HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-08, Page 22 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY..11'NE 8. 1883 She Poet's Corner. The Little Cemillerter. 1 have a little comforter That climbs upon,my knee, Aed makes the world seem passible When things go wing with me. She never is the nee to ea) you tied one ']f y been More careful and more sensible. This thing had been foreseen.' She blesses pe. ('arttees it • And wbispe : "%ever wind To -morrow night. AU will be right. My wipe. good and kind. - Top iv ate wise and good ad% ice 1 have of friends a score : itut then the trouble ever is, 1 knew it all before. And t% hen one's heart is full of cared Oi••'r plan's all to a mesa, The •. Meat reasoning. 1 think. cart make the trouble less. My Hammes way • Isjust to say: -'oh. papa. don't be sad To -morrow night .i11 will be right. and then we shall be glad. Some think 1 have been much to Llano.. t-uo r coy : "1 told you •0;". And others sigh.: "What can't be helped - \t stet be endured. you know . - • Of cuttrse. if trouble can be helped. Then crying ben vain; • Itut if a wrong will not come right. Why should we nut complain I In Mawie's ea m I'always w ee : • never thinks me wrong: it's understood itt always Rood - Good se the day is iong. All day 1'•e keyr• cheerful face.. All day larva on the strain • vow I may -reel. or 1 may sigh. u: if 1 like complain. My daughter thinks at papa 'beaks And in her loving eight 1 non a viiia pr a lent Juan. el'ho has done nil things right, Faith so cotnpkte. 0 it is sweet; tyhen neither wise :ter strong: But love stand* best The hotter test - 01 sorrow end et: wrong. • ••r` i Lan tome. t,.y 1:' •;v comforter, t . And thtuh upon t:y•khce; - 1 on make the world scan passable \.•hen thing,. go wrung wttb,me.' i.ir you've tt ;..m far beyond The reach -ef any -az:•, • The loving Teri?, T. hopeful trust Thin ix .t .ay...rem:then age,' ekai. ••1'apwe. dears • Now don't you fear:. Ilcfor::u-nnurroste night: The •src-)tui.read nil hate tied. And (O.-- t. ._ ter !Harpers LVeekly. ,1104 Ihad their " boom there, sir, cod new they are reaping the benefit. - Reporter orter " Could you niter trent the short v tit which you made, anything front the appearance of those mendicants to lewd yuu to think that they have beau eittragted long in this manner 1' Mr. 11 - •' Many of thew appeared to hate but recently " taken t.. the read,' t • use • htghwaytnan•1 expression, and as yet showed little symptoms ed want ; but there were others, sir, who completely overshadowed anything -that : ever saw, read, or heard tell of to the line of m•n- dieuncy. But listen, sir, and 1 will n- flh to v ..0 such a tale . f %te as ▪ ill make your heart soften though it Were trade of adanrsnt. Strolling along the main street of Winnipeg one Cvenint," continued.\1r. H., "my attention was sudekn'y arrested by the sound of • young lady's voice with piano atxompani- meat. something appearing to ale to be familiar in the air, 1 listened, and succeeded in catching the following lines : - -"eat is my fate. sad the heart broken riming WIN tII'E( BEGGARS. ' I'm from the County' of Huroli, Lend r -ie ' Q:tarter." The a:voerlenee urn Ilemon•te In the Eno - pare tit) - liegdiratet• n fah 1.V'•udedr Palm. Haunting the •I reel.. had now become quite ample enoug make vhrouds fora family of seven a ter he, but by an ingenious vomit he had succeeded in lapping it in f . around -his body and in buttoning i the back. Added to all this, if could imagine an old and faded Chr eta,' set on the side of his head with utmost nonchalance, and you ha -:e entire personal appearance. `Sir,' gen this: mantel', • you see before as lone wanderer talon the face of eat th. A man, sir, who at ol.,. time copied a proud p,ositien en the edit( tripod, but now'-' Silence, wre thundered 1'. ' vour acknowledgmet your professi.m has excluded front beth my pity awl my purse. Murde said I, • leek ar.emid you upon Will explain my iiueuiug.' ' You had better then,' said 1, ' and t,uiekly too, 1 if you don't wish to become a candidate I fur •eptul:hral ho rs ' Sir,' said he, ' you are, I think, but recently arritud from Ontario ! • Yes,' said l grimey, 'Froin the county of Huron. P'roce'ed.' ' Then, sir,' said he, ' there is but Tittle explanat necessary. Distance, sir, lends enchantment to the view. You bate no doubt, been gazing upon this eouutry with an enchanted vuiuw, hese come here with golden anticilnat• ,but, sir, should yo remain, and are nut possessed of the wealth of • ('nese, you will stun have the tel pulled from your eyes, and objects which are n to you undiscerniole, w41 aeon le ..me plain aid apparent. 4f sir, sin a hying proof of the truth of my words. At one time occupying nue of the highest posi- tions of trust in an Ontario bank, I was, in an evil moment, induced to leave home and comfort, thinking t.. better my condition, and, sir, for throe long months here I roimud these streets, hav- ing not where to lay niy head, until through the influence' of a friend, I was at last elevated to the high position tf a laborer it these streets, and new, sit,' said he, drawing his emaciated and shrunken forum to its, fullest height, and gazing lir jestically around trim, 'I am now receiving front one, to one dollar and half per day, board being but er per week, from which you can infer, sir, that I am now becoming cumpaarstively wealthy, and thank heaven, in • pewi- t• to give to the poor.' . Yes,' said I, • you are indeed already for on the road to opulence, the wealth of the Rothchild' will shortly be nothing to yours. But have • care my friend your fate be not like that of Midas, whose very touch transformed even his food into gold, and who was only saved from starvation by a wash in the river Pme- tolus. You, sir, might be benefitted 1.4 a plunge in the River Asainobidne. It would at least have the effect of purifying your breath. which in addition to the ex- halation which now arises from your person, can nut truthfully be termed ttdorifereua. As for myself, I have no desire to acquire either fame or tor- ture so rapidly. Sir, I amlready be- ginning ginning to see. But if Ise uiself its this unfortunate country lunger than the going out of the next train, then my initials are not T. R. H. Fare you well, sir.' I accordingly got on board the train that night, happy to escape front such a scene of miacry and wretched- ness", but far into the night, long, long after the lights of the distant city had faded into the darkness, high above the Pier, and din, and clanging of the train machin,.,,•, seine unfortunate spirit seemed to whisper in my ear, • Mister, for the lure .af heaven, sir, het in. have a quarter, I'm from the county oleila- The wild deer and wolf to • coyer: can nee, 1:ut 1 have nu refuge from famine ear daatrer, A home or a country remain nut to me. Struck with tke applicability of the lines to many of those 1 had seen around tete, and'strtring to conjecture as to how lung a time must intervene before they would be as applicable to myself, I was aroused from my reverie by a voice at my elbow saying, • dilater, .I'm from the county of Huron, + .n yet let me have a dt ua..er f' I handed the peas fellow tate esired anueunt, as he was indeed such an object of chsrity, as I hope never to gaze upon again ; but scarcely had he time to express his thanks when an ob- ject et far greater misery thus accosted me, Mister, I'm from the county of Bruce, fur heaven's sake. give me a quarter. For three long weeks this stomach,' said he, pointing with a rather theatrical air to the region of his vest, 'hath encountered not the slightest sus- tenance.' ' Sir; said I, as my hand again aught my pocket pocket for the life -glean. • quarter,' 1 have heard many arguments in favor (4 the climate of this country, and have now Ine mason to doubt their trathfulneee, as that atmos- phere must 'indeed be healthy, which unaasisted, can sustain life for twenty- one days.' Others in a state of more or less destitution craved my charity, until -finally at tho sound .'f every footstep' toy hand involuntarily sought my breeches puck.', till an l.hjcct • which I observed appnoachi•7g confined my attention, 1 ale! rendered inti oblivious to all others. Net until this creature had gained with- in a few yards of we Citelli 1 decide au tri whether It were n human being or Mit, but I now saw it was a man, and I c•eald scarcely refrain from n smile at his uncouth appearance. To judge from the size tf his nether garments, he had at one tine been a'man of goodly pro- portions, and of immense corporation, and the leen at once occurred t- me that had he lied in the reign of king Heat/ he :iticlithave formed the original of Shakes' eare's ' Falstaff,' But now -on account . i the wasted eondirion of his person, le* legs occupied Ito more space in pr•p•.rti..it to their covering than pipe stents easulirag'in wafer hucjrets. it sena not, however, his pants alone which caused him to appear se ridiculous. It was his coat. This relic of bygone days, i1 to uch ince olds t at you isty the his be - you the ,tic_ erial to/Et tt of yuu rcr, your " 1'ort Albeit. June 1, deed. We weie in tett late. ;reek in stating that Mr.'T. H. Haxiiins intended . re- . turning tt. Mania le. Such is f,1r front beim; the. case. The Ernirie . Province hath 17 Charms f'•r Min.' In a recent interview .with Mr.- Ilttit•ktus, we were enabled to receive theftdlr wing interim - thin eomcerning that county, which may be of seine ititerttet ty i itendiul mut- - and ethers ;- Reporter--" Is it tree, Mr. Hawkins. that you are a'...ut t.. join the noble army of benediets.:anti return to Mani. work. Gaze upon the scone of ho tuba I have heatd it so stated, and had which sun'tunds you, and trend 1 therefore crime to the CUllclual,en that your approachi'tg fate.. 'lite tears yc,u were contpheely fascinated with the groans of tht upends cry to Heaven country (. ten••• nee upon you and these ..1 Mr.I3.-."Not.'• with a'sad, far elf, 1-311(1.'14as it 11..t.'I continued, ninety -tire dollar ••ot•of•},''cl:et smile- 7•otr pandering to the wiveeso' mon' "1 ma n•,t at tet•eseut .l•aralyeed site ists, your glaring misreptesentati emeeeiteent re,erel t._ ie. and my return that thousand.,. here . been induge is • ab•aitns likely tie the renl•,yal et the leave happy and cntitfoiesble'humes, Iltuse ed' (' v,110 m f -it ':et t tttawa t„ this are compelled to beg for a lei tillage, Though I *ere te lire to the age of 1;t•• ••rttr "Tlien yet 1.-:4114 grubs. thusclah," said Mr. H.,'''I sell n lily net a(1c ire ani :rant' to seek their forget the air yf.comic gi .s•ity which fi•rt i:r grin that t 1 try." almost supernatural levies:- s:- assumed • ?111•, I1 Z'l't:•ly, i"t esactly.jeat. It • gliding from hie he saiel with a 1 is u t , , ni , t.' it ,ny c*ame coiug f., ' it . still lire,' sick at heart, I lila tai h ::r uttt;na•u of fnrutiti about to return to nay l•xlgings, wh prey' ••.r_• l.o it i Cee } serotina .•f' may, low, almost inaud:b}, whisper, be 0101 .0. will -in i:.... eirse , f shalt years me said, ' Mister, I'm from the cou (viol c t ,ti,r n elect lit ]ilio : but :all r'f Hutnn, can you give me a eluart t flirrr a..• , a,.,•t • i ;,11,:1'ttette eee endo.' Turning anddenly to•obsetre die t feet n, have ire h;,s'ttess there, and are "f the voice, I was out -prised to find just about as accrp,r::l,Ie a• the presencethele was no p•erson.tear Inc. Thin of Colorado.beetles in a potato patch." Rertetter-" Did yuu f+.rtn a favorable opinion ••f the teens and cities there 1 Winnipeg. f• r inct:utce, diel it cer- r**Totul to yotir ideal of what the future Zmlpirt• city of this ceutitteut should be. 1111 H. -1\•innipt•c is a elahtp, low-. foggy. l,..,_y. wee. l:la.rahy. t tiser:tble meat of pintocrata, 1•e,.ttfrs, bankrupt mercha:nts.'and ett'.e•eeeker..' armor o at and fur year 'b y ,pol- dnt , and Me - ever this as eer. Was CU a hind City er f' Het • trey-" 1', - ; -foible that there are already 1u:endica'•''a in that ee•l:ntry 1" Mr. H. •` )tetelic•a:its l aye, o-ir. and a tut% .:alt San ras n., other c,.untry alt the world. 1 doubt, can paint to. Why. sit that I must have been mistaken, I ab .alt tit proceed, when in ht. tones the rettuest was repo 'Mister. I'm from the county o1 lie can jou give toe a •tivarter i' 'fi heavens,'. groaned I, 'ani I surr•'ui by evil sprits, or is mendicancy car t., Goch an extent in this unfottu crtutitry, that the spirits of dept taer er is arias from their gra%ts 1" it the tledettian•? 11r. taerc1t lite. th wane creature in possession .d the m heliotrope, which 'tis olid, enables wearer to more enema imitei'vle:' seri ink( a Iran approaching who step ed to be* shade removed from le. a yuttAre :net by theta at (very turn, i. ; I WAS about R. of hies, use r •; ini.-n e4 the matter, when what (very •.cacti; .. t natio.• ' ' • .t' - n hate :a .• (nen •f'.r.n ,. toetiun;t trhichbeexteneledberme rent *n'1 cure the worst ewes, even elan that A ct•riesp ondent in the Northwest re - king ports a great dearth of wives and domes - :L,; tic servants, and expresses a her that steel , the gentler sex will have comp:mten upp- itt I e n the lonelybachelors of the North- •rCat ' west iced go there to settle in larger nunt- trttat bers than formerly. He relates an Guns- mith I ing, instance which came under his per - nate sonal notice recently, Where a local ball rted was attended ley three, young ladies and reify young ltacheh rs. The struggle for the loaners of the dance was ititcre+itinz, is is and after an hour's yigortus d:utcing,ihe agic the '1•"ung ladies hill to retire utterly ex- Ul. haunted by their well•moant endearer, t7a. • I to add to the pleasure of the evenjtv:. Reporter --'":i is indeed a harrowing and a aloirowful tale: The Lights I see arenot.get put nut in yonder hustlerv. Let us tbyther wend ourway, and revile wealth and iigi ity. The man who pre - our spirits with it glass of Well's beget." Make Time I.r needles. That mail, be he lawyer, merchant, f trimer ..r mechanic, is dwarfing and metalling himself who does nut broaden his experience and widen his life by the readingef books. unto.. arelbeth dame and fuel to an aspiring eater : they fur- nish the impulse and the material for tgoesof re wth,and th x rrwn that ee 1 gi'a without them is generally uu ntelligettdi materialistic, or sel•h. Yinknots an tallow dips have thrown the first glow over most great careers. Nt man who would stake the most of himself can af- turd t.. iguere the capital whicu liters. ture has aecmnulate.1 and which can te borrowed for the asking in sUn:r p roper - Gutted to the mental reep••usibility tt the borrower.Boy* who are hard at work in adores, offices, ships, and on the faros, men and women at the game t et:a- dios, are the very persons wit., can get the in. et pleasure, vitality and help out of be.oks ; but how are they to el.. it ! It ie an easy clatter ft•r the man ••1• U01111711 at leisure, fortune, or short werking- hours, to read ;but the farm hand, the type Getter,- the salesman, . have long hours. continuous and exhaustetl work :. under such conditions how can they be expected to read 1 There aro a few ,people, . a eery . few, whose work toucher. at each end the very limits of timeanet strength : but the great majority of people who have no time' arc mistaken. It is a comuu,n saying that if you want a thing done you must take it to a busy man ; which simple means that the man who has capacity for vetting things done has discovered how to use his time. His dal is no longer than that of his less efficient neighbor: but he has found that an hour made up of an odd tifteeu minutes before breakfast, nn un- occupied fifteen minutes in the middle of the day and a spare thirty"minutes in the evening, is as lung and as valueable asany undisturbed sixty minutes which the scholar .;ets in his study or the edi- . ter in the sanctum. He has •esu dis- covered that one of these hour saved ever dal is seven hours ••f invaluable time accumulated every week, and three hundred anti sixty-five hours, er:frcurt teen days. snatched emery year out of the empire of waste .and oblivion. An hour'a day may seem • very -short time fared fret. Any reader troubled with Dyspeppessu, Costiveness., Headache, Liter (' plain etc., should call at lieu. !Mynas Thu • Store, sod sreene a free trial battle t f McOreger's Speedy Cure at once which will convince you of the merits cf the medicine. It euros perutanently where all other medicines hate failed. As a blood purifier it has no equal. Ile LLtelit ber, it casts nothueg to try It. Retut:o size, fifty et its aid eise dollar. Druggists throughout tr Cuuutty all . ,teak hildly of Dr. Celebes's Ittttets e grnelal opinion expressed IS that et gives the best satisfaction of sny tpedi- ciur they.ell, sod iteter hesitate to re- t uu.utetel it in all C.t.e s of lliset4ervf' SPtromaiceOh, cr4th 1 ',te.usit.ueastt ,- "Ir. . lis,IL,rtion, Int into that hoar tray be dropped seeds that will ripen thrum 'h the whole t w'enty-four, and give them all an added faces his day's work witu thirty minutes of good reading and closes it with as .t Fut:seem eaT HEALTH " contains all much more will lift the hour that lie the beat known blood purifying ht•rbe, 'between into a.higher atmosphere. and routs end barks -acting upom the stom- ach, br.wels• and kidneys It has gp vie storing his future with he knows net. equal in the world. One dollar per bot- what of possible acquisition. The bus' tle. new man who takes account of his -min. utes mill boil some waste ; economise the minutes and the busiest life willyleld some hours for reading.. 'Gee of aur best citizens would say tt the .public that he has tried Hall's Ca- tarrh Cure, and it is all that Is claimed Ya• it. Price ;o cents per bottle. -Sold by Geo, Rhynes, s de agent for fiode-- rich. "nm : Good Eaeaik. , • . A wa►;t11 containing a calf it1 a cage was on the market with n farmer's wife in charge, and a butcher with an eye to veal stepped upend inquired: "Madame, is the calf for sale :• "Yes, sir t" "Ie he a Durham r "He may be.", "L.ii't he an Ayrshire., is he - 'Like eniwgh." ':Dint you know his breed !" te ask- ed in a, surprised, voice. "No, I .don't." "Then • hod da ynu expect ti, sell him i" "All I know aijout that calf is that his father he.oked a justice of the peace, to death, an41 his mother chased a female lecturer two miles, and if that ain't breed enough to ask 04 eh' you needn't tyke hint ' - Tl:e butcher said the breed was all right. -[Detroit Free nese ' `▪ ‘Why should anlan whose blued is we:.0 within Sit ike his graudsire cnt in alabaster r. Or let his hairgretr rusty. scant and thin. When ''Cier.-tL•Lsrlt:, rWEIt Will make it crow the faster. For rale l,y J. Wil- ls, do. 1'i1-ante. _im from i tnt•,t couut:cs .•f • k is a sad st -i.• « Slid r'aiat erhen •' probably . the lis :t` alelieit :aro y Is the crave: : *thud s:.:1. it :t tee fhr,t-class plslntete, •!' . many •f 'streets t• -t ry- his. ar/kks'a 1114sta•e. Halite.. kidney. Alter e:Ar' or 1 emery Naa.e.. my sot lar ee t.' Gee him aueldenly stop. Have n., Leg. e1 any of these diseases lace his hand t ( t. •eke and l lm• . 1 _ 1" u t sal tias f you H'p Bitters the will lore Y 1'te. ,r, kind, as.tproueh blueing tt to ,souse lie t•.t•t htte 1•ecn ;i.e.!, w"err isy►.megrvat sem •ton. Their ulnl•s•ke1 for reee'r.,y ea it, 11 tnnipe4. Stcla;nin nip to hist 1.be.ged era to puffed lip 1 rutendet1 rare •=1'y the t mels pse ..f the i feat }ife f4av- i ARD 1 • 1•,t'rns h. -day. , uta• an etp,aatie.n of his contluet sem_. • ;-- lits; retuedy, causees thrum '- - lie ttearpy . lean.. • ,nexee.:I.,1 t . )sora,.., kat•e, replied he. 'i watt belt siting AP -' �'(� Mull in its pm -alae It it - t., r+rwfket. Ice ern T1M•t eat �•.'1_t t'aetw - nC k thatp ►,r creature thee„ --- ,•iii'. p este -ester o -.] t•• inane ,1{ p' ',/ ; ie, AA - Dai 4lltera, \`: ices, aiuthers, ]t...k'to your health l The many painful and weakening diseases from which-ye�u suffer despairing et a cure, can be remedied by that unfailing regulator' and unfailing tonic -Burdock Blood Bitters Ask your Druggist fur proof. 2 rhoatallea rhlle.ephy. Truthfulness obi de lit•y apt:else (le nobility ob de man. A lie trains strength wid a. ». truth is al'ers weakened. In a boy stinginess is ennde.nut,tt,•hut in a man it is called business. -When a 'oman light!, she tights to hurt yer. De cow is it mi_hty aluiet aninmal, but her kick -oh, Lewd. • De ntan what does 'yer a fever and keep:+ re:uindin• yuu ob the fack, is nus den de tfiau what refstsed you is the hint place. , - De fear o1i de law rathdr .len a feelin- ob honesty is what keeps' many a man buten de penitentiary. Nbuty a man, worships de Lawd More ten• ncct,uut ob hell ilea alb beahen •• It may be sad but it is true dat of a gun twee thirty dollars dui enTy has dat amount ob money, h� will be inure re - spectre] by de c)emhninity of he spends de money fur a auttob clotl.es rather den paying de debt.-Opie P.: Lead. ' -1 alwglc Trial Is all 'that is needed to pr.ve • Polsuu•s N stater is the most rapid and certain remedy for ptiin in the world. It only cots 10 cents fora trial b.'tttle. A singlet tat.'.' , 'l',,.:,,141:o ,,�a.;t.r. trial battle will prove Sert•iline to be LA R D I N E equally efficacious as an external and in- ternal remedy, and f. er pain ' •f every des- cripti•m it has n,. ctj ital. Try a 10 cant ' sam•lel,•ttle. Sett' atWillem's: Larged BOLT CUTTING, botttles 2S cents, . t If Ica are Rolaesl in health free, any cause, especially from , the use of any of the thousand nostrums that Ierotimse s., largely, with lung fiettti- ous teetiliowials, have uu fear. Keret to Hop Iiikters at once, and iu a short lime yuu *dilate the te.et robust and blep,ut- Ing health.. nrt Mr, iett a -14ml ,1'•'.,7;at ee, a Sienna a.rm•_rlit, has.1.1,1 ,tot nti run• n\ .lnattity of Dr. C,►rstttt's stone,. h ll arta. ale says they gig.. spleid,d salt sfactitm. Ti)cy act ;•ttaup tly in, relieving all dia• orders of the. S:• u, it h, Lit. t• ••r Kidney.: mud are the ?tl•,-t-iii •:al Purifier." Fel sale by all. Dru..tt.ts itt :•11 c•e:it,. :t ]t site, A Manila.: Olat-ertry. Physics::n s ami.• . ftei startled by rc- ntarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's Nee- Dirtovery for Conamuptier and all Threat Gail Lune diseases ja daily curing patient,. that they have gi..'n up to. die. is startling thein to realize their aeusr of duty, tend examine int.. the merits of tin* wonderful iliscoeetry, tea suiting in hun.lreds of our best. Phpiai- ciaea Using it in their practice. Trial name us. A a ell k i u' In •.'e iththeHair ewe nl' . •.t u w r uch ,nue acstorw acres hair to tt. a tura} cul .r by a few weeks use. t.ol.l o -.1':,V .•c:tits per i the by James 11'ttsou. _alt 1 N \',1LiD> %VNO TAKE WI TIi DIS- ayp,tuiutmcit r• many of Thr nese ranted. • utwtfuns u teersiled. and luso faith In mrd. cin,• si:oulei relel Ilia, Inst of be p e'en- siou, pane( e, s are pn due 1. of mit the t lit trete ignorant of mad eel wire .e. Nu de►:., d ( omutonly to trade on the reputation of stand- atd preparations and 'nines.. on the credulity and Ie epttcily of the Ipdr-wueears. -v the- repent e repenova Nreol, to stead the test of unicet col vc eri oce anEsreur. the conAd,ii a of physician sod patient. must formulate the crystalized etperient c of man- years medical pp Meller, a. int tt'HEEI.ER'S s'hesphatas sad Caliber* a tonic resto^atIte now every -where pnercrl'wd In all forme et debility. Vc CasliStore. • .ate• YOtY Cl\N G' T 1= Ilia. Raisins, for i1 00 London Layer Raisins, per boa.— 2 60 bottle.' free at :1, Willson s Drn:• Store, le Itis. ('urrents, for........... , 1 00 I;e,ulnr size 01.0', •t) - • e Iles. Rice, for .. , , . 1 GJ • r_'-. lbs Barley, for 1 00 5 lbs, White •Belgian Carrot Seed,1 00 S. SZC1�.�TE lest, Mangold Seed, all kinds 1 00 fi lbs- Swede Turnip Seed,- 100 n ESTI..1t ('U1:N Canadian Corn. GIVE HIM .1 C .1 LL. G'oelerich. May 17th. Ivry, WILSON'S Ii' S(1 1 �`r f 1 all 1 (I 1<1 � t SEEDS! Fresh Flower sed - G!.dee Seeds !Sulk or 1't►eta,..r +. DIAMO�`I) D1LS, -Tllk:-- BEST IN THE WORLD. 1OC_ PFR_ P1iC1AC Jr.. ALLAN LINE •R(►YAL`MAIL s'N:1Ms111 LIVERPOVL-LoNle,NI•Li;1:1•- •1:.►Motais. Every Saturday Front Quebec. 'BsaTLeT •1:A P r swAGC. BPF.E1t. COMF(,i:T AND .s.SFETY. �S11112111(1' .11'1'1/1,L,C1lf Cel t. t3Ed80N 1,883. 1 re-aseian . 9tny 11 - •'oly nci,ian . Peruvian. t'annatian.. Parisian . `srdinlan 4'ircasstan.. .'otenestwn... -ecru% ian e in,tat tan... Parisian �tard(nsan. ('ircassian , . - Iblynt•sian Peruvian ar•tuat ian.. Parisian sa rd iii en, 1 ''ea.:aa., I' .y nf•..an I ern inn , 'Inc' t 1); .y- 7 • ;1 .1 sannatien l'ar an -aro.n.ln,• r .rea.sien .. • l'td) oveiau. ''t; t1144. arnpatian :. :1 pt. I't,.sentrrrnrce ti' rot 1,odetichatn:w:• nn fhursda3•s. 10 tounicr with steamer e• tauehCC• I'-,i.*:d eer :r.en' re,l..l at crea',e revile yet rates to persons aint rue to bring their friends out from the Old (Consri, For 1 i' kat. and r.:: i:ttorr.:t•,,.n. neat. to 11. Alt1leTitOVt:, i'.•. art Agent 0o'leric' 0otef,ch. Mar i;,ie, !stet li (doll Bros, Co„ Toronto, CYLINDER. Cttlest T*nasaaA. over r Al!l teeth 1n[ a are 'ti::.::.t ._a,.,-� over Dr, Tinea New Dino: tiny 1' r ('oat- ; - of 11 , , • WOOL OILS. 1-t adlas to l"•• Cm•''Im,•a7r ', -Air, 1 51:,1.r.; A:• ,.y. . dwelt t l e'•. system and systeTS- or 'lav fct•er. h A7e11:..., h•grt.-lire. *luazcnteat, and Li'. iii lila( M he ; t,'ah •r (ecr l .r'4'4 within the troch .4 or r mice. •,r cry a'h pti(n •t{ ' r •. '01111, st at f (1.n11.ts twill as sty, opus and his asnit s. s:,fir ng hunt rite. truly i• Electric edit• 1 tlhsselunge Trial t.xtks free f a sieltt t, "t*. 1 leis notbinr;. 'tih,..sir, replire. err, luschv itv of the Liver,'1141Mufnera .same« t\`flrr,n s Artiea!a.rr. Isar,: -•cus«re, he. 'ynt c..ulrl aml clearly too, if st v ,r-undie'• S " tion, 't' ak 1ii,lt• to ('^ r i t w•.a,t: r.ut ie aoveyotkerected**. 'N - 1 v• •,aitle••l lai'era'.le tari.1,'• s hien by tiro •t - • *1.501'. • t- ..a c t1 1. Gd, that thio ats Mae itt ' coder to P1t* tdapprathtt'•n to wl.i,h 1s•w citizens are broad .. 'u•c•1•r.1t1 lhoald ,•t, c ts;.itred - ,c' c'• 1' . to without a •1t ttic,,f Dr. 'san --.t t•sae i'utrn's Kidney "ere is i'1 the closet. :alit : , y • u s,•p best. do y t Jr. k•,'t1 r , • , ., ,. , 7 .,tis k'v, ,11 it the only tiemetly that will pesitivele. fru e, , e,,, Ie., i, , 1" toy face that my od'e's a'.• every betties gn*rant. ,-1 t• • t;-Iotaentire p•er.nrnentlt and p rreml,tly cure all forms their ' sh*tle.1 aitlt i 14:tacles r' ' f" r Watch s iatlafactiof or money ief et :les,. Reid at ',A kidfey diseaser. Sold:by 1 \\•ileaat sake, sero' *aid be. 'felinity meand 1 fifty rents a bottle by .1. Wilson. cc •tm INT • Ail :ht Higkesi . aEereve art eth,►,•ted - re • 1.7s he Ire g e.t:er swam'• a n• i"MT .4 Gold. Silver & Brom Medals. gettegMnrlb . •sr•. ,414•114e.'4re., et.e trisg 10* than •, -h..f •it0 e . it. tt/rwy)t•.t lit) on the to . ,. /?T1c11' 11'. Par !Geer 14, R. W. '-v1^Kenzie. Sugars Very Cheap t Y :TOCK OF— Groceries is Fresh and Good! (Nall kin•' not,..tu 1'r., es. -t t, :-) aria•- t t •;a•- ware itt GLASS SETS l t,.au ate. up to $2.00. Criiria Sets !' ir••in 8:•,00 up to 8_0 00. DINNER SETS from 010.00 up to 11190.00. Alt other 1.ree 'f crockery et proportionately Low fakes. .t 11.utter and Eggs taken to etc •hays for (groceries. He,. or ('a"h paid•if desired. Teas a Specialty. INsPEt'TION iN'ITED. G. H. OLD,- the Grocer, Market Iiq,. (Week 'A i t de I lit e, °�m �.a 10 CD 2 0 C oil r".2 -� L��p-.0• zJ+• bc- rpPp�c7C w1�m cin TESTIMONIALS_ ('ppollingtv„e.,t . •.;r. The (7rowfoot Ritter 1 tooache. after twenty (•t►P.eut(tittl,rihntd no. or-withe. td teeing abir to Anil relief. loots. J. Hut.Lmsemiiia,, S- Cl.irk•bnrg, Ont. -Thi. Crowfoot llitters rcr• featly mars. me of $altrhetnw, without toeing an) orh,•r in,, is it Sita. Jo.gru Imunitean, Etyma w1. t to art the'.s ore. of lour money ask year grass&.( far 11. TILE.) ILL KEEP LT! • May 1"•., len eine EGYPTIAN OIL. • The Great. Pain Conqueror rapidly disps•lt. to:n. 1 teaspoonful in wale will rare a distracting head ache in lie a min- utes. If applied to any affected s.irfar,' of the 4litRivesth.snlfttnrcisme(Darirand instant reltef.it is a charming remedy. nnh 2.k, and money refunded if not as represented, it. Tato( *TT R... bele Proprietors. 1 •'44 fe ..'. tinter :o W.J. C. Nafte1, le-aaet,•t. 320 A[JRES FREE! Lee eil'it Lake, Turtle Mountain and Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, 1 r.'..'r t i. rt.e ('n i,.1 Stairs Land Office GRAND F RKS, DAKOTA. •tl net, It ss hr and •it LL partledars • 1 R1.1 •,, a') address h1 11. 1'. Mt•NAi.LY, (:(neral Tnvelila,Apat. tt Pail. MINNEMIILIS i 111111i?N* IL N; -. r. reels at. TerulNe,408 ) WIVES WAN L )ns ly BA :'aelor•e in t'a West Bewailing Theii 3 Meeting le resold' Mays ea ere.rtas •s.ipsasle. Wmitten°, /lay 24 To he gtltor of The Menet )i as Daae Sta,-.lfter w,nside' aim', n was decided by a young sten to hold a meeting deuce of Jnu. Buchanan, jr. a question which often trot men at certain periods of the There were prowut al t Messrs, Iluchanau, Heyde' Iat.•rns, Phillips, Ott and D. was moved, aro maw.' and . Messrs Stirling and Morris send secretary, respectively. After the singing •.i an piece o1 music, in which el chairman stated that the ei meeting was the consi tarsi titular grim mice which, as considered by a great litany chances of .ucerts of j ...mg int this country. He went u acourlintt to the rel..rls 1 agents, the iutlux of pee pee try is greater than ever he the number of mart -unreal, les owning here is deplore! then kindly invited thaw express their opinions as ti meets could W 1 elel out 0 in llutario "to conte over and hely us" Mr. Phillips, whose be time towered with .uigel took the lour. He stated it had been asserted by i ✓ Were were nineteen hunch in Beautiful Plains who a better halm, and, altbou in other parts of this co. portioately lance 'smile compere i et the ecus" young squaws unto them' Metered it advisable that • caution in the undertake' our operations at first to run for ..urselvea A upiallon the single state I cracked up to be, and hi u to Fein tate army or be Mr- Buchanan broke words, " Them ere are too. I entirely agree wi haying had a goad trial edoes., 1 pronounce it first young lassie who posals dell harm her • country, The members in or Mr. Hayden to add hu already given. Rumor young .tan is expects ung fail on important ever, be that as it m such • course would el leas expenditure, and ed to act in acoordana tions pained at this ms Mr. Old quite air above-ts.otiotted, and sure of corresponding perietoed ladies, who give bin the benefit o Mr- Donaldson sad particular in 'lectin only provis . being th be greater in stature Bialy if she be red•h for inserting the at his fear of future with solemn aspect i always to have an ey The secretary, s allowed to say anytt but he secretly tat':• he would at least eh the undertaking 1 prosper. It was now tune 'corded Mr, BBi modals carriebyd. ` it would be to the men settling here t. endeavors to succet and industrious he hereby solicit any of Eye who wish bonds of ntatriiuon the ab.ore parties, residing in the cit; faithfully pet.ntie luxuries and cord stan_es will perp cherishing, etc., w hearted young let Lsdies in our state all particula No old maids nee gentleman name himself in favor t If successful it not impossible tt sort of marriage After passing chairman, and use of his reside mixing, on the 1 undertaking as' prise, the meet' music entitled Dinah over the Jeno Stuu.m°, Chain ,4 kraal Is the • •illy ins rel.ia, Heade( bine a few droi ed. Cu takir weeks. hut en muses all pair value .1 limit' ty five cents Dru:Seer Meal ,lac•,1 .1. I that he ha% t with great lea and adds tl mend it to a An 11Afit light to the of 1)r. Van the unf,rti Disease, 1 permanent t;elerich. • rs,ry 1 in this life ix, mutt er and mind dock pal.•• complete liver and purities •1'