HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-08, Page 51'IIh HURON SIGNAL, F1t1DAY, JUNL , 188 CirloW. &'nowt. Rsroar.-The following is the /tsuling o1 the best ..f the pupil* in the desire of the senior division of S. 8. N. 1. Colborne forMay. Sixth Class. - Etta Putter 55 ; Mary It. ..ertaon 45 ; Filth Class :-Jas Sallow' 47 ; Fourth +'hos .-Augusta Potter 87 ; %Vann.) iiia- i set 77 ; Matilda Sterling 73 ; Maggie Tiffin 71 ; Ida !+*haws 67; Willie Ed- ward C5. Tbtrtl Class :--Maggie Coates 84 ; Lily Buchanan 81 ; Mary A. Met Nevin75 ; Ruby Robertson 7r ; Eliza Wilson 72; Milton Tindall 71 ; Seats J. Tindall 88 ; Chas. Treble G3 ; Letitia E:lward 62. 8eamtller. iai;t,rt of N. S. Nu. t' the mouth of May. V Class -total marks, Senior Division, -720--1 Herbert ltobertsou 557, 2 Mary Morrish 5'o;. IV Class 490-1 Henry Morrish 379, 2 Vella Ste eart 336, 3 Albert Robertson 298, 4 Annie LeTouzel 291. Ill Class Senr.- 510-1 Rubt. LeT.ouzel 390, 2 Bella Clarkson 347, (lusty Vanatune 339, 4 Etta Robertson 3P22, Z Albert Wietlel 317. 1II Class Junr. 485-1 Eddy Fisher 330, 2 James Morrish 33n, 3 Allvti Elsley 2113, 4 Mary I'ennabaker 277, 5 Clarence Walters 246. Junior Diivision-II Class St•nr.-:20--1 Lizzie Roberton 191, 2 Florence t 8ledhill, l .;, 3 Eliza Long 1711, 4 Atthur Maedel 17s, ut ' S Ewma Hobson 164. 11 Class J unr. 183-1 Henry Snyder 183, 2 Charles Maedel 146, 3 Ligate Stewart 133, 4 Annie Stewart 128' 5 John Ashton 127. Second Part Senr.--140- 1 Mary Rodg- ers 133, 2 Jonathan Long 131, :3 Martha Yonuit 125, Ambrose Vanston 110, Carry Morrish 209. Second Part Jun - 140 -1 Maude Handy 112, 2 Fann) fisher 1(8, 3 Owen Moore 101, 4 Wni. 1Clhrksnn 73, 5 Wnt. Fisher 37. Dan.>:saaoa. Jteelh 3fallough has had his house repaired. 'Rsr. Mr. Caswell attended conference this week. Mrs. J. M. Roberta ..f this pace left for tin extended visit among her friends at Ingersoll. Sacrament will he dispensed in the Presbyterian church a week ft•,tn next There is to be a union Sabbath School i.-uic some time in the second week in Jul' to Wright's Point. Mr. W. McArthur has .for sale some r, pies if a book entitled " n ithin the Veil, or Entire Sanctification," by the Rev. Jas. Caswell, of Dungannon. Last Friday, a Mrs Cole, of Ashtield, .lied I ery suddenly. She was in the act of combing her little girl's hair, when she e:lt pi ed deal • n the tinor. Heart disease was the cause. It :s ptopoosed to hold a grand pie -nig f all the schools of Ashfield, on the banks •uf Lake Huron, at pintail, on Mon lay. 23 July. It would no doubt l>o a .'try pleasant affsir7 and the small boy and girl are indulging in many pleas- ant expectations in consequence. The latest sensation around Dungan- non unga - nun is a bear. On Saturday' night about 10 o'clock, John Martin saw an shims' at the coraer'of his hotel Ilet first thought took it to be a large dog, byt after the animal started uta he th,nght front its shuffin gait that It was a' bear. Ti'..sirue ,hoar disturbed the peaceful repose of Dr.:fclCay's hens oa Monday night. If Bruin knows what's goo for him, he won't come truant here touch mote: Oer sporting then ere -lying inWait for him. Goderlah Township. llolulesviile, May28th, 113,43 Council met to -day at ourt of Revis- ion. - The members having qualified per statute, the Court opened. The clerk stated, that no iippeals against the assess- ment were entered. However the rill. was carefully gone over, and any changes which hs4 neeurred since the assessment was taken were rectified. Moved by John Beacom, seconded by John Cox, that the assessment roll as now revised and,corrected be passed. Carried. The Court of Revision being closed the minu- tes of last meeting were read and passed The clerk read a letter from Mr. Jos. Whitely. 1'. \(.,asking for a grant o1 some 845 for rt ad repairs. After consider- ing the matter the conclusion was arrived at that as the surplus funds of the town ship were already appropriated to the different sub -divisions, the state of the finances would nat admit of any special grants bean made unless in extreme cases, thus the application could not he granted. The remuneration of inembers of council as sych and as road cgmmis- nioners sone next considered. Moved by John C.,x, seconded by John Beacom, /hat the members of this council be paid for their Cervices the same as Last year. Carried. The c'erk stated he hid com- plied with the laws* to sending school trustees the S. S. census, and other duties. :love(' by John Beacom, se- conded by Jes. Lnithwait, that the clerk be paid 81 each school section, for fur- nishing the taustses with the school census, also 85 for the duties in connec- tion with the extra columns on the as- %easment roll. Carried. Moved by John Cox, seconded by John Beacom, that 820 be grtnted Jacob Miller an in- digent. Carried. Moved by John Cox, seconded by John Beacom. that the clerk draft a bylaw to be passed at nest meeting of council prohibiting the run - ding at large of all horned cattle, horses of every age and description, sheep, ,,ig's antl Meese. Carried. The council adjourned to meet again on the second Monday in .fuly. J AYR. I'ATT.,N. (i•'rk. • z 2 TUE LATTER I GCAIANTF.Ei, 5 -H. BRETHOUR 00., c., Speca Advantages to Customers -. -' F:.ELL t r, .; ..,1(JI►a RETAIL A'1' Till': REGULAR %%lit.LESALE PRICES. WE 11i ) S! + itE:('.tt E \1 E E lt,t, tit.kenawd r('ash. ion GoodsMail orEx gess 14 V) i;end. Sa pies on application, & byp M I OUR IfiII,Li. iERY PIIPARTMENT 18 UNDER THE CARE OF 'A SUPERIOR ARTISTE. 111 I`. '•1t.\TLE .t\1+ 1:!:t:`-'1Al'1NG PERFECT ,1711•'&C1'l+'3 IS tiL'lgitANTEE . n O, 1 F4 W. v li t, • White Figure .T Muslin and Swiss Embroideries. .y T 'i ,m: o all Parties Daeairiug to dank Perfllozft1 leo ions and Ptlr- SI'E ZAL '4 . s ER . chasing to the anloufl of ss0. , we vt i11, y ol'lo return fare. DRLtet AlPAitAS( )' _ e Trimmed Para- S GO(11)S---ii.:,?(!,-,!1.11!?.?: 'rolrft.00to ta.iM1: L:w 1J'nr- New Checks. In niece and White. front 25 eta; ].ace el tinge asola, 1tla k 41,11' ,u i7...O: think `Swish :,!es, i•1 til to and Urut:adu Grenadines, (;runs ura:u and wutuu silks. O0, 411 Irr(t M . l`1 Black & Col!'ed Mo tie- ` t _ Ballbrigge►n Hcse, full re - I -1 JA7- laire 6:•! + . •• Black and Co O/ T T 1 t 1 .alar, 23 eta: ('h ns' Colored bald tiluves, 3, 4 and 0 )button; : 1t:.t ,t- ! (',hovel Jer*ey St k Cotton y and phases. t I tl 1. olors ; Wove 'ale to 81.2.5; arlrec' (;Ilk Jt', ev xt.d Lisle l•.!.,c,'4. La 1i - ., . c tl; . n I . nd ('olutcd Silks. 1 CLOTHING -& CARPET DEPARTMENT. o IMPORTED SCOTCH WEEDS AND CANADIAN TWVED8. RALLP111(.(IA\ (IM•1! !; 51E1 1\0 i-5DERNSAlt. o COLL.11t, ..1 rS, TIES, HATA, Dinah:. rill RTS .1\I) 111;A(`1 - i1SUITS MADE TO ORDER.a `'3 ". C RPETS---CAR1'•.TS---C.11tPETS Cl-RT:%INS- CURTAINS. All Wool. firm .cl-. •f.r, c-,.: r.-. I't ILFE('T 1 -IF Ot'AR.ANTIED. A. Ar , Onparfier Furnishing lil,eral forms are +.+, Os C ISS GRAHAM, D.IZ7rLINTR, Thanks the Ladles of Cdderlch and vleinity for the Liberal ratronage bestowed upon her since opening out in town, and would call their at!cntten to her CHOICE STOCK OF MILLINERT -FOIL TIIE-- 813MMER SE.A SCDIT- Tbe Stock is carefully chosen, and Halle Up in the Most Fashionable Styles! Miss Graham feel' assureds et hher exer to gierienee ve the M Tot entoit London and oter cities will en - .MISS GR.4H•13Jf, Miss Stewart's Old Stand, W. MCKENZIE R. Ila* ou hand a c-acefu3y saected si„ck .,f Spades, Made by the best makers. Lam brcyulns in !see 1/. f f '. 1; I1 ETHO t'll C'O., -El va Il t ford. FarIlloIs & llreioers SEE IEBE NEW MILLINERY. Desltt:s THE NEW FERTILIZER. l .'c•t and Bear ::. New French and America l Goods, Cotton Seed Colne11; 0101 11 I.•, be found at the Estsli shm. is Cheaper, and as good or ,fetter, than mos( of the Commercial FertUtsars of \I/7o -the present day.i. S Jesse V py + This Fertilizer is a real manure, not Inertly a stimulant, the value of which is proved by its Increasing use wherever introduced. A hundred thousand tens were shipped last year to England for fertilizing purposes alone. where the Latest Shade?, Ne•aest Ltslgns, awl ilre. Good* can ail. "Zo a be found,' Gardeners take take notice that vegetables man - tired with it mature and ripen earlier' than with ordinary manures. John A. Naftel, Sole Agent for c.,derich. Mao Agent bur Herby Climax, king of feed, took Diploma at Provincial Show last fall. t Minh 22.4893. 1 e'8? -3m PAINTS 8z OILS_ Barb Wire ---First Prize n Si'URGEoN .RJIL LINNEN I 7"arxX . =Bells aizdS glee_ ( 7 A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CL"TLERY. RHEUMA TIV M. Sciatica, Neuralgia, he Chicago House, I.i TIIE HEAD QUARTERS OF FASHION FOR NEW 1111LLIE R ' OF ALL KINDS. 1, cheap line in Trimmed Ilats a SWeialty. .t first class. Dress Making Establishment ! a!,o carried.oa in connection with rlhe Milliner; Department, A call solicited. A. J. WILKINSON. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. JADES c TAIR THE S E E D S M A N- Wishee to thank the public for past patronage and would idiot m them that lie has now on hand fhe ILA RGEST AND BEST STOCK -)OFI- FI ELI AND GARDEN SEEDS - I ' f; ou) the it re:iaL:c f. n:s in t titat.o, w l:!vh he is prcl arcd 10 eell at a price as low n* any other reliable Autos. Amongst the apeelaltiea In potatoes are flu "\carr Blnsb," '•Early. 81m- riec " "Beauty ot,Hebron, and "Late hose" The sure success to farming and gardening in Rood tultirstion and good seed. Ask- for the beet varieties. inepectinn Invited. A call solicited. Flour and Feed kept constantly on .ale. J,tS. \IcNA1It, the l9eeedsman. ,t11.3 pets ct:r+...,tf for cash. Lame Back, Lumbago, • Z T CIC=INTZ= Contracted Joints, VV m a A/i Cramp in Muscles, Sprains. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 11 Ccdeeleb Narket•. I take this opportunity to annoanee lathe public that havin; purchased the =" 3 -cc 'rcei3 !:'alt• of Mr-. W. 1). r!. ,anon, awl ha,:nd Toad,. 'r Large Additions to the Stock !I ter which cash was paid,1 AM new pre siorgeive *cat :wrdains to all who will favor n,•• With tlu My motto era be "Small Pro'1te an 1 quick Hct urns." ..7.4f -(:u. da delivered free to anyrt of the town. . H. RIDLEYJ CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC. - _T THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A.full line of all the Leading Patent Medians always' kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) Ilimicuit it..tune7, 1Re1. W hes:. 19110 1w Mob. . ... .... /0 M eel (le Wheat..-tprtnitl1bush -...• 1M • 1(2 5 00 Fleur. t• hared.. 1 Mt N (tau. 111 h ieb . .. ,.. a 10 A J 41 Peas. Yhnehob = 0 0 2 71 Harley. 4 hash e 0 R 09 t>t l'ntatoes )' ......-. d» lia) • "1'10... Ola M 0 SI karts*, N e.. .... 0 1, 0 0 11 Fars, W dor. lanpaekedl0 ll " 0 19 0 110 0 1 Os Aborts, Y` ew.. rw2 0 70 ale) Ran v . vet t'hnp y rwt 1110 1 70 Wood.- t M ' / 00 111dee S s0 ghrreenons GEORGE RSYNAS f BLLKE• i BLOCK, THE SQUARE] SEEDS! SEE AT 'J HE De ETD IOBL HALL. ■ JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND VARIED STU('KIOF FRESH GARDEN, FIELD, ANI) FLOWER SEHhS. sass e,ae(tbe meet Reliable !teed W arehonee-5 in the Dominion FOR BALE BOTH IN BULK (C IN' PACKA(IES. BEST HORSE LINIMENT. Is Large Bsllln 251% Each. J. W. BRAWN', MONTREAL, P.Q. • • AYER'S Sarsaparilla Corel Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheumatic (feat. General Debility. Catarrh, and a'1 1 disorders caused b a thin and tmpoterishet, or corrupted. eardition of the blood; expelling the bk,od-poiPnwa front the system, enriching and renewing. lbw Wad, and reetgril,g its vital- JTJSrI'RE CEI"VEID FLOOR OIL C'LuTHS, • AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. SEVERAL BALES OF TAPESTRY. WOVE E I r D UNION CARPETS, AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. C."HOICE LOT OF NEW PATTERN LACE CURTAINS. AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S, NEW AND NOBBY SPRINT l HATS, r• AT J. C. DETLOR. & CO'S, AN IMMENSE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. FIRST PRIZE AWARDED THF fling power. ' • Ii r lung period ' sur. of 1• n.ef,tt• ONTARIO STEEL BARB FENCE compA telae, Atrrtie SAiMAI'-t RtLL.t La/ proton Rr porton adaptation to the curs el all direst. 1 orlglaating as 1ntorbl.,.*1 :11,t a wra erred .'its;;. • . It It a highly concentrated retraet of Sar•a- tstrilla and other blond-pnrlfyInit rnoC•. Mndtined with iodide of I'nra•alnn' and Iron. and ,• the safest. uo.•c r.•3a1bc, and n,r•t ee.) ,", i,•;.1 Llood-puriller a::4 L:. -.d -food that eau b.' W.'.1. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, Oaf -JD FrRICFi elm D,I DICAL HALL_ • Inflammatory Rheumatism Cored. "AVERNI SAa'AiAa11.1.• has cured me of the hitlammatc.ry Itheumatonl, with wbtch 1 hav suffered for luso years. V. H. IIfOOax."e Durham, 1a., March 2, 1402. " Eight tears ago i Lad an attack of Rhetima- tlam an severe that 1 eould hot move from the bed, or drew', without help. 1 tried lea era' remedies without slim h If any relief. wen, 1 took *vents 5As'ATA4I1.1.A, by the me of two bottles of which 1 was c.,mpl. tdy cured. i have not been trmibled with the Rheumatism wince. Hate 'old Ill quahtit'.cw of your 1Aaa lt'A1II1.1.A, slot it still retains tt,wonderful;.•pular,ty. Tke many notahlc cures it has effeete.l to this viefatty con- vince owvinee no. that 1t M the best blood medicine ever egere.t r- the public. E. P. tumuli" ItNer St., ltaeklasal, Mass , 'lay 13. 1ae2. i.a.t (larch 1 was /n weal fr,n. general dw- l~plity wln tLrterraki not walk 1. broo r .dvieeof hired. 1.•.,n u.e.ee,l taking ATRa s PAnitAPAatt1A /ml bran*. 1 had and 1 l Dutton ove boon .1elt nivel' wn work w a1. -, over 1."dicl mr life. ath* and think Tont SA MAPA&ILLA the greaten Mond fir ,I ins In 0.. world. .1 ear. Al 41v inn..' west 12.1 St., New Y 'rk..Iuly 19, 100. A, Ytt'/ 9'.* ti 1 . rare" aerefwls sod 1.11 w•rnfnlnns (bmplatet•. Erysipelas. Re- arms. Ringworm. Rlntebe'a. nom* Thelia. Turners. sad Remprin.• of the able. it clears Ibe Mond of all tn,psrtttev. way ,tleeetk,w, ninth . late" the action of Me %amen, sad thus rectors vitality and 9lreertherr the .►el' gMsnt. rate: A{RV at Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Msss. sow by an lWnggista pros /1, N- bottles. E LS N.STFD_• er. NY =or Mar'1© Wire F'ei .cirig AT TORONTO EXHIBITION, 1882. The ONLY FIRST PRiZEawardedter Bath Wire Inwhich,here wasCompel Mon n)a *ALP,. RV D.et('KDNZIE:, tiO1,F:It1CM I N = R O 466.01-.11,.trT ABRAHAM SMITH CALLS ATT1 NTI(lN TO THE FOLLOW I':t: CLOTHING, mrA 1"111141.1111M0Duows VARIETY, &FA L.11;OE A HATS sr,W. Tri LATENT STTLICt3. SSt11tTMENT AND tIIE LATSKT Dlil GNB.Re FURNISHING GOODS. AND EVERY SIZE -se Ili' ALL rATl.:hIL 7AIN CLOTHS`DAFWnARANTEZD OR NO PA NEW 0.00DB, NFVV PR J. OMB. CHRAP FOA CASH.