HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-08, Page 3WIVES WANTED
Lanely B i elor's in the North-
West Bewailing Their State.
A smiles to Provide Nays sad Nesse of
aieertsm melpaale.,
Wixxtrw, May 24th, 1$83.
To IE.tltur of The Ilun,u :e into.
Daae Ste, -.liter wniridetable discus -
rico, it was decided by a number of
young wen to hold a meeting at the rem -
donee of Jnu. Buchanan, jr., to discuss
a question which often truub .•. pout g
men at certain periods of the ye:tr.
There were present at tins eooncil
Messrs. Buchanan, llsyduu, 4tirliog,
Morris, Phillips, 1;: 1 and Donaldson. it
was moved, amr.uolud and carried, 'at
Messrs. Stirhnyg and Morris he el airman
and secretary, respe•:tively.
After the aamgule of an appruplia'e
piens "f music, iu which all joined, the
dustman stated that the object of the
meeting was the consideration of a par•
Wider grievance which, as was rightly
considered by a great many, lessened the
chances 411 sumceas of Souter( own settling(
inl this country. He went un t.. say that,
according to the repurle of emigration
agents, the index of ueuple to this u.u.•-
try is greater than ever before, hut that
the number of warriatteabie young
ine coming here is deplorably omit. He
then kindly invited those prestit to
express their opinions as to what induce-
ments could Ise t eld out to young ladits
in Ontario "to mime over to M•nitota
and help m."
Mr. Phillips, whosg face was by this
thee covered with angelic smiles. then
took the &or. He stated that, although
it had been asserted by a. minister that
there were nineteen hundred young man
in Beautiful Plaine who were loafing for
batter halve., iced, although the number
in other parts of tale country was pro-
portionately large (.age of whom wet.
compere! in the emergency to take
young sguaws_untu themselves), he con-
sidered it advisable that we proceed with
motion in the undertaking, and confine
*sr operatioua at drat to securing pert -
sere for ourselves. According to his
opinion for single sate is nut what it is
erseked up to b., and his determination
is to join the army of beeedi.ta
Kr. Buchanan broke in with hurried
words, "Thea .re are my sentiments
too. I est;itely agree with Mr. Phillips ;
having had a good trial of single bless -
edema, I prescience it a failure. The
find young Wei* who accepts ray pro-
posals shell hale her fare paid to thin
The members in one voice caned on
lir. Hayden to odd hes opinion to those
already gine. Demur has it that this
young man is expected home the com-
ing fail on important bounce. How-
ever, be that as it my, he now thinks
such a emerge would entail on him need-
less e.peoditere, and he hes determin-
ed to act in accordance with the resolu-
tions pained at this meeting.
Mr. Old quite concurred with those
above-mentioned, and. desired the pim-
ento of correspooding with old and ex-
p.riesced iodise, who would be able to
give hien the benefit of the experience.
Mr. Donaldson .rid ho world not be
particular in selecting his partner, the
only proviso being that she should not
to greeter in stature than himself, cope-
eWly it .h. b. rod -headed. His reason
for inserting the above condition, w.te
his fear of future consequences. He
with solemn aspect advised all present
always to have an eye to the future.
The secretary, unhappily, was not
snowed to myanything in the matter,
but he secrety tna'.d up his mind that
he would at least share in the suocese o.f
the uad.rtakiog provided it should t
S.lds Nlaetaa-
The natives of Australia facilitate the
teron'i mies of wooing in a wonderful way.
If a young mart fanciea a pretty girl, he
just knocks her down, sliuts her over his
shoulder and carries her have
A love-sick Kalmuckgatb.rshisfriends
together, makes a raid on the hu of
his inamorata, cudgels his inti ded ite-
er-in-law, and bangs him irospective
mother-in-law, and carries the maiden off
ni du roue.
1u Esquimaua yuuth must tint show
his ability to las a household by slaugh-
tering a bear. If he can do this he is
thought tit to grapple with the dangers
of rat trineony. Having accomplished
this feat hu cants hii eye about fur a
spouse. He forthwith seizes her. She
bites, kicks, scratches :nd yells, while
an t'.ii women in the v.ilage rush to her
rescue. But if the young man can catch
ker twice more after Wing rescued, she
is his. As some E eluiw uua woman have
brawny arms and use whips of untanned
sealskin the chase is quite exciting to
the young mor.
In Central Asia the tribe give the girl
a show. They mount her on a fleet pony
and she starts of int the plain with a
tribe .4 youths after her. She generally
marmites to let some espmial favorite
come up with her first.
In the great Eastern Islands they have
• race for it. A course is staked out the'
girl is given a start, and if she can get
three times round the stake first she is
free, but it is generally noticed that the
fleetest -footed maidens are often slow on
such occasions.
In Singapore they have a canoe race.
The gid has a big stars, paddles her own
canoe, and can generally escape or get
caught as she mess 6t.
In the country of the Khur'ds, a man
wraps bis bride up in a red sloth and car-
ries her home like a sack of meal all the
Ladies pelting him with stones. This cus-
tom affords an admirable opportunity
with slighted beauty to get even with a
gay Latbario.
In France a man dickers with the pa-
rents of his intended, of whom be' sees
Tittle or nothing till the trade is fairly
In England a youth makes lore to his
prospective mother-in-law and toadies his
angel's father. It they see 6t, he begins
the ohms afar the object of hie affection.
A long purse or a good rent -roll have been
found excellent weapons for this species
of hunting.
In America the young people take the
whole business into their own hands. It
is a kind of go -as -you -Ogre chase all
through,and if the goal is very often the
divorce court,it save an immense amount
of responsibility tothe old folk., and
smooths rough ways most effectually. It
is the girl, too, who often does the hunt-
ing, if the quarry browses on banking
stocks and railroad bonds.
It was now moved by Mr. Phillip,
seconded by Mr. Buchanan, and enani•
moualy startled. "That in our opinion
it would be to the advantage of young
men settling here to be assisted, in their
endeavors to success in life, by virtuous
and industrious helpmates; and we do
hereby solicit any far y wog daughter's
- of Eve whu wish to enter into the holy 1
bonds of matrimony, to correspond with
the above patties, all of whom are now
residing in the city of Winnipeg. We
faithfully pq,nrise to provide all the ;
luxuries and comforts that our circuit•
stances will permit, and as to loving,
cherishing, etc., we are the must tender- I
hearted young men in Christendoui. "
Ladies in oorresponding will please
state all particulars and enclose photos. ,
No old maids need apply, (except to the
ttentleman named above who expressed
himself in favor of old girls ;
df succeisful in this underta'.iug, it is
not impossible that we shall t•itablish a
sort of marriage agency.
After passing coeds of Thanks to the i
chairman, and to' J. Buchanan for the
use of his residence, and after conte aur -
raising, on the part of the parties to the
undertaking as to the result of our enter -1
prise, the meeting cloned with apiece of
- music entitled "There's a girl called
Dinah over there."
JNo. STEnr,,Nt:. T. J. Noetic.,
Chairman. Secretary.
--- I ii ,an. S i 1,'c on. 12 A. D„ fronting I black announcing that the execution had I
Ream's Fluid Light ales , „divisionline. The fviiowing ac ; taken place waehoisteJ over the Jail at ! Amt s:1
• Is tho only instantaneous relief for Nen- , counts were ordere l t • he paid James ! g' o clock. • A strong force of police and ; tomes 1n 1I, r.,
ral,gia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Huh- , Mitchell, printing 83._3: Jonah nil- ; military were present. Everything went I .raw Net wrnrtx n.,, ti,.
bin,( a few drops briskly is all that is need- I lard; !C) ceolar poit t, 1' 'r per .ter' i,'n on ,off quietly-. A small crowd collected ton, an ! r•x e=
ed. No taking nauseous medicines for ; hill: co n. 3, a: 13c. per 1, t. $10.40 : ',outside the prison, % few of whom knelt - .a. Gjr
weeks, but one minute's application re• I Mr. D revel, cutting lupi en die i,i,,n lane in prayer for the repose of Fsean's soul. C M; =
,hes• , `. 1.•t
May 26th, 1453.
The council met at Finlay's School
house. The minutes of last meeting
e read and signed. Letter from
Margaret and Rose Maguire asking fur
relief, Letter from Martin Leigh call-
ing the attention of the council to 'the
state of the road on hill • near his farm,
let 3, c„n. 3, E. D. Petition of Wm. T. I was surfaced up filled, with artificial
Yellow and a tags number of ratepayers,
requesting the council w cut dawn and c lovers, made attractive by several nae-
grade the hill south of Pillows mill. Port row gauge Short lines of red trimming,
Albett. Moved hy Mr. McMurchy, which shirted around and centered at a
seconded by Mr. diare, that Mrs. Har- common terminal point on the crest of
dy be paid the sum of fifteen dollars
Railroading s Nodding.
The radioed reprter, with a neap
spread before him, was busily engaged
in madding the last link t.f a read which
was to Connect the X. 1', W. and the
O. U. H. roads, forming a grand trunk
liue b.tweeu the important puiots of A.
and Z., the local traffic of which would
pay operating expenses, fi;d charges,
five per cent, quarterly dividends, with
au uccasiunal scrip issue to holders of
preferred paper. While thus eagagd,
the society editor turned in his chair,
pulled down his corsage, and said :
"Are you�nluch et a ladies' man "
"Mol les I nut always 00 tier,
although I may Out hook it,' said the
railroad rel.oiter very calmly. "At one
time I ass a regular standard-gauge,
steel rail stone ballast swell, but of late
years I Lave uncoupled from that sort of -
business, and have been running - on a
different line,"
"Du you think you could relieve ons
to night of a recherche affair among the
creme de la creme, and do justice to the
tout in semble of the soiree?"
"I think I can if there's time to make
the transfer without missing c,nnee-
"You'll be ou time to witness the
denouement. ht's the marriage of Col.
D'Oille. daughter. Pay stria attention
to the bride's costume, and write up a
detailed description of it."
The railroad reporter took out his
linen duster from the bottom of his seri-
Wire and started for the residence of
CoL D'Oille. Among the wedding
notices next tnoruing was as following :
Last night a large number of high joints
blockaded the residence of Col. D'Oille
to witness the marriage of his lovely
daughter, Jennie Baptiste, to the Hon.
JohnQuincyJeema, jr. CoL D'Oille was
general manager of the entire guest syr
tem,and had his headquarters established
in the dining.room, and only left his post
and the sideboard where the geotl.men
were frequently side-tracked for repairs,
to go through the parlors ou a trip of in-
spection. Kra Col. D'Oille acted as
euaaiisioner of the guest pond, superin-
tendent of the dining service, and spent
most of ker tiros fixing the divisions of
the supper cognise and seeing them for-
warded to destination on schedule time.
It was, in fact, a Miller platform, West-
ing house brake,psper car wheel oogasion.
Just before the arrival of the reverend
eonductor who was to pull the bell cord
for the matrimonial trait.,, Col. D'Oille
left the sideboard and started op grade
with a limey lead, and in consequence
slipped en eccentric and came into the
parlor running on one side, but was flag-
ged down in time to prevent his jaw-
ing hie headlight through a bay window.
The Colonel, res stopping to bit his tank
too often, lost the right of way, and did
not witness the ceremony.
The bridge, a Slender beauty, was
dressed in a flowing rebe de chambre of
yellow tinted bobnet muslin a la ecru,
looped up at the sides with a Hungarian
pompadur of olue grenadine and fichus
of Quedn Anne ghmp. The dress was
cut on an incline of 4:3 degrees across
the shoulder, and curved around under
the left aria. The bosom of the fair
bride was surmounted with a trestle
wort of Louis XIV lace, and her waist
for board and o attendance on the late her polonaise. Down rho front u1 the
John Boyl. Muved by Mr. Whitley, robe was a midland' route of antique buff
secoaded by Mr. Griffin, that Mr. Clare serge. intersected by numerous feeders
be instrtu:ted to have the hill. culvert nE c>st'.y fez merino. -[t hicagio Tiroee.
and that opposite lots 3 and 4, con. 9, I
on 3 and 4 S. R., repaired as conve•
nient.• VL,ved by Mr. Griffin. secoud-. Fagan'. Late.
ed by Mr. McMdtechy, that R. DtLong I -
be pyaid $2 for iespecting foot bridge i Dahlin, May _•i.-Mlichavl FA,:u,, ,:n.•
across the river at Port Alpert. and that of the •Pho•aix 1':u -k murderers, ran
Geo. Hoa•kins br paid $35 for building 1 hanged ;this morning. Fagan. was c
the bridge. 'Neve,' by Mr. McMurchy, victcd of t!:e murder of Burke. TLe ex -
seconded by Mr. Clare, (iia: the sum of ! eeation took in kiln tinhsm Jail. Sine•-
os granted for cutting the hill he received seuteaac F'a3.an hila boo,
s oath "t Yellow's mill, the work to he i vett attentive to the in iustructieas of
sui•erir':ended by Ilr. Griain. Mlored priests who visited him. In an inter
by Mr. Whitley. scowled by Mr. Mc- viw recently with rolatires ho declared
141ur. !u-. Coat $100 be granted each sub. ho haul nut hurt a hair of Burke's heed.
division of roads. Mowed by Mr. Clare, His in .then, who teas coutident of hi,.
lseconded 1•)- Mr. Gratia, that the clerk innocence. - wrote to the Queen repe-ttin.'
notify M. James Howard tt) build a 'title tltr'atiuu. Her letter was not
wire ft.,Lez "lice on the front of his lot E j answered. Canon Kennelay attended
1 2. coon. 10 1V.D.: also+ Mr. Patrick I the c•,ude:une.l man this morning. The
Th. secret td beautey ti s in pure blood
need g."'d I.e elth. Burdock Blued Bitters
is the grand key that unlocks all the
secretions. It cures all Seroluous Dis-
eases, sots o.t the Blued, Liver, Kidneys
Skin and Bowels, and brings the bloom
of health to the palid cheek. 2
Simply miraculous is all I can say .f
the effect of Dr. Vain Buruu's Kidusiy
Our. in any case. An elderly lady
writes this from Antigonish, N. B., who
had suffered from pains in the back fur
twenty year. Sold by J. Wilson Gode-
rich. 2n.
As the frosts of winter Tallish under
the caloric intlnenoe 4•1 the sun's rays,
so does Bright's Disease, Dropsy, stone
in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Innen
oration of the Kidneys, leave the body
upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu
ren'a Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson,
A nirrat Discovery.
That is daily bringing joy to the homes
of thousands by saving puny of their
dear ones from an early grave. Truly is
Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump-
tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in
the Thrust, Pain in Side and Chest, or
any disease of the Throat and Lang', a
positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial Bot-
tles free at J. Wilson's Drug Store, Large
sive $1.00. (tf)
The worst Scrofulous Sores, the most
indolent Tumor, and the most foul Ulcer
known may be cured by the combined
nae of Burdock Bitten and Burdock
Mediae Ointment. Ask your Druggist
for these iatallibi. remedies. 2
Ro masenaW mad Tms.
Alonzo Howe, of Tweed, was cured of
a fever sore of thirty fire years' duration
by nix bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters.
He had suffered terribly, and tried man
remedies in vain. He considers Burdock
Blood Bitters a marvellous medicine. 2
Hair Vigor
restores, with the gloss aad freshness a Sonia,
dried or gray hair to • natural, reek hewn color,
or deep black, as may be desired. By wow light
or red lair may he Diatom!. thin bair thickest*,
and baldness ogee, though not &lway., cured.
It checks falling et the hair, sad stttaal.ves a
weak sad sickly growth to vigor. it pe r.aa ser
cares scurf sed dsndrst/. and keels wrly every
disease peculiar tomho scalp. Asa Led4..' Mat
Diming, the Vloon is unequalled ; it cant les
anther oil nor dye, room ere hair .oft, glassy,
earl silken 1n appearans., ar imparts • Hellenic,
agreeable, and batlsa perfume.
Ma. C. P. Bateman writes MOM Imp, 0., lair
3, 1 i : " list fall 'my hair commenced faille.
out, and la • short Was I seems nearly bald. ''tI
seed of • bottle of rlea ham
which�stoppeed the fauing alt`hee hair. and atarsoa
•sseew growth. 1 harm now a fall head of hair
YU osavtacisa that hon
for thr vigorously,ppa
use preparation1 should ham b...
entirely bald.'
.1. W. Bowser, proprietor of Um Me.driit►(1M .)
Enquirer, say.: "Armes HAIR Vioos Is a most
eseelie.t proparnp.a for the hair. I speak of it
from my own experience. Its me promotes the
growth "f new hair, and make. it Mossy and soft.
The V twos is alas a sere sem for fandroQ- Iree
within my knowledge bas the prepmi&iou mar
failed to give entire satisfaction."
11115. A'nra FArfnaraw, header et the este-
bride(' '• FairteiiraPuffy "of Scottish Vocalists,
writes from Boehm Mins., F,b. 6, te80: liver
+Ince my hair began toglvesilrery evldenee of the
change which Grating me ptocuretb I have aged
Ar aa'e HAIR Vro.,a, and BO have been able CO
maltetatu an appearance of youthfulness -a mat-
ter of a,osiderable eoa..gwe.as to mialpten,
orators, actors, and in tact every one who lives in
the eyes of the public."
Mus, 0. A. PoEaMrr, writing from 18 Elm .41.,
(•arrrI,atotea Mas.., ,April 14 1P slaystwo-thirdsYears ago about two-thirds ofi my hair came off.
It thinned very rapidly, and I was fast growing
bald. on using At KR'S HAM Viooa the falling
stopped and • new growth commenced, and In
about a month my head wail oompletely covered
with abort hair. It has continued to grow, and is
now as good as before It fell. 1 regularly used but
one bottle of the Vows, but now tow It oecasfoa-
ally as • dressing."
We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the
etecacy of AYas'e HAIR Vicom. It needs but a
trial to convince the most skeptical of Its value.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by an Druggists.
I I noir Kest- and I
\rest. I'e. to 8t. .lo.^ph,
Wenn. T,lpcka-Dent.
son, Dn1las.
l,I Js-,
moan all pain and will .rove the great I coo. u. $10 : Ktnetlt MtcKenz:e. repair- , The c'ndenii:o l mein was
At the Oldest Established Shoe St-'r..tat Towm,
In Endless Variety,
to suit the moat faatidiuus and tit' moos economic buyer
L now Complete, and I take plauure in infern•ing my customers that at era pre
viuus time have I had such a
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have raised the Standard of tlua/fty and, Lowered the Price unti
it is a positive fact that no such value in foes wear c t be got elsewhere.
of every -grade still receives my prompt and cslwtul attention, and will bests a up
in the most approved styles by brat -class workmen, and
of the very best material obtainable.
_ ow�TING_
You wilt Saw Ireney by Buying Your
Groceries E Provisions
I .14I1..TOaT Err REET.
We are Now Selling This Season's
From 30cta per ib to 75cta. •
New Currants, New Raisins, Coffee, Sugar, &c.
Will be Sold Proportionally Cheap.
Extra Family Flour
$2.25 per 100 lbs
A Full Supply of
Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Bran, Short, etc.
Always on Hand.
The Best Quality of Coal Oil at the Very Lowest Prices.
=lowz'aiza.g Wei.d n p
Beg t. announce to the Public that they have opened ba.ioese im she...5... tion
M the store la!ely occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and
wen assorted stock of Spring acid Summer Goods at close figures, we are determined
_ •y to give the Public the benefit.
pa -Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere.
,P -Remember tho Place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store .
grer-Custom work will receive our special attention.
Aar -None but the beat of material used and tint -class workmen employed.
Air Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice.
Goderich. March 9. 1582. DOWNING & W E D D U P
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, God erich.
Agood assortment of Kitchen, Red -room. Din!ng Room andf Parlor Furniture. vouch as Ta
hies. Chairs hair. cane and wood seattdl. Cupboards, Bed -steads, Jlattreseca. Wash-staodm
Lounges, Sofas, What -Note. Looking Glasses. t
N. 13.-1 complete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds always on Lat:d alto lit al w• s (er bin
at reasonable rate .
i'icture Framing a ,pet•:ally.-A call solicited
pale, tout ap
ty fire cents per bottle at Gee. Rhyn ►i VV cMtet, expenses provider; a t:.nue ar d iia' ntalte-,u*. 1 ly c-,n:'•l 1 , cruet Al
Drug Store 2 iguardiaa for deserted c'.id 4. f•4: Win. Before ono octhe aeitequ!i..! �j r,rou hGar
outgo' the act t 11 Fd g \,, • , ` , 9 toes r -��
value of Kraut's Fluid Lightning. Twen-' in, culvert lot 3 con. 1.. 84 : P. Obert' peare.d reeitneol t ' his hte. Death wets' e„ ,
ee i •ails J21 :-
'.les • ••• 4 Q," •.t�.:� ~ s • !
'+ aunran,rn
- --�- I McGrery, repairieg co%ert on S. R , 3 toll the priest who attended him .he a.i +••• •
s Dearly Rreeaarndaflea., and 4 i, if::: Thos. Cr.o•. , huiitiiu4 , hoepe l Iri•it:ueu woul,1 avail fecret seem -
that he has taken Burdock Blo•.e1 liittets S. S. 1•' 1., for the use o'f echo 1 house°4 3c±
Jseoh A. Empty, ,f Cannautor•',atates culvert, to 11, tent 10. !13 : trustees of hes
with great uenefitinalingeringcomplaint for polling purpoees. 84: Margaret and
and adds that he would gladly recent- Rose Maguire. chiritr. li10 : Mrs.
Seeing is believine. Read the to -eh
' ..
mend it to all. 2 Donaghy do., rl : Mrs. Griffin do , 114i ; menials m the pnsmphlet on Dr. Van ,�T aVr = ' e^
Mrs. Tifimas.lo., t#a. The c •uneii ad- iluren's Kidney l'nre. then bey a bottle revotgh -? •
An flaais in the desert is no brighter , jaunted to meet again at the 8tote place and relieve yourself of all those distress- Tickets ria O� ni •Soo ata _ ; Li
light to the wandering Arch than a bottle on Saturday, the 23r.i Jut:o'. , in; pains. Veer Dr Ig feet can tell yea Cr:"hated r
of i r. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is to' The Court of Revision ut at two) all ai«out it. Sold lhy.f R-il.onGoderich sates' all""'.
the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney ! o'clock p. ns The appeals were taken 2m rhe 1-. a all
Disease. it is a perfect, positive and i up in "roar. A reduc:iun o f $1:.0 each _ cater -
ppeermnnent cure. Sold by J. Wils..n , was made in the essesstnen: W 1 11. co n.
tiedcrich. 2m : 3. and E i 10, c on. 3 E. D.; R 'pert, Ilosoit. r ' C.as Ertl See -The Qoeeu
Trot:int-at' s **sew -neat anstsined. The has conferred the !vapor of Kuizhlh•a. i
F.64`17 remota te ter amen' sus • wee._ of .I. M. 1: ''oet is entered on the u} on R .lerick Canter.u.Catutdien Coln
in this life must have n e:'ed•ialty ; that r..11 for the E ! 3. D.nu(ailwn. instead amtasi otter at the Amindivi Ethobiti.n.
is, must eoncenttatethe abilities of body of A. R. McMaster' & 1 :.n i Patrick and Amhrose Shea, Speaitlr of the Noe!
and minl 'on some one pursuit. Bur McCarthy. f •; t!rt E (. c.0. i;, E. D., f'andhtnd Parliatneut. t"'.,' :t.•; H
dock Bitted Bitters has its specialty nit s Instead of Won Ktlipt:rick. The este... ' ^f the. R.Sal Military College, hrteetoe
complete and radical cure of dyapepai*, ment r'11 hiving been aeosn•1od *octet- L s ikon *pp -tinted hy her Ma este.C•otn-
liver and kidney- complaints, and all im• ingle was aced', :e i - ' "1' f.aate�t *Ai ''r til'. M'sr Datinlnish,•
purities of the blood • e 1 J,Irtx Cootie_ •' - •
Try i8.
.. o 1 'rsr.•:i.e • I let. V
r,•,ry, tai ead , • "'ara
„f • dla• . t..m
r •
Buck it...l••'•'. ' an 1 rt:.'rr as a
duet to • bilious elate of the ayyarm, s :• a as HM-
I aloes., Naos 1, Drowsiness, Districts an, -r c•:1eig.
Ain in the Bid.•, &c. Wt, th.• r meet r.•attrfi=
Mile success !.n. 1... n ali n . , c
C to. B. Jonxerox,
Ticket Ages
Paso. As; t,
Toronto, 4
Fuc stale by
R•adarl.e,y,., amiable 121.1.4'rr1' .a ••r(uWy
valuable in (o,.*I p•ulon, ter:ng a:.d ; r,•c'ming
Idle annoying complaint, while they a -so .orreet
all d{.ord.re of the acini'! , 111 1' 1•. • firm
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