HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-29, Page 5r 1 1'H�" $i1KUN �lUr AL, rxiWA!, . PHILADELPHIA'S SHAME poi l t {ervasiOa ay •'•r. " Matra way's If, LLLLLL Tsaa/aa Babe. to Ike Yep. A Philadelphia despatch says:-Bhort- iy after 8 o'clock to -day the little wife of Dr. Hathaway entered police headquart- ersaltd asked to see the Chief of Polios. When she ;Me him she walked up t., hits and said "J,Ir. Givis, I told part of my tale of sorrow yeagegitny afternoon. Sine then I have ifehlwed to mak things plainer, and I want to 'where, in the .reaches of these wituesaes, every - thine IF told the detectives yestenlhIiyy. to true in every respect, and I abs willing to repeat the same story t,, the weenie - at oil fat thh inquest. Now,t to begi&otts What, I have to say in addition e4• lived at Nu. 9,2.12 N , h Fifth s handsomely,dressed ', old young, rick -and pun ren were 1Sbrn and' t "How i" aske4 otntiwued the , SA diff I will tell how itear Aetna1 u! te, all m?'st1ength tat iagi►it A chit ,1,y, little baby would be Amen. '1 let heartless wretch would pick u it was an old bucke that sort, and tout steps. Large and f in the celltr,•and gnawing and tearin from the little bines. The brutes vete allowed to feast on more than onehu i'an body. and. !ley boomed to relish the awful meal "Then again the babies would be buried in the cellar and it few inches of earth thrown over their re- mains. I dbtf't think the skeletons and boner have all been recovered, for there were tete--ef dart bitrted there, mid "A of them burned f' Ulna - L*pted the 1. "Yes, some of, the smallr4St pigeed to u red -h.4 etive a destroyed While the flesh was burning there would bo a powerful and1icilslliorg stench fora time, but the dnott r t ct appear to Naiad it. I this It I' deiectires will find setae - l !link 4 ilh lisp the house on Rising Stip t�, lIate we lonxhedy lived.' al. ,' betty nsi1 isomathing mi ' Ira tht+ td. !wand, gj 1d hear them e tender thigh THE BYSTANDER. ■,I•p«seis setetO•ts. ire* L.Oliwl■ mega* flllms+arb. .''Me , I;owernbiugeneraiahip probably ..xsu+ts.tbe reentry measly double the :,.:urinal saltand SSlay .arose disregard of PM ' prevalli eTeew1ere. Buying. the smaller provinces is a game, the Lost of which Ontario pays. Manitoba is at present strewn with the wrecks of a "booth," and of a "boom" in which there was as much of roguery as of madness. The Englishman is a member of a ua tiuu, and though inferior to the Cana- dian in average intelligence, he is super- ior in palttical courage. To restrain importation, the interposi- tion of the federal government, to which the regulation of "trade and commerce" l•elungs, would, of coerce, bo required. Rut the "licensing of saloons and taverns' seems clearly to- belong to the province. In the Nicholson divorce case the aerate demonstrated, to Eke satisfaction of trerybody, its own inability to act as a Ic);a1 tribunal, anti the uocessity of in- vtitnting s proper divorce court. Do nyl the men of ability whothe sle senate ount{igs sea Chat their chamber, if rf remains unreformed, is doomed' It is doomed unless the Canadian people fall into 'dotage. Out of seventy-two senators, fifty-three now owe their ap- • pointmenta to a single politician, and a politican who appoints, and perhaps by •1 jll /ry(� the verystructure of the combination T , \Tl/ COR which e leads is compelled to appoint, CANNED TOMATOES Al J .n the narrowest party grounds. There ARE DELICIOUS. • is no parallel to this in the political world. . The Bystander is rent a belie%er in a sec- A TRIAL WILD .CON-NrIl\TCE- oud Chamber. Mr. Gough, but one of them wile doui.t less retire. The dayfor the election has nut yet been set.-(elegram. to amr J•ka's W b.ary. The ail says Huwe's Life and Let- ters Ought to be the toxt.book of the Liberals rather than Tutu Paine. It u only a few days mu siuce kir Johu was crsd,ted with saying that he had Tom e in his 1 brary, and that he con - the work a 'classical" Otte'( It's time bko religious -editor u4 -the Mail turned his batteries upon the Prit utter. A $20 Boma Rawaal,. -Tile publish ors of Ruttedge'e McmG.l y otter twelve 1 valuable rewards in their foothly for July, among which , the following :- 11'e will give 82() in gold to the person telling us who war llanaan's Father, by July lath, '83. .hound two or more sirens. umswIs'IR roesivtd, the reward 1,+ tiit filed% The motley will be ,re••. aleft+, tjtewinner July 15th. 1883. it us'tryiflt; for the reward must mind 20-..Oente it* ,no poetaeo stamps (ak di)'sith tl answer. for which they tfijfl receii'e Um August 1L.uthta, in tiliipb.ailffirstne and address of Eke er off then/weld and the correct answer wTtt•be publisheda ,Ind in which several matu valuable tlrards will he offered. AQdreu, Itettrutig ki utt.ttlai: Coll- r.(s*, Easton, Penna," The first time you and two women kissing aseh other just notice how .luick filmy let go. There is no music in a hat hand. this is perhajs the secret of their uIiv?jeal popularity. - StS�tsatriai, s W KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR heath to and ILII dJMaaP[. Oo$oa return alhas• to n T4F 4lyLoq e� a 1lcits a nsaae• C4 . 11 waTs be and 11 or tar Po ()Mee Go ,. • r (1 R. 31.4)O M.D., PitT. 1.Y. Lt N. • , Graduate at hyo Univemi .Li sof tate atoyat tea�eet Physic , t:netamt.3r.•:. b'c., M. ('. P. ee Ontario, Otpe yll reek ill Opposite Batley's Hotel, K n street Zs od each .4 �'__) - 1iWem DiAltLiagric. t'e an . esidenoe Street. . 17 Bruce rittost, lea fed da it weir. •f V 1t 11G. MAOKID, M. p•, PHYSI- • ciao, Margeon and AteOnehcr. Grit taste of Toronto University. Office opposite (amer -on & Cameron's Bank. LunMaew. if not in Mike. enontre at the Flank. TN -y. JIBS. SHANNON & HA}1ILTON, lJ Pnysiciana,- Surgeons, Accouchers, #a office at Dr. (Shannon's residence, near the grol Oodertcb. O. C. BRANNo t. J. C. Haat(. •ruN 1751. TAMES'RMAILL, ARCHITECT. d:c. s Office, Crabbb Block. Kingston st., Oode rich. Plans and Ipecificatlons drawn ern -reel ly carpenter's- plasterer's:and mason's work measured and valued. North West Transportation Company ILIYIT$ nI The C`" a eat, Most Comfortabl3 it1 Pleasant Route rant rotate 1� ITdEt;1 EAT N4)81'II ii'E1' la vie the Steamers of the North Weal T .us- portatiun Company, one of which will,w'cat1, er perndtttn Leave twins !vers lMwta t Friday ars• on arrival of Grand Trunk Trahas. (ACEI\V aT a:•�tlll'■ the hL- L•tw/\t: DA*. for t'rince Arthur's Leading, Duluth. and all point. in :ltaeitntw, \f inuesutu. Dakota and the North West. ePECI. .L. The Stouter "MANITOIIA" w111 leave (:ate - rich. weather pertnittinL, every ten days -on Tuesdays wed I►rtdaya alternatetrips. for Kincardine, 9outhamplon. Satflt 'le. Marie. Mk;Yy ieotin. Pro Nipegon. Suver islet and Thunder Hay. For further information as to rates. apply to WM. LEE. Ooderlch. or to JAMES H. BEAT'T'Y, General Manager, Sarttiu. June 7th, 1833. 18916m Summer Boarding. IAITLAND PLACE Mlt. RICHARD HAW LEY S Elegant Resi- dence 1s now OPEN for the SUMMER For the reostation of a Levi' guestr. 'rhe rooms are very large and XICEL Y' FURJV'ISHED Hath Room with hot and cold water, Howling Alley, Croquet and Ornamental Orison s, plenty of choice fruit, • good table, and every comfort will be found. Guest* will bo met at the station. TERMS :-Seven to Ten Dollars per Week. Address : MAITLAND PLACA • Gotisrtch. Obrarlo. 695 Gaetch, Jane 11, 1E-3. 1 hOt - THE MONITOR COAL OIL TOE It the most Improved and best oil stove out Yid. It will BA KI, ROAST. ROIL, FRY, HEAT IR08, and do everything a wood cook stove will do, and coat leas for fuel, Vo Smoli fishes or Hcaf. Call on mei and sec them. G. 13. PARSONS, Agent for Goderich and Vicinity. Goderich, June 7th. 18$3. 0e1- TASt�Z� .A.ROZTT =TtTIT AS.. A. NAIIiN HAS THE FINEST WAND OF c . CANNED Pt :. i drtiaww•� fJ •.� f`` IN THE MARKEN. AND HIS Out of the s nbrogolio created by the COURT HOUSE SQE'ARE:. iwundary question and the streams (Jill, to which may now be added the disputes r ^ as to jurisdiction% Moth in the liquor and "' ) the factory questions, has naturally aris- ( -,..:-7-..--1_ en'a cry for the revision of the conetitu- ion. Blore than once the suggestion ^ pages. has • But can the thing be done under the keen thrown out in theQ '/- present system ! Lord Du9erin was sent out sen liberal, f.) effort, 1 y the use of air the social intiu- but his tenure of office was a perpetual til once, flummery and champagne at his l� o,mmand, to propagate aristocratic scntiCr - melt and repress the rising spirit of -..-..- (7 ana,lian ntttioaality. 1,1truth, he avail- � I ' edhim -elf, for these purposes, i,f inntru- laid utents which 'Lord Lansdowne will ter- ►� I i haps hardly thin,: it dignihe(1 to employ, I 5 E while the purses of the rovernment z ---`1r,- clerks at ottawa are said to have not 1 te even yet recovered train thet,ITects of 5 M < = hiselutiotls reign. Whatever ertetnrer'a- _ 3-:{�f- 4 -f} tic influence may be to theca -immunity of p 'rV v the new worid it is innnculation fn.m a - I (/) r t1ODBRIC11. (' T.URIO corpse. The court -of Ottawa ^encratea coo-- absolutely nothin.. but ilnmkeyisat, tion kt•yiset tan only enfeeble and degrade. it may net be •.nt of place once mon, to recall the fact that our s;enmine Loud of political connection with the mother count's is trot the representsttoa of • ,� i►'� Downing et feet in the person attic got er- nor-general, but the mutual eitisenahip which exists, &ad it is to be holed will nater cease to exist, between Canada and England. • `e l 4 ratHNM Oland. My. M. A. Ly„e, the Reform candi- date for Algoma, takes strong ground oat the boundary .lucstion. He says he will stand fins for every foot ,.f territory awarrM to flntari.. by the arbitrators, otherwise he w (aid consider that he w•'uid be actwa clattery not wily to the test interest* of the present Renetltloll but t" twee of Pcnerstions yet tricorn. The h'nluliters which lin Lon f ut** In stand ivy, .*tend west to, the Lake of the R • Nis, and north to James' Pay, and include a vast territory rich in minerals. agricnttserwl land snit lumber. estimated to he worth two hundred m'1 - lion duliiro. ?tis lerritoq lies wholly within IAe cassabas of tie district .d �AjL I;oma, en that if the Algnenese vote against the Ontario (.'cerement and in fay.mr of surrendering (nt*Tio% skim to tkMJarre Wee of territory it will be solsiwhat aintwlat. There ars etilt ta- to bear tit the Oelsetvniitrasi4s aye two candidates, Mr. >Plineusr sod • L, F..� V 'I118 (Z7 tl! 1-n sl (la 0 •1=rswswel ai RS 02 010 iF-I t=l1) >f1 t ar O C./2 Eta pz... a Ea ti o ' 5 H. W. BRETHOUR & CO ■ RSR��.INT T�'ORR.. S pec iia l Advantages to Customers s 'h 8ELL OUR�• 'tiDst ItETAIL AT THE REGULAR WH('LESALE PRICF8. VE Dtl ` 1 ftECAt'sE WE ''1 Ituy Direct from the Makuta and Lor Cush. 7c son& Samples on application, & Goods by Mail or Express OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT 18 UNDER THE CARE OF A SUPERIOR ARTIETEI IN MAN 11.E AND DRES.JIAKING PERFECT SATIrFAC'IION IS CrARANTEE). apECIAL 037 E45 . To all Parties Desiring to maks Pereol'el Selections and Pur- ■-ohasing to the amount of $30.00, we will pay one return faro. ■{��L``!C(+y1 (� ( ��_ _All Wool Nuns' DIS, ESS `10l �Di 7 ' VcUing (von 15 tan New Checks, in ltlatk and l'.' ,::,, out 2.; e1.; Laeer Bunrinb•, and firm -ale Grenadiees, (:roan (trainatut1111otI Uan Silks. I `tt Blaen: t Golored Dloueque- 14 Y ♦�% ii�� L�7- laity E.1 l;luv.• ; Week and l'orored Ind Glov.y. a, t sad • Buttons : ltbet: ar.l ;'•.l+w -.l Jersey Silk (cloves, :ler, to ; t.2i tlitlee. ei- : 1 (,inns Ulnas ISS GRAHA DCILLINER, Y` I)' O 1 t Laco Triin red Para - t t 1 r ,.'--suis sI.,A)to?luth Lin.d Par- tt,ls, Itis k'•.r.l ored, . . to f7.'0; I..t ti sur. '..,dcs. $i.e0tt- f' Paraau:aB.t () i 7 Ballbri au Hose, full ^JK1.; Cu' s' (oi ire 1 from to l,rdi.s :nut \1lsrtea, iu soled ('Mors; ... s, .... t :d PY�M. 1P ,tt.rr41 rend (clurrd Silks. • White- Figured Muslin and S•awissa Embroideries. LOTHING & CARPET DEPARTMENT. IMPORTED o.'•)T( 11 TWEEDS AND CANADIAN TWEEDS. BALLI.Ra14 GAN. GAL Y!: S lith -LINO t'NDERH EAI:. 0t17.1,I:i-, CUFFS. TIES. RALF HOSE. `IIIRT•' ANI) BRACE`(. SUIT S li.tDE TO ORDER. . l'k1tYE("I' FIE (J ARANTEED, CARPE"lt:'•--CAlt l't:`1 • -!_ 1 1 I'1." .� ' �E l'A INS---, Tit rAiNz.---CURTAINS. Ali Wool, • 1 L'. -n t41 -i. • l e nest ry. _ per -To parties Frrti'.':trot L1,. . 4,:t0 ufade. H. Tr. BRETHOUR 4• CO., Er r n tford. Farllieis & dflI0118fS NEW MILT INRRY. -- 1'ite 1.. tbt-atld Iles; ilera(tls''t THE NEW FERTILIZER.' New French and American oods, Cotton Seed Colnl.ound is Cheaper, and as good or better. Mae meat of the commercial Sts of the pl .en ditty. Thu i'rrtill.er in a real ui4n ure. not merely a stimulant. the value of „Ouch is proved by its Increasing urn wherever iantnuttu'eat. A hundred; thovs,tn,l tope we:r • last year to kngland tor fertIlirInypurposes alone. where the Lit*'t Shades. Newest llreizns,oind lk-,t Coolscau always be towel. Gardcuerr tali, antics that r,, t '.t4e, atan- nred with it mature and rile:, • ;rl.er 'hap wi%h ordinary lolanurts. John A. Neftel, Sole Agent for Go derieh. Also Agent for Herby Cliiaax. king of feed, took Diploma at Provincial Show last fa11. March 22, 1387... 1531-3m .,n " ,,.r:t „1 Miss Jepsie V/ilson Thank. r1.'- ladies of peiertee and t iciaity far '',c Liberal Pata beatevred upon ker ante bpraiag out in towel. and would roll their at1Niltt! se ber CHOICE STOC$ OT MILLINERY ---1K1R THF- S TJM M 13 R S E A 8 0 N - Thr Stock is carefully ebosrn, and Marl, Up in the .1lost Fashionable Styles ! Mee (1raiam feels Iwwr1.4 that at het to glee site In To rte. Eolon.n and other rides will en- ab 1KISS (V&hiss Stewart's Old Stant. OILGEON STURLtNIM�NT CVRF3fB RHEUMATISM Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lame Baok, Lumbago, Contracted Joints, Cramp in Muscles, Sprains. BEST HORSE LINIMENT. JN Large Bottles tar. Earh. J. W. BRAYLEY, 111011TREAL, P.Q. AYER'S Sarsaparilla mires Ithewmatlsnt, Neuralgia, I:hroumt is (coat. General Debility, Catarrh, and all dk.,rder's canawl by a thin and impoverished, nr .nrrnpted, condition of aha blood; expelling the hhu,rl-poirms from the system, enriching and reoewise dm blood, and restoring its vital- izing power. Daring a long period of unparalleled 11A.1111- Meek u f 1- ,tsat, Avea's S.4Ita4PARILLA has prnv.•n its perfect adaptation 40 the Fitts of all dinossea originating In poor blood and. weakened vitality. 11. a highly concentrate.! I•xtr*rt of tersa- parilla and other blood-pnrlfying roots. rosuliined with iodide of Potassium :end Iron, and is the safest, most reliable, tn,l economical blood -purifier and blood -f.•...1 • l.at mut be be 61.ed. Inflammatory Rhenmatism ('nred. " Ar rd's Kassa c•1411.1.• has cured roe of the Int..n,matnry 1hetunatiem, •,ith whlch i bate wafered for iaa•yy user,. W. ft. Mo,nse.' 1 nirhw.n, la., starch 2, 1 •.f:, '• Cb;la roan ago I hal an attack of Rheums. tens wo sr vs r.- that I e. odd not move from the bed, ..r dress, wltl,uut help. l tries) several rv•ma.nea without much If any relief, until 1 tank At T.1101 IEAfoaranttLA, by the use of two bottles of whleb t wise .•ompietely eared. 1 base not been t rues 40,1 +.-rl; the Rheumatism state. Have sold .•s of yonr AA ilea PADILLA, alt) It ails ret s wonderful t"`pnlarlty. The many •enacts r.1- ,- . ;1..vicinity one- time me that I. is the 1.I„o.1 medicine ever ellefot 4, the peddle. 4:. F. Marque." River 8t., liwrklalal, Maas., May 13. lean. let Nandi 1 Ins au weak(roan goner . I .I that 1 could not walk rat heti I - the advisor ef a friead,1 eosnseseed akin`` AYrns •Aaa11•Aall.l.t, and before 1 Mei used {hare le lease 1 felt ea well se 1 ever Aid In my life. 1 have been at work now far two months, an.l Wm* your lAna,rAn11.1.A He greatest hl.xat y s ill the work(. .IA was vt t v: A r. n." M Kiat w 11. New York, July 12,1012, Arun** A411.AtAIILLA elms scrofula and e! Se efeinM Odirolial sta. Erysipelas. Fe - gm". Metleatee.. *area, sells, e Titamas, sad lt_ eINaseitis Ma. It clean IM scare of all L.,. JI M, alas tMp51ion, 'Hie. wase 1M mann n ei *Me boasts, Mil Or restores vwthlee Mil.Mwpbene tie whole sperm. O aT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mace. 6014 by all Druggists. price If. sin botUss. SS- The L Tie Chicago House 18 THE HEAD Qt'A1ITERS U1 FASHION F1)1 i 1\ITE`� I ILLI N EWY OF -ALL BINDS. A chop lino in Trimmed Hats a Specialty-. -1 first cities Dress Making Establishment ! also carried On in connection with the Millinery Department. A . nil eolicitr.,. A. J. WILKINSON. HOME MAN UR PHILO 1\7-013 w, MEP.0 IANT TAILOR, NORTH -STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, GDERIC H, --.WILL. FURNISH Olt MA} E.I:PI-- Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. 01 YEAR+ r%P1NIE111E t'ITTI\el A erMCLlLTT. PERFECT FIT GIAVANTFED. O4DERK rwO11rTLY ATTENDED TO. NOTE TAIL .ADDIILa8 s PHILO NOBLE, NORTH -STREET, GODHRICH. SEEDS! SEEDS. AT 1'1-1E MTODICAL HALL. JUST ItE('EIVED A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK$OY ::1-1ESN GARDEN, FIELD, AND FLOWER SEEDS, from oneof the aloft Reliable Need Warehou4e in the Dominion. FOIL SALE BOTH IN BULK IN PACKAGES. F. JORDAN, Chemist axed, Druggist, MEDICAL HALL- 1C1 ( L J5iR1Cg- IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT i take this opportuui:y to ann)nncc to the public that having purchased the =R-2 -CO s=CC= nn,: trail.; of :Mrs. \t'. 1) Shannon, an 1 having ma'lu Large Additions to the Stock 1 for which rash V% AP raid, 1 ato now prepared to give great bargains to all who will tavor me with their custom. My motto shall be "Small Profile and quick ltctnrns.' Cite n1. delivered (tie to any part of the town.. VTH. RIDLEY. FIRST PRIZE AWARDED THD ONTARIO STEEL BARB FENCE COMPANY, For 23aWire T''enciz AT TORONTO EXHIBITIOpN, 1882. I•IRS LE'dViRThe ONp.�r'It17RFawa�rdrdfp(•.rENZI*'l,nrhe ^^ t'itpttCItt �[ )ti Is