HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-29, Page 22 • TIM HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY, JUNE 29, 1883. MAD WINNIPEGGERS.I Mx. Hawkins Handled Without Gloved. ■1• ••lake. tete" Denounced An Enraged Weave elite Al taear "The Winer -tat e- ty bend' tt f' r Wars. Weather. During the past few years we have published a number of letters sulogistie of the northwest, ted deseritpng the wonderful *mouth of Winnipeg. We hove nut hetet mires!ves trespotftkible for their e1,wiat( praises. of the Prairie Pro - vin'' ; we were desirous of THE Sto- ma L beong used by the eorresp1 I1ents to register the`- opinions of the vast north- west. Ret • ntly our I'o . ' ' het L cur- reepxondent sent us in an account of an inter iew with a Mr. Jlawkine, who had just returned from the north-west, and we inserted it just as we would have donu had it butt as eulogistic of the Empire City as the other letters have been. Ttik SR /Jest's columns are open to a free and impartial diecussluti of nutters of interest to the public, and every intelligent Ulan knows that we do not hold ourselves responsible for th3 .•pinions of c,irespondents. If Mr. Hawkins statements were nut true, our columns were upeu fur acntrad`c tion and pr of. 11'e append a let- ter from an angry correspondent, who, not content with abusing Mr. Haw- kins, actually berates Tam Sloss( foral- lowing his statements to appear in our columns' We suppose Mr. Ifawkins will reproach us for printing the "Old Gude- rich Boy's" letter, and h4l us respon- sible for it. Tho aivation is interesting. But doubtless by the time this issue of THE Slos AL re.u:Les Winnipeg, the Huron boys well have settled down to a reasonable view of the situation, and see that while this paper puts its columuas at the service of correspondents who de- sire to be heard on (natters of public in. tends, we donut hold ourselves reapor- sible for any 'f their u.ter.uces, whether wrtttenin a berleique manner, or in the fervid and indignant style of our Winni- peg contributors. nativity, whatever position in life they may choose, whether at home or abroad 1 have been here now more than a year, and have yet to sea the brat peraou,mau, wuman, or child, whetting charity, but It may have beets Mr. Hawkins' tnteu- t leen whet) he left the paternal roof, to take to the free and easy, of dishonora- ble eopatioa of a tramp, h.arilsg as 1 try, heiwuuld have • monopoly in that have no stub( be did, that in this eosin - lined "HOME, SWEET HOME." 1 ay ••• oe of the laesse ens t. Jet'a •.w. 11Wishes ef the Liberal.. 1 Nate 1.e Tk.aaw AMM lit When the bleed 'neves Waggish in the — I Why suffer a single moment. • ides veiss►betes(se at se heeded with imperi- ttre, an alterative a !seeded a• this eyun- p: sin the tittltfurd Beacon.) you can get immediate relief boa ►�• 1 d►uuu of the . et.l Reid ernmoet las! long erd rains The Pores read .a she Vera- One of the speakers at the banquet to 'all intertial and t xtrn al {- Nem 41 It, a. (.'Miran. • nserlraa ton- l wltltuut Wrb.eU r.•uita. •I'hteew V nulh- Huu. Dir An was pleased to tory that ' the use of Pollen s Nieuwe*, the batter (lino Apses ilia t , fur \entltue has nut* ps Karsalmr • aacal as 4.derlrb. the Liberal leaders may have wade w huhu kt ,own G• (•til 10 anon t 1 te- creat pian c S ale t,lutial and itupeui euer„y t" a�e It oasts• IAMB r From the New York Trlbeas. takes in tae past and that perhaps the cannot fad, for it i• cum�tiow a1 ti. the .) meat. W .t'Hlu0TOw, J sine 9, 1tiri:S. party new suffers in coneequeuce of these most p„werlul pain subduing r S to The roma us uf Jelin Howard Pyne mistakes. It u always cavy easy to lae int.reed iu Oak Hill ('true- wise atter the event ; and to ray that the knew, Try a 10 east mewl, bottle '4 , col Nerviest). Yeti will tied Neee'lhae a sure cure for neuralgia teokkhSbS, head - ods , !Mita , were to -de, ;but site( slaking inn attempt sit t.,y, In the beautiful spot pruvtded by witneestne the busy, stirring life which W. W. Corcoran, bis early friend, mew leaden of the Liberal patty wade mite every body here Ld and that he cuuld elle of Washington's oldest aad most takes is only another way of saying that meetve no sympathy, from `• people who utuuiheetttt eitis.ns, and th' pageantry of the are beaten. On investigation 11 brought with them and retained the in the funeral pprr i of the ooaasio�lptaroolg of the character w on alio the eerewou►er be found that the "mistakes” made dnstneus habits of earlier life, he wan were in the highest degree creditable to fot�:ed to abandon it, nod notwithstand-1 of a lltatiossl tribute to the fuem',ry of ing the small amount of sense which lits one whet held. • lasting place to the the Liberal leaders. This is especially conveleatatut shows, he had a suifefese hearts and Ileums of the Atueri:au peo- quantity to brim; him safely back to pie. where he could again attach himself to The site chosen for the monument is the apron strings front which he appears 000 of great rmural beauty. It rests on Machos- L leant... , ----- te have been se recently and prematurely I the crest of the hill near the main en- Scandal to the bottom in '74, immediate- jIt ICRC wean all atbtipt fait. �! frond, Meuse. aud,buut fund -way ot► the lawn ly after the new parliament was elected. 1 y t' And now, Mr. Editor, I am surprised between the fountain and the chapel. Had this been .lune Sir John A. Mac- that you should b3 se gulled as to be- '� shalt, of white marble, surmounted duu•ld'eros would have lifted his head sieve such atissue of improbabilities, nor by the bust one-half larger than life-size, won .1 .. eve that you were so imposed un, t • e d c not for the sentient/its of patr:oti ,n whish you have so soften ex- pressed, but then when I see the appar- ent gusto with lrhtah you publish the conversation, it throws doubt even on your often expressed admiration fur the county of your adoption, as any person of ordinary discernment trust know the statements to be unt. ac roam beginning to end. I cettainly ,gave you credit for being a person on whose credulity such unblush- ing falsehood could not be imposed but for the sake of the old paper, the head- ing of which, 4 I mistake not, I have known you to refer to with pride, I hope you will lose no time in trying to re- move the stain which you have assisted to circulate, l remain, AN OLD Ooneau'H Boy, and an admirer of what was form 'sly the JIi ,ib St1NAL. .a ted tier Lefler. 'To Ibe Minor of The Heron Signal. Wi.rxtl'zu, June 16th, 1883. Sts, -Your paper of the 8th lusts, has been duly received, containing the ac- count of an interview with Mr. Hawkins about Id. experience and observations, while in this city, beaded in large tyre " Winnipeg Beggars," " I'm front the county of Huron, lend me a quarter," and his been read with feelings of the utmost iudignatiun, sy agreat many, in tact by nearly every one frotn the county of Huron, as well as, I have no doubt, by a great many (torn the sister county Bruce. You will, 1 feel sure; pardon in. for trespassing en what must certainly be very valuable space, while I 'rake a few comments on this wonderful conversation. %Ve will take for instance the question, " It it possible th$t there are already merlicanta in that is lurery;" to which he replies : " Mendicants 1 aye, sir and a surplus such as no othe- countrin the world I doubt, can point to. Why, sir, you are met by thea' at every turn, beggars of every description, and from all nations ; but what struck me a ith astonishment was the unaccountable number from On- tario, and particularlfrom the counties def Huron and Bruce." Also'the assertion that a person is al- most continuously met in the streets, with imeple from the counties of Huron and Bruce, in a starving condition, and begging for heaven's sake for a quarter.. Now,Mr. Editor, cau you 1 can any sane person who ever lived in the county of Huron or Bruoe, believe this to be true T If so, Clod help the man who occupies such a degraded position, es to believe that the people of his 'native county can ever become the craven spirited mis- creants, which he re reeettts them to be. THe SIGNAL, (I shall not disgrace the grand old county, by now calling it the }frame S1ONAL;? has always been moat anxiously looked for, and its columns perused with greatest eagerness, by peo- ple here from every parted the county, and until the arrival of the last issue, we always felt that we could bold it up 'aft an example of journalistic enterprise and ability, but since the publication of that precious interview, there is but one feel- ing lunongst the Huronites here, a feel- ing of shame and sorrow, that the Hr- RON %SPINAL sh'luld in its [nature years be so disgraced, as to have its pages used to means of vilifying the sons uf that far famed county. Frorn a feeling of pity for the gullibili- ty the reporter, we did our utmost to prevent the circulation of the said issue amongst people from other parts of the world, but notwithstanding it was seas by quite a number, and the invarieble r] uesti'sn was, " Is Hawkins crazy, or wu the editor 'of Tus SIGNAL drunk, or 'both, when the former dictated such silly purposeless falsehoed*, and the lat- ter nllowed thein to appear in the columns of what otherwise impure to he a very able, seutibly oonductetl leper 1 Every statement which Mr. Hawkins stakes Is so absurd on 'he face of it, tint a denial is scarcely celled for, but what 1 a.urhine'1. &e Inns( as they keep up galls to the quick every native of the' their hrwh reputation for purity and county of Huron, is, thet such a bare- usoft'1'N"t', 1 shall connt" recr+nt- fecal Attempt should be made ae held frit'('( I -- m ioauothtiing 1 ue love never up. not merely to ridicule, hut to tM contempt of the world, the people of sae of the wealthiest and most properties counties m this broad I),'tninion. To persons who hate htvl the pleasure 4 travelling over the ceunty of Hiroo, teem till Liniment 1 was r.trn.l „1 emu - end seeing thetnselres the imt'r"temente metiem ,' severe that 1 (-,n1•1 net nest at which hove leen effected Incru within night (rens the severity of the pun. I the neat 40 yeerie it must indeed seem was crippled in hoth knees', and sirens( unaccountable, that en loavine their hes' Mese up h"pts. The ,Mien of the farmer home, they shoul'l leave behind Liniment wan marvellous is the nature them all the. enerly nI which they were t of the r+ault and the speed with whi-h evidently p•.rae•es4Ml, and nt soy time relief wan ,11tai11e.1. 1 trust yrs will sue uaab to the d.grsiiet-on of niendi publish this- as 1 know there are many opt) No, sir, we send n 'nest emphat- martyrs to rheumatism who miitht he k denial to any such allegation, And it relieved and permanently cured by this is welt known that flee pw'ople of Heronwonaerfnl Liniment if only known. ere tapable of filling with henortothent. - Rev .1. F. Vtawter, selves'. end credit to the find of their' PrinceWdliam, Y id 1 Buy mid try large bottles *1 nolo.. u '. h • all druggists. seuppld wales only at Jas. Wagons. ,. lettlt/les sad i S.sebes. i - Wlil at p. ,R 7 dug stere sail set a psokatee f ItldArugor �t k',•rite't true d the Hon. Alezander Mackenzie. Car he Corot . It la 0o114w..td tot• Qr It is now admitted that it was a great reline, Carbolic Acid and Curate, s"d tris' toe not to bare probed the Pacific hes never failed to remote P 'an't., another Shod trews lit Dint peg \Vtlrr:Pso, Juno 16th, 1883 To the Editor of TRa SIGNAL. Dees Sm. -Your issue of the 8th inst. contains a mslicio(rsly falao• statement concerning Manitoba generally and this city particularly, which, if emanating fr'ein a mere responsible source, and if not so palpably mendacious, might be of serious injury to this cou.it Even as it is, there is • hare possibility that it may convey a false impression to some of those of y our readers in remote place's who are unable to obtain more reliable information, and I desire therefore to call attention to its utter want of truth, oth- erwise it is not we ,h noticing. I have no hesitation in aay.ng that the man who fabricated the statement is either a most unmitigated liar,er the vic- tim of an excessive indulgence in cheep but potent intoxicants, the latter being6, "te mere likely, no the whole thing'could only be conceived by a disordered mind. There is no city in Canada so entirely free from'mendicants and "bummers" of every description as is Winnipeg, and -no where on the continent is there a more orderly, respectable and well-to-do class of mechanics and working men. Those fti}un HHurun and Bruce are nc exception to the rule, and your owns town, patticu- ;' has no reason to be ashamed of its .. urgent. What so. ,,r:.eed me more than anything else, however, is that you Mr. Editor, permitted the effusion to dis- grace the columns of lour more than us- ually reliable journal. Surely its inser- tion must have been obtained surreptiti- eugly, and I trust that by way of amends you still give this an early publication. Yours faithfully, ' E. E. SaxcER •nasi Fluid Llgbtut .. Ctnu. ..ache and Neuralgia quick as flash, relieves any pain instantly, the cheapest and quickest application kn.. . Why suffer with Toothache, Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Scia- tica, Sore Throat or Acute Pains of a•'^ kind when you can go:to (Geo. Rhynai drug store and get a perfect anal ;--r.,.-- taneous cure for twenty -fire teens. Ask foe Kraut's Fluid Lightning.. is supported on a base of solid gray gran- ite six feet square. The height of the monument is fourteen feet, and its gen. .rel design is Roman of the pure classical type. The face of the bust is turned to- ward the east, and represents the poet after he had passed out of his young man- hood and had been made sad and serious 0713.1: 5 Reward For any Testimonials recommending Mc Gregor s Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia, In- digeep�tion, Costiveness, Headache, etc., tharlire not genuine ; none of which are. from parson_ in the States or thousand of miles away, but front persons in and around Hamilton, Ont. Wo give trial bottles free of coat, so that 4you cannot he deceived by purchasing a worthless article, but know its %slue before buy- ing. Trial beetles and testiest. e 's givep free at (3, ).. Rhynas's drug store. tl.nsbtadted Again. I mw so Much said about the merits of Hop Bitten, and my wife who was al- ways dt.etoritt, and never well, teased me so urgently to get her some, 1 con- cluded to be humbugged again ; and I sin glad I did, for in lots than two months' use of the Bitters, my wife was cured, and she has remained so for 18 moaths since. I like such humbu•".'int. -11. T. , St. Paul. -Pioneer Press. 2 Kalamazoo. Mich., Fel). 2, 1380. I know Hop Bitters will hear recom- mendation honestly. All who use them confer upset theta the highest encomiums, and .iso them credit fur making cures - all the proprietors claim for then[. I have kept thetn since they were first offered to the public. They took high rank from the tint, and maintain sl it, and are mare called for than all Others before done with any other patent mesli- line, 2 J..1. fiat..w e, M.1). A OnptMN Mlnl.te•i. T. .rte my. Trough the use of Pr ioow't Stem again in public life; there was a deeper depth of infamy about that trens:tctien that was never fathomed. Sir John's own pa..1zan commission trade it bad enough, but if an imp,eltial tribunal had gone to the bottom of the matter sir b huung and 1 d h d battle with Raver -John and his friends would nut be in y ened and are market( by lines of care. A 1 wish to strike at prostrate foe. He was short heard fringes the face and seems to heighten its melancholy expression. On the front of the shaft is the inscription : "JOttN HowAno PAYNE, author of Herz Swear Hors. Bon Junes. 1791. Died April 10,in their power g to legislate him nut of the ' '. sity. The features are somewhat sharp- power to day. Mr. Mackenzie did not too generous and manly to do en, end ire let the matter drop, His generosity wan rewarded when Sir John and Boultbee gee • ndered his riding and tried all On the tack is this inscription which was House. A mistake was trade certainly, on the tombstone that marked his grave but it was a mistake creditable to the is Tanis : Id*"., when thy gentle spirit ftei To realms beyond the se '• dome . With arm outstretched, God's tinge' said : ••\Telcome to Heaven's home, sweet home." This was written some thirty years ago, by Mr. R. S. Chilton, (now Ameri- can Consular agent at the Port of Gode- read on the ppresent occasion. On the sides are tned slli.. ns in relief. One bears a lyre inclosed in a wreath of laurel, the the other an open scroll, crossed by a pan, which is sirrounded by a wreath of palms. When the procession reached the cemetery the coffin was taken from the monument where it retrained during the exercises, and the speakers and distin- euished guests of the occasion took seats upon the north platform, which had been reserved for them. On the left or west side were seated the singers -about one hundred members uf the Philhar- monic. Society -and the Marine Band. On the et,' -ide a large platform for the gen irai public afforded seats for 2,000 perm:e.s. A large space surrounding the platform was roped in, and probably 2,- 003 or 3,000 peas(.na gained positions inside the ropes. The front of thespeak- ers' platform was covered with ever- greens and flowers, while the folds of the National flag and the Tunis culors gate color to a sr -ere the setting of which combined some of the finest effects of natural beauty. In front rested the cas- ket pillowed in flowers and evergreen'. The exercises were formally ,paned by the readiug of portions of Scripture by the r^v. Dr. Leonard, rector of 8t. John's Episcopal Church. This was fol- lowed by music, quartette and chorus,' after which the poem was read Robes c o. Chilton. TIM POEM. The exile hath'retnrned. and now at Last In kindred earth his ashes shall repose, Fit recompense for all his weary • •. That hero the scene should end—the crit close. fi•tre, where his own loved skies o'crurch the spot, Ant v •vmillar trees their hrunthes wave Where the dear. home -born 0awers he neer forgot shall bloom. and shed their d .ws upon his man that 'lade it. Another mistake was evade when Mr. Maokeniie declined to turn eavesdrop- pers out of the civil service. During the tire years that he was in power Tory spies watched his ev(:;' movement and. rich,) the aathur of the poem which was betrayed the secrets of his Cabinet. Mr Mackenzie was uften urged to discharge these gentry but refused. Ho did not wish to introduce the American system or dosnythiuw that w'.uld seers like an arbitn.. j exercise of power. If a mis- take was made in that instance it was a mistake that reflected honor on the man who made it. Probably Mr. Mackenzie would Dow admit himself that it would have been better had he attended less to the druds;- t of his department and given more personal attention to his friends when they visited the capital. Ho worked at his desk until he broke down a magnifi- cent constitution but he did it all to save the people's money. It would have been better for the party had he done less, but what honest, patriotic men will not honor the ex -premier for the course he pursued 1 Even those Liberals who think the (love. anent should have raised the tariff and won the elections, as they might have done in 78 must wive the Liberal leaders credit fur having the courage of their convictions. Mr. Mackenzie did not believe it would be in the interest of the country as a whole to increase the titriff iodise riminately, and he said an and boldly. The majority of the people of this country,we venture to say, even now believe that he was right. He relieved the so called arguments used to force the "national police' fraud upon the people were fallacies,and he distinct- ly said so. All honor to the 'fan %oil held bravely to h"s convictions when the crowd was again h;,n. It has already been proved that the N. P. is not what its friends promised -that in fact it is a gross fraud un the consum- ers of this country. Few honest sten would now repeat the arguments used to delude the taxpayers in suppoi, of the N. P. in 78. Let those people who say it was a miss 11.e that the Liberals did increas the tariff in 1878 remember Swept by titc no -wen fingers of the wind, the day is not far distant when all hen - Tao horns -sick wanderer in a distant land. est men will say -as the majority of Listening his song. bath known a double hues: thein flu now -that the NJ'. was worse Felt the warts pressure of a fath... _ 1 "••d, tlian a mistake -it was a gross fraud. An 1, seal of seals I a mother's sacred Lisa. 1 1f mistakes were made under Mr. Mee- ts humble cottage, as in ha -1 of state, ke• 'e's leadership they were mistakes ens truant tancy never c feed to roam. that reflect honor 'upon the seen who O'er backward years. sad -irony of fate 1- W '1 not the woad—thrush. pausing( in her flight, Carol more sweet:y o' yr this place of rent 1 Here lini,er longest in the fading li(,h'. Before she seeks her solitary nest 1 Not his f'ne lo:ty 1y-: :1 one whose strings Were gently touched to to our hn'na-i /tie" -- Like the mysterious harp that soltlr sings. Of home he sang who never found a bound mane thutn. Not even in death. nom. wendcrcr, till now: Taste consists in the power of judging ; For long his ashes slept to alien soil. genius is the power of executing. Will they not thrill to -day, as round his brow A fitting w.eath is twined with Loring toil f llonar and praise he has whose generous hand Brought the sal exile bark. no more to roam ; Rack to the bosom othis Own loved 1:.' . - Hack to his kindred, Mends, his own Sweet Home The mennment -vets then unveiled and Payne's " Hem., Sweet Horne " was sung by the full chorus with the hand accompanying and the entire audience rising to their feet and uniting with the chorus in singing the last verse. The. funeral oration was then delivered by le - Leigh Robinson. Then followed the iuternsent ceremeu- ies, Bishop Pinckney officiating. One to threw bottles of " F(,,;.,,••. -w or H •..'eves" are warranted to pu. i./ the men - 'plosion (ren %sallowness and pigmies, sweeten feel breath, and rn'apietely re- novate a debiltteel system. . 'rhousndt. Inst; «11'055 to gig e0et- ties ei tstire power, of the (leant Ots- Iratl IsneoIATna, the only remedy that ha. proved itself a specific for Kestrel debility, seminal weakness, impotency, tab , and all 4.--s.' that arise five% s 1 - t►bwe. ee ot'ertated hrant, finally etadittg iw e rnsnmpti.tn, inannir and a roas- ter* CFA%" fi .1 1 by all druggists, or will are sent free on teceipi of $1.(0 per bnl, or nit boxes for $3. eetddress F. J. QM ry ;y, Toledo, obis), Ihle agent for the 1'nieed Stites. Mend for tire-11st e nd leaf imonials of genuine corm (ler. Rhy las. fkwierich. �lll lisp inters are the rwre.t r ad 114-41 Rilleri ..ter Made. They are compounded from Hops, Jlalt, Buc'n, Mandrake and randelion-the oldest, best and most valuable medicines in the world and contain all the best and moat curative properties of all other re- emotea, being the greatest Blood Purifier Liver Regulator, and Life and Henith Restoring Agent on earth. No diseaa* or ill health can possibly long exist where theca Bitters aro used, so varied and per. feet are their operatihna. They give new life and vigor to the aged and iatirm. 'fo all w'.oae employ- ments cause irregularity of the bowels or urinary organs, ler who require an Appe- tiser, Tonic and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are invaluable, being highlycura- tive, tunic and se'nnulating, without in- tozic..usg. No Metter what your feelings or evrnp- toms ere, what the 'ti''sue or ailment is, use Hup Bitters. ain't wait urn.' you are sit.., but if you feel had Or miserable use Hop Bilden at once. It may rare TTarr him Hundreds hare been rived by so doing. f(iM0 will be paid her a saes they will not cure nr help. Do not suffer or let your friends suf- fer, but use and urge them to Van Hup Hitters, Remember, Hop ilittera is no vile, dnt,ged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Rest Medicine ever made ; the "invelid's Friend and Hope," and so poison er family &heeled he without them. Try the Bitten to -day 1m 101)L Q-. H OLD YOU odN. C:fpIMT lbs. R.411114, for 111 00 Layer Raisins, per bv.z2 60 111 lbs Currants, for 1 00 9S lbs Ripe, for i .. 1 00 Id !be Harley, for 1 Ott 1 Ilia Whit. Belgian Carrot Seed,1 ' ' 3 II.. Mangold Seel, all kindsI 6 Ilia. Swede Turnip Sued,.... 1 (A - _ Sugars Very Cheap ALLAN LINE! STOCK Or-- ROYAL MAIL S.TEAMSIHIPS'G1'uvries 1s Fresh and Good! LIVERPOOL-LONDONDERRY-fll.ili()Ott' Every Saturday From Quebec,. $N•11TaT ass PAw41i. SPEED. COMFORT AND SAM?Y. Suin.m.er ,lrrangentent. Goods off alIdea t Bottom Prices. A %cry large stock of Glassware and t EA-84I%T 1 y;y„ GLASS SETS Circassian Polynesian l'et uc tan Sarmatian l'arisiau Sardinian. circassieu 1'uly neeian Peruvian Sarmatian Parisian .... ... ..... .. $artilntan... " Circassian I'olynesian Peruvian Sarmatian Parisian • Sardinian..." : ('ir,aMeian •• • 1'erutisu Osµtr. e Sarmatian... tf I'arisfan " 10 Sardinian. " If Circ salae Nor. 3 Polynesian. ..,.. 10 Peruvian - " 17 Sarmatian " .1 Passengers require to leave Oeamieh at awe on Th'• (dogs, to cuaa.d with steamer at Quebec. Prepaid cert meal e issued at greatly reduced rates to persons wishing to bring their friend* out from the Old Co For 1 ickets and edl in ornrtlon• apply to It. ARMSTRONG, Ticket Agent l;vdsrteb. Jttaa iP 111.11 it Godc•rich. May 17th, ISS3. EcColl Bros, ti Coit Toronto. Manufactures and Wholesale Dealers in LARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT BOLT CUTTING front 50e. up to $2.00. Chizza Sets ! fl o"n g5.00 up to ($20.00. DINNER SETS fn.ui $10.00 up to $30.00. A11 other lines of Crockery at proportionately bow Prices. ae'l►utter and F^ga taken In exchange for Groceries, Ac.. •w Cash paid If desired. Teas a Specialty. 1NAPE"T10N INVITED. G. H. OLD, the Grocer, Market Sq.. Godertc --)Otet..ELCr.L tiGp.�— - _. • --v �i .-e Ft�•t•q " L A R L I N E ." TE.STIDdONIALl3 brand is uaexcelira by any sitter o:l tort market. In m Rtui of its r.L sit# Issetr. we have merited ngn ops All the Highest Prizes 1 wherever we exhihite,i it -ince I. among other Swards a tame number of Gold, Silver & Bronze Pedals, besides numrntus Iiplutaas. It is warranter not to gum or cant:, weanpal to ('aster OO and being les• t:.en or.t--half the 1• the cheapest oil on the s ItY IT. For Sale by R. W. McKenzie, 1446. e. „!rr.t h. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other complaint, are mo Insidious In their at- tack as those aMeeeting the throat and fanp : nose w trifled with by the majority of sufferers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from • trifling or unconscious exposure, Is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. Avxa•s Cwtasy PECTORAL has well proven its eflicaey ins forty years' fight with throat and lung dimmed, and Should be taken in all cans wltttoat delay. A Terrible Cough Cared. " in tr..-.7 I took a severe cold w hid!! affected my lints. 1 had a terrible cough, and pawed night after night without sleep. The doctors gave m. up. I tried ATea's Cnaaty Pgc'roaAL, wide\ relieved my lenge, Induced sleep, sad afforded me the rest necessaryfor the recovery et my etrengtb. by the continued use of the PtcTnaAL a perma- nent cure was effecter(. I am now Ot years old, bale and hearty, and am asusaed Comte your Cate Pic roast. saved me. 1108 Ace FAuatoTtga" Rockingham, Vt., July 16, MM. Croup. -A Mother's ?ribette. "While In the country last winter my little boy. three years old, was taken 111 with erotspp• it seemed as if he would die from strange Des. Oar of the family suggested the em of Avow Cns:aav P1CTo5AL4a bottle of whir It wan ale ways kept In the house. Thie was tried In small and frequent doses, and 50 tear delight In lest that half an hour the iittle patient was hematite( eaa- lly. The doctor said that lir Cwitav Ptcroaai had saved my darling's life. Ota 310111wasiseemi our gratitude t Sincerely yews, Mu. Eit1ea Orality.'• 139 West 118th 51., New Tort, May 16, w. " I have need A T ars C eating remit &L It my family for several years, and do ant llsa►tele M pronounce it the most effeetetal remedy for and nolle we have ever tried. A. J. Can.. l.nke Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1/01. " i suffered for Might yeah tmtn Rrnnrhltl. and after trying many rrttw,Hes vita nn sweet., 1 war turd by the We of Ayu•e t'wraa', lour.,*AL .tnsumrl w'ALatyt.•' tlyh•lla, Mins., April 5, tss2. "I cannot may enough In pni►. of ATER'S ('Rpaay PttT"iA L. believing as 1 do that bot for Its nae 1 should Inng eine bare died frets ling troubles. lt. RaAoboa.^ Yemenite, Term, April 21, 1454. Nn rime nt an affecting, of the throat AT leap e141444 WAWA mantxet be greatly relieved by the aa. ssAtes's Ceruns' Pectent.,and Itwill & ogi OM when th. disease Is not already beyond the 44a11o1 of medicine. r...... n ay Or. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mau. Sold by alt I remiete tslliagwood, (Set -The Crowfoot Bitten I teak eared me of nick Headache, after twenty yof enttbefar without being able to find . Atef. et aa. J. 0LLINe8HLAO. • ('earl bu O L -The (':owfoutButerepr;- Deny eared me of Saitrheumwithout n- n•; say other medicine. Mae JoarPrt LoreH,: er thy.. wish v get the wens of)..rmesey oak year seesaw Ibr It. THEY ALL KEEP II' ! Mar 17th. 1183 tRsl-em EGTPTLBN OIL. The Great Pain Conqueror A rapidly dispels pain. + teaspoonful its wate win cure • distracting head ache In five min- xes If applied to any affected surface of the body. as tooth ache. nenralgla, rbenmatirm, of c.• tt get cs the sufferer comfort and instant rellef.it is a chars/11W remedy. Only Mc, and money refunded if not u represented. 1. TAP/WV/TT t t'e.. Mk Preprletere, Brantford, Ontario W. J. C. Naftel, Druggist, etc., Agent for Godes i ch. 90 ACRES FREE! L., -IN THE. - Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United States Land Office GRAND FRKS , DAKOTA. age-fleh tL yr.tr anrt 11 1.L particularw mailed Ftlt to any address by 11 1''. 4IuNALLY, (fenfral Tratrlling Agent. ST PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS A MANITOBA ?A is. Prost at. Termite. esu. S. SZ..0..esrT= II•a on hand a large quantity of WESTERN CORN For .ring hrondesat, also a lot of Canadian Corn. tllVE HIM A CALL 't.deri.•h. Msy 171r I/114 Farm a A Yew *eases A few biuts earl of • reminder, wit `Arden to thou w I ly familiar with rte Small trees or • whish are bent;( eh, grafting, will nem see thathe sucker are licit s�,ringiug u strength Of this nes torut the head. R they tusk• their ap to grave freely, th oonaid.rable size w the tree. Grapevines whirl will be throwing which will nuke 1 leaves and branches They should to rut inoh or two in long( served •ao uta left at The thinning of u should -be performs apples, peaches or than cherries, lea! inches distance (nes the size and quality probed, and this but overbearing. more easdy gather+) a multitude of puny manta, and nearly ■ seg and rejectii.it puny specimens ay., Young fruit trees aut.tratt sir •p ly to live anthisd wr,wct them i. kept clean bard crust not allow at at inset t wear th if from any cause gust' them, mulct inches in tlaickue.. old or half rotten si similar character moisture of the sur Watch the curr bushes, and on th the Durrant worms hellebore, by dust the leaves from • tit the hellebore may by first wetting a sI water tad t then adding a st�ttbushes . peal% ss oltsa promptly det Zed ares,o.and, theff wthis repeated it will t+aeoltheh.- g(tata d 6lisels l and >rith•pl7'•«i to wbsn kM yon(* fro rims, (ltd repot fit =111‘rsailatex ties R•iiorai H .fin , the godlier worms s Destroy the taQoo as the • ' w :stoh w. have eh may b. tared ire lute certainty, sed "t labor. Cut a ."4"."' tew whish dew ' Jtaot, sod by vigil are. from it with ti As soon as you bort/ canes snob feet, atop their repeat the pr'oeegs un the side shoots or awn in length. .00mpset estaltrs M require no tfAtking Thugs wills* Y not attempt td put form the boadtt of the bads have e growth. If this w while the trees we tops are too hes' , , ...eying about by young heads of tr has started, ''leas and you wish to spade between the bed• while they • e hallow ts. lightlythsused,roou tit is ne►- worked ahattnw, e or with a light cul ing newly sot t the surface and do If watering is ore „it down to the copiously, replace mulch. If the •u kept clean and rarely be rage The best rano pputara lands f• ly scattered with • camplete feertilie ly props'tion the by growing trop. a -id and potash. We beht.ve the fat mar's aide to t increased duties waggons, ploughs stun to the tart's him better or eh no better markt mars will begin t' they hada voice M well M same o the farmers of 0u vire. To grow verb them in beds cut turf well, end t good share of manure Never verbenas in old a as they will most them a change a they do not thrix earns bed. As is not a aueoeea sink and infest They cannot be cellar. \lith VP nr death. i' ,, spetsia in i to the use of Oar added by Carder not nnty r.leel- ►trewgthen the a perste*