HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-15, Page 4.
-d..� David Wetr, the talented ( t) deputy
FRIDAY, JUNE 15=1x, 1883- reeve of Hawick, tuck the remarks of
-'e - iTHl SIGNAL on the poorhouse question
i •iterribly to heart Las{ week. tiu Friday
1pjT A "Ina pPr' ievenuttg he aired. hit "burning elo-
The latest phase of Tet! 1 ..cukop quene "' on the subject, end even Friday
in East Huron has been developed in uight'�aleepdid not calm Lis perturbed
spirit, ter at the Saterday morning s
session he started with rinewel vigor to
let off his pent-ep wrath attaint THE
SIGNAL and its article "u '•-A House ..f
February lust. \, Pullers is to be I Refuge Needed." The air of injured in-
proaeouted for derelietiuu of duty, sal noceuoe assumed by Davie didn't become
froth what we learn ..1 the circumstances juin at nil, and the fuotuf his taking the
the prosecuti n of Mr. Richard Put:lard,
who acted u puty-returning officer at
\\'altuq pulling die y$ion on the 27th of
hie ra3A is as fultluws : --Mr. Pollard, article in TWE SIGNAL so deeply to heart -
who was only recovering from a severe an article in which re. allusion was made
illness, felt faint for lack of food when to Hawick Inure than t•. any other town -
dinner time arrived on polling day, and .hip -proved conclusively that the arrow
ai to ratepayers appeared to be likely shot froue cur bow had bit one stark at
to come its to vote for some time, lie any rate. H the skirts of D.tvid \Vete.
suggested to the agent. of the two can- wore clear of the charges made against
didatee the advisability of adjourning the actions of some of the municipalities
for the petiole of partaking til dinner, „f Huron --dud the statements [Wade are
as by so doing they would be materially facts that can be substantiated un oath-
benetitted and no injury was likely to why. [Mould Ice constitute himself the
accrue to the cause 0 either candidate. champion of the wrout•ducrs ' If on the
Mr. Morrison, who was acting at the 'other hand, we penetrate,l it joint in his
polling -booth for Mr. Hays, acquiesced saner when we made public the disgrace -
to the reasonableness of the proposition ful taches indulged 01 by some ,of the
of Mr. Pollard, and so did the agent fur tuunicipalities to get rid of their poverty -
Mr. (Shoot. The booth was according- stricken and helpless people, he would,
ly closed, and the patty adjourned to had he been a wise man, have hely his
partakeof dinner, and returned to the peace, or endeaverea to rectify in the
pulling place at the end of half -an -hour, future any.wr,ng that had been dune in
during which time not a solitary votes' the past. Personally we have no quarrel
had come to claim the privilege of mark, with David Weir or any other member
ing his ballott. The fact of going to of the county conned of Huron, but wp
dinner with the consent of the two believe, in the interest of the poor, the
agents is the head and front of Mr. Pol- helpless,'the afflicted, the "aged and in -
lard's offending, for nu charge of tsar. firm, an industrial farm or house 0
rapt intent, is laid against hien. Itisrefuge ahold be established in the
true the law states that the polling -place wealthy and progressive' county of Ho-
ehall be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and ren ; we believe, further, that the tnajori-
requires the presence of the deputy re- ty of the ratepayers of Huron are with
turning officer, and a penalty of $200 is us in this matter and although our ad -
collectable where a• deviation is trade vocacy of the cause of the weak and die-
from the rule on the part of the deputy, trussed would deprive us of the dove,
but the infliction a the penally is to esteem and kindly affection of the said
Missies edge nrgwlar Jamie ar•sten.
TUUln►DAY, June 7tb.
Council taut purisant to adjournment
from yesterday.
All the uieil:hers present. Mitetas if
yesterday were toad and (mutinies .
A c w ,,unicatiut. from the Qoenty
Clerk a moires in refereuee to railway
crossings, was read and referred to the
road and bridge committee.
'Phe following from the county treaau-
rer was read and referred to the finance
committee :
C uaty Treasurer's Office, t
Uuderich, June 5th, letH. 1
Th, Wm-Jena/I.,/ u,rl (,uncil
prove a deterrent to pers.)ns who aro
likely to be iloreliet•in ditty to the detri-
ment'of the causeof one orthe other of the
candidates -a crime whioh in the ease of
Pollard is neither alleged, -nor insinuat-
nsinuat-e1. The most peculiar thing about the
action against Mr. Pollard is that the
informer in the case is no. leu a person:,
age than Mr. Thos. E. Hays, the de-
feated of East .Huron ; but when it is
c)nsidered that Itr. Hays is at present
n good deal out of pocket by his efforts
t) " redeem " East Huron, and that he
has bled heavily for his party. we are
led toYik he isonly carryingout thegood
old Tory dost ipe of endeavoring to"re-
coup" himself. Mr. Hays was looked
upon as a well-to-do farmer by the Con-
servative party -as one both abloand
willing to be bled to bolster his ambi-
tious longings-aud on that account was,
in all probability, kindly permitted to
furnish his own powder and shot, Finan•
cially,.epeaking, during the campaign.
But helms what is known as a " long
tern candidate "=from his nomination
David Wetr, we are willing that such
should be thecae. !mbar than look 'back 1'elllars licenses....
now that we have put-nnr hand to the Amount
plow in this matter. Interest
fig. trfoote of IL ix Yert• ldtlig, cause- 1
gaentll very teotly.. 1 believe that:iecus
gpula be :eel ea the place, if I knew
where 1 c:•ul l Mel theta, for suulething
{letweru� CO or $30, and this bridge be-
iog heavy would require to be Supp+ rte 1
by a temporary and crone piece of sod -
folding underneath, while the old burnt
pieces are Witte to tt' ted and the new
pieces replaced. It would require groat
care and skill is doing the Work, and I
do nut think it would be tette to name a I wide "f plate iron, seems to have had a
less sunt than $(i0 for the whole work. wit/deflect and answers a gout purl -ewe
1 notified Mr. Adatusou 4 the fact. and ' The tiolerich brit pt erected last year
he laid the cladat that emoeut bee,a seems to ;-ice exert silt ■atisteetent. '1 he
Viz. Johnston, t aimed in Wei*, %., , etla r enol planks j}vu iustruclua 1110 to
MW us the the c tmp,euy were w tl • leave placed f••r hand -rail have not yet,
lag to di what was right and fair in the been painted, but I will have the work
mutter, aid I believe, es the c.,mpauy jdoue ,during the summer. Prevision
has a very goad reputation, that three , should ba made fur carrying off the aur -
will net likely be ruaeh difficulty ab out face rioter at the south cud to keep it
the m.ttte • I
friers tinkling its way onto the bridge•
the confee, and the t:m.r
b., though some I e IruKT or Ttaa AO.'ALUZAT1,1r e10101ITTiL
0! them are partly decayed, seat& able Your e,nn:utttee, after the teem care-
t. attend for soma yu.►re yet. The floor fol ,'u.ide•.tttou, have eu lectured to
baa ,eau Lied with double plxu' sod is rotu.dthe enon .t just basis,
new breakup„ hero and there in little e&l rte wiruhit comb..esaIttu0...,F►uut,Ahty should boar
holes ; it will require to hale a floor toil to &auther. te'a hod elute the .crea;ge on
as soon wean bo donee. Help's bridge msuy of the easeseswut►t culls was in
is of three, spans e.pual length, being 200 sone oases much increased, while iu oth-
feet iu all : is in ;;good euulitiun 'Ile ra they were reiluoel from former years.
preteetien you instructed me to hate We would recotumend that the dark of
leaced o:t the cut -nater of each pier, emit municipality be very Direful in add-
ing the ooluuuts of their rills as au uniu-
tentenal injustice may be done to muni-
cipalities fro.:u such cause, We conclud-
ed that the tuwuship • God. rich be re-
duced 25 etaear acre v • gree, t d pro-
perty, end ,t ed
e10,413 a mh
be wade ee the town Windham and
the village •.f Wroseter.
A1! of which is respe:tfully sub ait-
'I'U0MAe STiAcuAl . - , "t.
aluvrl by Mr. Girvin, •. • .....1, •t by
Mr. Currie, that the rep. r. • tea •n.le,l
by redu.ing the equalize" •., e! \fest
Wawanesh to $'3i per were on reel prop-
erty. noel $2.e5 un the personal proem.-
ty- . 11'It , y
L by
.f 28,
Moved by Mr. Key, sac at la I by Mr.
Walker, that the report of the equalisa-
tion a• nmittee be amende t h : reducing
the tuwuahips a Cibvrue 'eel Tacker -
smith One dollar per aur'. L it om a
division by n majority of 2e.
Moved by Mr. Gilson, soeuniio.l by
Mr. 1 uunq, that the equelizttion Of the
village of Wroxeter be ruduce•1 to fe90,-
000. Lost un is division by a Ili j.rity of
.Moved by Mr. Young, seconded by
Mr. Allan, that the rep mgt be amended
by adding 2$c per acre to the p •rao nal
property of (itderich township. L et on
a division by a majority of 18.
r The warden resumed the chair.
I Moved by Dr. Buchanan, seconded by
Mr. Kelly, that the report of the'equali-
zation o inmittee he adopted. Carried.
Mural by Mr. Rats, se,r.udud by Mr.
Eilber, that Mr. Hardy, road comntia-
sioner, be instructed to correapond with
the road commissioner of eliddlesex, and
have the Aux Sauble bridge on the
boundary line between Stephen and Mc•
Oilliv-ray repaired cud coal -tarred as won
as possible, providing 3Iid.11.•1ex bears
f the (honey of durum : All ..t w i.lcit is respectfully cheerio!. All .f whiele is respectfully subuntted.
C:ENTLEMEN,-I submit herewith state- I L. HARDY, - Crt.is. 6111V15, •
went ..f collections from non-resident (` owmi►siuriw ' Commission Of.
lands to (pal 30th, and statement u
p f •
cash on hand and available to meet aur- The following report ..f ]lr. Ulrvtu, t ' '•"'-
rent expenditure at this date, $15,904. road commissioner, was real and refer- rlerml ti, the finance comwittee.
Since the January meeting the sum of red to rose and bridge committee : Mr. Rata, that 31 r.
Hardy, :..dal`•,'
lllot'.id by lire Buchanan, sae u \
$5,500 of the sinking fund account hasroaaco ie:
d I hat•a.tbe honor to report as follows : sinner, be iustructea to build :► foie: •.i
been placed in mortgages, viz : one . Iu the month of April past I exatuittrtl'
mortgage of $4,000, and este of 8'2,:)00, the bridges on the Lake Shorn read. ,gu era Alen; the north side of tee cm -
running ten years with interest at 6l O, Graham's bridle .n this mad is 15 tcet blukmert between the two bridees titer
which will be submitted to our tiuxnse ' Black Crev en the buunda,y Let at ween
y' spat:; bntit iaovidently ton short a s e 1 Hay and Stephen, as we consider that it
committee. It will be necessary to as the abutment on the north si a is is :it p,trote:a to on unsafe c atditi5n for
public. tee:J,--Referred to road aud
bridge : eatuittee.
)Ii ve.1 by Mr. Katz, see:meted by Mr.
L'uchat.,it. that 'Mr. Handy, read come
mi.eton.::, his instructed to examine the
Shed Creee cordage, en the beualary
grant to the warden and treasurer power very much undermined. 1•would rcout
to barrow, say $10,000, from the bank to mend that when it comes to be rebuilt
meet current eapenditure before the the span should be enlarged to the mirth
taxes are collected. at least 8 or 10 feet. The bridge itself
EATIMATND ESP&NDr1CR* POU 1883. is in g,•o'' repair, but it may require a
Administration of Justice.... $1,900.00 little repair uu the approaches. Port
I uq ue+ts
SChuel management
Lunatics and charities......- . 500.00
Salaries aud council fees. 4,5000.00
Repairs cuunty buildings 600.00
Contingencies . ... ..0000
Stationery and printing' 600.00
Crown witnesses. 250.00
Agricultural Societies . 305.00
High schools 2;100.00
... , .. 400.00
Public schools 6,930,00
Boundary lines, . 3,000.00
Roads ams bridges lit 00t0f3-
Over expenditure 1882' 1,296:00
Model schools
Aibert ,bridge has two. spans, tnaktotl, l F,et w -en limy aud Stephen, and if neces-
with the centre abntmetii,.b3 feet. This • I nary hate the same repaired as s.e.0 ay
abutment in the centre Very mu: h eb- 1 possible-
to same committee.
structs the passage of the water, aud'f'r
catches sticks ant ether Wreck cawing l The council then adjourned until 2
duan the stream. L would recommend 1 o cluck stemerrow',
that when it is required t.. be rebuilt the! .
spats he male 50 feet. Thera !So good !
rock button at this place for a firm Iuun• 1 ' : Franey, June 8th.
dation. The bridge is in geed a.uliticiaa . The council met pursuant to adjourn -
and will stand for someyears to come.' intent, the warden in the chair. All the
Kingsbridge bridge, ns yon are Rware ,
was rebuilt }est summer. It is 211 feet . councillors were present.
an and will likely not neva anything l The minutes a yesterday were read
and app
hairs than some repairs to the approach- The report of Mr. Dewar, I. P. S., was
wiliin6. bride is nae appit±st� tept,.'i read and referred to the wheel commit -
will the. floor feat `Lust: The floor 1 cite, .The following are its main points : one-half the cost. Cathed. •
will needYto be renewed at' once, and Moved by Mr. Cirpe seconded by
$39,982.00 may possibly need soma new stringers. ' Froin the
)L`ighteeu'3111s river grid• Laka fMhoeo 1 REPORT OF IN.aPE!T41t vrwAii Dr. Buchanan. that in mile 0 appeal by
Leen catitustea revenue from de, +
Re••Istr� office $2,018 is 94gfeet lung, width I helieve is un- eve learn th4t the total receipt for school any municipality from the ecp [ton
necessari•ine good (oder, purposes throughout the country were of the assessments, that the wpl)ral'Iw
260 $51,417.82, and the total expenditures, settled by the county jud,;e. Carried.
$45,330.34i. The amounts- paid ti. - Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded' by
teachers in the different municipalities Mr. Henning, that the Wroxeter brit:ge
are as follows:-Tuckenmith, $4,1955 be veil -tarred. Carried.
McKillop, $4,744.21 ; Bullett, t4,- Moved by Mn Johnston, seconded by
963.97; Grey,- $4,477 ; Turnberry, t3,- Mr. Cooper, that this council do not ad-
d -
y799.74 ; E..Wawanush, $2,300.91 ; How- journ to meet again this' evening at 8
o'clock, p.m. Carried_ .
Titi +mimes of the Tory organa, big
and little, toward the (:tole, approaches
lunacy on aome occasions. A few days
since the (Aob.• and 31ai1 simnitanel•ualy
published a wretched stereotype pur-
porting to be a likeness o(, the Marquis of
Latideadowi: Both stereos were. from
the same woodcut, and if the prospec
tine governor-general is half as ill -1v' k-
iug as the enterprising dailies represent
him to be, he is more suitable for an
hospital titan to govern 4,000,000 sturdy
freemen. The Tory orsans are, nue and
all, finding fault with the wood -cat
Printed in the Globe, um) censuring that
journal for publishing such a Boal on
the prospective goeen1or-geireral, but
nut one of them has had the decency to
couple the ]fail with the Globe in their
by the convention to election day was a ,t IT i now In order to nomiliatoa
i candidate for the position of license in-
spector ler East Huron, rice Donald
Scott, deceased, we would remark that
no better or more popular appointment
could be ►vale by the Local Goresnment
than that of Finlay S. Scott, the son of
the late incumbent. For some time past
Mr. Scott has performed the duties 0
inspector, owing to the illness 0 his fa-
ther, and has discharged them in a meat
efficient and satisfactory manner. The
Government cannot do better than ap-
point Finley B. Scott license inspector
for East Huron.
lengthened period -and the a arry i nt• ..n of
the campaign would havobeena heavy tax
'ton the purse of even a more economical
man than Mr. T. E. Hays. The conse-
,tuence, likely, is that thatgentlemen is
tiow beginning to realize the fact that he
has paid too dearly for the honor of being
'• put up to be knocked down*" in East
Huron, and hence the desire to be. " re.
ceuped " may arise in his breast. But
how ? He is tot John Shells -ho is
only Thomas E. Haps-ho is nota whale
bat only a very small fish, politically.
. Big baits are often thrown to the larger
fish, but the small fry hare usually to
look out for themselves. And so it is
A t•Ira,Ttr tr, joker in Ilrussels got off the
following conundrum the other um- and is
still recti[ iris; solutions. • If a young roan
were ioauar•k ,he three -heeded lades in Sing.
with Mr. If nye ; he is not of sufficient pork 6: los show which mouth would he
account iu be looked after by a paternal k'wC The idea of thinking a Tonng man Turabery 4
could nut a .ark without kros;n 1„Y,Il. out• E. Wawanosh
W. Wawanos'i
Bayfield 6.62
Exeter ...... ... . ' 4.61
\' roxeter ' 61.08
-550 .
excepting some of the flooring, which
'requires to be nailed down, and possibly
the approaches may need some little
gravel. Ainberley bride° is 22% feet
len ones an ; in good order excepting
a plank or two in the flocor. The bridge
$66,804.00 g+ P b
Gravialel deb.i a on the lwaaclary between Aallfield and
(:nivel r'd deb. diet $15.8.+0 ick, $0,765.47 ; Morris, $4,156.I07
•' oink' fend 5,300' .Huron is 20 feet .span. The Reeve of
N. C. R. deb int'et 7"Ja 5 the township of Huron has let a contract 1Yroxeter, 111,295.63 ; Blyth, t 8y,i; 8 p• m.
" of:...'g fund 1,000 10 lays new floor on this bridge 0 which Brussels, $1,725 - total $39,2 $
this county will one-half. The new Tho total number of pupils enrolled- ' Time council resumed, the warden in
22,925 00 bridge on the Eighteen Mile river en the Res 9+214. the chair.
cog 729 00 ssme road, and which youordered at the The supplementary report of ileo . a- ` Ilepwrtof the gaol diol court house
,fano try meeting . to be rQbuilt, 1s caro- sun, road. commissioner, was read and committee was reed aud adopted.
Statement ti cash in hand and available plated and ready fir travel, at a total referred to road and bridge committee. I sero,iT ur caoL AND . vA:T Hoca t u)t-
GixrLEMxN,-Sinnce giving in my re-, S(XTTLE.
port I- am sorry to say that Turner's; Your committee report that they have
bridge, No. 5, 150 feet lung, across Bay- ' visited the gaol and find seven prisoners
wanoshlind Kintail is24 feet span, which field river, has become a total wreck ; therein, ono awaitinusentetioe for larcen-
iuight safely be seduced to 20 feet. It about 75 feet of it, being the centre spec, ey, and six vagrants. one a the ea-
ts in good repairand will not peed •Mach bas fallen. Acourding to tbeinformation }trrtrts named Ilia -gees is in a very feeble.
- fur repairs -excepting the approaches, I could find, and tale owe opiuio& as to and pitiable state from 'a runniug sore
• which may require a little. Nine Mile the cause of the bridge genie dew& so , log and shoal be rumored.. We would
1. •G' river bridge, still en the road, is one s .on, was partially from the severe storm , rec,inmend that tho clerk take steps to
spas of 24 -feet. while the fleet. is 58 feet which came that night, acid sumo heatyr.fgtet him admitted lute sone he/vital as
e'2tt,48 "t' lung. I would recommend the bridge driftwood comingegaindtile bridge with $ soon►.as possible. -
hould i.e. reduced to net more then' 20. great (nice may have, aouse.l it to fall. i We wouldrecomnieud1 that nue hund-
feet Tho bridge on the Lueknow tread, There was a span of horses•and carriage, red dollen b,e, granted to imprtve the
oloposite the 3rd col,., u 32 -feet long. and Mr. John Turner, of Varna, •nu the court house grounds, to be expouled'tin
This is a very -444 bridge, and although . briago.when it went down, but they fur- der the direction of Mr. Adamson, as the
' it is stflhaafe,it may collapse any day aud tunately sustained but little injury. I ! town council 44 Goderich purpeso expend-
: should be rebuilt in 1884, die 'does not would recommend that a nen; bridge be Ling two hundred dollar* in planting trees
break down before that time. Pow. built as soon as possible, as it is a lead- rand otherwise improving their portion of
for investment .. 1,130.82 tar suoula •bo giveri to tae Commission' ing toad for a great many to market. I the mounds. -
4,531 94 j era to reht}ild as .stem - as Ansi- am of the opinion that the, bridge could' We would recommend that the sled
ble, if it should break down. Phil- be shortened to 100 feet, which would in the goal vara oe te:aoved outside the
Avttilabie for current expen- !lip'a bri(dze, Lueknew nod, is one lessen the cost. In reference to bridges ; walls, and ata, that the tank ordered to
diture...... • .815,904.02! span 32i feet Ions. with a bend in the in Hullett, on gravel read, there has as buil at last meeting of the council be
$tatemcntof cellections froth non-regi=,centre: the .t! or is 52 feet, is in fair or- ••sly been one change, that is No. 46.1 builtoutsideof gang yard, and that .111
del t lands January 1st to April 30th, I der and with some slight repairs will 1,° It was not the length given in the_min- I stamp for itemising gaol cluthiuw, as re -
13, sate for some yeas to eomo. Nine Mile utes ; it is at present kept up hy the I quired bylaw, be procured.
Ashfield 3 i,4.O:I 4 river bridge, s:inno road, is 119 feet lc ; ; • township. Tito only one at present is Also that Otte windows in the court
Colborne 183.00 ,stands on six bents at unequal distances, ' the Loudesbure bridge, on the Maitland , house he fixed, and any needed repairs
Calerich townaii lord f,J and though mgt a very old bridge is eery river, which is 175 feet lone!, built on 1'n•the sane, under the direction of Mr.
Grey p; 42-8.`1 witch decayed and will need considerable • cedar abutmeuta. at a cost of $1,325, i Adamson.
Hay ... .1,241.84 repent' this season. The bridge on the JOHN MASON,
All of which is resloao fully aubmitt•
Howick .. 12.44 " line between West Wawanosh and Col- ' Rnad Gumwissi• Ince, ed. r
)'luifleM ,.... 104.34
borne, nn Young's creek is 15} feet span, fteix,rt of school committee was read E. Cotntrr, chairipau.
Morris t --- 3Lu:;' but should be onlarged to feet span. and adopted. Weed hy 31r. 't%ti. rti aeconaedl by
1icKtll pt 274.:,'i This bridge was built in 18503 and was REPORT Or SCHOOL ro autrna Mr. Hennin.�, that the warden and clerk
rr frequentlythe calttse 4 the water over -1- draft a meniotial to the comities of Bruce
Stanley ....... 14.90lour cosimtttee bust to re ...rt as f ,
Stephen 1,319.90 Rowing and cutting the road, there being {{ ii1 and p girth asking their co-operation with
p 26 50 but few yea» 'when the approaches did iO :-.-on report of J. It. 321 ter, Schou us in the establishment of an industrial
46.62 not have to be r4put:red en this accunnt, inspector for West Huron, with state- firm ..r poor house fertile maintenance
About nine or ten ears ago an estimate went of income and expenditure of or su t ortof'the moor and indigent within
63.1.1 y schools for the year 1882 we recon- 11" L '
of 8210 *as granted, by the late Engin- y" + the cuntistuous counties of Huron 1 ertl►
eer'ssuggestion, fur rebuilding this bridge 'mend that the report be princes in the aud 13rucc,au/1 that the site be selected
but for egme reason whioh I do not know minutes. Also that the report of Arch, in some central Locality as may be agreed
the work was never done, hut it has been Dewar. inspector for East Huron he by the said councils of the aforesaid
,printed. All of which is respectfully ountiea. Lust on a dividers a ma-
submittod. jority of 9.
C, B1 CHAVA�, chairman. Inc supplementary repute of the fi-
nance couln►ittee was read aud adopted.
I -rev ire cree irree.'s IMPORT.
The finance committee reported as fol-
ws : --T th the following accounts be
paid : E. , Holmes, $4.50 ; dames Imrie,.
$3.70 ; Jae Itirie, 86 /.40 ; Hugh Mc -
Grattan, 91.50 ; John Walker, 812.23 ;
Goderich Stow, $4.50 ; F. S. Scutt, $10 ;
Exeter &1krfor, $4.50 ; Howick Enf.r-
pt•i./r, 223.50 ; Huron . goof, $8.10 ; F.
Jordan, 81.50 ; Patrick Keating, 85 ;
David Keys,• 9185 :. Jas. Warren, $8 ;
(;null A Cameron. $17.00 ; Brussels
Rad, 84.50; John Herm. $20; :letrs-
Reeor.t, 85.50; hlyth R ri.,r, 93.50; L.
Hardy, 836 : Win. Pommy, 92.50 ; Wm
Manson, 93.73; Daniel Leary, 87 ; A.
L. (iih een, F23 ; ('has. Girvin, 939 ; R.
W. 'McKenzie, *3.72 ; St'aforth ,tion,
869.34 Henry Clneas, 82.38 : John
Ansley. ti : Mrs. Gillespie, 848 ; Wing.
ham .1•i,•,..•.., $3.50; Mark ('asaels, 83 ;
Lucknow .s.,•t.n.t, 92 ; $awl Lockridge,
86..,i; ; D. K. letrachan, 91.7.5 ; D. K.
Strachan, 9k : Wm. Lee, $4.35: Mrs.
John Vlatso.n, 934 ; .1. Imrie, 83.60 ;
McLeau Breda, 94.:01. • ells.), that the
account a Geo. The:lfer.l for looking
after trails ne paid upon I.ii funushing a
list of the tools that have been placed in
bis �wwasten. and that lee supply a list
ei the testis in his I.orsaession from this
time forward too this council at its Janu-
ary meeting. That the treasurer's state-
ment of cash on hand available for cur-
rent expenditure and "i collections re-
eeiral from n"n-reeelent lands be pub-
lished in the minutes. That in future
to meet current expenditure, Jane 3th, cost of $370, of which this county pays
1883. ' 8183 ; it is of one span of 50 feet. • T
Cash in bank . 918,4963 bridge on same road between West Wa-
County rater doe frotu
Town of Clinton .... 9682.15
Village of Blyth.... 143.77
W. Wawanoab 833.16
Village of Brussels280.52
Leas due to municipalities
from non-residt taxes '
collected:... - .83,103.1°'
Co'ty sch. grant to
W. Wawanosh
unpaid 298.(0
Sink g fund on hand
(;., vernlnoat . at t tttaw1', and tni,gld r°tgcool. t 'unld Bro. Deco . c(lilIicuddr,
of (iatench, or Aro. John Phomas MitchefL
it not be tii tt leaving'. had his of nl)th, rise and certain.
day, 'and danc•,J his dance before the 4'idthe idea def irta;gining this any
publie,:he is now anxious that some one man with a well -regulated ,teind would
else should "pry the pipor." It rely he go into the kissing liisiness when there
.that Mr. Thus. E. Hays' action in in- were three mouths in' the roots biotite
atituting the prosecution, . ;rightly or his own is utast outrageous. We never
wrottg),as the case may heel against Mr. Were t'reedy) and one mouth and. our
. Pollard, is actuwted by a desire to carry own were enough for our purpose. In
out the election law in its rune( nu e anguage 1 to p' ,, or some
purest sense, but there is ' svmethini else, in the kissing business "two mouths
ominous in the fact that the law distinct- are company, -three are not." These
ly lays down that 'a penalty 0 8200 are our sentiments on the three -decker
»hall be imposed upon any deputy officer ki•tsing question, and after William
guilty cif dereliction of duty, "the whole Henry of Brussels hears front the John
of which amount eoes to the informer" Thomas 0 Blyth on this subject he . will
and in'thia particular institnce •Thors be sorry lee spoke. Anyhow, we will Let
E. Hays is the iof eiii c. In this con• a pea -out against a pint of cider that the
nection we might further add that the Po.t mien's wife made it sultry for hint
returning officer in East Moron. Mr. after the above unfortunate item was
Robert Armstrong has also been ebsr.etl published, If she didn't. she'll never
`rich dereliction of duty, and if the case get an old greybeard's blessing from us.
against him ba sustained, the penalty
*ill also be 8200 -which the las
provides shall go to the informer -and
Mr. Thos E. Hays is the prosecutor in
case too. Mr. Haas' election expens-
es in East Huron, according to the
agent's statement published, were only
v20e.4i0. If hs is successful in loth.
fruits and can manage to pocket $400
by the operation of the law, in all proba-
bility he will be satisfied with the result
of his contest in East Huron, and h/e
ready and w•illinsg to throw himself m the
breach and Weed for the party should
the eces.i,::n o!ler :t' a fmtnre time. held in Zion B. C. el urch, en Monday
evening next, promises t,• be largely
attended. The speakers expected are
Tnt. L•,ndou '7;.e r is'areing rho till- Rers. Broad, Sanderson Caswell, Rice.
Valine, and Mr. Thos. Me iliieeady. of
sen- r , real its morning oJiti+n befor* I Hoderich. Rev. T. Broad will conduct
Mraktese 4n nen, erg!•. as it were the anniversary sereicee tie Sunday
Jacob Hebei is he inning to take'.tke
lewd as it stone -mason. He has spent a
season in Winnipeg, and lies other ex-
The popple of this neiehbwrh'pl. are
delighted at the prospects of q bridge
over the river to Hnlmesvilte at an early
date. Messrs. Corbett and Cooper i4
(Jlfnton have worked hard for this dat-
ing and now that the prospects are good,
everybody is willing to claim the praise,
and like the woman and the bear, every-
body says, alcfp't tri 4., its
Teveternm.-The teameetinq to be
83 737 49 cobbled and patched with some of the
A. 3f. Ross, Co. Treasurer. timber that was taken out of the old
bridge at Manchester, and has so centin-
The following report from Mr. Hardy, ued in a sort of dilapidated condition Report of the road and bridge coin•
road commissioner, was read and refer- until now, it would require to be rebuilt ositee was read and adopted.
red o road and bridge committee : at once. pend the span should be enlarged Your Road and Bridge Committee
t VTLixiet, In accordance with in- to not rebs dean 20 foetl%teat st Young $ to report as foilows :
structions received at last meeting of the bridge, 00 8th con. of Colborne, is one On communication front ileo Attrtlb,
Council, I prepared plana and speediest- span of 30 feet, with stone abutments asking the privilege of hanging wito
tions fur Crediton bridge, advertised and and wooden tps, and is its ,grind repain gates under the Maitland bridge at Gude-
received tenders, and let contract far the Manchester bridge hes One span of 42 rich, we recommend that the request be
sum of 9820. This bridgeconsistauf one, feet at the east end and the centre span granted, hie. Attrili lonyins therefor the
span, 85 feet in the clear, and rests on is 150 feet clear, anda span of 42 feet at sum of 8ii per year for the,)cit ilege (In
cedar pile abutments driven to &depth of the west end. .411 the abutments are of report of Meatus. Hardy and Gibson,
9 and 10 feet. The timbers for the atone work. This bridge was repaired, - relative to a bridge acrss the Maitland
superstructure are framed and ready for as you are aware, last winter, ad would river, between ColM•me and Gxjerieh
raising, and will be finished about the require to have the twits tightened ns Tuwnslifes, wee recommendthat the same
middle of Jane. I have else let the con- the wo►•ktncn, when repairing last winter, bo adopted, and Messrs. Hardy and
tract for Woodham bridge, c,n the county said to mo that the frost and ice in the Mason, commissioners, prepare plans and
boundary between Huron and Perth, to timber and on. the floor prevented them specifications for a new bridge across said
the Toronto Bridge Co., who aro to fur- from - doing as much ns was needful. r.var, near Holmetville, and teak fee teed.
MAI all material re•luisite end necessary It is, however, in goo ti order, and I be- ens, and lot the seine, to be cem[leted
to complete in a workmanlike manner, lieve will now stand for a number :)f this summer. the petition of Jacob Mc -
and ready far travel, the superstructure years. I may, here say that the fears ex- Gee, and others, relative to a dam at
for a wrought iron bridge, 50 feet long, pressed in my report in January last hayfield, r.•cnmutend that no action be
for the sum • f 8790. The stone abut- scent t.. have been groundless as the taken, as we think we have no jureelic-
meats are flood yet, but mast be raised water was very high during the spring tion. tin report of Mr. Mason, road
two feet higher, which will 20st about 84 freshet and dela t comewithin 4 orofect commissioner- recommend that it be
I had a new flow laid on a small bride. of the ironwork nnderiteath the bridge. adopted, and that the repairs andieM
between''sborn° and Tuckxtsinith, cost- I took the precaution ..f providing hooks provements 1... made.
ing $21. Kippen bridge, -between Stan- and poles, and had a few mon stationed
ley and Hay. will moire s..mn repairs, on the bridge f..r it sheat time, to as to
or will probably have to lie rebuilt this torn away if nc:•easary any logs or lamps
summer. The present structure is 50 of ioethat might have been likely to iw-
feet long, het will do 15 or 20 feet short- jure the bridge, and t found it astessary
Bannockburn bridge, on the flay- to have a heevy jam of timber that was
field road, will require sonic repairs. indgcd in the west spun broken up, all
With regard to tilt burning on theGrend of which cost 915, exclusive 14 pike -
Bend bridge, d have to report that 1 ex• poles. i let on the 4th May Pooh -act to
ambled the bri.lee as sem as I w.ta as -are remove a hank of driftw.e.d1 from Bette
of the injury, nee 1"011 some of the millers hridge, which has not yet been
ti,nlevra considerably burned, and stead.' done• but expect it will be shortly, as 1
be remevol are new timbers def similar saw the man on 'tondtey. This bridge
Muted hy Mr. Yount. sec nidal by
Mr. Kelly, that (;ralsrn's bridge. Lake
Sherri road, Aehtiield, and Young s ('reek
bridge, between Kest \1 awauosh sa4
Celberne, be atanneed by this courted,
and a by-law to that effect passed---Car-
Mn'ed by Mr. Holland. secon.le,l hy
311•. liriit• n, that Nu. 37 of road and
Midge report he amendal by having
stone remtments bnlht at (inere's ;midge
-C.trrind en it divisi..n. the read c•-n,missi"sen supply detailed
totality put i.. their pl.tre. The ymintity , is 4.1 tour R11.1114 makinit 11 t.4111 length of was reed, when the council went into
Repot of the a ualieatidtn committee statements of aceennls. That white-
washing manly buildings in future be
of material in the pieces that are partly i 398 feet ; 'tends on w,s filen abutments : aunmittee of the wed, 31r owl. in let by tender.
burned and should be removed is 725 ! the spans ere all cenaiderahlr ....enol in the chair. t (+sifts bItd OA priest R