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The Huron Signal, 1883-06-29, Page 4
4 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY, JUNE 29, 1883. THE HURON SIGNAL zi •bushed every Friday Moraingirby Mc rimer very.. at thtr !See, 7tuttoff Um Name) h Pt GODERICH, ONTARIO. ,ad Is despatched to all parts of the =ail an country by the earliest mails and rales BY era' admission it has • r cironla =Malt •eT of uwtaper M this qty of Le Moat ", la one at the aseiest, aOeawl d aha sad most bisoarnah le le ysessing es it does, the sd fore -going sad being fe addition to the above, ** aee tclse, family sad fireside payee --It te tberesere • gloat desirable advertising sardines. faits- tt.s0 In adva$e.. _ ern .att vpabllahers: g1.7S.fbaW be allforccedd. so pelt. T li nab cut hares Os ADvawr1eswei.-mght p tae for first insertion ; t mats fall each subsequent insertion. Yearly. -yearly had quarterly contracts at reduced rates 4101eLara t panto tay iev.iaave end tatYas rag lesksoohOsete o shad the ! u turning out work in Ooderich, are prepared se do bwiue's in that Lias at pries, tbet cannot be beaten, sad of a euality that cannot be ■ upeesed.-Tertwe Cask FRI+, Prop j3. In the tare of ;be ehnl-e t! ;,, orni w• will flow. proleod • is give iron the not much to 'dog over. Three learned aadiion' report a few of the items where- the of Canada have taken strong is the township puew-strings are gather - ground on the fallacy et the petitions, ed ep tightly. Under the hiadiog of and, mark you, these three Justices are "Charity" we find the following for a not by any means the least intelligent of period beginning Mardi lee, ,1882, and Canadian jututs. leis true four Justine" aiding Maws 28th, 1$83,-13 niouths:- 'a $sken as greree view, and! tb• Henry We_ i SI y eaerily rots is bras in miler Nei y er imam- moo cos. Still, tie u remembered, major9 Be•tq (ben'el g1 UM SAO r. rt..... ...... ..... 7.00 ties are not always right. But in this stow > u tine partscalar before the enema guf wills 1Ktii: wsh. ,..;... ' • 11. Rosa finesse for Yea YLa• 1IJ1 pc$ Mt(Iartakij oynetoae the rulitylDt the10.00 majority of the learned justices, furth- er than to state . tint our preview opinion on the subject remains uualter et, 1 un' inti rt to have !hitt mi ddWserjearitei ►hlil.alis- tinguished jurists as lir. Justice Came- ron, Mr. Justice Henry, and Mr. Justice Tascherean. As we mid Lefts*, tile' caw of West Baron before the Maltreats Court was, after all, only a test question of the technicalities by which by far the larg- er areer number of the respondents to the election petitiona sought t • eiade trial. The cases will now come. befell the court, in due course, and the true in- wardness of the methods by which some of the constituencies were carried will doubtless be thoroughly ventilated. So far as West _Huron is concerned we eg.no few fat the Molt.,.'no we weeld iefoilet- onr eentbasporarf•"`that there are s number of Tory M. P.'s who do not rejoice so much is it does, that the West Huron election appeal to the Supreme Court did not fall to the ground, and not the most pleased. of them all will be the venerable chieftain of the Conservative party, Sir John Macdonald, who would at once hart re- linquished his seat for Carleton, if it had bean decitlaaby. the. Supreme Court, on the West Huron test case, that his re ntation 'tor Lennox could not be steel in tbiebourtn. Tiff WEST 11 CRO N PROTEST. As we stated last week, the Supreme Court hasdesi4$ thee- the preliminary ohjeetionsiilisei•bythe respoadewt in the West Harron- election case,` stall not stand, and the we will • therefore come on for trial in due course. The Star is correspondingly plated, for had the degrees, boss gthervise-.4bere Nt cul havelieen a dtihe , it-islt" ;for'th petitioner in Nest Huron, and some non-negotiable notes -of -hand from the back townships would have been on sale at:a heavy discount for sash. The Star, which for months past has been of de- pressed tone, is galvanized into life by the news of the decision of the Supreme Court from Ottawa, and sends forth a clarion note in one of the most spicy and instructive articles which has appeared in that journal (wine -our recolection. One-third sl the .article in questi n is the report's Gro* the of the nasoA ' clef to e" about onesaird isSa dead: cT. e from THE Steaal. of pearly a year, lick ; and the remaining third• --and the tallest poetics of the tittle -le !nails). el yibilosopliio deductions on the pall of the talented writer, which scowl con- dusively,that he ia, at any rate, gifts,d with hied-riiAt, and can gaesstltat there are eggs in the neighborhood if he hap; pens to sea 'egg -shells in the vitititrj. Theabovris the substance of the. I ing artirhi of last weak, which is bre to $ close by the Star senbentioudy Ac- claiming in a full -toned. paragsills. "These will suffice for the pllwat;' and then folding its arms-metapho speaking -and once again amounting masterly inactivity on the polities] siting: tion, and waiting, Micawber-like, foe "something too trim up," to "give it a chance to claim an undeserved pro. science. And now we will come to the subject in hand, end show what a small matter has caused our Tory friend to crow so lustily : Shortly after the last veered election, petitions were entered against the return cif certain members, on both sides of politics, for alleged oontroven- tion of the election law. Owing to the recent change in the courts brought about by the introduction of the Judica- ture Act, a number of the respondents claimed that the petitions had been en- tered in the wrong courts. When to natter came before Mr. Justine Mathew Crooks Cameron, (the former Tory • leader of the Local House, and perhaps one of the cleverest jurists in Csshada,) he decided that the objection of the respondents was well taken, and refused to go "n with the cases concerned. The judgment of Juetioe Cameron was ap- pealed against, and it was decided by nearly all the respondents, amongst whom were the Hight Honorable Sir John Macdonald, and other well-known To- ries, that the cases "f West Huron and North York (represented by Messrs.: M. C. Cameron end W. Mulock, and upon w?pica the objections taken in nearly every protested case hin,ed eh ,ul.l r,_t e the Supremo Court as teat 'taeetions, and an arrangement was co ne to i,y which the respondents agreed to share the ousts of the defence in the ap- peal. The result of the appeal is kro:on. money is paid in HRwick for keeping The West York case was withdrawn t.y ' the voters' lists in c shape, and it will the petit, ,:ter after the argument was he seen, also, that rover a charge is heard. In the matter d West Benin, made for woe done voters' lists, some 1 1882,in an article on the West Huron pe• judgment wet ...even in favor of the recti- other MOM M in every Nfilillitasandwich tition we wrote : "They who laugh last, ti•etter, Out the judgment 5cas "vet a ed M sea makeweight tea }account. laugh test." 1n the last issue of the Seer uuanittsouy avis, as the Stir woul.l have The item of $40 for tentage on 'govern- l the:quotation is given as from Tug 810 - us believe, and ,overwhelmingly in favor of the cause which that or an espouses. Chief Justice Ritchie, end Justices i;tnntg and Fournier were in favor of panimonious sending roe tie pMt of , it originally appeared in Tat oleeeL At- • COMK NTCATIONO. .L Tits London Advertiser says :-"We have already pointed out that tho put- ting 1 Sir Charles Tupper to the otos of tighCuouuissioner vacates his neat in Fathoming. it ism oilies of emolument under the Crown. and tach as quint be held by a member of Par'liautent. We shall see whether his colleagues will set the law at de5auce by refining to ask for the issue uI a writ fur the elution of a successor." These iteataj tout ep $O8,t90 and if we include $35 to Dr. Me1Wvey, and $16 to Dr. Drowalee, for mertioal a ftwidanee 10 Indigents, and also add the $lU which eounoilbr Jubaatua (abscess widen Doug- las for heaping beg sew. and which the veinal is fumed to pay, we fwd the grand total to be $150.50. But the afftual amount disbursed fur charity is only $8d.50, as we bare shown, and when we burr in mind that eight or ten usfortue- atea, with no other moans of subsistence, are compelled to live wpm this miserably small sum, wo do not wonder that David Weir rose in hie plod' in the county council and took exoeption to the strip- tures of THt: Stpwe on the oouncila bf the townships, when the discussion on the poor house question was the order of the day. Howie*, it will be remem- bered, cudgeled by David Weir to be one of the townships that "supported its own poor and didn't want a Bounty poor house." The auditors' report of Rowick shows how liberal the council is, and how well the poverty-stricken of that (township are cared for. .. I \ P Ef K PA3IPHLET. As we write, we have before us s wyel} is usually raneidered dry'aaa unprofitable- reading to raison. 'stet directly interested. The phmpbLt'in question is an auditors' re- port of s township in aurin-thr'town- of Howiek. The remarks of David Weir la the oounerseuncil caused us to teaks ani in the financial ,aj4aage- t,e township, and a perdsal of the items has shown us what an open- hearted township .council Howicl< can bout oL We ttvng3tt it was a narrow, illiberal body; we hare found it to be the reverse in .,cope ftiijepee-in fact, that it is, eta rule, on tae sgtlMdersome side, when certain per- sons are -interested. The reeve drew froth the mtasf(ipel treasury for `council and commission tees" the sum of 860 ; ,the other members of the council, in - eluding David Weir, pocketed $50 under the same head. In addition to the. lump sum above quoted, Messrs Heide; Weir and Cook,the reeve and -deputies, respect. tively,bad little $5 "recoups" for railway expenses to Toronto, &c. Samuel John- ston, one of the councillors, in addition to his "council and commission fens" of 850 had a supplemental item of $10 "for keeping widow Douglas' caw" -a pecu- liar item, to say the least, and certainly an infraction of the municipal act. Then pmea .the clerk, and this functionary has, of .a verity, no reason to complain of niggard treatment at the hands of the comical. It is quite true the clerk is brother 'to a son-in-law of David Weir, ;,t:t this fact, it is a pleasure to note, dues not debar him from making solid perquisites out of the council id addition to his regular salary. So that other towneleip clerks in and around thecounty may get a cbapoe to open their eyes at tow -"fat thing" enjoyed by the clerk of Hetrick, whose lines, all will admit, have fallen in pleaaant.places, we subjoin the following from the auditors' report ; Wm. Dane. clerk's salary 800.00 work on voices lists. of pub ltehing minute+- &c., 96.00 nereetintt jurors and voters lists . 16.00 Yeetags oe Govt. epitome.. 10.00 registering births, deaths and marriages........ is.Ao We de sat bolt uursstves epe+s►Qfir the opinions of ourCu[roe ets• _ tat - a to this department eavsaope qumceandb. 1. .boat tllalr s 11s410. GotaOarea, Jute 26, 1$ . 'Ceiba Letter of The Huron Signal. Sia, -Although agreeing generally in the ourreetneis of the report uI Messrs. Hardy ant Gibaup, read oommisionera, in ward to the plus rebored to in a patitwu from a number of the rstepsy- ers of the township of Culburoe, as being a suitable plate onwhich w rebuff Ball's bridge, yet, in pieties to the p tr- uous who mored that pethion, I would like to punt out that their report intentionally no doubt -conveys a some- what more unfavorable itupreaei'n of the locality than the circumstances would warrant. And tint, In regard t" the width id the river : owing, Juuhtleae, to the wnnewhat primitive mode 'ti mea- surement adopted by the commissioners, ors, they hive added at least fifty feet, to the true width ut the river, which is little, if any, over two hundred foie ;elle deed parties who treasured it Lot win- ter upon the ice, declare that it is .•:fly one hundred and seventy -bre feet wide. With regard to the hilliness of Maitland conceesiuu, and the rad leading to it, they aro quite correct ; but wo chits that these pertious cf rood are nu poord hilly than the corresponding portions of the base sine and the road leading to it by the present road, and which would be avoided by adopting the new conte. Neither are the hills anything in com- parison with those on the read loathing from Hntmesville to the rarer, where the council has decided to build a bridge. In reference to the right of way, requir- ed fur the approaches to the bridge, I ought state that there will be no diffi- culty whatever, as the proprietors on other side are quite willing to furnish the atwuwt of land thee Wight 1,. re- quired, free. I would not have troubled you with this commtmication only for the fact that the ultimate decision arrived at by the county council in regard to this mat- ter, will, no doubt, he guided is s creat measure by the report noir under coon- sideration ; and to any such decision it 3. would be well to remember that the question to be decidual is, not su mach rook- the absolute fitness or otherwise of theo new route, as its c mparatiyo merits as contrasted with the present route, and, for that purpose the statements contain- ed is the petition ought to be thonough- ly conuiderd. Yours. Tosoxw is meth agitated by the sumer that Harlan, the oarsman, is like- ly to leave that city and settle in Chicago. Lately Hallen %idled for a license to sell liquors at his hotel on the inland in Toronto harbor. and the eurnmissioners refused to grant tt to him Hanlau claims that he lies spent something like $30,000 in building the boteland improv. iug the "Pain•," s , that it would be a popular resort in summer time. He con- siders, under the circumstances, that he has not been properly treated in the withholding of the linens as , and has ex- pressed himself being almost persuad- ed b, leave the Quem City and go west. The ..i. rixei roast Niemen TAata. Toronto, J nae 26.--Fullewiug is the list of dates fixed by the judges for the trial of electiou petitions : sttroac d vir ass rgaotiteo21 AND rearma- ment. Welland-Welland, July 3. South Victoria -Lindsay, July 9. Halton -Milton, July 16. Prescott-L'Orignal, July 24.Cornwall-CowmaCornwall-Cowman, July 30. West Northumberland-Cobourg, Au- gust 6. West Si,noo•--Barrie, August 13. -Meskoka-Braogbridge, August 21. Kingston -Kingston, July 80. "TMYTI ErfirltTox AND OSLglt South Wentworth -Hamilton, July 9. Went Bastin:el.-Belleville, July 17. Nest Haron-Ootterich, July 21. East Elgin -St. Thomas, August 6. West Elgin -St. Thomas, August 1 • Monk -Welland, August 20. North Leeds and Grenville -B ' villa, Sept.Lennox-repartee. Sept. Sept. 10. South Esser- Handttiich, Sept. 1T. West Perk-Torodto. Sept. 24. North Grey- Owen Sound, Nor. 14. NOT PAR44LLEL CASES. An effort was made by the Star, in its last iesue,to prove that the action of Mr. T. E. Hays is eemsecuting Richard Pol- lard was anilagoas to that of Mr. M. C. Catneruqiu itsstiIq ing proceedings against 13. Cheese, Nixes Sturdy and other derelict returning officers immedi- ately after the general election last year. The Star is wrong in its deduction in this initanoe, as in many othereupon which it has ventured an,opinion. That in both cases breaches of duty were oommitted by the deputy -returning officers we are willing to admit, but the parallel ends at that point. In the matter of Pollard, he admitte4 that the violation of the law had been committed without design, and would willingly have rectified any injury that had been done thereby, to either or both of the candidates. And in this in- stance, as we understand it, no claim that any injury was sustained by the ac- tion of the deputy-returniug officer heir been made by the prosecutor. In tits cases of Cameron against Clams, Slardy et al, a sp.clEc set had bees doaie, iii the forwarding of the poll returns, which would have deprived the sitting member for West Huron of his seat, in a manner similar to that by which Mr. Malls, al- though regularly elected, was debarred from representing Bothwell. Mr. Came- ron • pointed out that the, deputies bad made an error in sending their retnrna, and asked theft to rectify it, as it waa still in their power to do se ; and in nearly every instance a refusal was given unless Mr. Cameron paid their travel- ling expenses to and from the headquar- ters of returning officer Willem.- Mita/ the deputies in West Huron it permed obstreperous, and compelled Mr. Came- ron to pay their expenses to Wingham and return, to rectify blunders which they acknowledged having ootamitted,no ogee would have been entered, In the illast Herr ogee, from what' we have heard, we know of no reason for the pro- secution of Pollard for his indiscretion - by which no injury to either candidate was intended --save, perhaps, tits $200 to be paid to the prdsecutor. Total . 1301.00 It will be n lirred ti t a great deal et iJ'IIE " STAR- 311SQliOTI..VG. When next the Nhtr undertakes to quote from Tax Sleet we want our contemporary to be accurate. During tea. waw liaesb.Wea$ .0601.160 The great increase iu trerel to the Mi,rthwest, ins &treed the • "Fftuous Albert Lea Route" to put upon its line maghitsewt Delia" ©an, in which paan- oagen well be tamed ,seals mooed in quality to no & stoolsn' hotel, for the small sum of set•emytiva arms melt. The Chicago. Rook Island & Nettle Railway, which c .ntrols this route, h.. always maiataiad a reputati•tti fix giving travelers first okras steals on its Dieing Cin, and it pontine on this bee the wrrolsas of eats, it 111s a want that the traveling public will appreciate. "The Albert Ica Route,,' wcasvy ing a very large share of the Nurtbtfeawrtn travel, and although verly to the esat,n, has oouiuseueed at mill tourists ticket, to the venous p!e*at1 a reverts le a rul- utue sufficiently large to guars:Pao an imaouses seamier natio. TrIrt*IMLs. Ss. Louis, June 21. -A fatal termtna- titan of a case of trichinesis is reported. The victim was Mrs. Annie kioltaquariug. About six weeks ago she and her has - bend were suddeuly taken violently ill atter eating raw hew. A dootterwasodll- ed, and upo•u examining the remaining potions of the luta found it early alive. Under the physician's skill Mr. Schemer- ing gradually r•ouverwl, until he is now past all danger, but his wife was d'x.me 1 trete the fits, t.e a lingering death. Her Utile system swarmed with the trichinae, which fwd upon her muscles, literally de- touring her to death. Justice Boyd axle cameron. East Northumberland-Cobourg, July 3rd. South Renfre'w-Renfnw, Julys 10. North Iieofrew-Peesht'ooke, July 13. South . WeUington--Gaelpb, Sept. 3. Oandwell-Orangeville, Nov. 25. Rest Simeoe--Ortllia, Oct. 30. - West Middfeeex---$trethro Nov. 9. Bast Middlesex -London, Nov. 14. • 1L$UIiD. .11 the Methodist obnrt:h ('itntoe, on the :Rt. Inst.. by the Iter. W. McDonagh. a Chat. et L'tttoarWe. Oat., 10 imtt1ln /s altli deo/Ate: of E. Bounce, of the Mew Era. JOHN Kaa siooAN. DICM. le C'dborne. on Monday, June 25th. 181p. A If. Campion. aged ".J' yaws and 11 m•nras. In Dungannon, o• Saturday. Suns Ord. 18 Mrs. John C. Martin. aced a7 87. yeas. ♦ TasPesaaee Menu ad Magill rAIM Few affairs of the kind hare,been more successful than that of Saturday last. The various divisions assembled at the hail and headed by the Benmiller boos band, marched in procession and full regalia down to the grounds near the falls. Here about noun. fully 500 people The se adary Award. must have been collected around the We uoti•e that some of the Tory juur- .doh spraid on the greensward -some en one nee, suns on two, pmne, nals say that Mr. Young said during the re- cumbent and reclining, but all intent on alectinn thatif that i(aaPszliawent the good things (and they were good) Award, fail to ratify the it may, in the lying before them. After an hour's dis- end, axe .ap go to the Privy touscit, mission of these important matters, a Mr. Mowat fettered to go the Privy chairman wits appointed, and the Rev. Council if the Government of Caused* d C. Pomeroy, B. A., Rev: .1. A. Turn - will put no obstacles in the way of On- 'bull, LL 8., and the Rev. Mr. Rice, tanto dealing with the conwfry u a part of Dun non, addressed them. Our of the Province, until the whole quos- she ""es not permit us to give even tion is disposed af. But the leaden of an abstract of thews gentlemen's the Tory party have not offered, nor addresses : suttee it to say, that they have they been willing,to refer the wholewere full of good argument and sound sutject to the Judicial Committee of try sense, and .elicited rounds of applause Privy Ccuncil. They have, front the. from the audience. Mr. Jas. Mitchell, first, refused to do this They wish to of t]uderich, was also called to the stand, ully have the Award ignored and to begin cd loiedr u athe addrressivecof exercises of the anew as if no Morales had been agreed da p to and no award made, whereas the first question to come before the .Tndicial r. Platt, the genial owner of ,the Cottiltittee is tbie-has a valid award " Reserve," in response to a vote of been made, find kilt ft binding up..n the thanks, assured the assemblage, that all parties? The best evidence that the gatherings of this nature would always public can have of the weakness of the made welcome at the falls, and that Deiminiuu oast, and the utter distrust "f ! prohibition had hes heartier well-wisher the leaders of the Tory party in its than he. eftreneth, is the fast that while they de- A booth had been erected, and a brisk traine, starch. elaretheaward issoteuehwastepaperthey feud i erereaudivenn cAaioi. BM1ewlat created are unwilling to allow the Judicial Cern- mittee an opportunity of pmnouncit: I the greatest excitement (not spirituou■ , remember) w upon the question. -[ t.lcr. rtiso r.wasa liquid encased -on ac count of its expansive power -in huge brown stone betties, and denominated Malty Le0*d$*IM. {we won't guarantee the spelling) We btivs3eard of da ng in 'haste "Krankke's Bier." It is a pleasant effer- roseent and disturbs no one's gravity. to repeat at leisure, and there seems to The booth took in about $80, and we be - be a possibility of the same undue haste lievo a snug sum will result to the troa- to be afterwards repented "f in legisla- suty of Benmiller division. tion. Take for instance the licensing There was perhaps no drawback cx- bill of the Dominion 1'erliauen', con- cent the intense heat, although wo did coived in spite and brought f,erth in overhear one. a possible votaress of malignity, passed thmneh the House of Terpsichore, the heat of an election campaign there I Comwous, with its 14* clauses. in two 1 •'.t lismnme young (Ismael of years but fifteen, may be some exouse for falsifyingthe ori- sittings. Thmt its being sent tee the Her eyes were as purees an angers, l ween." glial, u for instance inn "!looked" bio►g- Senate -the burly apeoia yt organized to 11 Lamenting the pro gliaaaa of oho.. "Busty rah of a litical candidate but in these check legislat inn -nod Loy that a pecialb- Jlihor and" (poring to Jerusalem,'' and p Y po 'intellectual body put through in sixty I longing to trip her " light fantastic toe." "piping days of peace" we won't allow oar minutes. And now its authors have toe The band at whiles, discoursed some cotem to change one word in an extraal learn that they have outreached them- excellent music, and Paul deserves the culledfrom our columns, with the idea of selves, and in their anxiety to apite Mr. thanks ..f the eu+rtmnnity for his mire in puttifig a did'ermt yuipoyi (e the "Mitist itlewat tSa hon jrtovided maeh iucry I selecting good material. thttueriaisaly atended. OttSept. thsi! aghnit be set teorng. Ry the uuuii. The woes* of the whole was, no doubt, cited law of Ontario ---and which the jlargely dee to the exertions and good Domini, in authority is powerlesa to touch 1 management of Mr. and Mee. Robinson, --it is provided that '• no person who is Mr. and Mrs. Hed,lle, and Mr. and Mrs. a license contmiasioner, inspector :Ri Stewart, also Mr. Chris. Walter and Mr. psltee magistrate, shall he (palmed (" Wm. \L,"re, all of wham are nndefati- be a reenibee of aay wsessieipel a ,rpfa- g.sk ' i , the temperance work. some ride 111arite1s. • OoDtnataw Janie, 1467. Wheat trolls , busk .... SD* .11t)M 00 Yloat, tw oats. w bush........ .... _ • ,1 J 19 Powe. to bush. ................. 0 0 Barley. w bash........:.'........ 0 .5o Potatoes w bash .. ............ a Off • 3) Wheat, o'priaagg) w bush .... 118 1 i ie S 2 went returns, Rc., it another "Solid" 'Nit, They who laugh first, lau'hbost..1 tion." By the act of last seamen Ilse I o1 Howiek has so reason to ooatpl t of , cbaneen the import of the paragraph an county court dude the warden in coon I taw am charge ; sego taken sit to all, the clerk Tho cbangu of the word "first" fur "stet" license herd ne made t' consist "f the i mavfw in capes. anda third Iyer- ' a Lai we stated then wad wkat we Nate sun to he atsnintea Ay the I:ot-ernment r,rerrttlitlg the objections,,.T :ttt:l due ice the council set far as he is concerted. , Now, a-. the Ontario statute says that e:wynae sasea:ed to their jail_hae•nt, l.ut But the liberality of the Herrick eflnicil now is that "they who laugh lust, laugh when a man becomes a commissioner he was net :o •1 in his opilsi .a :.• t'.. • • :1 OM cud with emoluments to`Ditice test." The petitioner for West Iluron ceases to boa member of the Mencil.an,t three previ oral • tnentioI''. o •a ;h • t , 11ele, b • anyrooms. We n rve 1 started at a fair gait in the protest race, w he is uul, to he a c amt iasioncr ley v • i p y h ) t oll,ishcittg • eauoefTlor, N f, llnovs' other heist tine remaining jai .;ea et the opoi sch is rid 10 the but he ttantbled at the Int burls be that .. chow fu• thcr 1 nsia!imi tate D. :in item f $32 1 t . _ _ •..__- . ,u:: Justi; IL'n • • au,l of ( Taelxese.al air nelyr dissected from the municipal election." The haU (redo the then stat en. I mss an s Sul.. o uc l 'w ) •Treaa imagehall fon tours and sow .•..... . .._.....,.. ,..-.... .,j,,,,,o ..... ,., .......... .......•• uremia 1 It w. rulittt of the Chief Jurist,. ate•1 1'01! mark) for whish tris rental is pelt is ma aging t justice in the tact that :he dissrsalifvine i --- --- The *ensu 1a North Brawl. in view of the effort put forth by the Iirvsitio n and the determinati.m esu the pal of the Tories to snatch e.ery coon- etitnency opened this result innst be es- eeodingly gratifying to Mr. Monet and his follower.,. A few n►ore much ex- a,n;,les and , ar Tory friqnds will not be see nnxiou4 to have cenAftaettctes opened at they •;•pear to he now.-1°rentrevillc Advert iser. "" "• "' ' ' clause is the *ssutieipai act was Fest there s i .r►'• iastleriistemee. f that the previsions of the Juore the uperemc ho.iita 1:e .,r_apiai *Mist half-a-doseetimes a fear. rained toils appeal be et the ;hen rex' of lir. Mtred,.1,. soh„ Act, allowing the judges "1 one diti.i'.rl. and is *ram -shackle that soul.l'b 'be almost 11 nurt ; test his race is not run, and in- had not them reechoed hv•tn Sit J.,Ln the to sit i:s the other divisions of the High ! entirelyeroded fur a cru le of ears' , t stud of letting off steatn, as though the iatiwatitnt that Ise intend -.l t.' co.or7- Court of Justice. fins changed the cal• ! its t reeled ; but the IRllr to i work were dune. he ohould bear in naiad the liccns:n i• ,wet to npnnicipalitacs, Rh present I nasi to soeomrlish .:Iii a t•' baro ansae• nm. stitutlOM of aha old a arts. They con- I which it blooms is a good voting 'ewer he heart thetoughest tt.+siubvfurt;t►w- „ t a er.un -:1 te'nn. sanious or ember 10 tenial pas tint keeled that the ap;'ral ! in !Lowick and hence the libersab of he lea yet te,eadeseor to dierhtwlifyM.Q prof«used to wlalte •.Ne Oltaoaia,rktMir fro :, I .7•tstxe C'antetou, •vhen the matter nes Tae fo 'e ing ie snffeieat to show, that his past success will avail hint mug t. befote hue. was exactly the same se that 11 .wink *email is a liberal body. .flat ; When the ease is dually decided we will held les rl: a latter two. Ansi thus etend• Are is taken to adjust matters nista, so !still be of opinion toast "tbq who isupi the t.•.at„t at tilt WOO halm* AO `f Mit and I last. iangh .hepald be sii,Nuisst'J. The oiiui.,n e i , t!,, council to the treasurer for its Use. Cwuseren in the rourta. if he fail set this, the council rind two api..•inted, an,l thin • was restoring the power to meniripali• tees ! Sir John & C. will have all sum- mer to contemplate and repent ret the undignified attempt to spite " that little tyrant Mowat, "--1 Ahead* Gaut'', The T„route Moil. referring to (Ietid- win titnith"s letter renouncing his adv.., eser tf the N. P., says time " pinups ,.14 ,et,ter li to onto stakes by acme Grit and nuttlttpti before tueMieatioes." The •,tr`a «lt:.r of the .Mail ah.wld not forget himself. lie it was who fe latter perp.erting M be written by dint. Mr. Vail. lin wermw eenaps fer..i ox• 'pulsion from the House on' COSSI sews gallery,aad the fact that the wan a l- ed to apologias, bad nos a very laftiag effect. it seems. --(Leaden Avritia,r. .rged • H w tun ...................... .0 18 tv! D 90 ►inose.! a.... ' '. 015 %r 0 1': NT...! P dos. Innpkkroth.... . it(sinner. .. y..'... a 11 0 1L em. y cw ii....... _ 0 N a 100 ran r cwt' ` 50 ( AoV w cwt.... ....... :.....« Ween.............. ....:,..... S u 6 00 Hide Sheerettns " 1 10 Travelltag Guide. GRAND TRUNK x Pan. N ip1. ,Mfx'd...1tis'd SO8sedfeoriltc h.Lv.8.4sant ..111* Mt. • Ulster IAA am Strattord,A .7.20 6.38 " 0 OSO 11.10 WEST. Pus. F.tm'a. We'd. J,tix'd. Strstfosd.LvtLeramt..7.Sepw.. Salam:•1.i.1pm Seaforth.Ar.11'3a 8.42 8.M 5.6e GsderichAr.l.3e 9.10 tier ZJA STADB ES. LecknowStageedalli arr.lc.ltlamlpsd ., dep Kincardine 1 •asswa... Beamiller " 1 'ednesder and Satttrdatt Ar. esearn..De.f10. Loans arta insurance. ONEY TO LEND. -FLAVA lyl toads -on freehold security. Ap➢lito Geo. Swanson. Oode itch. 1 Q50,900 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND W on good Farm or first class Tows Property tt 8 per neat. Aoolr to R. RADCLIFFE. 17:.1 -VrONICY TO LEND. -A LARGE 1 amount of Private FAmds for inregueent tt lowest rates en fh•tclaseMei1i$ Ss. Apply to°ARROW & PROCDFOOT. LOANS FREE OF CHARGE.- Money to lend at lowestetas, fete of any costa or charges. SE?'AGB$ t O ON. opposite Colborne Hotel. Oodertch. Med March Hal. 1779. 10,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND 1447 on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgoges purchased. no Commission c rgediiortooaysyawers n ag Feesin aeonne bnj If title le satfatactory.-DAVI$ON R JOHN STON. Barristers. itc.. Godertch. !751 ttRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Lite and Accident Insurance Agent. Rapreseatiag emtclase Companies. Also agent for the CANADA LIVE STOCK Ilsstrsaxca Co. Money to lend on Mortgage. either is Town of Farts Property, in any way to snit the borrow- er. oface---eniestairsl Kay's block Ooderleh N'OTIC'E_ The usual Midsummer Closing of Mrs. Fletclder's School WILL rex HELD IN Victoria Hall, on Friday Hvening, July Oth, 1883, When an entirely new and varied me of Pantomimes. 'Tableaux. Plays, c., will be given. SEE PROGR &MMES. Tickets to be had at all the bock stoma and troths the pupils.. _ Ooderich, June 28, 1fa7. 1507.21 GQderich Coal Yard Thos. Ne Dance,, Proprietor, The subscriber begs to intone thee residents a (Goa ti x as Hee dock. that will oe messed teen all orders 1s that line at the Lowest Living Rates. PANTIB!1 nriiWnn TO GET GOOD COAL at reasonable rates, call and examine quota. flows and gustily of coal before aerobe/01S osier -where. noire! it June 26:h, 14!17. HURON COAL DEPOT Penmen ro uirl coal for the coating sea- ta& WKl gettt at the Lowest Rates Going R mending in their orders new. and thus m- ellitus' liag she dealer to secure It whew the rate of ifreight tale* law. and the peters d oval at the elk one pssamt. wbtsh It always N ta the mid- BL.9CA'S.4fJTHS Wanting a supply for enmw►er fallr fi s std a 1y Oahe the coddle rtf July. tf p m - Ufa metal carefully attewded to s ewe ee tpgy to JOHN A. NAPT=L, Hardware MerebeM, Oeassbb. Jose iL 11142. tela 4 • PHILAX MOH l'}ked LLTaal A I'bihtde] after 8 • e Dr. Mathews yrs apd ss feet When she as apd said ;-►' lay talo of • gime theft things plaits is the proper thing I told true in ever; t;o repeat the at th moon 1 have to a lived at No. handsomely= puns, riche ran were ITIO "How 1" ai cuntiwued 1h Twill tell ho all au 'st t eel little baby w wretch won't it wean old that mot, an steps. Lent is the cellar, gnawing ant from the lire allowed to fe body. anti >I awful meal. would be be inches of se mains. if db bones have a : esetrietr'bf •ted t e 11 4ititre ` ord e w a burning nnehenisq thio .nttlion t. URI no 1 all; A.i Baying, tl mord, the to Maaltoka i wrecks of a which there nastiness. The )! tion, and the (lien in avers for in politic To rest mit tion of the ft the reitulatio belongs, woo But the "' taverns' see province. In the N senate demo oftrerybody a legal tribut stitatby s pt Do net the sea if it remelt It is doomed fall into 'do senators, fift • puintmenta t politican who the very at . shish be lea •'n the narro is no parallel The Bystand fled dbambet Out of the boundary qu to which ma as to jurisdi, the factory o erns cry for ..pun. More has been tl ' But calf On present cyst Load Dud hut his tens effort, 1 y tis ence, tlumr ooaaund, tr melt and Carinthian nn ell Idmsrtf, insets chid haps hardly while the clerks at 0 even yet rec hie glorious tic influence the new cot corpse. TT absolutely lien keyisnt It may not recall the fi pnlitieal c, country is Downing ri niElieneral swab exist never cease and flan Me. lit. date for Al the hounds stand finn al attfif to otherwise 1 wow;d be a het int er'v bot to thorn The bound Lapuma cep M+ ke o.t the Bay, ami Minerals. a estimated hos dollar within the going, •e against the layette ret to this Ian somewhat dinners he to bear ars two• ca