HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-08, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL., FRIDAY JUNE 8, 1883. Colborne. • May 29, 1883. The Court of Revision for VA, township of Colborne was held in township hall, on Tuesdly, 29Ih May, 1883. The memo bets having signed the declaration re- quired by statute, the follow ing appeals were laid before the court :-Appeal of P. A. Robertson over asseau►ent peal of Rev. I.. 0. Rice, claiming ex- emption bum taxation, he being a min- ister and engaged iu ministerial work. In the case of Robertson, the assessor was sustained, and the appeal of Rev. L O. Rice was laid over fur further cudd sideratiup. Tae rull was then examir.eil by the court, and after several tninor changes, we accepted es correct. The court then arose, and formed a council for the despach of ordinary busi- ness. Minutes of lest meeting read and The el• rk was • instructed to notify the following parties to comp! with the wire fence by-law, and to give them to understand that this was the last ' ottecatipn, as the council is de- termined to enforce compliance, viz :- Mrs. McWhiney, Jam Jenkins, Samuel Platt, Wm. Lung, David Fisher and Owen Jones. The following changes were nude in the pathtnasters, viz :-Berry Hebei was appointed instead of Valeatiae Flatt- er , Thos. Oke instead of John Snyder, and Henry Campbell instead of John Brown. The cleric was instructed to give Robt *mart a ckpss fur the sum of $7.00, be haring petitioned the statute labor fur lot 14, Ii. C.. for the year 1882, as'wreaked by D. Bear, psth- ntaster. A copy e( the Oatari. Tawe Plentiu • Act was laid before thcowm- en. cowm- en.Also e residuum passed by the Fruit Grower's Assowtaus appnrertg et said act. Moved by J8.c1, se- conded by Jas. A. Gts4Ys[l• that the ; tait+ entertaanawt, kaki on the loth, is West Vevs ask. Yh Nie.* -A picnic will be bald in Hic- kiugbothasu's grove, near St. Augustine, wider the auspices 44 the Roman Catho- lic church of that section. Admission to grounds and dinner 36 cts. The public are cordially invited. Leebusa. On Sunday a little son of Ju Her - ton, aged about five years, while with a few other young companions on small slope of ground, slipped and fell, break- ing his ley!. An interesting budget frotn this point haa been crowded out. Look out for Leeburn notes next week. Langan. We are, pleased to note that John Fletcher who has been seriously ill for some time is n )w about recovered and able partly to assume his daily duties on the farm. Mr. Fletcher is one of the ten cumprtaing the fatuous 'tug of war' tau of Bruce who have so frequently pulled the Murtha boys across the mark. Cohn McKenzie of Alborough, West Elkin, is visiting friends in this place. Fall wheat in this vicinity though not nearly so good as it was last year, is likely to be a fair crop, and, judging by repots ft'un other plicas, oar farmers hese hare ot, reason to candela. AibatL Our vdi s oaa sow boast of having a phi ssesaph.gsMey, or oar ember. (isle L O. O. T Lodge scat three dela- aim to the tanl►.eenes iooaow tratioa inesdi e M Deelesimer oft Sesardgy last. A nm -pent optioned in the report of clerk dish a by-law saktee8 )adt(nassgp of ; the teatimes of T1s Sessiat Last week the above act. sad tkat is be eabratstee.d I Thesis 41a,tushed ehowid berm instsad of 81ei. as isest seed Arreareusen - are belag node for the haldani uta caste nthool poo -ate, either at (.own. •>r at Antigen at as ser y data The schools etpeeted to take part ars mecums Nu. .1 and 3 Colborne, and our *dhow school There et every appanage of this being a very mead fruit season in this locality. The cherry. poor and apple twos ase tad - i ea Witt blousons' Strati fruits also pro- ems a good yield. Crops on the whole loon well. considering the lawn. of the soon. The fall wheat is a failure how- ever A large proportion of it has been plowed op. What remainswill not be more than half a crop. Hay and spring geatos are doing fairly. to the council at ua naxt neettag-Car• ried. Psorcon teen Wm Walter and W others wayless the codiUi te, cloaca tap the road between lot 6, oft the 4th eon and lot 4 on the 7.r.% •-, The Rueter was deferred natal ties Lit► Jana, whoa the council will examen the ertedt.rewsgqsr ing repair throeittemt the muscae n, Members cf evened to meet at A Al- len'. on above date at 8 u'eltack a. ra. Nicholas Morrish vias paid 11110; foe erecting .wire festa The asttanub.r wee pawl for hu s.rvioes, •Cossl.etniaatiaa icon Samuel Berrett, rpguestisng the commit to pea a by-law placing lout 24o. 1. on the 4th con. W. D. in 8. S. Na 1 in- stead of Na 6. Muved and soccened, that his request be granted, add that the usual proceedings in such mess he proceeded with, and a by-law be drawr- up confirming the above -Carried. The council then adjourned. MAITLAXD CONCtlntlen. Mr. Geo. Hebei was taken soddenly ill on Friday night. Mr. Fred. Foster, of Seaforth, hal been visiting friends in this vicinity. Mrs Wm. Forster and Mies A. Fors- ter, of ''Cabin Farm, "arrived home from Markham on Friday. Mr. Morgan, the blind voculis•, is en- deavoring to secure the school totse here fur a juvenile concert. - At a barn raising on his own far.n last wt:c.c Thomas Oke was struck by a fall- ing pule and severely bruised. We hope to see him well again. A. 13, Cowherd, "the election peda- gogue," writes to us disclaiming ali con- nection with the recent squabble between ' 'Southender'•' and the "Persistent One." He has helped neither of them, and is a friend of both. Two children of R. Wonnacott were severely shaken up by a crow ram which had strayed out upon the road. The duc- t 3r thought the bone of one of the little girl's legs was cracked. Such vicious animals should not be allowed to live. The "persistent" correspondent howls out like a deserted canine on a clear frosty moan in yuur issue of last week. But why this thusly ? Hare his friends forsaken hint ? Dors he stand aloe up - ..a the nadir of self-defence or has he succeeded in losing himself tit the tin• nieose magnanimity of his own aver• wheluting genius ' 1% a presume a little of booth. '1 We did not however have the assistance of the section petlagugue,as he supposed, nor do we generally [Hake use of os tnuctt hells as he aloes himself.' We spent tw., heels irrcomplisinr our last piece, you know, and were not a little teased about it, but you remember, Mr. Editor, how some people condemn a per• sin for doing a thing and theti repeat the scute,hence theutelt•es. We think there is niore Pilate about your correspondent than his Roman nose and killing utum- tache. He also jumps at the conclusion that ''Soutbender" -is a fool,and of course as he is a sensible person will allow us to say the same about him. He reminds us of a story we heard about the first bell ever erected in England. A noted divine, never having seen one, walked a long distance to behold the new wonder. After the watchman finished ringing, the divine said : "It is nothing but a long - tongued, empty-headed, old fool,' and As we have listened to your reporter ring- ing away, evidently for the purpose of making himself heard, we are constrain- ed to say that the only difference between the two is, the E,,lisli bell was pulled by one rope while the Dutch one is lug- ged at by a good many. 1 am sorry enlarge upon this subject, but he says we du not know him. We do know him and we know that he whose name wits .Jonas but is now changed to the voice of one crying in the wilderness with an ini- tial B'•.rJa.. e 1 attached, is jest one mac. $tune p''hs1: and b.ntt polish are all weal in their piece, but we believe "brain Polish" which he peddled for same tin e is more necessar • than either. His tin - Kars never itched for a "drive," and pru- bably never will, but all the same the .iot'aai.mal visits to Holmesville are not t.tsde in rigs borrowed or rather hired ..n the promise "to maks it all right Again." %1•e wonder how a livery bill would suit the young man. Talk about your watery brains. We are sorry we mistook him for a boy. Since then we has learned that he is a man ; in fact, .butte an old man : so Old at least that he has become greyheaded, not moisture enough on his brain to keep his hair dark, A king nnewg*ve a prince a carr with orders that if be ever found a fool bigger than himself he was to give it to the fool. The next day the prince re- turned the eine to the king. W. return it to the yolins min Shake.--Esserlt• kreik Illi». At the residence of his son. Brooklyn, N. 1'. ea Twasdat y (y'>t<..n theairt ro ° dig i �SPRIG GOODS. ars t� Msitkew, .< Nt Jt>1pa. W. B., father Tenni. v. C'. H. ibe S th of Oads- rtch townaIi! . In Goderich.reeturday, Jeune Ind,. Robert McDssuanll, act! us yearsearl 10woman Travelllag a:a1M. • GRAND THUNK k'AMr, Pass. Kees, Mlz'd... Mled Godericb.L,.5.45ant. ILIO pro ..Lena 7. am n eeforth At.6.32 1.88 4.16 130 t(trattorti,Ar.7.10 3.10 0.70 11.10 Passe Yzp's. Mlz'd, Kos d. $tratturd.Lv1101psn 7.SOpm.. &Maw.. Low 8eafortk.Ar.11.56 8 41 8,00 5,10 OoderichAr.140 5M 5.45 7.13 STAGE LINES. Lucknow Steals Nally( arr. 10.UUam3pm .. Kinard!** Kiardia. Oam 1 Otata .. id Benmltier " 1Wedaesday and Satnrdar/ Ar. 9.00anh.De.L10. Port Albert. Mies Lizzie McMillan has returned from a visit to friends in Clinton. Robt. Graham, blacksmith, has g >ne to Tigerton, Wis. Professor John Smile, Port Albert's far famed chiropodist, iutends making a tour through this county short! . Godo rich young ladies need be under no a prehension, but that their dainty little feet, will receive as close an inspection as the elephantine roofs of the Clinton belles, We have a bel on our school ods., we have. A bell which otlrschnol trustees regardless both of ezp.nae and of that good old maxim "Encourage home manu- facture," purchased across the lines. Many are already suggesting the • pro- priety of suostituting a cow bell in ita stead. We look upon it with disgust. Arrangements are being made for cele- brating Dominion Day in a truly loyal and patriotic manner in this village. This is as it should be. Already posses- sing the most romantic and picturesque scenery of any port on the eastern shore of Lake Huron, our villagers shield see to it that a sufficient sunt of stoney be provided towards procuring prizes, &c., in retaking Port Albert the point of in- terest and place of destinction for pleas- ure seekers on the let Jo'.sue. Jud ;LEN INCORRIGIBLE CHILDREN. d ew at eutr Judge er Pollee rlaslorare may deal "Mb Mem -a bad bay seat le foe Reformatory ter ase year.. This utorhint early, County Co:staule Watts arrested William Fuggett, tun years of age, at kis mother's residence, Lumley street, under a warrant issued by Judge Boyd charging him with being incorrigible, and ort account of vicious conduct un an affidavit sworn to by his mother. This warrant was drawn up under a statute pasaed'in 1880. soc. 27, cap. 34, 43, Vic., as follows : "Upon complaint and due proof made to the judge ot any County Court, ..r to any police magistrate, by a parent or guardian of any boy between the ages of ten and thirteen years, that by reason of incorrigible or vicieus conduct, such hey is beyond the control of such parent or guardian, and that a due regard for the material and moral welfare of such child manifestly requires that he should be committed to the said reformatory, such judge or police magistrate may order such boy to be confined in the said re- formatory, for an undefined period, not to exceed five years." The boy was brought before Judge Boyd this morning at 10 o'clock, and his mother, a widow, was put in the witness box t•. testify to her child's wickedness. She said that since the lad's father's death, which occurred three years ago, he had fallen into TNIc.rxrA>v or 'Aft env, soh.. had taught him to swear and steal. He :tad alas confessed to having dtvt.k whiskey, and she knew he used tobacco, and had been repeatedly guilty of small thefts. Owing to having to support her family she was obliged to go out nursing by t1.e month, leaving her seed mother at home, who sou unable M control the boy's doings in any way. When he was sent to school he refused to go, and even , when conducted there he would play truant after recess. Even when work was found him, he would desert it, and he had alae declined to live with a farm- er who had kindly consented to adopt hint Mrs, finest, a near net hbour,,gare sine:ar testimony, and his Honour, after hearing the evidence commented on the grit ity of the charges proven against the youth. and committed hint to the Pow tanguishene Refnrmatnry for five yeah This is the first conviction under the statute. -((doles Loans anb insurance. MONEY TO LEND. -PRIVATE i funds -on freehold security. Apply to Geo. Swanson, Goderlch. 1 600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 91, CAMERON, HOLT k CAMERON, Oode- • sok. 1750, 60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on good !arm or Inn -class Town Property t per oast. AnnIr to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY east. Pewamount Duna te rut borrowers Saat naa and per Moerox. OQsrbL MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE aaenat at Private Funds tor taveetaeat u leweet mines Are rims Meefgares. Apply to °ARROW t P501711700?. LOANS FREE OF CHARGE. - say con Mosey or to load SLaOIR * MORTON e ore Colborne Decal. G.dartea. fled March 1M1. 1771. *20,080 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND IV on Farm and Town Property at lowest ia- tatwt. Mortaeses purchased. no Commlaloa ��tar�ed Conveyancing Fess reasonable. N. E --Borrowers can oblate mosey In (medo If title is aatladctcry.-DAVISON t JOHN 91'0x. Berrtst.es, Ie.. Dederick. 1751 ral RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, • Life and Accident Insurance Agent. R`pres.stiag arstclassCoapanies. Alsoagsnt for the CANADA Lira Strom INetrw.xct Co. Money to lead on Mortgage. either In Town ot ikra Property, in aay way to snit the borrow- er. Oiscs-4apaialrsl Ear's block Dederick Auctioneering. dAMES BAILEY, LICENSED AUC - . TION EF,R for the County of Huron, hay- ing entered the Ust is now prepared to attend to all orders toe Auctioiteerlag. Orden lett at Bailey's Hotel, Godertch. or seat bymail, /weeded �eto. llelF JOHN KNOX, LICENSED AUC- TIONEER for the Cotuty of Huron. Sales attended in altpans of the County, Or- ders left at Martin's Hotel or at this Dice will be promptly attended toll. 1857-1f. pr W. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the County of Huron. Sales attended in any part of the County. Address order. to Goderich P. 0. Za . IN THE SURROGATE COURT:OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby given that at or soon -after the expiration of thirty days from the first publication hereof application will be made to the Surrogate court of the count of Huron at Ooderich by the undersigned Emma Ward. widow of the late Henry John Ward of the town of Ooderich. in the county of Huron. to be appointed guardian of John Ward. Mary Helen Ward. Sagan Ward. Sarah Ward and Mabel Ward, infant children of the late Henry John Ward, in his lifetime of the said town of Ooderich, and county of Huron afore- said. Dated at Gode- EMMA WARD. by rich, May 18th;- Edward Norman Lewis. ta83. ( her solictor, 1011.3 ins. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Couxry or Hunoa. 1 By virtue of a writ of To WIT : Fieri Fascias issued out of Her Majesty's County Court of the County of Huron. and to me directed and delivered against the lands and tenements o' Angus McCallum. at the suit of Andrew Govenlock, I have seized and taken in Execution the fol- lowing iatds. The Est twelve and a -half acr.', of the Frau half of the North half of lot twenty-nine in the thirteenth concession of the Township of McKinop, and the West half ,f the Nor:h half Acif lot twen'y-eight in the Thirteenth concession of the Township of Mc- Killop in the County of Huron. Which lands and tenements I shall offer for sale. at my office, in the Court House, In the Town of Ooderich. on :Saturday. the Twenty First day of July. inst.. at the hoar of Twelve of the clock, noon. ROST. GIBBONS. Sheriff's Office, Ooderich 1 Sheriff of Huron. April lith, 1883. i 1887 two. YOURFORTUNE ! If you will return this Slip. with •LS cents. or 1 there -cent stamps, we wlU send you b mall. post-paid.. ass beginning, a beautiful Chrome asket CC ning 100 Past Selling Articles. These goods arc used in every house in the country. and the wale of which will bring you in. honorably, over FiTE (toiler s per day. and not occupy more than half your time. Suit- able for both sexes. If Jou do not wish to to a toYaumr Faoaraormsr.atakindlyashnoewed ethais Slipi lion's dela . h 1 f hand This may be poor lot chance. y I\\E1'. 1'nrmouth. N. 8. A.W.W. laettat. NOW, 14 THE TIME: Fuc Bedding Out Plants I have a Ane collection of rte follna ing varie- ties. such as 5.raaluass. Sesames's, Celesta. e'aeaatleaa. gtrl/eerw/e. testate.. Seabee and *eagle tangle.. Meek., *seen, Ar. el. so Window rum. aux Hwsging Raateat. also ■ache Mande. i EGET.1 BLE PL.1.N TS Tenets. Cabbage awl teedeaewer Rant.. to whi ,h i tavfte the attention of the Public. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE FbLLOWINO LINES. • Factory Cotton, Regatta and Striped Shirting* at a SHADE ABOVE COST. Prints in all the New Designs, from the Lowest to the Finest Fabrics, and at prices that DEFY COMPETITION Tweeds and Cloths, the Largest Stotk and Choicest Goods we have ever had, and Prices Right We wish especially to mention Black Cashmeres, Black and Colored Dress Silks, and Colored and White Tablinga. Over 100 Pieces of Embroideries from 3 cents to 45 tents -the Cheapest Goods of the Kind over seen in town. In ail other Departments WM Stock is complete, and Prioes are as low as rte lowest. A Complete Stock of Oro(er es. us- Bee9 M tea, Crosses, 8C', 50 cent Japan Tea Made us order. E. BINC+I-IAM, Ooderkb. lune let. ISM. 1A ft THE MONITOR COAL OIL STOVE Is obs most improved and best o.l store oat yet, It wet BAKE. ROAST. 8011 FRY. MEAT IRONS. Yd do everytkiag a wool coat nen wilt es. and ecce law hr feet. N+) SIIIe, M Ka Call se ate asd see Mow 0.41. PARSONS, Agent for Od.rlca and r'iotaty. pdgrleklem. nth. deserves special mention. 5 lbs of Tea for 11.00. The Best you raver saw for the him COLBORNE BROS THE LARGKSTSTOCK WALL 1PAPER WEST OF TOIRONTO AT IMRIE'S BOW( STORE. DADOES. FRIEZES. FILLINGS. BORDERS. FRESCOES. STENCIL DECORATIONS. CORNERS. CENTRE PIECES. EXTENSIONS. CEILING DECORATION. AND ALL KINDS OF BORDERS, PLAIN AND GOLD The above Wall Paper, are this season/DIRECT IMPORTATIONS from the Beat American and Engli�ll Manufacturers, and comprise all their Latest Designs and Patterns. Nothing can equal thein either in Price or Quality. INSPECT/ON INVITED. Satisfaction Guaranteed. The Prices range from 5c. per roll up to $2.50. JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. Moorhouse. North Side Market -Sq., Goderich. 1883-JFR1NG I1fD 30m--1883 THI TQ -S OP JOY AND BEA YTY_ The Vagaries of Fashion tally displayed at the Fashionable Store of MISS STE •v A..RT, GO1 3RIOH, ONT_ The adsent of Spring is hadled by all classes with unbounded delight, and unpoetical deed would be the heart that would wish for contlaued winter. Amongst the Ladle's hatter of excitement was faintly perceptible as the opening of our Millinery Showroom was anxiously looked forward to, and when the linty was ready for ,,the critical eyes of the fair visitors -when each article seemed as if made to rut with the other -which would look beet. Rut ladies have en idea of what is becoming and beautiful when nien have not. Knowing this. we spared no pains when in the Markets. to Examine all node of Goods and Prices AND NOW WE HA YE STRAW GOODS ALL THE WAY FROM TUSCANY. LACES AND.RIBBONS FROM PARIS. FRINGES FROM BELGIUM AND HAMBURG. Just stop for a moment and think what knowtedge and skill is brought into action to discern between that which le really good and the worrhitas trash sometimes offered to the public. We are glad to announce that we are fully' prepared to meet the growing want of this Com - woolly. Ooderich. May 31st. it83. "Who's Your Tinner " fl"hy, Sounders 4• Son." THEY DO AL1, SORTS OF Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work IN 0001) SHAPE AND AT LOW PRICES. Iron Roofing and Eavetroug/ung Attended to Promptly M Ezperlenced Hands. Anything in our tine finished up promptly. and NO HIGH PRICES CHA RGJ 'D ! OUR STOCK OF Stoves arz.d. Tinware 18 LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED. JAMES SA UJ1''DERS 4. SON, Ooderich, Mar 3h 1883. West street. nest door to the P.O. HOME MANUFACTURE PII CQ 1\T013LE, MEROHADTT TAILOR, NORTH -STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, GDERiCH, -MILL Fl RNIaH OR MAKE h'PI- Bents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. PI TEARS F[rasna cs. CTTTI%cep A SPECIALTY. PERMIT tri 6IARASTi$R. 1RRLRs PN5PTLT ATr$ti111 TS. 115171 TIME ANRg s t PHIL>O NOBLA NORTH-BTREBT, GODERZCH. Dominion Barb Wire Company. SOLE 84NCFACT1 RES iN CANADA OF THE LIM FOUR PORTED BBB MEL WIRE MOO. Tbt. wire fencing le ands et the very hest Qtallty of wire that ma b proenr.d, and the barb le the beat enamel barb mads. No better wire freeing Y Iso the tsatbet, whlob tart le attested Inc by its increased see by all the Wartime Railway Rees la the Ds..tame. no beet le isle cheapest everyCall al and see it before pnrrhaalug cad 11 Masi speak tett Resit. arJOHN A. MATTEL. teals agent for Ooderich and vicinity. i am also agent for the Queen ('ity 011 Works eelebraZ.d Qatatorine and Peerless Lubricating Oils 1 1 hese pew to stock a Large sneer stent of the bbl brands of white k.d manufactured, gsare*sesd tees crow tow ounce et sluhessrtea. Quality will tell. JOHN A. N A F T F L CHEAP RASDWRRE pWPORtry 1