HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-05-25, Page 88 1' EL E H U R, O N SIGNAL, FRIDAY i[AYP 25, 181. Le eborlt. Mr. Jae. Ballantyne, B.A., Mm of Mr. P. Lem t I•. Me. Charier( Jefferson h ing t r to India M. is P., them& a te�w I SPRIG tt OODSaMt Dtroug language a i►ot uecesritri{y a i iug out to Indo to a miasiouary tun [ew NEw been laid up for euveral weeks with "lye" neither is this a "co centratcwt 1 weeks. eN,n, htui which � � I • i THE WORLD OVER. (1, h is now on the mend. juke. Dr. Martin Dud family, i Philadel- I loenone have been taken to the uoriue phia, are suffering from metallic pois.u- in Nuw York saner April 1st fur ideutih- iug, caused by eating ice cream. cation. t j The W1'ashingtou postal Authorities I A Njw Yorit itLerper met f''athcr Itis, • anticipate a surplus of $3,000,000 this I, era, of Brighton, Alois., on the street, year-- twice as touch as last year. claimed acgaiutat ce, inveigled hits into The assigner' of Green, of Ciuoiunati, I a asthma and robbed heat if $90. urigival patentee of the driven well, have , The Guelph Beale ptufesses t . bate began eighty-seven guilts fur infringe- 1 knee ledge of a cuuspti•a.•y 10 remote the merits agalnt the parties wing these.seat of Pruvtuoul Government front Tu - well. reale to Woodstock, Brautfurd, or Bi- llie Manchester Branch of the Seg -l gursoll, with Wuudatuck the favorite. MORE LAND. -Mr. R. Fulton' hes purchased the old Canada lot of 50 acres near his own farm for about $35 an acre. • Must Room. The Shoo Flies, front (iarbraid tinier the command of Charles Morris, builder, put up a large farts kitchen with • veradah for Mr. James Horton last week. Ess Arlt. ----The other morning a large wildcat was discovered in one of our ar bns. The party who saw it at once went to the house for a gun. In the meantime the terror of the forest made its exit from over the granary through the sheep pen, and took to the woods. Several shots were fired by its pursuer wounding hint a little in he flight. Since then eothing has been beard. Goon Suss. --In leas than three weeks 11 head of cattle were sold to Goderich butchers by three of our farm- ers, footing up the sum of $561.60. Com- bined weight, 13,100 lbs Also three sheep were sold for $21. Thu supply of meat we suppose would keep the good county town of Huron of 5,000 inhabi- tants in meat fur some time to come. The whitesof twuuty-three eon neau lish Woman's Suffrage Association has Josh Billings informed Ju•quu. Miller forwarded • number of pamphlets bear- that he had once received $400 for twelve ing on the q uestion, to the Association I words. A wealthy New York merautile in Toronto. Vtetrutts.-Miss Lottie Gentles, of Kincardine, is visiting friends hero at present. 1'. O. Mears, of Benmiller, en- joyed a few days visit here last week. The old gentleman likes our town well. (ILD FACAti.-A warm welcome greet- ed our aid Wwnutan from the Black Sheep last week. A. N. MacQuarrie formerly connected with our P. 0., now a' resident of the bluff town of Londs- boru, and Tom Hanlon of Clinton. Both lads look well and hearty, and are the same jolly boys as of days gone by. No WHISTLE. -Last Saturday night the mill employees struck fur wages, whichldid not suit their employer who,we understand, gave the 14 the G. B. So our termers• wives have to use their lungs once more to summon their men to dinner. As we sent off to press the matter is not settled. They are the best staff of men who ever drove the saw- ing business at Dunlop. A Goon TIME. -Tho ladies of our sick committee had s sewing bee at theircon- sulting room last week. They were :neatly assisted bet a young lady from It is reported that Mr. John Bright will shortly enter a practical protest against the rejection tit the Deceased Wife's Sister Bill by starring the sister of his first wife. A youth who attempted to crawl under a circus tent at St. Thomas was brutally mutilated in the face by a circus em- ployee, who was only saved from the mob by the intervention of the police. Inter despatches represent the recent defeat of the False Prophet as much more severe than at first reported. Many of the native chiefs have sense surrendered to the Egyptians. A so-called workingmen's ce ngress, held at Paris on Sunday evening, ended with a general fight. One man was stab- bed, and several, including Jefferson, • member of the municipal conncil, were otherwise injured. Infidelity removes nothing t hat isbad. It only ridicules and denounces all that is good. It tears down -it never con- structa ; it destroys -it never imparts life ; it attacks religion, but offers no adequate substitute. Win. McIntosh, of Algoma Mills, re- ports that he was drinking in Detroit with three men Monday aftsfpoon, who enticed him to the river rind then knocked him down and robbed him of $84. Great doubts are expressed in London as to whether the Tynan, concerning whom General Pryor had the correspon- dence with the British Consulate, is the young sten, named James H. Hoover real "No. 1." It is thought Pryor hu and Judson Early, were badly hurt. It been imposed upon. is feared that the further has received Emigrants in British Columbia are severe intern•lsinjury. ,aaa. "••' neatly alarmed at the rumors of the Ofb till laser in the health house paid him that sum ; it wanted one of his quaint sayings for an advertise - meet. I The evidence given before inspector Dr. O'Reilly in the investigation into irregularities in tl.e manauement of the Welland gaol so far appear to go a long toward substantiating the grave charges brought against the •uthonties.C;) An English herd of Shorthorn cowsr are kept on bare boards -the estate br- ine grass -aide up and straw scarce -but each is provided, The London Agricultu- ral Gazette says, with a stuffed sack in front to assist to rise and to prevent knee swelling to which heavy -fleshed animals are liable when no such .precaution is Liken. ;,,,-�a1 L A Mr. Lynch, of Asphodel, was tined $70 on Friday for unlawfully fishing. Only one fish weighing ten ounces was cs ht, w that it was s pretty dear fish at $7 an ounce, MR when to its price is added the loss of fishing tackle, it is make to ake a than foreswear the ge▪ ntle art for ever.: .a_�Ia •''s s The Toronnto Auxtli•ry of the Onta- rio branch of the Dominion Alliance has passed resolutions recoguising the value of the clauses in the proposed Liquor Traffic Bill giving effect to local option, and disapproving of the proposed delay in putting into operation the prohibition of grocers' licenses until 1890 A serious accident occurredat Ayl- mer, Ont., about 6 o'clock on Saturday, by the bursting of s soda water geners- (.odench. l I)omimun Governments intention not to coal b e regarding throw open railway land for settlement of It ahuuld be received with an - this year. tion. It is asserted the Prince suffers greet ain but he objects to the issu- ETaUeLL. Robert Laidlaw has been unwell for some weeks with rheumatism. J. A. Garlick was Lid up last week with scarlatina. He is around sgs'n, but his youngest daughter is, still very ppprly. Mrs. bIonkman and family have re- moved to Detroit where her husband is employed. The handsome house and lot belong- ing to S. B. Mertes was sold last week to G. A Beer of this place. Mr. Mortes family intend moving to Wingleen where he has purchased property. Miss Tessio Kelly was waned on by tee members of St. John's Church on' evening of this week and presented with a purse containing $35 accompanied by an address expressive of gratitude fur her willingness and efficiency displayed in filling the position t f organist in the church. Rev. Mr. Ryan made the pre- sentation. -[Post. Peter Boer, foreman at William Rolff's tannery at Windsor, was convicted Mon- day of using a false weight and fined $27.85, including costs. The weight was found to be 25 per cent. too heavy. Toronto has arrogated to herself the title of the Queen City. If the cities over which she pretends to queen it are no cleaner than herself then her king- dom is about the dirtiest in the world. - [World, News has been received at Montreal of the terrible death of Captain Mitchell of the Michipicoten Mining Co., who fell 500 feet in a shaft. He was aiming in s. mine on the north shore of Lako Superior. .Four hundred immigrant settlers ar- ture ; it affords an effective way of teach - rived at Victoria, B.C., on Monday,only ing morals ; it treasures up for one, in toffnd that the lands on the island and time, a vast store of useful, comforting mainland are locked up for railway pur- and inspiring unstrung pearls of thought. poses, with no immediate prospect of be- I nig opened up for settlement. I He took eighteensyears to do it, oat On Tuesdaylast the Czar entered l e did it. Charles Welling, in dry -goods metthant, New York, failed 1865, and (ittd.rich Township. Moscow with great pomp, and visited the compromised by paying tifty cents on Kremlin. His reception was outwardly l thedollar. His liabilities were 3400,000, 1Vm. Weir sold his driver to Rev. R. of the most enthusiastic, character. An , cousequently s halance'cf $200,000 was Craig for a handsome figure. attempt was made by the Nihilists pre- I left unpaid. Since that time Mr. Wel- ante o alarming bulletins, He is much affected by the political diaappointmenta he has experienced, and it is said the latest reports in regard to the ttegole- tions between Prussia and the Vatican have:been also a source of trouble.: se The practice of committing to memory select passages of prose and poetry, in our public schools is an excellent and very beneficial exercise, and we think should be more generally adopted. A high authority on educational mutters has given the following reasons, which are weighty and worthy of consideration its this connection' It trains and strengthens the memory ; it assists in creating a love for pure and good literi- Mr. Jas. Beatty, of the 9th con., has sold the north half of lot 35, to Thomas Carter, for $1,975. The bargain is con- sidered a geed one. Mr. H. Cook, of the 9th con., wall start on a pleasure trip to the old coun- try some time in June next. 1 STEAM THRE.sHER.--.1. G. Henderson, of the 6th line, has ordered a steam thresher front the firm of Watemus & hoard. C,,. , Brantford, ani will make the rounds Burglars operated at Woodbridge on next fall. Jas. G. ie well known and Monday night. James Keedwell's store will work up business in his line. was ransacked, but no plunder secured. Prince of the Isles, Fisher, draft From Mrs. McIntosh's residence next stallion, while at regular stopping place door a silver watch was taken ; front Dr. un the 6th cin., made a dead set for the Grant's fifteen dollars, and from Rob - groom who was putting a girth in him. son'a hotel $125, found in the pr,prie- which he.ctttried upon his arm, upon the The brute got the man down and was tore pants pockets. railing of the bar, threw , Teti his close, ; seen in totUn. preparing to make n meal oC him when The Russiac mulberrycan l e eaail fitting Prince Albert coat. $neat pulling l Mr. John Elliott and surae bystanders y a gilt -framed purse farm his rocket, interfered and saved 1 ion. raised from the seed. Sow them in gar- selected friar it s $id gild piece. which den drills or boxes. If in the latter, lie held up, and smiling. said : "Thu is visible means of support, isn't it i" The I justice remarked that Jue would makes I geo.i lawyer, and upon being satisfied l that the prisoner had $30,000 in bank and a house and lot in Chicago besides. I ordered his discharge, I In all, other Departments me- e- Stock it William Chamber, LL. D . the well- I complete, and Prices are as l,w as the vious to the ceremony to kill the l'; Ari ling has had bnt one ..hject in view, by a bomb placed in his chamber. namely, a settlement its full with his While Mr. Gladstone delights. in fell -1 crenitors. Yesterday he completed hie iug trete, Lord Salisbury is devoted to i eighteen years' task and to -day stands tennis --not lawn tennis, but The real! forth the noblest of r'ub'e men, a man game ---Sir Stafford Northcote remains whose name deserves to Le perpetuated. loyal to croquet. Mr. W. E. Forster loves whist best, and Lord Randolph Churchill is an enthusiast over the chess - I ' PE'CIAL ATTENTION Tit THE FOLLOWING LINE.'4. Factory Cottee, Roseate and Striped Shirtiaga at a - SHADE ABOVE DOST. Prints in all the New Deatgns, from ,the Lowest to the Finest Fabrics, and at prices that - DEFY COMPETITION Tweeds and Cloths, the Largest Stotk and Choicest Goods we lace ever had, and Prices Right, Ins ewe ll "tea • 1.\\ a wish especially te mention Black Cashmeres, Black and Colored Drees iwSilks. and Colored and 'tt-hits T.ablin;(s. Unfortunately.. there are too few Charles Wellings in this world of Ours. "Hungry Joe." the' noted bunko' lteerer, of New York, who numbers Ge- ed `Over 100 Piece8 ear Wilde among his victims, was arrest- ( - ed in that city last week, charreed with being a vagrant and having re visible means of support. When asked by the of ram- benidsoes from. cents t,. 45 cons court what he had to any, the accused tossed the rilklil (.(aver overcoat. I -the Cheapest Gaels cf , the Kind ever Dir. R. M. Elliott, eau of Mr. Robert transplant when the seedlings have Elliott of the 7th con., who passed such made two inches of growth. If in drills, a creditable examinee m at the Toronto let then( remain ayear before transplant - School of Medicine some time ago, ob- in Cover them with hayor straw' for taining the degree of a M. D., and who the winter. then proceeded to Edinburgh, Scott: nd, for the purpose of more fully perfecting The other day on an Arkansas rail - himself in the healing art, is now ill in road, an old gentleman eat, half asleep, that city. His brother Wilham,of Aber- with a book entitled "The Train Rub I known editor if Cuumirers Edinburgh ' deen, Deltas, has gone to juin to the in. here" lying on his lap. Pretty soon he Journal. wee knighted the other day by I ),west. valid ir. the old country and render him sank to sleep. The window sash fell the Quccn. It is underst• '•d that the what assistance he can. with a 1c:ud report, and the old man offer cf Cuighthood was wade to the; springing to his feet and throwing up his veteran publisher a few yeses ag-, but de- Pe).wtati■a siimmipa. hands exclaimed, "Gentlemen, 1 haven't ellne-l. Dr. Chambers has reached the' got a cent age of four acute and still cc ntinues to Luan, May 21. - Fifteen families, Montreal, May 22. The address of write for the Journal. which lie started etimberuti; in all about seventy members, the Irish Roman Catholic priests on evicted tenant; from "reline, arrived at I Sunday last. warning the various nation - the station here at half four this after I al and benevolent societies not to affiliate main. They were under the sieperin- with the American leagues, is the topic tendance of Mr. Jas. O'Shea, onmigra- ,,f the hour here. The leaden! of Irish tem agent who had tw..vided places „pinion agree in the views of the pastors, semination arms ogee the perp about sixty years ago. N-• man (,robs• , bly, s contempery well remarks, de. series more than he such a distinction I at the hands e f his s:evcreign The pub- - liation of pure literature. and its urs- l for them amongst the farmers through- I and condemn any uni.m with t.ew foci- moderate cost liar been his site through "tit the township. A numlwr if farmer I sties in the State.. life. Associated with his brother .Rnb- eith conveyances were awaiting their ort for many vein they had the pleasure :snivel at the station f"r the perpnee laf I (ieeaa • irge Whingt-'n flet a -i -''n, ii; -m of seeing their i taiseserti.yj undertak- t e •,nveyine them to their respective desti- I the I'nn entity of Vermont, a cetered ing pr'sper to renuiksl,k tIetree. The 1 detser►es special Molina. tintions. The peer p>,•, lee 1o„kee to nun and 5aledelorian of tits college gonad schievei by the prductior r•f such 1 ct every respewhat they rel -resented class. gave one of the best ora'ons •t work is incalculable, and Her Majesty themselves to be. the gradtsatton exercises at the Yale the Queen seems to hate •'.,nsidered they L� Theological Seminary last week, ar.d he public recognition cf it as but et and ;j lb. of Tea for 01.00, shares the Aurelia Hooker fellowabip for right. [Rance the ala•ve was put in type • IRAs with .lotto E. Bushnell, s ruse the cable has brought us the new. of the of Yale. noble old nun's death His werl it is announced that Herr Lasker, the has n• t died with hits 1 {arliamentary leader of the National $t I.ther' party Complete alk of Gr.ceries. THE LkRGKST, STOR - etF WALL PAPER tt't:� t uF 'l' Itis\'fu : I �I ItRzE'S BOOK STORE. DADOES. FRIEZES. FILLINGS. BORDERS. FRESCOES. STESCIL DECORATIONS. CORN ERS. CENTRE PIECES. EXTENSIOrNS. _ SLING DECORATIONS. AND ALL KINDts u01"BORDERS, PLAIN AND GOLD. The above Wall Papers are thin seasonaDilE(T IMPORTATIt INS front the Beat American and English Manufacturers, and comprise all their Latest Designs and Patterns. can Nothing uequal them( either in Price or Quality. INSPECTION INVITED. Satisfaction Guaranteed. The Prices range from 5c. per roll up to 82.50. JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. Moorhou te. North Side Market -Sq., Goderich. The Best and Cheapest BIBI C1RRIAGES in Town At Saunders & Son's Variety Store. HOME MANUFACTURE PHILO NOBLE 7 MERCH NT TAILOR, NORTH -STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, GDERICH, -,(511.1. Fl it"I tl ei!; 331.86, 1 1'i - Gents' Clothini in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices, in S t' 1K 4 • eleassL L. 4'g'1TEM • arts l tl.(l. r1:n11A 1 t 1 r 4.1 tat\T4'LO. ,It.L=a rnenirTIT AtiTtsere TO. %OTC. T•1: 1arfD',e• PHILO NOBLE, NORTH -STREET, GODERICH. Dominion Barb Wire Company. POLL MANtLFACTCRKB IN CANADA OV THZ LYMAN FOUR POINTED BARB STEEL WIRE FENCING. 1 Thla wire fencing es made of thr ver tilt/do)tilt/do)u hest .ht) of wire that n be procured, and 11., bath 1s the best arranged barb made. No better wire fencing Is In the market. which tact i• attested for by its increased use by all the leading Railway lines in the Dominion. The best is the cheapest ever time. can and wee It before purchasing and it shall speak for itself. Par fIJOHN A. NAFTKL. tole agent for (ioderic•hand ticinst). I - Queen -... ...l Works celebrated ' 50 cent Japan Tea As oderess 4'essearWw. The present se•sinn of Parlisment is fist drawing to a corse. it wiil, like a snuffed out candle, h • remembered chief- ly by the bad oder it leaves behind.- 1St. Thornes Journal. The farmers of Canada will he pleased to ibstn, on the Furth alatherey of Sir Charles Tapper, that they are in the ha- bit of driving their t. e t int cattle nn 1. the railways to be killed by the locomo- tives and paid ffirst-elms . r es first-slaanimals 1 the railway companies. Phis is a thnrnnghly railway • i.•w .•f the matter, erld tehtteseter eie•Ily They (i hoot - The [lest fou ever saw fee the Prima 1 in the German Reichstag, Tbe New Pals hiss. will [Meetly visit America. Lasker is by birth a Jew. and was returnee(' party in I ols'n's Npttn.t.i cures l atulenee, Berlin and pertly in• England, where he chills, spasms, and cramps. At Wilwrn'n obtained an acquaintance with ennstitu- Nerviline cures promptly the woret tienal principle*, which has had no small cases of neuralgia, toothache, Ittmhl$o, influence npi'n Lit political career. He and eciatiere 1Wilsetes drnhstote. it is formidable antngoniet in debate, and Nerriline is death to all pain, whether deal the cumin man for the external, internal, er local. At Wilson's. cost of 10 cents. Bus at once a 10 cent • i bottle of Nen'line the great neer -ese. .iv (i.,ld as tat W's'ilemes es rrgar as Nerriline may}e tested at the small r.Premiershipi t E ager the dews of Bismarck ( �) LROItN F RRO 7 and the Emperor His presence in the I;nited hitatnt will create t 're"'1 deal of 1 • Castorine and Peerless Lubricating Oils h:.+' e.n.• r, ata i. a large assortment of tl r )test hrand. of white lend mannfactur-r, q.,ert; n , d free from one ounce of adulteration. Quality will tell. J O H N A. N A 7b -"I' F L, HKAP HARDWARE FMPOItII 31. 3 SHERIFF a TALE OF LAAUs. ('ot '4 TT or Hraoa. t er virtu of a writ of To N -IT' f !Mori Facies boned nut of Her Mtestier County (bnrt of the ('aunt!! of Huron. and to me directed and delivered 4net the lands and tenement^ nAirgas yllnw, at the salt et Amin. M,venMck. 1 herr seised and taken In Fxemit►on the fol lowing lards Thr tart twelve and *half acre. of tate Fest half of the Nnrth half of Int twenti rune in the thirteenth nonresident of the Township of McKillop. sod the Weil half of the North half of Int twenty sicbt in the Tbwrath rnnen hoahip of Mo- K1ltepirtInthe(ArntiofofHtavers. W1III'h lands andaslntenrrweneuTiwashall o(tkr for aaat my fence. in the ('nnrt Helvre, In thr Tows of (loderich on Pat seder, the Twenty first day M only. b al mete. st rho hoar of Twelve of the Nock neon ROM. (1IHWONmac oheelRY Mee siedeete• t Sheriff of Huron. Agri' 11th MP baa^ Detre Travemtsas esiedle. GRAND TRUNK EMIT. Paas. Fxp's. Mild. Mu God/. rii 114.Lv8.43Sm 12.40pm. .lee„e 1.40ar. fte.aforth Ar.a.M 1.13 5.11 e M !strut ford.Ar.7.10 1.441 'JO 11.10 wast. Paas. Kxp's. Mf:'d. Milcd *rat fora .Lt1t01pm 7.10pn. 8.15a RI 1.a6em Stator h Ar, Itilt *41 a.On 5.40 (l*Aerie hAr. 1.16 1.10 A 48 7.15 44'TARF. 1,1N F.ti, l.nrknow Fusee Ictally) an. 10.11em3em drt Kincardine 1Ottam7am Rrnr,lller •' (5t'rdneS4119y and Mat larder) Ar. a mem . i e 9 10. tonsorial. w mom., PI1ACTTCAL BAF RF..R and Nalr4eeeaer M'gatn rerun thswks Qo Its . pnMle My post yatroays aM w a eontlneawtt. n r ID s gar ware 'w found his chs -arse t'arin,- nes Mfr- 'tn.irr.-h i-5, THIRTY-FIPT6i WHOLE N1'MI New .4 pa Nuttee-H. Att W s a. d -J. J. W i Te Rent -Mrs. u.• Yu -1r :'oitune-A. Two Free Leasure Bedding ent Mani Ib. Sale or to It -to Rouse Want; i -t Vh,,'s Your T. to Spring sad Tamm Waterproof Overt • NICHOL`± ',J.. rLl?. O'J.s tare l r ei 'gel o a ieh -Che Pe \VANTED.-- • man to oak M'•' tie expert" WI .)e IT. The 1'• `lrATERPIU. 1 The persot u!i.lsoticeacol s1r ..nae by pro). HOU3S W. able house .5elOroera, Drawer rhe) RENT. T:.st Lrse brick t and StanLy street pantry s.4 cellar, Fur particulars FOR SALE ( beautiful bo Yr. Rios. and for Maloomeon. at to Posswion giveti apply to the ow Newgate Street. HOUSE FOP ent house c halls. and good w corner of Waterk reasonable. ADD NOTICE. All persons are any meson on my in writing front in TRILL ooderieh. 11 Ye NOTICE. -7 ('oorrppooratio will meet in the Uodericb, on T All accounts &gal in before the Mi meeting. Pyran May flet, lis>x1. rilO FARMEI 11 to improve Princess Hull rill for service at m (loderich Tow nil ame of service. May. 10th. POO. BOY WANT A boy about 15 understtrved as a ering and Joint n enquire of P. Sm FARM TO 1 50 acres, nearly and otbsr bulidit lar. Good orcbe quire of It. T. H, FOR SALE. A firs: clam L whole house. an. Held road. Oodet !riving shed.har iees, grounds w ,apply on the pi Goderfeh Found VOTICE T(_ Lr herebygiv the undersigned to sets by save •a enfot nese. ABRAH, LIOR SALE 1r' residence, Donald street. o two tote. The t carriage house outldlags. The rust trees, grail For terms a; Barristers. VOR SAL} Yalt:sole 1 pardton Store a an acre of land, iitook to store a proprietor has quire his sole sl of 6, con. 3. K.I good erchsiis. abet fraise bon of which A •r Rernalnins 30r HAY▪ wood NKdd.. She TAMES 811 s Odoe, Cm rich. Pleas at e U Carpenter', measured and GR. Mci: . iAN. Pt' nano Univerai' 1efe of Phjsici M. (:. P. t3.. 11 Opposite Retie snick ' j1$ Okla, A(7, gas.e4e11' eti's; hParole's &i Dr TO, W. /MP nkshe ih b erlteifa a hi alw17s 1t' ( Pc Ili'