The Huron Signal, 1883-06-22, Page 14 41
e.. w ,r,tt€.I'
r it?Y-r[rTH YEAR. 1
HOLE NUMDb::t :fele
New t,lvenl.essemla.
Notice -Peter .\damson.
Farm for .awls -John Brsoltenrl.l;'.
Huron Coal Depot -1 .bra \. Nafte!.
Wanted -Mrs. T. b. ,l.i.vley. Detroit.
IBM Dow Goods ya1s--J. t•, De'lor t Co.
Dry Goods and Oro -trine -''eleoma brothers. '
N E sir►7 •1 BOUT HOME. I Mr. J. 1'. Gene" will sail for Europe. SOCIAL AND Llkzvaa. -Tb. r►' tear- Tea OWL.T CANARY. --Thomas Ureal,
on the Allan Line steamer CU -coon, -Ai en eery trona under the auspiosst the street inspector of this town, writes the
Saturday. June 3Oth. He will be ab- I Wonau's Miesionary'Society of • North following characteristic sketch of a can-
not shout two m'.nths, root I we hope to I street Methodist church was d on cry which died on Wednesday at the
see him return legion fully restored to Monday evening last. Atte. efr..h- great age of 17 years :--"Hughie, my pet
health. merits had been partaken of r T in- Canary, eh., was perhaps the oldest bird
treating lecture was delisere Rev. in town, died this morning at 6.30. He
Mr. Howard. A short addree also burst from his shell in 1S0ti, and before
gireu on the «. cession by Re% .felts- be learnt a note the dm of battle was
Geld. sounding -the battle of she Bayfield road.
GuuTslca --The GoderichS. last Since then he has never been one hour
week gave g very tine description of ha from Inc cage, and never for 17 yeari
town sod tie many advantages it pas- has he t•kru one peck front home. Al-
sesses ge s =owner resort. Numerous ways liberal in song, but conservative in
engravings of the principal hotels and habits, he paid fur everyseed he
a practical impute of " the square " are cracked, and left no debt ind him.
given, annlike the pictures in the big Where is the man or bird who will not.
dailies thdd ! aro correct. The article is mourn for Hughie 1 -Tinos, Horn.
"A shiers &inane ye. takWNIN.
An' faith he'll pre. t1.
Treble strenph hummock., all sises, st lm-
rl•'s book store.
Have you sees the beautiful views of Gudr-
rioh and vicinity by Itobeon t Cali at his (ai-
ry, and examis* them. Photograph framer
rt In at l.,w rates.
•L.Todr. O Dos and testi-m.o. West Stria;'.11t.v dvik of Montreal, Gods. 1
rich 1TM1
She People's Column.
do general house work. No washing
roslsing, Apply to MRs. T. D. HA `LEY 1
Wick MI
mw to take charge of t he Dining Room. ,
Mu.t be • tom• wawa wa.1. J.
W STOAT 'Re Po ntt Farm. leSg-tf. t
for "'neral house work -must be goat 1
washer and freest. Apply to Tug ytoaaL
Odks, O•dertch. 1114-tf.
— 1
Tenders will be reselved by the undersigned •
until Ute 30th instant for removing the shed 1
from Inside the gaol walls to the southwest. '
it erly limits Parttheul gaol grounds given upilding
on ap ,
oKos. ,
plying at my 1
PETER ADAMSON. County Clerk.
Ooderlck, June Nth. M. HMO ,
The undersigned having taken up the milk •
be•insas formed) carried ole by William Mc- 1
Galt, le prepared to deliver milk to all parts •
of the town. Satisfaction guaranteed. HAUL- 1
McCAIG . Ilio! -4t. .
hereby bdabrad
given that all parties a
the by hook
mders[geed note or amour= ars c
rogosased 16 settle the same •t oace sed tYmF
by save o•tlectioa. 1 mean boa
as eatirced -
BULLS FOR SALIL-The sten on tot M, are oon. se WIIIMIWriswinaT
Will boast bargafn- Fro fuller
at♦ par-
ticularsapply to JOHN WAIADIQTON, Au- i
. tan P. O. 111114N1. I
st et. Osssaa's Mural. V
to Lestrataims 1a the (sOowl.g 1
prepared gin
mwi viz :Ig
Ictisrea and o hg&gisight, V
teoreo ass V Kr.
Nat baa had mar year, egpaelomea both is
city and country. a tboreugb manna may be
by_pupile. Yeast liberally
scpe..tef 01.....
dealt Pupilage have
with. church owe abli
use of lestrumeet. Terms moderate.
For Sale or to Let.
l170 acres of block. lotterod "Ir." in
the 7th Cosoesdua of the Township of Col-
borne. About la or Pt sores aro cleared. The
timber oo:..0st
ts of aple beech
and elm . A frame house, a large frame tern
a•d stable are on the premises. .'•noes .
Only four miles from Goderich by • &-
Tel road. For ppasrticular, appy to JOHN
R MORTON. Solicitors, Oodertoh. DIPS
A gest brick house, under the
elms cellar
whale house, and 1f sores land on the Hay-
field road, Goderlch.there is a good stable and
driving shed.hard and soft water on the prem-
ises, grounds well laid oat, For particular,
apply on the premises or to H. Soon tLtier,
Goderich Foundry. l tt.
residence. corner Brittanla mad and Mc-
Donald street. opposite the High School. with
two tote. The house is in good repair with
carriage house add sable and other out
DuiMiegs. The garden is well stocked with
milt trees, grape vines, shrubsry, leo.,
For teras apply to Davison ! Johnston.
Barristers. j trgatt.
ent house cooalning nine rooms. with
halls, and treed wee on premises, situated on
corner of Waterloo and Colborne st. Terms
reasonable. Apply le Mas. R. !chews.
1beautiful brick residence occupied l
Mr. Rice, and formerly occupied by Mr. d
Maloomsoo, et the head of Newgate street.
Possession given is October. For particulars
apply to the owner J. BRECKENRIDGE.
r e wgate street. Oodorioh. line
Valuable Property known as the Sbee-
pardton Store and Post Office. with quarter of
an acre of land, Is offered for sale or to rent.
Stock In store all new and fresh this year. The
proprietor has other bsetness which will re-
quire his solo attention. Also the west hell of
of .1,con. r, R.D. Ashfield ; all new land ; two
good orchards. two good wells. and comfort-
able frame houses. The lot contains 100 acres.„
of which 70 are cleared and all well fenced.
RemaInlhg 50 acres heavily timbered with
hard wood. For particulars address : R. T.
HAYNLa. Sb•peardtou P.O. 1s61 -
That large brick home on the corner of Elgin
Seals street. it eleven
and contains rooms.
hard water.
pantry and dollar. and soft
For particulars apply to
betlt Oahe homes on Fast *tram beer
OA. ....s.,. . ler a
Albert /haggard le he rstnt. It contains •telt
MOMS, withpastries. closets and other eon.
rteWOWS . Terms reasonable. Apply to
WI/A1011SALKnLn. East street. (r {t.
eta. nos nearly free of spa m 14. (:aid hare
and atm bulldlttg. !trick nnttage with ma-
lar. Good orrbard and ail well fenced. Re-
gain of R. T HA 714 ES, ltbeppsrdtoa 1em41.
Loans anb insurance.
Four. six and eight ball croquet, cheapest
town. et Imrle's book atom.
SoA1,QtuiAaa & TALLOW. -Highest prices
fid for all kinds at the factory, corner of
lagsion and Cambria streets. (toderlch.
'trim Soap °empaay. 1011-3m.
Lawn tennis sera, .wmplete tor 1110.110 and
lien, just arrived, at [mile '• book store.
It was Impossibt. for Sallow., the photo -
her. to aot o. the :ommlttoe for games
tc.. on Dominion liar, as he will be so busy
s his popular studio that he would not be
We to see to the games.
Dark t Dike's cricket balls, regulation la-
ud time balls, at lmrle's book store.
The railway question Is lying quiet at pre -
sal, but W. L Horton of the l3Werich liquor
is ani one to see the day when &compet-
eg railway will be opened to Goderich on
Let ocon be will willingly supply the
tress seal at Deet.
Every visitor to Goderich should call et
sunders' variety store and take home a pre -
rat from their immense stock of fancygoods
ad notions. Something will be footo suit
verybody, and they sell lower than any oth-
✓ arm. '-The Cheapest House Under the
Subscribe for your magazines and periodl-
als at Imrie's book store. He has made sp.-
W arrangements with publishers to secure
or his customers a prompt and regular dolly-
Ezcoasiott. -A lip -top trip can be enjoyed
.s the lib July by gotag on the mammoth ex.
union to Buf'mlo. This will be the big day
r[ the year In But .loaad the day's@porta will
.. all that can be desired. A magnlacleet
lisplay of fireworks will be given in the even -
ng outdassllae all former di. lays. Be sure
.rad go with the crowd and enjoy the great
resat of the season. Trete leaves Goderich
.46 a.m. For only $2.00 for round trip.
Miss Hunt left for Kippen on Wednes-
Yssterlay was the Longest day in the
Capt. A. & McGregor was in town
March Green has gone out to Dakota,
practice as a V. 8. dttriag the summer
Mrs. W. Knight, who has bees pros -
with a very severe attack of cold,
s &boat mein.
Mr. and Mrs Gorham have returned
toss Detroit, asd will continue to reside
o this notion.
Mn. Smeath and Itis Allis Smeath,
eft on Tuesday for a month's visit to
elatives in Kingston.
We understand Capt T. N. Datcey
intends to go into theeI . triode largely
tlaeirig the moa ssingm-
J. Deacon sad R. Radcliff. have been
attending the Loudon Synod as delegates
from St. George's'thurcb.
1 funds ole fiesMM .Monty. Appppl1y t.
Oeo. ewaason. Qodertets. lgge/w.
•lel. 17t1p.
Miss Lizzie Campbell, of Sealorth,
paid a flying visit to her friend Miss
Wilein•on of this town this week.
Goderich offers the best inducements
to pleasure seekers on Dominion Day.
Have you seen the big colored poster
yet ?
Mis. Ida Wilkinson is stoking a resto-
ration to vigoroue health by a change ..f
soene and rest among friends at Kincar-
Mr. R. Hobson, R R conductor of
Adrian, Michigan, oame over to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Burly, his wife's
E. R Palmer will sojourn in the
United States during the trotting season.
He has taken Syndicate and Ned !Intim
with him.
John R. Steep late teacher at Ben -
miller, and well-known in Goderich, is
now teaching near Winnipeg, at a lucra-
tive salary.
amount to snit borrowers at 11 to leg per
rtrivets funds Apply to and
O e. Goderich.
Registrar Di. ,.,,n Anil tits slaughter
ieft on l'oesdat murrina f..r,
thereto take parolee few "As1d-Reekte,"
They will be absent ab..nt three month..
We wish them a pleeseot trip and safe
From a t 'py ..f Rot/Oynani's lleaseugn,
dated June 7th, we observe that Mr
and Mrs. M. C. Conte -nit were registered
at Paris on that date. In themme party
was Hun. A. Mackenzie and Mn. Mac-
Co11IIZTraD. - W m. Dagon, a boy of 1.3
years, from Seaforth, was committed to
stand his triaifer larceny on Wedcone,
last. The boy bears a bad rerd,
his mother hes expressed a wish that he
be sent to the reformatory.
Simon Fraser, druggist, of Detroit,
paid a visit to parents and friends is
town last week. Mr. Yraser is now es-
tablished in a very lucrative drug heir -
nem in the city of the straits, and looks
as if life in that region suited him.
Mr. A. Watson, florist, South St., had
another floral attraction on Saturday
evening, the night blooming moms being
in bloom for the brat tune since June
last. The flower seemed larger than be-
fore. Another bloom is expected shert-
lyMallows, the photngrsph.r, has handed
us a picture of the United Empire as she
appeared in port recently. The vegeta
stands out very clearly, eitd will wake an
interesting addition to the stere"scopie
views of Goderich that Bellows is pre-
On Wednesday of last week a lad who
was causing annoyance outside osis sof
our town churches was captured and
brought before the pastor, who tepee -
mended hint and stated if the offence was
repeated he would be brought before*
'magistrate and summarily dealt with.
R r Picgtc. -Tie ladies of St. P.-
ter's, Goderich, have decided to hold a
grand picnic in Bingham's grove on
Wsdamillay, July 18th. One of the
features of the picnic will lie tie presen-
tation of a handsome gold wetch to the
most popular young tidy on the
John R Leggate and A. T. Leggate,
of Pittsburg, Penn., have bean rusticat-
ing on the farm of their anal*, Junes
Torrance, Goderich towrship,during the
pest few weeks. Theles young Kettles
men maks an anneal visit Sothis sentient,
sad mush admire the Il0.ssry it' and
around Goderich
HURON COAL Darer. -We would di-
rect the attention of our readers to the
advertisement of the Huron coal depot.
Mr. Naftel informs us that his custo-
mers can rest -assured of correct weight.
There will be mole ooal burnt for domes -
tie porpoises next winter than usual, as
the price of cord -wool is very high.
At the morning service at St.George's,
last Sun(:ay, a hymn for those in peril
on the sea was sung. As Miss Davis and
her father were at that time on the At-
lantic, we suppose it was for their safe-
ty. All seemed to join in the lines oft
repeated :
Oh hear us when we cry to thee
For those In peril on the sea."
The Hamilton Spectator says : -The
Goderich SIGNAL is writing up the bluff
city as a summer resort, and as an in-
ducement to visitors to go go there says:
"Here you get rich, pure, creamy milk,
Bolden butter with the scent of the clover
to it, and eggs so newly laid that jou
chear the hen cackling yet." Just
come up and try'em.
The following despairing wail regard-
ing the "muddy town" arrives from the
Clinton Neu, Era : "This has been a
magnificent week for gathering local
news. it has every day rained more or
less -- particularly more, and the streets
are not quite knee deep in mud, au that
moving around has been the most pleas-
ant thing imaginable."
R. S. Chilton, American Consular
Agent at this port, has returned from
Washington, where he has been assisting
at the interment ..f the remains of John
Howard Pane, author of "Home, Sweat
Home,"' and the unveiling of s mumu- There was a downward tendency in
ment to his memory. Mr. Chilton read eggs on Saturday morning last. D. C.
an original poem on the ..00asion, which Strschen, the purveyor -general to the
will appear in our next issue. Bratty boats at this port, was the victim
The Blyth Reel'''. gays :-"J. Platt, of the "drop,' owing to &cheese box
containing 25 dozen of hen -fruit, losing
of Gedench, was in town coo Monday.
He left Godench last week on a trip to its bottom and dropping the eggs. The
Palmerston on his bicycle. but unfortun• box was being paned up on to the boat
ray when he arnved .t this little rail• when the smash occurred. and great was
mad town, the reads were almost 'reprothe amas't thereof. After the tumble
sable on account of the late heavy rain very few of the eggs were tit for practical
falls. He was obliged 4o ship hu wheel purposes, and a darkie was detailed to
to Goderich and return home. clear the ,kris off the dock. The break
of the 25 dome yolk -holders was a bad
Larose* is Ube rage among our athletic one, and
young men this s.wos. The square is Ail tM ki.g's horses and all the king's men Sc ,. d
on edneay --- tad !fond.
accepted every fine evening by a large ('.alds't put \empty amine, together ammo.t take an occasioned spin around the
number of players doting with extended Bp v. lien num CT•ertwNan. -Frank square myself - --HeK.
erten to tis admiration of many spec- L Sargent and John W. Imes, of Cin• The unwashed tall us the "liktds"-
%Mo s. Os Saturday evening the erica,' finnan, rode into town nn Friday last G. R. C.
Geld was recopied by _• bowls, hatter a their trusty bicycles. They travelled i photographed the Cincinnati 'cyclists
cosi wicket keeps. nit 'noble genet" by rail to Detain, and from that point-giallowa
doesn't seem to draw is Goderich .trwek out by wheel on the proposed s.•aosa rain t uwrom.
• LAwis Selena -The lawn social held Qeoadisn route of the Chicago bicyclists. I'm an old man of sixty-two, but I
at the residence of Mrs R. B. Smith ea They report the course • hood one, and mastered the bicycle -Editor Holmes.
Thursday evening of last week was well wan ro enraptured with (loderich, that There's n , more harm in riding a bicy.
attended, and gar. rimers' sattafsctNM they remained over a day nr two limiter cls to preaching than in harnessing and
throughout. Donne the evening schoioe than they had et first planned. Mr. drivinv quadruped --Boolo
vocal and is.trumwntal program was gine Imes said he had written several letters I never thought 1 could heat McCul-
through. in which. number of our mist to friends across the line de•onhing lough on the wheel -Jackson.
talented Intal musicians took part. Ice Goderich and its splendid mods in the 1 m particularly fond of the Goderich
Bream, het coffee, he , were freely in- Boat glowing terms. (lir boys took an toads myself-Rani/ford.
du4irri in during the evening The pro- 000asional spin with their Cincinnati
-merle of the social amounted to $29. and brethren of the bicycle, and made the Charles Warton, an serohst,met death
goes to assist in procuring a gasometer grangers feel that they were among at Milwas.. while pre •tiring s &snide
for the church friend. sant
Our genial countryman, Henry Doyle,
J. P., of Offs, South Huron, was in
town on Friday last at the session of
Among the names et those ordained to
the priesthood of the Church of England
at the Synod of Huron, we observe that
of our young townsman, J. A. Ball.
D. C. MacKay was on Fridayst
elected county high constable of lauron
by a vote of 31 to 12, by the general sea -
stun of the magistrates of the oounty.
Miss Annie Fisher, ocKinoerdine, re-
turned home on the Quebec on Saturday
last. She has made many friends dur-
ing her recent visit to Heron's county
town. •
On Sunday next, at St. Peter's, anum-
ber of children of the congregation, will
partake in their first communion. They
will 1* dressed in white with wreaths
and flowing veils.
Wn understand a large number of
Goderich folk will attend the Wawa -
nosh R C. picnic, to be held in Hiekiag-
botham's grove, near St Augustine. an
Tuesday next, 26th trot
Mr F. F Lawrence. the expressman,
' who slipped 'nn the treacherous banana
peel at Buffalo, and sustained seven M-
I juries of the back, is, we are plumed a
1 note, gradually recovering.
Get your tiokt s early for the "Old.
Folk.. Concert" nn Monday, Jely 2nd
The old tune display will be well worth
For thing, err not now as they used tie w
Herne fifty year's ala
HOwT[CC1TGsaL SNOW. — Prepare yosr
plants noir for the Hnrtiealtural show,
to he held in on the 2nd of
July Prises oilseed Mr traits, flowers,
vegetables, etc. Sc. secretary for prise
lista tf
An old resident of fl.'derich, named
Mrs. Horley, aged 72 years, died sod-
denly on Tuesday last. Mho was taken
ill nn Victoria street and immediately
carried to her residence, where she ex-
• good onaoe},we believe,p:rfectly cor-
rect. -[Yx jter Reflector.
A mutiwas applied for nu his honer
Jubge Tout un 'Tuesday last, to dismiss
the action In each of the follnwin., cases.
Q& Brun t Ellis ; Cameron v. Gibson ;
Canaries *Chambers ;Cameron r. Sturdy
The abuvetweee actions instituted by M.
C. Cauaoren against derelict returning
risers at the general election of 1882.
Objeetiume were taken to the granting of
the sotiellin every instance. Judgment
Rev. J. (i. Howard, who has been till-
ing the ?it of the Methodist Church
of Oan dere during Ret-. J. Wake-
field's mit from preaching, left on
Thursday - -for Toronto, to [orepafe
himself t his duties in the North-west.
Mr. Ho is a young man of much
ability, will likely reach a high place
in the odist ministry. He made
many 1 ' ds luring his short stay in
Mr. and Mrs. Rice, of Toronto, were
the goals of Aleck Saunders Int weak,
being ole$ wedding tour. The bride
owe M Heid, of Hamilton, ilia cousin
of Mr. nders. The Mail gays. -On
blonds vetting the employee in Eby,
Blain Co.'s establiahtnent presented
the cashMr. Rice, with a handsoe
set of furnim
ture as a mark of the good
feeling Misting between them on Eche (c-
ession of his approaching marriage."
Tam -Sacs. -Grip'. summer book
of "lofts," is on ilu way to the book -
dorm. Its trading matter, judging'
from thdadvaacd sheets, will be better
than asgel this year wing t, the tact
that Sack sits in the editorial chair.
he psi of Swiz and the pencils of J.
W7 Ben ugh, Wm. Bengough and J.
W. Kehr lure combined to make alitsr- the center, surrounded by a shad park,
wed • and artistic repeat fitted to charm stands thwed hotw. Ths studs
away the incognitos. in the hot season. around tn. circle u ab..ut nue-third a a
The book will be vet in July.
At the r. sir mastiag of Ruin =s-
campment, No. 118, Last Friday evening,
the following officers were elected for the
ensuitiq term :
C. P. Patriarch, Jas. Yates.
S. W. " W. H. Murney.
H. P. •' H. W. Ball.
J. W. A. Kirkbride.
Scribe " J. B. Moore.
F. Scrine " Geo. Stivens.
Treasurer " N. Campbell.
Representative to GrandEncampment,
Patriarch N. Campbell.
celebration of the 18th anniversery of
the confederation of the British North
American Provinces will be celebrated
to Goderich on Monday, July 2d, with
due loyalty. The programme for the
day will consist of firemen's procession,
athletic games, bicycle raoes, lake ex-
cursions, a lacrosse match between God.-
rich and Clinton, the summer exhibition
of the Horticultural society, a grand
concert in the evening, and the finest
fireworks display ever exhibited in He-
ron. Single fares to Goderich and re-
turn from all points, and special train
arrangements have been made to give
visitors an opportunity to see the entire
day's doin r. For particulars see pro-
The Wbeelsaaa's Fnrsttae.
From the Chicago Herald.
A curreapondent of the "Herald"
writes the following regarding the cool samara' .•seams.
templated Canadian tour of thebicyclistl --
of this country, and deeeribes a Canuok Friday, June 1Fis
cit) in gtowiag terra. He gays : "God,- The tmeethut of the general ,assure
rich Oat, on the runts of the Canadian was held to -del
tourists inJuly,isa whsslmaa's psradiN Pr'wsot-.Judge Toms in the chair
sod is fitly described by "Huroniaa' as and R L Doyles. l!udgp, P. Admm
the prettiest town in Quad. Not only C. Oirvin, Janina lttahatfy, Samuel Phi -
are all the streets graveled, bet also the lock, John Buchanan, Humphrey final,
approaches front theeurroendingcountry. Robt. Young kt T. Barton, John Me-
1ha run from London, via Loam, B:- rish, Wm, Yonag, W. .L Baydtsn, T.
eter and Bayfield, siity-Erre lades, is the Sourby, E. Martin, Wm. 1S•11oeJi, J.
finest day's ride to be had in Canada ; S. Totrsnoe, Geo. Cos, V. Rats, Wm.
•sand -papered' gravel. boulavard-like Lewis, J. Gr'ifan, C. Brown, John Lea,
reed *'1 the way, cad leo kills worn Jas Hl Horton, oetoo, F. W. John -
mentioning en route. Onarriv&l at God.- Mo.,•W W. Pitman, A D. B.
rich the visitor Ands Wendt on the Hoke, H• Hinck., John Ben -
'Square,' which will, however, be more 17 Du$e Gi, It Jackson, DIE $o'.lina,
apt to give him the impression ofa cirole S. The Hogaorat N• Frid.otio
octagon in shape, and having the eight notice of motion given in Deoem-
principai streets radiaring from it. Ie bar sessions, 1881, tor W. W Connors,
and adjourned to the session was read
by the clerk of the peace. W. W. C.)n-
nor not being present, and no one mov-
ing the motion, it was.dealared lapiad by
the chairman.
The notice of radion g#ossa last ses-
sion by A. L Gibson, wee then read by
the ,leek of the peace, Mr. Gibson not
being present, and oct one moving the
motion, it was declared lapsed.
The notice of motion re the limits of
the 2d and 3rd division courts, read last
session by A. Strong, tuna then read, and
Mr. Strong moved as follows, seconded
by W. Wilson :
" I move that the limits of the 2d
division court of Huron be enlarged by
adding to such division court as at pres-
ent constituted the Lt and 2nd oomee-
sion R. R: survey, Tuckersmith, from
Iota 1 to 35 inclusive, also the villages of
Bruoetield sod }tippet', the part of the
township of Huller lying east of the
first sideline running north from the
village of Alma. and to include the vil-
lages of Alma acid Constsnoe."
Mr. Ferran spoke against and Mr.
Strong in favor of the motion.
The chairman, with consent of all.
appointed Messrs. Adamson, Girvin,
Young, Doyle and Jackson a committee
to look into the matter and report at
1.30 p.m.
The committee reported as follows :-
Your cofnmittee beg to report that
Bicycle Wbhspen. has int/ heard Messrs. Strong and Far -
ran to reference to the matter, reoom-
Now we're an organized institution- mend that no change be made in the
The club. limits of the 2d division court.
The boys put me in as president -The On the above being read by the clerk
rof lMr. Strong withdrew his
noy beard, I'm Vises- mot
Glass. Applications for high constable's ep-
Doesn't my title seem a little familiar 1 pointment wereread by the clerk of the
-Capt. Cox. l ecce from C. M. Dunlop, Seafurth, and
I'm a lightweight, but rapid -1st . C. McKay, 01 ericih.
Lieut. Johnny Mac. Movd b 1[r. Hinoks, seconded by
My banking experience will make me Mr. Torrance, that D. C. McKay be sp-
an Al treasurer -Harry Vidal. pointed to the position.
We all can't be officers -S. McV. Moved by Mr. Strong, seconded by
Lloyd. Mr. Wilson, that C. M. Dunlop be &p -
You bet I'll toot my little horn -Ru- pointed.
filer Platt. Moved by Mr. Lewis, seoon led by
Oughtn't we to have a surgeon t --The Mr. Young, that the vote he by ballott-
Beginners. Carried.
tor et coot -2nd Lieut. Harry Mac.
I'll get Rhynas to put in sticking pias- When the veto was taken the ballot.
&taxi McKay, 31 ; Dunlop, 12 ; Mc -
Have you men me on my wheel 1-11. Kay was declared elected.
Gnome Cameron. Saturday, June 16.
it's a daisy, en "unproved" machine, Court opened at 12 o'clock noon pur-
and I ride it too -"Disk." stunt to adjournment. The appointing
I took my second tn,ji around the of the county constables nut of session by
F the judge since last Deoember was con-
firmed. [Anthony Taylor, on applies -
tion of T. M. Kay, reeve of Cshorn.,
was ordered to be appointed a county
On application of the town council of
Winghani, George Pettypiece, county
constable and town policeman was ap-
pointed caretaker of 1 Ingham lookup in
the room and stead of John Ansley struck
The list of constables placed before the
court by the clerk of the pence vies or -
tiered to he confirmed, and the mme is
hereby the revised list for the county tog
The clerk of the peace was ordered tod,t
have 200 copies of said list pnnten be
distnhuted to justices and cnnstsblea,te
desiring same.
Court adjourned to 3r4 of Sept , 1814.
Methodist t kneel MI famed►
Rev. J. Wakefield, late shairman of
the district, has kindly papered the fel-
lowing final list of appointments for thus
O.derich District, made by the Londors
conference for 1883 :--Gdarish, Thos_
M. Campbell ; Clinton, JAIL Gray ; Kin-
cardine, Alfred Andrews ; liolmesville.
W, Birks ; Bayfield,Wm. Baugh,Wm. B.
Guyler ; Hensall, H. E. Hill ; Lynda -
bon,', Thos. Stubbs ; Blyth, John S.
Fisher ; Belggrraave, E. A. Chown, B D..
R. W. Scaulon ; WinJlhani, ago. H.
Cornish ; Brussels, David C. Clappison.
Geo. Lomas ; Luoknow, Thus. Coainrd ;
Ashfield, C. Hamilton ; Teeswater. A-
O. Harris ; Riveredale, David Auld ;
Dungannon, Jas. Caswell ; Auburn, A.
S. Smith ; Berets, Robt. Davey, one to
be neat. John Wakefield of this town
to Paris ; Wm. McDonagh et Clinton.
goes to Sarnia ; A. Edwards, of'Jolenea-
villa, to Caledonia ; R. C. Sanders, of
Ashfield, goes to Naseseseveya; John
T. Smith, of Ltscknow, goes, to Wash-
ington ; Walter S. Jamieson goes fir
Stamford, near Niagara Falls ;.1!<r. Free-
men, of Bernie, nets for a year on ac-
count of ill health.; Mr. Cook, of Bay-
field, goes to Montreal theological col-
lege. ,las Gray chairman of district.
Rev. John Wakefield. leaves Goderich
with regret. He•had been advieed,how-
ever, to give up this appointment, in
order that hie voioe my hares a better
chance of being restored. Mr. Wakefield
and his family have we. the esteem of
mauy outside of their own oongregation
during theyear they have spent in Gods -
Rev. D. J. Macdonnell, of Toronto,
preached in Knox church on Sunday last,
morning and evening. His sermons
were practical and pointed, admirably
conceived, and delivered with an earn-
estness that sent thein home to the minds
and hearts of his hearers. His reading
of the Scriptures, too, was very expres-
sive. He also paid &visit to the Sunday
school and gave an address. Mr. Mac•
donnell does not appear to be in robust
health just now. He greatly admires
the situation and scenery of Goderich.
He was the guest of Rev. Dr. tire.
ALLAN LINE. -In presenting an address
to Captain Smith, of the Circassian, the
Hon. Alex. Mackenzie, in the course of
his remarks stated :-1 am sure that 1
speak the views of at least alt Canadian
when I say that wo are proud ..f the
Allan line of Canalian steamships, and
that no money was ever better spent than
the cooperatively small mail subsidy
which the company received from the
Government to carry the mails and aid
in securing a first-class steam c ommuni-
cation with England. -[The Liverpool
Journal of Commerce.
nide, broad and smooth, tasking a tion
course. Many elegant rues Yid drives
stretch out from the town, notably to
Point Farm summer retort, six miles
north, where there is an elevation 250
feet above the 1 ke, from which a view,
unsurpassed in Canada, is obtained. To
the numerous summer resorts surround-
ing the town unsurpassed toads lead,
and, in point of scenery. good roads and
excellent acoommodatauns,Oodericb well
deserve its reputation.
"Everybody rides • fine machine in
Canada, because they cost much less than
on this side. What the Americans pay
$175 for, which buys a full -necked im-
ported, or American machine, the Can-
adians pay but $11$. For this reason
there are no American machines in Can-
ada, and the advent of the Amerioens
into that country on the bicycle tour
from Detroit to Niagara Falls is looked
forward to with much interest in the
prospect of a comparison of machines.
This trip is looked forward to with an-
ticipation on the part of wheelmen be-
striding American machines, they claim-
ing the superior workmanship and fitting
of the home machine will outlast the
English bicycles, which have hitherto
been most popular in this country."