HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-08, Page 7I,
Fun ana FencQ.
The individual who was accidently in
jured by the discherxe of his duty s still
very low.
A bad thine put into the i 'out!' may
occasionally, though rarely, b. am a got d
thing out of It.
3'iouseholeljll:a.7. I T]r NAn in Ilse Correa tel.et Tresses*.
LIMONtrot«. -One large cup sugar, I An iut.r.stiug anecdote ut Lord Baa
a little more than a half cup butter, two constield when quite a youiet luau has
eggs, two tableepu ufula but water, e I recently been given to the world, :,y uLe
half teaspouaful soda, flavor with lemon I who knew him. Lord Lyttuu ;than Ed•
and roll very thin.ward Bulmer entertained at dinner tour
Sow FLAIL CAaa-Twocups poorer- gentlemen, who afterwards beciuue dis-
izwl sugar, one cup butter, one cup sweet
It is useless for a man, even the cub
that to think, fully to comprehend a wo- fuilk, one cup curia starch, two cups flour
man, even the .iuipleat. two heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder,
extract of leucon.
It is nut arousable to go out of down hrtsAyt u PL DD1 0. -One cu
without anything 00 your hued, or into P sweet
too -
society without anything its it, walk, tat.- thirds imp butter, one capnlo-
!mums, nue cup chopped raisins, three
cups flour, two-thirds teaspttuntul coda.
1'ut luta a coveredpail and attain three
boars. made He was then a far more athletic
An Irish editor says he sees no rang.
ly reason why woutau sh,n:ld not lea al-
lured a bow nue toed1C41 ntau.
Why is a Mad bull an ant •l of cow
vivial disposition 1 Becton :,u offers a
horn to everyone lie meets.
Men talk a►'tout the idle wind, but the
wind is always busy, and, like a cheerful
farmer, it whistles At its work.
The wiudasweep, the waves wash, the
clouds weave, and :he plauuets shin. A
good housewife does ell these
The doctors claim to he a re*: getable
visas ; and yet they lire by tillage. 1„'i ..4. -Takia a piece of bread dough
Should they therefore be put 1.1 t'.,, pal• u'''" molded ; roll out half an inch
lory !
The Battle of Life-C..urtship is the
engagenmentorsiegr, the pr.•laMal is the
aaaault.and matrimony the cict.,rp.
tinguished, viz : Moiskton litilues (Lord
Houghton, Alexander Cockburn tLurd
Chief Justice, lately deceased), Disraeli
(Lord Beaconsfield), and Henry Bulwer
(Lord Darli4tg:. None of them *ere per-
sonally acquainted with Disraeli, who
carne late : and a strange appearance he
Mot..Iaal:n CowalEs,-Two cups molas-
ses, one cup brown sugar, cue cup sour
milk, one cup lard or beef drippings,
two small tablespoonfuls "oda, one table-
spoonful ginger, uuu teaspoonful of YID -
and cloves. Ron out as soft as
cru he handled. Try them, "Ni. They
are extellrut. The receipt was from a
"lie. resold" friend, and vtu tion t have
1•1 U.a' oL44,
; spread wish butter, and sprinkle
w t h bugs r ; r, 11 up and cut utf the size
you tiara ; let raise aril bake.
('ORN STAR. Ii CAKw.-'f 'su cupssuirar,
two cups of flower, one tui, of butter,
Some sten keep savage dogs about „i cup of corn starch, one clip of sweet
thea[ hou.e., so t hat the hungry 1 our milk, two teaspoonfuls of baking p..wd-
w'ho stop to "get a bite" may get it out cr and the whites of six eggs.
/ids the dote.. CREAM CAKE. -Three eggs, one cup of
"If you wish to appear a.erru.t >Ic in su{ar, one cup of d over, one teaspoon-
ful of baling powder, one-half cup of
sweet cream. Hake like jelly cake. Put
nue cue of pulverized white sugar auto
out half cup of very thick sweet create,
and spread between the cakes, flavor
both the cake and cream to suit taste.
able supper. This is delicious
si,ciety, 'eye Talloyraud, you must
consent to he taught many things which
you know already."
Miss Bremer tells us that the life of a
tach old l-sehelur is a splendid breakfast,
a tolerably flat dinner, and a most miser -
figure than y"u ima_ine him, perhaps ;
appeared in a daring coat of bright color,
a yellow waistcoat, green velvet trousers,
wi l(low shores with silver buckles. The
inpreuion he made was Soot favorable.
They sat down to dinner, and every man
talked his best, and there was it bright
rattle of conversation, se you way cup=
pone. "We were all in good cue, all
emulous, and all well satisfied with our-
selves, depend on it. There was nut
one among us who had not plenty of con-
fidence in himself at all times, and inure
than a tripe of future greatness ; and yet
if, when wo separated, we had each been
taken aside and put upon our honor to
say who was the cleverest man in the
party-, every one of us would have an-
swered 'The than in green velvet trout -
.era. •
Perfect, Positive and Pleatnaiient are
the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief in all cases of Kid-
ney Disease is obtained at_era few doses.
If you are trully benevelunt and cliari- Show CAKs'-Two fops „f white su• >_ that your Druggist gives you Dry
table, 'verbena you will, when you see a gar, one cup of butter, one cup of sweet an Buren's Kidney Cure. Scald bp J.
neighbor in distress, ask some .•thee Wilson Goderich. 2in
neighbor to help hint.
"My landlady," renarkel a man,
"«rakes her tea tot sirens( that it breaks
the cups-" "And nine," said awtther,
"makes her's so weak that it can't run
out ,.f the pot."
Wonders will Stever ceare. , The other
Clay we heard that a hone w u tented
into a +table : And this is the legated
nineteenth century.
An experienced old stager says, if you
make 1-,ve to a widow, who leas a daugh-
ter twenty years younger than herself be-
gin by doctoring y 'u thought them sis-
Fashion's Fancies.
The latest imported trimmingfor dres
ties is braiding in various designs, such
as rings, birds and Jumbos, .on,,pnal of inany ' original „personages
Tennis dresses are embroidered a.•roas N. ii he twat "on the cars". The train
the front in floss silk or wonted, in run -
was passing through the Rocky Jloun-
tains, and d tourist front Rhode Island.
onwiplaiue ldtterly of the peaceful air
whiCly reeigtt*eslerougd in adistrict where
e lsitet'efitestet'tt tit- ale confronted by all
sorts .;f savage siuhts and anuuds. '
•`l1'herc Ere your buffeters 1" he ex-
claimed. Perhaps you'll tell ate that
them crit -its buffeter.. They ain't.
Where are our pe;jno dog!! They ain't
dogs, to In with; they're squirrels.
milk, four cup. of flour, three teasp,.un-
fuls of baking powder and whites of
eight eggs ; haver with lemon.
Sines C.IIR-One cup of sugar, ono-
hall cup of soar milk. two-thirds cup of
shortening, oue teaspoonful of suds ;
fruit and spices to taste.
SCILPIS aE sling. -the cup of sugar.
two cogs of tt•.ur, nue cup o1 sweet utilk, :lieu
larger .tt of town retail buannee.
oiw-half c'.p.d butter, u::e et;�,-three'Ithauthat firma' ever did While the)
teespwolltull i•f baking powder; flavor have gone up, s tie ortwo other firms, far
mitt, nuwaat• more noted face Of throe years amu, have
+D.l llt'u•tr.-(hue-halt cupuf stout•• (leen gradual'y sinking. Those firma
erring rubbed, i:1 oho flower, one pint. of stopped advertianug t E. J. Deuuing &
war milk. one even teaspoonful of stela,,, noire leen advertising more lavishly
and half as notch stat ; mix very soft and judiciously than has been tbecustuia
and (..:r in a •iwck oven. of almost any other airy g„ids firm in
• New York. While other firms are cota-
plaining of dull tunes, . they are exteud-
ing their reputation and trade, and 'fur-
nishing other praot'.cal demonstrations,
of the business axions tbsaother thing at
being equal, the grsatsatpublicity mein'
the greatest pr,•splsrity.
The moist conspceous success in the
dry good trade in the hist year has been
that of E. J. Deni,in. tY Co., of New
York, sueteswors to A. T. Stewart & Co.
This young firm has in a- short, time re-
built and extended the retailbusiness of
A. T. $tew•arts,t C <, and is-tooley doing
A retest •
Mr. Sats, infite recent bunk, America
%a' ei 4.14,1, tells us - Of one of the most
flowers, poppies, buttercups. or other
bright flowers.
Japanese curtains are very pretty,
light and suitable for summer wear.
Starlet and white niattiaq is now the
most faehmnahle carpeting fur bedrooms.
Oval mirrors are placed over the man-
tel and flanked on either side by tall,
old-fashioned candlesticks.
A new table -lover is embroidered in a
design of frogs in all attitudes and at all
angles skipping over it. Where ar�o�yyear 6rialies t You might
A very swell dude carries n cane have impcet(ei! a few erialies to keep up
which, on touching a spring, discloaes a the name of your railway. Where are ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
monkey. "His image, a girl remark- your herds antelopes scudding before found in our daily fowl. .A single bottle:
ed. the &dean train 1- Nary an antelope
New neckties are called "The Circus." have you gr:t for to scud. Rocky Moan -
They have a mixture of es,., coloarasd
are fastened by three rings.
Talbe !Medical Pretty+.ton, and alt *bees
is may coerce.
Ph titres, or Nerve loon, a Phos-
phate nt.' based upon Scientific
Facts, For'muLted by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Mau., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache,.Ner-
vous Attacks, VArtigc, and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
systems Phoephstiue is not a Medecine.
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates,
Irxrcotics, and no Stimulants, bet simp;
Trains are only fashionable fur mar-
, .ed
ar•.ed ladies.
Cream white hmeres made quite At another tune, pointing sternly W a'
plain are worn. deogyiptive and apparently somewhat ire -
Vests are popular for summer dresses, agtnatlre guide -book, he would say to
They are generally ,.f the trimming •r a- the English trsvelef, as though holding
terial. him resp,nsiblelor the provoking seren•
Broad sash ribbons, with lame fruit itynf the land, "Where'are your coyotes
designs, looking as if hand painted, are sir ' 111 tro'tble you for a pack of wolves
to be extensively worn. as makes the night hideous with their
Children's whitecaps have Baring rut. howling. Did anything howl last night,
ties of embroidery likes Mother Hubbard sir, except the wind ! Where are your
bonnet. They are becoming t.' little punas and your cougars 1 Show 'em to
fres, me. There is nothing in it. It's u easy
Bronze and carnation pink is a pretty as going from Jersey City to Philadel-
cumbination. phia, andthe whole thing's a fraud." Mr.
Sala did not like to increase the irriation I
Plain silk mitts for children promise of a dieeppointe(1 tourist by pointing out
to be quite popular for the .emmer to him that the object kept in view b
months. the directors,of the inion Pacific Rain'
Drake's -nock green is one t.f the new way was, in tact, to make the twe thous
Kummer tints for dresses and hats. and miles journey fro Omaha to San
Long silk gloves entne in all the fashon- Francis.i.. as easy as the one from Jersey
able and desirable shadon to match cos- to Philadelphia.
tains. sir 7 They ain't rocky at all; they're bb Front Street East 1'�routo.
as fl • as toy hand. Where are your
savage gorges? I can't see none. Where •
are your.wild Injuns ? Do you'caU them
loafing tramps in dirty L' :,Acts I0'unit"
is sufficient to convince. A.1 )<lruggfettr
sell it. 81.00: per bottle. Loalns,'a4
Co., sole agents for the Dot:atnion,
Cwt's heads are the c.:nting fancy, and In the history of medicines no ,nrcpa
ill soon rival spiders fore. menta of ration has received suchduniversal corn -1
t all descriptions. r endatiou for the alleviation it *Unlit,
and the permanent cure it effects in kid -
Black silk stockings are now a....: al- ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney
together with white dresses, and indeed Cure. Its sgtien in these ,li.tresaing
may he said to Lei ,le ri!raor for all marcomplaints is amply wonderful. Scald
Sho.. mantles and nhontder-copes of
open work chenille in black aro extremly
elegant for summer wraps.
Silk embroidered nun's ceiling in deli-
cate tints is one of the favorite materiels
for young ladies' summer c.,stumea.
Brown in all shades, from the most
delicate to the deepest, and p.al,icularly
cigar or tobacco brown, is much used fur
street mita.
The duchess of Manchester, at an ev-
ening reception recently, wore a plain
blue satin dress. el with plain blue tive ccrative Powers of the (lunar (Ire-
tole and covered with pink meet. ' VAyt Lrv1uARAma, the Holy remedy that
has proved itsolf a specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, impotency,
etc.. and all diseases that arise from self-'
abuse or overtaxed blain, finally ending t
in consumption, insanityand a ptema-
ture crave Sold by al druggists, or ,
by .1. «'ilsdh. gni
Raeklew's Arnica t aive.
The greatest nig dial wonder of the
world. Warranted t.. speedily cure
B;urns,.Bruises,Cuts, Ulcera, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores; Ca:icers, Piles, Chilblains.
Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in
every instance, or money refunded. 25c.
per box. For sele by 1. Wilson. ly.
New Life for FaectloRs Weakened by We
rate. Debility rad lelsalpatiea.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, 'no maker how
shattered the system may be from ex-
torts of any kind, the Great Gertllan
Remedy will restore the Iraq functions
and secure health and happiness. 31.00
per box, six boxes for 4145.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent i.;1 receipt of price,
postage paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rgent ler United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Rogues, sole agent for Gode-
rich. :1
Says Dryden •
"She knows her.tnan, and when you rant
and swear.
Can draw you to her with a sin:le hair.'
Ilut it must he beautiful hair to have
Ach pi•wer ::old heautiful hair e*n be
ensured by the use of CtsroILt+F Hite ;
RENEWER. S•,ld at 50 cts. by 4. Wilson. ;
Embroidery is use( 1 more profuseiy
than ever on white dresses, and others
are trimmed with alt.i.tating ruffles of
embroidery and lace.
'Velvet ribbon, varying in width front
a quarter of an inch to an inch and •half will he free
senton receipt of SLOG per
is the fancy for trimming light woolen beta or aiz t \ oft fnr.$:,. A.ldre . F. 4.
dresses at the present time. CI+Ev►v,
T••ledo, Ohio, nolo agent for
The tints known as Judie shades are' 3111 united Mates Saud for cure alar
seen in all faahi„nahle fai,rtea The t.
name Judie e.e,ns to include all gratia• end test noon ial+ of running cares. lien.
tines .f coloet, fr.m the palest to the Rhyne,. Goderich. 3m
deepest pinkish purple nr 1'111, :ish pink, ; •
Now that thee" a a reliable remedy fer
and pr•lmsrs to become more and more kidne trouble", half the terrors attacche.l
w..rs. y
to these aun;.iainfs lane boon really c,l
Thoasauds att.. e•nft cnro.t oC Catarrh For this let III be thankful, ted to Dr.
es -wry t yeas' with Hall's ('atarrhCori+, that Van S'iren's Kidney ('lire award ell
he 1t• •efs.rs had 'iron tip and said &odd ' praise for haring Thus removed a hitherto
nett he eared 77• rents a l..ttle w•1i1 • e.anidered fatal disease from our with
by Geortre Rh nae. wk agent for Gods It was never known to fail Sold by J1
rich n' Wi1M.n 2m
i:XCORI'ORATE:. A.U. 101.
' Banking.
Al., - - •
SUR .VS. - - • •
C4 Pi
Goderich Branch.
1). ()LANs - - --Wuutytr.
Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, tette.
of or ' t and circular notes issued, pay -ab
is al: is of t`e world. 1751.
Paid up C'apitol.. $6,000,000.
hent, - - 111,4(to,000.
President • flu:' W .0 Mc -VASTER
(funeral Manager. W..1. ,.' urine.•
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - MANAt.tit.
Interest allowed on deposits. Drat': + on a
the principal 'towns and Cities in ('.tuatla
Great Britain and the United States, bough
and rid.
Adva,wssto Farmers on Notes. with oneu
more endorsers. without mortgage. 173!
-- IAT Tital-
Oldest Established House
Silks, satins. ribbons, ail wool 0, each
cashmeres, factory and Lieached cut tan.
prints, ria ,. at ler tlinn wholesale pricer.
Scotch and Canadian tweeds at wholesale
prices. Ducks.cottouades Ste., &e., very low.
t'.\i'IT.IL ti.000.000.;o.
lntendin.t norrnwers will consult their bent in•
tenets by examining the adsantag• ons terms
offered by this society. before going eke -
For rate. of intere.'.loin tablet and further
particulars, apply to
Oodert'•h, May 17th, IRo1. IfIfth�Sw,
BRITISH ASS. CO 1', Tniiorna-Z.talwIshe
1833 •
PH(Z'i1X INP. CO'Y. of Lnxpox F.naland) -
Eatahiished 1712.
- E.atahllshed 1811.
Rieke taken in the Above flet-•-lar0'!,reu s'
the lowest rata. bf 1(011 ICF HORTON.
The nndrreigned i. also ADpraher 1(K the
lldney to Lees on first-class aerotrty. era
7 to $ per veat -('i,argrs moderate.
Ooder':b Ent. It IMS.
lector, ion buy of pedlars ur gran�el-3 try
my teas, 1 uuog lyson tea warranted pure
tions :l'.cts. per pound up, Black teas at _Sets,
equal to most 5Oet. tea sold. My Wet. Black
tea. worth ebcts.. flneet imparted at 7M tc. per
pound. All spices sold by me warranted pure.
ME.A...72.3DW.A-1=1.1C BTOI L
I hold is stuck a large assortment of bar
iron. steel• 1411s. paints, oils. glow. tag,•, her
with a general .w urtn-ent of shelf hardware,
and the beet
eau he c..,titwet etAmorist: 1'rt••e .•
dflera B1aJlasom?ears otcorna•o.
C. C-M.11.3iBM,
Chrystal & Black.
Sow y::•:).};; .1...1 -ALT PANS maaufee
l .,o
shortest Dotter.
1'•q•airaog executed t:nler :l.c
personal a n '' i^:.:w 1 of the Propr et o:•a w I o
A -:?-
r/-.'";:7!:".' 7
:t-r/'i_ ri.'.' .,:,.
I'.; -O. $(•:101 • 1787
$500,0) llow'ncla
We C..,%.• reward for at,•' a • t
Lit i r t• .. t n+ia. Sick 71,
In,.tgea i ,. r cr Cent-.tt.:us we
cannot (•,..>• .. \ .-y riarh,L', er Pills,
wbentl..• •1: r.•ti. totapia.1s1th
Th••yarY l' i 1't• •..nLl , and nese!. :a.i to
contain • ... .•,t.. F. s ta.' by gU
Drafts f • }. • .411&1143i,•, 44, i.hd Isslta=
ti ,n '•iatrnfaetur"rt easy pa'
JOHN' '.V - T .: CO . The I'ai 'mated."
81 ;ami r. t .i :.-:. Toronto. • I:,•. •Frog
trial put •. . > no t prepaid t,•i receipt
r. /./ .•..o.5 UIL5OWa DRINA $TOE E.
nnf. 1i4 15 swi'epine cry. en
,.n4 dare before Tau die.
• •me'hing mighty and su'
-tie !mitre behind to rominee
•nr. eta a week in Tense own
• «11 free. Nn rink. F:eery7thingR
, tie, spas' not renulr ,1 1t'r t►1'I'fnrnleh
rmi r a rn thane. Many are-mak.on
ne fort e.
lath«, mak« as mnrh as m.n, and t+nre and
Fels mak*' genet par. Broiler. If yon want
I nelnew at which you ran mnkr (;cost' pay all
the time, write fnr parttetllare to H (lat.i err
1 ft ('o. Portland Maine.
Health is 'Wealth
Taw'- �jasawK.,
Y..r Old sad aeras, Male and Female
Pueitisely cures Ner'ousneaa in all its stages
Weal Memory, lasso/ Brain Poorer, Str.ol
Prostration, Night, Morals, Sper nuforr•Aora,
Leta of laza, Barrenness, Seminal II'eab-ness
, and General Loss of Power. It repairs
Nervous IVwts, Rejareaates the Judet Intel.
tort, strengthens the Enfeebled Bruin, and Re-
sturcsSnryryrisfng Tone and Vigor to the Ex-
hausted (Tenerotire Cepa as. Wit each or-
der for twatvi packages accompanied with
five dollars we will send our Written Guar-
antee to refund the money. Itthe treatment
(Anapest not ettbct a cure. k is the tnapest abd
Rest dledicine in the rtarket.
AfrJnll particulars in our pamphlet, r1 lcit
we desire to trail tree to any address.
Dark's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Drug-
gists at beets. per box, or 11 boxes for 163. or
will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of the
money. by addressing
IIAC'111w ■AGNE7TC Mltalt'111L t'..,
AV indoor, Ont.. ('a nada
Sold in Dederick, by JAMES WILsem. and
all Drutpdets verrwhere 1832-lv
a 1'. \�•t.,Ti. NYKvii AND 1tRAiR TgfiT
ur. a gltsrsn7••od *pee Hie for Hysteria. 11 ,.
troves (' .at uk:ons, tits, Nun ut.t Neuralgia.
Heats-•.�;;' .rvoualh•oatration caused by the
are of al,•olrol o:• f0>ru• n, t\-nketnlnra, Men-
tal !kyr-Atom Soften ng of the Benin, result
fug In insanity and landing to miser). decay
and .1.•n 11 l'r' w-o'Le told ,%g •, Iia; runrtese
Lam.tfP ewerae:te •r!e1, las .:untoryLosses
and rtpermntorrt:r.n. canoed by over-exertion
of ,u.• t..'*1n. 14.1t-44t,u4, or ocrr•induI'ence.
One Mex .cull cure :rev r.t roes. Each box con-
taitu etc month's 'r,-etment. (Me dollar a bol,
or sol wore for Are dollar,: sent by all pre
creua trees, of prise. We guarantee sax
to ears' ani ease. With each order re-
eMce,1 by it. for AI i,..xes. accompanied with
1sT doilar.. w,• wilLaeed the morel, •er oar
written gaa:+eree to rotund the rouey 11 the
treatment dues not effect a care. Guarantees
wont onty by a (WM BOSON. we- • • itLur•
!zed ngrnff..rflndetirh,twit. JttlIN (' wiper
R CO.. sale prepri.ters, Taranto Oat.
R lBrooJ
---k f hiari f ier
j ,
qua;owing diseases :
oohed luntlwm,
ty phi Ms,
Salt Rheum,
%c•urt,- and
8=11' 1T:SZASZl3.
will remove
nd heal Ulcers
and ()Id Sores.
CAiITION•-Ask for " Dr. Chan-
nits 's Sarsaparilla," take ro
other in its place. If your Drua•
iet has none in stock, requt
him to send for it.
Perry Davis * Non & Lan '
S,.le Agents, MONTFE.1:..
Gray's Specific Media;De.
Exiii.1' I 11K-
slaus. An un-
failing cure
for Seminal
WIZAKx Katt,
spit rratot-
thoa, itupot
ency, and all
diseases thotI
follow as mat- 1
iliEf*IiL TAMIL tiut•uce of self AFTER TAKING.
Anus,:.. t .urs of•
inert' Ueltetresl Lori
toile, Pain in the Ii ck. Dimness of Vision.
Pruitt/store ore old ago, a d many other diereses
that lead to Insanity or consumption and s
preuaturegrave. d►b'uII putieulars in our
pamphlet, which we desire to seed free b
mail to everyone. The Specific 04udtchi° ss
sold by all druggist a at 3l per package. or N:
•kages for f5, ur will he sent free by ntiU
'receipt alb. money by addressing
HE Git.1Y hi1111)ICi\F. CO„ Torol.tomot,
Sold in (loderael. by Jas. %Vilna
Farmers Please Consider This.
1 wi PYRRY DAMS P.aIN t►11i.Et nets
with .nos/egwl r'rs„ide. •124 Mar teak
who. taken at tba oJeaatwe.arart of r
attar k. L car. .. �'asa7►►w.r+
Cleolera, Cholera Zoeba . ,
as well a• a:1 summer ro•ir•lalata .,f a wtst-
lat netars. seesa,....ase
For Toothache. Harm,
Mica's, Coto, araioes.
Le PAIN KILLER . L1 as towed • wallas
h,-ne:an, roue 8..4 *hie w netwe ewe
ad.riaa wittier trier. sad at a vers itasss
smeared cost. Yoe
Coate. Cramps. -
Dyseslery la Romano. -
OD. PAIR k I LLL Y Sr o, wear. sad ►s ass
sever been eaves t. (. 1 u. ,.lune • ease at $
Neale I.ataaee_ It is red is aura of M
the u herr, wahles rsese..ad Masas
a he ..std ,o...oi i.to /..woe banter s.e
•dek et. .j .u.d J.:••s hen ti= a ;1 toiit
1'•,t l-:' l.rr sataed war► aaalb
, r t , Leakh e..y.oaekb -
-fr Th. PAIN KILLER a ire owl* be
a. Aeatbe•-••ate. 4.r.. -aced lled.eiae
Nr. tbwnasb,.as t1.o rafts
i .
i' hri---.:: .rplaArr♦ • - a t•aU.,'vokf*•. !,• ,..aaa
"a ,$",'nt - a '1. stn..• be
+...MO ••4 w..r-an
.te.ua.n. a. p..' i • 1: e ..fl r * Kees
• ',.e,.ee to mese ware V.. want lawn. we -
.urn. toys rid porta ta vital for 'w lit tlie.r
.t,n lo•aldire. - ♦ny„t.t so:, Jo for work pro-
' perky ort In the liras start. The business will
p.ay' muse than ten tia,es ordu.ary weave. Be-
, tt enslt a outfit furnished hue. No one wh.rJen-
dare, fails to .lake mono - rapidly. YOU tan
Krt bur your 4,1101, lime to the work- or ort
ynnr «pare moments. bull luformatiw, and
. all that is taeceasary sent free. Address Stria-
' SUN ib CO. Portland. Maine
.r ,y;-Thuuwndsofgravcs
11 are annuallyr robbed of their t-ictime,
prolonged, happiness
R,,,1 health restored i
I he use of the great
whiz' ' • •-tt;ccly and permanent y curtsies.
pont.•:.. ,.used by ,eaceatr•ia of any: timid
Rem: t. 11eak (i'%r,,Egndy� 1tfr7ttstdsea rear tEl-
to": tie ., ,etteent'e of.Pelt-1ltuse; as loss of en -
es) -7•. loss of memory, uriversal lassitude,
pe•tn in the back. dimness of vision. preemie
nue yid age. and many other Wirers that
t, -' naantty-or consnmptkcn and a preina-
tan• soave.
Berid for circulars with testimonials free by
taut:;. The INVIGORATOR is sold rt 31 per
1,,•.ix boxes for•$5. by all druggists, or
wt.:,• • .-:cut tree ley mail, securely sealed. on
1te.p of price, b' addreasirg.
F. J. CHEKEY: Druggtsl. ' •
• 187 Brinell 2t:. Toledo.
GEO. 1tHYN.t•'.
Safe Agent for Ooderlch"
..::;k7.77-.117.7 MAIN'S
Ar. ,: rt at to take. Cortaio their own
Parget.re. I1 a safe, sure, and effectual
slesrr,'):r of nvrsae in CLildrea or Addy.
,C,D,TY Of
rt; T' 1t',
1. .. _:. CNE,
- i r -.' v sot -;es of di ar+sinst from
T. MILBU'RN & CO., Pr"Itriamck
\ steed. / y l•ae llrh'
A ENT Ws.* (1. ,I etry.tsyfa• r
as a opipteghee JA1Nn Leet ►'e! sc Cn b t n
t week ma eat borne I•y •1 a b.,restyles.. bemires now 1. -
nix, the sa e. ('apart tet Wes'
.1. We will start you. Ater, wo
nen, hey, and gtr;a treated ever
sr. to .r ,rk foe es. New is the time. Ton
ran w.rrk in .psre time. or rare your whole
flare to it. httalness. No other Inoue a will
pay )0.1 hrsrly an wets. !in one ran 'tag re
make everMene p13•, by enswitss et once
('nail; main an•t torrt.; frac- M. nrpp mad,
test. easily, an� hots�orrfly. .tr'.ir• ea 7•+to: g
Co-. Ariro ts.IlaYse.
Re7•arnir-entled by P'Tvietana.
C tiT11-7.9
:itarrh of the Nasal C vity - Ironic and Ulcerates,
stares of VII Ear. its or hro t. Iii Is tars
INPEP.NALLY Roll acts 'RECTO, u,on
the Blood and Mucn:m outfaces of the
System. Hit the best blood Pierer
in the WORLD. and It worth ALL
that Is eharged for 11, for
TNA( atone.
ler IN lilt: `t II:ICI(T .it;1
1$100 Wt:dui:C7:craayu:o:1
-iia r!' 100
K'r:Lna'in, i't' :.larch ti WOOL
My ltltla .aughter sow trots: e.i with Catarrh
for two Tates and wan very much henedteed by
the are of'• gall's Casatrh Cure' She loo now
about',r.d. W. T. HOURS.
Wet.tavn, 0n►., March 9r1, tate.
F have tined " Hail's (' warts Cure," .o 1 lady.
Ina from tan goal results I derived from ono
bottle, believe it w111 ears the mn.t etubtwrn
ear of Catarrh it its ass Do cautioned toe a
r.a.,aablo length of time.
Wat.r,awn Ont., Marek ll. PM.
r..1 Cwr.rytc t Co.. Toledo. 0.
Heat«.-Itave add rial:'s Catarrh Cure toe the
'•est year, aril it give. entire aattdaetlos.
Yours troll
H. W. HOhlaON, Drank.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
' W:d by all Wholesale tad Retail Dris isaa
sad Dusters to Paswt McMeaua. Ie
Ib. Caned states and Canada
i Cents a Bottle. M8.00 a Dol.
The out aseMM ppairs Catarrh Ours 1. mss.
ntaet•orwl by le J. CRPNET a 00., Toledo, O.
rarBe.arn tit Irlitwtier.
Bnttnei Inc the Ontario trade by
H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Ont