HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-06-01, Page 1GENERAL IN.TELLIGENCEs Ir ' THIRTY -FLIT"( TZAR. I WHOLE Nl' HEI} :Mu. i GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1.483. New .t4rertteeaseats. Nonce -11. Attrill.- Wel • d -J. J. Wright. Tu 1L•:.t-Mrs. Gee. Cattle. Y.• . .'ortune-A. W. Kinn'•:. Two Free Leutires-O. K Fowler. Ha Ming eat Plants -F. Bingham. roc Sols or to tt•+at -J. Breckenridge. Roam Want: 1 -Drawer 371. Go leach. Who's Your Tiutter: -Saunders k sou. aping and Stinesar,1R3-Situ Stewart Walnelrufaereemi }Nod-ThM (Ake. Dentistry. NICHOLciON,bURUHON DEN - net O SJe an•1 reside nor West Street t.r 1t)C `tal,or Ilt•►Y of Montreal, Gosd3e- •Che People's Column. \>1TANTED.-A (:00D SMART WO - lean to take charge of the Dining Room. ](•tot taw a perienoed. Good wages. J. J. wt JUT, The Point yarn. Idp3-tf, WATERPROOF 0 t•ERCOAT found -The person who left a water -shedder at tbls odlon a couple of weeks ago, can have the Name by pruvtag property. 1413.11 Li -OUSE WANTED --A COMFOR- 1.1 table house wanted for a small family. Address. Drawer Try. t*odertch. IFO RENT. Tail Lew brick house on the cornett of Elgin and StasJey streets. It oontalns eleven rooms. pantry and cellar. hard and soft water. Fur particulars apply to 1e-tf MRs. GEORGE CATTLE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -THAT beautiful brick residence occupied b Mr. Rice. and formerly tee' sed by Mr. 8. w Malcomson, at the head of Newgate street. Possession given to October. Forppaarticulars apply to the owner. .1. BRECKKNRUBGL, e Newgate street. Ooderu:h. fatal HOUSE FOR SALE. -A CONVENI- et souse containing nine rooms. with halm. and good well on premises, situated on corner of Waterloo and Colborne st. Terms rea,onable. Apply to MRs. It. MiBazxK. 1911-41. N OTICE. A 11 persons are captioned spilt trusting any prrson on my aocotmte without permission in writing front myself ot-family. H. Y. AT - TRILL. Goderich, 31 May. 1883. 18113-1t. NOTICE. -THE COUNCIL OF THE Corporation of the Count of Huron. will meet In the Court Room in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesdty the 5th June next. All accounts against the Council must be sent in before the log sesslos of the second day of meeting. Perin An 04411e. Co. Clerk. May llat. 11}83. 1815-2t M0 FARMER -A GOOD CHANCE 1 to improve ■t..,;k. My thoroughbred Princess Bull rising two years old, will- stand for service at my farm lot 4, hayfield road. (Soder-Mb Township terms 31,00. to be paid at time of service. C. t_ HASH. May. 10th. 1883. ta0G-It BOY WANTED -- A A boy about 15 or 16 years is e ' -•1 by the undersigned as an apprentice at the carpen- tering and joining business. For particulars onqutre of F. Smooth. Godertch FARM TO RENT. 50 acres. nearly free of stumps. Good barn and other buildings. Brick cottage with cel- lar. Good orchard and all well fenced. En- quire of R. T. HAYNR:t. Sheppardton. 11185-If FORSALE. A first class hued Louse cellar under the whole house, and If acres land on the Bay- field road, tioterfch, there is a good stable and driving shed,hard and soft water on the prem- ises, grounds well laid out. For particulars apply on the premises or to 11. Seegmlller, Goderlrh Founds:-. 1873.tt. NEWS ;1 SCOUT HOME. 'A ciders alw.tg ye. :akIn' nudes. en' faith he'll prent It." TOW' Totma. SAY GRKAtlii S- TALLOW. -Highest prices F1d fur all kinds tot the factory, corner of tng*tun and Cambria streets. ituderlob. uron Soap Company. lIV2-3m. T ket ne% W t c r:.n. 9t1) curds of tanbark wanted at Smith's tannery, Goderich. High- t et price paid to cast.. It. "Do you see. that m to with the smile on his (see, ire non r• •-\•un, father; and why does JJ ..k r "}yell. sunny he homiest got his ,c..tuo a .akeo by George Hobson and it was i +•i.•grlse tarty to -blur to dud Ire looked so wolf In a phJto;entph." W. L Horton. the well-known ltquormercb- ant has made up hie mood to make Dominion dal the biggest tnin,t crier seen in Goderich. He says everything has got to be run the way he ruts his business. on purr, unadulterated priuclpls.. Nicholas Float i+avin's pen pictures of Re- gina. graphic as they are, do not depict the beauties of the wooderf al north-west any- tbing like as falthrully as does Mallows photo- graphs re-pr.dnce the countenances of his c eats. It is acknowledged by all that Maunders and Sun. have the cheapest wall papers in town. those who have notet bought their papers should call and see their samples before pur- chasing elemwhere, a fine lot of bird cage. fanc • baskets. shells and music arrived this week, and will be sold ver% low. "The Cheap- est House Under the Sun. ('ome, gather round the table friends. And ladles attend my telling: I speak of Inc wonderful cooking stove That G. N. Davis 1s selling. A real cooking stove. - The price a mere ,act scat ; But always guarsntoed to give The greatest satisfaction. For Davis' store 1. easily found, Hut If ynu do not know The place. why pause and read the sedrees, it's writers just below - 0. N. Davis, Market square, Goderich. Mian Maude Wynne has returned from her American trip. Father %Patters is rapidly regaining, his old tune vigor. The May devotions terminated in the R. C. Chnrch on Thursday evening. The general sessions of the peace and the county court will meet nn the 12th inst. Colin Saud. has reteraed to Muskoka, after • pleasant visit to his bonie, near Saltford. The regular monthly meeting of the School Board will be held on Monday evening next. Hot•.rs WANTED. oumforteble house wanted for a small family. Address Drawer 377. Goderich. John Ogilvie, of Montreal, has been in town during the week, looking after the intends of the big mill. Mra. T. W. Detior, who has been visiting friends in this' city, teturned home un Tuesday afternoon. Joseph Beck, the Saltfoord tanner, has been having a week's holidays at Toron- to, to brace hint up after his recent ill- 'TOTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE IS 11 herebygiven that all parties indebted to the understgned by note or book ac,onnt are requested to settle the same at once and there- by save an enforoed collection. I mean busi- ness. ABRAHAM SMITH. 18C2- 1,1OR SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE 1 residenre, corner Brittania road and Mc- Donald street, oppoeitc the High Seem]. with two lote. The bowie is in goo.} repair with carriage house and stable and other out ouildings. The garden is well stocked with ruit trees, grape vtnee, ahruberryy.� kr.. R. H. OW/ZEES. For term, apply to Datlsw cr Johnston. Barristers. 19e3-tf. FOR SALE OR TO RENT -THAT valcsiole Property known as the Shep- pardton Store and Post Onlce. with quarter of an acre of land. is offered for sale or to rent. Stook In store all new and fresh this year. The Proprietor his sole attentionualAlso the ness west halwhh will f f of 5 eon. J, E.D. Aehneld : all new land : two good erchaMi. t wo good wells. and rnmfort• able frame hones. `rhe lot contains 100 acres, of which M are cleared and all well fenced. Remaining 111 scree heavily timbered with hardwood. For particular' address : R. 1'. HAYNES, sheppardton P.O. 18112- ness. James Miller, engineer G. T. R., has been laid up by a severe attack of inflam- matory rheumatinin during the past fort- night. Harry Juhnalun was in town on Queen's Birthday. He is now running a railway agency, with headquarters at Toronto. George Stilton Myers, an old resident of Goderich, died suddenly of apoplexy at the Albion Hotel en Tuesday night, aged i7 years. TAMES SMAiLL, ARCHITECT, &c. • 013oe, Crabb's Alo k. Kingeton st., Gode rich. liens and specifications drawn correct ly Carpenter's' plasterer's and mason's work se eared and valued. An Indian wigwam has been built on Lttle Clara Looney, daughter of Mr. 1 KNoxCsu-cxS.S. ENTERTAINMENT.- 4. J. ertssfaat evert' the Island, and a family of aborigine. T. Loney, engineer G. T. R., had a Preparations are being wade for a child-' are making it their home for • setsaun. tory skilful operation performed on her 1 ten's entertainment is Knox church oa , Judge' 1'o:us pres, O. N. Latvia, Miss Davis mid Wm, throat at Stratford on Saturday last by I Tuesday evening next. The programme20th. William Kenny, ••f flava:, rth. May 20th.pkvadr Craig will start G.r New York on Mote Dr. G. ti. Ryer on. oculist and xurist, of I will be composed entirely of pit+oe° to be I guilt to the charge of stealing a geld day to take passage on the str. State of Turontu, assisted by Dr. Robertson, of Nebraska for Europe. We wink then} a Stratford. A itienu:,rauvous 00600 toe, pleasant vuyse. of a large size had Krn owin the region of A special sermon will be preached in the throat and ear, and w, old, it uegleet- Knox church to the Odd Fellows uu ed, be apt 1, cane'' a total 1.'is ••f hearing Sunday 'manna., next. The members of and speech. The child was under the the Society wiff march in a body to the church, and occupy the front seats. Rev.A. McGillivray left yesterdey,ac- oompanied by his wife, and will be ab- sent two weeks aassting at communion services in the respective charge. of Revs Adam F. McQueen, Huron, end A. Mc- Kenzie, South Kinloss. The prize offered fur the beat reciter in the High School will be competed for tonight- There are a number of candi- dates, and an interesting contest is ex - The judge. are Mrs. Fletcher, Biller, P. 8. L, and T. McGilli- cuddy. PHs mower. -- rhe veteran phrenolo- gist, Prof. 0- S Fowler, will he at the Albion Hotel, Goderich all next week for consultation- Ou Wednesday and Thursday he will deliver two fres lee - tures in Victoria Hall, and give test ex- .tninatioms. For particulars see adrertiae- ment- rendered by scholars of the school and a l wed and chain frotaMias Kate Morptty, treat is in store for all who may attend. and was remanded r sentence until The beautiful new pipe organ will for the Mundt o. Prisoner was also charged first time accompany the jutelnilos in 1 with stealtne a pair of gaiter boots front their solos and choruses. The church Arthur lrvington,of-$esforth; but plead - ought to tet crawled on Tuesday evening. ,im not gutlty t, that cI;arge. influence of chkroforti one hour during No admiaaion fee will be charged but a the operation and astonished the nielital collection will be taker[ up in aid of the trrwasts& tar le,meat.e clay• men with the large yusutity of chlor,- S.S. library. form they were eblig to minister to At t'.. last meeting of the }afro eoun- hoc Flacon has loaf one of her old •iuhxbi- oil arc std lKoprlation of $125 was mala tants in the person of Wm Keith, who to go }„ward aiding in having a credita- Baird & Gordon, with good the asonni ea died in Goderich on Wednesday, at the placed "Col. Sellers" on bonnie at ble celebration of Dominion Day in Victojia hall in Wednesday evening hist Y Y d week, and did full justice to the piece. Ou Thursday evening, the eenaatioa, "Nip and Tuck," was produced with equally good effect. The acting of Messrs Baird and Gordon was good in every particular, and was free from thatooarse- ness which unfortunately is now tau pre- valent iu drasnatic representations. Those of our townsfolk who were not present at Victoria Hall on the occasions referred to missed a treat. The com- pany was under the able management of Mr. D- a Webster, who expressed his determination of again visiting Gederioh. Should Mr Webster carry out his in- tention of again coming to our town Paouoriox.-Mr. Wainwright, assist- with ata .leggy good company, he will sot 1 eneral manager of ebe Grand Trunk be greeted with a bumper lemse, we have tamer every reason to believe - FATAL Actl artt. -A deploralle acci- dent, resulting; in the death of a -ladd has been pr.wo to the p,sitiulu of xeno- n! ens rag manager of the North Shure. now en- tirely under the control .if the Grand Trunk Railway Cumpauy. His present ripe age of 82 ears. He cause to G,de- rich **bout forty years agu,and afterwards removed to Bayfield, Southamption and Goderich on July2nd A resolution Mas also paved requesting tine payor to other ago. ,rewrn ing to mertmch s year call a public meeting t, devise ways and or two ago. He was unmanitad, but al- oceans to bring about a successful de - ways made his home with the family of time back he was in receipt of a auperannu- Q1"natntwn. The publie meeting was his nephew, Capt. A. Fraser- For some called for tt'ednesiay evening. last, ,sad was duly held, the mayor in the chat. ation grant from the Government. He Mr. J, Mitchell was appointed secretary. from a ntfirsregolar subscriber to THE SIGNAL The chairman explained the object in the meeting, anti suggested the appoint from int first number, hent ut a citi:,tna committers' to cc- FosarrElss -At the last meeting of operate with the cumu:ittee appointed the Court Gnderich, No. 32, C. O. F. by the council at its last meeting. the following oMcers were elected :- • Oa motion the following committee C. R-, Robt. Fullford ; V. C. R. Wei ! we, se:acted :-C. A. Nairn, W. L. }for Pridham ; Chap., Wm. McCreath ; F. 8. ton, Arch. Diokes°, John Robinson, Jae Thooe. Sneyd ; R. S., Alex. Saunders ; Robinson, Henry Clues., E. R. Wataan, Treas.. C. Crabb ; Sec , Chas -McKenzie ; Geo. Sheppard. H. Rothwell, Alexander J. W., Chas' Cottle; S. B., Martin Muss; Chrystal, W. A Colborne, D. C. Mc - J. 13., W. L Pennington. The next Kay, 0... Stiven, R. S Williams, W. meeting of the High Court will be held T. Welsh. John McCulloch, M. G. Swan at Gananoque on the 12th June. Sere- son, D. Ohms, Geo. Cu:, E. Belcher, u rag important changes will be made in W. Stnith, C. A. Humber, l'apt. Dan named George Gorham, occurred at the endowment scheme, in order t o give cey, F. W. Johnston, D. C. Strachan, position as assistant general 'Imager of 1WitlaPlace, the summer residence it further stability . And other imp, r- Stanley Hayes, Jaa. Addisn, Ed. Vu. the G. T. R. will not toe disturbed by his ,{ Holl. s. R. 'Hawley, on the uo.rmny •` tont matters will come before the meet- Every, Ed. Duncan, Neil Campbell, P. promotion. the 24th cot May. Tile b"y wit 0 1'414 ing. Hof. Alex. Saunders, will repre• Adamson, Joseph Kidd, E. Elms, John Ftowzas.-J. Stewart, of the Bea- Mr, Hawley's manager, and was in the sent Court Goderich, at the meeting. Curry, John McBride, Robt. Givens, miller nursery, presented us with some loft.throwing down fodder ' for saute cot-, E.Russell, A. Stratton, W. H. Ridley. handsome plants during the week. Mr. ole which were to :.e shipped to Detroit lst.tx EMIGRANTS. -Four famines ofMr, s A. Nairn was appointed chair Stewart has built` upa business as Irish emigrants arrived in town on theppo , an man of committee. a florist and fruiterer, and has some The following canvassing_ committee choice atrafns in geraniums, petunias, was a inted;-C. Nairn, A. Chrystal, „ verbenas, and other bedding out planta. about 14 feet, alighting on his head. He station by Mr. Dave Curry and conduct- Pp�. tY His 9owen for the house are also well was picked . up in an unc•,nscious condi- ed to a place of abode. On Wednesday W.L .Horton and Ed. VttdEvery. selected. tion, and medical assistance brought, an effort was made to start them in The committee will meet in the THE CHIUAdo Bicio tisi,.--The pro- but with the exception of a brief interval house -keeping, as the entire party are century this (Friday) evening to prepare on Friday he remained ped in comatose state, without means in this, to them, strange the programme, bee. . posed tour of these wheelsmen includes y land. The partyconsists of Jeremiah the following route :-Thursday, July 5, and died about nine o'clock on that day. Lemma treat tae tis.icttsa• London to Exeter, where dinner will be The lad was stout 14 years of age, and Kelleher, wife, anti three children from served,theu from Exeter to Orderich,vie his amiable manner and cheerful spirit Killarney, county of Kerry ; Samuel How do ynu like my 56 -inch wheel 'l -- Brumfield ; Friday, July 6, Goderich to rendered him a favorite with all who Hunter, wife and three children, from George Cox. Stratford, via Clinton, Seaforth, &c If knew hint. He was the most popular Killarney, county of•Ketry ; John Fttz- Its a'atuntier. And your suit is nob-% the weather peeves favorable for wheel- it will be a sight wotth witnessing. Sheriff Gibbons, while driving on thq Heron road on the evening of the 24th inst., was thrown from hie carriage owing to the "shying" of his horse at some small bannereta curried by young sten returning house from Clinton. At first fears were entertained for bis recovery, but we are pleased to state no bones were broken, and the sturdy old man will soon be himself again. , wit.w illness cnr.tracted during the voy- came right side up with care. -Harry day to witness the ascension of the hal-e The emigrants left Queenstown MacL Last Wednesday, being the at,r.iter- loon, and see the wonderful sights of the e nary of the death of the late Rev, Fathe: "old country fair day," etc. The "fair' on rue 13th ..f May, and were eighteen A ride 00 the cycle is better than MacGauran, A solemn Requiem High consisted of a wretched selenium, aid an days on their way between Kerry Head medicine. -Tice doctor. Mass was celebrated at St. Peter's, by o p,n gymnastic performance ufanot very and Goderich. Clear the adnate, for we are coming_ the Rev. Dean Murphy, of Dublin, as- high standard. The work of inflating silted by Rev, Fathers Northgraves, dea- the balloon progressed as slowly con ; Shea sub -deacon and Connolly, I as a Government job. The trench, master of ceremonies- Rev. Fathers chietne-, ate., were built in about fire that d ty, when he stepped upon some straw coveriuga hole in the loft, and fell to the floor beneath, a•'distance of 10 p. m. , trait on Tuesday fresh from the "owld sod." They were }net at the The London ddrertiseer says that H. I. Strang, principal of Goderich High School " takes high rank among the live H. S. makers." Arthur Sharkey appeared before his worship the mayor on Tuesday last to answer a charge of drunkenness. He was tined 50c and costs. A coupleXtraordinary bicycles pass- ed through nu Tuesday for Goderich ; they are built so that a "header" is im- possible. -(Clinton New Era. Major McKnight, of (luderich, will accompany his battalion, the 28th 'Perth) to London to the annual twelve days' drill on the 18th of June. BEDDING OUT PLANTs.-Watson, the south street florist, nays that now is the time to bed out plants, and he has a splendid stock on hand. Call early. Mrs. W. Parke Grierson is, we are sorry to learn, ill of corebro spinal dis- Lase at her home (tear Dungannon. A number of other cases aro reported in that vicinity. boy attending his school, and his cam- gibbon, with three mot erless children by. -Tire ether whe lmen. '�r1I. rade' to the number of 75 met on Sun- from Limerick ; Patrick Kennedy, wife Din you see our natty blue uniform I- of day afternoon and marched to the house and three children from Tipperary. D. E. Cameron, of Lecknow. t` to pay their last respects to the body of They seem too be a mannerly, well -be - their loved companion. The body wan hared lot of. people, and any donations taken to Detroit by the early train on in the shape of second-hand furniture, Monday, for interment. Mr. and Mrs bedding, old clothes, &cc-, to enable Gorham have the unfeigned sympathy of them to start a new life in this country the entire neighborhood in their bereave_ would not be ton act of misplaced couti- ment. dence on the patt of those of our' reea- BALruuN ASt.•SNatoN, -A large crowd dents who are in a position to give. assembled about the fair ground on Mon- Kennedy's thrce little children are down I hada soft thing down at Clinton.'-- Johnny lacC. I'm waiting to get a dash with these Clinton fellows myself. --Jack Platt. The Montreal Bank is a big thing on. wheels -Glass & Lloyd. I represent the Bunk of Commerce. -- Vidal; I ommerce:-- Vidal.- I tact: two, headers en the 240. but DON'T Go LATE. -Those intending to go to the entertainment to be given by the S. S. scholars in Knox church on Tuesday evening should be in their seats by eight o'clock, and avoid confusion. King, Burke, & Co's museum and TRettic trained animal ex ition is killed to ex- Gnderich on Saturday, June - - -._._. -�,-- htbit in R. McDONAGH. M.D., PHY91C- 2nd. The show bills give elaborate des- G. AN. P1(tRA41OY, kc.. Orndoat! of Tor SPRINTING. -It appears that our sprin. -The Chicago bicyclists. ter, W. Yates, was shabbily treated at I'1l soon have to get an improved ma - Clinton .•n the 24th He ran in the 100 chine. Dick " Cameron. yards race, and took it handily, receiving Me t o. Timmy Strachan. O'Neill, of Kiukora, O'Connor of Wawa-' hours, and it took ab..ut one half an hour the la: prize ticket from the judges. A no eh, and Watters and MacRae, of town, I to get the cloth tilled. The ferment evi- Clinteit runner, named Wheatley, who were also in the sanctuary. ' dently didn't like his job, but the cr:wd didn't get firat place at the start, whined seemed gent .rn seeing the ascension, and over the race, and although all this other •ARRIVE'•. S. S. PARADz --One day laweek at about a quarter to eight, the balloon. metiers were satisfied with the start, Fri.iay-ch. Explorer, Sarnia, light. 52.000 Sunday School _hildren marched I which was a large one tilled with hot air, the race was ordered to be run over Saturday -Prop. Quebec, Sarnia, pas - which procession through the streets of was let go, and with a "lace 1 bye" the again. Under th.► circumstances, Yates sengers and freight. glorious s I. is e w to have been a I Yankee hanging ori the trapeze attached claimed first money, and tery properly V! ednesday--Prop Ontario, Sarnia, gluriuun sight. We would like to see a to the sir monster, shot into the heat +refnsel to run again. Of the seven alert- passengers and freight ; str. Manitoba, mad meeting in Goderich of al! the ens. The balloon looked the picture of ere, all but one, and that was the squeak- Duluth, Passengers and freight : schr. Sunday school children along the G. T. grace as it floated upward on the still er,.ran to the end, none of them ens- Ontario, lind River, lumber to Wil - R. line between hens and Stratford dor- avenin¢ air. After reaching an altitude I plained of the send off as Perry and not ti i ; Igo. Wanderer, Sandusky, coal criptiotts of the wonders to beseen under novo IJntrer ty. facer trate of the Royal Col- the C IIVIIR& 1 of Phystclasgs. London. ingland, kr., kr., IInRTt CLT('RAL SHOW. -_ Prepare your M. l . P. t3.. (1eRa�t'o. rM ee and residence 1 ire 's Rotel, Hammen street. plants mote for the Horticultural show, 8tartae *.les. opposite p. y erick ung the ,nmrner. 1r h t t say our S ..E 1•erhaps o00 feet, it descended about the winner caught the ground first at the o Will e friends down the line to a monster LUQ c azegeU, 1;00 yarns from the point whence it start .tart, andel' appeared satisfied with th• e Saturday -- Prop.. Quebec, Duluth, passengers and freight. Monday-Sc'.tr. Explorer, oats, Sar- nia : schr. Rathhurn, Hyttg Inlet. tight. Wesineaday--Plop. Ontario, Duluth ; str. Manitoba, Sarnia. piumengers and freight. Thursday-Schr. 4 Ontario,Blind River, light. day school excursion and mass mectiur. THE "f•'NITED, EMPIRE' :-The Str. United Empire, bulpneing to the North- west Trans. Co., passed up on her first trip on Wednesday 1.1 last week, alter we had gone to press. She is a hand• some boat, reel fully up to the elaborate diecription which we published some weeks ago fmm the Detroit (bmeirr; i•rf. Goderich turned out en moose to see her nn Wednesday night, although she did ed. The half drunken antics of .t few result of the race. It would seem as tf green boys from the country, who were the then who had charge of the foot doing the clown business without salary, 1 racing didn t know their business. or was very thin. The town bawd were out were bound to give their local man the during the afternoon. advantage. A fresh runner, of course. would have an advantage over those who A VALUABLE tt-oitx.-The "Itianual" had already gone over the course, and for the use of Justice. of the peace in the Wheately, had that advantage over the performance of their othcial duties, Ie- Tinter' who rain the race over again. cantly published by our tewnsman,E. N. t undelstand that Yates hag challeng- Lexis, is meeting with the success= to ed Wheatley to a 100 yard (lash in Mon - which i;+ merits entitle it. From every da next in Goderich for $25 or $50 a q N hi 'bey ( ell /t "Foes " Wyllie. oat arrive in the harbor until nearly in ;tarter highl • commendatory references" Do you know why they call it port -- o'clock. She is commanded by Captain }are coeur, ant we are pleased to know side. We hope the men will coact t•' wine 1" %eked a local philosopher, as he Ed. Robertson, an old Grdericit bey, Tet glanced up from an exchange he had been and he is justly proud of having c•; land that the reputatiop of Mr. Lewis as ant of the finest boat on the lakes. iauthor on legal questions has not remain• • tearsof Meriden. wrestling tvi'h in our sanctum yester- edpurely local. Referring to the "Man- - day. Blevelateo. -John McCullough, • who nal Judge Sinclair, of Wentworth, writ - got away with the other bicyclists out drag to the author has rendered the fol - Clinton, nn the 24th of May, is ready to lowing opinion : -"I have to -day made meet Jackson, the Clinton wheelman, an examination of your work en the man - et any time, for any consideration, and ner of proceeding before justice,' of the thinks ho can show him the small wheel peace in cases ordinarily coming before at the finial[. If ,Tackr.o:t his any ideaI then}, attl which ale, contains an ept• - that he can heat the Godertch bicyclist, tone of our crintiuel laws, and references let him come up here en Dominion Day, 1 of a •s' useful nature. 1 ant really our. anti face the music. Clintin twist take prised that you hare been able to com- a back seat from Gnderich on the wheel bine such a vast amount f useful legal question. Of course, they have pent info rotation to all who have anything to mads to practice on at the muddy town, do with the administration of •our law, iv. while Gnderich streets are ,nee stalled poo small a aompaas. As a means of ready and oe•nveuient referrttce to man)' statute, scattered through many volumes of out legialatien, civil as well as criminal, this woe* will be found of greet utility. It supplies a want that we hat ,• long felt. sort to r one 1 have to return you my sin- ews thanss thanks for your giviing us this cusci meek. 1')'t' f. i,.-J..e.l, rt M♦ f..#,, ms 1791.4'° Ito be held in Goderich on the 2nd of for smoothness. DR. Ms.LEAN, PHYSICIAN, SVR-! July. Prizes offered for (ratite, flowers, A Lrx•ALCorroaaa--MtssSl.immings, 03011. coreeer 814� Qipesad residence vegetables, etc. See secretary for pries u( this town, recently composed is song Bruce Sheet Mow e,1 }seas} et rttrntie lids. tf street. 1751. for the birthday o.f the Queen, and set it Cut Nil- Coy a, it Maarmp , --The sten- to appropriate music. She sent *copy of /� G,. KACKID, M. D., Tll1i d& ST- I mer meeting of the county council will the worand music to H. R. H. Prise rat Torrnesti-t rat �OM o wT• t om tr I begin on Tuesday next, Nth of .Tune.eons Maness, which was duly ackaowledg- s t'aiinerna's Moak Lecknow If net In The reed and bridge commissioners will ed a,l lobes - ,Rare. enoutre so the Rank. 17*2-y• meet on Monday to determine the lnea- iIRS, SHANNON & HAMiLTON, tion of the new bridge to be erected to lJ Paystetana, sintgvons, ♦roOtteher•a, kr. replace Hell's bridge Mlle. at fir. Shannon's restdente. near the Mr tiro. ('ux, of the British Es - firm taieierlt,e G t'. glHA"t0N J C . H175{' AwLee • ( change hotel, on Tuesday last rsivted Yoe tI his new bicycle. it is a :56 -inch British V. KNiGRT. PRA('Tli' t[t WAR f'hallwnge, Osumi. of the latewt pattern. 11 • 811)1 and Hair.dramierh3. sin retnnt and was manufactured by Singer & (bt., May Ma h, IotlCt. hanksn th. p'o1M. ler ps.t pst russire and of f'nrentry, Rnaland The "Skids" We nnileretanrl that the c.ompeeer re- in Iegnl literature, Mot that your time .diad}. w oeattn rots non s riga were nit during the afternoon, and Gen. tends to hit a the music aro) wards print- may he erttpieyM) ere trng in same ,+titer 1'- . .r fon*•i h{.+ha• dna t'trlor,nrar n ,A ..ark of a kinAriel natnre Pe. •lei, t::+ ahownl 1, adtantage nn his leg wheel ed v Ito% Mot aa, 1 index of lawbswiks pointing out to them rir-rawA- engaged in the mettle w.ftk'.f tee pe. Kew lleraet nre.ent, her .-.,tapllrrtenr• to exMemery for the prem}' ems sloe r000po.c4 i for the hire/eta, /eta,f of 'for %%aeon" the (?steer, Ir.testrgate. in te,tard to our criminal Her 'loyal Hiirbtteas vas mu.-tt Torni .% by statutes ynu have,1 ant glad t• .!Lean Mae Inrsl espre'.ten, and gra" , the tame idea and hate well executed 1t. ftktwtmimt�s and to 'Peered toy Mer Royal fellable a ready m.tns , f reference to any itemise. the Prtar•na Inn..e to thank her esb' that a •.rp'on mag t !. caller# •n to tel tx+•tn 11 hope this mat not he y, or las; menet Tho court of revision fed- the t, ten of Goderich was held on Tuesday evening. The following is the result : Saunders & Son, reduced 11400. -lames Saunders, personal property stnicl; coif, $200, James Greer., inc:.ie struck off, $ 00. George Sutton, minced $51) on part of lot 1379. Wan. Buchanan, assessment sustain.: Batch domes- Cain, assessment sus- tained. Maraaret %VILA it. assess::;est sastaitt.• ed. ©. H Parsons. 1 t 13 Rd:tced 330, lot 1014 a'aesament sustaine+i. Xs.. (:. Ward. fad:ed to appear Mrs Cathcart. aesesstttent mimed •100 A!e Hendersor, ataesanten- relieved 3(;-"a.! McEvoy. atsestiaent r ileeed Clan Mary- McCarthy. assessment sustain- ed. Fran'; el tnlan, a.seserteet sttstaitted. W. H. Skinssiints, not iarisrliefi•.n. Meath Rees. assessment redweed 0. John Holden, aereS,l;•env redwood NIO en lot 147 (.Mies•Ther rt'i '., essese vent reles e l *200 on the 2nd and 111100 on the 3rd flat of they eastern ptrto.f Monk aloe let 70. " llecaesa it iv.te orittt,al:v shipped front /porn., in Spain," replier? oar en• clopordian reporter. trtumehantly. " It's older than that,- said ti.. phi- losopher. `' for 1 have carefully worked it tett.- " ut."" Let's hear it," s tid the reporter, h sing the eege with interest. ' Well, yi t: see, Noah, who was the drat wine ntaket, was also a mariner, and often used nantic.tl ten:;,, and in giving ieetructi• ns to his boys in making the mime he would erten shout " port." and so they gut to call the wile port." sase,gsl. A gates was played at Philaciel;ehia tie other day between the f:norky and Hvprper !.credal! •:orbs, eer..,,osed respec tirety of , ne-anwetl and 'one -legged then, for the cripple championship. F,otn of the Mnnrky team had an are oft' at Ib, ahonlder..'ne hid it pan1T-zled arm. afll eac:: of the rest of the able was minus hand. !Ise Hop[rpn were in worse trine. Their fine 1'asect141 had at, artificial leg. the center and tight holden chased halt* on crotchet, and the- other% o•f the nine teaseled enpettir. ')lata two-Iegg,d, ape -armed aid mgt t'r'y eatery neer the two -alerted, one -legged en,wd, the more /handing 34 to 11 at the end of the' Iftb initiar, when the pins ended,