HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-15, Page 5i'HE HURON SIGN L, FRIDAY., J114145. 188 Allan Speirs, uf tat. township, goer ..n a trip to the Old Country cult ween. Hu Wile from Quebec on iaturday per the Allan Lint, steamer ti.t,atia, and se- tured his ticket from J. H. Urani,•gent, of Brussels. hit. tipeirs c•,nh'nti1lutus bringing avec thoroughbred stor!t hash with hits. .A large number of the members and friends of the S,tnsliius appointment as• scuthletl at the parsonage, With, Mon- day swelling of last week and presented I:ev• Mr. Birks with a purse containing the suut uf polo cash accontpani'•1 by a tpoin1,lilnentary address. The rt.. gru- nion't.l.lied in a suitabl:• stunner. tic -1)n Tuesday evenin ..i (Itis A., . J1 lin lta.nple, sr., au:A gentle - lila ;2,Q, about UO years of a i pastiest :twat t d b his rest. He had ailing fir the last few months. 'the deceased war '•.e1:-kiiown iu this vicinity having been a resident of Mortis fora lung time Ho had been a lite -long Re- former. A Targe family connection shier' hie decease. The toners! took p1a^.• s.e Thursday and was very' I ogely attt . i t d. -1 Post. Brussels. S. 1{. 111ories and family remove to Winginnl next week. Mr. sad Mrs. Merles Inv vld z'e idents of Brusstle hav- ing chute here about ^3 year ate. The many friends of Dr. J. A. Mc- Naughton will be pleased to hear of his safe arrived at Londonderry .on the ‘21st .f Mal. \Vc learn from a private letter that .,lir Id friend A. M. Taylor, well-ku.mi' by evgly'one around here, Len resigned 7 his position in the Model School at Ot tawa and will proceed with his,stt, lits in his law course at 'I' :.n! ., after aumuter vacation. Dr.•Grahatd intends taking a trip to the Old Country this suuuner, we are unfortned,and willcoud.ine bushier; with pleasure by attending a course ..f les - tures in oesnestion with the celebrated medical schools of England andScotlaad. In Friday ev g, during choir prtc. t ... e. at the residence of O. A. Pow mil, M:.-; Carrie ?dories was presented with a t •.,Ll i' cket and chain by the members et !Lc ' : r/heliµ Church choir Gestated by ., few trieRldaon tits et•sof her departure tor '. Ingham where her particta are re- . moving, Short, complimentary ,peecheS were Heade by O. L. Ball, Thos. Moore, .1. Shannon, Chas. Harris and W. IL Kerr. Miss Marie. carries with her the good od wishes of her many friends. Mit. Powell would not allow' the choir to leave until they bad partaken of a very nicelT repated supper. Puiss;eTartoN.-Lest Thursday even- ing a large number of members and ad-, hereto, of Melville `Presbyterian 1'hurt h assembled at the unitise and sur- 1,ri.td the pastor, Rev. J. Ross. After ,ettii¢ settled Ur. tirahatn read the fol. L .wi► g eddr'ess and D. Stewart presented .o lune containing 5103. to the Rev. gen- Isemen :- Northwest I ' I I 111 III The Cheapest, Moat Comfortable and Pleasant Routs TO U.1 1.1.1311 .1 1N r If E it R E .1 7' N (1 i1 T /I Ei' E S T la r+e the ntenwen of the North West( Trans', •tit1111 t'uutlmny, one of %%hiek wUl. weat- e. 0 it. hung. tease Masai• Every Tuesday t Feld.% T/ayi, on arrjsal of Graaf 'frank fqala. t'AL/.1111: AT 6•Bl:gt'M She Fol.; LdW lei D.tf fur rlua Arthur's Landing. Du' nth,and all1 iattiu).anttobs.11lsaes,t.. 1A5Lotaand the lura, V. eat, $P]itCI &L. Tb • Steamer IAN CI'. lotA" will lee** Godc- r'c..wuu_h r er,,.u. t. etery tea'days.- n c -three 00(1 F1idi . s. animate tri,. ror I . aniinr, Aouthttlttpton. Sault Ste. Marie, ill. h1.4totU, Pre Ntpegae. Silver Islet and T tund'•r Bab For further Information os to rates. apply to (hiderloll. or re JAMIEr4 H. BEATTY, General Manager, Sarnia. June 7th, 11&3. 1S9I Om Travelling guide. Lesat. 1) t. IitYSi, ii)Liett.)k .tc. V 04', earn: of tat s uare 1110 Weld ret, (;,(,sten, over Matter's bookstore. mosey to lent at lowtsst Wee of interest. 1 E11'I`; c LEWIh, I4ARRi$TEItti, J dtturta•l s, stolicitore Is Chancery tkv. OWN is ties curt House, Guderi 1221 1.x21 U. 1. li.C.L. E. N. i.swts. 1(110. CAlti a PROUDFCH)T, BAIL ttioTk8tet. Attorneys. Solwltora. etc Goderich. J. f. Oa -row. W. Prou•ifout. 175 EAGER & MORTON, B A It R I S /. TERs. kc., Re.. Osderlub and K C. M.a„er JL. tisderich. J. A. Mortal. __lag Lam. 1751. CAMZR&N, HOLT & CAMERON, fn C'hence . to. Barrbte tlolidt(tes ry. Q 3oderlch and ln�bam. JI. C l'atun cro, F C'.: P. liolt.'l. G. t enteron. Oolleriyh. W. Bacars. %Flashers. 1751. • YOUR FORTUNE! - if you will return this Shp. with L5 cents. or 9 three -coot stamp., we will seat) you by mail. poet-paid. a a beg untng, a beautiful (ltromo Casket 100 Fee` Selling Articles. These goods lire used in e\ ery house In the country. and the ale of which will bring you G RA)71, T U Ni; in, honorably, UN er F'I1'E Rollet. per day. and Paas.x'tl... Gsdcrieh l.v,y„Liam..lit t.t..s4('pm:.10am Seaford*,Ar.8.32 - 121'. O 30 eltratforo.Ar.t'.10 -, ti. U. 11.10 *CTT• PaP xp St rattun1.1.. 15.01;:t ..LS01'm .. 5.Ipaw ..3.45pm Statforl h. A r.12.56 l+.12 &ts 5.10 Gudtw chAr. 1.59 9.3o 1.115 7.15 nTA(3E LiNE.S. T.ecknowStasc)dally)arr. Ut.1Stntt m ,. dep Elm -ar line l O0ani7ani .. lleaI .Ucr ., t1Vedn .lay and l;aturdat)-tr.9.00an:..De.9.10. tonsorial. w not occupy more thou lu►lf tour time. Suit- able for both hexes. It you do not aleh to grasp Your Fortune." kindly shots this tlUn toa friend. male or fernale,thet pectin a help- ing baud. This may Im your last chance. ion't dr y. A. W. KI\NEY. Yarmouth. N. S. 1813-1t. NOW IS THE T1141•: l'Olt Bedding Out Plants I have a line ..on of il.c follow ,ti" t . 2 w- iles• such as t.rraulut11., ('araallews. Heliotrope., Petunia.. Iloublr ' and enteie 1`n r.lr-, slur4s. \•Irv.. Ar. .\'. o Nladon Plsul. tied 11■aglaa Casket.. also (asps ntaads....'-$ ' ... ^I VEGET I BLE PLANTS T is tIo, fablsagr and 1lultdewer PI*Na, to Hitt •h 1 invite the alt. ntiun of the Public. KNIGHT, PRACTICAL I;Alt . DER and }fair -dresser. be sto return ul to the {{public tur vast pairs and t$ a toatlnuaace of customs. He ma be fond • its Shaving Parlor.near Pt Oude$cb. 17;3 NRebical. Gt R. McbONA.GH, M.D., PIiYK1C- . Lir. SURGEON, Ire.. Graddate et Yee - auto Univerdt.). Licentiate 4 the Itoyal sl- IeBe of Isby1chns, Loadoa, England. `1.. Ontario. OMee and residence limonite ite Bslley's Hebei. 1tanmikon street. 1 - DR. Mt LEAN, PI1Y$ICL•l,N, SCR- Street. Coroner ke. Office and midenee1'51. Brute Street. second door west of Victoria Street. u G. MAC KID, 11. D., PHYSI-, 11. clan. Surgeon and Acconcher. Graduate of Toronto University. office opposite (atmer •''qqee k Cameron's Bank, Lucknow. 11 not in °Mee. enquire at the Beak. 17MLy. IRS SHANNON & 3IA3fILTON, Pay*iclans, Surgeons, Acceuch rs. kc. oglee at Dr. Shannon's residence. near the Keel OoderidL G. C. [Mongol/ J. C. HAatt. 'row 1751. TAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &e. • ]IOf4ee, Crabb'. $tuck, Kingston at.. Godo rich- Plane and ,peeltications drawn correct 17 Carpenter's' plasterer's -and mason's work measured and valued. Bowgoets, Wreaths, Crosses, &c., \latae to order. E. GINGHAM; noderieh, June 1st. 1Sr3. t•.tJ a THE MONITOR • COAL OIL STOVE tithe moa ic:pro v. 1 an,) hest oil stove out yet. It will BAK K. ROAST. BOIL. FRY. HEAT Ii:ONS. and do everything a wood cook stove will Co, and cost less for feel. No S�o, ashes or Hell. 41 Ca11 on me and sec Utetn. G. H. PARSONS, Agent for Goderich and Vicinity. :Goderich. June 7th. 168`3. 1191- Itow. Ars Foci* Citta -It is with leelin11 pi of ' TALK A:a:D=1= F1RZ'tt = -'rrew sad sadism* that we have eletr year •cent lack of vigorous health. and regrsses- ci-edirgly the necessity of your prolonged ab- !Mtnpanne.• !Mtn our mldet. We also take this 0!se r unity to endorse the action of the Stsaton gQqrnnting you a lengthy vacation and we -NIRN . ,.. to convey to you our deep sense of hratl- tale and high appreciation of your -labor for tr tylritmi welfare, to the enertle asci.onu((((4lfcrloreanoeof wbich no doubt nay AS..kNAIRN he attributed the present failure of physical health. As a material mark of this appmeia• HAS THE FINEST BRAND OF. tion we desire you to accept thio purse of item , o !Itch ue t. not only be something of the e- CANNED y A N N E D PEACHES o -1¢r•ment, but wi11�4sefs[ In lightening tlpc t'e- /v; , itnta:T ,monose you are so n0cxpectedl call- od d with to a make. tWt trust you wil be favor- proepero profitable journey. l IN THE MARKET, AND U: :5d that yon will return restored to health, to 'he boson[ of your fancily and to riaed • labor for many years amongst this peeps la • our carnet prayer. Signed on bcha:f of -licltflln ('hureh ('op. • ? f:F: Lti LICIOt ' i Wje• GRAHAM. .regation. 1 DtwILL l•-tTEWALT. • l_AXNED TOMATOES _AND COP fir. Ross, although completely taken A TRIAD � II.,L COI1VI_NCE- I•y surprise, respondin in a suitable and cot';:'r ilt,UsE hQU.t1:!-: . (Awl- 4tic f. oa7Alt1O. N ery feeling manner. Afaw.shortspeech- • ' • i•s were made and souse pieces of music - -- - _7 - -- - - t•uu , after which supper wast served anti���� - i the company dispersed with best wishes - �' I' v for their past•n's rots:rn from the. Old iZ! =f l'.,t.ntry. THE QUEEN'S HEALTH. t nu swee r er .iled leaflets fres' t\ n.h 1 nat. ti Her Majesty s*14 le be a Will dellrlrr /n eplrllarlb.ss. 6 +1. Washington, June IL -A paper put, - halted here says that an ambassador of oae of the great powers telegraphed to! his sovereign on Wednesday- last that j W the abdication of the Queen was impend• . in Thehreasons given for this course 1 s are her Majesty's fast failing health and increasing unwillingness and sometimes IualL1141y to perform duties incident to the government. It is said that the (queen is n elft believer in spiritualism. She thought that the spirit of her dead huabanti welts - aesist--hev-in - working_u out questions which perplexed and an- noyed her and at her last visit to Hal - moral she seemed to feel the actual pre - pence of the dead Prince and talked as tht.ugh he were by her side This and •therl•cculrsnses alarmed the Princess Pe atri'•e grcr.tly, and she insisted that some other member of the family should c, me down 'at once. The trouble with the Queen s knee cornea from a large ulcer o1 a canccn.us nature that bas e formed under the knee i..isst, and in spite of all that can be done is eating its way to the hone. Her cundidoa is very serious. twMlew tale., To he lir 1.y public auction. the fenc- ing of the approaches to tirah IL s 1nidge, Lake Shore R•'.td, Ashfiel.l, ..h Monday . June Nth, ISM. Goderlrk Mar2M.. 5 Ig GUM: VCTI • r••••••-^4 tJ? s � • t,••••••1 C=f C3= CV= M y Machine Oils, Needles, Belts, Oil Gans, Ia. • ISS GRAHAM MZLLZNER, - Thsakathe LadMaof (:adrrt.h and s•icin:ty for the 1.11rral l'atrosette bestowed spew her Gorienktr. June It. ida since opening out in town, amt would tall their attention to her Wheat, train V hnah,.......... P20 •1A AY heal. ISprtng2ft is lim,b........ as A (5 Fleur,) Iatrrel.. .. ......... 4 .'A 5 A Ila(.. Y hush .... ... .. .. .. .. F`ea.. 1+ bush ... .......... ... ilarl, •, . P hush .................. I'otat,.r. shush ... ............ li 1 1 At, Y inn .............. limier,* a.., • Eggs. t' dux. )nnpttckf'ttI.....'N e Short., 11 ewt•iN A i !Iran. ti ewI • • ...w w 1 •• Ihop Cw.,• .. t.•.............. a Hides •• Hides ..... wh••lTl.k the.. HI CHOICE STOCK 01 ICILLIMIRT -FOR TilF.--- S TJ M M E R 8 E A 8 0 N_ The `tock is carefully chosen, and Mick Up in the 21!ost Fashionable Styles ! Abs graham feel. assured that her experience in Toronto. London end Miter cities will en- able her to Ove the fullest sat lafaetkm. .1tISS GR.111.1.1f, Si. -hart's Old Stand. S W. BRETHOUR & CO )eO;aI Advantages to Custoniers ':1.L OUR (iOOt» ItN.'I'A11. Al I'IIE HE4.( Lilt 5' t•11IIL1':'.k1.I- PRICES. %11- Itti btt !'Lt*.tt sf WE - 4.1)1152t trout tar• \1*Lers and for t'as1.. "We send. Pa:-�p1os oil. application, 84 Goods by all/. or Egress OUR MI11111E111 DEPAR.TIIENT IS UNDER THE CARE OF A SUPEEIL A, 11-STE. IN MAN i'LE .1N1) UltE8i MMAKINtl 1'EIU'Fa"f s.A. 'It;FACTIt)N 15 01 .tIt.1NTEEI). B'zOIIaz OFPEn ■•..cThaaslilnPgatrto ihe Daemsiortin4ngg to u0e00P, ewrseowrnSpaelyeootnieonrueunrcni Pur- faze, DRESS GO()1)S---All wool Nilati• Pefltngs, from 25 eta ; Kew Che is Mack amp whit... fruiu 3 eta; lame Nuntings and Bna� Gren�adlnea, drop Grain end Di tritium Silk,. (11 O `� L` S ---Bleck & Colored Mousque- / faire Kill hove.; Black and Colored Kid Gloves; 7, 4 and a Buttons: Plae and t'olured Jel-w-y silk Gloves, toe. to 51.55; Waren Silk, Jersey and blade (;love. .[ AiLA()IAS.---Laos TrinOluc:1. Par sola, Sim tofltt.tct; 1.`110,1Par- asda, Kia •k and olorcd..5e. to Si. 0; 1'!w k Suurhadta, 41.00 to >jt.OJ; (:bildrens' Parasol... .---i3tillbriggan Hose, lull re- J V lit• , :, cls; ('1lUdreni Colored ''o Hose. front Ill els; Lilies and Missals. in Solid Co1017; (.alum and Misses, in Mack and ('ulortd silks. White Figured Muslin and Swiss Embroideries. LOTH1NG & CARPET DEPARTMENT IMPORTED SCOTCH TWEEDS ANI► CANADIAN TWEEDS. BALI ItHN.GA` ..GACZF: 3iEL,\O l NLEItwEAR. t'; t" UFS, TIE -z, HALF lit/SE. SHIRTS AND 1111A('::.. i3Cf111 51421 ; TO OHURQ. j l►1tFFa'C !'(F Gt'.tRAN CA RYE'1 •-CARPETS---C.t•i-(PETS ' CL RTAINS---eunT'.r,:=---.U'URTAINS. Altered. ' II: us -t L. Tapestry. Ma.lraa lace in roh•r, Nottingham Let r ' 1 uuii reyolns in Us..- . .41111P.To ialrties Furnidting liurlal -ur.us ice made. • it TT: BRETHO (7' iS co., Bra,/ tford. 'WBPS&Ui'S NEV/ vJLLINER-Y. SEF HI? F THE NEW FERTILIZER. Cotton Seed Coin, oltlbtb IsCheiper, and as good or hatter, 115111 must of the Commercial Fertilizers of the, present day. This Fertilizer is a real manure, nut Meetly- 11 sllalWenn', the value of which is proved t:;- its ( g use w hcrever lntruducla+. A hundred thnusund tone were 1:. i ; lust year to England for fertilizing pure . 41416.• Gardeners take notice that %:egc •••3 ntpn- ured with it mature and ripen e; . er than wish ordinary. manures. John A. N aftel, e Agent for Goderteh. Alio Agent for Herby Main ::;ng of feed, took Diplopia at Provincial Show Iast fall. Watch U. 1883. 1882-1nt The Latest awli1wt1>e_'^ sin New French and Americiin (-Gods, run he found at the kstat.!:..'imetit t t Miss Jessie Wilson lson where the Latest 'lha-1 .. No •„ 18,:,ut, amt 1: The Chicago House) I3 THE HEAD QV.2ItTEI:$ or F_LslION Ant NEW MILLIERY OF ALL til ND)S. A cheap lino in Trimmed Bats a Spry.iaL y. -- C:•=t cl.t-+ Dress Making Establishment ! .1'=o carried tn1 in cunne 1.0 t' i' h ±, e :'151i sera Departncelt. .\ cull sulic:tr d. A. J. WILKINSON. SEEDS.! SEEDS. STURGEOt.� UIL iimmr:t4 RHEUMATISM Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lame Back, Lumbago, ,/Contracted Joints, • Cramp in bi_,;.clea, Sprains. BEST HORSE LINIfilZLIT. Ila Lergtt Baal sec. /.nc)). 1. W. BRAYLEY, (MONTREAL, P.Q. Rev. Father Wild$' EXPERIENCE. T•e IRev. Z. 1`. Wilds, wen -known elty saljalibroary In New York, and brother of this late eiminent Judge Wilds. of the Massails u. n etts Supreme Court, wrttee as follows: "71 E. 5411* S1. New lark, May 10, 1.4.llrssas. J. C. ,l o ra It Co.. Gentlemen : Iwai ('inter 1 was troubled with a most nnoom fortable itebing ituncor affecting more especbdly my ltnihs, watch Itebe.l Imo Intolerably at night. and burned soint eusely, that 1 could scatcely bear any ct.thing over then(. 1 was Alto a sufferer from a severe catarrh and catarrhal cough ; my appetite was poor, and my systema good deal run down. K nowini the value of AYga'S SAasAP.t- Iowa, by obsaMatIon of many other canes and. fr4■t peom rsal use In former year., t begat ta'kihj 1t for the ■t,atp-'*•nett disorders. :117 appetite Imptrove,I alyd'#t from the first dodo. After a S hort time the fever and itching wet a allayed, and all sips of Irritation of the skin disap peered. 514 eaptrri aol tonsilswere also cured by the same abeam(, and my general health greatly intprnvo 1, tats it is now meellent. 1 feel a hundred per (mat str,nger•alal I attribute thew results t' tin um of the ilAHSAt'A1tIf.LA, which I recommend with all confidence as the best blood medic)no ever devised. 4 took It In small tires tiutea a illy, and used, In all, Tess than t a o bottler. 1 place thele facts at your service, Loping their publication may do toast. Yours resp•etfully. Z. P. n itt's." The above Inetanee Is but one of the many eon - S tonily coming to our notice, wide!' prove the per - feet adaptalllllty of Arai' SAp•APARILLA to the enre l.1 all diseases arising from Impure or ittt- joverisLed blood, and n,reakeoeti vitality. "",'•SarsaparillaONT 8(0 STEEL BABB AT T 3EC MHID IC -AL L i3 -EL LL - JUST 71F."F.1V ED A LAItOE AND VARIED STOCKIOF FRESH GARDEN, FIELD, AND -FLOWER SEEDS, from onlutf the most Reliable Seed Warehouses in the iomluion. . FOR kLi•. Rt i'TH twiNT};UE K (l'' I'I 'P %C'=AGES. P. 17011D.111, Che 1st amid Druggist, M$.'DICgL J3Ai.I._ j0-L)DEILIr7p - IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 1 1 take this opportunity to aim cmc • t the pnhtic that having purchased the :=7:Z= GCC=t= 3e 'CCIC and trade of Mrs. W. 11. (Shannon, and hncilig 1111 ' ,urge Additions to the Stock 1 f•! tic )ilei cash was paid. I am now prepared to give great bargains to all ti ho will favor me with their custom. Sty motto shall be •'•mall Profits and quick Returns.'• T^,'t.da delivers 1 frte to any hard of the town. W. H. RIDLEY. JUST RL: cEI VED • , FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, -SEVERA-L--B iLES -OF- TAPESTRY, WOVE AND UNION CARPETS, AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. AT J. C. DETLOR.& CO'S. A CHOICE LOT OF NEW PATTERN LACE CURTAINS AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S: NEW AND NOBBY SPRING HATS, • AT J. C.DETLOR &CO'9. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, • e • AT J. C. DETLOR & CO•S. FIRST PRIZE AWARDEIO shames, .snobs,, amt .tr..r5lttt. t)..' FENCE UOMPANY sMtattdates the airtime of the srmnwrh and hnwels, and thereby mutant the .7strm to reel lit and oT.•r- eo S Ibe attacks of all Jemlrioas Itisensrs, tem*Asst► te• of file Shianln , Rhntisa,, Catarrh, General DirWitp, and .'l Aisorders resulting from pore or earrnpted blond awl a low state of tis sv.t.m. t'ntr.lar.P RI'Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats. Roll to all 1'n.atr1.h. ,.r), < 51, .11c betties for e6. AYER'S CATHARTIC: PILLS ' -tet Purgative Medicine- =IC= "Barb Wire 1""cn.cing tn'It .•et'.m. 1leatar he, Cad i �Oe' '*(l5oua l..^kr•- AT TORONTO EXHIBITION, 1882. eides11►et+•. Always r,1 ahlw The ONLY 1'111-T 1.1.1/F: awatt:ea1,te�r Pooh 1v ire u. sol... k there was (..zi Ayg p FOR +.I LF:D[c'3tt1m1!It2SJs:. GOO�R�7 ?_ I �T Z -y' lc It • r _