HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-05-25, Page 7f Ib lit3tUt1 ala .‘ +1., Hill) , MAI ON; Fun and Fancy. WorVs of Wisdom. Toth* 111e4led see ;and all sebum Testing the naked truth.-' •,t:n.i ti r Th.. unfortunate aro always eg•dis,i. Phwpphatine, ..r NerVa 1'...st, a PL ie- t,x» frets, ?ire- ' •!l�hate Elemma based upon .letitithe 1bo best stimulant for t .e h ua• -A 11 ! oor.l:�e is the r.treat of qualities Facts, 1''uriuulstud by Professor Ali tis, grey -hound. ental ea iii Jigne 1. M. D. of Boston, Maas., cures Pulmou- 1Yh.,! up;•ear to be c.11utoitics 4ry uftcll cry Consumption, utak Headache, Ner- Pillon tiara are among cat. o et exert runs Attacks, Vurtig.. ;old Nrurall;ia boxers. tb•: •,anus's of fortuuu. A chasm that often separate instate:.. S,tcasm, Woman', writes -Her perrnnLa 1{, A. and P. S. Au epicurean -Surely '.::" 0, geniis for epics. Building lots and indig i r' .:s are beth sue. cured by the foot. . The wealthiest man c..:. test aliy[d to beg -pardon 1.,r his .•tfrneas. Wanted, the recti„t whist: is riven when a gentleman pays hie eneeeta, Why is a shoe hke a genies! *erraut.r, Brlause it is m ale of awl work. A caustic wit in apeakinz of ivi tltrp� euuious friend, said : '•114 setUw itis delta just like cioek weak -ti:!t,tic;,t • tick." "I ata speaking," raid a I .. Aerial .rater, ''for the benefit of .•tit . ' "Yee," said one of hie bearer, "aset if you keep en touch 1 mg='r your .t ..::caw will be here." A gentleman asked an American thel other day what he thought of the E•i '1ish climate. He laughed and�h1, you haven't got a climate ; yu.. • e .uly got samples." A•'luack doctor heads his aevertire- mett : "Ho; all ye dyspeptics' That's Just what dyspeptics won't do. If they would all hoe vigorously, they :night net need any medicine. A French lady, during the siege of Paris, driven by famine to eat her pet dog, as she was fatnahing, exclaimed : "Poor thing, how he would have en j•.yed picking these bones." A country curate complained to uld Dr. South that he reeeived only fire pound. fur preaching a certain sermon at Oxford. Five pounds eat 1 the doctor. "I wouldn't base pens -bed !hat sermon fur fifty :" Li r hsdPleast4u c:,uroh. "How did you like the I t" asked hist 'rater. "Pretty well," responded the yunt'nful critic. "The beginning was very good, n -'d s•i was the end ; bot -.t had tag. tunes ,nirl.Ut. ' is A lean was taking k that was perched on a time •:os•p, when his little elxt4lollm�: "Don't take aim, pa ' Let it go off by accident." "Why so'" staked the father. "'Casae every gen that goes off by acci- dent always hits something." This is Kate Field's description "Take a *trip et something that fee tie sake of convenience we will call a man - which by way. is a ernes libel en rasa. Around its neo plaoe a tight cellar, en- shrouded with a hideous scarf and breast- pin. Put upon it a silk hat and a cut- away twat. Clothe its lower extremities with pants whereto calves were never meant to grew. In its bend a sine, and on its feet boots that creak at every step in limping treasure. Place a cigarette in ice mouth ; teach it a brief vucebulary of adverbs and ad;ecti,es,c.ommencing with "immensely clever," and finishing with "me yuu later, you know,' and in ray humble opini,ni you obtain a fair cuncep- lan of the brain and capacity of the American dude. But let us chat a the subject -it is not enlivening." 1 ergsvenese 1. muter. It :.r easy to take offence at words arc- ieesly spoken,where no ofence is untended It is natural to feet resentment at words i:.tended to wourt],or at i::juries de!itser- TLe.ytapatity of sorrow it s:ro'n_er Lh.u. Ilia sympathy ..f prosperity, He whfo loves little, prays little ; he wl,.,1 .vas ::.oath, preys notch. Liles to beep alive iu your bre•tat that alit,' ap••k of crlesti..i tire cxllwl coaeci- lutti. (Welbiugt or. To tell a lie and then dr mid it in tali.: lien, is like 1igliug It 11ar and esaL' It ta.�y a nigh to 4 1,1 - the diet 1st u displaced. Tia alt est c.,orrrsution : -- Ti.be pptru,upt wiN.out r;i ; ; stubl.,,ru, to re• Tito! .til:, ,.,t ar;u:m • 1 .4.el to clothe *save .Matt•:is in a at en./ garb. .aa ! • tills out is daily letting us a...- ..it , t;•uis{'e learn ; and thus each d,�• ..•.•1 hour is a step hotoeward, a s:' ; •r .nor, a Bald secured. • Taus who would let anything take tit, pt.ice et Christianity must first abed. Ii .t:/errew from the earth. Nutleing makes the wurld scum w sf+aeiu•is ae to have fele:. la at a distance; they make the latitudes and the longi• t u;iw. .1 Life oat lag Present. fir. M. E..111isen, Hutchinson, Kan., stated Lis lite by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con- sumption, which caused him to procure a large Iwttle, that c.ntpletelycured hits, when D,wtors, change of climate and eeerkthing else had failed. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Severe Ce4h11, and all Throat and Lung diseases, It is eoaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J. Wits'u'•drug store. Large size $1. (1)• "Gruel It Oa1."J Ile above is an olu saw as sat age as it is ne stleas. You can't "grunt out" dys- pepsia nur liver complaint. nor nervous- ness .f they onee get a good hold. They don't reu.ove thetdhelves in that way. The taking a few doses of Burdock Blood Bitters is better than "grunting it out " 11'hat u e c.ui euro let's nut endure. 3 — _ __- • and all wasting diaesses of the Lunwa .ysten'. Pho phallus) is cwt • Nrdueine, bu• •Nutt • •ut, because it contains no Vegetal, . • • Mineral Poisw►s, Opiates N ircot!!'c •. no Stimulants, but situp: ly the 1•i.•,aphatie and Cartric Elements found in our daily food. A single Lottie is sufficient to convince. All Druggists sell it. 1,100 per bottle. LowDiv & Co., sole sputa fur the Dor:.inton, eh Front Street Boast Turottf�o. 4. •neitletes Andra se. greatest medical w�der The of the world. Warranted to speedily. mire Burns, Bruise •,Cuts,Uloen, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles. C11i1Ws410, Cons Totter, Chap nevi Hands. anal all Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cute in every instance, or money refunded _':oQ per b ,x. For sale by J. Wilson. .y. New Life fur Paartlsas VScskreed by Dna• ea••, Debility and Dissipation. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency. ucrV• inn de- bility, universal lassitude, fergerfidness, pain in the back or sides, no matter Lo., shattered the system may be fr ani ex- cesses of any kind, the Gre.tt German Remedy will restore the lost function% and secure health and tiepin/uses. $1.Q0 per lox, *1* ow=es for 0.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt .1 price, postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, 'i'..ledo, Ohio, sole rgent ler United Statue. Cir- culars and testimonials sent fres. Sold by Geo. ILaynas, sole agent for Gode- rich. 3m : 1 GOODS CHEa1'E11 THAN EVER ter int.( - O,��est E s %ihiishea . House IN RII UOt TY. t'J.s. satins. Killeen.. ail wu..1 Freud. r..al.utrrca, I.tatter: .ba Lit;.•. had uuttou; Aril a, .. at pep rtwa w Lulcaalr prices, lad (*aadiaa 1 ova dr .tt wholesale pr.cee. 1 Votlouadcs &c., sic., . cry low. �:: R6G7RIE8 • Pc ore yon Lev of pedlars or strangers try my teas. Soong Hymn lea warranted pure flats acts. p.ir pound itp. Black i&. i at tHot., equal to moat Seal. tea sold. Hy Oct. Black lea. worth 00cts.. t:eeat Imported at 75cts. per pound. -t11 .p..c • e: I I by we wan an' td pure. HARIDW.&R]� 8TORR- 1 bald in stock • large assortment of bar Iron. steel, na11a. paiala oil.. class taaWlfsr with u general sasortu.ent of sett hardware, alit tl'.' best CORN SHELLER i rb) . A N C H().11, LINE, Bny'a Spcito Inthcine , UNITYtt tiTATEIs ]tt.+11.RTILAMRRS TRADE MARK t,::: Gussr TRAur, wank e:acuen Its - 1 Weekly to and r .n ws.Y. An un- itICW 1'val: ♦xbll LalN.ew, 141A,T loos pKal:1 Iajtag cure l,abinl'.uwage,�reluto. ltwtuns�Y110tullth'. for $enalaal Mow 1 Cabin, TI , �7 (� tt•garrt sac, ctoerlator• 1� 1 1 I d rlita, .input. Its - ...icy. a.nd alt .l raises tl at , wUow •+ase. t UEffSE TAI( L tie; mead sMIt MTU TAMIMQ, Abu., s.. .... r of !.Inert . Universal Lomb 11-14,11 "'l'u'tes iu K, aspen !."losses, {•lune tudc, 1'.,t. in t 1 u Hach. (,'atneae ut Vision. sib.. ..;.idj to .1," 1" F:It OX BI:OTHEItS, immature o:d age. d n:, ny other diseases 14:5, \e11 fork. that lead to losrut,tr a consumption and • prematures, ..V• . ELF' li p.,,tlealat, in oar psh,phlet. t.:: .. •• c • 1 . w tel free - tail :e rvn.',o .• 1'h. :-1.•. 1'c M.dletne fa rued by end • s it . r packs re, in al t pac:...gc tat.• r. v .e11. ire', by snail nnr-r-:ja,,`• .• ,•d..rcw•!ag Till: ti , • 1 ' , •t• f T . n=s.Det. ca {i1i� aR Sai tP •,. Heaton n, .t. :, t:t:, 1..1.,-ta . S ecrupe paatwurcra I..... 1 at low rater. u+seuseravr.tutuu. uttow* unexce1 t . .a LL tits-.Cltnoua os Mall( Deus. Psa.rn;xrs beak, d at low est rat. s to or from llersia', , Italy, Norway Sweden. Denmark, Sc. -000,000,,,. CbOlc3este yoy • tpta.6 V �e'tar! ,u/a►eit �''�� to ▪ Otoere t. to port ,t � yL: talo sus t,ew1 dna Sdta ro K for d �ar1''ti►ctat•'a•a�oo tatfF�'�st �aiis twit M'l(trt+s`g.L's'd� 1 pipet• • �ltl► aa; olio �:IklrsOTA , i 1Ji • on otic co-i'i.•, : t of .tmuira. 1'r:, a I:• fbe Sollars. Briny in . me tetra of corn and try .7 C. CR.e4a323 13, SQL' ARE, 03 tE't ' I. GODERICH BOILER WORKS. DjTHE GREATi nfooh cijritritied 3 not. life is sweeping ny, g and dare before you dlo something mighty aced sub lime leave behind to conquer time. VII aweek inyour owg town. Ili egtnt free. No risk. Srcrythin new. capital not reontred. R -e will tarnfe you everything. Many are making fertu n Ladies make as much as rmen, and boys anti be make great pay. Reader. if you wa d liminess at which you can make great pay ant the time, write for particulars to H. H *Lomat et Co.. Portland Maine. THE WORLD OVER. $allblflg. Lord Randolph Churchill is preparing a Bill to lisqualify atheists from sitting in Parliament. There is over a foot of snow over a great part of Ireland, England and Scut - land. The heavy storms of snow and sleet have done great damage. In the north the snow is as heavy as duringthe winter, and thousands of Iambs ace died. The Bowmenville (Canasta) Observer }seine launched a new word on the sea of literary expressions in heading an arti- cle "Sighable Abominations," the Tor- onto Globe remarks : " Why should we not e. 'Sighable' as well as 'laughable' -or that 1,. to noir of very precise people,• 'reliable I• The latter has fairly oouquer- ed a place for itself in the vocabulary den spite the relentless onslaughts of the of-, teem', but we doubt whether Sighable' i will show a ual tenacity The people best pleased st the defeat; `of the •Gladstone Government on the question of the Affirmation bili are the ories and the Parnellites. The Tories, because they want to turn the Liberals) out and fill their places themselves, and the Parnellitea because they want to dis- credit the Government as much as pos- sible: It would please them if the Gov- , ern..•eot could nut go on at a11, although there never was a Government in exist- ence that did es much f •r Ireland as the atelv inflieted. W.I. even in -such cases prvsent one. there is a wore excellent way. rers...n• wilco trai 'dr Euro e ere ..net, widely known as a leader in social life, and a man of great terminal dignity 1 and force .4 character. Haviiig been a! distinguished chief .':istic." -f tho Court I,. a Common Plume, he was efant eieult- ed by friend.; as to perplegingsecial roes- t • IOWA 011 (me ccashm a staterman came 1.. hint in great exettement over an injury inflicted .11 him by a pelitigal leader. He bald the stery with. warmth awl naed ' strong epithets in describing the which had inflicted the wrong. "Is not my indignation righteous " he • asked,impetuotnly. "Will it iict in Ulan ly to resent Koch an injuu "Yee,- was the celm reply. "It will be newly te resent it, but it win be God- like to foNive The answer was s unexpected arid so t convincin.-. that the statesman had not annther werd t.. say. HO afterward con - hued tu a friend that Sir Eardly's words ing hint a different and better man. Tee Pune I...i.e.-An old. Irish lady was in one of the lea•linst dry ifood stores .4 the city Thursday to purchase a mall woollen breakfaat shawl, for which the clerk asked seventy•tive cents. The would•be purchaser protested the price asked was ten high, and rematked : "nure they•ve taken the duty afftay and tobacca, and can they have forctottcn to take it aff this that you do he *Um a bigger price than iver : The cierk said the duty wann't off and he was afrai,1 the present Gevernment would never take it eff : whereupon the "lel ladv nmened, "Oh, my oh, my ' will people Parlyrnint to take away the p.a.r Mks' earninn in that way. HS t.; bad. in - It is expected that the selven,... ef a large war party of northern Creel int.. Montana has been stopped ly the Haunt- ed Peilice of Fort Walsh end the section ant icipat ed. Thel. Walsh, Chicago, elin whipped hie wife to death with a strap and pleed- c.1 guilty, has been unteneed to thirty- tive years in the penitentiary . Patrick Condon, "the Bridgeport tete/ *he killogi Hugh Ward ten ream WM that the waters are not pure (agate to drink, wines being recommended in their stead. Mr. Ceok, the . excursion wen-. says : ''Froat my extensihve am. sir i nely affirm that everywhere God has provided good seater fer titan, and that the eines drank are eften miserable and dirty. I have found water et-co/where that I have travelled- in China and Pelcstine and Egypt -and every- where water hag been my beverage." John Callnlinn /if Winchester, Mass., went to Wenurn on 'Salts/gay, bought a gallon .4 liquor, and• went on a spree. He brouirlinhis three•year•old child with him, forced him to drink all he could and then threw the liquor in his face. The chill :sent into convulsions and died The work of the Star Chamber Com- mittee on the License Bill has evidently not been of the most httrnionittus nature mible. Mr. Gigault has given notice et a number ef amendment* to the report of the Committee. Lydia Pinkham, the well knc wn pat- ent medicine proprietress. is dead. She began by manufacturing oedlcine in a tea -kettle, and in a few years built up a busmen+ of $300,000 a year. She spent $180,000 per annum in advertising. Never Give tp. If yeti are suffering with lnw and de - *pinta, loss ef appetite, general ebility, dieorderecl blood. weak consti- tution, headache, or any disease id a ha - bilis nature, by all means procure a not• tie of Electrio Bitten+. Yon will be Nun prieed to see the raged imprevemeht that will follow ; y.e. will be inspire.' with new life: strength and activity will return ; pain and misery will cease, and hence- forth you sill rejoice in the praise of bottle by .1, Wilson. [ill f \t:71.(URI( Chrystal Stat & Rlack. following Akre:f, _.r .J Farmers Please Consider This. THE PERRY DAVIS PAIN KILLER act.- with angularly( rapidity and wear fails, when taken at the commencement a an attack, to cure Cholera, Choler : Morbus, well a• an rummer comelaint. of a simi- lar nature. For Toothache, 'tarns, Reside, Cutis, Bemires, etc. e PAIN ICILLrr will be found n willing •byyuetan, ready r.. l able to reties'', your suffering without d,;ar, and at r. very inafs- nifrcaat cost. For Collo, (' rani p(sa, BANK ON MONTREAL. TO MILL HIEN and SALT WELL ABN New .nota. ltS and SA,I.T PANS s..s la 1 ,:r.•t, on abortest t ot,ce. All kind. of Repairing executed er.der the personal supervision of tbi Proprietors who `yphlM.. N:ai: Rheum, Sentra y and 1: 1t [ y� i:°a.6SES. .. s f a 1 ' - ,, i.1 remove G PIMi•I:ES, TILOTCRES nd !lest Ulcers and Old Sores. Acta CAPITAL, - 113,000,000. SURPLUS.-- - • 45,000.000. Gode, ;.11,3ranch. D. GLASS - - • - - Manager, Allows Interest on deposits. Drafts, paste. of credit and circular notes issued. pajab in all parts of the world. I754 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCI Ott Paid asp Capital, - $6,000,000. Rpt, - - +1,400,000. llu2" IPM McMASTER. Maa.a,lr, - W- n- ...,..r.,iov Goder'ich Branch. SOBS, - - MANA6stt. allowed on deposits. Drafts on a Towns and Cities in ('anode sad the United States, bough Adtef�ssto Farmers on Notes. with oneo inerwendensers. without obrtrare. 1758 ISUFOiNCE CARD. BRITISiI ASS. CO'Y. Toannio--d+t•b1111e 1831 PH(ENIX iNS. COT, of LoxnoN England, - Eatablshed 1783. HARTFORD iNS. CO'T, of IDaRTYoun, Conn -Established 1810. Risks taken in the above first-class Offices at - the lowest rates by I1OP `-CK HOUTON. The undersigned in also Appr.,,vr for the CANADA PEP.. IRAN can SAVINGS COV ToRoare. Money to Loan .gin fret -c a a security. • on, 7 to 8 per Cent. -Charges OIC era HORTO\. k week made at home by the in lustrionn. Hest business now be f, the public. Capital alot need i41. We will start a ou. Men, WI; men. boys and girls wanted every- where to work for us. Now iF the time. 1 on can work in spare time. or vive your whole time to the business. Nu other sot pay you nearly so wgall. No owe can fall to make enormous pay; by engaging at once. Coetly outfit and terms fere. Money made fwd. easily. and honorably. Address Titt-E Co.. Augusta. Maine. A CURE GUARANTEE/ Practical Workmen. P. O. BOX 1Qt 17$7 $600.00 Reward • We will pay the above reward fur any'csse of Lt.er Complaint- Dyeprpaia, Nick Headache. Indigestion. Constipation or C'oetirenctr, we cannot sun with Weirs Vegetable. Liver Pita, when the directions are at raft ly complied with. They are purely Vegetable. and never fail to g ive satisfaction. 6wgwr('oated. i.argeBoxes. containing 30 Pills. 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. L'eware of counterfeits andimka- tions, The genuine manufactured may by JOHN (•. WEsT & CO.. "The Pill Makers, 81 and 81 King •$t. East. Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mall prepaid on receipt of a 3 rent amp, `Far Rale at WILSON'S DRUG leTO*I. Health is Wealth i sI. —0 -- CAUTION -Ask for " Dr. Chen.- ninT's Sarsaparilla." take no other In Its place. 1f your Dru•- gist has none In stock, rennet:'. him to send for it. a. PRICE, ONE DOLI AR PER Tor:: Perry Davis A son '& St:- Ag-nt.. MOYTRE ;'.. A R 1 L Dysentery- 111 Horse*. the PAIN KILLER has no eqgual, and it has never been known to fail to effect a cure is a single ir.tanee. It is used in some of the larsaat 1,, or; staLlcr and horse iaaru.arien it, the world. To e,ejtt young lambs. -ether tock chilled and deing from cold. a little [leek htt.Lae mixed with intik will restore Cana t.t Lcaltie vary quickly. NW' The PAIN KILLER is for 'sic by Pt imitate Apothse arks, lirue nand.'! --rine lte.Mnthroughout the world. 1 •� �'j ,rplcarealwaysonthelook trout for chances to Increase aarningc.and it. time be • wealthy; those who do ay,, t improve their opportnn Ries r• .11:.'11 (r. • '..arty, We offer's grea eta"c •,•ei3OI. We want n1en, wo- ntr:- • at.;•t;,1'�ae h, work for us In their owl; ' ..,::tics Al rot:c ern do the work pro - peri trot.. the t est wort. The _buslneee will pay more than ten a. oa ordinary wales. Ex- p n-;1,.:ut8t turniLLcal inc. No one Ivt.o en- d:a•^. fr•'.a' . make. mon-e:' rapidly. 1"ou can gorote y.•ur whole time to the work. or only year rp.uo- un steals. }'till information and all that !e r.ccr•i arc urn: free. Address &t'Ix- stle & ('o.- Port/pad. Maine 1/UrIle. COlIVUISIOIIS. 1- its. Nerve us Neuralgic. and (least. Prenitinro !• allflu. boxes to cure any case. W., I. -•::r tv• eel. eel bc um for six le/Y rt. with written guano/di.. to r tool the :t lashed only try J •011101 - Died agerit for Goderici,..iti'. JOHN (.• eefersi. & C0.. nee proprietor*. Toronto One. EEB_ThevIt?e.8:' annnnty robbedis'- 1,,!1•It . i:aj,pinoes iw.d health reenact! Ap t b e :neo' .;the great GERMAN'INVIGfiR4TOR which poeltive y anti ha - potency ;eaused 1•3 e:-• . • -'.• .,t .::-y kind,! 'Seminal wee:Rene, and •;1 •1.1., Li • that fol- low as a sequence of welt:!.t'e-c, o, :one M en- argy, lose of memory, 1.1.vereei lassitude, pain in the back, dIntne5.. ' f vi..! pteva- tare old Age, and ruby other di,'raarsehat lead to insanity or canine:et:en and a prefne--I tare grave- ' ' Send foreLreulare tott,norii..'s rave- •Sendfor-c1r'uiars:ells,tott,no•ii.-'S free 1.y. mail. The INSIGOOSTOM Is *Diel at SI per box. or six boxes for. $l by all t_ruggiata. or i wit he sent tree my mail. s c11rcly s.•n!erl, on receipt oil prig. byaddtessipg. • F. 1. CNTtY. Druggist. 187 Sern r e. Ft.. To1,, ORO. RaYRae. - aisle Arent for GodeKN.• WORM POWDERS, i4AQNETIGMEDICME ittoilth rtslm, PRICY. 11.00. Are pleaarnt tale Contabi their Dim Purgative Im a safe. sure, me HALL'S foe •1,1 and nnnnn . and Female ?pelt vel y cures Nervourenosie in all iteistages 'Craft Memory. loss nf Brain l'oteer. &steal Prostration. Night Sweats, Speratatorrlerea, and General Loss of Poscrr. It repairs :Verret,. Waste. Rejuvenates the Jaded Intel- lect. strengthens the Rufrebted Brain, anet Re- stores Surprising Tone and Vigor to the Es - &rusted (Jrneratire Organs. With each or- der torrwetvg packages accompanied with flve dollars, we will eend our 'Written Guar- antee to refund the money, It the treatment doe. not 'effect • enre. It in the Cheapest wild Near Modicine In the market. g-Frriell particular,' In our pamphlet. which we denIfe 10 mail free to any addream. aisteh's Illagactie liedielee is sold by Drug- ' slate, at IN eta. per box, or tt boxes for SS. or will be mai•ai tree of postage. on receipt of the Windsor. Ont.. Canada all Druggists verywhere 114A2 -1v THE HAMILTON PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Intending norrowers w111 °mesh their beet in- terest' b exarnising the advantageous terms offered y this Soi•Irty before going elee- ror rates of interest loan tablet and further plateeslam apply to Oliderteh May MI5. 1883 '801-40 SEEDS ! RELIABLE SEEDS I oUR DESCRIPTIVE PRICED CAT taining all necennary Information for the sue - amoral cultivation of Vestotahlee. Flowers. Field Roots, Potatoes, Fir. ie now rabliehed. slid will he mailed free to all applioanta. aced °rowers. Hamiltoe. Canada. The above n, w and Ars, elan. biome, eloee to town. in second to none in (Mtarlo, for corn fort and ai•,•onimortation. Is bested by No' Air It gums trin. RATS,' and garden on the prernte• Not and entr1 meals. at all hones. for travellers An Omnifin. to and from boats anti earn con Calle the at ,entten of trevelerete the ern• cal ALT Imrutr, HE APT 81/RM, HE ADA CHF, RE • FLIITTERINO OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF " fOHIFES ST: 1.44/4:11,". me- _Anti every species of &sow Ars;na fren mon. le unrivaled and eissul floral. band evrnitiornd _ et liClet Comfgetabla and Beautiful Dar Cosegm nadnillesest Revlon lleellnine Ohms MAK were rvestieet rain. nisepini Oars. sad the pest I Lim tar Dining Owe in the World Taros Trona Thorns lioterern Mielmie and II iermapokta And at. Taal. elate& Fevre". "ALIIIERT LEA ROUTE." snd Omaha. Trams Tiaar•• cot. velem sit .1sunsial Ticks! 0111101111111 erey• as leer as sweeps. tter• text .ese "1:: del stied ...formation let II, Dans end nib RREAT OCK ISLAND ROUTS, A. yeas neer... Teske, Oleo. er a/ .osee IL II. 0111111.11. mi. AO CHICAGO lase. has re...Betty VP. bolveven eh • if IAGYARP'SV irTrketV . is4AID- Iji BALSAM laIli CR-rsCotic.ms Cott, -- ATARRH ,URE Cata,•11 of tte Nasal Cadty Oven,: and Ulcerative, Celery% af the Ise Eye or 1 henat It taken !tiff eNellv, rod- acts DIRECTLY upon Blood and 'Circus aurfacet of the Systo,. it h tat bett Mall reline, in the WORLD, and Is worth ALL that shjurel for It. for THAT alone. ONLY INTERNAL CURE FOR CATARRH I 4- IN MARKIIT _bra lay little daughter Was trouti,e.1 with Catarrh for two year_,r an I was very m -,ch bensflited by the nv• et Catarrh Cure" Rbs is now about aural. W. T. 1101:8111. !have used '' Oloterrh Cum" no,1 bottfe. belleee tt, will curs the mon* stubborn nee of Catarrh' If Its one be ecintianed for s 111111.01.111/le leogui of tittle Wetz,ogri, Ont., March 30, 111142. ,MIS yeas. awl IS rives entire erniafoetime. 4 truly, H W. HOBSON. ornate.. Hall's Catarrh Cure l.• ell Rivi'ecrile an 1 Retail Drnislebt the Calt..1 Issue eat Ceara& PitICE J Cents a Bottle. 18.00 a Doz. The eel, genatest RCP, Catarrh enr• le 1111110 - sir Itiowsr• of I:I.:tattoo& bottled for the Cabbala trete by H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Ont.