HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-01, Page 4I And Is despatched to all tarts of the surround
ng country by the earliest walls and trains.
1'II E 111 lit)!\ sIGNAL, 1"li1 a 1..I 11 y l: 1. [883.
'IIS 11LliUN Il' i11I,
1 tau:r• 1Ce tl.iul, tGe,:L,: ;1,:, t:.c `l.nuJ b M. 1j, 1 t!:
►„ t I v' wan, sa•cuu o d by Boys' rase- 1 J ltlAtht•s.in W. Johu- to .. number of the ,itauid paw
• people within each 1'recancel.•ught t. be I Mi I ebeits•a,, tit. it the "meats be!ston ; 3 W. Manse. 1 •o!e`acx atter ling the "it;strict p. B.
is published every ir`rmies, Morning, b1 plc the exciusev• judger a to the atlndard adopted.\Yh nlir:•rk raasulatira,rk ,i. ...,..n tlw I:.iurcal:',:... f the ta'an :r!:rd Asu01a•
(11LLIl'L'DDY 11140.4. h Itadu; war" Melee. kir held • Huila' tt obis
were ■
at their Oticc \oath et u .lurliticatiun. After ricketiest crime • he f dlou isse once -bearers we elect-
GODERICH. ONTARIO.ed leer the ''taming institute year: Pr0e1. ! 1.'.1•!110», Joh y
-i Square, f ,.
teal p e{e. i:y a lis u u
Hy general admission it has a larger clrcula
Inn than any other newspaper in this part of
the country, d i one of the raciest, newsiest
sod most reliable journals In Ontario
possessing, as it does. the tore-golt•gessentials
and being in addition to the above, a ,li6t-ciao•
family anti fireside paper- it la therefore a
most desirable adrertiatay used tau.,
Toads. -$1.50 in advance, pasta+
by publishers; sera if paid lis lure
82.00 if not en paid. This rule a ill
RATes or Anv66TISIN0. Eight • • t 'a•
Ire for first insertion; three eeair ppet•r` line tier
bac hsubeeyuentinsert ion. Yearly•half-yearly.
and quarterly contracts at reduced niter.
Jim rRssirse L-« ;ye hare also+first-class
jobbing department in connection, and possas .
1 ng the macro complete out -fit and best radii
t u t urning out work to Goderkch • fire pre
to do business iu that line at price. tlust cannot
be beaten, and of a quality that cannot be.
surpassed,- Tensa Cask
• pre -paid
it months
a: strictly
FRIDAY , JUNE Lg, 1g83.
THE third Mentz pa# murderer,
Michael Fagan, was hanged on Monday
last. Like his 'predecessors cis the scaf-
f•,ld he died without rnaeing a at:t emrnt.
The last of the condelunotl ttseo,Tiruothy
Kelly,will bo hanged on the 9th of June.
We 'novo that James Carey be made to
change places with Timothy Kelly.
THE Mitchell Ades/rote complains that
t•wing to the exodus to the west, th
p.upulattun of that town has decrease:!
every year since 1881. Now, isn't our
)Mitchell c...tjr.,e astray in its deduction
The decrease is surely not owing to the
exodus ; it can't he owing to the exodus.
Why, even the -4'Iv-etc, talking politi-
cally, will nut admit there is an exodus.
Nurely there must betimes other reason.
STEYR PEER, of Drummoudcille, a fu-
Hamnulist, walked across the Suspension
1'ridgeon one of the railway cables on the
:!4th rust. When partly over ha slipped
and wan' forced to hang 260 feet in the
air until rescued by two teen who were
passing on the bridge abece lam.. Last
July Peer ativartised that he would jump
from the uew `Susj.ensieu Bridge to the
river below, buttlailed to fill the bill. It
is almost a pity.tlie two gentlemen who
raved him didn't let him pierfunn the act
this year, although the Dig jgmp was not
advertised on the bill boards.
Ik.w'N in Arkansas they invest the or-
deal .4 hauan with such cheerful Aux-
iliaries that t en the' c''ndeinned man
takes a greet ii,attest and deep delight [a
the•perfurnranee. At Clarend••n on the
„ 26th .•f May, 'i.lylur, a nurilerer, -was
, . • executed. The • scaffold *as-erecteti in
the' wtiods oue.ati.l.a half miles from the
jail ; speeial. trails. were :roti from all
points within tifry miles by sa enterpris-
ing. negro ; find over 5,000 sl+oet.itr.rs
were .present t•, enjoy tbetnselys at a
picnic on the ie. -easiest. When the sheriff
notified Tael..r that the time. fer execu-
tion was near at hand, the latter .rcllied
that he would not ei change his place
'with a bridal 'ample. The account of
this. Arkansaw. l+aneing is the clearest
case of all-r;end satisfaction we hate ever
seen in print.
tentage Reasoning.
The c ins any fennel at C'lathaui,
Ont., for the uisuufacture of wagons,
carriages, cart* arta sleighs, and known
as the Chethaut Manufacturing Co.,
applied for ipcteased-.prutecti.•n, and one
of the organs .'f the Conserv fire party,
the Chatham L'1 -•net. trying to defend
this action on the part of the Co., says :
" 1r. VanAlltn declares that his cour-
t tatty would not ask increased protection,
telly that they are funsishiug 0 1.: ft,
1tYup.n Ito 7r rharp,., ..,1 1un,, .r he,1..,,,
by Mr A 0„ ring,,,." ') jtd Aur readers ever
Meet with such a wholesale libel upon,
theeammon sense..f the people as'tlutt' !
The Co. w:ult to be protected, that is,
they want a higher- duty . put upon
American wag:itts. carts d c•.- to compel
the Canadian farmers in the North 11 est
and elsewhere t.. buy a better article at
n lower price. Esther the people's esti-
mate of value and cheapness slitters
rnaterially fr In ties C.1., or the 1,e01/l0
up ill that tegi'As are A strange class.
when in buying tlst.y•deliberat?ly cheese
the dearest And worn{ article, Hut, seine -
thing must be said 'to defend the act,
and the reason given is as sound as any
other.-[ Alruotite Gazette.
Th. L'tra•l.n of the thYeM,e,
The Ilamtlt •n Tribwne insists upon
Mr. .illake taking his stand upon the
question of the .lector+l fratschiie, and
accuses frim "f w.ulting A pul.lic pattlicy.
The Trib.o • has .imply igen '+mint; to
naffs and pate:ere we think that man.
hood suffrage could be ad%antageous!y dent, W. It. Maier : lot Vice-president, I a,utested for the L•turd r. 0th duptnu► f Ti•r cherry Nod plum trees re now It
naives'.- !London Advertiser. J. !fico ;t:'nd t:, _•ljt•esidrut, Thomas Minden: MsDoual a. The contest wen; rust big in thea wctiwt, an give pro•
1%'rut bt:ratd ; to. -.:: ry, A, Murton ; • long .ja despair ..1 , the erose.' conk' ; ,u a, .,( an i•, tlai fit crop.
MECHANIC$' INSTITiJ TE. Trwssura', A. J. It re ; directors -E. hanlly be kept u itain hounds in their ,, , ltuuJay nwttting ,u Itat►sl l sou u
- IL Watson. W. a.. +'th, Jusoph Williams, excituuurut . New McDonald wants *Dm 1 J• t"• LvTouzct, ‘,t s lcndin:: a hWYlt ant
Report of the !Ward .f waaaa••rueut rue the
ha. Sheppard. C. pairs, A. Streit{ n. . utetlol ..i r..nu+u,j . licheayo rallies, and
{ b.r_by bvlouriug Mr. F. YiwtbruuKh
Bored by Mr. Rice seconded by Mr. I i turn btekee tiesited lab or two. The I1 tette ••n his lot •r'r (+rot, the tette
,'.renting:iIsowsal.Iaes. Miller,{ Mr. J. 1 Colborne Ilx t1y he an u I:vc niog •tl.!iuroeftbel,1ptpitay, tie tee
jto vary ember. le „rima„Fehr. entre aerutwl to team, swung bar: .itching . of the wheels
Moved city Mr. Sloane, see.anJe 1,r! the mesa:lith froth ,,IrMii th,uetiy an i end tr 'al a 'he hoot, *MO tau away
Mr.-, •. K'illimas. that the thank; of his' and d.41.'1 in%1ton. , +luno and again the j u}' `'etiu1 ,alai saua►h+ j tPttr vehicle.
meeting be NiidrreJ t t the retiring "h- detircd line ass nearly beteg crossed. - h''':uuatulyttoben •'ante off unhurt.
alta Qarried. . 1t lea victory perched ten the twiner ell I 4uathender" hu'a.i.ttn reported, and
Mored by M". \Cyun,s: ,nds.t bSy lir. 11'K.•. rio•. W.-9 ,!, • I nye : I• mi th! 1 „u ;tor t,.a'ry that wv •h ! not see his ar-
Roberts.,tl, that oatalopet s►f tit.. bo •l.a 'r• 1} that . I..th side.• w.tit fa 14,t lel•.•' 1:I (l'p t . i' 'chin ri Unr symjvehy
in the library be pelnt.1. i C.w .1 Nblu i. m Yladle to her wi'.U. is, N»d f• r 1 lm in Iaist wettk'r tattle of your cal»•
uiHDY1urv' t:: sotr Votes of thanks wore then m...o i to ; &fen. her rights w hen such luau are
ublu ►laprr ;fur tt stems the water on
The Directors are tdease1 t•, hare t s the Auditory and to the clla:ruaw of the i uumen.usly twitter -el over her vale: d..• hr t noon r; for very Li;h, as he has said
report that the Instituto is in go,t•l con- twetiutl, add theleeetit:lr ,tdjouri+ed. 'itlelain ! TO., boat race WAS rrry rxcitiu , r:f rl nothiu ul,out any abetment.
dation,tinancl:dly, and with pauper pet- - - Two twwttsenter.4 f•srti••n•potthon. J.hn He •taut tee full wta•l,s O.aleaaine the
nonage are he .uful i f its advancement i' S'a .i•;!': -.1,1,..1i,.',):'
"..,:.0 ':., • i. i1• ;,e., , n oral t .i uta'
1 CLOSE O TFIE .,S a IO:•. fele." so-.• . ( 1• , , , , :na of ._ , i
in all its particulars in the future. Tae
\LrnLaL Orli. :, i u. j! lulj fit i' +•+; na,t.ub Lt.: ,•..acro a• •.f rue .ec
membership, while beam fair. is iar,t TkeCst crarrur. edan•a... in another. In the tie-' race the link. tion ie -1 ugne, coast:l :tin: them ea..
what the Board expectei this yetr ; but, ty mu..I Preget,. ur the "wintry -Tke 1.0111 1. The ewe had to b 'awe,' Again,
the 'autocrat. whack Lr Lot ,c'.r 1 f reit iu
as there re only five months of the Reith-wcal-Thr Ll:ra a Hill.au1 After a krill cont.wt Duucnu McKee yaur lnuriouriaaut•. 11'11 d•.uot atali lis
membership year expired, it is holed bud John llcKonzie won by Ihrral boat f. tee up !11m1+1 el,ncu 111 your co:m...ns, as
that the number +•ill be largely increased . The Meese .,f 1-'..111 111 0 11.9 n.ct ten luuethe. Tb, .. .I:,,.: 1: ,1,, r.d•1 Isle „u+ ore .1 .sot wast tii dray has .t•lt:•it•cit, id -
before the end •,f the year. Althoueh c!,•a, and the Senate at two, to pass the excu.si:'ns fro.:, the d•,cs out gut'. tilt! teeselter, fur as Bunt* tele; !lard at.'•:: -
the library and reading remit e.. under -Supply }Bila Parliament was formally lake. Great nuu+t:ers took vlrantage of certain (permit's f•,.,!• we will rue al,'a
the name, "Mechanics' Institute," and proregueal,1flbsoluentiy there beingafair the opportunity of enjoying themselves his nv.••1.:..
the Government acknowledge it na such attendance notwithstanding that many of on the placid wafer* of Huron. A large -That tater t(,,,,talathood In his ireet..
by the grant allowed, the mechanics of the members had gone home. The ea: uun►ber "tripped light fantastic' to 1 west anti vettdene;-
the town patronize it w a very limited lowing is the speech from the throne:- tint class nnusic nosy'+ by James Mc 11n;f1» n• w !doi;vrtw•aJ .
extent. This should not be so, seeing. //en nimble Gentlemen of fAe .Bente and re. :11c1Amald is con. -
that the membership fee is put at the Gentl'entee of the linear' f ("o p2 on: :- sidaravl a musician ascend to wine. -111.1 as he wants to• give . lis "metre
small sunt of one dollar per annum I desire to thank you for the diligence The Japers, Dutt atn McKay and t1. C. D. nee. nil a "ch:u,ce" we will gn a little
The rcatitng rutm has•been well patruu- and eenlestnrns with which you have' Melseeacontinually enlir »sod the amuse- further.. Ile still "weeny c►wn'c ler
'zed during the winter nt:d spring perforated yuur duties during this pm- meats .by playing spiriteal tuner, which stand" how sensible people can help la -
months, and nearly every evening a tractod ettestoti. The large sums which were highly appreciated. The amuse- ing conceited about their share el the
eery respectable number could have been mento were brought to a clue by pee• wetted
tses the ty. B t ani •re d weeder ideally
the baoyant state of fisc revenue has en-
fetu d invisitors attendance. o the The number of abled. yen to appropriate in Hid of the seating prize to the most beautiful lady i tells us : ."the nater on onr braid Inuit
has been largely in advance ufer/ town this any year
w construction ks o[itu'ernal railway*In andiesu the lama h cotewho ! en cents, after a ld be selected by i
vely jcanvau a ant for it." Ile not only. admits
p cement wd1 be yy that he it r simpleton hut thinks himself
ci"us year, which +hoar that there is A carefully applied and economical) ex- and a stead flow of dimes ..., T i
crowing interest taken in the Ltstitute pended, and must contribute in a large Stewart was declared the winner. The •Lay one :ear suprptnsehe means that I►o
and the advantages accruing therefrom. crowd then dislterted to their haters .111 is r.lual to two ordinary ones. Well, we
g g measure to the prosperity and progressanBill,of always . thought that 11111'1 asit.v lake
The ng the have taken great pins in the count The Dumluiun Lands appeared to be well pleased end seemed „ , Yy
making the institute w nttralttfve as which emM,dies the result of the ex ito day, " We'll 11 be back again." Southender' would make a Jruudre4
possible I.y supplying its tables with the ` __„ fur beat we never before gave latecrcdit
once acquued during the last two yuan
best papers -daily anti weekly= -anti• the fur twins equal to two himself; but
will,, it is deeliecrd, greatly estate and en.
Mater .
choicest magazine* procurable. • The then as he i* the Li • at ho .eau rote saw
courage the settlers now flowing in such +' - hey
is supplied with n choice eelec-I gll we suppose it is all strsi;tilt. -t littl
tion tat books, a lar,.e number of which l unprecedented numbers into Moret TAKEN'.m LasYDox.-On Monday Mr. further on he• gore sick. Ps. or fellow
are among the latest and bat works ends the North•west territories. The J. T. Marsh was taken to the Leaden But au the widat of his a +rutety of tieliwt
published un• ncientif and other useful amendments to the laws respecting mai- Asylum; Mr. Fortune taking himdown.
.subjects, makin the rdxotni a taco tit will tend to tmpreve the discipline, On Friday evening, R. and E Holmes,
wherethe members can maklf'lel !selves training and military education of that pr., rode to Londeaboro, un bicycles, in
anted not only with, the current invaluable force. The conadi iation and 35 minutes ; the didance is tax miles,
literature of the day, but post themselves amendment of the statutes relating to the and several dismounts were made, °wore
in the decel•,pmerft of arts and sciences, ma•nagetuent of the customs while to teases being,met
and yet opinions from each other by dis- •rsOYEerlto TWE ROHM'TatntR
cession of the subjects. There are on against dtwndulent and dishonest com-
tbe tables this year thirteen daily and petitory will free the commerce of the
weekly papers, seven illustrated papers country from tome of thx re strsinte im-
And nine magazines. The library con- Posed elf at by previously existing ]awe
siats of 1,396 volumes, nearly all in :,.ed The readjustment of the tariff and the
condition -125 of which have been added reduction (•f the duties on the raw Mate -
this year -the classifeation of which is rinls.use.' -.r manufactures, together
as follows :-Hiatot'y, 169 ; bieeraphy, with the bounty grantee on the pro -
101 ; miscolancous, 363 ; veyags•s and tinction of )j.ig iron, must aid 1n the country in Inc year 11351 and coniine at
'travels, 99 ; fiction, 30 ; tales, ate., 21; futthrr tlevelupnsortt of Canadian indus- oleo to Harem, when he settled en the
literature, 144 : science and ehile•asphy, tries. farm now occupied by Mr. W. Mason,
179.; poetry, 29 mechanical, 12 ; 1. a,ks It is ratifying also to know that the bre line. He only resided there for a
of reference, 4!.' There' have t•et•n 153 1 financial pnsttion of the public treasury
names on the librarian's- book during the has enabled y .0 t, lower the premiere
punt year; with the following clareifica- of taxation by 'more than a million dole•
tion :.Mechanics, 24; farmers.2 t bust- !ars. J i •..nn
mess, •Y_ ; prufesoional, _'i ; !:•(ties, 1 ! : Tho Lill for tbe• regulation of shop,
saloon and tavern licenses must have the
etti►et of preventing the unrestrained sale
of intoxicating liquors in every Province
of the Dominion, and affords an efficient
system for its successful . operation, freed
frons -tire suspicion ..of
f heo.is su.awiull . .
Tuesday, May akb.
The annual msetiug of the b ,an[ i f
directors of the mechanics' i Istituto was
held this arenas in the read a 1001».
The minutes a ,r'e'ek et •+•tin • were
! t
read and c•,ntinu'ctl.
The ft Lowing is the
•s,wd. There uluat 1'510 baeu saver+!
ehsusend 'wept.. in 1.1.11 enj•,iiwg the
d:•t'e lou. 1 sj..1 Their I •', f,N ,Y•• the
pw .plc •d Clint•.n l.e a Hey 11 c,nsa.wl es-
tute at ab„lit .. 1• , .i..46441..1 inl, w.t.t fVl•
lowed ay the tiring of 'stns wed
tare crackers by 11 3 i•ge1MkatrIstlr of 14.7•11
litewtwtn ri and'9 u'ellwk the oufure s
jju tel silt„{ rs, teal gqy)etl itt a (kntastival-
lyr4 of up rs 1„:d btlirigsl t!te rabe►tatic
wtfrdauu tl it taller bowers " Jecesen
the Hatter,' Hued.• the steeeta root' wall
their lhulodL,s.
A toii•lo ••f. ban slats (rem Gederi;h,
uur fr .,o I1Iy.1., 11'1 -c:.r' it t!lu 1„cal
rulers, so.loGfuwu It' 1jre {n:hi?* to :Item
11 1
the U dun rrbaeM uatl but ..r •.
l wan un-
explainxl teasing the; Ltilr.it.t pet int an
11:1 •.-.1,neve. • au et labia.... 1,f ridiug
was, ilu.vevur. '1i• en tie the lu 1 get
square while oke athletic squirts, a, G.!•
lows, were in l•r.yrriea'
STti[Ltt' •r..ItM
tine huudrud 1'5,511 ftot•rwce-0,' . Oen.
lit trio, Jut. %1'Ioastlry, 2nd, Jain '.. Nia-
Oowus, 3.4,'1'. 13. ferry,
Two-Lundre:1 yard lace -5entri'•. 1•t,
J. nkat' s t:.. ;fad, .1, W1'lte:eloy, :1 I T.
It. Perry. •
For the tion'-Iegg,e1 1.10° there •rare
iso entries, bat the l•arrel race crated
encujh t;,rt 1.4. Leis. ea':h contssia .t bee
ine required to sale thn,n h a ',vest
.hs' I tQ b•,th ends awake! 'tut. -
Btyre: nice- 3nitri•.te 1st,L. Ml: a'•
dy, 2nd, 11'. 1'ri'-tter:a, 3rd, Jobe Wat-
LA. 11... t:u. •r' 'IATt•H,
he mutters his only euus„latiun-"Bet
.ter than none" -"Better than none.'
For one thing we neat give "$outhen
der" credit. that. is : lie would save u
Dean the watery. atttictiou his fay.rit
text -book has brought upon -14,», and
OstrraaY.-Yetaterday, in the demise imploringly begs of tad net to study it.
of Mr. W. Shipley, sr., this neighb Ir- We do not understand what he wants
hood has lost one who was among the to say about getting his "bouts polish -
earliest to brave the hardships incident ed," if he had said something about
to pioneer life. ' He was born at Dalton, ' eteve•poksh" every rine in the scvtion
Yorkshire, England, in the yen!. 1800. »tight have understood hint then. He
After serving his apprenticeship to wag- also says Ile "knew; your correspondent
iron nraking, he carried on buejrless for persontelly a if no, why dues he accuse
himself fur 26 yore, emigrating to this four different !antes of writing the
"harmless item-- ' Ile accusex usalso of
personal envy, but here ho is .quite
wrong ; we have never burse hint any
mali o whatever but rten the Nat, have
short time, subsequently buying the handled him- gently,•and although he lie
farm how occupied •by Mr. Andrews. in ala ays Lorne the name of au evil Lots
the limits of the town, where he resided 'embed, we will not liken hitt 10 any u
for long time. About 18 years ago he the lower animals, as we do trot wish t.
lest his wife, re -marrying several years offer any insult to them ty such a coat
later, his wife surviving hint He be- p,•wtisen. In, •.
cnclusiuis we will assure
erme s member of tho Methodist society him that uur fingers have never 'awned'
in early life, and lived in accordance' to have a "drive" at him, as we do not
wish to soil them in that easy, and as we
arrenow "through" will test say any
more but treat any of Ai. future ,•w-
sumptiuns" as a gentleman, nary :likely,
once treated him before.. ,
"TES Pt:artteTILNT 4 is[...
('.s ,•l.•rahk interest was t.il.eis its the
taontrtt, on' the driving par:,. lee:.Leen
the Denudes*. 14 Clinton, and a club
fano tioderiele liotlt wure Levine
suits, that ••f thu termer wring A
and blue strips:a blee,e, and !thick a::•, k-
in:,a, with fancy skull caps. (hely tire
g'ante; were played in bt•tlt which Clin-
ton was 'successful, the last being wen
in nh•wt eight minute;. Luria{ the
match a y.unap mals named Sham end his
furshea•l cut so hal that it hal to 1e
sewed up.
itlotucalat - of a utisunderstanlin,r
arose. Hotpot at the last minute, between
the'dItt•etun of the driciutt park and the
.1. .11 a.uu3rulent eemwittee, which
t► threateuod at time to prevent a ace
almost under any circtinstansa'. A good
, many people were disappointed that the
race did not come off iu the moornin' as
secert m:el, es this novelty was some-
ome` thing they were !articularly interested
°- in and it is only fair to say that every
effort was taade to hare it, but without
success. -After dinner, heweeer, Messrs.
J. McCulloch, of Guderieb, J. Kelly, of
Blyth, and T. Jackson, jr., and E.
Holmes. jr., Clinton, entered tor the
race. Mr. Jackpots was disabled by a
sore hand and only entered to fill up the
race, which wits practically between the
others. Mr. McC tillt'ch tee!: first prize,
Holmes second and KoUr third. The
distance was one anile, and the best time
ai minutes"-
Ht5L'.E RAI•as.
These acme off as advertised and were
twitnessed by a lar. o number, the gate
f i receipts being nearly .1400. The race
of pacers between Messrs. T. Til.line's
- 1 and Celiis' Was an extra enc, and result -
1 ed in Tipling winning,
Green Trot--- milt heats -1st Sandi-
a. tate, E. R. Palmer. 2.!. Capt. Gibbs,
A. 11. Polley. ani. Bial Hays, R
Elliott •
Running race- -mile heats --1st; Ella
)tW,-Jarner. ohn Swar- ts..• dint}, Biasing Ruoket,
'T.. King. 3rd, - Rocky Racer; John
- -
Thrce•nrinute trot=ldt, :Cod Hanlon,
J. J. McDotalal.. and, Jake,'/emu
' Elliott. 3rd, (hi Braggi, A. M. Polly,
B ialiINA. A t-YTLRTAI%116-`eT.- - -
At the Forester's hall, the Clinton
Court entertained quite a number of
I their brethren front Goderich, Londes-
1 'rnu;;h. Holntesrile, and other places..
The eutcrtainment given in the town
, hall was attended by a large crowd, who
j appear+,! to bis generally well-pleaeed-
with the name. The "buys" will have {
quite a surplus.
At about tern o'clock the bane!, fire-
men, and. Foresters formed in proem,
%ion, with torches, and marched through
the principal streets.
The day's atua+enicnts wonnd up with
a brilliant display ..f fireworks,. sent off
(rein she roof ,.f Smith's block.
(treat complaints have been made on
the street ait,sii .t the manner in which
the arrangement iu connection with the
bicycle race was carried nut, which cer-
tainly . was net as advertised. The
amusement cotnntittee appear to have
d••ne all they could t carry out their
part of the pr:grauuna, au,l they can on-
ly regret that any misun.ler•tendinq or
disappointment +hyoid have happened.
The Illy th bated was otse11e.l ler the
day and greatly centributeei t•, the inter-
est of the a nasion. -.
boys, 9 ; gentlemen, 12 ; ministers, 2 ;
ethers, 23. The number tf books issued
from the library during the year vias
2,230. -There is a balances t'n the last
order given for bootts.of •tate :t numi,e%
.•f the Iute.t"puUlicatira:s still to arrive,
which is aepected daily. • There has been
with the tenchins thereof, dying " in
sure and certain hope of happier life he-
yond." He was a very actire,rnan moat
all .'111 life, and only recently took to his
an appropriation made for a further while at the same time it will not unduly bed, being able to 'reach-witheut glasses
instalment of books, to he added ti, interfere with the rights ofthss4who hail as late tits list Sunday, Hud was eon-
the library shortly, which will cone enItaires in the trade under the authority 50*15 Anlnie i f de th. ewasewidel
tete the purchases of Lot',L i necessary t;. of le_islaiyr enactment.highest
[After "Soutbebder" gives n '.ri: f isre-
Dir. John Shipley ihiply, this discussion mut end. it has
made amply in order to cply with the Gres,t1 .. , i . f fAe' Ho ese of feinrwoti.: Pe ys e only sun'icin + g•been lively and .interestin:,t, but the
terntsofthe Governthent for the year. 1. returnyonm+thanksforthesu. hea's`.o,-[N wErn'
The papers mai 'magazines with whirl's you.have grate for the various j blic
the rcadini. moan is f:ireishcd Are Sold ,,,,rices. ' Colborne.
annually iy public auction. This year II,,;.erob'e t:•►,tlf,,,st, ,• for • .,aerie• ,i d ' erentl wtaxj tits dun••aitle ,ublac
the sale realized 636.60. There were f ti
two a vening tlaaser taurine the yarr r:.,sfl Die„ ref the Ilouae .,f f o,t•autaa:- reads which have fallen over should be one under under the r»haa; entent of Mu Fiala- I desire, t.• thank yon for the.great luokud after and sited up.The baltou was seen .from this point
hon.,ur conferred on "me b the resenta- I en Monday evening •'
er. ofW. Clinton, the ,•rhes The tuition
l+.t' tem exn oustaddresa. The Princess and lletzkeetn-•t)n Saturday lathM-i a 3liss L Gennady, tat Gudetteb, was the
Dir. es R. Robertson. The tuition fres - J t.•n.ado hailing from the south west, n, '
..f these classes amunntrd to t!5t►:aa i I hare bath been profoundly touched byy d p guest of Dlrs. Beau the week.
There tins an excursion to Toronto last your words, and the tnersage of Wbid► bably from s.nnewhere in Dlicbitfan, The twill is again n{nnins, : he- hands
summer, under the management .4 a G. - "r make us Ole !coater - c„{nos, as w! catof `le0teatin3 Trees through
turn uthent toad not all the old staff working by the
T. R.('u,''a agent, for file (10. T of the ed totuttt fit kis
in ther etna pee. l 1Thet'ever- pPiece. A new attain whistle has en ,
Iustitntc, and realized i?iG.OU The Di- p hurled to the ground, fences were tie-
tueliehed, and as it sped onward it us. `Prucund, and dinner lu•ur is announced
rectors hem, },!'+sure in tend -trine the since . f my ntficial connection with !stn- tat f..ilder tunes than erne.
thanes of the Institute to the town conn- `A~ `does net I•'oten the tie "t affection' eta a moment an its counts to lay own
aback wsU eyer make me desire to serge' the earn of Mr. 1V. J. F. -Baer. The PAINFUL A,'.•nsz'T-11'e regret t,learn
cal for their very
rad doxrntina tpf 100.U0, thio cuwn'trp. I pray that the prosperity barn stood upon woralen abutments, Hud that'Mrs. '.Vhitle *. of the base line, {wet
which lea vermien- swirled thew an I have neck you enp•y may c.putinue and was blown from its moorings firstly an. with a painful accident while gerting carer
their Gofilvernment
s, and enhl,led' them to ask .that tato Wesstnil of God n ptawning all the animals underneath and a fence on the premises of k.• Quaid,
the fiovcrnrgent for the full received
grant1 of r may al all timer toeing a yawning ab se where it first 1 where she was +!+iter. • one •.f na leg% gt00.0(►, whack has been receiyerd this be yours t y atreeghted coffin unity and dI ywere broken, and other pamfu) iu uric'
stood. The proprietor is eery thankful j
year : Also to Mr. J. oratedRussel, for his gift 'tae' • to the neighbors ,rs who assisted in man-
atri were sustained.
of an Australian et sleeted palter,: and -" !eating the imprisoned anicuda,andalwto
also t.. the proprietors of our h.cai pre
• . - , those who kindly passed by that way. Lsibt rn., '
pers, and others, who have kindly made THr 14TH.- leiver y id the 24th dnw'n without rcudennv any assistance. I
tlt•natiunr• • I yp Mr. and DI's. Reid, ref Colborne. cote Geo. Bean ..1 Holuseaviile
on n Here lively scene than that resent. wan the
To the, officers and'int nl cis of the TGn 1cri •h I ed at the Rioted dock on the morning tertained sixty, of their frieneisarxl guest of Mr. !'3. Lin last weak.
of Thursday. Thewrarbling of the faith- acquaintances nces on Saturday, May 2Gth,in THE CROPY.-Seeding ia' about over. .
Joe t:unfcs Inset sec and 'Lliprurr Aswoc'i•
tbnn: ereol %uausters in theis 'sylvan retreats, I celebrating the thirtieth anniversally of Tho season is *trout two weeks later Llan'
their w.,•tlrl;ng, semornin 1
Ciexn.lswt:r :-I • have the honor to ' the rippling; ,.f tiny warty els the pebbly ' g looked dark usual. .1 large number of shade tress
weather Is getting t.eo warm for its con-
tinuance. -lEn. SIGNAL `•
Z±ttal:i .
present the following eepert of the et- ; beach, the respleutlant orb of drywakiug and ominous tut before the h,ur for the hays been platlted on wase faints
ceipta nee eatiendituro of the.Llstitute , thamighty lake appear a Vast burnished "Goats to arrive it had chaired off, and a alters eesu TI'clt.-All was atir'and ani. `
for the current year 1 sheet of silver• set with glittering jewels very pleasant tinge was spent. Mr. John oration at Eaglefeld, . the residence of { y 1001'/ tf %/1/ /1 , (' pfd PT1 f' • %t'
f that far tranacenden thole of Ormuz or Morris, father of the hostess was pees Capt J Bog' he f M■
•f I d • t h !fit as lively and fill as u I- y'+
James Bogie,
on t `1311 u
Hata ItrcEtrrs ....$1s r t n towering above t. a picturesque Y jolly 'sun more when a large butldtner to be used ss a
trove , on handlike a nun of twenty-five, than one eek. stable and shed oat ntiaal. Sales were
tloce-nntrnt genet tscoo banks• as if guarding the enchantingy- p
'Town grant,.• 1110001 scene, all combined to usher in our time brating the thirtieth anniversary of his chosen from those Beit,:; east and west,
Mete asice Institute Association Oa"' Is dm bonortxl helidac,all scenting to "come daughter'+ wedding. They received c 30 on aside, m
,neo excursion. rte p a. Tat foUuw Ha11 and F rum k Mena. Cl 1 , l[
Pa +h re 00 ye admirers r f the sublime and beautiful
attention, 31r. 1:lake, as other th term- 2 Frees en do, holds to the principle that foe I >M4te 1 hmeab Kle of .3,s minute* Capt. lice p an +t{r
„•16 Yt t 1 e, t ,e captau,.+ being George - •11-11.1. -
rt,.:hgelate' .-...... . la a wntisber of rrcecn • lit
fCleat, tar• YY1ai8 ■
ia..- and mlptapncs !,f tin' atei feast your eyes on that which defies tag area •me of them -a Ix nutiful ail- ria was the budder. After a keen ettvg-
jIper,nt urss... x'. ' ' )' •• ver cruet. '►1r. John Morrie ; silver tett- '
Tlet+tr.. Ithr lotsrr, tae Minttrsaiptode } . tie and hu
c✓ti.0 ail aa eontotnpinte din that ; ter dish. Mr. J. Grumtnet1; silver pickle wise men of the east prorcd victorious, 1 ti
polo 21 dish. 1frs. Jus. Morris ; silver cup I.1)\E.11):`l%• Ii.t"(., .l l \ l; lith,
wnach scam., has su iarirhly ►cltterrd. l • Dir. Competition was thea tnn•terred to the 1
hero.`' N"ns tits nrptati •fit ma le in 4ionic ; pair %ids er nal :tn ria • p supper table, and is cry man worked arra eImt .e 1111 5's Ll! 1. o p ded to
teriuterrt'tte.K ► b
$stoics, . 'Mgt
eaip No Abut!+rale Maw A. 1Miten.; bed spread. sae. 0erL, Dag in getting down thesum'tueun tee I THURSI)Aii EV T: J1'\ 1 "th,
heat,• Itec crowd Wont to cense at et* groupie Verne: pair miser goblets lin J past•
the election of 1ntr:.Lore to the (louse ref
comm. Ma it is the lnty of PatIument to
adopt the Provincial franchise, whatever
it may be, and for (►ntsrie,, the Peearie•
of which he is • c:then, he advocates a
liberal exaasiur•.>1 the franehisc, leav-
ingthe prominent men of the party in
other Provinces t1. jndye ns to r hat the
franchise in tense I'nnincte shall be.
This, we think, h the pauper Iw"itiou to
talc It is not desiral,leae ntnitiply un-
necr•sserily v 'era's lists. 11 ., think the
nearer each 1'tot ince can t: inc to man -
lima suffrage, without trr'lan„ Bring the
purity .4 elan ,ons, the L tter. 1Yp Clink
that the burden of proof, when a c
of reasons hate the franchise withheld.
rests ellen thee' wh•, firer the restrie
tee). They ere laurel to *hey cause,
clear and cogent, why any citaset.heuid
have the franchise withheld from bits,
but this question should be left withi•
the d••maul of the Lo.I laegislaturee.
Then• tray I.'•'men dieevercvd riresia•
stances in the p•q.ul.sli • t ,•f the different
('rotu.t0•, tr'•u, a lar*, influx ',f iudnf•
straiten. fr •ni dmfl:Tem in the etticienty • 33
4.1 edltea:ioral systems, auc'h a difference
in the population of the Provinces is
i inexpedient t.,
n 1 :Ak t IIA{
• M
t t Oe
the genes:ea, tranehae in notch Pr, 1
rrni,gtclly.s ....... .: !' and fur three or h•or hones a.. J. wan'v II'te; silver frim v' basket. 111 It. The tjuern'a llirtholty passed fl th ".l 151(111?l.Ot'Fk HAPPY \tAk;:t.(r.E.
taper - 40d amnesiacs -
Hooks' , 00 , smile to tl"a• p sr quietly y y TY4 ZDA Y
iMolt.- .. .raj ` (..r t'e :;htostroentt Nhich consisted ,:(' I•vwsds•1 ■prof. 1Ir•. 11' 1*' hand : fare 1 etl the year. i hero were Marie IC TONINt3_
sit y visitors (tom (1•eletals at the leant Tt' W.vLtitl O L1'.
rundrtrs, ,p ls► athletic ;,nlWes, danrutg, Melt raving and liter towels, Mrs. .1 t:run►tnett ; linen 1 Farm. (hos a our to
('ash on ham,: .. :Ib W 'tug •,: near. The gamic' were well ante bsndlercbtrf. )11%s tt. 11r.ms: enthroid. ( cal %ectKaicn enol , AdmitBBio2i 25C.
sr" trent, !..i. H . -'tree"an. Ther• - his,ai forty g gsquuide by actu:J count, 1-t'a►sc'r -
k•te•i. aA 1 .•ftcn elicited the a fillet of llANliut►b, ,1 I►
tit't..t d►1'' ha ang prarut A nu,oi,rr ..f claw oi••n his aim being guided Ly the aid of a, " ITN 1CLP-RE.TORA-
the ..+i actatrlrs. The f •llowirtK are the I lar,re spy ulnas. lis the otrnin a s er TN► .
la els, •".me o,•t 1••si•contest- ! g I TeMex1„,innilun,•tthrr;oscofrachLetnn.
Espy-rulediunder statute. steelmaking t,rW wlnntrs ..f ohne rrtMtppaal ¢.ueMs gnott .1,,,i2•64.1::
} l Y , wt.aLt s„et*1 gathering ass hell at the
M't'on.ul) hint as ,., your cove and child
Haat.. - .......•...... 'Mata t'utt:ue beery stone I slat M al:ie..n tames ter• pi%ye. t'onvrrsatioe 1 relee were n ane o our denizen,,, w beer hualnd,,., health. belt
Te k e t ssaaul in order a mesa t► t ]lunte.ch 111cU,nskl ; 3Jdtbn MCt►eei• t d^anal freely, an l rnsrr; h t,l'v retolb•e- t t and
{rotten Ifr 41 !ria b•arit:in fN•ti un .- 1 D/nerd•teb ' la"" ..f by+r •tea days sere umsjul ed In•
ties wens chosen fora yarn' ..f croquet. want at t •'lar avid ecealag this
4 g 1` I '< The (our cad 1 I A ' Ud'•"rFL,
caving•tlaattro1111.V:341dtetn+l:, K. J.lemmtlnta Munn«« A hJewsmoi,-Lsthfully,net,'11.11 h.•r pleswns rtY then
tc cc•lehratr tl ell' by the if tete will return tA' Mlip
., ra
w•et id the 1wni.t ,r-ls•ctetl "nor : a . e nnen, rs. A tirGnj : , t
Ad -
iM McPhrra,e; Y Ruele:•:wt 5 cl'htrse'a ; 1 A eeryelrtlwnt tea w.ta pn}weed by Mitt. were rictotio'us Us0I'h') 'w Dlaywted .0sameet{, ascot
SMI ala, : ac;.
; IK I
panted to the h„u.e, au'I spent the re- +
AU • d wniien N respeatali y stel►tailtsd. 1 f. Mt F'hrrr,n : ? John i tin>;wtll ; t+ptitsti •n her I,eimz ■u exadlrnr a • •k. ; ,,,ander of the ere•n , a 111 singing, YOUR FOR 1 N
tic NcKav Naa'tine with pe e, 1' Many were the wishes •d their tritium" ha 4 . social
• l:arsntel 11 [ f'htrw a h,'an [hngwoil 3 that they might he 'pared
W. Il. .1;LLCR „ I c 1, etc. The affair w„un
tin in of the national without.
's wl eats. or
(jlxlefitA. May 2:►t h. 19d41t Jeb+ )1c11euzi.•. Putting light alone -
'olden wedding twenty years 3 er l 'three -cent •te at s we wt MMT !rim M• ■r a,1.
Mt « • 1s■IAIRatag. a haaatilal l amino
K, herw,y certify that we ER,. {Ain 1 Jelin Matheson : 9 )f. %LelN.nald'; 1' AN1►o bra,. RINad■
1 n VAlrLArn • n . on ) in f14:•a.
W. McPhnl, •n ; 2 McPherson • J J on Senalsy last, '•euarteriv tern ice."' area the New Era.
• I
ay extt+tls+ned •he ate •tants, levo• :car •• Ales M• hay. H p step arnl ramp -1 a I' • 100 Feat Belling Articles.
acrd Y•,UtheM alines -eel with the roods are in every how" la rhe
echanies' liatitute,f.r the yea' en are DIW'I"11 Ifni( Auk rose -1 John Dina- terve held at lM Pvaa;letiesl church : tt,e• 1 TI'e 41;h ■nnarrhary' ..f her Majesty s In!Don.r■AI o rr1M•' , 1v►bch w',11 bring Tow
st fly, 11IAA,and found them t•• erect ,tend! : 1 Alex McKay : 3 Duncan McKay. btrtttnjl were well •ttentL' 1 lath o, ern • itirrhoay was allebrato•tl ,n Clintonn • t ►• I,nlMms perslsy atM
, . •.n with c ^•'Muer oven {tear
half ytrar tram 'aft
Jess T. DEA.O Tossing liar ,•slider 1 1'c•c McRae 'n, nn. afterr.x,n. The Gro. J. 1'm• 'seen tie re than the un1•d • ',,r Earl %hie a•rlaiih vexes. It roil do not wW a
T•• R,,denc'a McKenzie •• 3 Itrsnalt[ Math*. hath, P. L ref Nsw laatburg was p•res- 1 in the morning large crowds he-_Yn rout- rrlen,t.'miin"e 4 f i.. Mn'it, ..t'hi't,'It
T4pwAa WIATRwtall4t sun• '!abets twee --1 Matilda ; oft, and u$eil►ted in hie usual accrpt■htr ing in (ron the country snit the p , batt hand rm.
(1t>bdeeiclt, 714th /fay, 111!!+1 9 Baba!!' O'L.swghhe ; 1 Levy Fes. I manner. 11
'f tit
aril arrive'
Inst ter I oar lata otMwM.
fi'r'm {tains Iargelc tnt'm•n• , ,p,• \Ma t dNar .t N; 1ilA,'}) t fir
nowt b
..avo.on,WWWWW•1111101•..6 115111111111111B".