HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-15, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY JUNE 15. 1883. 3 . T:he Poets Corner. Three Weems. (.later Stapley s "Throe Fishers.") Tuiuc *warn went selling out on the street 'Te the brow u -stone front where the rod flag bay. /belIcastled the crowd all day ea Weir feet While ' I o iix and going and gene" was snag. For women must go when bargains un had, And buy old trsah, if never po bot. And timbaads must ever be greening. T •' tubands all hungry, went home wag d to dice. But oaten they arrived there was nothing to eat. Three wouuitasq all crazy, and feeling so ane. Were gabbling of Nirvana along on the street. Cor women must talk of bargains they buy, And homes must surfer. and babes must n'. And husbands most ever be groaning. Throe women wore showing their husbands witklue Th. it bargains at prion that never were beat. Thor • I.usbands, all starving. and snail as could be, Were tossing the bergatos out tato the street, For men don't know when bargains arc cheap. And women. poor creatures. do nothing but weep, And husbands must ever be groaning Mrs. Tem Ywyes's seely. Airs. Tota Sawyers cheery little t..ce was unmistakeably chiseled, as she went stout her work .one bright morning. In order to explain to you the cause of this unusual aanuyance, I tihall have to say T first of all, that there was never • more aristocratic little town than that of Ash- ton. The Ashtonites had aristocratic houses, attended aristocratic churches, and last but nc t 'seat in poor little Moe. Tom's eyes this self same morning, cbey had had very aristocratic tea-parties. 'What had they to do with her r yes ask. Well, somewhat, pertly in virus of her good family, but mostly I must confess, on account of her sweet sun. altit.y ways, and good, true sense, Mrs. Tom, though her husband ossa • mechan- ic, was admitted even into the charmed circle of aristocratic Ashton. Mrs. Tom herself wondered how she came these, as did everybody else, but she was, said no one, not even the most tsstidiota, had any desire to put her out. But it proved something of a trial to her after all, and this inorninatke thorns were very sharp. Yon must know she found herself, as the expression is, in- debtsd to nearly every one of herb -Mods but trot socially, "Nothing very terrible financially, about that," you- say, bet that is because you know nothing about tun -parties. No one was invited until just tea -time, when all were ex- pected to appear in their beet The table was heeled with dainties of all s.rts and descriptions- After en evening of highbred small talk and gus- t sip, the company adjourned, each row- ,. ing to surpass the hostess on some future occasion. Such were Ashton t -parties. Do you "nudist. th'it Mrs, Ton. sighed 1 She went broom is hand, and opened the 1 arlor door. It is a cozy cheery rooms; looked just like herself her hus- band said. Bat the carpet was only is• grain, and the furnit ... a very plain She shut the door and went into the dining room. That carpet was very much worn and thi.i in spots. " But I enjoy eating in it enough sight better than in Mfrs. Geo. Parkers elegant one, for hen fair- ly chills me, and this warms me up ; it looks hone -like.' said the incorrigible Tom, who preferred his own cozy room to anyone's splendor. Mrs. Tom went back to her sweeping with a book of indecision on her face, and it heated there all the time she was Best- ing and putting things to rights. " I'll do it r she exclaimed at once, as she put the last hook bee's. and pushed Tout's chair into the caner. "I'll do it, I ire ma -visits." their hospi- tality, and 111 offer them nine. They know I cannot do as they do, so they wt.n't expect it, and I wop•t spoil it all by trying to do something 1 cat. t. I'll make as neo • tea-party as I kt.ow how my way, but i'll keep it my way." So it came to pass that afternoon•Mrs. Tom went around among her friends, inviting them to take tea with her next day. "And i would like to have you come early and spend the afternoon,' she said to everyone. Then she went home and commenced the preparations. For tea she would have biecnits and butter 'and Mrs. Tom could mate biscuits worth eating! cold meet, preserves, and two kinds of cake. She hesitated over the cake s little. She did hate to seem mean and stingy • but she kept firm " I emit afford u -y more and I dont believe in thinking your company comes for the cake " had no time t., ; it was crowded mit a it!i better thing's. Somehow a kindly feel iull crept "ter them, and they showed the beet of themselves far snore in this way little home than in their accustonm- edsplendor. When Mrs. T excused herself, as the clock struck six to look after supper, they lucked from one to soother as astonishment. Where had the afternoon gone t ''1 don't know what you've done,' said Mrs. Parker, as she bade her hos- tess peel -night, "but I feel as I used to say when • child, gooder than Idid when I °Mote. We shall all be glad to conte again said Mrs. Weston, the lady rf Ash- ton, whose husband was very rich. "And all 1 did, Tum, was just to try and get the best out of everybody." "if everybody would do that, the millennium would come iu leu than no time, little woman," responded ism with s loud smile. "What did she do anyway 1'' asked one, as they discussed the strauge party. "She didn't do anything," answer- ed Mrs. Parker, promptly. " She was just real and true. I never felt*. ashamed iu my life as when, I tlioueht of all the partite I have given and everyone of them spreads. But I've spreads!' I'm going to," she added with a laugh. '•Hereafter, when I invite you to nay house, I want you to understand it's because I think we can do each other geed some soy, net because I've a new esrpet to exhibit or a new kiu3 of cake to t reet you to. The • Wales of all Who hare tried Pels.u's NEKVILINE, the Resat pain remedy, is that it is never -fail- ing in pain of every description. Neu- ralgia, toothechu, cramps, pain in the stomach good kindred complaints are han• iahed as if by magic. Rapid and certain in operation, pleasant to take, Nerviline stands at the very front rank of remedies of this class_ A trial bottle may be pur- chased fur 10 cents, a very small amount in any case ; but the best expenditure you can make, if a sufferer from any kind of pain, is a 10 ur 25 cent bottle of Ner- vtline at J. Wilson's. These Baby • Carriages. Ws may be sure that none but crab- bed old bachelors will find fault with the baby carriages which are trundled along the streets. These old bachelors declare that baby carriages are a perfect nuis- aaee and that they should be prohibited by law Pram trespassing on the public streets They forget that they were oc- cupants of baby carriages themselves, and that they were trundled along the streets just as the youngsters are now. Bicyclists are prohibited from running their ma:hines along the sidewalks, but So person would be hard-hearted enough to must that the nurse girls should hare to take to the ruad with their baby car- riages There is no telling how many pruepoctive statesmen, clergymen, law- yers, doctors, merchants and other useful members of society occupy those diminu- tive carriages, to say nothing of all the little girls who will grow up to be great women. Some of the babies, no doubt, will grow up .to be old bachelors and will findfault, in their turn, with the baby carriages which will L:; rolled along the si lewalks in their day. Thus it goes.—Ex. CiiiouWE -A mina well known in onuection with the Hair Itenewer,whicb restores grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per b•ittle by James Wilson. los A REWARD -ot f one dozeu "TeamEY- ey" to any one sending the beat four line rhyme un "TEAasekr, ' the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Bath. Ask your tlruggest or address. No persue can enjoy health while suf- fering Constipation of the Bowels. Harsh purgatives always do harm. Bur- dock Blood Bitters is Nature's own Cath- artic ; it unlocks the secretioti.,regulstes, purifies and strengthens the system- 2 No household should be csidered codton plete without a bottle of Dr. Vin Buren's Kidney Cure is in the closet. It is the only refuel), that will positively, permanently and promptly cure all forms of kidney dice taco. eSo ld Eby J. Wilson 2m These are Seltd Fart.. The test blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit - ere. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiser, tunic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certaiu cure known. They set surely and quickly, every bottle guarauteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at tifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. 141 Perfect, Positive and Mammal see the curse effected by Dr Vail 8eu5's Kulnq Cure. Relief in all cease of Kid- ney Disease is ubtatued of _er a few doses. gee that your Druggist gives jou De Van Buren's Kidney Core Sold bp J. Wilson Godertch Yas Thousands la r %items to the twig - tire curative lei n .•f the GaaAr l:Es- NAx INvtuutuTI. tate tatty rertsody that has proved itself a specific foe general debility, seminal weakness, uul,teuce. etc., and all diseases that arise from self. abuse or overtaxed brain, finally euding in cnsumption, insanityand • ptenta- ture grate Sold by al druggists, or will be sent free on receipt of $1.00 per b.ix, or six oozes for $5. Address F. J. Caesar, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent fur the l'nited States. Seud fur circilar and testimonials of genuine cures ,Oso. Rhymes. Goderich. Sm Says Dryden "She knows her man and when'you rant and swear. Can draw you to her with • sinvle But it must be beautiful hair to have such power ; and beautiful hair can be ensured by the use of Citoo•t ee HAIR RE'Ewgk. Sold at 50 ct.. by J. «'ikon. 2m Remarkable as Tree. Alonzo Howe, of Tweed, was cured of a fever etre of thirty-five years' duration b six bottle, of Burduck Blood Bitters. l e hod suffered terribly, and tried many remedies in vain. He considers Burdock Blood Bitters a marvellous medicine. 2 Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. JgMES JVCC_NTgIR THF 8 E 1E D 8 3.d & _ Wishes to thank the public for past patronage and wou'd info -n, 't:• m t!.a' 1..• has now os hand the LARGEST AND BEST STOCK —Kr, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS from the most reliable Arms in Ontario, wkich he is prepared to sell at a price aa l w as any other reliable house. Amongst the specialties in potatoes are the "New Blush.- '•Early Bus - rise." "Beauty of Hebron," and "Late Ifose." The sure success to tanning and ardenlag is good cultivation and good seed- Ask for the beet varietws. iaseeetion invited. A tall solicited. Flour and Feed kept constantly ea sale. JAS. McN A l IL the Seeders *n. S N F' R C.) T AC-rtATN Seeing is believing. heal the testi menials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bottle and relieve yuurself of all those distress- ing pains. Your Druggest can tell you all about it. Sold by J Wilson Goderich 2m The worst Scrofulous Sores, the most indolent Tumor, and the most foutelicer known may bo cured by the combined use of Burdock Bitters and Burdock Healing Ointment. Ask your Druggist for these infallible remedies. 2 One of our best citizens would say to the public that ho has tried Hall's Ca- tarrh Cure, and it is all that is claimed for it. Price 75 conte per bottle. Sold by Geo. Rhynas, elle agent for Gone rich. ' 3m : :'Why should aman whcise blood is warm withal Sit ike his grandsire cut in alabaster?, Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin. When "CINoALEtERENEwER willnaake it grow the faster. For sale by J. Wil - 5011. 2m Daughters,. Wives, Mothers, look to your health : The many painful and weakening diseases from which you suffer despairing of a cure, can be remedied by that unfailing regulator and un:ailinw tonic- 4lurdock Blood Bitters. Ask ydur Druggist for proof. 2 An Oasis in the desert is no brighter light to the wandering Arab than a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is ti the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney Disease. It is a perfect, positive and permanent cure. Sedd by J. Wilson Oederich. 2m There was no little wonderment and surprise oleo Mrs. Tom's invitations • some even felt a little sorry for her lest she had not fully realized what she was undertaking. But one and all made up their minds to go, and help along if need he. Mn. Tom met them at the door with s bright tootle of welcome, took them up into her own r:om to lay aside their things, then down into the cherry lank parlor, which looked cheerier and prettier than to -day. it was not grand or impressive, but you felt its bright sunshine the minute you entered. Such an afternoon ' Not one of them could remember one like it Mrs. Tom was everywhere, sometimes with a merry jest, n•n,etimrs with a kindly enquiry now with sn it,teresting discussion. Thee forgot to coach' or criticize . they ABRAHAM SMITH CALLS ATTENTION TO THE FOLIAwtU:G CLOTHING, VIA 'LARGE AL=.9ORTx AND THE LATEST DESIONS.WI /WA FINE ASSOILTrw ENDLEtiS VARIETY.FLTRNISHING GOODS. HATS, [TALL THE LATEST STYLES, AND EVERY SIZES WALL PATTERNS. HAIDeiD A FIT E UP INGUUOD STILE. ARANTEED OR NO FALB.wfCLOTHS A NEW G -GODS, 1•TEW PRICES. CHEAP FOR CiA8H. CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC. THE BEST ASSORTMENT' I\ TOWN The Greeting Sra1 s( Cesspeead is a preparation of carbolic acid, raseline and cerate called McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Comte. It will cure any sore, cut, burn or bruise when all other pre perations fail. Call at Geo. Rhynas Drug Store and get • package. Twenty five cants is all it costa. 2 A full line of all the Leading Patent Metlicine» alway, kept on han.i (Physicians Prescriptions a Boeoialty) • A *sere leg fllseeveey. Physician's are often startled by re- markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, tinct examine into the merits of this wonderful discovery, re- sulting in hundreds of our hesti- cians using it in their traetiee. Trial bottles free at .1. Wilson a Drug (hors. Regular sine $1 0 t '41 BOOTS AND SHOES Ai las Oldest Brtahlished Show Store in Town, In Endless Variety, • t. suit tie most fastidious and th most economic buyer MY SPRING STOCK ,Is now romplese, and I take pleasure in infuru.ng sty custotners tknt at no pre vioua time have I had each a Larke & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality sad Lowered the Price unti It is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be gut elsewhere. CUSTOM WORK of erery-grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be ma a up, in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, rad of the very best material ubtauahle. _ oowNING"_ Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderiab. A iture, spch as Ta b! s,Chairs hair ent canet and wood seatn. ed) t Dining Cupboards. Bed - Room steedParlor s, Mattreressee, Weah-.taad. Lounges. Sofas, What -Note, Looking Glasses. N. B. -A complete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds alway. on bend also Hearses for hire at reaoonable rate . - GEORGE RlEr41t;0e8, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE R. W. McKENZIE Has • n hand a carefully selected stick if Spades, SVo�els, Roes, Rakes, &c. PAINTS 8z OILS_ Barb Wire ---First Prize Farina 3301—bas acid Scales_ A CHOICE A$.SORTBENT tri'' CI-'I'LLRV. ivrii per cent .. i for errs:. R_ W_ Mc K=NZSMw t'tcture Framing • specialty.—A Mall solicited. 1751 BOOTS&SHOES =)0 3z Weddup r MAN WHO IS UNAOQUAINTS0 Wt1TM TNS OEOORAPHY OP TINS 001111TRY. WILT W Y RUAMN11NO TWA MAP, THAT TNN CHICAGO, ROCK !NAND & PACIFIC WY fNng the Crest Central Line, afforde'te travel -tire, by Beason of Its unrivaled graphical position, the shortest and best route between tmo fast, Northeast alt Southeast. and the West, Northwest and Southwest. It is literally and strictly true, that its connections are all of the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific. Sr Its main line and branches K reaches Chtoago, J Ilei, Peoria, Ottawa, t!a Salle, Oeneseo, Moline and Rock Island, In Illinois; Davenport, Musoetine, Washington, Keokuk, Knoxville, Oskaloosa. Fairfield, Des Moines, West Elbert► Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harlan, Cuthris Center and Counoll fluffs. In Iowa t Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchison In Kansan, and the hundreds of cities, villages and towns Intermediate. The "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, 15 As it is familiarly called, Whirls W travelers all the advantages and oomforts incident to a smooth track, safe bridges, Union Depots at all eonneeting points. Fast Express Trains. composed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED, WELL HEATED, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEOANT DAY COACHES 1 a line of the MOST MAGNIFICENT HORTON REOLININO CHAIR CARS ever built i PULLMAN'S latest designed and handsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS, and DINING CARS that are aoknowledged by press and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY. and In whloh superior meals are served to travelers at the low rate of SEVENTYd1VE GENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between ONICAOO and the MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS coon way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, via the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Direct Llrtt. via Seneca and Kankakee, hail recently been opened, between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati. Indianapolis and La Fayette, end Counoll Stuffs. St. Paul, Minneapolis and Intermediate points. All Through Passengers carried on Past Express Trains. For more detailed information, see Maps and Folders, which may be obtained, as well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices In the United States and Canada. or c R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vice-Pres't L Gen'I Manager, pen'1 T'k't L Pass'r Ag't CHICAGO. Beg t. annonnce to the Public that they hate oleened business rat the nbeece Stere in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well asserted stock of Spring and Summer floods at close figures, we are determined t•..;ive the Pnhlic the benefit. QUICK SALES & SCALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR YOTTG. AV -Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. og"Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drag Store $S' Custom work will receive our special attention. OW -Nene lint the beet of material used and first♦laee workmen employed. Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. Goderich. March 9. 1s.S2 DOWNING & W E D D UP all tiao Year 4 JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA —roc !.t7La COXPLAIX?, DYSPcrw.1. find for Purifying the Blood. it has been In nem for 21) years Orel . M proved t, be lie bent yre,erat.en in t: market for SiCK HEADACHY.. VAIN1-1►"t THE SiDE OR' BACK. LiVFR 4 tett- VAIN . P13f1'LIi t ON THEFAt DYSPEPSIA, PILES, and ell Dlseeees that arise roan a Disordered L`eei or en impure blood. Thousands of our best Cge tato it and give it to the it chiti it rbeldeMes prescribe it daily. Threw elk) AMsee. recommend It to (ober,. It's a' aYb Dock. m DSarsaparilla, ri&Pil,Wlt andeiiot. ;•i., Nast.afraa Wintery.-- steer lnt -steer w.•Il kens valuable Boot.. and erbC it Is Wrictlyw•. i eon t bort the most ereeessentnktn it t. on- or tM heel medicines la um for Ihreo, it ,,ix ih. Rower it n .nid by all reaporivihle drove... et ono dollar hos a goon bottle, or tax Werke for five rketars. Thrum who ranine oaeain a feet, f. r Nilemodletne from their arientf M it aT ed is seess dollar. sad so cases •. 1o/1111,e, • eo . Ksttrtetarsre autraarrwee Fat ab ht e. IAP WfCROW CURE Nick Hradarh, and relieve all the trnnhirs inci- dent to a bilious state of the s stem,such as Dts- tinees, Naosea, Drowdntes, Distress after Batt� Pain in the aide, de. While their most reark- l able success hes bees shown itt roving SICK Pesdsrbe,yet Cart.r'sLittle Liver Pills are tipsily vslsahle In Conetlpstyen, cense and preventog this annoying complalat, while they also correct all dlanrdera of the etosarh, stimulate the liv.r sad rrgnlsb• the bowels. IT fit if they only cured EAD Asha they wnnld he simnel prierlewt to those who eager trent ibis desteeestng sespkti■t; bet forte Nealy their gotwtness does not et. d here, and there who rags try theta will sed those little pills vale - able be se Inlay ways that the, will not he willies Ode Without throe. Act after alt fork head CHE Is Mebane of an Many lives tbat here , • where eV mak, err grest hot. Our p.IL tare It while others do sot. Carter's Little Ut-r, P111. aro very acyl ltd very may totals Ono ppr ton palls states desk Thr► are strictly vegetable snit de set gam ee pers.. hot h their gentle swoon rhes. ali wee see them, lye •tale t u es.IAt vs. for `I x,11 by druggists everywhere, se �by sail. CARTER M EDiCiNR CO.. News York Oft,'