The Huron Signal, 1883-06-15, Page 7nit:111 lRuti SIGNAL, FR1UAk, JUNE 15, 1a8S
Tun ens Fancy. Fashion's Fancies.
An American and au Englishman were
tascussin the relative size of the Thames
and the Mississippi. Tile kiuuriuell hu-
hed the argulueet thn.. "Wh sir,
• ere ain't enough water in the 'lhumes
make a gargle fur the i:n,uth of the
At a recent concert the tr ,mbnne ploy -
o r suddenly stopped playing, much to
the astonishment of the leader, who de -
e ended an explanation. The unlucky
musician apologized, stating that he had
blown two uf his front teeth into the in-
strument ; but his excuse was considered
too thio instead uf tooth out.
The other day one of Atlanta's chronic
rag pickers went into Swa.z s junk shop
ith a bag full of uti.eelldnei ny mgt.; to
Swartz looked dubiously at the
I ag, then at the rat;( picker, and then
, Aclaitned : "Py shiuuuygrieky, vials
shall I veigh—vat you got uu, or vat you
.et off!" 'Then the picker got insulted
and went off to another shop.
..Alt ! Fin saddest when I sing.'.
The rang in plaintiff key'
And all the neighbors y -e
"So are we . Su are we
"Why do you sleep in your pew whit i
I ail in the pulpit, while you re all at-
tention to every stranger whom I iptite
t preach for mei" feud a country clen;y•
man to his clerk. `.3ecaute, sir. a,:d
said the clerk, "when you preach. I am
sure all is right, but 1 cannot truant
ranger without keeping a gt oat look-
A colonel of one of the reoitnenta at-
tached to the army of the Potomac was
o mplaiuing at an evening party that ,
from the ignorance and inattentiu'-i of the
°!titers he was obliged to dal the whole
tiuty of the regiment. Said he, "1 am
r buy own major, my own captain, any own
I ltuteuatlt:, my own sergeant, and --
--"Your own trumpeter," said a lady
: esent.
mores of fisaorn.
Experience joined to common sense,
I'. o mortals is a providence.
ooh, banish the tears of children.
s nttnual rains upon th3 blossoms are
i rtful.
A man without ambition is like dough
without leaven in it to make it rise.
If you would be perfectly sure that
ur evil deeds will not be found out,
the best way is nut to do any.
Distinction is not in being heard of far
.,i.d wide. but in being solid, straight-
forward, and loving the right.
When a roan die., men inquire what
1.e has left .behind ;angels in,iuire what
Le has sent before him.
WAoanecer lends a l;rlu#ip ear to a
s'anderous report is either himselfof $
lad disposition, or, a mere child in sense.
Speak the truth ; yield not to angoe ;
ire, when asked, of the little thou least;
y these three steps thou shalt Go near
the gods.
DIncONTENT Acv DrT1-.-3I1111y people
s;ot nd their lives in limiting for a place
11 the world that they were never in.
it•uded to till. They never settle dawn
to anything with a contented feeling, or
feel that shat they are doing is by -no
oi means work suited to their abilities.
They have a sunny ideal of a veru nubla
Life which they would like to reach, iii
which their powers "nodal have free scope
:old where they could mattes very brisiht.
e record ; bat in theit present lr,sition
sir life is but a humdrum. ter, olft
IMP. in which 'the tali aceomp Ihtabd$-
'lting worthy or beautiful, tool. there-
foie, it is of little use to try. Sn they
ill on discontented with their lot, and
sighing for something else, and while
they sigh the years glide by, and they.
tind at the end they have missed every
opportunity of doing anything worthy
themselves. The truth is, one's vocattion
is not some far off possibility, hut,the
simple round of duties that the passing
hour brings. No day is commonplace if
tee only tad eyee to see its splendor.
There is no duty that comes to our hand
but brings us the possibility of kindly
(Ince upon a time people sent letters
and papers and books through the mail,
:Ind these only, but now this department
of the Government appears to be uacd
1. r most miscellaneous purposes. Ac-
crding to a report from \Vashihton the
articles which were detained during last
month were sufficient to set up a small
museum. Among the curieeities in the
.lead letter department are alligators,
t:attlesnakea, centipedes, horned frogs,
human skulls, valuable minerals. a piece
f woman's ear, an assortment of Christ -
lugs cards painted by hand, a piece of
Irides cake tied with white ribbon, hese-
lolls and tyats,ashos from the urn in which
♦ were placed the remains of St. Francis
in 1?r3O, Indian weapons, and innumer-
able minor articles of interest.
Now that then is a reliable ren'edy for
kidney trouble'', half the terrors attached
to these complaints havo been remav ed
For this let all be thankful, and to Dr.
Van Iiuren's Kidney Cure award all
praise for having thus removed a hitherto
considered fatal disease from our path
it was never known to fnil. Sell by .T
1\'liars. 2m
It is not at all unlikely that Ontario
farmers will havo a short crop of hogs
this year. There is a general cotnplieint
of pigs having dropt ,lead. and with
many of our farmers now the practice is
to fatten spring pigs for next winter's
market. Tho cause of the mortality does
not appear to be well understood, but
doubtless the Long winter hes something
to do with it. Hogs are never an healthy
as when they can get free access to the
ground. -f s.
The yellow primrose, now the rage,
was Lord Busa,tufield's favorite flower.
i",/,•ler d04-001111rs, and IRDS to match,
will t'r a pretty feature of summer even -
Log (l ren.
Tie pretty zephyrs ill "`igghauts ef-
fets 'collie in beautiful mixtures of straw•
berry and elite, tale blue and cream,
Massed with hair lines of Venetian red ;
dark hunter's gree and pick, and pale
rime ar
primrose unite crossed with lines
of dark gulden brot4n.
%%obit• straw bonnets au hats are not
considered an quite as d style this
(teasels as these of dyed s in colon
of geld, terracotta, amber, lonxe,straw-
betry, olive, nuns' gray, L.Ilrel groom tool
There is a pretty fashion lately come
int., vogue of wearing tiny baskets of
Sewers hanging at the side of the even-
iuo dress designed for garden -tarty ur
dv:te•ijng sear ; they are baskets cut into
litchi and attached 1,, the right hand
aide of the skirt.
Floor fans are also at new foible -
fans coveted either with the exquisite
blooms of the hot -house, to last but a
day, yr better still, a fan of your o't•n
manufacture,•compose1 of artificial flow -
urs end buds, costing about half tke
price of a ruady•wade .e.
!Stylish young ladies now wear the
tilievreuse collar with the promenade cos-
tume trimmed with deep Venetian cut -
wink or guipure embroiderly. The cuff
to match is a plain turn -over, and is
generally half covered with a lung glove.
The lace birder, which is usually put on
ore, a strip of colored ribbon to form an
officers collar and cuff, dispenses with
the i uche or frill of crej a Hum about
the neck and wrists. A small fancy
jewelled brooch representing an insect
or flower fasten. the collar.
The ready-made costumes of light sum-
mer woollens are very attractive, both in
style and price. Among these are sty-
lish and serviceable cashmeres, in fawn
colour, beige, terra cotta, showing a
gleam of scarlet or gold in the ruche'lin•
mg* and panel facings. The drapings
are caught up here and there with Rote
and flowing ends of Ottoman ribbon or
plain satin the colour of the dress, faced
with a color matching that of the ruche
Bleu:. Skirts of plain vigogne in Olive,
French gray, shepherd': check, or dark
green, made with the velvet ruffle around
the bottom, and a len gq French redingote
or 1 olonaise, with po:keta, cuffs and rel-
iant of velvet, also compose very lady-
like costumes.
Many plain Parisian suits are still in
masculine style, with jaunty cut -away
jackets, embroidered waistcoats, hien s
cravats and scarf -pion, worn with high
standing collar of plain linen : orange
yellow kid gloves, stitched with black,
cavalier hat and alligator boots, with
light or dark cloth tops.,, New walking
coats are also in incitation of men's over-
coats, being lung and perfectly straight,
fitting eery snugly front and back, with-
out brealc or fold in the skirt, and but
toeieo from throat to kern. This style
has.l•eeo carried to exaggeration, and
man; : 'lies of erratic tastes who have
dunned thew undraped wraps have trade
thomselres look unconen ,nly likz a
chum. "
An excellent way to remodel and mod-
efroise an oM silk drees, black or light-
off thei,is te take skirt and bodice, tl aving it ped r•
hotly plain. If tlierd is enough material
and autfizient ingenuity to foi:n the old
*ha ?e of ti fkiWais1 and breadths of the
skirts into a plain princess elip, the way
is then clear. Trim the skirt with floun-
ces of th•iental lace. which new comes in
b itifa' designs rt remarkable. low
pr If there is snttieient• good' to.
stake lin alternate ruffle tar fan pleating
of the silt, it will ulnlce all the less lace
to buy. Lf tete silk is black,Spanish la:e
an be purchased for as reasonable a sum
as the Oriental. For the overdre3s place
over the silk skirt paniers made of (►rien-
tal net edged with a fall of the laoe. The
drapery in the back may be of the un-
trimmed net alone or mty match the
trimmed panien. If the silk of the bo-
dice is in gaol condition, a bertha of the
net,tinished with double frills of the lace
will elegantly complete the trimming. If
not, cut the bodice oat half low in the
neck, the sleeves short,and veil the arms
and neck with the net knots of gay -col-
ored ribbon,. or sprays of flower and foli-
age, will then complete the magical effect
of the renovation. Thus can be had a
very dressy. a very tasteful, and an ex-
oeetlingly fashionable toilet, which can
be obtained at a moderato expense from
a dress which even your great grand-
mother wore`.
in the history of medicines no preps
ration has received mach universal com-
mendation for the alleviation it afford.
and the permanent cure it effects in kid-
ney (bootees, as Dr. Van Buren'. Kinney
Cure. atm action in these distressing
complaint* is simply wonderful. Sold
hy .1. Wilson. .m
Thonesntlaare be'ng cured of Catarrh
ever year with Hall's Catarrh l'nre, that
'he doctors had given tip and staid could
not -he cert.& Tia cents a boottle. Sold
by (ye.rg,. Rh]nae• sole agent for Gude•
r ch 1tn
Simply miraculous is all I can say of
the etf act of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney
Cure in my case. An elderly lady
writes this from Antigonish, N. O., who
had suffered from pains in the back for
ttwweentyjoarSold by .1. tt•iIRon (.odor. 2tn
Nes a tad It:.tiangr.
A country merchant visited the city
and purchased frclu a dollar stent a table
caster, which he took home with hint,
and after putting a tag un it !narked $114
made a present of it to a Methodist
preacher, whose church his family attend-
ed. The reverend gantleman ,took the
pac'.a{e home, opened it and examined
the contents. The next day he tcx.k the
easter 'with the tag attached back t y the
groceryulan, and said to him :
"I ani tow, poor in this world's Ponds
to afford to display so valuable a castor
on my table, and if you have no Objection
1 should like to return it and take 014
worth of groceries in its stead.
The merchant could do nothing but
arol uie5ce.
The modesty of certain per-
sons consists in becoming great without
making too much noise ; it may be said
that they advance in the w.xl(1 on tiptoe.
Arthe frosts of winter venial) 'ander
the caloric influence of the sun's rays,
SO does Bright's Di.aese, Dropsy, stone
fn the Kidneys and Bladder, ant indent
oration of the Kidneys, leave the body
upon the edmini.trattnn of Dr. Van Ru
ren's Kitlney Cure li.11 by 3 Wilson,
}toasehole Hints. •
CHoeuxsLs Cs ug Kist, 1. - Three 1)AN OF MONTREAL
pounds white or br awn sugar ! "yruwn pre- 1,
ferrred), ono pound chocolate, one pint -
ono -half pound butter, and vanilla
to taste at the last ; cook uutil the edges
of the pan become a little sugary, then
pour into shallow pins well greased.
CHOCOLAT Caas-nsue, IL --One cake
chocolate, ,. ta cupful white auger, one
cupful pros. sugar, one heaping table-
spoonful :.ur, one cutout molasses, *
piece of bitter the size of au egg, and
one cupful milk ; e,a,k about uue-half
hour, starring constantly ; pour into pans
and Mark its squares while soft.
ltrrrea Tam. -One- half pint molas-
sea, •'
•t !:;,u pini water, one pound loaf
sugar,one. quarter pound butter. Let
boil without itirring, until by dropping
a little wafer you find it dune.
cupfuls chopped apples, one cupful chin -
ped r urns, one cupful of citron, one cup-
ful of currants ; add in dasscs, sugar, a
little salt, a teaspoonful of cinnamon,
mace, nutmeg, and cloves ; orange peel,
if you like, or figs or nitiavnds ; wet with
cider or brandy.
Cur Pi.uw $UDDINo. --Take one cup
cath of raisins, flour, broad -crumbs, suet,
and sugar ; stone and cut the raisins,
wash and dry the currants, chop the
sugar, and mix all the above ingedients
well together ; then add two ounces of
out candied peel and citrun,a little mixed
spice, salt, and ginger, say half a tea-
spoonful of each ; stir in four well -beaten
eggs, and milk enough to make the mix-
ture so that the spoon will stand upright
in it ; tie it loosely in a cloth, or put it
in a mould ; plunge it into boiling water
and boil for three ands half hours.
pound of flour, one half pound of cur-
rants. one-half of raisins, one-half pound
of suet, one etg, one halt pint of milk,
a little candied peel ; chop the suet fine-
ly ; mix it with the flour ; currants,
stoned raisins, and sliced peel ; add
the well -beaten egg, and add milk
enough to snake the pudding of the con-
sistency of very thick batter. Put it
into a buttered dish, and hake in a good
oven from one and a quarter to one and
a half hours ; turn it out strew sifted
at gar cver and serve.
Pilot CAKE. -Take two pounds of
large, fresh raisins, ono pound of citron,
eight fresh eggs, two cups of powdered
sugar, one of butter, four of flour, one
of sweet milk, one-half teaspoonful of
soda, one nutmeg, grated, half teaspoon-
ful of ground cloves ; sift the flour and
put in the oven to brown, as you would
coffee ; cutthe raisins in half and seed
them ; cut the citron in strips half an
inch wide. then slice as thin as possible ;
bake in a six -quart basin two hours.
Icing for it ; the whites of four ergs, two
cup of powdered sugar, two tablespoon-
fuls of corn starch, the juice of one
lemon, one ounce of rues -water.,,
Petie 1/edteal tMresdg, ata all wbees
It may eraeea.
Phospphatine, or Nerve 14ooa, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientific
Feet*, Formulated by Professor Misfit',
M.13. of Boston, Malts, cures Pulteon-
u-f Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
syete/a Phosphatine is not a Medecine.
but a Nutriment, because it °attains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates,
N ercoties, and no -Stimulants, but •amp,"(
ly the Phosphatic and Gastric Elements
found in our daily'food. A single bottle
is sufficient to convince. A.11 Druggists
sell it. 91 00 per bottle. T.ownew. &
Co., sole agents for the D. n.anlou,
55I Front Street. Etat Toronto.
Rarklea's Arabes Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of the
world. Warranted to speedily cure
Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains•
Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in
every instance, or money refunded. 25c.
per box. For sale by T. Wilson. Iv.
Neer wrier Inactloa. Weakened lay lits
ester.-Rebllaly Ad Dissipation.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
hility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, no matter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the I ,at functions
and secure health and happtneas. $1.00
per hx, six boxes for *5.00. Sold by
all druggist's. Sent on receipt of price,
postage paid, by F J. Cheney, To]Qdo,
Ohio, sole rgent for United §tate''. "Cir•
culars and testimonial. Beni free. Sold
by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for Gode-
rich. 3m
t'APITAle *1,000,000.00.
Intending norrowera will consult their best in-
terests by examining the advantageous terns
offered by this Society-, before going elte.-
For rates of interest. Intn tables and farther
particulars. apply to
(ioderich. May 17th, DWI. tarn -ass .
CAP(I AL, ll!,000,0110,
SURPLUS. - - - - *3.(410.000.
Goderich Branch.
U. GLASS - - - _ uaw,ler.
.1 i:ews interest uu deposits. Drafts, tette.
of -lit and circular notes issued, Rase%
•arts of the world,, 1,M.
/wail up Capital, $6,000,000,
r...;� - 81,300,000.
President - lou:'. W11 V0/ASTER
General Manager,Ir. -e ......ccs
Goderich Branch.
A. M. 1tOSS, - - - - \f.INAOSK.
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a
the principal Towns and Cities in Canada
Great Britain and the United States, bough
and sold.
Advancesto Farmers on Notes. with one*
more endorsers. without mortgage. 1763
-)AT THEl-
Oldest Established House
Silica, satins. ribbons, ail woe! French
cashmeres, factory and bleached cotton,
prints, tee., at less than wholesale prices.
Scotch and Canadian tweeds at wholesale
prices. Ducks,cottonades Ste.. Ste., eery low.
Before you buy of pedlars or grangers try
my teas, Young Hyson tea warrsnted pure
nom 25ets. per pound up. Black teas at 'Licht.
equal to most 50ct. tea sold. My Mk r. Black
tea. worth Wets.. finest imported at 71ets. per
pound. All spices sold by me warranted pure.
32[4.1R.IDWg1R.E STORE_
I hold in stock a large assortment of bar
iron, steel, nails. paints, oil*. class together
with a general essiirttLent of shelf hardware,
and the best
on the continent of America. Price only five
dollars. Bring In some ears of corn and try it
C. C1Z.a,era==3,
Chrystal & Black.
.TO MALL \tPN and *.t LT WELL )IES
BRITISH ASS. COT. Totto ro- F,etshll.he
PiItENiX iNS. MY, of Los pot Fleglandl-
Fatabl,shed 1781.
IIART FOR D INS. ('fes% of If Amri, mm. ('nna
Established 1810.
Risks taken In the shove first dal...i nn, , . at
the lowest rates by 11011 SCE HORTON.
The lnnertiened 1s able Aprseter for tie
Hooey to t.nan '.n ant<Lw security. ow
7 In per rent. ('ill taederet
"` otwcttoneon.
()oder'-k Sept. 10.
. HM is sweeping by. Ire
dare before Ton die.
snfte!thing mighty and sub-
lime leave behindto conquer
time. lien •greet, nyour own
anon if ontflt free. No risk. F:.erythl
new Ca011al not r,-iuired. We will furnish
sou everything'. Many are'nsaklnst forton(•.
Ladies make as moth as men, an, boys call
girls make great pay. Reader. (seal pay
hnsineea as which you ran make al pay all
the tom.. write for partleular. to H ALLwrT
R ('a. Portland Maine.
New BOILERS and sti.T PANS manu'rc
tared 011 alnarrat-aatece.
Alt nines of 1tepaittsle executed under Itis
personals' of ibe•Pruprietera w
Praci ca; Porkrie;;.
P. O. Box lift 1787
$500.0:1 era r&
%Ve w:li 1147 t;e a'' •c:' reward (Cr.a-ty tare of
Liver ('inn 4. a.,. .0 s;Mpa:a. 1- , k livaetak he.
iota Lr i OsIiv,tt tar we
cannot cutew':t!t'.' a t'a Veya:labilt•Liverrills,
wAen the diro(-tirms are st rict P .:ono lite. `a ith.
They arts purely Vez itable.. and i, t -e fail to
give s atie:a: rlon. -a,t.rt'av ort. 1, Loxes.
contahu•rrg :td 1'.rls..2. crit,,. for sale by Illi
Drugg t*. 41 ware of ruuaterfeita and ttnit t -
lion.. Th• genuine its:anfae•west only to
JOHN ('. it yT & C0.. "lobe Pitt linkers.
E1 and S3 Kir g tit. East. 'furwyto. toot. f f.•e•
t tai kage a^nt lay mail prepaid ea receipt
of a.3 emir stamp.
Pee Salle al W1Lrtiwa 15!68 %TOtg.
}ealth is \0-ealth
(l,ALNETit f4ED1G;
tAla '
TAO' f�,Y +a.t•n.. ;
1• f,
oma( BRAIN &NERVEFo00. ti L.
IEer e1:1 arid s es■g, ltiaIs sad teslas,
Poditi. e1y cures Nervousness in all its /liaises
Weigh Memory, loss cif Brain Pow'eerr, Scram!
Prostration,.Night Shrears, 9perrnaforrtta'a,
LrworrActa, Barrenness. Skrniaal Weakness
and (lenerul Loss of Power. It repair.
Nervous Waste, Rl n.reis ttea 16s Jaded --:•K:-
led, atruy(1Aru:Ac ',Ued Brain, and I-
s!""S;iury rising Tunekage nd Vigor to the 111- 1
howled (lclseratirc (hap nW
S. itlt each or-
der forrwsLvs pacaccompanied with
five dollars, we will send our Written Guar-
antee to refund the money, if the treatment
does not effect a care. It Is the fliespeit ehd
Seat Medicine in the market.
SN'Fnll particulars In our pamphlet, v.hith
we desire to mall free to any address.
1llaefa's lrp
atetle >a.•Idae is sold by IFrug-
gists at beets. per box, or 1s beanie for irks. ur
will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of the
money, by addressing�I� 1
SACK'S NUS:Na'ER ISIED Ont., e...Canada 1
Windsor' Sold in Goderich. byJAMEN WILSON. and
all Druggists vorywere lastly •
riiri f ier
- online irk. .!iseascs :
it Itt•tr iiintl(cm,
Ry ph 1) *,
halt it hearts,
`a•tlray and
I t will reaove
nd heal Ulcers
and Old Sores.
CAIITION.-Ask for " Dr. Chan -
fling's Sarsaparilla," take no
other In its place. If your Drug.
;1st has none in stock, requ(•ct
him to send for It.
Grady's Specific lit d �lne•
TRA0g MARKT us t•.,..1: TRAie' Malta
E'n i i*11 la•
NEDT..t n no-
fail's' core
for seinin
Wttilrtf Sae,
thee. impot-
ency, and all
di/mime that
follow u.. * 1 1
♦11011 TAKM1I. qu:•u, a of :,.•I, AfTIR TA!tIMS.
Abu r; rs Lues of 'armory. (1 a r,al e-
tude. loris In the Back, Dilutive* ..f Vfeion,
Premature old age. and many other diseases
that lead to insanity or consumption and •
premature grave. taFull paaticulars in oar
pamphlet, welch we desire to wad free b
!nail to everyone. The Specific Medicine 1.
d by all druggist s at $1 per package. lir six
I.ages fur t or will be tient free by mail
on crei of the mone • b addressing
T1 F: (IR.tY MEISc•1:I.CO.. rurunto,Ont. •
+�wdd 1n Goderleh by Jae. \%'tlso
• e
r, •
Farmers Please Consider This.
with taondeeftti cupidity and never fust*.
wbeu taken at the oummenconent of an
attack, to cure ar
Cholera, Cholera Borba*.
as well as all summer complaints of a simi-
lar natars.•
For Toothache, Burns,
Scalds, Cutty, Bruises, de.
the PAIN KILLER will be found a willing
ebysiciau, ready rnd able to relieve roar
suffering witbou• ..clay, and at a \try instg-
kitieant cost. her
Coble, Cramps,
Dysentery in. Horses,
the PAIN KILLER hos no equal, and it has
never been known to fail to ctleot 11 cure in a
Bi. instance. It is used in acme of the
Mwest briny stables and horse infirmaries in
the wort 1. Toretnseltate young lambs or other
stook chilled and 431.5 from cold. a little
Pan Snags tabled with milk will restore
Sham is kealtk Tey quickly.
f!` The PAIN KILLER is for safe by
Pr,7a:.ts.tpntheettrieastires ruand yl. Baine
be.lers uhreuabout ti.. w. -r, 1.
co'ftp, optei arc u' •says as theleo�k:
5 sono fur cls., cit. t lucresw
44 th:T earning/Aline tr. three be
.- come wealthy t those who do
• a........_ he: :urpru,c, their oypurtun
Lies. rennin in ' l t, tv We niter a grab
`cbarre to rMke lee :., t. - We want nice. wo-
men, boys anti fees t. work for ns in their
rRICE, ONE I�LLAR PER EOTT; -I nun loealitfr:.. .ar:..I,r ter 4,, the wok PC0-
Da'tn k Son k I.awra 4 ' petty from the f r -f -:nn. The busineus will
Perry p.,y ruore than feu thee. c nliaary wages. Ex -
Sole Agents. MONTREAL. pensive oullit free. Noone who en-
gages (alio to make m,.nry rapidly-. You can
gevote your whole time to the work. or only
your span: moments. Full information and
all that Is necesrary sent tree. Address STIN-
SON CO. Portland. Maine
are ennnally robbed
of their victim*, lives
prolonged happiness;
and heath restored
by thy -use utthegreat
whirl) positively and permanent y cures Ire.
poles -y a•aused by excesses of any kind,I
agadaal Weeklies*, and all diseases that fol-
low as at segnenee of ut.r-ALese, as loss of en-
ergy-; loss of memory uslverral lassitude.
pain in the back. dirtiness 01 v:.:, r or. ma-
tura old age. and many other 0.b that t
lend to biomes. or consume Lion atoll a p. ctnt.-
turc gyave.
Send for eir nlaren:1'.;"' hire. by
mei. The 1a61ta01aA rtVY u re1,1 at 81 per
box. or six boxes fur 40• , a t o;tagerets. or
will be sent free my no..!. .re.y sealed. on
receipt of price. by atldrt ao ort
F. J. CHENI.Y. LttWy��fist,
144 Surra o_FT:, Toledo, :;talo
GIGO. Rttvxss.
Solo Agent for (Asterieh -
Air ,p:t::rant to take. t (mtao. their own
Purya;irt. Is r. safe, sere, and effectual
M ewer at wormy in Claildren or Adults
DILE. ('. \fa(rf S N!:1 v t: AND ltR.t: s( Tri -AT
IltaYT..Y;3ur,ant e..:..t,.•.•.a,t ierli)$Lt$.a.lrli-
sleee., Coesuldone, Fitt, Ntrvoes Neuralgia.
Healai:be, ?:croons Prostration hy the
use M meet ul pr tobacco. Wakefulness. ss. Sicn.
tel lk•pre.atiun, Softening of the !train. result
ing la iusanit7 and tead(ttg to tuiv.-y-, decay
and ,leash. i'rematnrc Old .tge. Ila:reenees.
Loss of Power in ealiner at x. l n voluntary Losses
and Sp n• teased by over -.'cerium
of Cie b.ain, aeli-abu...• or u.etiudulso-nee,
One isox will core reter.t rave. Fearhex eon.
tains nor mnsth.'+ reatmest. One dottera box.
or six boxes for ave dollen : sent by mall pre
paid on rwrlp isf price. We guarantee silt
bozos to rare any txae. Wire ea. h order re.
eels ell b; nn fur sts lstces. ae5-untnanied with
five dollar'.. we will s.ted the purcissei oar
wrt•ten guarantee to refund the steaey If th•
treatment dere not ell$ 't • care. Guarantees
leaned (only by JA111)a WIWN. Mie',Ohor-
bed agent for Roderick, lint. OHN t • tv. ke7
o co.. ante proprietors. Tn o Oat.
.'; �;,'IESS, ' DIZZINESS,
r ;1PELA7.
1 :.wAOl#E, OF THE JK/N,
/.r 1 every spec'e• of deems* arising from
c. bordered LIVE4, K'DNEvti, BTOMACPI,
LOWELS OR 01.000,
T. MILBURN & CO., °'°°"T` ,,,0,
AGENT "*mise r •"Eh'
orrea(1.aigro rrei. is .as o. Mt;
A weak made at hove. t7 the
I "", .stow. Bean bvei
hue the pnbife. Capital
.d. %toe will .tart yon. sa,
Ornate, 5(178 end girls w►need erery.
w ere in .fork fur u•. Now• U 15e tam.. YM
•yrs work . n riper, *inn.. or vire lour N hole
teame to the hastiness. Nn r.lhor hn.;n.w.4 will
pay roll nearly en Well. No nor Mn (4,1 10
matte enormous pay, M rngr.Oing mt once.
('o•tly outfit and terns• free \to.. malefr+t, (•amity. ►n•1 hnnnr•Lly 1Tldr,•.,. t o: x p
('o.. Atrlfssta. Malt
To Recommended hr 1'O, 'oldeen%.
:ctanh,of los basal Grit., Gnrork .,t hkHattwr
uarrh of hh7 tFer ihraT
p L11tY 4 po. tab.
INTEP•N*ILY only a:tt I a
the Blond and Nacos; Surface/ of the
Xttem. ttt t tote os tt BB1,od P t.'
in the W?) 4111;3! an 1 5 worth ALt
'5N i charged for ih for
TdAT moots.
tN -lith. v/ARKET
I 77.:1 i:tl. 1. 157 earn et S 100
Cu- -et .1-1
N'st1.l.Asn, tut., aaroh 31. lam,
17 U111 .a..:,{mhr was trou:Jwl with Catai
for two pian and was very In':^h benefitsed by
the nee et •' Nail's Catarrh (lues " She Is now
shoot cured. W T. HOUSE.
P./JILL/01n, On.., Harsh 70, 1ttA3.
l hart usr.l " Hews Catarrh Cara" and Didf-
n,; frons the a sed re,onlle I derived from one
bottis. believe it will eats the most stubborn
ease of Catarrh If IM nor be eonUutaed for a
reasonable leugth of time.
W. H. IIF.LLE118.
WILL/111O, Ont. Heb 113.lelM
r..i f•wsysy & tan.. Tole•or
o. 0.
(l.wh.-rave cob( Hairs Catarrh Care for the
out year, etsd it gives mere rudestton.
Tera.. oral
R. W. HOW/014. or•alse.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
•t it by W Wholesale and RNatl
.ad Matson la Patent mediates@ as
Ilse Culbert Mate. and Cana
i OMAR a Bottle. $8.00 a Doz.
The only genuine Hall's Catarrh Cure la masa
ataetered b7 Y. J. CHIINFT a CO., 'wed% O.
sarnewere of fmltatlniis
Pealed tor Use Ontario trate by
H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Ont.
•4:1,4. I:H\ NAS,
1n %want