in the lowly vale; so grace flows not but into humble heart.. The heart will commonly govern the bead ; and it is certain that any strong passion, set the wrong way, will soon in- fatuate even the •• -•Pit of then. Endeavor to be always patient of the faults and imperfections of others. for thou haat many faults and imperfections of thine own that require a recipre_ation f forbearance. The to ' r Ahr.te. .1 near bank which 11.1 been establish- e.l in a ! own - Tedium bad engaged the ices of a watch -••u who came well is _ .nlnteutied, but who did-, not seem over.experienced. The president there- fore sell• 1••r him • post him up a til, and bt,a11 : 'Jewett, this is your tirst job of this kind, isn't it I' 'Yes, sir.' 'Your first duty must be to exercise vigilance.' 'Yes, sir. 'Be careful hew .tl..ngers approach yon. •I will, s-•. •No stranger must be pm ,,itted to en- ter the bank at night order any pretext whatever.' •No, sir,' 'And .ur cashier -he is a good mau, honest, reliable, and thoroughly trust- -thy, but it will be your duty to keep an eye on hen, 'But it wi" be hard to watch two men and the bank at the same time, sir.' 'Two men -how 1' 'Why, sir, it was only yesterday that the cashier called ole in for a talk, and he said you was the squarest mel in Inde•na, hutthat it would 1 e just as well to keep both eyes on you, and let the di- ve know if you hung around a.'ter hours. --\\-all Street News. An • ...reit Warn'. Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitten will not speedily c. re 1 We say they cannot, aa thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily re. erre '-ng Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly c tr• d. They purify the blood, regulate the bow- els, and mets directly on the diseased parte. $envy bottle guaranteed. For vele at SOc. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1]: BRIBING A SPIRIT. A Der sad kit limner Driven Mad br a Fare aline Window rare. Philadelphia, Juue 20. -a desiwtuh from Suydertown rays that on Moeda,. night Mn. Moore, a widow s ho lives in a dilapidated house at Brush Valtey,wes awakened by the agoniziugshrieks a•f her son in an adjoining room, and running in she found t .e boy almost dead from fright. 11., said he had seen the spirit of hist/titer, who was killed five years yeah ago. The mother looked towards the window and in a chain of lightning saw her husband's face, pressed agaittat the pane. W• h terrific yells she sprang to the winduw�aid fell through rooming fatal injuries. When she recovered oon- iciousllesa she wee insane, and the h..yy also became Rud, feuemiug at the month and barking like ad.*. A farmer taaa,- ed Herriflti who attempted to ,quiet kiln was seized with fearful spasms the tate rnent he caught hold of Moore's hand. The young *on was finally secured by the neighbors and a physician now has charge of the case. ate• These are mol W Fars.. Thu Ileac blet,d purifier and system re- gulates ecu placed within the reach .•1 suffering hvlaittity, truly is Electric Bit- ers. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliou,Dees JaundiQY, Ocelot ipat ion, Weak Kidneys, or any di,bitse of the urinary ereauae Vr whoever regglrea an appetizer, Wilk er mild stimulant, will always find El conic Bitters the best and only certain etre keown. They act surely and quiekbr, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction of money refundec,, Bold at fifty Emits s bottle by J. Wilson. [41 Thousands are being cured of Catarrh every year withHall's Catarrh Care, that he do4tam ill' given up and said could not be 75 ceu.Ls a bottle. Sold by George' nos, sole atilept for (lode - risk. - "Whyailould a man Oreille blood is warts within • Sit ike garandsire cut in alabaster!, Or let bis b911irg1•tow rusty, scant aneisltsll. When "CiNitaLK,sEnvin,wkit willmake it grow the faster. )fob sale by J. Wil- son. '11n ♦Ther'suercjlant who advertises "new novelties" is soon to be married to the lady who f&nishes "table board." lin cerenemy will be conducted by the elergy- man who oc(aa&onallyape,aks of the "eter- nity of ererlatlting life."• Now Hirst there is a reliable remedy fer kidney troubles, ha:. the terrors attached to these complaints have been 'removed For this fit all be thankful, and'to Dr. Van Buren's Kidney, Cure award all praise for having thus reumoved a hitherto considered fatal disesae_ni our path It was never known to PAR. Sold by Jt Wilson. ' figs To the Mrdlrat rreteaa sS.' amid w11 whom l$ inlay rower. ' Phosphatine, or Nerve Il000, a Phos- phate Element base upon `cientitie Facts, Formulated byessor Austin, 1r� �, D M. D. of Boston, Masts., cures Pulmoo- ��j dC 331 k ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the humin tystent. Phosphatine is not a' Medeciae. but a Nutriment, beeare tereatains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Optakilefe. Nlrcotics, and no Stimulant; but serge ly the Phosphatic and Gar•ttic Etwssers found in our daily food.' A sinele terns ' 1s, sufficient to couvityc•' All Drugetsts sell it. 81.00 per brittle- LoWIrnili & Co., sole agents few the.' D•;m1111on, fill Front Street Etat Toronto Banking. BANE Or MONTREAL C6P174L - - •ts, Gc lerich Brane'h. 11. GLASS - - - Kanuyrr. t .w, interest ea deposits. Praha, letle. u 1 and circular Rotes Issued. ppssl}ab ea tr of the world. 176A. CANADIAN BANK OF COIIMKRCI Paid up Capitol, . •C,000,000. Rest, - *1,400,000. President • BUY. IkM McMARTRil 11 tarsi Manager, - W. is.......n,wv Goderich Branch. A. M. 1t0i4S, - - - - eleseer,K. Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a the principal Towns and liner in Canada Great Britain and the United States, bough and mold. Adranceeto Farmers on Note, w it h uneo more eador.ers. without mortgage. 1751 GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER -tar rug( - Orllest Established Horse ZN TH13 OOt TY_ Situ, satins. ribbons. 171 wool French caslimeres, fs.'tury and bleached rurton. prints, rf-e.. at tees than wholesale to ire^. Scotch and Canadian tweeds at wholesale pricer. I .-ks.cot tonadcs Sze., e.. eery low. C+ROCERI ES• Before ou bur of pedlars or grangers try , my teas. Tenor Ilyson tea warranttd bnre nom ttietr. per pound up. Black teas at ?Seta. equal to must 501.1. tea sold. My let t. lilac!: tea. worth recta., finest imported at 7.4-t.. per pound. All spices mold by me warranted pure. I . aDWARE STORE_ I hold in stock a large asoortmen' of bar iron, steel. nails. paints, oil*. Otte* to,cether with a general ass:nein env of *heir hardware, and the best CORN SH ELLER , on thentinent of America. Pre. only Are dollars. Bring In some ears of eons and Ery it • A CUIIE GUAItANTEEI• • •:t t N} =tit. t 'NAL, . I t •e wed !MAIN &NERVE FCC C. Kar old aid room'. Male and Presale Positively cures Nervousness in all its stages Weak Jdisaory, loss of Brain !'ower, se uctl {{�'t'oos�trtat, \'ipht Sweats, 8perrnatorrhaett, [.soeerrwakink Barrenness, Seminal Wog/mesa sod Oeasrat Loss of l'otrrr. It repairs Nervous Waste, Rejuvenates the Jaded Intel - loft, efreaptheas t*r Enfeebled Efrain. and Re- storesSuusriafap Tone and rigor to the Er - Aerated Generative Organs. With each ee- �torr■tie wxLvp packages accompanied with dollars, we will send our Written Guar- /or • to refund the noney. if the treatment doss got ellbet $ cure. It is the Clara peal nbd Rest Medicine In the market. Orrin' particular. In our pamphlet• whirl' we desire to mail tree to any address. NarL•s Wa'netle Medicine it sold by Drug- gists at :1e ens. per hex. or 15 box,. for E.I. er will be mailed tree of postage. 011n•eeilit of the money, by addnw.ingg ▪ Mtek'M AtitilLTIC limbi I',E Co.. WIn.I.or, t 1117., t'at.ada •ich, by JAMe:w 111LM1t. se. i all ', cry where IAS: -It I —1— DD THE CREAT 1 R 1.31.00J NI G 'S rinrificr W 11.1. CURS: the following diseases : It it e•unitsAhern, Sy I►IS f blm, Salt lthest uu, Sell re J. and SE.IN DISEASES. t. i.. ',move !"I�, rnd 1'e.» l •'( r = :nd t )!d Sores. iirady a . iL L{ d cine. TRADE MARK • TRA._": MARK 14 tUt.. a t./v miliag� cu: e f .r 8emtnal ♦Pianos ran, ti�srwat.:� Etter, 1,11 ' suer. and .. : ,tis,., _. - at IW OIi T*Xi a. ;16 T .v,u.t•..e Lusa of heeler'' U�O AFItlir nude, 1ele to Ib. Back, ft; 777���.. Premature old aye. and luau)' :lett d1��� 1111 Ica' to Insanity nr tor.imp, mtp,ion aW a premature Erste. ia.l'ull NIA touters Ia oar pamphlet. which we dh sire To a•tal tree b mail to everyone. 1 he Sp.. Cc M. incise 1a sold by all drumias1st it per pat la er Mx pnekairr for jh .111r011": r will be ,. n ,I,y gall onreeei t of rise micn,w lb,; a•i.tn .."1;.* THEGI!AV NEVI(' \1:(i.. T :.p n.flnt, 'r0 bold 11 t:eelcric't t, J*s. `t 11 CAUTION. -Ask for " Dr. Chan - fling's Sarsaparilla," take rc other In Its place. If your Drug. ;1st has none In stock, requc' 1 him to send for It. PRICE, 071: DOLLAK PER Lori Perry Darts alien k Lawre.',, Ca CR -A.1313' Sole Agents, MONTREAL BQCAItE. - GOIIEHICH. GODERICH BOILER WORKS. For all disorders of the,Stomach, Lir- er and Kidnsyr, Dr. Ceram i s Stomach Bitters are unsurpassed. They strength- en the whole muscular sys'em, give a healthy complexion, firing beck the keen edge of appetite and arouse into healthy action the whole physical enrr.y o1 the human frame. ''int vty miraculous is all i can say ..i the effect of Dr. Van •Buren's Kidney Cure in my case. Am *Merl lady writes this from Antignnish, N. R., whe had suffered from pains in the back for twenty yet. Sold by J. Wilson (Pod♦ rich 'tel Ooekle.'s Artdahre. The greatest 1n^tlicel wonder 1,1 the world. Warranted?, to. speedily cure Burns. Bruises,Cuts,'Clcers, Salt ltbeuut, Fever Sores, Caecers, Piles, Chilblain.'+. Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded. 25c. per box. For sale by J. Wilson. ly.t New Life for rnnrtlon• Weakened by lets rase. Debility and Dissipation. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific fee impeotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides, no matter hon• shattered the system may bo from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great German Remedy will restore the List function. atsd secure health and happiness. $1.00 per lox, six boxes for 85.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of price, postage paid, by F..T. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole rgent fur United States. Cir- culars and -testimonials sent free. Sold by Geo. Rnynaa, sole agent for Gode- rich. 3m : INCORPORATED A. it. 1*71. THE HAMILTON PROVIDENT AND • LOAN SOCIE?'f. CAPITAL HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. O Intending nnrrowers will consult their bootie tercets by examining the a4.antageoiw fertue offered by this Society. before going els- where. For rate* of interest, loan cables and further particulars. apply to SAMUEL POLLOCK, Agent, Goderteb. Goderieh. May lith, 1881. 1881-$M INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. CO' V, Toaoam--KatahIUhe 1&15 PHGCNIR TNS. CO'Y, of Lo coos England) Eetabli.hed 1782. HARTFORD iNS. CITY. of HARTFORr,, Penn -Ratab8shed tale, Risks taken In the above nest -clam Oakes sl the lowest Mae by 1101tA('K HORTON. The anileIs seen Aperaiser for the OANADA PM LOAN Ann $AYINa$ CO'Y TQaowvo. )coney to Lima_}tt' aret-thee enenrety, urn 7 to a per Cent. n,trlerate, R (Cit HORToS. Ooder''Ah Sept. 11. IIS. a▪ steesstd e ti Mu is swespra? air Irr1e Ie etmgnrnal lr M a yolk Is your Ire }�. h''• red, vr) ss flan ii -Thousand sof graves 0 are annull1T robbed of their victuns,lives • prolonged. happiness and health restored by the uscotthfgreat ac m GERMAN:INVIGORATOR: which positively and permanent y cures Int- al (caused by excesses of any kiud,i MenslasI Weakens*, allfi N1 diseases that fol- low as u sequence of Seli-.t. U. an :ors of en- ergy, lose of memory. uritcivet laadtude, painin 1110 tack, dimncka of teyiun. pretne- tureold age, and many other d:seas^s that lead to insanity or consumption at:d a prernn- ture grave. Send for circulars wit% tcstisntriala free ty mail. The IStII:Otttq:tit t11 at 81 per box, or six boxer 'for by all druggists: or will be sons free my r�t aiti. l, secnrcly acnlcd, yrs receipt of price, by addres-o.g. F. J. CHENEY. Progels.. 187 Summit tit.. Total •. ahio Guo. Buys as, W'le -,gent for Goderich TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN Ae',, ti, ii.:.i: •+ e:.•• lALT PANS manufac •,'•r•.•,, not e.•• A" .a.'.* of :.r:nt; exot:.4, d under the p'-rv,eta;-.;;,.,r: -:::,. •.1 the Proprietors sal o Ani • Wo .zmcn. 1'. • �. i;.. c , 1787 CM-11orWVrc! . ,t e• 10• any lit:, u,,(( ( .L: r. ' 1.; can:, • i-• .. - I t w hr• 1 .:-eplied with. f trr a I '•• 1 mines fail tet tr re te r l oa ed. LOW Boxes, o,, lin • g .. • t . cents. For sale by ail turn 8 eta, st• w • of euunterfefts and Irnha- ti:n1.. Tor.,uta, -I,, lnel only by I I,II N f. W 1:e'T a CO., "The Pill Makers," Pt and el King Fast, Toronto, Ont. Free tr!al package se•nt ly mail prepaid on receipt of n I tens stau:p. For Male at flhI 0\'% YRI'G %TORE Ilealth is Wealth. I Farmers Please Consider Thiel THE PERRY DAVIS PAIN KILLER sots 1 with r.r.derfat rapidity and aeorr fails.' wheu takeu at the e-eameuosiaent of an attack, to euro Cholera, Cholera Morbt•se, as well as all stammer complaint:; of a simi- lar nature. -- For Toothache, Burns, C. Scalds, Cuts, Bruises, etc. the PAIN HII.t-P.R writ be found a willing physician, ree'-. and able W relieve your sufteriag withoutdelay, and at :+ 'cry inset- ai8eant cost. Fur Colic, Cramps, — ANL,— Dysentery SL,— Dysentery in Horses, • the PAP( KILLER has no equal. it has never been known to fail to effect a cure in a single instance. It is toed in s„mo of the largest li,try stables and horse infirmario io the world. To resuscitate young lamb. orothar • etoek stilled and 'Sint from eold. a little Pius KILLxa mixed with milk will restore them W he lth verrVnickly. /Mr Ttte I'AIN KILLER is for sale by Dr,;csist•.tpothecaries, 11,•-4• nand Me i.eina ?dealers throughout the wor 1. — P:1 -; o urease ,..• a .i: u. c o. t owls. .•411.1.• rho do I;.rot-r •:.rte •e••1 ortun (ties re,:', rr.3. AV i• t. err area I:,.c e 0 ..;lt. We watt 1:.•e, WO - I. 111, -111 work torr UN u: thea wn;twat th:.. •t; :sweeten $10t1c work pro- perly from the ,fir.' sue. rhe tinhorn will pay more toll, mewanti/ury wept r. Ex- pensive outnt 111:-ui•l.e'r' re iii. '\u o' a who en- dagea fails to make naut v raped‘ . 11 n can rorutc your r. hole time 1 the w'oai , er only your -pare moment.*. Full t,:. Innt'uu and all that is necessary sent fr. e. Addrers PTIN NON 1 Co. I'enland..J1alne iLa:`.tMA 'S WORM POWDERS. 1 re 1 leftmost to take- Contain their own Pur,•atl re. I. a safe, sure, and effectual destokrrr at wen= in Children or Adulta ISR. IS. (:'lt'tieT'n \Lott: s:.D 1:14.si tlt:vr, a guaranteed specific for Ilysterta, Dia :Mosul. (;,•.t uir;utn• Fits. Nervous Neuralgic, ttestirerareentrYten Il lIralioii caused be ibe use of aic:,hoI nr:..}•u eo, 1Vaketa'nesa, Men- tal hep -•end ,e, S .t ening of the Brain, result fig is to :Ener sled leading to misery, decay atilt d>`••!,, 1''-.•ws.Mswe'4*1d Age, Rarrenne.s. Los t of Poe twit. .•., eer next Iarclnnt ary Losses and :fp-rni It.q-:' re;- enured -by over-(xertiolt of the brave •el'•ahaae or over -Indulgence. Able bog will cum recut ease*. Koch tins c.,t- rninsouetw,rathotrcatnrcnt. (one dollar a box, or *Ix liters fur Are $.liars : sent by mail pre Ipaid est oreenip of pri•'e. We guarantee six bexes to cue -e rsv carr. With each order re- ceived by at. for six l.e;es, at-cennpel:fed with flre+eles. we will send the purchaser our wrWen gu,,nlr. see to wound the nests) if the treatment .loss not elT.' a cure. tat.arwatee. Issued catty by JAMB' WILAON, sole authar- irted agent forgnderieh, (hit, J1t1IN C WEST R (Y1 sok. proprietor.. Turut.ta Ont. WiLL CURE OR RELIEVE EILIDUSNESB, 01 •SPEPSiA, i,'IDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, :.CLT RHEUMS, H: ARTRURN, II EADACHE, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And every specie, of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH. BOWELS OR Bwwoo, T. MILBURN & CO., °' el 0. week made W bout t•y the in lstrIoos. Resit bathe.. now be. the paMle. (74.lt911 new noire - We will start you. Neat wo. bars rad girls waisted every - /et New ill tiers. foo Or ar whole i eta oars tau to neaa win vile' at ours fres. I t .e eirlitf. ddhwneeRel. e s a R ` w I AG E^ 1 a7 w wlL Mfg l'+.p mot Constant ,•tn leyI,t w M nr (1tpIW wear 'JAMKe Lat R Co. XIS t rust. - i7e1 war re Oatsw MIN w Kli gnn't ryQA �Jfil��'t 1 Ci-1�I►��, .;ts, -A1 'rhea relief or euro o'rs•t- re•- r--•wul b.. ratun•le t, - - T•'n , a HALL'S tAT-ARH .URE aa9srlII111� is Recommended by 1'hrmlelana* C IITZ EtiR3 Catarrh of Mr 4atal Cpvity --C ironic add tJlcerathy Catarrh of Oa Ear. Eye or j hriat. It Is taken INTERNALLY. an. acts IRtCTLY upon theBlind and Mucous drfacet{ of tae ystem. 1` fa {�,e best (flood rimier in the WORLD, and s worth ALL Mel It eharKed for It. for Titer atone. rxe ONLY INTERNAL CURE FOR CATARRH 1 nr Trip: M4114KIT.IS'1 $ 100 w� t�r.�, ,�',.a” $ 100 as WaLn,pD, Vat,! Marsh 9,, 1)99. My little uaeghter war trout. ed with Catarrh for two yr•tn, and was very ruuob eeu'atte.l by. the am ass •' Ha.l'. Catarrh ('are•' Sao 1d aim! about ousel N. T. is • WEtarcn, On.., M••ruh tto, 1sl91 1 tare used " Haire (catarrh Cure," and Age.Mg from the good results I do;, and from OMB bottle, believe It will ours the most auburn' ease of Catarth If its one he aostirt5ed feg a reasnnabi, length of time. W. H. HR►,tog,' Wrt.r,tettOnt, Daroh % INA r..I. Ca.a1.r R Co„ Toledo. O. Menti. -Harm .old Hall's Cat:trrb CUM lag GDP %en year, and it gives entire .atisfactdmi Tours truly, H ST. iV teat e11, Deugree. Hall's Catarrh Cure ' dd by as .Vhobmale and 11.1.11 Iharatg and Peeler, tel Petent MedlshH.ls the Ladled asses sad grads. ll'l12ca i Centslsss Hotta. $lw00 a Dos 71th onlys .rat s tf c1�u� ., atm 0. msr'sewees N nusion1ssa �` 1so111N far tie OnMrls gado by It W. HOB80N, W.1Iand. oat (;Et►11(1F !MYNAS, ,,t, 'te ARent,