HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-22, Page 71MHk HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 2z, 188,';
Fun and F9ncv.
If a two wheeled w•aylou is a bicycle,
and a three wheeled wa,•.n a tricycle,
what would you call a live wheeled one 1
A V•hicle, of course.
"What u so We 44 a Jay ill June 1'
11'e11, now and then a day in April is de-
,ededly uuderdone,aud we •.f the Marsh
days are really raw.
•'11'histlers are always good-uaturea, '
says a philusopher. Everybody know,'
that it's the folks that have to listen to
the whistling that get ugly.
"The beat conductor ,.f electricity at
I resent known is silver." The best ton-
tluctor into "society"present known
is gold. It used to be btaius.
The merchant who advertises "new
noveltee" is soon to be Marriot to the
lady eh, furnishes "table Dearth" The
camera- .ny will be conducted by the clergy-
man who uocasiunally speaks ..f the "eter-
ua:y .,i everlasting life."
Au ex -prize fighter never dime When
he leaves the ring he opens a a.tleee tutu
outlives all his friends. And he knocks
wally Inure ruse wet of time in his lat-
ter calling then he ever dial in the f ,rrtt-
j%t,n4 ran, while eta hunting for
his father's pis, *coated au Irishmen am
follows : "Hare you aeon $ .tray pig
,about hers 1" Pat.respuuded1 `.'Fair,
how could I tell a stray pig freer ;any
A clergyman recently asked a girl eon.
corning her intended : "Is he in his con-
t etsation and carriage a a.nsistent Chris-
tian ' She replied : "In his Convent•
tion he is very pi, ee; but I never saw him
u his tarrage. '
•'Yeu make we thiuk," Juliet Willwtne
mud. elropplug ea a sofa bseials a pretty
Ctrl vies Sunday evening, "of a bank
w.".ereupua the wild thyme pews ••D.,
I'• she murmured ; "it is sac nice, but
-hat is ps's step in the hall, and unless
you an dropeeit of the frau w indult be -
fere I cease @peeking. you'll have a little
weld thane with has, my own. fur he loves
r i :IA.. Has descent was rapid.
Jest down by the stream where the
beaches trews rank she placed her easel,
,a•1 sat ty it mketcha, (row net are.
•!".ea... isa'atr, is that me y ,n re draw-
ee; meseise thio c oa to t;r,• gesture r.
• •1t hy, yes, lay little •.i.,q, but 14uita
iwuw you. were es.kuse -t• it' le, :f that's
ice,' c..atiu$'ri Oat ,.T, - t1 1.,.,.,-Ifu1 • f
the MINE • ...ufw ..n, '•y..., } u* use on
the Into,; u :...f the tem tied t 11 get
lockets over.
On owe °acu:.n w btu qtr Welter ac•,:t
um in Ireland, he tame tu„*;4y 1
^, t
,pen. At that moment a ah..yle.ai
lad came up and opened it fur him.
washed to make him a present, eaten
to slave him sixpence ; he foam: he
only a shilling. "Here, my bey,"
he, 'es a also 1, 3giite
..we m" sl4 Oh
my oJr �4lt•e .,
w, relnar..e•l.Sir 1V*1ter.afterward
-could anyone Ivey tai
Aliment ? It siutpl)ie
Mea .f Genteel mew Iyer wen their New
/mite 'varietal wrote hu "Chronology"
fifteen times over before he was sattsbed
with it.
• •ureses Sera el eider&
x •
Edward Gibbon erste out his "Me-
moir' nine times.
Sir tJlatt ew Hale studied fur many
yuan at th rate of sixteen hours a day
and when wearied with the study of the
law, he would recreate hirusylf with
philosophy, and the study of mathe-
matics, and wrote his cvulewf olrtiu*e
when un Ilia circuits.
David Herne wrote thirteen hours a
day while preparing hie "History of Eng-
Montesquieu, speaking of one part of
his writings, said to a friend --"You wilt
read it ill a few h"urs; but 1 assure you
it has cost rate so leech labour that it has
whitened Iuy hair."
L int L'acen left behind hiin many'
u,auuwItete entit!,d ' Sudden thoughts
set .lone for use."
Wet. Harvey, an iidefatigulbe labour -
ti, spent nut less than eight lung years of
investigation and research before he
published his views of the circulation of
the blued.
Cicero boasted that his philosophical
studies had never icterfered with the
services he owed the public, and he only
employed such hours to them as otheis
gate to their pleasures and pastimes.
lors f France one carefullof the y wit orkin up
his odd bits of time, wrote a bulky and
able volume in the successive intervals
of waiting for dinner,
Dr. Burney learned French and Ital-
ian while travelling en horseback from
vete magical pupil to another.
Kirk White studied Greek and went
ever nouns and verbs as he was going to
and hem a lawyer's office. •
ler. Pitmen Good translate] Lucretius
in his carriage, while as a physician. he
rude trona door to door.
Melanethon noted down the time lost
by him that he might thereby reanimate
his industry, and not lose an hour.
"John Bradford used to say -"I count
that hour lust in which I have done no
good with soy pen or tongue."'
Elihu liumtt (rhe learned blacksmith)
ettnbtlt.d kis first success in self-ittt-
peweesseat, Mut to gltiiue. which he dia-
claiw•-•i • h,:t iitui.ly to the careful eui-
pL •.f thaw intaluab.e freeerents
.d tons celled "eel, moments. • He
u.aetetedi ,tote eighteen auciemt and
mold-r.r leeeteteus mid tweetyta:•
pearl ui,lrl;t& -.--.. •-
Henry Herten won the honnured.titlr.
T!ttft}au who never waated an hour."
1 are net feeling ''claire w young
i� l Jords of tWJisTom,
`Tfhae who schen,' others oft should
14701tl thernssivep, 4...
-` eektipaeo bright but t1, *be
t• iia sawn fhlWuieat.
To be poor, aroyl_ .ts, imee ta,wt- is s
certain method never to rise.
Labor rids us of three great cieth .-Mk-+
•,.meness, vice and poverty.
The truly wises man shoal,' hawses
;eeper of hie am r'et bet 11 .cif.L. ',J.--
Knowledge Is the treasure, but Judge -
mem the treasurer (if a wise MAIL
1Vhena man resists sin np human mo-
tives telly, lie will not hide' out I it:g.
After bis blood, that which a man can
next give vat of himself is a tear.
Nature has thrown a veil of modest
beauty over inaiJeuh„otl and muss meet.
Knavery is wppleand van nend, but
honesty is firm and upright and yields
Ah, how unjust to nature and W him-
self is a thoughtless, thankless, inplin-
sistent man.
The loan wire cannot blush and has
no feelings of fear. hie reached the acme
•-f Impudence.
He who til *erves the speaker -.rem
than th s•,uud of \verde wales -Wein meet
with disappointments.
He that wants geed setts,' is unhappy
in having learning, for he has thereby
i,l•,re ways of exposing himself.
Thousands will at once form a positive
opinion of a subject from its aspect sent
at their ste,adpee nt, whore oleo mold walk
around and area . it oa all sides.• •
Praise not people to tlteirfaoen, to the
end that they may pay thee in the same
mine This is so thin a ct nwew thee it
may with little difficulty beseen throt►gh
'tis rai-ely strong enough to eateh flies of
any magnitude. .
When you travel fronevice to virtue
you ride tin a e.tnluroy read and get
many a bump ; but when yon go from
virtue to vice it is just as easy as it is to
slide dpwn hill.
A really good man had rather be de-
ceived than be suspicious ; had rather
forgo his own right than run the ven-
ture of doing even a hard thing.
NeHregnee epeedl Cure.
From the many remarkable cures
wrought by using Mc4 reRor's Speedy
Cure for Dyspepsia, indigestion, (i,oati-
pation and Affection of the Liver. and
teen the immense sale of it without any
a•lvertising, we have e•.neluded to place
it exterretvly en the market, se, that those
who suffer may have a perfect eure. Go
to Ce... 'Mynas' Urug Store anti get a
teed .0 4.t.7. free, air the regular size at
fifty cents and one dollar.
Se Answer ytiresed.
Can any one rine ii. a rase of K lame -
Liver Ctnw�wspplaiat that Eiietrir Kitten
will not alveolar)), c.tr•• t NV e ssy t}*.y
eannet. as thousands of cases already ,
permanently cored and who are daily re ,
eommendioq Electnc }titters will ptrnve.
Itrilht•$ Disease, inetsetes, Weak )lack,
•,y urinary ornwpkaint lee -Alla timed.
ey purify the Mohd, regulate the hov-
els, enol acts directly en the diseased e
parts. Every bett)s guaranteed. For
' gale at i3Oe, a bottle by J Wilson- (1 is
u iswlilist ani�iy- =l,oking moan ?"
"That, my son, is a reporter.'
rel...rters always look mad ?'•
stn always."
"What ails that tine :"
' H het 1 larch
u11 Il. he e
" h
Auten the merry iotabi ucceeses
bora of failure the foiluwjng will
remembered :-
Curran, the famous trial orator, trem-
bled at his firstspeeeh,befurea twill com-
Qany, and Tea we panic stricken and
dumb. Month afterwards he charmed
all with his el uence.
Thick,' y carried his "Vanity Fair
to fleet', a store of publishers before i
was accepted. He used to nay laughingly
that it was amusin}'•, how little he earned
when in his early (Lys he wrote carcfulll.
aid how much he received for poor work
when he had acquired a Mame.
''/'nee Tutu's Cabin' was duolined
again aid again, till finally it was pub-
Iiihed by John P. Jewett, nt the earnest
sohcitatiun of his wife
To a Houd's "Song of the Idhh'P' was
thsnwn into t he waste basket.
No success leu ever Conte without r_-
peateil straggles and 6tilurce.
Rath tttt�;;reatest caro rile btreeswife
will eccesjonally spill a little grease err
the kitchen floor. When Tensible, the
best j1 immediately to pour over it cold
water, to cool the grease and prevent if
peuetratiug the wood. Scrape off all
that is peleiblo, rub thickly nth *tap,
and wash off with boiling watt When
dry. foLOShree thicknesses f bf'own
whippet; pier, lay over the hryot, and
plagaWrit' a hot smoothing iron; this
will „draw 'much of the grease into the
paper then wash again with soap and
hot water. This will take out so much
of the spot that it will hardly be mAiced
if daily washed off as it draws out of the
wood, for erery particle has to eerie upt
at the top of the hoards, and the mind's
persistently one works at it, tameera ter
it will disappear.
Lo regarded the banner Can-
ada ' st C.� It contains
the or};ekt'fge:ubeg*iip and suatains,the
ministry on a lar1' esRje of 5 flRra-
tior , of the titer etlnfette ees.
Geograp>di y'peaking Toronto mafer-
eneea, lamest, as all thefees lige
mint under its, tare.
No • hous hold alt be e.i*iitlh•et[
co,n to ,out - hntile of Di V
Burghs iii ey %grim t. tli(
It is the remedy thin will peaiti el
penniumlr i cud eromptly cure lipid
of kieln tee - 'old by .1:r \I i1stt
i i
as f
the f
as in
a NO) tir ape • 70
P '
5: •'(;hn . litheig tee., ,
t area jt to 1 , :ct acco to
the 't ''stand p es
en i Yak kistettei do
rtau s in dei
r t, e�l p. Tw. gill►
fol a, m r. statnds
ette, ti sta 0,
We week Ike to yee itis
f ligq
Tense Prot
It may
Phosphatine, or
' phate Element
Facts: Formulated
M. D. of Boston,
f ary Consumption,
• •ons Attacks, Vert
`t� nd all wasting di
yes. Five
of t' ra r ' :tettisSteir system. "Pbosplia
1g�1iie�m to go. ' 'to a Nutriment,
."1 'humid thi*Rlie -email have liked N}oi3rceotaibcsle anredlnioSt
aimulantsn, eb',
uthat." ly the Phbgphatie
and Oartric
_"1#i did. 'And ey�I** o • and in our daily ft 'net
IANC; �6AL � suthcient to convi Dru
r[--' • $1.00 per ee,
mention.", sell it.
Co., sole agents f. re Do
"Did be get say supper r . bei Front Street Ease ',oto.
"(►f ceers 11Mkk1., fte t:ought a five _
cent sandwich tut a quarter and ate it aackle's's .1•417;41t1 ye.
after the rest gut through" • The greatest arc, oder e
"Where is he going..anew r win -171. Warraute 41110 `c:t
"He is going to the office to writs
Burns, iiruise.,Cuta, , Salt Desi,
that the pariah detach 'sapper lag night Fever Sorsa. Cance s, file., Chil¢'.ain6.
teas a most agreeable success. The
lovely faces of the fair Maidens in at•
tendarsee on the tables were only rivaled
by the chitroljug,,,.ljly,ratit•y with whisk
they dispensed the finest of viands."
"Are leirptentro ever eseeaatle Y'
"No, Mr ttt*n heves. "-(Ex,
OI Pl2'd L.
• ele,00e,IN0.
- • - 1►s,aw,orar.
Goderich Branch.
I). (JL.S.' - ..Uniajer.
`'to•v. iuterest on depueltr. I afts,lette.
re ill and circular notes Issued, rata)
.0 all parts of the world. ?.i�,
Pam( up Capita', - 86,000,000.
Rest, - - 81,400,000.
President • lay..' 117,11 J1c.114STER
General Manager, 7.. •\.-...,.cIlu..
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, • - - - MANAGER.
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a
the principal Towne and Cities In Canada
Great Britain and the United Stales. bough
and sold.
Advancesto Farmers on Notes. with onto
more endorsers, without mortgage. 1753
-ser 'rum -
Oldest Established House
IMT THE l7Ot7 T'�T_
Sdae. sa:in+, rihtwn,, a:1 ,rood :•'reach
csshwenro, factory and
bleachedcotton,pet than puialScoth anti Canadian tweeds at whtaade
prices. Ducks, cut tonades Rt•., fie., vet:, low.
Before y01 bay of pedlars or grnn,ter- try
my tea., 1 wing ftyson tea warranted lo.,r,'
(tom :nets. per pound up. Black teas as ')sets,
equal to most :.0.t. tea sold. ).ly 10, t. Black
tea. worth Mots., lIneet imported at 7S.•ts. per
pound. All spices sold by nae warranted pure.
1 hold in stock a large assortment of bar
iron, steel, nails. paints, oils. ••la -s tozetber
with a general •asaor,meat of .belt hardware,
and the beet
lea "icy't et: at, o: ,immeriese: Prim o• 1 Ave ,
d.ltuL 4.13-• 8' sem • emir Of cot. 1 app try it
0.4 e 'I
Crystal & Black.
11: 1..L 1'!':N . t•;.:., 11i:I:i .1'\'
a9lu� ....... t:.• I.'.�� 1=
.•.q u•
AU x• . !OW t 4. 1 enc, r the
perae-91 i'7Lli ...':..: f '.e J 'r'.N rat+ w- be
N -
Cones, Tetter, Chappel Hands, a>lil a
Skin Eruption*. 'i_ natanteed to re ifi
every instance, yr :Money refunded. .:,e.
per box. For sale tee L. Wilson.
NOW Life few lrwaetleaa Weakened
ea..., MWlhy sued rbslpall.a..
The Great German Invignrat•,r
only specific for impotency, maven
i creat Oparo► 1)ility, universe' lasaitnde, for fetft
That is daily bI I I lg j♦t'be olio Walk pein in the back or sides, no matte .!l)
of thoands by I thg 'Many of theta ahflttered ilea system may 1,e fro,*
dear ones from an early grave. Truly is
Dr. King's new DisO rears for Consump-
tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bfonchita,
Hay Fever, Loss id 'Voice, Tiokling.iit
all druggists. bent on receipt f
the Threat, pen An Side and hope or 1ta7,egf514. ,by F J. Chane T.
*try'ditlt.s 71flhe ri'tt t .,t• tip s' io, solo rgont for United States,. Cir-
pnsltire raise, "Gnaranf,ed. Trial Bot- cul10, and testimonials sent free. fir ti
ties r-
size $ 00 J. Wiieun's Drug Sten.. (ti} Lige bey Geo. Rnynes, solee agent for (
3m: , r
ern lil.uris:
cellos of any kind, the Creat C
Romedyewill restore tlio lost fun tons
and secure health and happiness. E1•00
per box, six boxes far $5 00, So bp
Geo. Sherman hetPlome shirts , m
at a furnishin:: store in Washingtus, and AN I
the cutter a few weeks later met the LOAN SOCIETY:
General with a friend walking down the et 'mete at.o),ttoo-a)-
avenue. The general remembered tl e HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON. o T
face, but could not ]prate him, and the intending n„rrnwer, will consult their in
terests t; examining the advantageous terme
cutter tr.'eted him with : offered by this itoefe:y, before seine el -r-
` ( General, Hoar ale where.
` :.,,xl morning, For rad•* of interest, loan table, and rurality
you to -day f•' particulars, apply to
The General stopped, shook hands SAMUEL POLLOCK, .agent,
and the cutter, perceiving that the I;em (ltxterirh, \fay- ltrh. daft. taM em
eral'e mind needed refreshing. Raid
kmf r
.: e. ..■
�'t l , 1 .�5
ene se 1 a •,.., Laverl'alt,,
el a t 1 u .1:. .''aplledw:•••
Th • 5 • .1 a ... , never fa I .
t.. a y.�ra,.• +-•+ly. • ,`l dt '.Nie le ail
Dr 14•., .•. d =in 'a-
t .... 4. .r 8*..!Sis I,4,.4.,1 be
Jo,itt .T .. , u.. -she .,.. i.te."
St n•st! ••••.,7•4• -, I. too. T ifentn ilnt., I M
teatr,4 v ut.:1 IMMO... 0:1 :e.ctpt
the lisle.t tVtLa• $ Darts*TIMM:
ealth is 'Wealth!
st Jli ee *' ?
f •_\ 11
rl.wow Lntar..
E., lid mud seeing. Mate and reseals
Grady's Specific Nuking.
TRAD& MARK 1'1' '''H'..t1.- TRAM! MARK
r:..,uru 878
vEur..73 0*-
failing c
lrrr eeOlsal
W841101 5 ■ a,
H ermatsr-
rhea, impel.
envy, and all
d:sees.* that t
full ,w a: a ase.' -
WM TANK yuence of self MTU T Ilg,
Hawk, Aouee:a. tater of Memory. Unr,er,•al ,-
tude, fain in the Hk, Menem et Vision,
Premature old ago, and many other diataaca
that lead insanity or consumption and a
premature rate, Miranpautltulnrs In our
pamphlet, -hick we desire to rend free by
mat to e,' yone. The Specific Medicine is
sold by 411drutrtristaul per package. sr sit
packages tar t 7, or will scut beree by enall
onret el t of the money ter addressing
rH F. OR -t y MXDIC1, L tee., Turento,Ont.
lea eel.' in Ooderhh by Jas. Wiles
Pueititely cures Nertonencss in all Its stages
tl•e ak Mrraory loss o4/ Braise Power. Sexual
Prostration, Night Sweats, SptrrarrtorrA*a,
Leueorrhaut, Burr, anew., Seminal u t1 cuknas
sad t:enla
erul Loss of Por,'. It repairs
,Vereoua Waste. Rejuvenate. the Jaded It.tel-
leet,strengthensto Ea/rebled lira in, and !Sc
Intel -
stores Surprising ne and Vigor to the Lr-
Aawted (leaeratir Orpuns. With each or
der torrw1:L%: packager accompanied with
dye dollars, we will send our Written Guar-
antee to refund the money. If the treatment
does not effect cure. It 1s the a'heepe■tead
Met Medicine in the market.
we tffull o mallars In free to anyaddr ss. whirl,
Mark's Magaetle Yedlrlae is sold by 1)rtig-
glats at 35 ets. per box, or 11 boxes for pia, or
will be wailed free of pustage, on receipt of the
menet. by addreasing
Sold In Goderich, by JAMi:M WILSON.tada no,'
all Druggists very where ItS•14e
Puri tier
the following diseases :
/Malt Rhesus.,
Mcurs'y and
it will remove
nd I sill U!ccrs
and Old Bores,
OAtbro11.--Alli for "Dr. Chart -
fling's Sarsaparilla," take r•-'
nthor in its place. If yore' Drun.
yeet has none In stook r "
en to send for It. ' repur>-
Perry Dark; roll .[ria its I a r:•
511. 4.3111*., I10YTit:..
uerties i;g• aree
bminus:/ embed
their vlodsw, livesIghgeu,iloopie•es )d health re it -ea
she nseefthe 1
°E011.1. fhf•f/GQRt 'TOR•
1r elver osievelywrd 7 wa,eni ya.as-
p..trary- , Moat tl.t, ea' T+••1 ! ,; 1
gcusliswl iienkaeas ori' ell t .•t,t •1, • i
Ir, w ire a sequyete-of tit -f41 ,iiti.s r f rel-
tt1. los* tit enure: eS►erewl•, lasauuda
;am mile i, 11ttltneblt Vy t ea'•Itr.yst. ioa-
tltreolA awe i•I:,1 many other iesenewteet
!cietetuM ggettii{neassmetes' prlre Ansi a pei'en.-
i%If1 h,ti,t - h ••14p/7free• ty
mall.freelataultt,i OMR is*- rsidrer ds per
bot, orsts loxes for Ter ,.:. rt: druggist.- tor
'Mill be soot fh•,' my me 1, s,• .i*'y settee on
receipt of peer. he addree-r a.
If. J. C11./...‘1,. 1,1-'-.g '
117 `--envois est.. reteee, ;menGeo. Retirees,
Sob Agent iortOwdsrlsh .
' �ArL� YifiA'j'•.7
Are pleaesat to take. Contain their oma
Itargstive. Ti a safe, sure, and elbeessl
dautIger .t worse in Calpiran of Mall&
Farmers Please Consider i hit
1 with 'ondt►fia rapidity and stayer fail,,
when taken all the ovmmeneement of an
attack, to cure -$
Cholera, Cholera Morbus,,
a4 well a• all summer complaints f a simi-
lar nature.
For Toothache, Iturns,
Scalds, Cuts, 'Bruises, de.
the PAIN K:1 ..ISR will be f and a wailing
ihetician, rt,e,y and able to relieve your
suffering without delay, and at a very insis-
nt6caat coot. For
Colic, Cramp.,
Dysentery in, Horses, r
the PAIN KILLER ha, an equal, an it bas
never been known l0 fall to effect a rare in •
'irr'e instance. It is used in soma of the
largest livery stables and horse infiro,rles in
aha world. To res Loci ta to young latnns','other
•tock chil'ed and ding frons roll a little
1'.!v Krl.:.rs mixed with milk 'ail restore
t, health very quickly.
^13" The PAIN KILLER i. for rile by
-diets A►wtbscarle,, c r •.• plane, \k,1.ein.
e i.r, tLr.u,'bout the v .1..1.
sr' w •0 a look
17 r, 0 visas
e-1 o • .nusbe
, • •,.t leo do'
.i• -••-clan
i, i.. 7.•- r r t" 7* t gvea
.. 1 . , V. t',a,: , "n, too. ,
welt .-r: .kthetc
_ t'
'.'• pent'
p' • '• 't,• , .fh..a Will
: r n' a i .. r • - L,.x-
1, •
.• or.
f h ria,.% j'i ': a can
e r "r oa d
>, cnSUN
'•• 1-4- 1,-......-,.--.....:
r -- ••mein-_ .om •.
ibe r:r.; • t.
t 1hIvo!
• r verse)- will
tM _
!s Reee nutondM by P:rRhlnria.
vie 1 C�tefty -C�f� m. sot Oqu
If 11I� ar.
tracts r if1R�CT& et the
stone 1 4'fir :am
yttert, t 1p tto�o clefts-1m.
M the WUNID, an4 4:4rite"
thM 11 ehsae,ee ter h, for
THAT "aIons,
Ler IN ilii MAIM KT ,lag -
Ss 00 wt:>7* R`: jdr $AIF ;r, s: to ..ellsvet 00
I\=',tlrl•r.n\ TF1. A. D. peel. ti
quietly :
\(adeytiur.hirte." BRUTi:H A3$. CO'Y, Tnfowres-estahiiebe
"Oh, 1 hest pardon," said the General ' lag
quickly, and, turning to the geetlemap 1.1.1"11 Rstfi\aWiNe8'iehM err' of hnxlos F•nglastpjl'
with wheni he was walking, he said : HARTFORD INS. CO'Y,.1 RARTronr.. I'onn
Fstabllwh.d IRIS.
Allow aceto introduce' ille::teken In th.abrier 1 saunter, 4a
inn to my friend, Maine f'ichuts. ' fate lowest rates by MORAC1<' HpRTON.
The andgts1enod i, span AmArwt.er fur the
�r--� CANADA PER. LOANAnn•tV(\G 5.0'1
Thea. ewe 5.114 /arts, TonoNro.
Money to Lora es••cgsrlty onThe hest blood purifier and system re- 7MSIn•('*at.-('taarl% era,'e4
gulator ever plaice(' within the reach of oedw,,,..h r.1 . t¢ llultfoie.
suffering humanity, truly is Electric Hit -
en. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness
ianndice, Constipation. Weak Kidneys.
.r any disease of the urinary organs, or
wtt''ever requires an appetizer, tonic or
mild .tintnlent, will always find Electric e n i t5I0. M►awti.k len yowrown
Bitters the best and nal certain cure town fs O4tt*a err. Ns tisk. Rrerything
y new. c'"* 1111 Ail''Onlrwd. We alit fvirnl:h
known. They act surely told 'leiekly, ice* .e m.krt se most, are twwN fortune.
vary l.ottle guaranteed to giro entire Irl. make a mon' "w'1 tenet amt
sat iafaction ,.r moneyrefunded. S.eld at ' R great pry. Rea.trr, I yen want
utd ie ae les fA y ar MA rte Mr �r,Ilt py ►il
fifty arnta 1 brittle by .1. Wilson (1) s guars eras, for Is., - particulate Mr A.11t�tasvT
(sn PorUand llta1/16.
v; ,rot -t i, _
not, Ida le ewe.ping try, go
off before
i 00 dlr.
«.mesh might: en4 Intb
Hew 'writ Iwhind to eoneltrr
Int. E. 5'. w` sede XCHte sen HAAIN 'Poiret
ME •11', .r -.10'.07:/•0.i •!Wiinio for Ifysterie. Ilia
iso N7w• •'^en a;• o'. Pita, Nervona Xenrnl0�pa
iieadar 1.•. Si ....,:, ,'rtlarattin, sherd t•v-55e
n,.• of *1.•..,, 7 • 11.1,7,.'1neps, Hen-
n• pt, r *-o. ' . el r. rw:. c o5 the Deafly. ir.,nit
fn t R,�n,�.¢: .i..r. , 4 1 ..,,ry. 111'4117
and 41 ort o, t'• :.is'8 8 4711'.1, Lt=rrrppnesa.
4,' 1%0''r:n • '.: •esex, ft, v• I,,;.t:trelease.
•• • .'a oma b:. ll•, ere-ler:10n
n•• 1. ,'Io, -1 41:.1..'• or nverdndelgcttcr.
tett •:7 :ll ewers rv'.'4 I tart.. F-7.41 hex con-
t a me one or On!lea re!tnttrt. 1t11.•dollar". hat.
nix le, , s • . r tic • •:.:1 ors • 5en 7 by mail pre
"n : fN o. p::,., W.- guarantee eft
next. ro eteee •aur r.:• Y.'i h e:i,h order te•
ri er'I 1'7 04 fur to 4 b"itea. ae.•ontpank.4 with
ve dnLn•vs we alb roots th. punhsaer ant
written:r►Ara•ri.'c• er....10w.1 the tummy It the
t realn1el.td.nr. ru.a,,R, , n enm, rlWranteett
s'ie4 snly i•..1 t1ttw WM.esA sole anor.
e•1 wen.rn• f=•rll ti.'r:, b, troy. JOHrh
N c n'F;Br
son ...gM ertrerieterri. Tommie Oat.
• ,
r...r; i^,,
,'Ess, DIIZI,yES3,
e • .,i4?ELAtt; • ACIDITY OF
Med every sper:ei of dte•aN arising from
IMM'a.r'ed EVER, 51011tY5, STOMACH,
BOWELS OR 58000,
T. IiLBURN & GO.,rat TQ
t work need. et Verse t'y *Ise In
tuetrim's. Best bneine,a nen ba-
the pnhho. Capital no, tor. -
ed tVr *HI start yon. Sle ee.
--a, hors rase girl. winter! e• try.
70 work for ne. N,rw la the thaw, '1"011
can work in spar.- tittle or rive ) our whore
timetn the h Innen'. O other h',' *ea. will
pay you nearly .o wen. Ne row• ran fail to
make enonnoo• pay by engaging/ at move.
('n.tly event and t1f�f1te�tsj� free. M�Iuse, tole
?set. men/. en4 honerehly Aef.1,..,,,'Za,•s rF
Co.. Awwe1010 Maine
RGENlS walrWert'.,,} illi( 1410,, 4,*
eftesp4�lr,ffia ,r �,nt sMl�'e.
pssaa. A Y+ e i e« Cb Me a
(Imal' 1.43
WELr.AND, Una., *larch at 140m.
Its little,len4:iter wast,t.tbete with catarrh
toe two) ever., • n,1 w,cs very t0 , 7ti be:Irfat.,t try
'he n.o •.r ' *17,1'4 Catarrh tout r' tthn Is now
about ver• t. w. T. t1 Aj3L,.
II trcb 4' , 19tsa,
Ibnto nv.l •• H4114 C,tarrh' tire," au,I Ill
ing fro,.. -ho 400,7 resort I nrrive4 t,-.'
u oigg
bottle. to sieve it wilt 0' .' 01• coots rubbers
eta.• of c,✓'0111 It it, 1.4' In• M•attaiO 1 (les s
reason.: ,Ie length of time.
K' R Reti.Far3,
trterese r, neat, yeel, 7.1, eel
F. it. ewe veer es uo., Tomo. te
5.'-13� a said Sall, Lasater, eine lot Iha
,!,*r, anal ri 1111p14enure ,atlstsrt•on.
yenta grit,
U. W. H014.10)N, ieridel ,
Hall's Catarrh Clue
•.old by W %Vb ,le. , 1n 5e..1 1' 4611 , try Vela
end teal,,,. In Patent N.edtetnes In
the Veiled Weise ■n.1 vaned*
I Coats a Dottie. X44,110 R Do:
T7„vaty alsolue !lap's,' :•a,rl,,u: ,smae-
efectured by r. a. Cit llRE y .4 Cp , TotWq 0
asrB.wars of Imtiaethties.
Tiottt..t for 1rS• (k:1.,t., trap. by
H. W HOBSON, Welland. Ont.
I:11\ \ \S
�• Ir t¢cnt