HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-01, Page 7r at ^ r. nth 111iltON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1a8 Fun and Fancy. 3iousehola }lints. A Nu -reale EYE/M.-Taking a-pie•nie A .tld duck, if properly reeked,shuuld luuchton on the grass he .sit t•. the table with its ttush as it'd A little yirl once asked h r mother, ,'Atnt there a kittep chum foi [title chil- dren i tiechil- dren ! this catechism is so hal 1." "1 !sive that roan with all my lit'ttrt," Maid a Philadelphia girl, but the trouble is if 1 say yes everybody will say that !� married for mouey. He ie en editor. "t )h, dear! you've driven plat hairpin away into my hued " screamed a lacy cust•.uter to a milliner who was faatunin# a botit:.1 on her head. "Sorry, Minn, replied the woman, "accidents will hair- pin." t_ A young lady is n t like :a tree Yon cairn •t estimate her ago by counting her rings. Teacher -"Can you tell ole which is the olfactory an'f' Pupil frankly an- ewers. "Nu, kir." Teacher-('•trreet." Pupil goes (din $ brown study. When women have the ballot, a I see• cessful candidate trust be gallant enough to say he was; elected by a "hnot.ls•'nie vote, no 'tatter how small the may be. "Yes," he said describing dinner' at certain hotel, "it is just about the worst 1 ever sat down to. Everything was odd except the ice cream, and a pierce of cake fell on my foot and lamed me for a week. "Are y, u chief engineer of this . asked excited n cent' d an ie ldivides e. I the into -editor. "No, sir ; l sena tee the engineer ; I am the huller, and he pee cootie('to "boil down" six sheetsef man- ifold into a note of six lines. "Where are your kids 1" R society man asked, looking at the bare hands al a. poor but de.ervinn editor at Vanderbilt's party. "At Penne in bed," was the in• titirevelled on acoo•.tnt of the darns), quilted together with some strong thread. To nuke genal beef tea broil half a pouted of ban juicy beef one minute on each tile. Cat it in small pieces. Pour • r_i `i.df :t cup of 1.'Bing water mitre*' it and salt the juice, and serve Iiia the je!i• p'Ith wWctt It is served. To newest reeeut Marble stains; wash the sit fact with a solutiedl of oxalic acid, alit in"lisp 161111 chalk wet with water. 1u :,titer to prevent a teapot from get - tin` mouldy, after washing' and drying theteughly place a lump "t sugar inside. Italia orbs all dampness. A atn1ile but dclicil,us dish for dessert ie made br cutting Up •.renges 111 surall pieces and then pouring ever them scene r►eh boiled custard. Serve pith cake. U salmon is net put nt the watt in which it is to be belled until the wate Is budlike, the 'teat will be nicer in ev way. , It will bre mute tion, and keep its shape better. If you put soda in the irater with which entice to welsh- +•unions, you will fdud th:et singer warts, putty.staitu, ad 1 ..,uoh Iu..ru easily removed than wiper is used. Arat,.t-r'wt is recommended aa the shit-Lem:4g fur custards and sauce* of all knelt, b fur puddings and for meats. It us -preferred to corn starch by men), en account of the Haver. - There is nothing better for sunburn than skimmed milk ruble. 1 int') the skin at Lel-time, and allowed 10 remain all night. Elder dower water, home-made, El Qattara( in the. water, is the second blit thing. SILAS PIC OK PCL4ISc. --In making, apritikte about half ateaspoonful of tuout swear over the steak along with the pep- per and salt ; it net only improves the tlat•'r, but make' the meat very tender. Useful daunels for waahinu the kitch- en nut be nada of the feet of old knitted weeks and stockings which cannot be dignant reply, "do you .epp use I'd bring my children to a party like this T* A REWARD -Of .snit• J..e.•' ' I'EtaCK- KY" to any one timeline the Ices: lour line rhyme on "TRAREP.RY," the Ie:ner::able little gem fur the Teeth sod Bath. A.k your druggest or address, "Mary Jens," said Dicker. ".un't this ! , :ar!v- Hard a now! het, tiut.do weather tuts (i.,l.a ler tit ••.: „ ...�• ,nice tufAin, it will -cur - "Dickey." said Mary Jana, ' ,, weather that takes of elle {. ' Pe feetrPttsitite and Pleawanent are oonsu ups►ion:' 'Oh," ani1 1) "1 the cures effr.aeel by Dr. Van Buren's never lived on a farm. Kelsey Cera Relief in all cases of Kid• Thous Lida are being cured.. ' Catarrh nay I)iseabe i,..•Atained af:er a few d:)ses. every v6.rr with Hail's Camel h t'•)rt', :hat See that y-:; Druggist :;aces you Dr he doctors had given up and said could Van Bur.•:, a K.•iney Cure :5e►11 •bp.1. nut be cured. 75 cents a i..ttle. Sold Wilann • L • .• . t. !1. ail byGeorgeRhyne*, sole sigma for Gede- The iw.idiu; which should invariably I accompany .t boiled dinner to the table "KI it tuck as much obs etrneed, ter is made in this way :'' One 'lint of sweet git drtw)! as it does ter Kit sober, 1 nebor or sour nii:k, two teacups , t cont „meal, would NW laid tint in de a/u all night.. slier, ;ouetesspoonfsl of seJa, dissolved De •acbSery of df. life is n mighty con- in but water : add tem slides c4 stale cake, crumbled very fine. end inked with the meal ; 1>.,ii for three hours in a bag ; teary arratlgeenent. De thing dot yer ougbten ter do ii mighty easy, but de things td yer oughter 'oompliah is ew,wetful U ryden ''She her man, and wle.oi you rant ea and .wear. Can draw you to her with n sinvle hair." Bit ity%apt be beautiful Lair "to have ensured by the use ..f CYatuALE"r. Bala ca} K p se•••.• with a comntrni er pudding sauce. A■ Answer h amort. - . ' - • I T. the wad/rel metra./.a. and all tokens 11 away rs16rra. Phus{)hatine, or Nerve ht,uu, a Phos - plate Element based upon icieutitic Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Huston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Cvosutuptitll, Kick Hua'Iache, d er- rous Attacks, Vettig., and Neuralgia and all wasting disease of the human system. Phusphatine is nut a Mottecine, no bac. s Nutrini'•�it, (eases it contains u Vegetable of inirel Poisons, (►prates, Nineties, a . ., a Stimulants, but tempt ly the Phe -idiotic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sufficient to convince. All Druggists sell it. FIN) per bottle. Lewes's & Co., sole agents for the Doteinu'11, fila Front Street East Toronto. aweklea'. .trains watsr. The greatest ulctlic:Q weeder ',011ie world. Warranted tddl speedily' eure Burns, Itruises,Cuta,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sures, C.tncers, files, Chilblains, Corna, Totter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, gua'anteed to cure in every' instance, or money refunded 25c. per leu. Fri sale.by J. Wilton. ly'. New Life fee ruMlews Weakened by pts ease. Debility and DI..lpatlou. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific fur impotency, mvrv•,ua de- bility, universal laisitule, furgetfulnees, pin in the back or sides, n0 matter hew shattered the system may be faun ex - ceases of any kind, the Great German r restore the ' .st function.; Remedy will and Recuro health and happ►ness. $1.Of1 per box, six boxes for $5.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent "n receipt •.f price, postage aid, by F T. Cheney, 'Deeddo, Ohio, sole rgent for United States. Cir- culars and testimonials sent free. Sold by Geo. Rayne*, sole agent for Gode- rich. • 3a : �tl not. life is sweeping by, g and dare before you die something mighty and sub nine leave behind to conquer fine. ROS a week In yourewS town. $.: outfit tree. No risly. Everyth►n new. Capital not required. K e will hernia you everything. Many are making fortu n Ladies make as much as men. snit boys sets' girls 'take groat pay. Realer. If you wa d business at which you tan tnuke great pay ant the time, write fur particulars to 1111 t Co., Portland Maine. 0.00 • Banking. BANK. OF MOLT 1ZAL. ('.4P1741.. ets,oap,ow. .UJRPLL'S. - - ys,00,i,t.t•. Goderich Branch. T). (;LA S - - - - - Manalaer. Allows interest on de-poeft,. Drafts, ►rites of credit and circular notes maned. payab in ell Parts of the weed- 1,M. CANADIAN BAN K -OF COMMERCE l •n elle este brie' u• a care of Kidney or Liter tenupleint train' Electric Bitters will net speedily cure ' \\'e say they eassuet•e ec tlwunaudi of cases already studs power : and .iiwutifel Mer tans beer nm l,uy �[ectrt ti'liters. w Tote Bright's Disuse, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They piieify the hlo•.d, reeulare the leer: els,and ac' iractly on the diseased Reanwaa. Sold at 50 eta. ng' J. \\'ikon. 2m At an evening party where one of the guests preserved a strict silence, no mat-. parts, Ever bottle guaranteed. Fur ter what might he the subject of oonver- side you are a w'. elation, Theodore Ifrlo k at lett at1 -aneed to hint lid, said : "If wise .\ F R:rstlaK le all Mankind. man, you are a fowl." f•gt!leee times when •i:ir newr$ bpape In the history of medicines nu , ,,top a are ttevlei with patent trtetiicine Miter - ration has received such universal com- a tisenlente, it is gratifying to know .bat• fr. mendatiou for the alleviation it a'tdn, t , p t'••cuie that will certainly cute entt. and the permanent cure it effects iu kid• , If ; rr are bilious, blind out :,f urdcr, !icy diseases', as Dr. Van Buren's Kioney lift inattiv'e, or c eneral debilitated, Cure. Its action in these distressing ! then' is nothing in tine world that will cutnpleints is ein.piy wuniU rful. Soli( curex`•.0 se quickly, as -Electric Bitters. by J. Wilson. • 2m They are a 1,:. -ng to all mankind, and Co:smitten.-"1'3v you title got burned' can had for only tarty. cent+ a honk. sl iOe w i, toe ily J. Wilson. [1 i out last night T' queried one esthetes'! "f Jaines tVtlsun. [n..:j woman of atlathe; as they enol on the • EaekMw. tee Leattessew. street. "Yue, do house dun burned a• de grown'," was the reply. "An' van looted eberylin' T' "All 'cept one bed• j steal, two chairs, an' de berm.' "Shoo 1 Wall, d = a . one cons...lesbian trout it, Mrs. Bisbee, you has saved 'nut' to begin spring house-ebrusiu' on." Now that there is a reliable reit raj fer ' kidney troubles. half the terrors attached to these complaints have been remer ed For this let all be thankfal, am.: t•• Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure sward all praise for hat ing thus removed a hitherto , considered fatal disease frena' • t:r ;atth it was never known to fail. 5,,1•1 l,y Js N...ehold slat. fir sprtn:. F••r • rdinitry w••eddlfo-k line whiting 1„ rib tree dirt WI, a:1(1 atcim••nta. Copperas mixed with the whitewash even the cellar wars will keep the ver- min away-. Ceilings that __haws bass atmked with aikerosene lamp. aNatild +Ie_ eire .6 with w•da water. Good tires should be kept up :luring house cleaning time, even though the doers and windows be kept open. Drain pipes and all places that are• aour •er Impure may be cleaned with lime -wirer, eepperu water ..r carbolic acid. Salt liberally sprinkled •..er a cArliet 1•ef••re sweeping will ahrorb the duet and dirt, and 1. ing out the c der• n+ fresh as new. Paper and plaster are actin' •ths..r- bents, and when they become ther•.ngb- lysaturated a 111 redone efftntitn.Kh- ing but colts' renewal will cleanse them. If the wail about the stove ha. been smoked by the shave. c .ver the black patches with germ shellace and they will sot strike through either paint ••r t is•' - mine. -I I ,ireetiii.ted tailors •i.jUc will be as much worn as ever b.: the ultra fashion- Nutw'that andin the ,.stilted upj►osi- ti.►n of chiru o,dttrts, fe eh pick teed shows are goingltat 'rf f I'd ion. Boxing winces . , •1 t he hard variety lasetn to he pushing out alt ether •teles in the lees! t •nil tut s-.ciety. eially by the yenng men elle) have felled ten•mnect-with their tail's:. f. it- seri ug suit,. Cnt.iway oars aTe t.) bo wail with an uxpeniire wetc!t eli.'tin. Prince Alberts when the cbsitt happens to he of rubber ,r ticnnsn silver. Walkireeeeicke with geese and donkey heads in silver will be a!Ye<ted by the "dodos" with a proper idea ed the fitness •,f thing+. The hair will be worn 1.Anged across the furehesd. Thia puts althe "dudes" on anluteus$ 4ial footing act far as the ample broiu sort of thing is concern- ed. Neck wear domes :n all colours and fabrics. 1idny of the sporting fraternity will wear a tight fatting hemp tiewith the bow worn on the !dt ode just ander the ear. This tie will, however. only be worn an special occasions. Wen wiw*Mrd. A liberal awed will be psi t any party who will produce n cane •,f Liter, trio Bitters Mill not speedily cure. BrIng g them *long, it •will coat yon notliine for the medicine if it fails to care, and you will he w,u welt rewarded for yieir trihle besides. All Rioted diseesea. Bilious- ness, Jaundice. Ctnnstipetio>n, and gene- tal debility are quickly cured. Setisfac- 1 tion cnsranteed or money retU11'ed idney or Stomach complaint that Elec• Prioe only fifty cents ter 1.'ttle. or 'tole by J. Wilson. ;51 Thousands bear witness t.' the ne.si• I • tire cr.tativP;, •worn ..1 the ('SEAT t;t R-! MA\ 17. rTt.Or tY tit, the nilly remedy that has proved itself w /pecrbe for general debility. nominal weftlnesa, imTc•tencv. etc., rind all .diseases that arise from aelf- abuse or otertai, l brain, finally ending t in e.enagmptl. u, 'ItMmty and a pTetse- tnre crtve geld by all druggists, eel will be sent ire. n receipt of =1.00 pse hoz, ..r six hnzes for !},5. Address T. T Cnrxrt, T •led s. ()hip,, r••la agent far they (-r'ee'l suttee. Send for cirri ldsr erertestimr•nials of genuine cnree (lea Rhynes, (;.,derieh. 3m THE IIAI11.TOU PROVIDENT Ain LOAN SOCIETY. e APiT 51. p,aas.•t)Lel. HEAD OFFICE. N %NHL'SbN. t►NT. Ietendine ewwm.rrn wilt eowsntt their beet lar Diemen by al: no i . o�h.t. ree going erms oppreod b,eMalee'- wI/. • b, raM of lan'e's' loan tattles area fwrtbsr PSltlrntaro. apply to NAM1"EL P(►LW('K. Agent. drtek. t►uderirh May 17th, heal 1391 to Made 0.00/, - 86,otwJ,000. • Rest; - - 81,4OO, U(R'. Presidewt Hu:: WJJ JieKASTEII eM'atManager, • A-. n.'...•.n....v • ' Goderich Branch. Ai M. Il;(l.SS. - - - MANAGER. ilierest allowed cit dt ••,w-ts. krafts on a the principal Town r..: Cities in Canada Great Britain and eke United States. bough andewld. �1t u,,oestO Tanners en Notes, with onto mete endorsees. without nortgar••. 1753 INSURANCE CARD. s ileterIe1f A99 "tom \', T:ntoNTo---Fstahlishe 1833. • PII(ENIX 1NS. CO'Y,of'lnttox Engiandi bate lis iTt. HATtTFOit1► INS. Cti'Y, of fAarrnnD, Conn -Established iSP). Risks taken in eke above first-class Ofttces at the lowest rates lay 110R ACE IHORTON. The unnernignr'd ill al ,.a Appral't'r for the CANADA PER. IRAN syn SAYINGS COT Tonocro.• • Money. to Lown on r-_ t -,•la++ security. ori. 7 toll per Cont.-•Cherges moderate. IIORACE HORTON. Ooderirl, Sept. 10. 1880. - -- A week made at home by the in dpstrioua. (test business now be fore the public. capital sot need ed. We willstart you. Men. we - men. boys and girls wonted every - earl so well. No one can fall to make enormous pay, by engaging at once. Costly outfit and tern,. free. Money mani- fest. arls fest. easily, a'nd bimonthly. Address TRUE tt• Co., Augusta. Maine. I where to work for us. Now is the time. Yon can work in ,pare rima. or rive your whole time to the Du+ine,e. No other bulginess;bulginess; will pay you n y A CURE GUARANTEEL N[AGNETIC EDICINE, DC Z " D oRr!gf?alNr�. iia•.;;:: roe old awl' wane. Hole and renal, • Positively cures Nervousness In all its etas.', Weak 31cetor Iona ofJ Brain Power, fecreaf 1 Prowfrntion, `'IgSI $Pan's. Ypernttaan•Aesr►, ' L',rnrrh rsi, Barrooms.,, Soni,*! Weakness and General Loan of I otrrr. It repairs Serrault Waste. Id urenntr,, 1hr .laded intel- lect.strengthens the Enfeebled Brain, and Re- stores Surprising Tana and rigor fn the tar. haueMd tlenera4irr Organs. %Vitt. enrh or- der for Twitter. package. neeomp allied with ave dollars, we will send our \C rit ten (P ar- sntee to refund the money. if the treatment does not em', 1 n titre. It ,s the a'heapestabd Re.$ Medicine In the market. airFull particular in our pamphlet. which we desire to mail free to any address. Itlaet•i waseetle tleAlrtwr is sold by Drug• gees at be eta. per box11 boxes for SS. fir w111 be mailed free• of postage, on receipt of the 'snot: he addressing MIMICK natit lit' wI:DterrIr. fe., Windsor. Unt.. Canada , told in aodcrich. hT JADES vellums and all l)nureists errrwhere ISA2-iv (1001 CHEAPER THAN EVER ,AT Tur.( Oldest Established House IN THE: COUINT TY• Sil.s, wilt's, ribbons, a:1 wool French cashmeres, factory and bleached rano*, prints, rt.'., at lean than wholesale prices. rieutch and Canadian iwoods at wholesale prima. Ducks, rot uuades Q; c., {:c., • cry low. C-ROCCEI E8- 1; ...e, ou buy of pedlars u grangers try my ieot.luung ltyeon tea warranted pure h om 'GScts. per pound up, Black teas at A'1cta. equal to moat 50tt, tea sold. Sty (Ort. Black tea. worth 'Wets., finest Import' at "Seta. per pound. All spices sold by mea ranted pun!. HBRD'VPA•RE, B 0111H- 1 hold in riock a large u.sortment of bar iron. steel, nails, paints. oil.. glass together with a general %shorts crit of ',heli hardware, and 1 h tent CORN SHELLER r ANCHOR-I./NE. UN ITCu'STATES M.II. S'1'E:.t 't left` Sail Weekly to in•! front )law foss At4Utit•iatUw, t la Lahla•taIMAhlaw labia Passage, Sou to 5w. I tetter ud, II dM o rl1N. Sarno t ('shin, 510. I tet urn 'I'icke'si dT:. $teenage passengers buulyd at luso mice. Psaienger acvomimndattu,ls unea..elled. ALL $1'ATaw110L6 UM AIAtw DKOK. Passengers booked at lowest rates lac er from Germany, Italy, Norway Sweden. in umark• st•. Fur Book of "Tour. in snot land,"Bat s ate.. apply to HI' NDERSON BRO'rlleit lost. New York. on the continent of Atm -rtes. Prate Italy Ave dollars. Hrina .:1 cu:n • errs of torn and try C. CRat1a23733, SQUARE. _RODERft711. • GODERICH BOILER WORKS. 1 Chrystal & Bl'o'ke 'PO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN PANS mato t.at New • [dOI1.E1:.? and HALT SEEDS! RELIABLE SEEDS! 1.11 ('AT - sumo' 1 he ,tt;roily illustrated. •r.n• Tattooing all ne,es.ary inf,wmatinn for the su,•- casfnl cultivation of Vegetables. )lowers, Field Rom.. Potatoes. e.r. Ir wow published. sod will Ir 'nailed fro to all applicants. JOHN A. INDUCE R co. e seed ([rowers. Hamilton. annuls. a 1�w rd Direst Lne..•.a a.eees and x.+a.;- keOh.rtire.* •1 , ..n ..i, •ra b... ••• t . >fOr/et1t, � t'Itrw., tt,,•wsterawes. Atli., • t ,. s�twttsa,, tr...eyyVtla L•iw1et11M l.. i On. ^•,el•. xe#sia sad Lid tat ...rs ea rO w, n...y- MMAllThr .Teel add eW Wired pIan I} a,a•e Pa•owe/.es Wired N M sato.'. l`il'y its tea rale n, an fMs.ral Tissot Oases In the tin .sit anew. Osae..t. hand on aleetest Bette.. All kinds of Repairtag mutated under 'he I p.reowal .unerrlsioit of tkt Proprietors who an PracrictiIWor''Norn P_ 0. Boni LOS 14$%' $500.00 nevtarel. We will pat',tbeabove reward fur a • ase of Liver l .u.a:act. 1)yep, mat. Sick ' ,tache. Inttige•tt i. ('oust prelim or tort i\ cola ice cannot eurewitlty t- 1'.,VegetableL-verP111.. wbentlye direct lolls tie a strictly compiled with. T'ey are pn^•h Vc,retoblc. and deter f:.'I t o give weti,.fu..1 tie. Aurae Cent en. Iiar.. 4130504. oontainiegeei Y ar. YS cents. For. au••• by till Bruise ate, IEA%are of counterfeit. arid et JOHN C. t�' ST *-ca.. "The Pill ALktrs.' ` ,a ' w 81 and fit Sing e:. Karg, Toronto. Ont. Free (� trial • laude sent by man prepaid on receiptFar *glees WILIMIEVA 11111G sTODE. ry ` 1 • 1.000.00 Ac#y�s C n tho • C'ir `at nc-1 Crest Mt M lt. ` uY a;A t a to `eve, oeasy tVie.. at Miter per �oweT'a r /1.11111111.11 TD .t r141114.1114114111. 'ltt> ~ s. M*awTY~ ie'.terne terse 001"htjeoG'tlats.p pa Otill�/' ay�t>p,Cewtats ,ter if law�yootsl+iNtrCe., Ncgo,1ty1ole' a�taea> T Pat• Ofj :MIN.NEB DITHE GREAT'. R11100J oa c 9's4 ru ri f ice WILL, CURE :LC fo!lanins di.ea,es : Itltetinizatism, S3. pea l kir', t ...t[- tlh t ctm. Scurry anal SE'" DISEASES. : sola remove PIMPLES, itLOTcnEs and heal Ulcers Gray's Ipecilo Yedicinee raAOt Udall Tul: (:It6AT VRAp manP 15ttUaw i.K- ':tt,.V..to ut .111w� cure ".r Metniwal $fWuayaale•suratd•Itueosarls l- ,lrahotpot weak TAK�el ')• nnt .vorthewls• MTU ITAKINC. .ens f i i u .10 our .•.-.. t• +i Igo....-.. 1 Ira.t heti , fain in the Bark, [tininess of risien, 1 Tamar nor eld age'. and many ether diereses hal brad to Insanely or ,t • ..m4Uon and a piematun.irate, $+LYu'n44itulrtrs in our pamphlet, which we dc. to to ..red free by mai' to everyone. The .,oro Mt "Wine is *old ; c.11 drugggis•s'et I nr pasta;e, re 1141 pee nip ter 15. ur wilt hi' -ent free by nail ell rani ea teat. aimsev 1e' odd re Ing Tete' t: te) MKuleiNe;tee,• •n!ii,Qut. .•:l in(iud,Mirb by Jas. 5 e� 1 A91^ w+•- V' A A A 1 L and Old 'Sore, 1 J , r t!TION.-Ask for "Dr. Che nine's Sarsaparilla," teko othor In its place. 1f your Drc zist has none In stock, re- • rim to send for it. I'Ft1�F, ()NT Dor. T.A^. P1 Perry Davis ` eon k 14.i >•.i, Air<.. 1f CV. 1.. tions Ct,t gt•nain.. manta'turret only I jrseesi ! Farmers Please Consider This. THE PERRY DAVIS PAIN KILLERsets with 'reekeiel 'emelt/ and weer Iuil�, w 1 :o tale , at th•! .• ,trucncetuent of an attack, is cera Cholera, Cholera. Morten', . se sell a= all ,cm:arr t.n::11::- r.f a simi- lar nature. For Toothache, Barak, Scalds, Cuts, Brniuw, ate. the PAiel KILLER will be foun'. , tri!linr plittic;aa, ready and able to relieve Tour niOcrinc without •'s •J, sad at .t rtj iusig- iiiant test. For Colic, Cramps,. - Axi• Dysentery In Iiorsest, Ike PAIN KiLLEII bit r. • e• uai,am[it has never beer, kngwn to (Ail t.• rffeot a sure insa single inseam'. It is tried' in rum •.1 the larsat hear, stables and house in8nuori ire thee/este rer.••oritstsyeans Lamle • her Rosh r!t • eet .I , ler from veld. n ! •lo 1' to K:',.as mixed wt'b milk wit 1 ''are • 4.. :a t - 1.....l, veil quickly. • V:461 PAINT X[T.T.FR i• fl,- 1 y . .,,-,,...• r rs., 1.0 era, a. ..- -ri , en ?betook Inerse al 1nrippeea'lX iLott' who do ul)rortun -•\.' u.gree . •.Peart:: %,o - t.: + in the.r -.n;'.e (in pro- . i.. t uainer; will . ' wsltt.so Ex- ja•c•n t fnn.••*.r re'. I:..•. \wane whoen- dal:e- 1 teat : neat.^ • f. :cop;ttl�, 5'nn C5b goer: e !r u t ui {qt: the work. or anti 7001' spar.. tnomentr. r t,i two: mullet% mai alt that, le necessary sent free. Address Boole - sus at Co..Portland. Macre • + •t'* 110411,411.1,•o y,,nt• of a 3 cent siasnp. p• •!:e•!r•• tw .: .• !r: 11■ 11 Ilio ri • y ..; rift.. ed div �eadl�..h laid 'W. eaalth' f tl1MArlir! IVWWOt •RAIN ne SWUM rtrut.t... :.• ., Dse.•E• 1'. I\iarr'w NEItYE Asn BRAIN '1'Rr.AT'! ML15T.a guaranteed i.petimefor Hystrr a D'z' Shims, ('Duvnlatons. 1• its, Nereous Neuralyria• Headache. 'Nervous l'ror:I-atom caused by the tee of akvhui;or torr. eo. Wakefulness. Mon tad hep Lot t•n, roflcning act the Wain, rosier ing in Insanity seal loa.iirg to misery, defal- end death. Premature U41 .Ige, Barrenness• Less of Nut: er ii, eit Ler Pez. Invotutesry Lasses and $pennaturrl.tea. reused by uvt r -exertion • of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence'. One boa will curt recent cas.••a 4'..qq..:h h• x cun- tainb eme month's treatment. (I:,edollnr.i box. or six boxes :or eve dollars • trent by mail pre paid un re.cip of Mit c. We gunnntee six borea l o cure any CIVIC. \lith ea, I. order re- ceived by us for six boxes. at•vutnp:u.ied with are dollars. we _wi11 send the purchaser owr written guarantee to refund the nione; :f the treatment does not effect a cure. t,• Laranttet•s fated only by J.aleas ifllsiOS sole author- ized agent for Dederick Ont. JOHN C W E",' & CO.. sole proprietors, 'reroute oat. t- LKCa• -. -+•) • i fit, tt an.>S ! t ' cd i2 )-•r \_'�i' ' •"'• 1 fir .. i rti "tti lFt / `rite �, �i ' i. -lite- t •4: i:.•• 1... : norm' ..t , R: the 1Dire ,.1i 1, .101 •11/An) .x,. 1: Ica,( •• . '•,'t,.. t••knt:.:1'• r nr• turn .rat' wit' • Iht till : tc,. ••,- bo::•. or six blies t o.:, i 1 • h. r b u w. w•e. res sent free! mall. re'• ' t ':• re-a•'r,' of prier. 1.?doe ss r g. 1 Y. 3.111WNlin ltrnac t'7 runout' et..'1'.ite:,. G:en. hovaate. -ole Ag'•e..t for t:od. ru•t, •► it +ii• i j u MAN'S WORM P3Q, D£i.S. Are -,•••-4.-. Ll to take: lta.ti.:a :....- ,.en Purgativei• c. safe, sure. ani', r!h•cruel efe.rroyer r:l ...erns. 21. Adults. CIICAGO,ROCK ISL JB&PACIFIC R'I Cala the attentt nu of travelers tQ M.' went posi- tion M eta line, conr-t)Mie.a the hest sad the Wee': by the .,on.et rents, nod art iwa ps•,'•ngars, witnout 'hands of ewes, between Chles.0 and Itan- l'Tty, t).waMt B:ul., Iwsvenwwta. Al,h.aea. sneeapele and ft. P: ,t. It 0.5Ye la In Owes ' awrh all the de!ny pal upas road Mesion the Atlantis said (5 Pae. Overate. Its pantp- n'en, .• enri.araa sad wlafntm..et. M1eK w4�po.sd e( Meet Os.afonsbis sad lemesirid Dv Cowb . iafsnS.rn• for•o•\ 1t Aimee Halt Con Pnll- twan. Prr,•uv, PO* 'loess• C nwd the diet Line of Dirties Cats to the Weir rro Troia, between Mourn and Dieser"tiltrrr 'n•. 'O ?Yana wt lamer , !among ..d mecspe:r "ALIIIERT LOA ROUTE•" ♦1AITLANI) HOl"EL.MODL►RICH A OXT. tM *bee* fter y wtntion andl'nnienlrntrtoo theto , Moa• 14�''runt ro nano in lh,tarlo. for ruin lel eetnniln datIon. 1+ heated by HM .l it s, SALI�R IITwe. awlww156 new CregMt Lawn and garden nn the prrm..es (lee and eo11d meals at all hone. for traveller. As (l,adhwa to and /r,m Mats awl ran mw 'retia: fa attwdwnr• Jnn Resonm�nn. Pre awy•i IIew aaresaearl trial a (Tn Ng'. N.,. I.� d5YNM 1n•srmat Mee. • n da•r 11 ae+ a•W P.:.Y ere er tae CRtAI' ROC HILAND Roue. 411w doer ars,, Thebes Oeaee• el at' ..nae R. R. 01111,..t. t. st. aeons,, 55. res , . n.. T • ► ►v. ata OIMIOAOO WILL CL!Ri::J; RELIEVE . L;;& U'ZZINESS,, ' -Lt, ,;517101, SiPfl/" ItT RNEU.'f, HEARTBURN, HEA0ApfE, DROPS r. FLUTTERINC OF THE HEART, /CIDIT r OF THE STO;l4CH, DRYA'ESS OF THE SKiN, And every ep.elr. of A:seae sotto`from d•aard red L:VER• KIDNEYS, STOMACH. BOwELR On BLOOD, T. MiLBURN 1l GO.. vr°°rTQ* A t- - , �''•-t°• 1'�'. ••v -T': l i ' !1 1I��� f 11 +. tJ'~. � ' IJ 1 : L F� r-• iii, p e". e i".-. ,f1" • L lath no r reentry v.111 HALL'S ATARRH URE Recommended dye M rdtelene. CLTRF9 ' �Y.t to of tt Vass! C vity -crone and Ulcerative' excreter else tye or ix. It It taken INTERN eEY and( actsTLY noun t.ie &ood sod Mete73a of the System. t N the besti.od rentor n 1M WORLD, sed I worth All list J&.gtr lo,ff-_---- Tlik ONLY INTERNAL CURE FOR CATARRH ih Tang tt.tEkIIT Arm 00 $100 *uraat. •t': :.�Avt,, ,'r t do-sh 1i, IS02. My lltt�!-.a.tg•.'.r vas tree:eel with Catarrh fur iso y ossa, ata temente()I sat ver) tattemente()bl ties eta roi • a is t:aLtrlr Cur: - She i. sow arot:t Ira t W. T. 1(0115. Ave. -Lazo. Ont., Star -b5). 181.2 i i • H&J', Catarrh Car," un 10 nx fr a `...♦ awed mimes I derived from on Pase lt.mtm. w sora a wail erre Ike toast +tubbors oats ..t t at*rrk 11 Its vee be tv,ntl.,oml for a teasussu•.e ion* d time. W. H. 111:LLEILS. wet:tare, out, move 90, lilt t'..1, rw►'ry A Co.. Tol..lo. 0. [:wry., --May. sold no.:: • Cats rah Cure far the --'51 year. art DOW'S .•4 t ire satisfaction 1 -ours truly, H. W. RoIt30N, Dnt51V. Hall's Catarrh Cure •c;d ,.y all Who.a,ie s' I *6. IAt; Dregs ant floats. to Parent )i.e•Ib{ass b tie ratted asst'-. tad C sada. PRICE : Cents a Wale. 1$9,011 a Dos. The nal, deneitl* Rall s Catarrh Cure 1s vase• sfa.t•.rei by P. J. CIIESZT • CO., Toledo. 0. artesian n, tr-`'mom s 1 : •:1.11 :r err •.• trade bl ltantwd. Sigi.Iskt H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Out. A ENT$1 ewst�ttr.tr�t1la EOREtit RHYN.A$ iii at 1 nee!. ei, I�lata Lt a k f o x• a i vole A e WOW rift