HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-01, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL, 'FR1A 1, JUNE 1, 18b3.
She Poet's ttorner.
Better Tibiae%:
}tetter to smell the t ietet cool than sip th
glowing wine .
Getter to bark a hidden brook than +stub
diamond shine.
13e•tter the lON a of a nestle heart than beauty'
d favors proud;
Better the rose's living Need than roses in a
— •
1 ..r Nur. r'. Primed.
GOSSIP ABOUT THE NEEDLE Vic tri of A.I.rr4Istas. the whole direelion 4 the lora iA m s ra
p ave exaont y ioeise;tal Cocom- 11. the uuly.ic►alanteweutu relief fur Neu- I inert year 1 had a two-year-old filly that
Dlretuws fur saran■ Patterer la Reese- Nt'wreapera.lvettalieg during the !asst ' algia, Hoadaehe, Tuuthael►e,etc. Huh. I had the I•uue:.il for two necks so that it
erica vs k. i few years, like wail ether t hieg. has I plishrd by %irtually np.er.ing and Cleated hit1K a few drubs br.kIy r all that is need- I could sacral}• c.tt (the thrust was cool•
the space between the knew Adel int; ed. leo tnkieg iau,euus medicines for len anti a'mo.t stops) and by using Dr.
the s de •.f the feet as a resistatloe whileworks, but uuu minute'" applieatsmu re•
kicking, and (lacing the feet in a pool- I moves all pain and will prove the great
tiou .•f 'east resistance while rucoveriug. value of Kraut's I' luid Lightning. Twen-
lp ishipg the tie of Hittite cup ty rive cents li(r bottle at Geo. Rhynes' 1
Drug Store. 2 I [hie :atter euitjAgs t i but cine of • large timelier of Ejurte D sseasee that this re-
Shnply miraculous is all 1 can s►t • of 1 wetly is construtly curiu1.
the ett•tet of Dr. Vau Burou's K' .ley - ---
la.l .t •aaHNaa Msre%Ur,•
Physician's Uri often startled py re-
matkublo diseoreries. The fact that Dr.
!(lug's New Discovery for Consumption
and all Thee*, and Lung diseases isdaily
curing tsalients that they have glean up
to die, is sterilise; them to realize their
sense of duty, and examine into the
merits of this wonderful discovery, re -
with great benetat in a Itueeri.ug cumpeaust *ultiug in I. 'rests id our best 1'hpsi.
and adds that he would gladly mom- ciaUs usiti it in their yoactiee, Tru!
mend it to alt. • latttlos fere at .I. 1Vileon s Druv Biuret
-.�.-�--- Itetcnlar sire $LO . L)
!,Ir, Sutherlsud Jnhnst•.u, a Sarnia - - — _.
Druggist, hu sold av enormous quantity
of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters He
says the
Y ..
They act promptly in relieving all dis-
orders of the Stomach, Liver or F idneys
and are the "Best Blood Purifier." For
sale by all Druggists at 50 cents a tittle
1 sod is
'reuclltn4 cn.Lrotdery is the name alldvreoue a etadual devrlolnurut 0" 1
given to all wet k carried .,ut upon Java it has grown into it beaniers by use:f.
wireless, honryeuntb, or white or stone- Where twenty{years ago the wort c ,in -
colored linens such as are used far towels.
The work consists of snaking burden of
drawn w of k and urrsaweue,ug the plain
Inner a,luarus left between the drawn threads
talo by the way , butte, chain, eW feather stjtch. Wo sub tion of the legs meanie slowly, w order to I writes this from-tutisunish, v. S ,who
Netter be fed by mother's hand then rat clone, joie direetiOns for a hand} w.e ta,tdrhug �`-rtiser. The dad has gone by Wines item
as. little resistance as possible i , ha l suffered hon pains in the back fur
mueplaee''sd.r att.l-actwl wide atteuuou,
to day it is the iul,euioua "ad.' wLich I
attracts the eye. It is now an art, the
Dow's Sturge•.ti Oil Luuleuut for three
or fuer days it was tdlttirely eurod.
Papineaucille 1' Q.
to love In loneliness than to hast in �aee betweett the knees the knee
lovoapl,ta and the centre of the material with ars skilful appliu►tion of which means in• I
the fopntajn lathe heart than the tour- made iu ratio stitch and hoes .,f her, u�- t el►uuld iw thrown out and' the cuutwL
.versed buuueaK and { r •aioenty ,the Cure w my cos.. An elderly Y
at will : of this work : a firm can thrive without advertising.
to trust in . 1 ih "7.11 j• ,_ , the headway already attained. twenty yuan, lull by J. \\ clarrn (lode•
,. ,ter g w, trail a) gotals
my storehouse all." Select a rather strong and coarse linen The public sohose Wont} ieakee p
tnatcrul :oat it to the arae rel wired Ia- It will be found their, it ee alternate
tt,•Iter* be tic "ism than in knowledgeto space ble she busiuesa of •'the hu - .. ,....1 '
abound ; clu.iing a of two inches for the ..........the stroke of the arms and legs by giving
baker, :wJ rtndlrsti.l maker,
' drp,cods
hatter to roach a child than toil to fill perfet fringe. At the end of this apace Make propulsion with one while recovering
tions round. a lice of wide amid button hole stitches; on the daily paper net „1,1}• for the uca'a
Iteaer to sit at n master's fc. t than thrill a ,
leave an inch of material had draw out of the .ray but also Ler directions as to l .v ith the other, a far more constant
it t.. the dr buoyancy will 1e, attained, and for lung
ii.•tcning :slat.. ; threads beyond pth of halt
whcro to trrde. It u a autcattcrl iron `
'(etterto suspect
us ecttthatha ahotsgnutproud the* an inch; leave a quarter of an inch td tl,a[ the lareest•retail tit in l turte1 swims, it will befuundfar less fatiguing.
material and draw out another half inch (Popular Science Monthly fur'Jlay.
it tier; n walk in the ren] unseen U.an Ovate► of threads. Draw out the threads in Matra have achieved prominence and
the Lour'., ct cot ; ' this manlier along the tour sides of the success by judicious advertising, and tine .d our belt citizens would say to
Better the "Well done !•• at tl•e 1...1 ;has tb 'this
; each corner the only threads
air with shuutingn:.t. 49 that the smallest and most insignificant t the public that he has tried Hall's Ca -
left will be those Iselougin; to the un- fines aro those which hate kart out of i tarrh Cure, cud it is all that is claimed
Better to have n yui.t grief than a hu
m tar
o i G
raven its f rho uata•rial. rest care bottle. Sold
delight ; u pa � t •1' l t for it. Price ; 3 acute per tt e.
!letter the twilight of thedawnthat: the noon- must be taken in cutting the threads, prim andhave relied on chance cususe- by Gee. Rhynes, •rhe agent for G«le•
day burning bright. particularly at the c •nlet., as n wrong ers to sing their praises. Competition is rich. 3w :
Better a dtiath-when work is d,,::. t:.an earths cut win 'pod the whole work. Pro pip active and aggrrNite that it is neceas-
roost favored hirth : tact the corners at their edges by a long J h I' V H 'lit says: "51c
Genera child in God's great house than the !narrow line of button -hole worked with
ki Gr)gu r s SpeedCure Cur e r r Dyspepsia and
ary fora growing business hon to keep Johu .• art, amu ou,
ng of all the curt %. ! its name iia gads and its %.cation be-
lueorge ]facDomed. ; tine cotton, so as not to showln the de `lutiigestion is cheap at fifty t• -nes the
price asked for it. I am a commercial
(sign. Take a bright colored fileselle or fore the public eye, varying the advertise-
s .trtalafkee!Mea. I wool and work a line crow -stitch with it I went to keep the publio informed of tion, and travel continually, and would
!round the outer edge of the drawn i their stock and their prices. no mere thiuk of leaving home without
As soon as a boy leaves school and threads, and fill•the spaces left between , r I a bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cure in
leeks about to tee what be shall donut, • them with the same lines of ernes stitch• j In thin c f the nue the Philade.p•..a sy valise than I would uf.leavulk iny team.
Tim•'.i, one of the u:wt succesefu] leapers at home and going on foot .•' Free trial
is the country, says : • •Twenty years bottles at Ge,. llhy nas' drug store. lie
ago the art of advertising in legitimate gular size, fifty cents and one dollar.
trade was practically unknown. A few - - -
mets gained princely fortunes by liberal C V.u.a.E. -A name well known in
onnection with the Hair Renewer which
restores grey hair to its %fora! color by
a few weeks use. Sold at LO cents per
bottle by James Wilson. 2m
he ie very likely to be told by some for
wise person, "The world owes you a liv-
inc.'; This probably strikes him as be-
ing a very wise remark, and the boysays !crochet co Y
to himself, "If it is true that the world I corners end carry
it across the first open
owe' me a livin then I'm all ri ht✓ sp' ' Cn ide in half the few t pace. a 110
8, 8 tweets This and the next ,.leen space, take
He finds a place and goes to work man- the last half upon the needle and twist 1
f h th fi t% if i th
es. Take a piece of tine crochet cotton,
and work with it the pattern formed of
th threads 1 ft 'n thmaterial h th
e e t a when
rest have heen drawn away. Fasten the
I h tion secure] at one end of the
ully, but after a time concludes that
there is no fun in it, and he stops to con.
aider: "If the world owes me a living,
telly should I trouble myself ! Let the
world pay its debt to me. ' Suddenly he
loses his place and has nothing to do.
He is surprised, and wonders why the
world does not give him his due. '•A
uice bed, warm clothes, , and regular
dinners are good things, and I ought to
have them. . The World duel them to
ine, and if I du not get them I've b:en
cheated out of my rights." -
. At one time this country was a wilder-
ness; where no man could lice, sane by
fighting the wild beasts. Sonne one
chased away the bears and wolves, cut,
clown the forest, laid our [vada, built
towns, and dug canals. Somebody.
epent rest aumS of.momey in construct-
ing railroads, steamboats, decks, light-
houses, schools, libraries, aild all the tine
things you enjoy to freely. MI•,re' than
this; somebody pays the policeman, the
tireman, the soldier. sailor. the light -
11,e, , Lceper and school -master..
From the dei', yon were brit 'your
father and mutter have fed, clothed,
and sheltered you. It cost you nothing.
None of these great public works, roads,
canals, totem", navies,. !and armies cost
you Anything. • Hew can yiu say: the
World owes you a living? It is not that
• you aro in debt '•- What has a boy done
t) deserve all tidal Not a thing. It is
you robe must pay -not the world.
- 1h ! boys, he was a feelisb creature'
echo lint and. :•The world ower me a'
living." He told a very silly fable.
Thy world uwua ne roan a living till he
has done some w. •rthy deed, some ate el
work to make the world better and a
fairer place to live itt.. Those old fel-
lows who dug canals and laid out towns.
who built cities and invented all these
splendid things, -these telegraphs, these
ships, these magnificent engines, -had
the right idea. They worked manfully,
and the world,at latest. did owe theta a
lit ing, and paid it sunny times over. If
you mean to get out of - the great..kebt
you owe the world, ..o samethinee go to
work and show you are a man. Then,
when you have shown the world you can
iyork, it will gladly pay y:op a living, and
the finer and more noble your work the
greater will be your reward --From "A
Fable tar Heys,- 1.y Charles Barnard, in
St. Nicholas for May.
tem over e n a , .raw up e ,
! needle and cotton and repeat to the end .
of that corner. When the threads are
reached they are clue together, divide
them off into sets of eight threads. Take
i the Last four first upon the needle, and
t twist them over the first four, repeat
them until ever space of drawn thread is
worked over- \1 ort smell wheels -seer
advertising of patent medicines, but le-
gitimate trade shunned the newspaper
as a tnediiitn of reaching custom. Ey
and by mercantile David' came along
with their slings in the shape of newspa-
per advertising, and they slew the mer-
cantile Goliaths in their path. The
house of . A. T. Steuart & Co., the
strongest, and most permanent on the
continent, looked with cuutempt upon
the• open squares left at the corners• the supposed adventurers in trade who
Fill in the centre of the deeigu with
;stars made with entered &leselle ; finish
by -drawing out threads to feria a fringe.
Ticking Work. -A modern embroid-
ery, tcorkeditt imitation .of the bright
and elaborate embroideries of the East.
To pruduco a handsr.me effect take a
gray and white ticking, and to cover up
1 the gray lines sew on a dark blue velvet
strip, then a maroon or ruby.telvet strip
!dark green .ribbon or braid. a scarlet
braid, a benne* braid, a blue braid; edge
each of these upon both sides with a
narrow silk braid of an old gold color,
not yellow ; work upon the velvet 'strips
-in old gold silk with French knots, and
I work satin stitch trade as a cross ; work a
line of herring -bene stitches in pale blue
silk upon the white lines of the ticking
between the velvets, which repeat be-'
twee:: the •_seen and scarlet braid ; wont
eieht-painted stare 'on the scarlet in
%lac:+ eilk,.and add the same .eters upon
the blue braid' if desirable. -
Tulle embroidery is a very simple kind
i of embroidery worked with floss silks
, No person•can enjoy health while suf.
fering---Estmsiipnti«tl -.4 -thee-liowele-o
Harsh purgatives always de harm. Bur-
dock Blood Bitters is Saturn's own Cath-
artic ; it unlocks tho secretions,regulates,
purities and strenitti._ , the system. 2
Take the tame Netter
Constable Jurors helot an execution
against a fernier, and when he called for
a settlement the a_ticultutist t ick hitt
out int.. a big pasture and p..inted out ,►'
wild steer as the t as -titular piece of pig.
' -
petty to be Kt int upon. Jones chase,'
the steer around for a whi'.e and then sat
up1on fine black or white tulle, and is
►tlnnirnble for trimmings. A handsome
design can be worked as follows: -Select.
au easy outline crewelwork sir embroil-•
I cry pattern, trace it upon link paper
ntualin. Thread a fine darning -needle
with tion silk, and , run this along so as
i to trace the pattern . •et with a run line.
Darn the: floss silk int., the tulle totill
in any Parts of the design that are thick.
and work two or three run .lines close
I together to make stalks, or any prytni-
nent lines.
t-elvet work upon embossed velvet is
easy and .'ffeetice. It comes(' in out-
lining with wild thread the embussed
fiumara and arrabesques and tilling in'
r, ,
rho centre f such s arts with a•ttin stitch
worked in colored tileselles. Te work -
select a deep and itch gated piece of
I embosse.l velvet and couch Adele every
1 cutline of the embossing nee threads of
Japanese gold 'thread. then take. twit
shades of green tileselle- and vein the
leaves of the 'design with crewel stitch
' and n pale st.tele of lileselle .•f the. same
color as the velvet, and fill iu the cen-
tree of any flowers sir genrnetrical figures
I with long satin stitches.
' Me t:westert Sealing l. p.wa.i-
is a.prep.•lratiou of carbolic acid, raseline
encl. cerate - called McGregor & Par'ke's
Carbolic Cerate. It will euro any sere,
employed newspaper advertising; and a
decade has tinkle the Davids the Guliaths the money was still in the letter, where
and masters of the 'trade. It was once it had remained for upwards of thirty
IR liter eailai Rolle.
rich. 201
.t Rarity RerentaiteetallN.
Jacob A. Emp ey, of Cannamore,atates
that he hat taken Bunieek Blood Bitters
A two on a Pref entre
Nct rr was such a rush made for any
Drug Store as a now at J. Wilson's for a
Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discov-
ory f• r Cei.semption, Coughs and Colds.
4.11 per'mit's affected with Asthma, Bron-
chitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs or any
affec ion of the Treat or Lungs. can get
a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free,
by calling at above Drug Store. Regu-
lar size $1. (5):
Hosea head a large qusalt7 el
fling the ird T.Yew,•m. WESTER N. CORN
In iuoS;ing over tho late Dr. Frszer's
paper,, the executorscalueacmes a letter
from William Lyon Mackeigiie, return- File sowing % ead.ast. also n lot of
ing to the doctor 0•A which the great Can -
adieu liberal had borrowed from him. Canadian Corn.
But the strangest thing about it was that
cousidered a heavy tax upon the Phila-
delphia merchants to advertise their
goods briefly in . the Ledger at six cents
per line on Wedneecley of that time.
Now there is not a merchant in Phila-
delphia with a profitable and growing
trade wl.o .:...a '►tot pay full twice or
thrice the price of his rent for newspap-
er advertising, and here has not beau a
years past. The letter had been opened
by the doctor, who had probably intend-
ed to leave the money in it tempo
hut it had got mixed with his other pi-
pen and so remained until the recent
resurrection. The bill in the letter was
of the ions* of the Midland batik, long
since gone out of existence, but the note
was redeemed by another bank pursuant
t3c.lerich, May 117th,
Pst t Slti.
e UallMore.
YOU C.A.N.- C1•111•1"
12 lbs. Raisins, for
*1 ( )
London Layer Raisins, per box2 00
121br. Currants, for 1 00
25 lbs. I:ict•, for 1 00
25 lbs. Rerley, for 1 00
5lbs. White Belgian Carrot Seed,. 1 00
5 Ilia. Mseeold Seed, all kinds1 00
6 lbs. Swede ,Turnip Seed,.. . 1 00
Bars Very. Cheap
----�11' RTOt'K OF— -
Groceries IR Fresh and Good!
Wail kinds at Bottom Priers. A very lame
stuck of Glassware and
from Soo. ul, to $2.00.
from P5.00 up t.. etO0.(*1
sin le failure in business where it was to.some arrangement to that effect. s E
legitimately conducted with sufficient ec I
Medical inert recommend their pa -
capital ' and liberally advertised .to the bents to use Dr. Canon's Stomach Bit-
man -
1110.00 up to 030.00.
Al other limes or Crockery proportioaatel;
Low ii/
world through newapaper column terse It is a mild, Butteries, egos Case. f• a d.sivs for
gh ,}pap yet effectual laza- Groceries. Qct. or Casa paid uAedreA. •
Indeed any careful estimate of the bus} -tire, freeing the stomach and bowels FPeeh F1we aid Car ase n 'p
nese and profits of our leading merchants from all impurities, restores the appe- j ! iJ 11 bl tau T ! 1
tits and aide digestion. In large 8 ounce In Bulk or Packages.
and boniness men will rate thein} sltnost bottle_ 30 menti : INSPECTiON 1NvrTED.
in exact order with the measure of their
newspaper advertising. Many hundreds
of ttioussnds are ntialetl in ill directed
advertising, for navel -tiling is as mach`s
science as is any feature of 'progressive
business ; but the man who. understands'
nlodern,:.progr s ive trade, -understands
when and how to. advertise. and he gete
the largest profits from Ins outlay."
Thc merchants 'of the country• are ;le-
ginnin;tu appreciate the true velue•uf
advertising and its necessity to their
business. It. is as necessary to the mer-
chant as his clerks are. Advertisement.
arouse public curirt,ity, which. is only
satistiwl by personal inspection of {sods
advertlied. Thia.applies. to every branch
of [rude. People consult the pavers to
find out the proper stores tt,visit as they
!do to find out the arrival er departure . f
the, train . ete.:nib.lats of mails.
The Queen, when driving out one
I afterna•n near Balmoral, re,luestedJohu
Brown to give her a cuulfurter to put
1around her neck, as her Majesty felt
i cold. Shortlyafterward the Queen 'de -
I sired to remove it, \•:hen John exclaimed
1 "Hoots ' just keep in on : ye dinna ken
you ain mind for two minutes thegither."
Such was the Seutcli reasants 'rule over
t•he Queen.
t Teas a Specialty.
cut, naw nr U1ut5c mumu au utwer pre• ,
pnratiens fail. Call at (neo. Ithynas ;
Drug Store and get a package. Twenty. ,
tive cents wall it costs.
- - She mite ant the tisiae.,.
Kingstown, Iceland, May - -Arca-
bishop (:r•iko arrived to -day. frrn Rome,
and was given an enthusiastic welcome.
Replyiu; t• an addre.,,he said h: !:aril
no reason t•, be eissatistied with his visit
to Rome.
,l„ hu Dillon publishes a letter advising 1
the Irish people to nuke the Parnell
fund such a success. that the Pope will
realize fres grievously be hasl•een deceit-. i
ed by the English Government and the
miserable pauper landlords wh infest
down, and. taking out ilio book, betran Rome,
to write. "What are yuu doing there : ,trchlise,,p Fre!: Ceara. i• •
coked the wrnnt ern aiders tite F ipe's :at tier tut;e.y
"Charging milesgn'." replied tit. tion between the clerey >,f Ireland a;ad
stable without l.,,kitrg up, the P •:ie anti wi itexit signitican e•
;'Why should aman whose blood is warm
• within '.
Sit ike his grandaire cut in alabaster I '
Or ,t kis hair grow, rusty, scant and thin.
When"CI\-CALDSERENLwrR willmake -Q
G. H. OLD, the Grocer.
Market Sq.. Gofer..•
100. P>BIt . P.QJ A t3E. .
- � ' U ;
it grow the faster. For sale by J. Wit-. W 4 ^J1
son. ='nl A ULAN LINE C c, n ' o
Dr. Talmage :-Practical religion
will make the man work as well by the
i job as by the day. It will make a driver
eo just as fast when yr u hire him by the
boor as he does' . When you biro 1.;m for
the. journey. The trouble is now that
everything must be inspected. There is
! a h•hs to watch the hien. and a capita-.
list to watch the boss. The conductor
must a ll p h t( Work his
honesty while the 'messenger gives him a
' capped nickel. Imperfections are cove,
ered with putty. Shoddy is everywhere,
inchbeck abounds. Diamonds are oR
ered for 01.50.. li a ks fall apart when
you get to the third chapter. Spavined
horses are doctored to look good a few
Jaye: Imperfect car wheels detain the
train With a hot boa."
1 Seeing is believing. Read the testi
menials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bottle
_ - and felieve yourself of all these distress -
travelling to 'swim. m. pains. four Druggest can tell you
all about it. Sold by J Wilson Goderich
The greatest difficulty to the beginner 2m
is to learn to Keep tit proper position of
the body after attaining it. �hu�c ifti-} Ante irentsttt winter renfsh under
culty can only be overcame by using the
i proper stroke after having placed the
body in the cermet pesition.
In the use of the arms, theonly direc-
t tion that can Se given is t., remember
that., w;leiothe anus are thrust forward
at thebeguuting of the str.l:e, such pos-
ition of the elbows and hands sho;dd be
taken as will make the least resistance of
the water. To accomplish this, the
hands ab 'nld lk placed palm to palm
and the elbows matte to come quite close
together. starting them from under the
chest. In tmtkiui the effective part •-
the,streke, ar ..'eject is to get a forward
motion only. 1'he arms sad hands
should 1•e so ;.laced to to produce the
greatest resistance bpetn the water. T,t
ac...nt ,fish this, the palms of the hands
should be thrown • ute•erd :and the plane
of the ireetion ! sae +trete i.f theAttila
mule i trallel to tae s :dace •4 the water.
rat, tient Inlp•. rtait and the most c.ft•
iefrctive h •int in swimming is the
..•le. ,.f usin; the lees. It would be
if r a }-e n;it r t, :1•... s t'o:t swim•
• s,• ,f a fro.. fort :!y the teniae
►t.et:.•nl •rf usi. a the Ire, should be
adol•te:i l.y man as. is di elayed in the
fit 'Idl swimming . f 'lo:,t t t•ltihian.
In analyzing lite stroke of the frog, w.•
notice that ther'e.ir no vertical elution
"Do I have it all t.. pay t" i;step'n rite where. - •
"(N course.. /f tee ars paean
"Then take this tame heifer here, 1 in health frau any a use. espt• a.:, at
the too sit any of the th, ;nand ti -..i _.ns
Can't stand n•tv such game as that." th a pr'•mise e,',.tr.•:ly. with lee: rich. •-
--+- nes nee enemata. have n, fear. Itis,
There is not on.' article itt ;,ie line of Hop (titters at •arae and in a sl
medicines that hive eo large a r --tuns f,.r will will lave .: _..,1•••-- -
the money ea a geed porous etr..netlten- tug health..
ing plaster, such as tatters shunt Weed�� e • as
and Belladot.ua Backachel'lptstert. Druggists threaten ,at inc Couloir
a'eea! 4 highly • f Dr. Carson's i:ittets.
It acts :u ratite 1 t, Ille,lies always (line !the general (spu:l ,u ral.resst+ti is that it ,
-promptly. it is 1 native tonic Anil Lives the bat satisfaction of roty Ine(di• 1
diuretic. Th• to who are not •eatistieci eine they sell, and never hesitate to re- I
with other medicines sh•eull is e fail t•, c' ininemi it in all cases (•f lfisotde•ted,
try "Foe STAIN yr fir .t'rtt Priest :item:tele Ililiousuese nr Ind i(lestbee, j
*1.00 Price 50 cents a Bottilt
, the caloric influence of the sods rays,
so doe! Bright's Disease, Dropsy, stone
in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Innen'
nation of the Kidneys, leave the body
! upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu
rens Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson,
, 1n oasis in the desert is no brighter
light to the wandering Arab than a bottle
of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is to
the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney
• Disease. it is a perfect, positive and
perm uicnt cure. Si ltl by J. Wilson
(lederich. 2m
Sorry Person Is lir a Real peeress.
In this life must have a specialty ; that
I is, must concentratcthe abilities of body
I and mind on Mine one pursuit. Bur -
lick -Blo•td Bitters has its specialty as a
complete and radical care . f dyspepsia,
liver and kidney complaints, and all im-
purities of the Weed. 2
'these are solid Tarte. ,
The best 1 ;twrd purifier and system re-
gulator ever placed within the reach of
suffering humanity, trolly in Electric Bit-
. en. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness
Jaundice, Constipation•, Weak Kidneys,
or any disease of the urinary omen*, or
whoever r•.p,lires an al,petizer, tonic ••r
t'ild stimulant. will always find Electric
Bitters the best and only certain cure
known. They let middy and quickly,
every bottle guaranteed to give entire
satisfactN•n nr money refunded. Sold at
fifty esutia bwttle,hy ,t Wilson. tgi I
i sa'
livery Saturday Froth Quebec
Ts 0.2A
a d
iific° op
16 a.Ei
4 Li
zo;Q •m
Co!liugtsuod• Ont. - The Crowfoot Bitten 1
took cr-.A me of tiiek ileadwche, aft.•rsiren! y
yeah of •uffertng without being able to find
relkf. flu:. J. 1IoLuausltLAD,
Clara: ' . Ont. -•Thr erne fontlfittres pee
teeny cured me of Saltrhen-n. without using
any et tt••r medicine. JI11••..1 sErit Lorot►za1
*ryas. else to art theworlY of •reoM'ae,
a•1, r"srdreZRMs ret.
ISR•RTEST us:t r.aar<ACE..
Suminc • .lrrani•
SE.4`S0N 1883.
1'irca'siainian . .. ..... . May!
011 ncs•
Peruvian ... June
7tarnlatIan 92
i'rrisian IS
tirrdinian. ••
1'01, .esian... . July ;
rrmatian, .. •
Parisian 23
' lr'ininn \lig. 1
(Polyn'treaasianesian 11
Peruvian 18
1(armatlan Sent. 1
Parisian a -
Rantininn .:,.a. •• 22
('fn•assign 22
Polynesian - •' •�.
Penn' Ian pati. e'
Marmat ian ... 12
Sardinian. •• �.
Clrcaaltan '
Poly nealan
I'erut ian
sarmat Ian
Noy. $
i'a,.eng.•rsregnire toleave Ooderichat neon
nn rhursdays, to connect with steamer at
timbre. - - -
Prepaid tertiflcate Issued at greatly reduced
rases to persons wishing to bring their frienr's
out from the (rid room rv.
For 'tickets and all iniori atlon, apply to
11. AiIMb3Ti(ONO,
Ticket Agent
Godcrich, 31a.' 17th. 1883.
EcColl Bros, It Cor, Toronto
Manntn.• or.. and Wholesale lbaicts in
May 17th, 1aa1 llwl em
The G. t Pain Conqueror
rapidly dlapcls path. p teaapoonfal in orate
will corn a distracting head aeha In flee min
ales. 1f applied to any affected surface of the
body. aa tooth ache, neuralgia, rheumatism,
Re.. it gives the sufferer comfort and instant
relief.!, lea charming remedy. Only 2Sc. and
money refunded 11' not as represented.
S. T int( OTT „t (o.. Sole Prprietorl.
Bra n•f'ri1, Onettle
W. J. C. Naftel,
l•ni q('• , rt,., .1 •. ?It tar Calci ich.
brand is nnrscelled by any other oil on the
Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain
tnarkrt. In recn reitlnn of ,ts superior merit;
we hate meets ed and Mouse River Country,
All the Highest Prizes 11 NORTH DAKOTA,
wherry,- we exhibited it sin, a 194. rmnrtg
other aware* a large number ,.t Tr 1:u at• 7..11., 17, •r,t Statics Land Office
"t I1 , f int i.i:---
'Cold, Silver Bronze Medals,
hes'des nsa,ernas Diplomas. it Is warraate,l
not lol.u,a (w ••les: wears rgqnal to (•aslor Oil
• ed reelg leen than one half • he price is t he
eh("pest ell onthe market t9 Tft1' iT
•il TIn\ tt. '1 IP and FILL particulars
mati,l I R/.1: to an} address Al
II. F. M -Ni. T.LY, '
For Rale be t;et..•raI Travelling Agent.
. t t
(}aleck!, s r t•rAit • Tweet... Ma
Ilse eller, of 'be Pa
sallowest ■ t
Durit.g a cull s
is just new drawl
generally ceosole
vitt• ty, :tial that
001110 at lot, tit„
detayo I. Purer
the general feat
with a regulsritl
confidence thus rt
turn of seed tiler
are instalices en
the seaman see
characteristic feat
laws of nreteurolo
ly suipe idt•d. .
.the kind, and on
tinued cold we
sakes particular!
is that of the yea
called " the *int
A amutuwrlenti ,i
gat;undiat gives I
of the weather of
.t weary ao.l
Merck was c•,ll ;
ended in show at
inch thick in
?planted over an
too late te reply
est et er knouts
and ire were e
green thing was
dertr,,yed. Stu
ten inches in Ve
three in the irate
alio in Massed
few warm days.
son. But little
blew steadily f
fierce. Mother
mittens for thei
and woodpiles t
during the war
house were s
Planting and sh
er, and the fa
their taxes on
overcoats and
Vermont • t o
a farmer had b
pasture. (1n tl
snow fell in 1'
was intense.
A fatmer WL(
in Tewksbnry
nicht to ward off
ing he and h
watching them.
the only crop u
e hoed. Consid.
n New Orlean•
id rise of th
were onturtait
cooling off, a
land picnics we
July was a.
ace. Iudian c.
ei , some fare;
ed. August s
sable, than th
preceded it. I.
"tit thickness.
that the great.
dried for fold
thing was deal
in Etiev e. (
Barnet, forty
lode o n. rip
the Middle t
themselves fr
L•r seed in 1
at from tH to
. f the please]
but in the lat
1 rtned an in.
then its *hart
iter was cul
wan camtvrtl
ing wane mi
was matured
State... The
t destitute of
nature was (
eihibtted n
• the future 6
The avers
year in ho
per barrel.
in England
Bread riots
Britain in
high prick
1s as t:tat
remedy f• i
costs 10 cet
trial bettli
e,fuaily etti
ternal renin
cnptn'n it
sample bot
bottles 251
No hoe
Buren's 1'
it 14 the ni
of kidney
All ave
over Dr.
'tempt a et.
by the tit
lug raleet
wild in it
posttieel l
tli ca• ha
loss ••f '
threat an
.Tames N
1111 Ot'