HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-29, Page 1THIRTY-FIIrTH YEAR. I
dew .advertbemesb.
Neth a -Ira Lewis.
MidsummerClosin; Mrs. )Reber.
Uoderteh ('nal Yard -Thus. `:. Dancer.
Hound Strt e1 or ft 01 •n -H Y. Attrlll.
Valise Taken by %fit- tt:• - NAL O.A.;e.
`N` ?UCH )t3), SL'RGEAN DEN -
113 t • to Lilco, %Yee
Y:ol•tt:tuLilco,%Vee Street
three drr.'o.t).Y Hw't of Knitres!. bode.
rieh 1711
The People's Column.
J Par Hound, spotted brown and white, •a-
•ees to the name of "RITOO." $&IO reward
will be pail for his rotors. Any one holding
' 1 rs ler this date will be p' lsecuted. H. Y.
from the train at Huhaeeville Station on
the lett last. can be reo.veret by the owner
on returnln.t oke gas lett. For prrtieulars
apply at Tis Stox*L take. 1607-1t
1 Ontario. With Victorbs. Im1, are now
Mr. E. L Johnson, the Lucknow I 88.11. ANtrrus*.-On Wednesday last
photographer, and formerly of llodurish, kiss Grace Miller, of Stratford, and Mr.
"A alders moaag ye. t•kia' notes. • I removed his faintly to the Caledonian P. Clark, of Buffalo, were united, by
Aa' faith hell pant tt." I village on Thun toy last. The best ' mutual consent, in the holy bonds of
I wishes . their friends in Goderich matrimony. 11.r. Clark is to be con -1
iirstulaLed on getting such a tip-top girl
for • wife. What is to be our 14,40 a
Trsble strength hammocks, all s:.•1e a+ 1m-
ei s book store.
.fGiusr l at ods ,.. the (-Highest pricer
Kmolter of
/nast.on and Crtubris streets,. Goderich.
Huron Soap Company. tt As.
Four, al: and eight ball croquet..heapest in
town• at Imrie's book store.
Sunman Vtslxras.--Then. are many who
aro unable to visit friends at • distance during
the summer. But • photograph crakes by
Robson Is w next bast thing to a personal
visit. and ooeta only s moiety. See samples of
work at studio.
Lawn Monis sets, complete, for 110.00 and
SAM 1, just arrived, at Darius book store.
?MR Darr WRATH= -The reoeat damp
weather has been exceedingly detrimental
to health, but if any of the afflicted send to
W. L. Horton's for pure liquors the odds and
coughs will soon be drives oat. W. I., H.
keeps nothing bet the best.
Dark & Duke's cricket balls, rptulatlon la-
crosse and base balls, at Imrte's book store.
Downtioy Dar Nonoa--esunders' Variety
store. will be open all day to give speelal bar -
galas to visitors and others on that day. A
.t of goods have arrived Including Jewellery,
lacy baskets. fans. plated ware, coal oil
rover, &c. The cheapest House Under the
readyfor distribution at the office or tae
Clerof the Peace, Uoderlch, tei.lusticea of s
the Peace and others entitled to same. E
111A Lewis.
Clerk of the Peace.
OAos et Clerk of the Peace, tt
Ooderich June B. ISM f
1217.3 t
maa to oaks o►arge of the Dining Room. 1
Must be Good wages. J. J. s
WRIGHT The Pout Farm. 10q-tf.
be Neuss be
general wort -.oust good
washer and ironer. Apply to TNR Siestas 1
Oacs.Oodarick. Ispi-t_t.
The undersigned having taken up the I
business former)) carried on by W11u.m >,3 . 1
('&g,Is prepared to dsl3allver milk to ap ar te
of tl Stown. SatI.tsotiongualanteed. CZ. 1
hfc. G. 1rt.4$.
IsiisM,l to
ge mires s Oven test all partial
the tmderstgaed by nob or book aooeuat are
requesteseen d ato settle e ibm come at ape sad
. ABRAHAM collection.
1 M
BULLS FOR SALE -1114 animals can
15 teen en lot 1lt litr...L= of West Waw•emR
Will 1»add est .
triageOgtg DJ tV OTO u- 1
RPP. W. F. T, OROE&1 I8T A •
choirmaster of St. oessgs's Church. Is
revered to give instructiss to the following
ohne of musical study tris :--Piano.
5chnnoh sad cabinet.) &astern at sight, V
base harmony. As Mr.
culture. thorough aid
Foot bas had many year. etcpertesos both In
city and country. • thorough n(si y1 a y killrep t:dad by pupil. Vocal classes liberally
dealt with. Pupt1, on church organ can have
use of instrument. Terms moderate.
For Sale or to Let.
130 block lettered "r,"ln
easterly acres of
the 711 Concession the Township of Col-
borne. About 116 or le acres are cleared. Th.
growing timber coastsis of maple. beech
large frame barn
and elm. A frame house, a
and stable are on •the premises. Fences
Only four miles front Goderich bya gra
vet road. for particulars apy to 3OAN
BR E_CK EN RI DOE, (ioderlob, or to SRA GER
lc MORTON. Solicitors. Goderich. 1818
A first class brick house. cellar under the
wnole house. and If acres land on the Ilay-
fleld road. Ooderich.there is a good stable and
driving shed.hard and soft water on the prem-
ises, grounds well laid out. For pparrticular•,
Apply on the premises or to H. Seegmlller,
Goderich Foundry. 188773-11.
1 residence. corner Brittanla road and Mc-
Donald street. opposite the High School, with
two Tote. The house is in good repair with
carriage house and stable and other out
outldings. The garden is well stocked with
reit trees, grape vines. shrubery««o.
For terms appy to Davison et Johnston,
Barristers. 188841.
ent louse containing nine rooms, with
Mills. and good well on premises, situated on
corner of Waterloo and Colborne st. Terms
reasonable. Apply to blas. H. McBalxs.
1811 -it.
FORbrick residegpe oocnpted by
Mr. Rim and formerly oegjipled by Mr. A
Maloossson. at the heed or wgate street.
Possession given in October. fpr particulars
apply to the owner J. BR NRIDGE,
Newgate street. Oodetich. 1815
Valuable Property known as the Rhep-
pardton Store and Post Deice. with (narter of
an acre of land, is °Rt'esd for sale or to rent.
Stock in store all new and fresh this year. The'
proprietor has other business which will re-
quire his sole attention. Also the west half of
ot S. con. 3. E.D. A.haeld : all new land : two
good orchards. 1 wo wood well. and comfort-
able frame honors. The Int contains 100 acres,
of whirh 1n are cleared and all well fenced.
Remaining 110 acres heavily timbered "'lib
hardened. For pertleulsrs address: It. T.
HAYNES.flheppardton P.c). 1014 -
Subscribe for your magazines and periodl-
als at Imrb's book store. He has made spo-
ilt' arrangements with publishers to secure
or his customers a prompt and regular deity -
Cul -rise Tris GRAaa.-The •ut►orit les have
lot been a day too soon In cutting the grass
bout the Court Hoose. Gallows' Nerewoopo.
dews erd Goderich represent it as • tidy, well -
tows. and It Wright that the streets is
opt up to the standard. Have you seen Sal-
ves' views of Gadertcb yet 1
Kxcveuox. -A tiptop trip eon be enjoyed
o the Rh July by going on the mammoth ex -
the to Bead°. • Thb will be the b1* Lay7
f the year In Buffalo and the day's sport. wf71
• all that ora be desired. A m•gniacbnt
tsplr of ttreworks will be given is the even-
ing all former dhipiays. Be sure
ad gas with the crowd sad egfoy the seat
vest of the ceases. Toils leaves Goderich
WI .m. For only Sten ler round trip.
The town oounoil meets to -night.
Miss Nellie Barry has been very ilL
A wooden bicycle ie the Insist in town.
Judge Sinclair was in town during the
The circulation of Tits tierLis steadi-
Mr. and Mr► Young, of Toronto, are
isiting friends in town.
J. C. and te. H. Deuce intend crossing
be Atlantic Womanise.
Jesse Hookin, of Dowslio¢'s establish-
ent, has gone to St Mary.
R. Radcliffe lost a valuable oolt,got by
ontine, on Sunday eveninb.
Mr. J. T. Darrow will leave Quebce
or Europe, to -morrow, Saturday.
Dr. McMicking has been suffering from
m attack of gout. He is around again.
Mr. W. Se mour and son were the
Westi of Mr. Juan S. McDougall last
Dr. Harry Mackid, of Lucknow, was
n town on Wednesday on professional
The new soap factory is booming.
They employ an experienced Swiss to
manufacture their toilet soap.
The inonth of June will long be re-
membered in this section for the super.
abundancc of moisture which fell.
Mrs. Robt. Hogarth, of London, is at
present visititing her father Wm. Shar-
man. She will shortly proceed to Mani-
An interesting letter from Wnl. Mc-
Caig, formerly of the Goderich dairy,
but now of Dakota, will appear rent
The prizes for reading, reciting, etc.,
will be presented at the meeting of the
High School Literary Suciety on Friday
Wm. Walker, for six years assistant in
Jordan's drug store, is now employed in
Wiudsor. He is a decent fellow in every
sense of the word.
That large brick house on the termer of Klein
♦ni Stanley 'streets 1t contains eleven aroma.
pantry and wetter hart and soft water.
Ise pareentars apply to
iseatt 18.4 GROW :IC CATTLE
built Mone bowie on East streetnear
the station. sett to the real/see, or Capt.
Albert vheppard la to rent It contain* enrht
roams. with pantries. closets and other con
t'este ate. Tsrsek resswpMe. Aprly to
Wase?' astute. Last street. W.
10 acres. nearly !t
free of etumta. Gerd barn
and othoerr tntild nrt. rick cots with cel-
list'. fjealse of R TMISS•A Y ie I. nd IR►epperdtea. Ims4tri
with them.
blies Ida Johnson, daughter of K L.
Johnson, photographer, who was about te
rent •ve with the family t" Lucknow. was
presented with a hauds..me photograph
album by her High School o.mpanions
one day last week, as a token of their
Mr. Jackman is delivering the "life
and Times of Sir John A. Macdonald."
While we cannot agree with all in the
book, it is an interesting volume, 2nd
thrt ws mush light on Canadian history,
outside of its discussion of the fife of the
Street it.spect..r Hood has duan; the
week employed his spire hours in "par-
ing the warts" on the sidewalk between
Butler's corner and the post office. The
platikwalk is much improved, as before
the operation "it was knotty, but not
nice" to walk upon.
FIRE. -A entail, unoccupied house,
near the south boundary of the corpora-
tion was burned to the ,ground on Wed-
nesday evening last, about. 10 o'clock.
It is believed to be the work of an inoen-
dury The engine was promptly on
hand, out the fire had made ton much
progress to be stayed in its course.
Harry E. Johnston, the Canadian
Travelling Agent of the Detroit, (Tread
Haven Milwaukee -Railway, paid c
visit to London Saturday in the inter-
ests of the line with which he is identifi-
ed. Harry is a Goderich boy, and is in
every waywell qualified for the posit on
assigned im.-I London Foe Press.
ENTSAs -s EXAMINATION.- The follow-
ing is the number of pupils for entrance
examination from the different town-
ships -Goderich. 37 ; Ashfield, 11 ;
Colborne, 90 ; Goderich township, 5 ;
Hay, 1 ; Stanley, 1 ; Usborne, 4 ; Wawa -
nosh, 7. This is the largest number yet
entered at any ezaminktion in thie conn -
Where is Wingbaas going to spend civic
holiday this year 1 We would suggest
• cheap excursion to Goderich.-{Titre.
Right you are, brother. If you don't
admire our pretty town when you s-b-! ±
you will he hard-te'MIlss. And, ply
acsp triot, drop in and give us the lat-
est word from Wingham where you
John Kirkpatrick,while walking down
Elgin street last Saturday evening, was
severely bitten by a vicious dog belong-
ing to William Welsh, painter. Medical
assistance was required. He is rseuver-
ing rapidly. The dog was shot the same
evening. Soch dugs should not be al-
lowed to run around unless with a muz-
zle on.
James H. Bell, formerly on the G. T.
R., but now engineer on the Canada•
Pacific railway at Brandon, 15 on a visit
to his parents here. He will return to
his North-west home shortly, accompani-
ed by a young lady of this town, who
will then he his wife. He speaks highly
of Manitobs in general and Brandon in
Public examinations will bo held in the
several divisions ot the Ooderich Public
Schools, this, Friday, afternoon, at the
close of which the results of the exami-
nations will be announced. The schools
will not be closed on Friday, and pa-
rents are respectfully requested to see
that their children attend until the close
of the term .
It is expected that Archie Scott, the
celebrated Canadian athlete, will visit
Goderich on Monday next. Amongst
other well-known athletes also expected
to bo present are : Walter Scott, An-
drew Currie, David Rose and George
Currie, of Brussels ; Dan McKenzie,
London ; Jas. Ballantyne, Stratford, and
others of equal note.
The corporation did not wait for the
sun to shine to make hay this week.
Hood's brigade settled down to business
mowing the oourt-houso square. On
Thursday morning they were ably assist-
ed by the bluff reeve of Colborne, who
put in a portion of his "statute labor"
bravely swinging the scythe.
Rev. J. Wakefield and family left for'
Paris yesterday. They carry with them
the best wishes of their church here, and
of a wide circle of friends out,fide of that
The fishing fleet leaves for Manitoulin
next week. The new tug James Clarke
will tow the boats to the grounds. The
catchawill be regularly shipped from
W iarton to Buffalo.
E. E. Seager, formerly of Goderich,
but now a resident of Winnipeg, is in
town spending his summer holidays. His
experience of life in the North-west is
on the satisfactory side.
The followers of Izaak Walton, who
line the breakwater from long heft!ere sun-
rise until after sunset, have beeeryeward-
d by some pretty good "hauls' during
the past week. Pull 'em in, boys.
Hou'rwuLTv1t&i Stow. - -Prepare your
plants now for the Horticultural show,
to he held in (Inderioh on the 2nd of
July. Prizes offered for fruits, flowers,
vegetables, etc. See secretary for prise
lists. tf
lust that will be felt by navy friends,
will be his gain. The Adrerti.er invokes
a Noosing esu the heads of the happy
couple. May their happiness be
doubles -{Stretford Advertiser.
PRESSETAYLOR. -- Sarnia e;h.,errer :-
"The officers and teachers of the South
Ward Methodist Sunday School, on
Monday evening presented Rev. T. M.
Campbell with a large sized grouphoto-
grapph of themselves, accompanied by an
address expressing sorrow at the rev.
fentlean's departure, and thanking him
or his efforts in establishing their school.
The evening was pleasantly spent with
speeches, music and ooffee and cake."
Mr. Campbell will be pastor of North
Street Church, Goderioli.
The medals and cups fur the bicycle
racesare on view at the jewellery store
of W. T. Welsh. For open competition
the 1st prize is a beauttful gold tuedal
with • representation of a rider en a bicy-
cle ; on the obverse aide is the inscrip-
tion. The 2nd prize is a handsome Mal-
tose crus, w;th a representation of a
'ovclut on a wheel. For the county
rams there are two b.'autifully worked
silver cups ; and for the slow race an
ether handsome cup is the trophy. The
medals were manufactured by T. W,
Ellis it Cu. Toronto.
Hinman ADMISSION -At the last+
westing of the Huron county council the
grist and courthouse committee recom-
mended that the old man Burgess, from i
the township of Grey, who is incarcerat-
ed asa vagrant, and is suffering from a
cancer in the leg, be removed to some
place where he could receive suitable
treatment. The clerk of the county
council has written to a number of houses
of refuge and intormaries, asking fur the
admission of Burgess at the expense of
the ownety, but so far has been unable to
effect that object. The case of Burgess
is a pdisble ore indeed.
8r. Geoacn'5 CSIIRCB LAnlsa' AID So -
marl. -The following is a corrected lint
of the ofc. rp. of. the Ladies' Aid
(teddy, soh tae bests r'stosnformed
In conoectlon with 8t. George'stly church,
for the purpose of awls ing in furthering
the interests of the Episcopal church in
Goderich. President, Mrs. Walters ;
Vice -Presidents, Mn. Elwood ind Mrs.
Cattle to. Secy -Treasurer, Mw McMick-
ing ; 4 mmittee, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Rice,
Mrs. Seeger, Mrs. O. H. Parsons, Mn.
Holt, Mw Persona, Miss Msodernott
and Miss Davis ; Chaplain, Rev. John
Walters ; honorary members, Mrs. Rich
and Mrs. Dyatt ; honorary chaplain, Ven.
Archdeacon Elwood. At the last meet -
tug held on Wednesday, June 27, it was
derided to hold a garden party and straw-
feetiral on the grounds of Mr,
HbeurrgTi Johnston, on Tuesday, July 10th.
Mtesiontse Cloatro.-The midsum-
mer closiug of Mrs. Fletcher's school will
he held in Victoria Hailon Friday, July
6th, when the following programme will
be presented :-
1.-Pantomimo-Tableaux......•'The Sleeplsg
2 -Vocal I)net...."O,
Redman, Row me o'er
the Stream."
Misses Kerrison and F. Horton.
3. -instrumental Duet.... "Oertie's bailor."
Misses B. Wldder and Salkeld.
I. -Song "When It is Moonlight."....
Mise 1Vynn.
J. -Chorus in Character... "The Bab House."
5. -Instrumental.. "Fantasia on Iris Ain."
Miss Acheson.
INTaltr les ION.
PART 11.
t. -Scenes from "Imdy of Lyons."
(a) Garden Scene. •
(b) Cottage
(c) Closing
2.-Duct........"Silver Trumppeets."..
Mia+es Acheson and Widder.
3.-SongMLina'AcetasWynn.y." Arditl
l.--Ulalogtie.. .'•The Country Aunt's Visit to
5. -chorus.. "A Frog he would a Wooing Go."
A largely signed requisition has been
presented to Alex. Morton, carriage mak-
er, asking him to accept the nomination
for the vacant seat at the school board
made by the removal of D. Ferguson to
Detroit. We understand that Mr. Mor-
ton sill not have any opposition. He
will be an acquisition to the board, as he
takes a keen interact in mutters educa-
George Swanem, jr , after a brief so -
jour in Goderich amongst hie relatives
000 *AVS THE 111111174.
ST. Perms. -On Sunday last, June
24th,the younger members of St. Peter's
congregation, numbering 30, received
their first communion. The girls num-
bered 24. and were dressed in white,
with white veils, and wreaths, sashes of
blue, and each one carried a bouquet of
flower. The boys numbered 12, and
were mealy attired, wearing rosettes of
white ribbon on the left side, with • lit-
tle silver medal attached. Maas was
celebrated at 11.30 a. iii., by Father
Watters, who addressed the children,
both morning and evening. Tho cho r
sang appropriate hymns. At vespers
the children were present, and before
benediction knelt at the altar to renew
their i eotismal vows. Father Watters
took for is text the epistle ..f Paul to
and friends, has returned to the States. h
Titus, 3rd chs .ter 5t1 verse. after his
He is bound for Ieregon territory, in the address Mies Joule Sheannon read in the
far west. Wm. Swanson, who for some name of the others a truncal of the bap -
time carried on business in Blenheim, tismal vows in a beautifully distinct voice
has also left for Ohio and Illinois and
will likely settle in either state. We ll ben,, ihti.m the Conti 'Evewow
b Hymn to the tisered Hesrt" was awe.g
Rer. R. Hicks, of Winnipeg, who is acr•esthe line.Joesphine Tellier kindly informed us that we had it mile
First Regular Run of the Gode-
rich Bicycle Club.
nlxlre■ Lang Mlles to Peter's M./11 -The
rrsert.d village \le Lemonade-Triba-
1a11eas of a darty Trine( Wheelmaa.
Dsaa Siugat,-As I know you take a
fatherly interest in the "Skids,"and bi-
cycular sport in general, I thought an
account of our first club run might in -
nicest you. Being newly organised, we
felt bound to conform to the ordinary
practice of clubs in having club runs,
was selected fel our first ran, and the
locality chosen was, of all others, Port-
et's Hill. I need hardly say that none of
us had ever been there before, and we
knew nothing of the geography of the
place, or weahould Dever have attempted
anythinv so insane as going there on
bicycles. There were
our worthy President, the Vice Presi-
dent, les Lieut. Mao and myself. The
roan' was out by the Huron Road, and
down the 5th line to Porter'sHill,thence
across into the Bayfield Road homewards,
about 16 miles in all.
the Huron Road aide path, until about
opposite the cemetery, when the President
concluded to turn back, being doubtful of
his staying powers. Our subsequent
experience proved that the Doctor was
the wisest man of the party. Shortly
afterwards the road began to get hewerq
owing to numerous heaps of fruit gravel
which had been dumped these, for too
other purpose that we could discover
but to make things
In turning aside to avoid one of these
heaps my wheel slid on the loose gravel
and I took • side tall, and in doing so
who was passing me outside at the mom-
ent, and shot Ism, machine and all, into
the ditch. Mac., who was ckme hdtirtd,
came near adding himself to the,tent
shaved dear in time, and snj the
catastrophe. After picking vas up
sed arsnm
eg the {rioe-P's hat ' was
sailing away dowu stream on its own ac-
count, we remounted, and rode on. Oar
next adventure was an abortive attempt
to get past
A Rsb1111 BRtnI
of a horse which we overtook, but it was
no use. Every time we tried to pro him
he manifested a disposition to climb
baokwarda into the buggy and other an-
tic* of • like nature, so we were obliged
to let him keep ahead. As ill luck would
have it, he turned down the very rod
we wanted to go, which was all the more
annoying as it was a lovely smooth gra-
vel road, and filled us with
of a hue run, which, however, were soon
doomed to disappointment. As we were
only Iositfg time jogging behind we de-
termined to pass, and the driver oblig-
ingly turned into a gateway for the pur-
pose of allowing us to do so ; but we no
sooner came abreast than the brute made
a frantic attempt to
and take the buggy with hint. Failing
in this, he turned and bolted in the op-
posite direction along the ditch and that
was the last we saw of him. I would
here remark that such kurses area nuis-
ance, and have no business on anyres-
pectable read. We had now a spendid
spin for 2 or 3 miles further along the
smooth gravel track, past farm houses,
orchards, grain fields, and shady woods.
The roar to Porter's Hill has certainly
the merit of
which when seen from the altitude of a
bicycle spinning along 10 or 12 miles an
hour over a smooth road, possesses a
peculiar charm, and causes a Heeling of
oxhdaratiou and perfect enjoyment,
which only those who fuvo experienced
it can thoroughly appreciate. Along
here we met Mr. R. MeLean returning
to town, who obliging) informed us that
we should come. to a hill or two further
on. I regret to have to say that Mr.
McLean's statement was not marked by
his usual strict regard for truth Had
he said
A NOT STAIN, On TWO 0011.5,
1 he would have been gigch nearer the
mark, as we soon found out. There was
no mistaking them when we got to them.
It was simply Impossible to ride either
up or down. The character of the road
for the last two miles was hard caked
mud, varied by about six inches of hoose
sand. We were resolved to push on,
huweter, and
newt!, LA pialn('iL' 1'Y HILI.
and lawn, pushing our machines before
I us, till wo arrived at a crone road which
we presumed led to themuch de•ired Poo
I ter's hill. Feeling somewhat thirsty we
adjonrned to a neighboring pimp to re -
too limp for utterance. Our bright
hopes of lemonade (with a possible stick
lin it) to refresh us after oar toils were
cruelly dashed to the ground. We turn-
! ed away in bitterness of spirit, and
I The nod from here across to the Bay-
field rood was of a variegated character,
an occasional piece (t good road and the
rest loose gravel, which it was impossible
to ride through. The Bayfield road,
however. was much better running, most
of it being level and fair wheeling. The
homeward run presented no features of
special interest. We arrived home after
3 hours' absence, hot dry and dusty, and
made for the bar, when the obliging Dave
at once concocted some iced lemonade,
of which we each diaposd of 3 schooners
in succession, with surprising quicknesr,
and the following resolution was
Resolved -That we never again run t,
Porter's Hill or any other place that
does not possess a hotel at which the
tired and thirsty wheelsman can refresh.
Tbe Attractions ter E tmeshi.lals to frede-
On Muuday next a grand celebration
of the anniversary of confederation will
be held in Ooderich. The arrangements
have so far been well carried out, and a
splendid show of attractions will greet
the visitors to Huron's county town on
that day. The 3 o'clock afternoon train
will be delayed until 5 o'clock for the
benefit of excursionists from points on
the L H. to B. R., north of Clinton,and
a special train has been secured to leave
Goderich at 10 p. m. for Seaforth and
intervening stations, so that an opportu-
nity may be afforded them of attending
the "Olde Folke's Concert" and viewing;
the elaborate display of fireworks. The
following will comprise the attractions of
the day :-
At 10 a.m.-Firemen's procession.
11 a.m. -Men's athletic games and one
hour's go -as -you -please. Open to all.
12:80 p.m, -Foot races.
2 p. m. --Bicycle noes.
3 p.m. -Lacrosse snatch between the.
Huron clue of Goderich and the Demot-
ion club of Clinton. The summer flow-
er show under the auspices of Goderich
Horticultural Society will also open at 3
p. ru. and continue until 10 p. m.
7 p.m. -Doors will open at Victoria
Hall for the grand oonoert under the
leadership of Mr. Harry Morgan.
9 p.m. -The magnificent display of
fireworks will eom Rend. ,
10 p.m. -"All aboard" for Seaforth
and intervening station&
During the day it is understood that a
series of lake excursions will be had tor
the benefit of visitors from inland towns.
The Ooderich town band will furnish
musical selections throughout the day.
Single fares have been arranged for on
the railway. from all points.
Entrance to the athletic sports and
children's games free.
A special feature of the athletic con-
tests is the beat all-around athlete,'in
addition to his other winnings.
To residents of adjacent towns and vil-
lages we would say : If you want a good
days' sport at a small outlay, oome to
Goderich on Monday next.
wish the rothers aeons in their life by the organist, Mita Cooks, and Miss I fresh. when the owner ..f the pump
apertIag wbbperss.
It was an awfully tough run to Por-
ter's Hill -The Trio. r
I went a couple of miles just to see the
ott-The Doctor.
It's a very hilly country, out there -
Vice -President Glass.
A bad slot for a thirsty rider -Capt.
G. B. Cox.
1 found it harder work than the Clir.-
ton race -let Lieut. Mac.
We're glad we didn't go -The rest of
the Club.
Look out for us on the 5th. -Tis
American wheelmen.
OUR CLINTON v isrr08S.
T took some headers on your famous
road. -Mayor Forrester.
I can't do any stationary business on
the bicycle. -Chris. Dickson.
Jack Platt showed Chris. and este the
hest streets on Wednesday. --Ranaford.
We must move the'Goderi n roads to
Clinton Editor Holmes.
I'm fond of the national game -Rant
T run on the train for hominess, and
run on the field for play Capt. Perry.
I'm going to give the latest Montreal
tou.h Will Hutchison.
1ln home Charlie itar.
I 11
dispense with niy glasses on Mose.
day McPhillips.
On Stanley, on 1flays
There are four of us limbs of the law
now vwttng friends In Ontario, a ex. Mxe•sa'tos' INe1m-Tk.- A nuinher d end • loaner further to go to Porter's
riveted to preach in St. George's Church ■res hooks wnll be cm the shelves in afew A point .f eti tiett.- recently decided Hill. ['here watt nothing for it but to
est Kanday next. Mr. Hicks attended days The hook committee consisting of a law sort in a . ueur way. A German trudge on, which we did, consoling our -
the Synod of Huron at Lindon last Mr. A J. Moore (of the I1igh School.
week. Mr. Jos. Williams and Mr Rhee, will be
"Ys Htoottva FAMILY. The concert much obliged to any fnend of the insti-
tute who hands in • list of aeamrshle hooks
from which the hoard ton make selec-
tions. A ticket for the remainder of the
year Mai only 50 Cents t.. new suherrite
ere. Lees than 2 amts per week admits
Mr Wtllam Wallace, an old citizen to the reading of 1,400 volumes, and the
of (l.derrch, now • resident of the state heading magazines and newgapers on
of Ohio, is in town renewitg old ac.tain- this continent. The rhess and draught
tames. He it nn his sett]] to Sentland, players hare lately removed to an att-
end intends to visit Goderich again on joining room where s difficult position
his return or a fragrant weed may he discussed
on Monday evening next under the man-
agement of Mr. Harry Morgan, promises
to he a seawsfui'afair. ilon t fail to
attend enol bring your wife and mother -
in law
000,000 1b LOAN. APPLY TO
OL? R CXZRo"oak
R amount to snit bnylvtwMs at s M el per
-ent. Private funds Sooty to *suss and
NORTnf Grdrrieh
--J. Best
1 am ging to rtes
.lint Smith
traveller on a rat road train attempted b, selves with the hope of liquid refresh- I'1} h he /la' ,
eat • lunch while on the journey. While ere eO eur arrival. Well, wo got Bob n.
line • piece .4 R•gne sausage m his i gm
there, and finding • bit of level rod,
!Mouth the train stopped suddenly, teem- rw
Mnte.l and rode op in good style to i will he the emote. of •ttrar
etton - To
trg his cheek to ls. bad Iv cut ..n the edge I the llnhsun.
of hie knife, which 1.e was using lie, NO, 1r 11 VAN T A 841151..
seed the cnmpuny far damages Mut his maan oli-fashioned country store,with
slain, was not suM fined. rest the ground Ilio stile of life shout it save • few chick -
that it is a breach ..f etl.luette to eat with em picking stout, and tine or two cows
*Mille. if he had teen eating with a lazily cropping the grass ; and this, after
fork and became impaled spoon its prongs all our trouble in reaching it, was Por-
fhe eompeny would have claimed that he tea's H111 ' i %c lture to say that you
ought to hive kitten off the bologna with I never saw such a dmgusted looking trio
kis teeth ..1 thirsty wheelsmen • 111r feelings were
otl eiprees t*ese
nail keep cool. tar
I'm going, to v.re the Isoys s lift again
Billy Watans.
I'm the big mills reple•seatative --J.
Vou11 hear from me on Downes" Day
- -14111 Rllard
I'm a spare (tt man -Perdue
Too thin But so am 1 -Jaye".