HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-08, Page 44 •••••••111 THE HURON SIGNAL ij ELTttl every ¥rtiiy Mortg, by Mt off the square' GODERICII, ()NT.1.1110. And Is despatched to all parts of the surround tut country by the earlieet inails and trans". By general admission it has a larger eircula inn than any other newspaper in this part of the country, ti is one of the menet, newsiest and most reliable journals in Ontario Possessing, as It does, the fore -going essentials and being in addition to t he above, • firet-clav. family and fireside paper -it therefore • most desirable advertiartn, medium. - 1:_17 publishers ; 111.73, it before eix Inuethe TERM -111 S.1.S0 in advitaite, postage pre-psid . . P.1.00 if not so paid, 'rh • rule will be strictly unforced. RATES OP ADVERTISINO.-Eight cents pe ine for first Insertion; three cents per line for each subsequent iws.rtton. Yearly, hall.y early and quarterly contracts at reduced rates. JOS felinm41....:Ve have &Iola first-Vi!l 3 Obb.ng department In connection, and prase lug the most complete out-tlt and best facilities f w turning out work in Goderich, are prepared to do businea• in that line at prices that cannot he beaten, and of n quality that cannot be surpassed.- Terms Cease FRIDA1, JUNE Stu, 11+83. A HoUSE OF REFUGE WANTED. The question of the neceesity for is house ..f refuge for agea and infirm indi- gents in county like Huron, with n popu- lation .,f 80,000 souls, should only have Idle rata° to it with ight - think in I; men. Vet, attritive as it Tway appear, there are a number of representatives from the rural municipahies. if liberal and broad.views on all other ..liestions, ho aro miser- ably narrow on this particular one. That indnnity and indigence would be as prevalent in Huron as it is in coun- ties where houses a refuge have been estabhahed, ehuuld go withote aireing ; kr no worn exists why the same con. ditiengslum1.1 net obtain in Hun u as are to fie found elsewhei7e. Adniitting, then, that indigence and infirmity is equally prevalent in Huron as ia any of the counties which have eone in fur the erection of poorhouses, is it not the bounden duty .4 the men who are sent to the different councils of this • cotinty to du their utmost to alleviate the ,sufferings of the wretched nantuch as in I I them lies. The couueillers ace the ser- f yants of the.public. tIRJ, their duty is to serve the poor in their municipalities as well as the rich. •Too often, .unfertun- ately, the counciners who will give deei; attenti..at to the requirements if the rich ratepayer will forect the necessities ot the 1.r. This should .v.t be, but it is neverthelese the fact in many instances. . But we are by seine of the men who tight the pcorheuse 'project, " We - don't uced a Pcorhouse in our township : ne have ,,nly three or fear indigents in our municipality and wesuppOrt them our- selves.' Suppert them ! In what man - (10 you deco?' If we ask what was your relief accountfor .ehe pest year to feur aged and infirm indigents.. you will think you have done exceeding- ly well if your township grants have ag- ....gremated *no, a* al aro of 837.;:i0 per heed: And because if having in- flicted slow starvation on 'four helplets huthan beings, at the next nomination day you will boast of your economy and point to the steal) amount of relief ex- penaed during the Pent year, anl. claim re•electien on the ground'that yeu gave as little as you tenably .could to God's poor ! (Jr yeu take an easier way : An indigent applics to your 'council for .re: lief, and you tell him *hat he me burden on the townaliip, and he amid either. elke or o to.' seine ether municipality: .1Ie is informed the taxes axe so high tJiat the ratepayers grumble, and if ,he persists in staying in the municipality ' the council will do nothing further for ! him, but if he will ,leeve ana go to a! neighboring village or town, he will be given NO or ./120. ,as the case nmy be. Geeerally,the tattier -accepts the belies to have the township, and when bailie; doled out the price fur las expatriation, the -councillors think they have :On- ' ferrel a boon on the Municipality by getting tid of him. If he refuses to leaYe;lis pittance il teken from him ealtocether or so reduced that he starve, t death, and slum yeti the servants of the people lety for the pine box that car- ries him ti his last resting place, you THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY, JUNE 8, 1883. Fla. SE; 77. ea' • • 1: " ea 'A „Vied L. ' History lepeati. itself. And in no ni• stances more so than itt the doings of ri Sir John Macdonald. When the in -1 fameus dirclasurts ef the Pacific Scandal were bruuolit to light it tees th many that in an evil moment the in- tro -grey ,,f a great Canadian statesmen had been evereente, and estimett.,n by the act from pewee At the e the mitotic, who are ever is fell in public nJ was driven td of five years, duL:eut-even to great criminals-eforgeve what his friends were pleased to term sn India- cretien, pardoned his cilia., and with the aid of the N. P. and other crine was unee *gels refereed to place and power. But the hope was openly ex- preseed by many who aided his return to Alai that never again would he be guilty of ourrnt.t acts similar to that whieh had se injured him in 1873. There !tepee have been Lliehted by the developments in the. " Section B" case, ahich have come ta light during the 1past week. Extracts which we publish fr.,n, two •..1 ••ur leading ceutedtperaries show conclurively that Sir John and Lis Goyermuent are at the old game. Lytle- ' ery and corrnet ion hare Leen indelged in moat alarmingly during the late election , contests, and contractors hale ,bisen blc.I a.i that the people -might be bribed and the public elicit despoiled I We are not surprised at- the later de- ' velopments, we never expected clean • public action frem t he hero if the ' Pacific ,SCandal cr any Governntent which he controlled. Sir Jt,lin 11.4th place. by debsuching puldic morality, jobbing with contractors, and pandering I to the weakness and follies of the pea I pie. To look for lionorab.e action rom ' him, would be to expect purity from an i , impuse source. Sir Jeini „-as proved te. NEW S ABOUT I -TOME . i be a corrupt statesman -a leter Walp.,le, ..e, celetoe„,,,,,gre.tokeeooto, I only more teoin 1873, by ,no public -kn. failt bell Wm% IL" 4 . ! utterance cr act have we, learned that TOWN TOPICS. ' he . . pe i 1 n cl'angef hI, : since then; enamel' being the eme.. we, . soar nneaswit TALLowt-Highest prices with thousands •,f. (allele,' believe him to ' ingerto"n snanktlag'samattetit trrr.tc'a: (J.,r,gcerri,11. f be incapable of change fir the better. i %iron emp Company., ltifrd-3m. Thebittortet.t lotyle owfdiernive. 1, now all the ' ' ws ; The detectives have an axi..211,: 0< Ere a I. rare ,„,,:„.„e, aiways..a ro;,4ue... . f phao of you if you npell it p-h-ei-rot stas"hgelrilli 1 7.- . -you adopt the new style, f -o -t -o. - - t. To ray that anything is true to nature is to ! nt. that glitters isn't golii ind the ;pee it aoigptinguliobt. whenrmr. &‘'qo:.10asanlerttabaeti experienCe of a Hitronite in -the city of !' jul`sinterit the trt;th.. the whnotes I I ing but the truth. , Winnineg,.as. related by a Corien, ,mient ; The. resort that the peke of liquor would be !on second- page, w. aid seem te, eleor that advanced nt " • stores during the session ot 1 all are not .prosperirsg in the Empire eiry. 1 irleeue teol'utreiVas`Z.mid ilisnoriontrtr c-onacterel ed . fit. „ne awi.f ,....1 ,.f , tnottci la -Lire antlet live." . The artichtis a grephie interest: • ' . .• Shas Hunt, of Kippen, is the guett of SIrs Clucas. - • nt k 1)A((I' 11:trt xs, the veteran 3Irs. eif Campbell is recovering from we made ao many of the residents of the country aware if his geed luck. Rejoice itt lour butter -knife, yuung men, and let le -our friends also rejoice at your goud fortune. Wei )lt,pe you will always have plenty 4.4 ,Imittr to keep it legiti- mately eniplOyied, end tie% er bit teuiptiel 'to take it front the better dish and 4.40u. ple it eith e lurk. • The second tesieme semeillat. rrem eat urger '4 Globe. The Ofthe hes impeached the Govern- ment a the Domipion before the people of Canada of having been guilty I f trafficking_ wit k Centractors to proeure election funds, and of having proposed and arranged to rewerd the contractors by improper concessions. Mr. Shields sends us a letter saying nu money bias been taken eitt...f tee firm for election pures siel threatening an action of lib We gave very Rood reasons yesterday why the money had tea been taken out of the tinn yet. We are perfectly satis- fied that the ateof will erevent that money being taken out of the firm, what - ewer would have been done if we had not exposed the job. Mr. Manning is not going to submit to an extortion now, which he resisted before. No quibble, no shuttle, can meet thc broad accusation which we have foriuu- lated-that corruption funds were sup- plied by and thruugh members of that ; firm. There are, we admit, some furth- er details that the putdic demand, and ' must have. to the 1,bel suit -that is t•,.. good 'news ti be true. Let Mr. Shields, let ;any member of the tirui f c..ntractors, let the Premier of Canada himself being and presecute an aOldon ,f libel eganist tee teeet for our disclosures .•f yester- dayeand we proruise to unearth a foul and reeking nest of corruptive that will justify an hundredfeld every word we uttered. • journalist and statesenan, was un Thera- • a painful illnesa. ee. day eveningeof last i-•-eck banquette,1 "Goderich never looked prettier," in the city club of Men:real et which he it the general verdiet. • pretident. There eus a largo and re- eresentative atteneance. A .PImising feature of the gatheeing.was tho. detail- ing of political reminiscences of forty yeai ler by the guest of the evenine. THE Tory papers are shrieking out about the G'ebe's charges anent the "-tette- tion B'' -scandal -being libellous. " What de they know about. itt Are they in the confidence ef Shiehls & Cu. What dies the denial amount to, anyway 1 Didn't Sir John A. Slacannald enure Lord Dufferin on his honor as a gentleman, that there was no truth in the first Paci- tc scandal, and a terwar.ls make a clean . breast of it ! CUrin it it ineine his way over the pniiries ••f the North-west, ani a cry for , wives is Tieing hum the, "illimitable wild- erness.'" A meeting of f 'niter residents of this section was recently held in Win- nipeg to disettsi the euestion of mini - nicety, aud a fell report front the secre- tary will be found on third paae.w The boys are getting desperate. ••In the spriest a Hyenep irts changes on the burnished dove; In thA spring it young man's fancy lightly turn to thoughts of lore gleerulry rub your hands AM say, " Well, the old man is gone, and there will be in much saved to the township next year." And yea think you ham done yeur duty---hav'e done unto others what you would bees ethers do unto you -hen, if the truth were known, MURDER, by aslow but not ?sinks.% precess. lies at 3 vnr avor. The life of the poor man is as valuable to him as is that of' the owner of wealth, and the life of any human being •is too, valuable to be rated by dollars and cents, even if it were preyed that.the pries of tit'c' mg find keeping a house of refuge would amount to a larger sem annually than that now paid in nsuaicipal chari- ties. But we maintain the ameent 'pont yearly by the serious municieali• ties would more than pay the 'interest and slaking fund on the Stint necessari to build and equip a home far the help - lees and learnt in eur meld and seek being the nos, we know of n,, goo'? owl sufficient reasen, why an ettert shauld 1.- th. made to place Huron side by ode with the ether progr‘osice counties of . flotario. 17 the erection of it h.,use of • refines w here the deserving aged, infirm ; and iseligent coniti celnily peas their ile• clining years without having their un- fortunate conditirm inteneihed by the , ream ant and privatem Mrs Robertaon, of Waterloo street, is visiting at Seaforth. Mr. James Struthers has opened a drug store at Teeswater. Mrs. McCatuus. ,oe 'Mina K Jamlesen, is visiting her relatives in toren. Miss Macauley, of Brampton; is, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Peann, East. FOTO. • - , t The boys hatl an impromptu squirrel hufit on the square yesterday. The little animal got away. ; • II. Elliott, mail clerk, has been trans- ' fered to another route. Ho _will be a 1 loss to the crieket club. Dr. Taylor returned item the North- west on Saturday: He purchased "a few kits" while in the prairie reg.on. ; The Goderich Lacrosse Club have set- tled down to business, and we expect them to make a good record before the end ot the semen. Goderich is offering the best attrac- dans for sightseers t.ti Dominion Day of any town in Western (interim 'The games, races. etc., are free to the public. We ire pleased to learn thatMrs. J. G. Winl is now recovering frem her recent severe illness. She hes been afflicted with bronchitis and a lung affection for over five weeks. lionticrerreat SHOW. -Prepare your plants note for the Horticultural show, to be held in Goderich on tbe 2nd .4 July. Prizes offered fur fruits, flowers, JAMES CAREY, the Dublin informer; vegetables, etc. See secretary for prize • 11 ilatt Leen notified to quit the Country., as W. F. Foote, the new organist of St. the authorities do not relish the job George's church, has a tetra in this issue of guarding his life ter all time. Carey announcing that he is new prepared to doesn't want to leave Dublin, for like) teach vocal and instrumental music. pease. lam .the en.1 of the i a singing class shortly. A valuable horse beirmrring-tn-Ar-Me After inciting men to murder, anti theu. Polley, broke his neck in the stable out betraying them ite hes receive 1 las at the farm on the evening of Friday qeid pro 41+to in money. He should rase Mr. P aley had a short time before now, as did Judas, in the olden time, refustel 9250 for a span composed if the . buy a cord and bane himself. defunct equine and his mate. J. W. Weatherald is putting consider - Able energy into his sewing machine business in Goderich and Clinton of late. He is usine'printer's in larply, and his name is new a household word. He is not negjecting the organ trade either. Cain he fears his hlood-guiltiness will We understand that he intends forming Wit observe that a number of our con- temporaries are pointing out the advents - es of their towns as summer resorts; and some of the teens, mark y,,u, have only imaginary adrantages. our first page will be f •und geed and sufli- zient arguments why Goderich should be hiked ivied fever by all who seek a handseme, healthy and pleasant abiding place during the sultry summer menthe. To have once s•t inere-1 in 0,elerich means len to c ..tie wain, and tnis year weetract .0 see *eau7 new friees in pens with ths vicr re of the .-1.1en time. To owe and all we. %dew] a 11 rty cote Tea Oates Teen* an if the Genie L'iit.qirsr objects to newick being c,a11- ea a "hack towasbip." Perharo he would likens to call it a "front town- ship.- He 14 a, terribly taken aback because, lit a‘lvert [sal gratis the fact of his hating been lamented with a butter knije. it lint %%rent( 1,, Ifeeented with a ',eaten -knife, an I the Gerrie °nee ',lin shred 1 et -4 feel had hiscause Gam -nuns BY Aul-nou - -H. W. Bale auctioneer, has been instructed to clear off the remainder of the stock of D. Fer• quoin. the Hamilton street grocer, who 1. ale•ut t.i reineve to Detroit. The sale takes piece to -morrow :Sattirtlayeeat the stt•re. King, Here & C,.'e circus showea itt Gielerich on Set urdny last, afterrinon and evening. The efterneen exhibition I was not largely attended, but in the I evening there wee a perfect jam. The eleettic weinenthe three•headed female ' the slack %tire walker, tumbling. ventrila itesne and the educated, horse ee•Te the attractions. „ ont ri API'. - Robert McDougall, sett of S. R. MeDougall, departed this life en the 2n4 met , need 18 year* and 10 nt... el diphtherie His death is the first break in a family of eiele, mat Oa. remaining members ef the family have the sv nee thy •,1 the ramie of the ;esteem. Sir. Me Dougall desires to tender his thanks t • I the members a the 'whoa !Nord ter their kiruleess in employing a sunotente during the recent lievere illness with which his Rudy has been afflicted ,:enelits r.itlrey., the Government entrineer, is in town taking stock ..f the harbor in 1,rs- hlr. and Mrs. J. T. Gart•uw returned from their visit to Bermuda on el'edues- eveniue, much invigorated by their nu journ en and nip to tho runny little is- land. The Winnipeg 1tity, • ratrospective article on the •Oratetio Society of that plaee, says of a former resident of this town : "In Mrs. Hiek the society pee - susses a cuntralto of great promise. Prime:moot -O. S. Fowler, u. venerable phrenohnist, has been 1 t in avid making eisminatiens itt t this week He will 'be lin towa SISSUI Motalay noon. Them is life iu the old plan :;;;t, the *bronco 4 Roe. Walie• field and Howani at the Cenference, the pulpit a the North street Stethodist church vil be supplied oa Sunday uezt beltevs. lir. Ure uttdJ. rurnhell, 11 A., of Knox Church. . Pnbrousete CAR. -Mr. %V. Wade. el` Goderich, has purchased the photo car lately owned by Mr. Chas. Wets, of Blyth. 111r. Hutton reinuved the car from Belgrave to uburn. s•Itere it will remain for eotne time.-Litlyth Review. The lain and thunder storm on Taos - day evening was for it short time one of the severest known in that section. The bolt that fell aueut 7 o'clock struck a tree on Elgin etreet autl prostratedjohn Durnin and a small boy who were in the vicinity. A teameeting will he held itt %len B. C. church, Colborne, on Monday eras- ing, the 18th inst., at which a :lumber. of well•known speakers are expected. Among them will be the Rev. T. Bread, a former pastor of the circuit. The friends are preparing ter a good time. MERIING THZ GENEIIAL SlItaalONn. - At tbe meeting of the general 'endow of the peace in the came heuae on the 15th inst, the redistribution of the county division courts and the appointment of a chief constable will censtitute the princi- pal business of the gathering. Mrs. J. f Stratford, mother, atad Sfis. G. A. Dutton,f)eadman, of Brussels, and Mrs. J. W. Brewett, of Ingersoll, siaters of Mrs. T. McGillicuddy, are so- journint here for a few -weeks. Mrs. iilman 'is accumeanied • hy her Ore chiHkiearrryn. M. Cowan, the "cilia man" of the Exeter Refietior; Was • in town last week. Whew! but didn't he take the shine out a the local quill -drivers? A 'natty silk castor was -jauntily set on his noble brow, at a becoming anile; his manly forte was encased in a fashionably cut corduroy suit ot the latest shade in olive: a fragrant Havanna tipped skyward front bets cell his pearly teeth, and his mild blue eyes danced merrily and added brilhiancj to his peash-bloomed c..unten- ance. The office -holders in the court house thought he was Mr. King, Burk & Co., and swarmed around him for dead head tickets, and woultin't be comforted when they found that Harry was only the thunder furnisher for the Rerlertor. Fete Tusoreit. Tau lacy between Bailey's "A. M. P. '' mid Paluier's bitdis Hays," which was to have venue off on Muuday, fell through e.ritig to the back- ers of "Birdie" (adieu to weer the last depesit. They alleged ssa reason for net leaking the last "put up" that the ware had Trained her leg itt throwiug A toe-capskin on that y and that the tree roe- . railey says there Inset auy atm for "Birdie s ' friends not punting to the scratch USA tillt they stational is watcher behind tl.o fence at the, race course rate tiny when he seas roadie:a "A. M.P.," and s hen the said witcher reperted that the horse had beaten the mare's time by 10 seconds, they made up their minds, to pay fi rfeit rather th itt submit ta a "steep." Bailey hal lifted the tteposits, and sighs for more. ,llialriau COPirr.ST. - Six ci'impetit..re, outy tine 01 wh au was a male, made Le:r bow ti & lar46 and audieuce at the reciting neatest held in connec- tion with the Goderieh fleah Sehaol Lit- erary Society, on Friday evening last. The prize was 95 worth' ,d bookr, offered by the 11. S. L S., and open members Uf the Society. Tile Colitell. tants were : Eber Hogarth, K. Ball, Phiebe Smith, Mamie Sveginiller, Nleg- gie Camerun and Kate Macara. Emir of the *teeters proved to hive many sup- porters among the audience itt their merits, but the judges were unanint...es in their award, althouals acknowledeine a close 'Contest. The announcement ef the judges' decision has Leen (Merry 1 until the closing meeting of • the term. The judgei were Mts. Fletcher, atiti Messrs. Jaines Mitchell and Thos. Mc- Gillicuddy. Further contests ate to le; held fur prizes in reatlitee, tAe..1.:11 and public speaking. During the evening vocal selections were rendered by Misses Trainer, Ralph, Tighe, and T. Hendee. sun. We had almost forgotten to men- tion that the Prisaideet, Harry Herten, was well received in his epening &tithe's. S. S. ENTERTAINMENT. -A very largt. andienee of young and old assembled in Knox Church on Tuesday evening last, to witness the untertaiument given by the scholars. The solos of Eva Ralph, Nelly Straitton and Bertie Herelersen, ba organ acc.,mpaniment were beautifif.- ly rendered for so youeg singers, and some of tfic recestems and dialogues were capitally given. The programme was a very long :me, but was given with- out any delays, and the applaura dpr- ing the evening testified to the plestsdre of the asseent.1 • The recitation by little Gracie Johnston deserves special mention. The collection amounted to tho tauldstene sum at 921.75. and will be added to the library fund Miss .Seee- miller presided at the organ in splendid style, and Mr. A. Saunders handled tbe chorus of sweet voiced girl's. .The fel- lowipg are the names if those who took an individuel ,itt in the programme, in addition to tilose alreadv named :- Misses Henney Polley, Ada Watson, Clara Smith, Susie Steep, Miry. Miller, Mabel Cameron, Annie Waddell, Rose Currie, Kate Currie, Josie Old, Annie Lawson, Stahel McKenzie, Nellie Mc- Kenzie, Nellie McIver, Maggie Miller, Jessie Straittone, Grace Polley, Ester Roberteon, Kate Baker. Nina Strachan, Katie Russell, Florence Smith, Emily Esude, Mary Caig 1 and Mutate Percy Miller, E Oarrow anti Alex. McVicar. CUTT/N, DOWN TUE BIG emirs. -On Tuesday last considerable indignation was created by the fact that the street inspector. with a gang of men, began an onslaught on some of the large trees in the Seuare. At first the act was looked upon as a piece of vandalism; but when it was explained that the large tree was being cut down tin that the smaller tdlett mialit not' bp robbed -of sustenance, pep- ular fury in some degree moderated. Be the excuse a good or it had one, the pub- lic works committee could easily have refrained from felling fhe big tree until the autumn titne had ccrne, and then it would not have been so much missed. The public wcrks committee was far be- low par in public estimation on Tuesday lest. ' Oenezu.ows' Segnott. • On Sunday last Huron Lodge. No. 62, I. 0.0. F.. met at their lodgeroom, accompanied by twelve or fifteen visiting- brethren from Clinton, London end other points, proceeded to Knox church, where a special sermon was preached by Rev. J. A. Turnbull, 11. A., from a portion ef the 26th verse of the 19th chapter' of the Acts of the Apostles, "And bath made a one blood all the nations of men." At the close of the sermon the members niarchea back te the lodge-rnom where a vote of thanks was passed t the rev. gentlenaan for his able and interesting discourse. The visiting brethren were hospitably entertained by Goderich lodge during their stay it, town.. HYME:SRAL -Olt Wednesday at 1:30 .m., at the residence of Mr. Harry lucas, Mr. Joseph Rattenbury, of Clin- ton, to Slim Martha Logan, were united in the hely bonds ot matrimony. The ceremony was performed by the Ven. Archaleneen Elwood, assisted by Rev. Mr. Walters. The bride was arrayed in garnet satin and velvet. The brides? maids mere Miss Eliza Logan, sister of the brule, eiVo wore b-tbwn satin; Ann - Miss Alice Rance, a Clinton, who wore a handsome suit of electric' light satin, richly trimmed with ecru lace. The groomsmen were Mr. R. Logan, brether the.bride, and Mr. Harry Rance, nf Clinton. The invited guests were the relatires of the bridal party. The bride received 3 great number .1 valuable presents in silver, and a number in crys- tal. The bridal luny left at 3:15 p.m., fel- Detroit, emeist it shower of rice and rain. We wish them never ending hap- piness. 1'RIIMENTATIoN.--011 Thursday, the last evenine (4 the %!4.11th of May devotions at St. Peters, the inetabers ..f the ty of the B. V. M. and choir of St. Peters met at th •• fe.T.1 ' fur the purpose a presenting Miss .len• ni• Cooke, organist, with an address and gift as a token a eepreciation for her services aurine the inenth if May at matins e1511 erefting henteliction. The a %cry !Arai, and hand- seutely heunil fetal album in brewn and geld. and a been:aid silver ca ie ceit•er. mei 1,. n 10,4 hailer ernamented.• with a silver email en imp side elf the , receive •. and a butterfly on the ether. The le u u.t holder is .,f eleettic light e dereil crests' with pretty gilt floral d sines. Mies Mary Meelrew..r present, ird the iebirees and loft le the Ilattle 01 the P., Ana itt. I I:. Ifi•s Cooke n we. e olly uni•repare.1 ter the pleasing surpriae, and thank, -4 the doni rs for their thenehtfail appreciatien .1 her en• desveure to do bee dint as •mwanial of et r'obtor.• , The Fenian of the Big Tree. Hood, tnien, Beare Cie: tr, .• The Judge. "Touch* not eingle bough." -The Master in Chancery. " In youth it shelterea me.'' --The County Crown Attorney. " But you can't protect it now." -The Street Inspector. "1 chopped &Awn the Crst growth . -- The Sheriff. "It's a piece of ---- vandaliam."-The Captain. , " There's nothing shady nhota the --The Public Works C4 kniniittee. " It will make fuel fee the poer.1", The Relief Cotnniit tee. " I heal to bough to the inevitable.' - The Big Tree. .• "Now we'll have a chance ti spread ourselves." -The Little Trees. rreparlag for Illeaslaloa Day. The preparatiens 1- tine successful holding of a series of millet ic games in Godasich on Dominien ,day are going onward. A meeting of' the large eom- mittee entrusted with the carrying out of the programme on the occamott was held on the evening of Friday laat, and committees were struck and the thfferent sections of the work' duly apportioned out. The following are TUC cvnimITTTILL Collecting -A. Crystal, C. A.. Nairn, W. L Horton E. 'VanEvery. Clucas, H. Ituthwell, F. W. Jelinsten. Fireworks -A. Dickson, 11. Claim, T. kie Denney. C. A. Huinber. _ Band -W. Mitchell, J. F. Rob-iiiion, Foot Races- -Jas. Robinson, E. R. Watson, Geo. Sheppard. M. C. Seaman° Stanley Hays, II. Rothwell. Inside Games -D.C. McKey,R. Giv lit, Geo. Stiven, E. Belcher, .1. W. Smith, E. Elms, E. Russell, Jas. Mitchell. Goas-yetepleass-J. McCelloch, Geo. Cox, D. Glass, D. C. Strachan,Ed. Dun- can. Bicycle -W. Welsh, M. Nicholson, J. Kidd, R. S. Williams. Children's Games -Jac Addison. P. Adamson, A. Straiton, Butler. Quoits -J. Sothic A.„Crystal, W. A. Colborne. A nieeting of the general c.,ininittee will be hell' in the conned chamber this Fri•Itty evening. ousel keels 1_11._e Iispd There. The members of the ceunty c,,uncil are as a rule, u gay and ((Wive let, ene nev- er nue@ the opre•rtunity anttliint turns up to excite them. .1n •anttsipj itictient geatletnen present thought it *musing happenel at the efternoun sitting en Toesday, county clerk Adamson was rea.'ing out a pewter' front eertein par- ties in and ereund Hayfield, praying f.T tidier% to be taken by the vented to cent- ; pel Mr. Thompson to oleoi in his I Milidnin The clerk was very deliberate , in resiling out the names a the peotien- ' ereowing, doubtlesa. to the un-sperwer- Itan character of the chirognephy. Final- ly he stopped, and peed steadily at one 'f the names which Repaired to him te be familiar, but eut • f 1..catime.After look Mg SteatifilAti) @Aid, "Itise,it Nauss be; thats what ateri . Julta tUJi,tjbut I didn't lime% le toed itt Baylield.' latwls frf.os the te•uncillors that greeted tins ittatenielit illeallt s eatehing funny, and enquiring alt. re the lok• was, we found that "John Collins " was the pet nettle .,f • beverage tuuch en - jolted et news Le rsens of quelity, and °then. tries Tenie.ree,e / Illetetinf itt tsuiparance delegates wallitt. dousider the question ..4 holding held at fleinuiller (a Saturday a union tennitratiee t.ictiie. The follow • lag lodges were represented by dele- gates, Lentlesboro, Blyth, Auhurn Leat- hern, Saltforil anal Be kkkkk iller. It was tuirecal t.. hold a grand picnic at the fells, LIcnenlIer au Saturday, June 23r1, the various beiges to race; at the temperance hill as 10.90, and march in pretties' to the grounds. Mr. Platt has kindly cemented to the use of his grounds. 31embers .4 ledge* are letiWOOSIKI tap - pts r in regalia er hedge. A C4.111illittOW WAS appointed t.. ingage a Lead and seeure speakers ter the ec- casion. If eaesible, the sert•ices of 0. W. 'toss, M. P., will be secured, in ad - &nap to kcal 'porker& Ni tains will ht; spared by the camsuittee tn making this the greetteet temperance tiemonst ra- tem ever held itt the C ,uuty. All are cordially itt'. ketl. UNIVERSITY HONORS. • teaderleh (*plait. the 4.:trld 15, 41 for Claw.lc• Other Ilea•r• for eine Kish There was a flutter itt educational circles when the Uuiversity of Toronto class list for the academical year just cheat was pubished, ei. Waltiesdey. It was then seen that our boys at the University had demi well, and kept up the reputatien a the Goderich High Scheel. J. C. Roberteete $ mei W. 11. Robert - gen. :.t the early inns ef niulete,euu wins his B. A., Alla tile geld medal in classics. Mr. ReLaerts..n • c veer has been very promiiing. At twel%•e years of age he teased the naterulediate examinstian, arid three years later matriculated at T. rout° University. taking the 3rd scholarship for erueral proficiency 8140. Next year, 1ee0, he captured the 2nd scholarship in classics, ;$100.In 1881, the Macdonald Bursary, general Preficiency, fell to him ; and 1882 brought him the o•Iltege prize. and the lst schol- arship, a elite, little Lest egg et $150. This year lie 'Aka* the college prise again, and cape it ly the te•Itt- medal. He has received 8100 hi scholerehips. etc., dur- ing his course. He cerries his honors well, and has a host cf friends who look fur a contmuance of his brilhant and succeseiful career. D. McGillivray, gold medallist of last year, else a eery young Dian; gets Isis B. A. Heim now teaching in Brantfordcol- legiate Institute. • C. L. Crassweller (who has been 'both teacher and pupil in our High 'cheek,: gets his li. A. This is particularly credit- able, as he has been engaged all theyear teaching in Pickering College. • Hugh Devisor:es-third year's standing -honors•iu tueptal and mem' philosophy and civil polity • Rev. J. A. Turtibull, 11. A.. has now the c(ieeted title LL B., to add to his !tame. He is a Hurim boy. but nit uf the Gederieh High sellout. I). 0. Cameron, 01 Lucknow, nown to tome of our realer., (got the silver medal in natural science. II0 n s.o rta 1. tir KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR TT HER and Hitir-dresser, begot() return liankalte the public • for past patrt.nase and ' incite • continuance ot custcm. He can always be found his blbacing l'arlor.near l'o (Mice Ouderich. 1753. Legal. -C. IlVE, ')L1e1rtIR o.; 01itt , • corner of the square and West stmti, lq,t1 ch. oc er Butler's bookstore. money to lent at lowest rotes of interest. Ems it. LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Attorneys. Solicitors ln Chancer/ Sm. Olnite in the court House. Otderich. IRA LIM*. 3I.A. B.C.1- E. N. 1.1troliis. 1 0 Anil( tW & PROViWOOT, BAR fonTERs. Attorneys, Solicitors. etc Ooderich. J. T. OarroN W. ProndfOot. 116 Q. EAGER & MORTON, BARR 8- TEtt kc.. kc.. Oodeetch and Wingham. C. Seeger Jr.. bioderIch. J. A. 51orton,WIng ham. 71 . CIA:11E110N, HOLT & CAMERON,1 V Barristers, Solicitors in (item -Try. no. 3oderich and `WiRgham. 31. te Cameron. q G.t:.arearen„floderich. W Mscara am 175. Mebical. R. McDONAGH, M.D. PHYSIC - nal'. IAN. SI-110E0N, tire.. Graduate of Ter - onto UM% entry. teeertiete of the Royal Col- lw of Physicians. London, England, Ste.. kc., PeAri.ctit'. P. So Ontario. (mice end residence Opposite Hetet. Hamilton street. 004- .17 1 64m st:Me -LEAN, PHYSICIAN, 'BUR- wtox.C.Astener Ike. Otnee and reeldenee Bruce Sweet. Second door err st of Victoria 1751. HG. MACKID, M. 11 PHYSI- . elan, Ainrsreon and Aceolieher, Graduate of Tereittre I 'nicersit y. OfIlee °pawn le tamcr -on St Carneron's Bank. Lucknow. If not lo office. enquire at "he Bank. t 742-T. 111114. SHANNON & HAMILTON. • Paysicians, surgeons. Aecouchers. ke. ...Mee at Dr. klbasossfs mdekoos. near the Imo; (J44 O. C. ktilast. a:C. If Ann, en o 17111. TAMES SMA1LL, ARCHITECT. &c. ftlf (Mee t'rahh'• Mock . ;nest on et., gods rich. Hans •nel aperilleatioal drawn memo Is Carpenter* plaalereenAad 5ea.. Wart 111011•01red and Volt SALE oR TO RENT -THAT r valuable Property known as the Shep- pardton Store and thr...t (i414,. with ..oarter et an acre of lanel. i• °Rared foe kale or to rent. Mork In store all nr w and fresh this year. Tee proprietor Asa oi her Imainee• ShitIt will re entre. hie ante attention. Anis the went hail of ot i.it. 3, KG. aehlield. *II new la . two renal we, battla. two gond wellsand elentart able frame honown. The lot enritsine lap aerea of whirh ie are cleared and •Il wi'dl fenced Iterneining se eery" heave, 'ITO erect with hardwood. For nartienksr• ebepriardtrie r, IMP