HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-08, Page 1Afr
TV; HUL2 l�v>1tHKItiDri.
+ b.
. New A techs l testeees.
Music - W. F. Teat.
at' aye ' -e'. IL Matthew. .
`o&I U 1 Stoves -CI 11. Parsons.
Ht.111 f r Sale J. Washington,
II ilk t 11 Ilk t- N.unu••I. McCaig.
'ucnw rMillinery -31siUraham.
to-, int We've I -Mr.. Mettnews.
9•reser Girl Ranted- 9t)`eAT. Ofloe.
Twin;Mahines-J. W. Woatberal.. -
1*et h•We.t Tr twinwtotien Company --1av•s
H. Beatty.
I cite
• •
y •
•.l."MT. 0Bison leesl•tenns•West:street
tree :oars bolo ry B►'tk of M ontreal. Uode-
'ch . Ms
She People's Column.
iirphen's Parsonage, Huron road. (lode-
•i.•h t• 'weedy. To • competent domestic libe-
ral wages will be given. Apply to Mite MAT-
THEW. 1801-1t.
for general house work -must be good
waaher and ironer. Apply to Tan SIGNAL
1181ce. Ooderich. 13114-tf.
man to take charge of the Dining Room.
Meat ne ez ertenced. Oood wages. .1. J.
WRIGHT The Point Farm. 1833-tf.
The persoa who lett a water -shedder
couple at this once • of weeks ago. can have
the same by proving property- 1880-11
Huron roed. • rod Dow,
of the subscriber,
with brass knobs on her horns --tips of horns
not cut or. Any one finding and ret.irning
her to St. Stephen's Pat-sonage.Uodericb town-
shlpor keeping her and notifying subscriber,
will *be liberally rewarded by RR.eer.C. H. MAT-
THEW. 19H;t.
having twat the milk
Tne undersigned p
beesiino.s formed carded en by',intimpeMee--
of thCaige t wn atid sf Satisfaction guaranSIM ty SAML
Mc(A1G. 1sBNt.
BULLS FOR BALK -The •slmata can
he seen on lot !3. 3rd Don. of WMR Wawenosh.
Will be sold at • bargain.For further par -
oculars apply to JOHN WASHINGTON. Au-
burn P. 0. 101114t.
.1 ckoiresa•ter of St. George's Church. is
prepan d to give Instruction In the following
branches of musical study viz :--Phao,Oegan
)church and cabinet) Singing at af+t, Votoe
culture. thorough base and harmony. As M r.
Foot has had many year. experience both In
city and country. • thorough training may be
vocal liberally
expected by pupils. classes
dealt with. Pupil. qn church organ can have
use of iustrument. Terms moderate.
To Lt ENT. _
TSU large brick louse on the corner of Kigin
arid Stanleystreets. It oontstas eleven rooms.
pantry and cellar. hard and soft water.
For particulars apply to
1830-tt • M': i. GEORGE CATTLE
1 beautiful brick residence occupied by
Mr. Rice, and formerly occupied by Mr. S.
Maloomeon, at the bead of Newgate street.
Poesesston given in October. For particulars
apply to the owner J. BRECK NRIDOE,
Newgate street. Oodertoh. In
est house containing nine rooms. with
halls. and wool well on premises, situated on
corner of Waterloo and Colborne st. Terms
reasonable. Apply to MRs. R. McIlIUXE-at.
1 to Improve stock. My thoroughbred h
Pnnce.s Bull rising two )ears old• will stand it
t'nr service at myfarm lot 4, Hayfield road,
(oderlch Townsip-tenets 8100. to be paid at e�
tm)e of service. C. CRASH. IEtsOIt
May. 10th. 1383.
3) acres. nearlyfree of stumps. Good barn 1,
dborchrd andralt k well fenced. with Kn- c
.!.ore of 11. T. HAYNES. yheppardton. 18&5-4t. A
A first class bri.•:c hoose. cellar ander the
whole houee. and 11 acres land o t the Bay-
field mud. Goderich.there U • good stable and
dririntgshed.hard and soft water on the prem-
Lees, grounds well laid out. For particulars
apply' on the premises or to Is. egm3tff
G,,dcrieh Founds-. 8877
£ hereby given that all parties indebted to
the undersigned by note or book account are
rrgneeted to settle the same at once and there-
by save an enforced collection. i mean Ausi-
neess. ABRAHAM SMITH. 186Y-
.1 residence. corner Brittania mad and
Donald street. opposite the High School. with
two tote. The house is in good repair with
carriage house and stable and other
ouildings. The garden 1s well stocked with
rule trees, grape vines. shrnberryy, Re..
Fnr terms apply to Davison ! Johnston.
North West Traosportdtioo Company
w , i F
The Cheapest, Mat Comfortable
aTO Ase. Pointe* IN is one of the most beautiful in (Albano.
T 111E GREAT NnRTH K' ES Ti The court house, a handsome and sub -
is rin the Steamees of the North West Trans- j .t•ntial Mt of architecture, embowered
portatlon Company..ne ee which will, weath in Ireee 1s situated in the runlet of a
erpermittingLeave RaraM seer, Tweaday octagonal tare,• from which the
Trims, unas. on arrival of Grand Trunklargeng "•q
ate. for Priam. Arthur's blending Th Hessle are "nett by nther.toots
Dakota and the North Rest.
an Plwant Route
IIa vista looking toward the Court Houa• the ricer (rein the harbor, on the sum- : COUNTY COUNCIL. putts procured by the c'etk relating to
which it would be difficult to excel from I mit of the neatly terraced bank, is the house ..f refuge be lain on the table for
8 Ian artist's standpoint. The dry, level ■EAt'TIFUL'CMMER RksIDCX.z Chaste. et Ike RegslarJaae tholes. the exantinajton of this council win' its
road•, as board as rook almost, are much Of H. Y. Attrill, an American million• first sitting on epiThwith
theiry that they may
appreciated by bicyclists ; w touch a, sire. He ha. • wide-sDead reputation it June 5, 13!33. Carnibeco:e aeyuainterii with c 'merits--
that Goderich h:w justly been termed p I The Council was formally opened at Carried.
ti a breeder of well -c shorthorn one, cattle. 13 o'clock tills afternoon, the Warden in Reports on the houses '•f refuge were
"THE WHEELMAN'S PARADISE." The farm is a well -cultivated and
the chair, and all the members answered read.
Early in July the bicycle clubs of Chi- is eftru visited by lovers of agriculture. Ito rollcall except the following : P. Kele Dieted by M. Johnston, seaonde1 by
cage, Milwaukee, Detroit and usher VHS RaxING FLEET• 1 F. C. Rogers, Thos Straohau, John Mr. Young, that as the council have
American cities are txpoe;tuJ in town, is feature of the place of great interest •Hislop, Walter Oliver, Dr. Iiechat:an, in consideration the advisability of
and experienced riders en the wheel who
Claims Upon a Public Seek -
have w visitors. The boats, some of them 8. Rennie, Geo. It. Holland, George erecting * house of refuge, it is deemed
already been hero say that the vial- with the speed of yachts, leave the Forsyth, V. P..atz, \\'un. Elliott and proper that the council de visit the house
in; Coolness awl Health. tors will be estnuished said delighted harbor early each morning, and return Gore. of refuge at Strathroy-the expense to
when they glide ''around the square oil at night laden with the sp.�ila of the After the approval of the minutes of be borne by the members individually.
our wonderful rods, and that they will deep. Salmon trout and whitefish are last day's session in January, the War- Lost by a tote�if 29 to 10.
find them *head of anything on the enchiefiv aught, ire nets, and a trip tr• the len addressed the council upon the fol- Moved by IIW. Strackau. seconded by
tire route. fishing grounds in company with a fish- lowing mstturs : The iwproveinents at Mr. Forsyth, that the read commission
oonElu.'x BY aAtt jog crew is an experience which is full the jail .ordered at last meeting, the ers be instructed to reloet to this coun-
Godench is reached i.,y the Buffalo t of interest. This industry is `nn impor- petitions ir. reference to -the appointment cil at its next sitting the number of
Lake Huron Railway front Stratford, the tint one in Oodeeish, and the boats of a Railway Commission, the erection bridges kept up by thus county (not
railway centro of Western Oman.), only scudding along udder full sail for the of the Bluevale Praisie, Exeter slid boundary line bridges) within each
45 miles distant, and that line is inter- rb.,r as the sun dips into the west is a Woodham bridges, the House of Refuge. municipality. Carried.
P latt, /nest ray Nature -A Town eected by the L, H. & B. Railway, which pretty sight, Later in the season the registry books and the equalization of The report of Mr. Gibson, road com-
waere ■d as sutuow■ elves direct Connect with London from eaten -men sail further north to other fish- the asse•ament. miasioner was read and referred to the
Clinton, only 12 miles distant. Ap-ing grounds, and a staunch tug conveys A circular from Dr. O'Reilly, Inspeo- rimed and bridge committee.
preaching Goderich by rail, the visitor the "catch" to Goderichfor the American ter of l'risortf., in reference to lunatics, Moved by Mr. Hats. seconded by Mr.
is favored with a glimpse of the shining market.
waters of Lithe Huron as the trains THE SALT INTEREST.
e Prettiest Town in Canada.
aaty and Awa.sagea Ieeeerlbe•d-A
beautiful for situation, clean and in -
ng, Goderich has already made a name
itself ou the continent as a choice
t where residents of crowded cities
resort to in the warm months, and
pure, bracing air, with all the coin-
s of civilization at hand. To those
ring the stifling city for
ing the summer months, two con -
rations prevent themselves : -
is the locality chosen for the
tsient stay dunng the " broiling
" • healthy one ? and 2nd, does it
ail rex, heavy a dttaio on the family
ee 1 It is on these poiota that God. -
presents claims that will bear the
nest scrutiny. A mon healthy loxal-
does not exist on the ointment of
erica. Situated at a height of from
to 150 feet above the level of the
era of Huron,
o that great lake, and a capital
Salem of drainage introduced and
ncticel by the municipal autborties aids
the thorough exemption ot the town
rum the noxious vapors or miasma which
other less farored points are continu-
y arising during the heated term from
landing water uu low land. As to the
atter of
.rich. obese good field to those who
old enjoy a vacation without having
pay too lavishly fur their rest, coin-
er pleasure. A town of over 4,000
habitants, it keeps oue within the lines
civilization and the luxuries of life ;
t, being on the borders of a fair agri-
ltural district, those of pastoral tastes
n find near at hand
aroadd tho curve ; the cars then plunge
through • dense grove, and soon the
traveller tinds himself at the railway
terminus, The view of the
from the railway •tation is picturesque,
particularly a anug little bit of scenery
up the river. Entering a vehicle, the
visitor is whirled along East street,
and sees before him theCourt House and
square, with business stands ranged all
around on the outer side of the broad
nwdway. If he is not honked for
sett pastures of tender grass over
rich the skipping Laths gambol in-
cently, running brooks inhabited by
e tinny tribe, and all the sights of a
uudlen farm; while the
maple, beech and pine, haunted by
a singing birds above and the
any colored wild flowers beneath, offer
seclusion cool and full of interest to
von of nature. The choice cattle bred
this section, feeding knee deep in
over and timothy, yield
a pular summer hotel five miles up the
lake shore road,. capable of accommodat-
ing 200 guests, and conducted by the
well-known J. J. Wright, whose name is
a household word with visitors to Gods-
rieh, then the traveller can find in town
a number of excellent hotels, conducted
by capable and obliging men, end afford-
ing the best of accommodation at very
reasonable rates.
is a well-known house of accommodation
for tourists and the general public. It is
commodious and well kept in every par-
ticular, and under the superintendence
of the present proprietor, Capt. Wm,
Cox„ it has during the past twelve or
fourteen years attained a continental
reputation. It is situated on Court
House Square. -
rhich is like a revelation to those who
alae tasted only city milk during their
lees. A walk or drive to atfarm, along
lean and even roads, and a repast
f home-made bread, fresh dairy milk,
olden butter with the scent of clover
n it, and eggs sr, newly laid that the
ackle of the hen can yet be heard in
he barn yard, is a treat which can be
)rocured at a price so low as to astonish
jn the neighborhood are often visited by
strangers. Here the highly pried Cana-
dian apples and plums grow attheit' best,
while the blushing peach comps to ma-
turity, and the cherry and strawberry
flourish. The wild strawberry also
abounds in season. Canada is
and hundreds of acres are scattered
through the district, where the bush-
es, growing luxuriantly wild, bow
themselves to the ground with their
ruddy fruit. Scores of pickers wend
their way daily during the season,
tb these resorts, and a ramble in a
Canadian " berry patch," with an
old dress, sun -down hat and strong
hots, is just the thing a bevy of girls
from the city ought to enjoy. Thero
need not be the slightest fear of a lady
experiencing anything but the most gal-
lant treatment from rich and poor. We
know of no region where a lady and a
stranger can travel more safely without
escort than in this neighborhood.
The manufacture of salt is extensively
carried on at this place, and the procar
is a p�uliarly interesting one. The
brine is pumped through large pipes at
• depth of from 900 to 1200 feet, into
large pans, under which great furnaces
have been built, and, by boiling, the ea- A circular in reference ei the Babcock Mr. Elliott, that this council do now ad -
line !natter is precipitated to the bottom, Fire Extinguishers was referred to the journ ro meet at three o'clock p. tn.. t" -
forming the fam ,us Goderich salt. Jail and Cour, House committee. utorrew„ so as to give the o,[itnittees
From the drippings of the pans. acme The following report from Road Cont- time to report -Carried.
exquisitely beautiful saline crystals are mtasioners is reference to Ball's bridge The following is a synopsis of
often created, whose form and purity of and the proposed new sites across the 1ssPRCTOR MILLER w RRP.)RT.
appearance render them valuable as Maitland, was read and referred to the The total number of names entered en
novel parlor oreanents. Road and Bridge committee : reserver was
SALINE BATHS. Your commissioners have the honor t,f l 179 lad. 18th 1854
This is a feature that no other Canadian report that as instructed they visited 1 9,416 9,1S' 80121; 8,322
Bummer resort can !oast of. The brine Balls bridge and the other places re- l a decrease of 1094 ..r ilk per cent in
staid to be of much benefit as a summer
bath, and can be had hot or cold. as • the
visitor desires,. There is also a swim-
ming bath, where old and young can have
all the luxury of an ocean dip without
the travel or expense.
A mineral spring, the water of which
contains some valuable terms of iron and
surphur, has been regarded as a great
boon b y invalid limitan. Medical men
have pronounced in faror of the spring
waters as an excellent mild tonic and
aperient, and many of the residents of
the town prefer it to the '•tstic
doses of the doctor,. The water can be
procured free at the spring.
There ars eiz churches in town. St.
George's (Episcopalian) on North-st, re-
cently completed,is a beautiful structure,
cruciform, and planned and built with
exquisite taste; The Methodist Church
of Canada have a large edifice, on North
street also, and at the head of the same
street is the R. C. church and convent.
The Presbyterians worship in a large
church on East street, and have just put
was read and referred to the Jail and. Britton, that Mr. Mason, be inetrutcted
Court House committee_ to ask for tenders for the building of two
A communication was read front H. stone abutnients at Grieves bridge, and
Y. Attrill, Esq., asking to ba allowed to let the contracts about the 1st of July
hang water gates under the bridge at next. and t be completed oxi er before
Saltford, to prevent cattle coming upon the lit of 4)ctober, 1884. Referred to
his meadows. Referred to Road and road and bridge omrmittee.
Bridge committee. Moved by Mr. Reacutu, seconded by
ferred t., in the paitioe, having the cont- I four years.
pany of several reeves and other persons The average attendance during 1892
interested. having inspected the place was 3,785. The per c atiam of atten-
referred to as suitable to remove Ball's dance was 431. per
average in rural
bridge to, wo found that it would require sehuulsthrou.hout the Province was 42
a bridge of about 250 feet in length, and
on the Colborne side of the river there
would need a deviation for a road to the
bridge across the face of the hill on the
river side, of about 30 or 40 rods, all on
good dry land. The fiats would not re-
quire a very lung approach. and oil eke
Goderich etde, the bank right close bo
the stream is 20 or 23 feet high, and the
limestone rock juts through and partly
overhangs the water, so that it appeared
as if the seat fur the stringers could be
made on the native rook, and no ap-
proach of any length would be neces-
sary. From this end of the bridge there
would be a read U) make for nearly a
mile th, reach the Maitland cur:cession,
which no doubt would devolve upon the
tdwnship of Goderich, and would be up
hill a'l the way to the above mentioned
conceuion. It may be stated that the
road allowance, on this side is quite a
little distaece from the place where the
bridge would be located, and therefore
some arrangement would require to be
made with the proprietor for the right
per cent.
I beg t, correct all error which appear-
ed in my last report. The statement was
made that the cost per pupil was $4.9r
The sunt should have been $5.55;. The
cost per pupil during 1882 was $5.4.3,
that for the province ot Ontario accord-
ing te ti.st report sit Fllnuter or nuuca-
tion, $5.69. If amount granted by legis
lature is deducted from the above. the
cost of educating each pupil in West
Huron is reduced to 114 90;1.
Of the 84 sections in the district there
are reported 79 schools or 94 per cent.
in which reading a portion of Scripture
and offering prayer forst a part of the
opening or closing exercises. In 68
schools, or 81 per cent. the ten -coal-
mandmenta are taught weekly.
s • e • * e
The work in the school rooms is being
vigorously and successfully prosecuted in
a very large majority of the sections.
The decreased number of the pupils is a
great blessing, as the teachers have
now more time to devote to the several
of roadway, amu after having reached classes. The mete hearing of lessons
the Maitland concesawn this road is hilly will not induce good scholarship. Time
and uneven, and could not be easily must be taken to draw forth the powers
made accessible for heavy ioads. As the of the mind and teach the pupils to think.
stream is quite rapid at this place, it This must always be the chief aim in
wogld require a pretty substantial struc• education. Taken as a whole our teach-
turo to stand the freshet. en are doing their work admirably, and
Fr.mt this place we went and exa:uin- the schools are in a very satisfactury
ed Ball's bridge, and we find that with condition. I have pleasure in again re -
roma repairs which were indicated at the porting that the tendency seems to be
time, and which would not be eery cost- growing in favor of staking as few
ly, this bridge would stand fair some changes as possible, and retaining the
years to come if no unforeseen accident teacher in the unto position for • num-
.00h as fire or flood comes upon it. ber of years. 8ulh a course is a bettelit
Therefore the question of removal need to all concerned.
In conclusion, I beg to report th:ot
model school and teachers' institutes
continue to do excellent work in peepar•
ing the teachers for the duties devolving
upon theist in their several spheres of
labor. J. R. MILLER, I. P. S. '
THE ALBION HOTEL in a handsome organ of wonderfully pure not be considered at the present tilos.
is situated en the Court House Square, tone. The Gaelic speaking Presbyterians 1 From this bridge w e went to the place
itt the heart of the town, and within easy have also a church on Nelson 'street. A ! referred toh in the petition of W. H. Baer
very pretty .edifice is that of the M. E and others, and have to say the river at
this place is of considerable width. We
1 ad rip means of measuring it, bot we be-
lieve it is about 400 feet, part of which
is an island of between 70 and 80 feet.
Tile river here is a gently flowing stream,
hi addition to the Court House, the and is right opposite the road allowance
town boasts of a handsome building in on the Goderich side, and would require
in Huron county. the High School. At this seat of learn• a very small deviation, if any, on the
THE PARR HOUSE. ing, young men and women are prepared Colborne side. A bridge can bo con -
is another well-known rendezvous for I for professional courses. The edifice is 'eructed at a cost of say $2,500, which
summer visitors 4 of whitelhrick, with mansard eel, and would accommodate the settlers on both
reaegiocti BY WATER. presents a fine appearance. The Central aider of the river very much, and after
Public School is a large red brick build- looking at all the circumstances Sur-
ing, and the town and fire hall thou;h rounding the case, wo believe that you
small, has a tasty appearance. The cosi- would be doing only justice to these pe,-
dences and grounds of some of our citi- p1e by authorizing the building of a
zens have been planned with taste, and bridge at this place.
mans of the gardens are just alive with ALEX. L. GTBsex, l Road Com.
during flee.Casen. \ L. HARDY, ( .5
MAITLAND .'F.MaT.atl, A petition from 51r. McGee and 25
there, praying for a slide to be attach -
i to the Bayfield still dam, or the ni-
e ncti,•n removed which prevents fish
go g up the rit er, was read and referred
t� a Road and Bridge committee.
A number of accounts were read and
referrel to the Finance committee.
The council then adjourned to octet
on \\•edaes.iay morning at 10 o'clock.
reach of Lake Huron, and the railway
station. it is fitted up with all the
modern conveniences and every accom-
modation can be furnished that is peal
ble to be obtained at city hotels. The
proprietor, Mr. John McBride, has train-
ed for himself during his residence in
Goderich, a reputation as one of the
most energetic and active sten in the
hotel businessH
Trent., t *LLtSY AT MKMaftM •L •leading streets radiate in every direction.
NwLsc ..e
Dullish. and all prints in Manitoba. Minnesota, ' after the manner of
Tr.• Steamer M.1V iTe111A" witl leave Gode-
rich. weather permitting. et Pry ten days -ne
Tswanays and Fridays, alternate trips. for
Kincardine. Sonth•mpton. Sault
tialet ted
�Itchlpicotln. Pre Ntpegon,
Thunder Bay.
For farther tafxmatIon as to rats(. apply to
SS H. I.F.K. Goderich. or to
Generis Manager. iterate
June'th 18113 PPS an'
church, on Victoria street. There is also
a gathering of the Brethren, held in an
upper room un the canter of the square
and Kingston street.
The town presentee a splendid harbor of
refuge, built by the Dominion Govern-
ment at a large expense. The biggest
vessels nn the lake can enter it easily.
and the well-known Beatty Line call
twice and three times a week from Sar-
nia, and else from Duluth on the down
trip. it is easy for visitors who like an
oocamonal trip on a lake steamer, to
up the Lekes t/ some points on a
steamer. and return on the lies'
coming deem the lakes.
The site of the city of the dead was se-
plecte.l with wisdom and taste some 24
,at • years ago. it is situated about a utile
and a half from the Court Heuer, on
ROATIN.I ON TIIa HARBOR high ground, and the main spline/1h
is safe at all times, while in fine weather winds completely around it. tlanktd by
• long row nut into the open lake or up l a dense growth of brush. The wild
to the Point Farm is possible, and the strawbetry creeps ever the earth profuse -
view thus gained of the precipitous ly, and the whole aspect is one of peace
banks skirted by spruce, and the spires ami beauty. A spring of the purest
of the town churches glinting in the water, and of almost Arctic coldness,
distance, well repays the labor at the gushes from the hillside facing the ceme-
is always /pen to the public, and from it
• commanding view of the harbor is had.
Jost below, the great flooring inill r.f
Ogilvie. Hutchison & Co. lift
chimney in the air. and here the
millers, a large and busy hire of the
and the plan is • novel and pleasing one. are engem-fel often day and night f.'
Ili. drive around the Court House io many weeks at a time. The engine is + Pt. -ND's, Er . y called for, as the contracts are ;generally
about • third of a mile in length,and the 000 of the largest in Canada and theI autiful spots for pit -mica are !within let in the summer *seam for rash, and
ground is u level u a race course. The entire premises aro in such a degree of e• h, •delightful retreat known a that the clerk certify to the treasurer the
streets are very wide, of the cleanest order and neatneea as perhaps no other Bingham's Grove being within the town atn„ttnt each mwnicipality is entitled to
gravel, no mud accumulating nn them establishment of tis sire and nature en- Ilimits. for the current year. Carried.
after the heaviest rain, and some of them joys. This monster mill is .'ne of the Tn short, Ooderich is p•io •."41,i,'' the Moved by Mr.. Strachan. 'secondedby
are lined with handsome maples making' sights ref Western e►ntar• Just arrive: stammer resort of °Marie Mr. McPhera..n that to- se• .arab re
tory, and flows in a gurgling stream
down a long ravine to the river bed. in
the cemetery are a numl.er rat hands.'me
m. numents and beautifully kept graves.
The drive to and through the cemetery is
4.11 • pretty one, and many of our citizens
ty during the summer months can be found
decorating the graves of friends who rest ,
in that beautiful and retired necropolis.
\\•LnNEsDAv, June f
The council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, the Warden in the chair. The
minutes of yesterday were read and ap-
The report of Mr Mersin, road c•on-
misai .n4(, was read and referred to road
and byf]ge committee.
A umber of accounts were presented,
sn.l/referred to finance committee.
tired by Mr. Mason, se•c•nded by
r. Kelly, that all b.nmdary line monies
paid by the oosnty treasurer when
T/ fh.• War•lon and Council of th.• Courtly
Geon MEN, -The undersigned audi-
tors for the County of Huron beg respect-
fully to report that we have examined
the books of your treasurer. and 'after
comparing the different items with their
respective vouchers, we report then! Cor-
rect, showing a balance on hand on the
21st of Dec.. 1882, of $6,372.15, which
balance we find at the credit of your
treasurer in the Canadian Bank of Com-
merce, you will also find statements of
the county and northern gravel road
sinking fund account, and of the liabili-
ties and assets of the aunty. Wo have
also audited the public and Goderich
high school aconunts and have to report
then. correct. In conclusion we have
tnuc.s pleasure ire testifying to the cor-
rect and satistactory manner in which
your treasurer's books have been kept.
Goderich. 1 June, 11343
JAS. PATTov, 1 County
A Ri'H. DroasoN, j auditors.
The following is a schedule showing
the balances of school moneys in the
hands of township treasurers for the
year ending 1st March, 1883 :
Ashtield .11 99.44
foderich tp
Hoe ick
111111m t
DL n-ri v
Stank y
East Wawanoah .....
West Wswanneb
.. 80.63
. 45.96
. *1448
53 l44
32 01
00 00
01.1 87