HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-01, Page 8THE HU1►01N .SIGNAL, FRIDAY JUNE 1. an. OUR TOWN FATHERS Deus Was Daae at she Last egestina an AF/►aprM/ien for ibemla/ea Day. ' Friday, May 68th. The rager m ting of the tuwnootln- cil was heldddddd�his •e ening. All the n tuber present ezoept c ,un- cillor Elliott. The 'mayor in the chair. Minutes road Lind approved. TRa SEKTow'n ItsPOMT was read, ahowi .g the iuterinents fu the mnooth to hear oemu 3 adults, 1 intuit ; also assku:g 1. i' copies of cemetery by-law to A number of accounts were presented and or .rod to be paid. Councillor Detlor drew the at:eotion of the relief comssittee to the fact that there should now be a decrease in the amount of relief, owing to the advent 'of tine weather. Councillor Detlor also asked if any- thing was being done bythe public works committee towarbeautifying the park and planting shade trees. Councillor Bingham gave a synopsis of the work of improvement. The commit- tee would make a tour of town, and re- port at the next meeting. rI$Anc' cOMwr1TgI's earO1T. The following accounts were recom- mended to be paid :-TGs SIOnAL, •11 ; Wm. Campbell, •4 ; Mrs Mitchell, til. 75 ; W. 8. Hart & Co. , $2.50 ; Gee. Grant, 1114 ; E. F. Arestrong, $b ; Sew - miller & Co., •1 ; C. F. Stranbel, •1.80. The fire by-law was reed a third time and passed. . Moved by councillor Butler, seconded by councillor Murney, that $125 be granted toward duly celebrating Domin- i m day, an equal amount to be subscrib- ed by the citizens -Carried The following committee for Domin- ion•day celebration was theft aointed by the council :-J. Scobie, J. ". Col- borne, M. Nicholson, P. W. ,; „.eaten. W. Mitchell, J. Butler. Moved by reeve Johnston, seconded by councillor Jordan, that the mayor call a public meeting for the purpose of arranging for Dominion Day celebration -Carried. THE COl1YaaCIAL bOCL0. Moved by deputy -reeve Smith, second- ed by councillor Jordan, that the ques- tion of the management of the commer- cial docks be referred to the harbor com- mittee, and that a report he presented "at next meeting of ' the council -Car- ried. Councillor Scobie drew the attention of the council to the necessity for the construction of a tank nese the station. If the tank was built the G. T. R. would keep it supplied with water. Referred to public works. On motion ouuncil adjourned. CORPUS CHRISTI. t'eierwatlea .f the Feast la 8t. Peter's •('hare\, Gederleh. The feast of Corpus Christi, one of the greatest feasts in the Roman Catholic Church, was solemnized with appropriate eclat at St. Peter'., on Sunday Wt. The three altars were decorated with n great number of wax tapers and Believe. Be- fore the " Asperges " was intoned, 14 little girls, Misses Florrie Doyle, Jennie and Minnie Higgins, Josie acid Carrie Shannon, Flo, Jessie and Minnie Mc- Intosh, Mary • McDonald, Maggie Con- nors, Nora O'Rielly, Tesaie Tighe and Bridget Nealon, were beautifully drain- ed in white, with flowing veils, and wreaths, and placed before the altar,' under the guidance of one of the sisters of St. Joseph. Rev. Father Watters celebrated the (RAND 81011 MAss at 10:30 a.m., the first time since his convalescence. The choir, although their soloist, Miss O'Rourke, was un- avoidably absent, saltg in their usual spirited manner under the leadership of the organist, Miss Jennie Cooke. Af- ter the " Asperges" was sung, the duns ,f which were nicely rendered by the Misses Biddulph and Tellue, ‘Vebbe's Kyrie' was sung by the choir. Starks • " Gloria, a very pretty little selection. was chosen, the duos of which .vere well given by the Misses Tighe and Tellue. The "Credo" of the Paschal Mase, was a great success, the male voices cumin, out in it with great effect. Mrs. Motat'eheuee, although suffering from a sevi<re cold, sang the beautiful r solo, " Et Iucarnatus Est," almost bet- ter than at any preceding title -her beautiful, evr:nly modulated voice, show- ing its compass to pirfcetion. Iler other solo was in LaSelle's " Agnes Dei," and was a treat. Starks "Sanctus- wan sous by the choir. At the c•n:clusimi of the procession formed. Father Watters, assisted byRe. Father McRae in his canonical vestments for benediction, cartied the ii,et from the tabernacle. its place of c"ncealinent, preceded by the acolytes, carrying the ' crucifix and lighted tapers, and the little girls, rix of the youngest being chasten to atrcw tt .wers. The Wien.% Josie Sha'u'n and Flo 'McIntosh carried red 'baskets filled with natural flowery', Flor- rie Doyle i n& Minnie Higgins bore yellow baskets, ami Carrie Shannon and Jennie Higgins had silver basket., each little girl throwing ) liar.dful of flowers awuug the oee Aker srawnta, what Ikea . sun is to the elautes, what a ventre is to a circle, and what the heart is to man, and it is writteu as clear as the 'woodsy run. ''I am the bread of Life," and 1 " Unites yuu eat of the flush ot the son won il+ nd drink His blood yuu shall not have life in you." It is thecompendiuut •.f all religion. Nuthin in the sacred • writings is obscure. The institution of all the Jewish rotes, were in clear and - telliuible. and jo free from ambiguity that the mo..t pimple and unitarred could understand. Then the sacrament of the Eucharist being the last will and testament of our Divine Lord, •t'• sod of Heaven, the Hely of Holies, bow could such en important gift, I* involv- ed in obscurity, to the detriment of souls, when Scripture attests the miraculous feeding of thousands to a few loaves. Rev. Father McRae is a logical speaker, and has an earnest and distinct style of delivering his massage. After the sermon, the usual prayers be ing said, a very pretty spirited man was played by one of the choir, It the request of Miss Cooke. vssrssa, Father Watters officiating, were much as unusual. The male and female voices singing alternately. Mr. Joseph Kidd sang tenor. The hymn " Praise the Lord,"was•ungbefore the "Magoifioat." Miss O'Rourke, Miss McBride .tr ' Miss Cooke singing the different solos t I... Jgh- out. ..,,tgh- out At Benediction Mia.O'Rouke sang the beautiful hymn, "Ora pro me," very creditably. " O Salutaru " and " Tantum Ergo," were sung by the choir, and while the congregation were dispersing the choir sang the hymn to the Virgin "Daily, daily sing to Mary. Before the benediction, Rev. Father Mc- Rae read the devotion for the 27th even- ing in May "Mary refuge of sinners pray for us. '--(Com. tithes. lar Klats11. os May fist.. the wife of Michael of w sou. T. 1. Klement on the l7th of May.. the wife of Mr NE' SPHIIIG �OODS.Tnutar Iiuw1. of adaughter. ■ Admit'*$. lt) Ili• Iter. J. (earned In the Methodist Church 1►unttr s,nonuu. May, 711b. ISM Mr. John W. 11tcl.ellaa, of mamma. /.blared*. to .mise lssbella Jlarta Burrows, of Ashfield. I lu Ooderich, on Thursday, May. 31th. at the residence of the bride's brother by the Rev. J. A. Turnbull, H. A., Mr. John T. Peacock of Kis- ardiee, to Mise Anel J. oedema'. of Ooderlch. DIEM. In Ooderlch, on Wednesday, May 30th. W llltaut Keith, god lir years an 1 month. The hotel and building are now settled in their new location on main street. A reassuring message has been rete: -- ed from Col. DeWinton concerning the Queen's health. Wm. Downs, who received injuries from his horse running away last week, is getting along nicely, and is able to be around again. Miss McDougall is again in her old place behind the counter, at the . mss• office. Richard Miller has been appointed, by the High Court of Justice of Ontario, a Commissioner for taking affidavits, de positions, &c., for the county of Huron. The concert held in the Methodist church on the evening of the 24th, prov- ed a success. The programme, consist- ing singing and recitations by the schol- ars of the Sunday school, was well car- ried out. The autograph quilt, contain- ing over 400 names, was on exhibition, and during the evening was presented to the pastor's wife, Mrs Smith. A handsome bridle and whip was present- ed to Mr. Smith, and the people not satisfied with this have since supple- mented the gift by the rest of the set of harness About $46 was realized by the quit and concert. THE WORLD OVER. James Young, M.P.P., hu been ap- pointed Treasurer of Ontario. Five thousand dollars in fines has been collected from the violators of lottery laws in Lockport, N.Y., in the put three weeks While the emigration to Canada from Europe has greatly increased, fifty thousand less emigrants have arrived at New York this far this year than last. At a meeting ,if Irish citizens at New York on Wednesday night it was resolv- ed to raise a fund for the employment of counsel to defend the prisoner. Noon to be tried at Galway .•r. a charge of mur- der. Travelllag Colds. GRAND TRUNK SART. Mixed Ooderich.Lv. ..12Yp a 3.0z'd..T.0are tSeeatorth Ar.a.3l 1.31 pat di.71� f 5s Stratford,Ar.7.tt0 1.10 8.30 11.40 wire. Part. Exit's. Miz'd. Miz'd. Stratford.Lv1LOtpm..7.Mpm.. &Yam. litigni 8esforth.Ar.lt58 LY 010 AM GoderichAr. 1.36 070 9.45 7.13 STAGE LINER. Luoltaow Stage Idaily )arr. 10.t1am3pm .. dep Kincardine ' 1 Oasm7am .. .I Henmlller " 1 Wednesday and sat enter) Ar. 9.00am..De.il0. .Auctioneering. AMES BAILEY, LICENSED ACC - e.1 'HONKER for the County of Heron. hav- ing entered the ILC le aow prepared to attend to all orders for AudiOrden left at Bailey's Hotel. Opderlo►. or seat by mail, promptly attended to. JOHN KNOX, LICENSED AUC- TIONKKR for the County of Huron. Sales attended in all parte./ the County. Or- der" will lett meHotel es at this oaks reprlyattended to. -tt. JAMES PRENTICE, AUCTIONEER and appraiser. Uneowor to Jeha C. Cur riri the People's Auctioneer.) Otaoe-t'wis't Old Stand. 1878-17. HheW. BALI, AUCTIONEER FOR . t County ot Huron. Wee attended in any part of the County. Address orders to Oodertch P. 0. 18111. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY or HURON. Notice is hereby ven that at or soon atter the expiration of days from the arm publication hereof ap cation will be made to the 8nrry ate court the county of Hurons& Ooderich by the undersigned Emma Ward, widow of the late Henry John Ward of the town of Ooderich, in the county of Huron to be appointed guardian of John Ward. Mary Helen Ward. Susan Ward. Sarah Ward a.d Mabel Ward. infant children of the late Henry John Ward. in his lifetime of the said town of Oodertch. and county of Huron afore- said. Dated at°ode- ifa1IA WARD, by rich May Ilth.' Edward NoLewis. her chce 1811-3 ins. Loans an insurance. lUONEY TO LEND. -PRIVATE 15.1. f unds -on freehold security. Appppl1y to Geo. Swanson. Goderich. I1R/m. 500,000 T(1 LOAN. APPLY TO 141) CA..IERON. HOLT & CAMERON, Code- - ich. 1750. 60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND NV on good Farm or 0rstclass Town Property '18 per Dent. wooly to R. RaDCLirrs. 1.31 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to snit borrowers at Ito of per cent. Private fonds. Apply to Saaosa and Mowrox . Oodertch. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount ot Private Funds for Investment '►t lowest rates on tlr,tclass Mortgairea Apply to °ARROW & PROUDFOOT. LOANS FREE OF CHARGE.- Money to lend at loVrest ratea tree of any costs or charges. IMAGER* MORTON. opposite Colborne Hotel. tloderich. 73rd March 1881. 177. Qk20,0S0 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND NV on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgoge. purchased, no Commission chargefl, Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one day if title- is satisfactory. -DAVISON & JOHN STON. Barristers. Rc.. Goderlck. 175E RRADCLIFFE, FIRE. MARINE, , . Life and Accident insurance Agent. Rspresentingfirst-clam Companies. Also agent for the eaaAnA Ltvtt :41110,1: Lr■t•nA.rcr Co. Money to lend on Mortgage. ether In Town of Farnt Property. ir. any war to suit the borroir- i • er. I/ttx-to:,stair, i:.t:'. 11•.x•k Underfelt. I SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRV FOLLOWING LINES. Factory Cotton, Regatta and Striped Shirtinge at a SHADE ABOVE COST. Prints in all the New Designs, from the Lowest,to the Finest Fabrics, and at ptiee t at DEFY COMPETITION Tweeds anclrl,Cleths, the Largest Stotk and Choicest Goods we , have ever had, and Prices Right. We wish especially to mention Black Cashateres, Black and Colored Dress Silks, and Colored and White Tabling'. Miss ltlary Kelley, employed in a Mil--- waukee dry goods rare. died Last week f • from inhaling arseniuretted hydrogen; emitted from green velvets which she l 1i t-• Ha YEi. S./Lit 11'011 &c.. handled. The doctor who attended her ; etre .' ' 11,1.•'. ^.h1..' e. nrrB` tt•., ua tler'. nave and6.,pt+fore.West says it was a clear case of arsenic poi- ; mo:. -•, ' o i •n-1 a' lowe4: rttef of interest. coning, She was sick just three weeks. :.(.•es .� LE%t' fI.-. L'ARI!ISTERS, Louis Riel, who made himself t:otort- ' 1 J ,1- ;,rn••t .. s.,!•..itnr. in Chancery etc. nus by his capture of Fort Garry and the ; OM• tri, 'm• i •.•1•' 11 1•., •..:..ttcri, t:. murder of Thomas Scott, and w•ao was i Ix• '...', M .'!t''_1. F:. N. 1 vwis afterwards banished from Canada, was ; - 1e' recently arrested near Benton fur con:- I (4_1 ItRI I`•t. •i :';:lit-UFI It 11'. ;BAR plieity in election fraud+ it: e.:a Terri- - 1-1•;1 .::.'. .‘•-.•-n:•: ,;i.•Itors, etc mortal election last fall. I;.,.I.•r.. '• .1. r. til: ,w. tt . 1':.'nifout. 175 _ . __ - ---- --_ The Dominion Government l:a, sivne•i t"E.A' EFt •\ 31''IlTt►N. 1t.t R J I $- the Conventions with Germany and ' ► TEE'`• a ' • • '+ode: i '.• a:.•i tt"inq nam. Switzerland for the exchange of ,tn.ney I t,. tj': J. (:.rh•: J. A. Morton.`t'inr orders with Canada, beginning .Tray 1. - -- _ - _ _ _ -- - rat: Negotiation with France and Italy are so! !'tAS.ERi IN. HOLT •C CA3IERON, fbrwwrd it is almost certain motley orders :' 11 Rarriater,. sulic:tors 1;1 chancery. &c. may be sent to those countries on the •�' �'riP. �htant. ,= �ji'(h�arn1 Cameron. 'tatrmetrtn, same date, and with Belgium r. r..3n;L. I Maraca W.nuhart, 175i 1► later. Legal. The British H "Ise of Comm,: ns went to an extreme length in keeping Bra,i- laugh out of his seat because he was r.' •t truly orthodox, and then, no «'tubi order to show how truly orthetiex it i+ itself, it adjourned over Derby Day, e that its members might attend tate n . rse before the adorable host as it was car- race. This is a world of contradictions. vied in the hands of the vied through The least consistent nun in it can hard - the aisles, and hack to the tabernsde ly be sail after this lie who at firs' During the procession, the organist sang threw doubt on the meaning of the •atl. .•s a.••lo the fir')t four lines of the hymn when the Speaker offered to administer " Pange Lingua." the choir singing the it, and subsequently administered it t. I+4 tea . :u a there'. which to the air of himself. ' Salve Regent ' in the Gregorian choir The Dominion Gorernmeit', •, i ft,'•nn4 ark, had a very fine effect. The "I1 ., � its general policy in similar rasps.t.as a: swag by the choir. finished ml the tine- ; Court, and laid over to Mr. H'u.,dw••rt'.. diction. Imasediately after mass. j M. P., the 18,300 awarded by dot.4'�o:et n TIM,rao ' fir the sand and grave! taken fn•m he was pre ehwl by ltev. Father McRae, a I ballast pit. Thuas hbeen a yahoos'. in. few I.oc.t 4,111y we we will subjoin, front the vestment for Mr. Woodworth. who owls the t. t' J. !.n rt't chap., 2d verse : - paid $1,900 for the whole fsnn. '•1 wheel: "I'h. t•r.•s'i which 1 give is n.y Reah for he still retains poseessmn. The mewlralutur,.a, aria 1...'t late 11 Inum, cep tet the deeneon ..f the Excl.e•ie1 0 the , tae vorld. The s• erica wa. ! ion arbitrators awarded him •100 as a replete with text') filled with pr:'ofs.t- ! fair reatunerstlom for gravel, Ac., takers. THF LARESTSTOCK -uF------ WALL PAPER %Est of 'i11Jt(1NTu IMRZE'S BOOK STORE. DADOES. FRIEZES. FILLINGS. BORDERS. FRESCOES. STENCIL DECORATIONS. CORNER`. CENTRE PIECES. EXTENSIONS. CEILING DECORATIONS. AND ALL KINDS or BORDERS, PLAIN AND (N►LD. The above Wall Papers are ibis yeaaonsDIRECT IMPORTATIONS from the Best American and English Manufacturers, and comprise all their Latest Designs and Patterns. Nothing can equal thein either in Price or Quality. INSPECTION INV/TED. Satisfaction Guaranteed. The Prices range from 5c. per roll up to 12.50. JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. Moorhou e.. North Side Market -Sq., Goderich. 1883-..SPMIEI IND SUMER--1883 THINGS OP JOY AND BEAVTY_ The Vagaries of Fashion fully displayed at the Fashionable Stere of MISS STEWA... E T, CLOD 3RZCS, ONT. The advent of Spring L killed by all classes 'with unbounded delight, and unpoeUoal if. deed would be the heart that wound wish tor continued winter. Amongst the Wise a flutter of excitement was faintly perceptible as the opening of oar: M%Ulaer) Showroom was anxiously looked forward to, and whoa the display was MDT for the critical eyes tan Girths tavisitors-when each article seemed as 1f mode to with the other -which would look best. But ladles have an idea of what is becoming and beautiful whso men have not. Knowing this. we spared no pains when in the Market', W Examine all Lada of Goods and Prices .ANI) NOW we. HAVE STRAW GOODS ALL THE WAY FROM TUSCANY. LACES AND RIBBONS. FROM PARIS. FRINGES, FROM BELGIUM AND HAM -BUR(:. Just stop for a moment and think what knowledge and skill is brought into action to discern between that which 1s really good and the worthless trasl, sontetitres oekred to the public. We are glad to announce that we are fully prepared to meet the growing want of this nom mnnity. Goderich, May 31st. 1983. Over 100 Pieces of Embroideries from 3 cents to 46 cents -the 'Cheapest Geode of the Kind ever seen ill town. In all other Departments our Stock is complete, and Prices are as low as the lowest. QHEi:IFF s 'ALE ''F LANDS. ('•• ryo: It' it .., • ht t•ir:ue of a writ of To Wit : ; Fieri Faris' issued out of Her )<IAjeary'. County Court of the County of Hurn^. and to me dire, -,ed and delivered wales!tt,e lands and to nements of Angus Metkilit t. at the suit of Andrew Cocenlock. 1 hare +ei,e.1 and taken in F:serution the fol- lowi:,g laid'. The Fro: twetre and a -half a, re. of the Fast half of the North half of lot twenty -tine .n the thirfe.-nth concession M the Township of 1lichdl0 ....red the West half of the North halt of lot twenty-eight in the Thi.-•ern•h . 'o.essloti of the Township of Glc• (•,,,t.;,r of Numb. 1t'1•.. 1: 150.14 ar.d tract*. t.'. 1 .hal: offer for ss.'.•. at r.:T ndk'e. in the non House, 1. the Town. f li.> 1• r,. h. on r, 'mints-. the Twenty RT.* .:ay of July. isst., at the hour M TTwelt! M the r;.wk, now. lb(1By. (iIHHI/Ni'. +herttf i ( e, Dedefieli • Sheriff of Herat. Aprlt lith. tett 1n7,31no A Complete Stock of Groceries. Our '50 cent Japan Tea deserves spscidl mention. lbs of Tea for 81.00. v)tv I. THE TiME F-01' Bedding Out Plants tesfiagthe red nteabro: of the Eticha- I iM.% n. ss.ne ■. •,:rs�tor r.3e trw:mlrossiii, Tt'y The Heat veer saw for tie Prior. Eddie sy'crement, which :among the seven! The Colo�ne OewNc publishes an ar s e'rss,.nesrw+. taels.,►epr. trefwaa.. Mtntr a erateroits of the church is pieced thief j tittle which attracts mush attention. to •• wheat w Passers. OI. and s. gle�tfs . &r.afa- tit order, when the firm place should show that Germany, Asserts. and Italy a:.n stw.,sw runs have ►.e. •t •feigned it, rine. it is the ; can together muster 1,318 battalion. of T Sc F'T % I1 LE I'I .� 1 "T C ereet.•s' of all sacraments. One which j infantry, 740 equadrnns of cavalry. 4.4114 • y .. .- even M.ortin Luther admitted to he the j field gen. ; while the forces .1 France twat -e t, Lived a"reaa".., t ?Slily eu,ar ndntmIn-ateotn►aenwter /eed• the oan„el', the heaven- , and Russia together amount t.• 1,.19 ' I Ty hangtte► for souls, and challenged the I bettali"ns of infantry, 620 squadrons of �l wh.,le world to deny the infinite power cavalry, and 4,840 field guns : but it says t e last Own States mean only epee. ams, Areata, Craws, k I of nee in chentling the bread l and wine y yMade to enter. with livi ltrl for'ce's. Tie trhrtlicate mer at hotly nn. CI , at .e changed ate o ( E. B 1 N CFH A )6, the water into wine at Cana d (ialliles. j alliance can thea outweigh the who's n• :ntlwr.-i, 'r,m• Tie ■arrameet of the Eucharist. i. I matnder. f Strop• i,:ne t.' 148 It COLBORN'E BROS "Who's l'our Tinner .)" "11'h y, Saunders 4' Son." THEN* DU ALT. 'O1:T' OF' Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work IN GOOD '411.41'F. ANit AT 1.0W PR/CE=. Iron Roving and Eavctrori,; lime,; Attended to Promptly by Experienced Hands. Anything in ocr lire finished up promptly. and NO HIGH PRICES CHARGED .' OUR sTO, K of' Stoves aril Tinware I- LAitGt; AND N ELI. Art.4tORTED. J..4.41ES &4 t :'VERS 4' SOX, Roderich. May 31. 1847. West street, next door to the 1'.1 HOME MANUFACTURE PHILO NOBLE, MERCHANT TAILOR, NORTH -STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, GDERICH, --,WILL FCIlN1.H OI: ]MAKE. (bh- Bents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. M TIARA FLrlilgtir'L ItTT/is.' A argAIMfr. rLslttT "IT t.s is. yFSR teams rt•HPrt\ ATTLtDLO TS. ♦SRL TOW aDDStets : PHILO NOBLE, NORTH -STREET, OODERICH. Dominion Barb Wire Company. "OLL MANI rACTI PO+ IX (AN tit .t OF THE LI1111 FOUR POINTED BARB STEEL 1181 11101110. This wire fencing is made of the very lest geed' of wire that eau be procand, and the barb Is the best annoyed barb made. So Anter wire fencing la la the membriwhich fact is attested toe by its Increased use by all the lesdiag Railway HassIn the p�estalea. Thr• Inst 1s the cheaper *very How (fall sod ane I' before perchance sad it apish fes tt.elf. 1a►JOHN A. N.\ b>TFL. Det, wont tow Gederi' h wad rlcinitp. t am aim agent tar :ha Vuers t .ty (Hi Works celebrated Castorine ani Peerless Lubricating Oils there now in stock a large assortment of il.e best t,ran t, of white lead manufactured. raareateed free tress owe (race et adeltersti e. Quality e 111 tell. JOHN A NAFTFL, ('HC P HARDWARE KIIPORTtrM.