HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-29, Page 31
Farm and !Barden.
A !Few ecawaaNe •uase.NNa..
A few hints early iu amuuuer, by way
of a reminder, will be of use au the fruit
`odea to those who tu:►y tea only partial-
ly familiar with its uperatwns.
Staall trees or standards, the tops of
ethic!' are beius uhauged by buddiug or
grafting, will need a little watehwg to
see that the suckers or needless •growth
are not siniuging upend diminishing the
strength Of the new shoot' which are to
foruh the hoed. Rub thea tiff as soon as
they auks their appearance. if elloeu.i
to grow freely, their removal when of
considerable size will check the vigor of
the tree.
Orapeviuus which were timely pruned
will be throwing out needless shoot*,
which will make too thick a Joao of
leaves and breeches if allowed to remain.
They should be rubbed off when .only an
molt or two in length, and the strung re•
served *hoots left at proper distencos.
The thinning of overloaded fruit trees
should bs performed when the young
apples, peaches or pears are not larger
than cherries, leaving them at some
inches distance front each uther,by which
the size and quality will be greatly itn-
prored, and the trees not exhausted
but overbearing. The crop wilt be moth
more easily gathered than if to .du top of
a multitude of puny and crowded speci
menta, and nearly all the Labor o 1 assort -
tug and rejecting knotty, wormy and
puny specimens avoided.
Young fruit trites which were set out l.st
autumn ur this spring, will be more like-
ly to live and grow well, if the soil about
them is kept clean awl mellow, and a
hard crust not allowed to form a distance
of at least t wo or three feet on each side.
Tf frusta any cause this aro cannot be
given them, mulch the ground • few
inches in thiekmsas with chaff, awdust,
old or half rotten straw, or anything (fa
similar character which shall liuld the
moisture of the surface.
Watch the currant and go•osebet ,
bushes, and on the first appearance of
the currant worms kill tbem with white
hellebore, by duattng very thinly over
the laves from a fine dredging -box. Or
the hellebore may be applied with water,
by first wetting a sioonful with a pint of
water and thoroughly mixing it, and
then adding s gallon or two of water and
stirring thoroughly. Apply to every part
of the bushes with a watering pot, re-
peatieg M eleaa-Asonstary. If Doi,
promptly eateeylee Mt Weir first appear-
ance, the woe/Men soon strip the bush-
es, and if this stripping is many times
repeated it wi/Iiilletsoy them. A prompt
use of the hellebore will pre+erve a full
MAY of foliage acid a hoary crop ei fruit-
ruitSpny every tree in apple orchards
with reentry's to kW the codling worm
Wraiths young fruit is the alas tit 'ber-
ries, and repeat it. The crop isMoesttall
sititiper in most loolitirn to jtam soy of
• t lay these destroyeea Win a small
d of ibe pyeisolt in a three-
d:aels it over
Mike RE tilt be all washed off by
tiaras the fruit is grown, and
!bevelling warm will be killed by it.
{ Destro the oarenlio, b as
auto .s the blossoms drop. :ring
'. hioh we have often deeori , seep
may be saved from this insect with allele -
lute certainty, and with a small amount
of labor. Cut away all pottiOoasdt plant
ones which show iadioatises et the black
knot, and by vigilano* they may be kept
free from it with little labor. •
As soon as young raspberry and black -
ben/ Danes reach a height of about three
feet, stop their grow. i by pinching, and
repeat the proves some weasafterwards
•on the side shoots when they are a foot
or two in length. '?leis operation forms
-eompat t bashes which bear heavier and
require no staking.
Things which You Mast not Do. -Do
not attempt to put back the shots whish
form the buds of newly est trees, after
the buds have opened, u tkisebecks the
growth. If this work has pet been done
white the tree morays' in bud, and the
tops are too Immo, Make them to prevent
.. a, eying about by wind. Never out back
young heads of trees just after growth
has started, unless they are too rampant
and you wish to check them. Never
apads between the plants of str, wbet ry
beds while they are growing, u this cuts
the shallow roots. A fork er prong -hoe
lightly used, is the right thing if stirring
is neoewry Rtasp cries should be
worked ahallew, either In the same way,
or with a light cultivator. Avoid water-
ing newly set trees, as the water crusts
the surface and does not reach the roots.
If watering is over essential, remove the
a,h down to the routs, pour in water,
copiously, replace the earth, and then
mulch. If the surface about the trees is
kept clean and mellow, watering will
rarely be required.
The best renovator for meadows and
pasture lands IS barnyard manure, even-
lv scattered with fork and harrowr It is
s complete fertilizer, containing in good-
ly propel tion the three substances needed
by growing crops -nitrogen, phosphoric
a -id and potash.
We believe there is, or ought to be a
fatmsr's side to the tariff question. The
increased duties on reapers, moweri,
waggons, ploughs, etc.. are cet,ainly no
gain to the farmer. They don't inure
him better or cheaper implements. and
no better market for his produce. Far-
mers will begin to think that it is time
they had s voice in the framing of tariffs,
as well as some other people -especially
the farmers of our great Nor.h %Nest em-
To grow verbenas snocemfully plant
them in beds out in the turf. Chop the
turf well, and thoroughly mix with a
gond share of well -decomposed stable
manure. Never on any account, plant
verbenas in old and worn out garden soil,
as they wall most assuredly fail. Give
them a change of soil each season, as
they do not thrive well two years in the
came bed. As a house plant the verbena
is not a success. It is almost 'always
sick and infested with reed spiders.
They cannot be kept over winter in a
roller. With verbenas itis either growth
nr death.
wren r r sae Peewees,."Mom?.1141," is the unman/ by amu
-- Mos cilium',relegated to the policeman,
An ezchanae says. Frust and grain
crops are apt to interfere with each other,
awl the taste that makes a roan an ez•
part in one, dire ntt;eoerally apply to
Cie other. But this fact need nit and
should n,.t pr.% out thoar culture for
tamily ..e on a ,wall ac:I r. The small
fruits simply require good Lind, the rich-
er the better, and t!,eti clean culture.
The pruaice of planting strawberries ui
basis, iit pinched up gardens, has done
stud' ui discourage their culture, because
then all the w.,rk must be done by baud.
81ttAiierries and raspberries are pla,.ted
ti r,!,oted at all, next to the fence, where
they glow in a tangled thicket, and soon
become unbearable nuisances. All small
fruits should he planted in an open field
somewhere nut fpr from the house, in
long rows, so that horse culture can be
liven on each side. The nutnber of
tows needed will depend, of course, on
their length and the sine of the family,
but if well oared for it will not require
many. For instance, flue hundred hills
of strawberries, set 18 inches apart, and
500 more each of raspberries and black
berries, three feet *part, would go a long
way toward supplying a family two or
three times • day during the season ; but
if not enough, experience would show it
whin the number could be increased or
better care given. This number would
occupy les. than five rows sorties a fifty
rad field, and would be almost an insie-
niticaut "patch" on a huudrd acre fa -m
as regards space or the time neowary to
give to it ; and yet, unless the fraitooald
b3 bought very low at the door, it would
yield an amount in delight and health
nut possible to produce in any other way.
Strawberries, particularly, ate not sur-
passed in popularity and health giving
properties by any fruit in the world, un-
less it be peaches, and peaches ere [note
diftioult to grow. The horse work ciao be
done is a few minutes by a man, while
wemen and children (Ian pull the run-
ners from strawberry hills and weeds
that the ctiltivator dose aot touch, as
well as the trifle of clipping that 1tas1-
berries and blackberries require wksn
the young canes are growing. The out-
tiag out of the old wood, and the short-
ening in the laterals, any man of sense,
or even a stout boy or woman, can do is
a little time u sprints advances, so there
is no just reason why a family should be
deprived of such luxuries."
A eeaeiltas /btevery.
Physician's are often startled b; re-
markable discoveries. The fent that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and all Thwart and Lang disusesiu dat*
curing patients that they have given 111pp
to die, is startling thea to realize their
sense of duty, and examine into the
merits of this wonderful die:ovary, re-
sulting in hundreds of our best Phpd-
cians using it in their practise. Trial
bottles free at J. Wilson's Drug Stora
Regular size $1.01 (4)
All dew.
Curious advertisement is a recent num-
ber of Mecklenburg (Germany) Ga-
"We have the honour to announce the
marriage of our daughter Louise with
M. Notemann, of Berlin Schworth, Jan-
uary 8, 1882,
"tM. MALLaa AND wire."
"She was the last of the half-dozen.
The Lord be praised."
Cyepepeia in its wont forms will yield
to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Pills
aided by Carter's Little liver Pills They
not only relieve present distress but
atrw.tthen the etnmsch and digestive ap-
but now coulee a writer on church mat-
ters who says to his readers : "Haviug
entered • pew at chu•ch move along.
Lo uut block up the end of a pew as if
you did out intend to have any one else
enter it, or as if you were holding it fur
ejecta friends. De not rise filet others
in, but tnove along and leave the pew in-
vitingly open, so that they wilt know
they are wtloome. 11 a pe v holding sic
bas five already in it, du not file out in
formal pruossswn to let one pow, scared
woman go w the farthest end, but stove
along, and let her sit dowu at the end
next to the aisle." -{Ex.
M saved my Wide* LAIR
This Is the report of a Princes. street
gentleman who tad the opportunity •
few nights since of testing Poison's
Nttav otos, the great pain cure. Be
prepared for any emergency by having a
bottle of Nerviline at hand. It only
Meta 10 Dents to tat it, as you can buy
test bottles at J. Wilson's. Get a 10 or
25c, bottle to -day. Sure in rheumatism,
neuralgia, cramps, colic, headache. Ner-
viliue, the sure pop pain cure. At all
druggists, 25 Deeta a b .Atte.
Muer Idea Elk
If yon are anwith low and de-
pressed spirits, Iola t��i appetite. general
debility, disordered blood, weak cooati-
t ution, headache, er any disease of a bil-
ious nature, by all meati proven a bot-
tle of Electric Bitters. You will be our-
urprised to see the rapid improvement that
will follow ; you will be inspired with new
life; strength and activity will return ;
pain and misery will *ease, sad hence-
forth you will rejoice in the parse of
Electric Berate. Sold at the emote a
bottle by J. Wilson.
CrtroAl:aea. -A nam well known in
ogqrection with the Hair Renewer,which
rrstor es grey hair to ite natural cookie by
a few weeks see. at 6.eats ats per
bottle by James Zan
Perfect, Positive end Pleam-aeat are
the cures effected by Dr. Vaa hiuren's
Kidney Cure. Saudis all esesoof Kid-
ney Disease is obtained afters few done.
Sea that your Druggist gives you Dr
Van Buren's Kidney Care. Sold hp J.
Wilson Ooderieh. tin
A Rsweep -Of we damn `Tease.
ns" to aqy vote anoding the best Misr line
rhyme on ' 4IA ' the remarkable
little gem far the, Batt.. Atk
your druggist all
An Oasis in the desert is no brighter
light to the wandering Arab than a bottle
of 1)r. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is to
the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney
Disease. It is a perfect, positive and
permanent cure. Sold by J. Wilson
Gederich. tin
Mr. Wm. Payne, Stetion Maser C.
V. k, Sheldon, was cured of Dyspepsis
by Dr. Canon's Stomach Bitten when
all other remedies failed. 1 have recom-
mended it to lots of railway men and
they all think highly of it. If you suffer
from Dyspepsia go to your Druggist and
get a bottle.
As the frosts of winter vanish under
the caloric influence of the sun's rays,
so dues Bright's Disease, Dropsy, stone
in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflate
oration of the Kidneys, leave the body
upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu
ren's Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson.
The Malta - -1101411.01.b Qwhley
Railro.a how m'
illosrated 01101 ilN- illNN0of the
Coutin.al;'dee , brltlliertek
growth 4 the 'Tie book
a beautiinlier We,iakelis:IMIL4 nolle sgge��ns
ravi� iS it' aaaMi►: andaddress
Any toh opo to oa�i Nom, M
Will reosivs .
appegiag to rimy& :Zt.Mer.
A Rimaiss t• NO Ihimtt1M.
to these tittles whet. our newspapers
are doo•led with patent utediciue adver
tisutueuts, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you
If you are bdiuus, blood out id order,
liver inactive, or ....moral debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that ill
cure you so quickly as Electro; Bitt
They are a blessing to all mankind, d
can be had fur only fifty cents a bottle
of James Wilson. 12:1
Bessie Meaa$Na C.stssea.
''Don't you think it's warm?" inquir
ed a Colorado man.
"Not tespectelly." •
"Well, I s'pose it's because I've got
toy winter theme's on. I always buy
six flannel undershirts in September and
put on one. In October I put on anoth-
er ; in November, another."
"What ! not over the rest '
"Yee, over the root ; in Deoember,
another ; and so on until the first of
March, when I take off the top one ; in
April I take off another, and, so on until
I take off the last one."
'Then what do you do 1'
"I take a bath.,"
'ieasae Tatemanaea
All over the hind ars ¢Ding into ecstay
over Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-
wmtion. Their wnlooked for recovery
by the timely use of this great life Sav-
ing remedy, causes them to go nearly
wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to
positively oure severe coughs. oulds, as-
thma, hay fever, bronchitis. hoarseness,
loss of voice, ur any affection of the
throat and lungs. Trial bottles free at
James Wilson's drug store. Large sins
$1.00 (2:l
Seeing is believing. Reed the testi
menials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
Buren's kidney Core, then buy a bottle
and relieve yourself of all those distress-
auing M Your Drugg.can toll you
all about it. Sold byJ Wilson Gederiele
A Ufa Maytag Present.
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.,
saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of
Dr. King's New Dktoovery, for Con-
sumption, whieb caused him to procure
a Lags battle, thateoespiebfy oared him.
when Dectorc, change of climate and
everything else had failed. AMINO.,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs,
and all Tbrocit and Long diseases, it is
rearanteed to Pure. Triol li tittles at J.
W itsen's du -it re. Urge sine $1. (1):
Ram taa IPere ,
lrever was such a-� wader Wf
Drug Ston alt is now di: WFibs.'& Wi
Trial Bolds of Dr. KLig'i Saw' Iiasae-
*try for Consumptiea. Oemilbs and Odde.
All persons .elected with Asthma, Bron-
chitis. Responses, Severe Coughs or algy
We/Rion of the Trost or Lange, [fen get
a Trial Bottle of this (RMe remedy free,
ler oat above Dep Sloes. , R e
Well Rewarded.
A liberal reward will be paid to any
party who will produce • case of Liver,
Kidney or Stomach oomplaint that Riot -
trio Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring
them along, it will Dost you nothing for
the medicine if it fails to cure, and you
will be well rewarded for your trouble
hesidea. All Blood diseases, Bilious-
ness, Jaundice, Con.tipatinn, and gene-
ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed or money reteniled
Price only fifty tents per bottle. For
sale by .1. Wilson. (6)
One of our best citizens would say to
the public that he has tried Hall's Ca-
t trrCure, and it is all that is claimed
for it. Price 75 oents per bottle. Sold
by Geo. Rhybar, sole agent for (lode -
rich. 3m
Says Dryden
"She knows her man, and when you rant
and swear
Can draw you to her with a sinvle hair."
But it must he beaetifnl hair to hays
'soh power ; and beautiful hair loan to
ensured by the use if CIwOALMU Hata
Rsivswwa. Sold at 50 eta. by J. Wilson.
Mr. T. Ginn, earpenter, 81 Thomas,
says my wife has long been troubled
with Constipation, she has used • great
many so called) cures, but with.mt doing
her any lasting rood, L:. Canoe., ittnm-
seh Bitten eured her and she thinks it
the beet medicine ever rude Fcr sale
by all Drineesta pert egeion in large
betties at fin rents
At the i)idewt Established She. Sten is Teen,
In Endless Variety,
to Butt the most fastidious sad th most econutatic buyer
le now oompleo,e, and I take pleasure in intoreeling my cutote.n that at no pre
viow eine have I Wtoo a
Large & Varied Stock
Aa at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality sad Lowered the Price anti
it is a positive fact that no auch value in foot wear can be got elsewhere.
of every'grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be ma a up
in the moot approved styles by first -clic workmen, end
of the very bat material obtainable.
130 NTNG_
Extensive Premises and Splendid NQw . Stock.
a1� B4%1V,
A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand
(Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.)
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
A god assortment of Kltobe. HM -room, Ma!ag Room aside:Partor Yerattnre, such aa 71
Um. Chairs (hair, cane and wood nesdipboarde, Bed-se.ds, btatar.sser, wool-oases
Lounges, Sofas. 'vte►, Cr
What -Nota, Looking Olames.
N. It -A complete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds always ea hand also Illearatia feelers
at reasonable rate .
Picture Preening a specialty.—A call solicited
Has on baadti modally sbiewe stook of
Made by theShigisflon,11111, &c'
tells[ taaken..
Barb Wire -First Prize
Farms. M3ells ai'z.d. Scales..
pi"e per centoff for cath.
M. W. 1\Zcii:=1 Z2'.
Beg t, announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Store
in the store laeety occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and
well assorted sleek of Spring and Response ()cods at clnee figures, we are determined
to g'. re the Publie the -benefit
pirPla►ai oall and examine our gods before purchasing elsewhere.
Sir Remember this place, next dome to J. Wilson's Drug Store
.01/1 -Custom work will resin ve oar special attenticn
adr-None hat the best of material need and Itnt-cla•e workmen employed
.No -Repairing neatly done on the ahnr;eat notice
On Jonah March o. lAd? DOWNING & W E D D U P
,....„, ,,,J . .-..1._,:,...,.._„!.....,...„......-,........-..- ./ ,, --�.�.'_w . ...t.': a,
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reva $..sw.uq use i St. Mmrt.saet t,1/
.v11reosilms -Ow _Krf winiabspatarii
^i teat.
t SM rr-Mes O.mmaport4 iue. Plaftt
?an..ld,10Ns.i dismiss. Woos Mortis
AuuwN Maar and Oeuaell Hellos.
« 11011111011
e«Iaa..ae awe[ LIN
We els maim Ise
anCa. OI4. Aeim.Awe,Triode*.s. mlKns.e!v..
re► AN/1/010a.
4.ri Kama OI t ISIONi Ml.rima
afidLo t en+1w.
al"' Y1 M "gin* awe M! hwKryluK[ot,re.
Intormaillsaii. Tao
tb It M/ t1W1111rp, WSW, offers 10 tes.dlere all ifie Weave idose
WNW 10 a asisoNle rase Morose TroMs.� sal ato �ofl ,whew p}�oa .e .N.
tioMvotow, MitWILL
NEAT , /MILT IIIM0. Tt8at0 sed M/OAMT MV 0b41; a .Noe er the
ttIO.T 1IM0rllaOlMT f100T L OIIAM OARS seer buil s PYLLIII M'$
latest sod baa..' iatlig1 AOt $L1110,11llf OARS. an. 0111010 OARS
Mat aria ivy press and p.ssls M frit the /IIStiST Rtl0 1110011 AMY
ROAD /R v slut M wMMt wp•rtor meals ave served a Weeders at
the IoW tate W SpKiTS41VII MINN SAM.
TIMOR TRAIAR smolt oar between O0MSA00 and the 11110100111111 RIVER.
Two TRANS alma dap ttes.sasm 0110A00 a sed oM 01'. PAW,
oma the fal-Mus 1
A Mw awe Shoot LMse, vt. Sense. ase Kaeaaaee. lt.s raeswtlr been epowed,
between NIwpOrt Mow, Reelintond, Ottumwt s'el, M.Imwapells and L. rosette,
grid counts! Wefts. St. !Paul. Mlnneapolle and l.ta.rswerlata Witte.
All Through PaS..nserer rried ow Feet Baprem* Trains.
For more Walled tntorwntton. see'aap• and tortoise ewer bs oaealned. as
well as Ttotets. at an prtnotpa,Tloaet 011110141111 RIO en tleul States odd 0.nad., or a
R. R. OASLI, t. $T. JOHN,
vice-PrN•t a men Manager. panel T'R't a lases•. AS•a
j II
1 I:
t\ Zile i ear 4,0
WEI DICLAYaalet YiOli.M.1
lt hes base la me Tor s yea inn r •.
abeet preparation n t..-
Bra DACHL Ya1117 IN
t i s DA('g U % CON -
ON t11F TAM'[,
TILER. and .a Oleoma
that arise few* • Disordered L'ver er an
metre Noxi Tb.taaaad. er oar Wt
mita tt and give it to [bate stet
pr ~Abe it deity 7e.e
war tae we. reyeasomed u a ours.
11 is mate from Torre Dort. Wede-
o,wq.ru.M� tvalb We"" atmt..ta1
-karma ws*s5*e a wants..d
veaara. miswritten. .red baa.
ms rp nddor
cow weof f is tssaeo•� r meSea
• eel by all reepr.ap+b Otegollts
SO wee donor w 4 rePtaet Walker Ma
sotllos atm eponym Ieaa obtain a Mau. 4
ON seadlleaa hem their antes tea
seas tg toe dew. sad we wfll eeie i
be 1—
IP. fs■lwar $ 01, [..cameos
re- . de by t Ani, tt i I.Rt ►T1
Mick tt..dsch, sod Wore alt tae treat/lap treat/laplead.
dent to • Mr .ta. of _____ __ ilatak se Mite.
Painleatam.le sasMoal�.l�aeMleek la ..orb
abbe ..ceshas bra shrwa hs mese rit�
N.sdseh.reo Carter'eLIMNLiver Tills ere egealky
valuable 1. .awl sad pie
Oh ow, leg 111101140.•«eesm t, s►blie ai�ee aerwi
�i rag t. the eche etas, Ifatf tt.y a tae llww��
bey WI dries/
mesas, wwM be shoes[ priestess a deli
solar tram Ws .. set
na.todd leme.esd
who eve try them w111 as steers iso
sats Im se way ways OM trey w10 W M
lade writeet Ilea t alter ell stet WI,.
1a1. =sear
bane ef .. toy Twee that kw le ease �.
esMs so� beast.. ser Heti NM IIIc w-
Osrtw,s 1110e iNw We. Owe!r'OM meglvery soap sm
?bey eery sire y MMrWy vu,Ufl.�NW M s maw
a Vis
bet by doh grade
Eton. Fe vials et
dregll. 11111
a•wywa•b er seat hyaismarerleneses..tL
near vest slow