HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-15, Page 2THE I11: ICON SIGNAL, FRIAY, JUNE 15, 1883. GODERICH. A SUMMER RESORT. Its Claims Upon s Public Seek- ing Coolness and Health. The Prettiest Town in Canada. 1ts Meant, and Aetivaatasea Described—A Platte "lest t•y detest -A Town Where ELM Is fishnets .. uODERICH BY RAIL. Goderich is reached by the Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway from Stratford, the railway centra of Western Ontario, only 45 miles distant, and that line is inter- sected by the L., H. & B. Railway, which wives direct connection with I#donerom Clinton, only 12 miles distant. Ap• proaching Goderich by rail, the visitor is favored with a glimpse of the shining waters of Lake Huron as the trains around the owns ;the oars then plunto through a dense grove, and soon the traveller finds himself at the railway terminus. The view of the 1\IO11 RARER 01 THE MAITLAItD from the railway station is picturesque, particularly a snug little bit of scenery up the river. Entering a vehicle, the visitor is whirled along .East street, and sees before him the Court House Ind square, with business stands ranged all around un the outer side of the broad roadway. If ke is not booked for As we were unable to supply the de- mand for copies of last week's issue, we have been compelled to reproduce the following article on .Goderich as a sum- mer resort : Beautiful for situation, clean and in- viting, Goderich has already made a name for itself on the continent as a choice spot where residents of crowded cities can resort to in the warm months, and find pure, bracing air, with all the com- forts of lbivili,ation at hand. To those leaving the stiffing city for A I1EATH OF AOD'S PURI AIR during the summer months, two con- siderations prevent themselves : — lst, is the locality chosen for the transient stay during the " broiling term" a healthy one I and 2nd, does it entail ton heavy a drain on the fatuity purse? It is on these points that Gode- rich presepts claims that will bear the closest scrutiny. A more healthy local- ity does not exist on the continent of America. Situated at a height of from 100 to 150 feet above the level of the waters of Huron, TNIIISHIWO FLEET is a feature of the place of gnat intermit to visitors. The boats, some of tai with the speed of yachts, leare the harbor early each morning, and return at night laden with the spoils of the deep. Salmon trout and whitefish are c idAy caught, in Leets, and a trip to the fiAin grounds in company with a fish- ing crew is an *anemone which is full of interest. This industry is an jasper - taut one in Goderich, the boats scudding along under fall for the harb+•r heats sun dips into a west is a pretty sight. Later in the seseoa the fishermen sail further north tag ooaveys the "catch" to Goderich fur the American market. TEL SALT INTERIOR. e.'ntanufacture of salt is tensively ►rrex ieed on at this place, and the process is a peculiarly • interesting one. The brine is pumped through large pipes at THE POIsT FARM, a depth of from 900 to 1200 feet, into large pans, under which great furnaces have been built, and, by boiling, the sa- line natter is precipitated to the bottom, forming the fain )us Goderich salt. Frwn the drippings of the pans, some exquisitely beautiful saline crystals are often created, whose form and purity of •appearance render them valuable as novel parlor ornaments, SALINE BATHS. This is a feature that no other Canadian sumntcr resort can boast of. The brine is said to b9 of much benefit as a summer cornnodious and well kept in every par- bath, and can be had hot or cold as the ticular, and under the superintendence visitor desires. There is also a swim - of the‘, present proprietor, Capt.' Wm. mino.bath,'where old and young can have Cox, it has during the past twelve or all the luxury of an ocean dip without fourteen years attained a continental I the travel or expense. reputation. It is situated on Court HINIRAL wAT6n- House Square. A mineral spring, the water a popular summer hotel five utiles up the lake shore road, capable of accommodat- ing 200 guests, and conducted by the well-known J. J. Wright, whose name is a household word with visitors to Gode- rich. then the traveller can find in town a number of excellent hotels, conducted by capable and obliging men, and afford- ing the best of accommodation at very reasonable rates, THE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL is a .well-known house of accommodation for tourists and the general public. It is THE TOWN IS NATURALLY DRAINED into that great lake, and a capital system of. drainage introduced and practiced by the municipal authorties aids in the thorough exemption of the town from the noxious vapors or miasma whioh at other less favored points are continu- ally arising during the heated terns from standing water on low land. As to the matter of t•O$T f+F LIVINO, Goderich offers a good field to those who would enjoy a vacation without` having to pay too lavishly for their rest, com- fort or pleasure. A town of over 4,000 inhabitants, it keeps one within the lines of civilization and the luxuries of life ; yet, being on the borders of a fair agri- cultural district, those of pastoral tastes can find near at hand • FIELDS OF WAVING GRAIN, green pastures of tender grass over which the skipping lambs gambol in- nocently, running brooks inhabited by the finny tribe, and all the sights of a Canadian farm ; while the DEEPLY SHADED FORESTS of maple, beech and pine, haunted by the singing birds above and the many cc)orod wild tlowers beneath; offer a seclusion cool and full of interest to lovers of nature. The choice cattle bred in this section, feeding knee deep in clover and timothy, yield daring the summer mouths can be found the erares of friends who rest ind leuttsutiful and retired necropolis. • ric-$1C$. ITC. 73ea jtiful spool for pic-nits are within easy reach, a delightful retreat known u Bingham's Grove being within the town limits. In sheet, Goderich is per e.r rffettu the summer resort of Ontsrio. Eerie Mase. Teachers. The regular semi-annual meeting of the ]forth Huron Teachers' Association was held in Winghsm Central School, last Thursdayend Friday. The unfav- orable weater militated against the usually huge turnout of tea=hers. Mr. Boyle, of the Canada Publishing Com- pany, was heard in refence to the Royal Canadian series of readers, now before the country for approval by the Minis- ter of Education. in Bulk or Packages. In .be atternuun the ltreridemt'+ ad- (,—`N— �- � dress on "The utility of Teacher's As- DI A JIOD 1) y .11 , jb sociatiuns, brought forth a well-deserv- Tae es.lekeet ThIas s Serino. Is Kraut's Fluid Lightning for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. it does not blister or discolor the skin ; re- quire but one application to banish all pain magically without using any greasy liointent or carrying your head in a pout• tioe for weeks. Try a 25ooyt bottle from (Ileo. Rhyne, druggist. 'WILSON S Psli1iitll_tigilot SEED1S1 Fresh Flower and G inhere Seeds -TILE - cd vote of thanks. L THE i `�r l) Mr. J. J. Wallis, of Grey, gave his BES11 IN tllnrJ 1r O1iLD. " Character. of the school room," point- PF1R_ pAOS•AG�- ing out the different phases of character which the teacher has to encounter in 100_ the course of his professional career, and ' stating his method of dealing with them. Mr. Musgrave, of Bluevale, gave an "Introductory lesson cn Fraction,show ing the errors teachers commonly fall in- to in taking up this subject and showing how those may be avoided. • Mr. W. E. Groves, Wingham, gave a " Lesson un Composition to a second class, showing how this difficult subject may be taken up profitably with even so elementary a form. Mr. WW H. Stewart, Howick, read an essay on " Taste," giving hit own experi- ence in interesting pupils in making.the grounds around the school trim and tidy. A short discussiou followed in 'refer- ence to thelibrary, after which tae meet- ing adjourned fur the day. Tho even- ing entertainment in the town hall was an unprecedented success, both as re- gards members in attendance and as to the quality of the selections. 1.1420MD pay. • Rev. Mr. Morrison, %Ingham, was first called upon and gave a very inter- esting address on " Habit," which drew forth a vote of thanks from Mr. Dewar, I. P. S. Mr. Turnbull, head master, Clinton High School, discussed thespecial Gram- mar paper of the Intermediate, Decem- ber, 1882, in that gentleman's usual scholar! style Miss Forrest, Seaforth, read an eshay on the " Cultivation of taste in pupils touching upon' literature in schools, cleanliness in person and dress, tidiness in grounds, da This was one of the best articles bf the meeting. Mr. A. McKay, Cranbrook, took the subject of " Sentence Building " in a highly rational and very pleasing man- ner.. Mr. J. Ferguson, Wingham, showed the method of instruction pursued in teaching writing in theWinghamschools. ,. �• From the close attentiorrpaidthu, it was contains some valuable torn» of iron and quite evident that the subject was one sur, hur, has been regarded as a great of deep interest. is situated on the Court House Square,. p The committee on books breughta re- in the heart of the town, and within easy boon by invalid visitors. Medical men port commending the " Royal Canadian reach of Lake Huron, and the railway have pronounced in favor of the spring Series of Readers" in preference to any station. It is fitted tip with all the waters as an excellent mild tonic and now before the public.• modern conveniences and every aosom- aperient, and many of the residents of The committee on nominations also modation can be furnished that is poled- ! the town prefer it to the drastic presented their report, which was adopt- ble to be obtaiued at city hotels. The ;doses of the doctors. The water can be ed as follows :—President, J. Turnbull, proprietor, Mr. John McBride, hasgain- procured free at the spring. tom,, Clinton. Vice President, A. H. ed fcr himself during his residence in I - THE CHURCHES, Goderitlh, a reputation as one of the I There are six churches in town. St. most energetic and active sten in the George's iEpiscopaliani on North'st, re - hotel business in Huron county. Gently completed,ia a beautiful structure, THE PARE HOUSE.: cruciform, and planned and built with is another well-known rendezvous for exquisite taste. The Methodist Church summer visitors. of Canada have a la edifice. on North Roxboro. A vote of thanks was then brand is unexcelled by any other oil on the I street also, and at the }read of the same passed to those who so kindly assisted in market. In recognition of its superior merit, UODERI('H BY WATER- street is the R. C. church and convent. the evening entertainment. The meet- we have received chprch on East strest, and have just put ! The town possesses a splendid harbor of , The Presbyterians worship in a large ing then adjourned. All the Highest Prizes refuge, built by the Dominion Govern- ment at a large expense.- The biggest vessels on the lake can enter it easily. and the well-known Beatty Line call twice and three times a week from Sar- nia, and also from Duluth on the down trip. It is easy for visitors who like an occasional trip on a lake steamer, t., go up the Lakes to some points on an up steamer, and return on the first boat coming thorn the•lakes. - RICH, PURE AND CREAMY which is like a revelation to those who have tasted only city milk during their lives. A walk or drive to a farm, along clean and event roads, and a repast of home-made bread, fresh dairy milk, golden butter with the scent of clover in it, and eggs so newly laid that the cackle of the hen can yet be heard in the barn yard, is .a treat which can be procured at a price so low as to astonish visite». THE FRUIT TAMP; • in the neighborhood are often visited by strangers. Hero the highly prized Cana- dian apples and plums grow at their best, while the blushing peach comes to ma- turity, and the cherry and strawberry flourish. The wild strawberry also abounds in season. Canada is TILE HOVE of THE RASPBERRY, and hundreds of acres ' are scattered through the district, where the bush- es, growing luxuriantly wild,' how themselves to the ground with their ruddy fruit. Scores of pickers wend their way daily during the season, to these resorts, and a ramble in a Canadian " berry patch," with an old dress, sun -down hat and strong bots, is jue.t the thing a bevy of girls from the city ought to enjoy. There need not be the slightest fear of a lady - experiencing anything but the most gal- lant treatment from rich and poor. We know of no reoioD where a lady and a stranger can travel more safely without eec art than in this neighborhood. SHE. TOWN OE •.uI EKICH, is one of the most beautiful in Ontario. The court house, a handsome and sub- stantial bit of • architecture, embowered in trees, is sttuated in the midst of a large octagonal "square, -from which the leading streets radiate in every direction. These streets are crossed by other streets after the manner of A sritElt's wen, and the plan is a•novel and pleasing one. The drive around the Court House is of which - THE ALBION HOTEL ALLAN LINE MIS Waal need. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Conker SOMA ; if so go at once W l:. Ith ttai drug Mese and get a package of MeGregor & Varies Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cunt.. It was never known to fail. The CSV Siore. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL -LONDONDERRY -GLASGOW Every Saturday From Quebec. SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. SPEED. COMFORT AND SAFETY. --e1 G. H. OLD Sunnier . 1rrft)f•gein ent. 8Eb8ON 1 3_ (greenlet' May IS Polynesian 20 Peruvian June Sarmatian e Parisian '• 1d Sardinian. " n • Cfrcasstan " 30 Polynesian July 7 Peruvian 14 Sarmatian " 21 Parisian 28 Sardinian ........Ang• 4 Circassian 11 Polynesian " 18 Peruvian " 25 Sarmatian Sept. 1 Parisian 8 Sardinian... -•• ••• " 15 Circanda Po Peruvian iannn Oetr, 6 Sarmatian.. •' 13 Parisian " 20 Sardinian " 27 Circassian Nov. 3 Polynesian 10 Jeruvian " 17 Sarmatian " 21 Passengers require to leave Goderich at noon on Thursdays, to connect with steamer at Quebec. Prepaid certificate issued et greatly reduced rates to persons wishing to bring their friends out from the Old Country. For 'Iiekets and all information, apply to 11. ARMSTRONG, Ticket Agent Goderich. Goderich, May 171b. 1883. Musgrove, Esq., Bluevale. Secy-Treas.;,. W. E. Groves, Wingham, Provincial Delegate, W.. E. Groves. Executive committee, Meagre. R. Henderson,Blyth; T. A. Reid, .Morris ; .1. Ferguson, - Wing ham ; J. Shaw, Brussels ; W. G. Duff, YOU' OZN GET 12 the, Raisins, for $1 00 London Layer Raisins, per hs2 60 12 11x. Currants, for. 1 00 25 lis. Rioe, for 1 00 25 lbs. Ilsrley, fur 1 00 5 lbs. White Belgian Carrot Sad,. 1 00 5 lbs. Mangold Seed, all kinds1 00 6 lhe. Swede Turnip Seed . 1 00 Sugars Very Cheap ---MY STOCK 01"— Groceries is Fresh and Good! Ca=e . C-%'OOds Of all kinds at Bottom Prices. A very targe stock of Glassware and GLASS SETS from 30c. up to $2.00. Chiesa Sets! from $5a00 up to $20.00. a DINNER SETS from $10.00 up to $30.00. All other lines of Crockery at proportionately Low Prices. LS -Butter roceries .Ste., for taken in exchange orash paid if desired. Teas a Specialty. INSPECTION 1NVITBD. s G. H. OLD, the Grocer, Market Sq., Goderlc McColl Bros. tz, Co., Toronto. ; t v Manufactures and Wholesale I lealcrs in LARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING, WOOL OILS. --)OCs: (F,LEBRATEn "L AR JD NE." BOATING ON THE HARBOR is safe,at all times, while in fine weather a long mw out into the open lake or up to the Point Farm is possible, and the view thus gained of the precipitous banks skirted by spruce, and the spires of the town churches. glintim_ in the distance, well repays the labor at the car. in a handsome organ of wonderfully pure Mr. 1N ui. Payne, Station Masser C. i wherever we exhibited' it since 1875. among tone. The Gaelic speaking Presbyterians V. R., Sheldon, was cured of Dyspepsia other awards a large number of have als o achurch on Nelson street. A h Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters when Gold, Silver Bronze Medals, verysett y • edifice is that of the M. E. all other remedies failed. 1 have recorn- church, on Victoria street. There is also mended it to lots of. railway Inen and a gathering of the Brethren, held in an they all think highly of it. If you suffer upper mom on the corner of the a ;uare from Dyspepsia go to your Druggist and and Kingston street. get a bottle. t AECHITECTCRE, ETc' SKILL 1Y THE WORKSHOP.— To do good In addition to the Court House, the work the mechanic must have good town busts of a handsome buiklingy in health. If long hours c f confinement in the High School. At this seat of learn- close rooms have enfeebled his hand or ing, young men and women aro prepared dimmed his sight, let him at once, and for professional courses. The edifice is before some organic trouble appeari,take of white brick, with mansard roof, and plenty of Hop Bitters. His, system will presents a tine appearance. Tho Central be rejuvenated, his nerves atrengthned, Public School is a large red brick build- his 'sight become clear, and • the whole ing, and the town and fire hall though constitution be built- up to a higher small, has a tasty appearance. The tesi- working condition.. Women with pale colorless faces who - feel weak and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pilis, which are made for the blood, nerves and complexion. unmistakably the estimsnon in which they are GUAR NILE — Every bottle if the held by the medical profession. • "FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH " bears the writ- These Pau are compounded of vegetable sub ten t{ua»nteo of the proprietors -all stances only, and are absolutely free from calomel er any other injurious Ingredient. A Ealisrer from Headache writes : "ATaa's Pitt.' are invaluable to me, and are my constant companion. 1 have been a severs The L.mhersisa.'s Friend. 'offerer from Hesdaehe, and your Mut are the S. F. Parks, Ottawa, Ont., a large osl7 thinngg t oowld 1"ok t0 for relief. Onemy will quickly mon my bowel" and tree my bead lumber operator, says : " I have been from pain. They Care tee most effective and the acquainted with Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Vii eufest physic I ave ever found. itlsa please» to me to speak In their praise, and I always do so when occasion offers. W. 1.. Pam% of W. L. rage & Bro." Franklin St., Richmond, Va., June 3, 1882. " I have used ATER's Pitts in numberless in- stances u recommended by yon and have never known them to fail to accomplish the desired re- swlt. We constantly keep them on hand at oar borne, and prise them as a pleasant, Safe and reliable family medicine. FOR DYSPEPSIA tb are Invaluable. J. T. HAVES." besides numerous Dipiumas• 11 is warranted not to gum or clog; wears equal to h it for Oil and being leen than one-ludbthe orb e :s the cheapest oil on the market. t_T'1.1:1 1T. For Sale by R. W. McKenzie, 1590. (:ndcrich. AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the diseases which cans* human suffering result from derangement of the stomach, bowels, and liver. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS act directly upon these organs, and are especially designed to cure the diseases caused by their derangement, including Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepals, He tache, Dysen- tery, and a host of other ailments, for all of which they are a sate, sere, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these PILL" by eminent physicians In regular practice, shows that it is recommended to do it must ac- complish. or the money will be refunded. Liniment for at numhnr of years, and in that time can safely say, from personal experience and from my own people's repeated testimony, that it is the very -M: =moi beet Horse Liniment in use to -day. it acts like magic en horse flesh, and seems JORDAN'y atm( a. rticularly suited for all their ailments. hbout.•a third of a mile in length,an,1 the ! THE Tues': PARK dcnces at:- groom of some of our C.,tt• i is sways '.pen to the public, and tnnn it tens Lace been planned with taste, and I •moo hotter liniment can be taken in the e� woods by teamsters. i sits, Texas, June 17, It82. ground is as level a+ a revs course. The i ' I nu:ny ..f the t.rdcna are oat alive with a The REV. FRANCIS B. t185.Awr, writ) from street+ are very ',vide, of the cleauert a commanding view (. the harbor is had. 1 + tna,.rn, Oa., *Rya: 'For soiree years past hire gravel, no mn.l acc;nnui►ting on them Just below, the great flouring mill .of bloom during the season. What .its tine si suable qualities in a been subject to censtfranon, trrnn which, tR after the heaviest rain, ami some .1 theta tli;ilcic, Hutchison & Co, lifts its tall l dAITI.ANO iscitETERY, whisker dye 1 It must be convenient to ipsrferoA tnc�aetn` meld roet" nteneertnn°ontfl Rods' aro lined with har.,l.„ins roe ,ice making • chimney in the air, and here Ole ,lusty I The site of the city of the deed was se- ' use, enay to apply, impossible to rub off, months ago t began taking AVFR's Pith TD have estlrel eorTecte.l the enstl,e habit, Rad lave vastly improved my general health.” Alma's CATHARTIC PILLS correct irregular,. Geo of the !vowels, otimulate the appetite sad 1 digestion, and by their prompt ant thorough appreciated b • bicyclists ; so much sr. entire premises are in such a , r,-•• "; ninon completely uoNtnd it, flanked b _ _ action give tone Rad P y y order and neatness as K rlr a tr+ a t! er 1 y vigor to the whole physical that Goderich has j,tstlp Igen, termed , 1 ' I' th of brush. Th wild a ecosttmy. establishment of its siEe and mousse or.• H a vista 1 ,akin¢ toward the t1 urt Houk millers, a large and busy hive o.1 them, which it would Its difficult to excel from Rue'etlgage(i often day and night for an artiste standpoint. The dry, level many weeks at n time. The Ani�it:e is roads, as hard as rock almost, are nutell one of the largest in Cana is and the lected with wisdom rind taste some 24, elegant in appearance, and cheap in years ego. it is situated abnnt a mild pprice. Buckingham's Dyo for the and a half from t'i ' Const House, •,n Whiskers unites in itself rill these nterita, h ground. and the main approach Try it. a •i'ns� grow s e wt HTHI•SIS, instead of being purely ? the earth rofnse• C joys. Thin monster mill is one of the , w o .� tis one of • bc•tlevM. west M treated as i great corset in ' THE w HrEL IAS a i'IRAt I5E ti crus ps over 1 p 10.51 A1*ease of 115010/55 as b commonly Early in .full the bicycle claim of Chi- si•gh $ 1! and the 1, I aepec peace +- •w' " greet Lionel malady, the rean)t of imnocer,ahment Dr t t4 \%'esters' tkitaro. ,lust acne, cage, ltlilwaakee, i>etr�•it and .•cher the river fr,m the heel►(+r, on the um. � pp m • nn•o nu r ,ion an, a*uos - American cine" ate expecte 1 in town. i ter, and f linnet A otic col Impered by hove i II o mit of. the neatly terraced rank, is the � h 11 1 f the ;berm... . sore• lbs. first melee . ac, wnd we ha, r M > f g t elf i rnn Mare alreadybeen h..' i., sr. that the Cist- '•f:►UTIF VT. ,t•YMER Rtsiort. I trey-, and flows in a enr4glm¢ stream .nmptinn of the etline. M_p, kneeand Dowell CID, AND furs sill trie astonished pay detiglhta ..f ri an American eN•s,enilally ie an In,uAl.•l oft sueteaet the the oeaset are a numi ft* ret hand+nme supply of theterod q mss numenfs anA i.•sutifa a PATS*. � hat°" to+r tlasue rnnstn►,'t o w wonderful mads and that they will as a breeder of choice a ortho,Pn cattle. y � aTR 1r. beauty. A spring f the ire s t n t t t Organ, t i t and eaperlenee..l riders on th whoe-1 sol, J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. 9151d by alt itrnggl,te.All eiperlenee the wonderful bane&eial semis orAyer's Sarsaparilla.chine» with Sera Eyes, ergo Ears,or any etwohalons or syphilitic taint, maths heelthy and "trona by its re. by an Dreillgsle : ft ell bottle tar ei wa a , , :r n ar+r, a, nr t•'. t inn nahea from h. i she a a,,ing cern,.r YOUNG, ' 8 theme nett of blood above n i e n 1 11 s' Att 11A 1 n million• d•iwn a long ravine to the neer lied. In s' stets MtDDI- when th«y lode aromnd the er,nare on Rhee He has a widrspesd reputation eTy p P t n nd the AGED our , h 11 k ,Meati �nA tVP t r ,WILKeLEhe S way i.. Gad them ahead of anything on the ea• The farm 1. s well -cultivated one, and The drive to and throng% the cemetery is I rn aand,_c ll re showsg ant censor tire n•Ete is often visited by lovers of aggriealtEte. a pretty .'ne, and satiny of "Car citisens •h dlr••r TESTIMONIA?.+S_ Colliugwood, Ont. -The Crowfoot Bitters 1 took cured me of Sick Headache, after twenty years of suffering without being able to And relief. MRs. J. 11otLivo8IEAu, ('larkaberg, Ont. -The crowtootlaitters per- fectly cured me of Saltrheum, wltbost ring any other medicine. alias.Joann' LoeentaD. 1r yaw wick to get *ke worth .ryear . ceorT ask ye.r dr.gglst tar 11. THEY ALL KEEP IT ! :Play 17th, 1883 16914m EGYPTIAN OIL. The Great Pain Conqueror rapidly dispels pain. i teaspoonful in wate will cure a distracting head ache In Ave min- utes. If applied to any affected surface of the body, as tooth ache, neuralgia, rheumatism. It gives the sufferer comfort and tenant relicf.it is a charming remedy. Only 25e, and money refunded if mit as represented. a. TAMOTT t Co.. Sole Preewerters. Iirantford, Ontario W. J. C. Naftel, Druggist. etc., Agent for Godellch. 320 ACHES FREE! -IN THE - Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United States Land (Mee GRAND F RKS, DAKOTA. WF,t'TI.%AL 1.\P and FILL particulars mailed !FREE to any address Dy H. F. Mc'NALLY, General TracellIng Agent. ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS A NIANITOU N. N. 'is r:. Frost Rt. T•re.te. •., S. SZloer4sa • Has on hand a large quantity of WESTERN CORN For cowing broadeasr, ton a lot of Canadian Corn. GIVB HIll A CALL Gederiet, May t;th. i8