The Huron Signal, 1883-05-25, Page 5nth HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1883 R. W. MckENZIE igil• Ws the Lases rifler*. Clinton, 111., May 18.--A cyclone iu this vicinitylast nirht did immense dam- age. On the Raoul the Seftereek many h. u►us were d.tru ell. Bis min.'s south •.f t,Yioten the wind tote due.: a houae, i.il►teg Peter Clifton, 6u wife and an • igit jcar old daughter, and fat ally in• jurs.t another child. A Wetly named Bei,iiitun were injured seriously. MMiy !{ . r fsanilkes were more ur leas iujur . A'Are . aAILBOAD Lees user. St. Louis, My 19.- Last night's train ou the Indianspp,lii S St. 1,uaie ltailruad when steering 1ltlli+h,e,,, Ill., tasty mile' : rt.. here, met with a Wel accident. 'rho 1lids. aorwi a small •treaul was blows, down by the stony, ,std id the datkuci■ and rain the trail . .4!.t4 into the g•p, precipitating the engine itadl bei as,u car into the stream. Pat Wele ,, .ivi:etr, ws. instantly killed. Dina Hsrtlegtun, tirewau, was very seriously iujerct . No passengers were hurt THC i'111ANTL'tt AT RAC11flt. Racine, Wu , May 19. --Thetecene ell along the course of theeyelss. is pinta' :aid heartrending in the esteems It %vas not generally knawo estil title morning that Racine had Wfrrsd s calamity without a !island in it hi.4110. 'Ile Pet 110 a11100g the deal„ i... lc :lying was one painful tweed d tion. In many instances epihVitlg rela- tives Lad lust all seuubl Fret reason. Physicians are not num cu ,utgh tai ttia .ire prompt ai•tance, R nuuierwo i,leedin victims were rullet1ttp is Wan - H.'WBRETHOUR&CO.,____. Specai :dvantages to Customers w./1).1:, • :il ,) •' '::piL AT THE REGULAR WRIel,Es.kLE Platt. s. wE, IN, !' , ifEcm•s ; wE \teat: by the beet 'esker,. Hes uu head a carefully selected si..cl: t f V; •'6, A . • y1hos on application, & Goods by Mail or Express PIA-11\4711S �i s_ OU': rf ,l,Tgi:11Y PN ARTIENT IS UNDER THE CARE OF A SUPERIOR ARTISTE. P�AI.1.v ..!_ f.7 �f‘N'r!.t; '.NP nrr:ssM.KrNr. Pra(FEC1' SATISFACTION Is I:t•:►1:.1\TEiI i. • 1 BEiteb Wire---Firsi . w - To all Parties Dasirin to make Pe1.3orsl sell�ctio a and Pur- ze Sp.i'' i L- '-4 iRFER+.�wchasing to the amount of $30.00, wo will pay Gne etura fare. 1 1> 1y f ( )I)'``t_-A11 Wool Nuns' p11�ttso it VeinLs,iun:5c(s: •,=ala, l4k and (nl�en:. `r lo?7L.Ao• Meek Kimuh�Cneddes, g1a.tr0sto1 `1.---•i•,i1.WTtotIumu5; 1uPdPar- - N1•ten..,.a t:-ak niel 111:1tr. tru:a 15 d a L. aee Buntings and Jt -ad. t; ••netts: n, tiro.% brain hint. mutual' Silks. MAO;t'h,l:Ir•n•i Par.,- '1 I ' 1 f V gra ___Black & Colored Mousque- e. I /k 1 taint Kel 111 tat..; lila. k nod Colored Kid WU% th. 1 an:l f ltnttuus; Black and t' ,tuned Jerrcy silk • (ilovca. Mr'. tot!L2S; t+iisees Sill ..1c'Ycey and I.i.le (:leans. i ''arxr Molls az-s.d. Scale._ SolHOICIf,A\t 1RTMENT OF CUTLERY. perin:nt, r:T fnr+cash. Mae..FTT_ c= NZ==_ :'els, while anxious relatives ran in uvtlfs - - - -- -- - - --- - - d►rtiet,on �io medicinehandng only IMPORTANT' ANNOUNCEMENT 1 Aa investigation this morel serve' to to swell the lista tef causalties and make more sweeping the destruction - ' canted by the cyclone last eight. It is .ionated that twentyfve were killed 1� and ore hundred injured. One hundred and fifty homes wane demolished, aqd had lbe cyclone strwelt the holiness cen- tre Air damage weidd not' easily have ',eon calculated. e TES IMIS OLL1Is 1N 1041XOL1. Chi oeo, May 1.9.-Aaeeeieted Pees advies compr be the leort Ilfe in 'Bi- tola by the tornado on Friday night, at from sixty to sixty-three, given by earn - lie' and towns as following': De Witt county, 4 ; Mason county, 3 ; Living- stone county, 4; near Grafton, Jersey county, 3 ;) ktnn en.nt , 1; Winne - Nie *vasty, b ; Liter. Wrens county. 7: Reedhonse, Green tttttrutyr, 8 ; Doug- lass .uuaty, 1 ; Lo4aa cortnty, 1 ; Maenwpin Cony, , 8 ; Millsboro, 1 ; Staunton and Want Olive; 4 to 8 ; Cartes, 1 ; McHenry scanty, 4 ; Sea - swan meaty, 6 ; Maros, lissom county, ; Bnfilo Eltatioo, L 13t Loris, May SO. -Additional de- tails show that the tornado on Friday .light plowed its way through three ,,,unties, Missouri, Montgomery, Warren add Charles, deism Item damage, killing and wounding over twenty people ; many injured. Resell of TI (1 an. JW wankee, May 17. -Florence Ben- •ouedaughter of a well-known banker and massy man as Cnncotr'd, N. H.. rev Gently eloped with Fred Bixby, a oast - merely' traveller with who= she got so. ,twain, eel by flirtine. After a long search her (rends found her here, where she was at andoned by Bixby. The pair had S'revered as roan and wife. She into be aken bore, and her father threatens to .hoot Bixby on sight. I take this opponunttyto anr.a ace to the public that hiving purcbru.cd the I ■T 1 _-B•711briT n Hos', fhll re- l l � /1 � 1 I � t . ttt.trr. ' • t'n�9"�er�a• .,t -red t•,•ttou IIoP... acre, to ,'.: lade•" ,.. }., .-.:, . .Sid t -.ors; ia:f'ei and 11114.a.. in Mack sad Colored silt,, White Figured Muslin and Swiss' Embroideries.* CLOThiING & CARPET DEPARTMENT. IMlh,ItTLD S('OT('ll TM:11.t t AN:11 CANADIAN TWF:F:DS. BALI li1t1LC.\N• G.tl'11' S y 1 I.:`,. t tit I l.t' F Al:. HALF 110,11•:. .IIuIt i ANI► tilt t1'!•' -e• 101.11'4 111A111: To ORPEIt. l'FI,FFI r cur \TF:13U. (;A 'Ii;PETS l't - i'1'11T.1•INS. A!! Woo:. .. 1 1 . i :u', ]!a' i 1..:,,• i.r . u! .. - • u '1 - t . • u• I are t) •crn; tile 11. iE : /all ET1IO(7l t1' ('0.. 111.(171/ r(l. Farmers & tnIosF -137-dic_ NoPet,r.. iG77_ rte t: igne.1 loo's to call the ,:ttcntion of the puLlic• t.. l:is �.reek r t tt a prise. Belief called to the Bench, he conceives bimeeif M• e. Nue best Judge of the human uudtrttautilugs, itf and trade of Mre. W. 6, atennon, and hating made moosze STUCK THE NEW FERTILIZER• His U Th h B Connected E • 11 the role A 1 mteat -bai been trrtefed ageism! the .local. n of Mr. }auq"uier, the Conserva: t five°candidate for Muskuis, sod some New rich developments may be espoted. 'Mr H H. Smith, the chief for, (trganizer, has .ttained a miaiuu to BBee pe at the • public expense, so as to he out of the • way . f awkward cotluiries in this or any Miss Jessie 'i t so other case: The lawyers will reap a rich harvest this rummer anyway nut of the. Large Additions to the Stock 1 far which crash was paid. rails' spoe'pre yipdvee-great bargain': to all'who will favor me . tb their it>atom. My asott.$r. beigmall Profits and quick Returns." )212 -Goods re -Goodsdeliiod hate Many pact of the town. W. H. RIDLEY. CIGARS±_` CIGARS. IMPORTEDIMPOATEAND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a 8oecialty. ) GEORGE RHYNAS, . BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE NEW MILLINERY. French and American can be foiadatth.Eetabilallment of peer mug s ewg onnec C0tt07i S/'r 1 COM ; ' U /' (1 i Tit• .,!: his ,owl is staked ,:u his present ut:dett,ukin ;. hi, u.es ate' 't •r,.:.1 7.;.t. tete. • • PUBLIC ADVANTAGE. 1s Cheaper. aa.it, goc.t ,.r bettar. that. •r. • of the C ,nnborci*I rwetiusera of the present day. This Fertil:•••r i+:. r,a1 manure. not m.s,., a atindu sat• tate value of 'Web is proved h}• las He !.resides at James Watson's old stand, where, l.eni:'es the t•.r:iirin_ .•f solea, he increasing um. wi,ereter introduced. A hundred thousand tons were %hlppeo !no i • has a shock oltuatet into which for year to Bnglan:l for fertilizing purpt»c%a::nte. e Gardeeers take isolate that vegetable; • : t:.. The Quality Cannot be Surpassed cared with it mature and ripen earlier bur, withordina:y manures. 1WIti;;h he iute.n!a t.. u,:uioi.irt:n list John At Naftali, • 00TS AND SE[OE Foote Agent for 4,..: rich. Also Agent far Herby Agee ,king o: fees`, took Diploma at Provincial Show last fall- • March R. MI DEC -3m ROOWi Goods, thirty odd election cases awaiting trial.smOnlom{�� -- _ where the Latest Shade.. Newest Designs. and .T',t good, can a1 ear5 be found t;sderte0 tlsri,et•. °epaulet+. May 2 12t3. Wheat. (Fall s' hush... • 10 i (a $ f,6 Wheat, tS.priagi t bum]... . of 0• :R Flour. i bssrreeeet 1 :x+ N b 00' Oats, i bulb ... Peas. t bush....., Harley. • bisalt . . Po:atoe• tI busi. Butter, V 1........ , .. .. . 1taRs le dos.Inwpaekedl... 11 ! i The Chicago House n 19 M J 4I .1 0 to ve 0 tfil 115 THE HEAD QUARRTERS OF FASHION FOR . 07:, et 010 l. 0.110+ auat 0�: N uEW _MIL -LIE RY OF ALL KINDS. t•w a 1Y .•• O «1 : n 00 k cheap line in Trimmed Hats a Specialty. A first class 'W I Dress Making Establishment ! 'Aborts, Ir cwt.....:.......... •• 0 no Aran, 10 cwt Ina MI f : 30 " 0 00 , ('hop a cwt . - • Hides.... .. Sheen/Ales . Iiogs dreased 10 a 120 M also carried oa in connection with the Millinery Department. A call solicited. A. J. VLK011. llrudouera1lloMYT _ 1 1 1re..teP •e wiai•�ritll•,w..•Grw1 h1C .pd NEW MILLINERY STORE. z S S 0- E .A. 11 A M- les,tlry :41: late of Toronto and London. has opened out a New Millinery store in MISS STEWART'S OLD STAND { and w111 be pleased to obtain a share of the pstrewweee of the ladies of Uodsri.h and 'he will have a spring opening on •1e' Sen*A 5,,10.•5 Iwenstsa ad Two A,^.IPP narkIM. Will be Held at, C.t dnrieth, on the Pair Grounds, ()TI Monday, May 28th • is•n1 Nota' ' etre Doi' et the SATURDAY, APRIL 21st inst. when a well•.elected .tock of all the lateat styles in French and Amtr.ean Millinery can be seen. The business will be carried oa ea a nub bads. and all Rade wla be marked in plata figures at lowest prices. A call from the ladles of Uoderich and surrounding district in respectfully solicited. • The OVI.Y FIRST PTt17.F. awarded Mr Harh VI'Ire in ankh theca wY Com t{(low pt Ayees Sarsaparilla F(,lt PA 1. F. Hl' R_ W- �[('STNZZb:, °dul£Ircill SE STURGEON• ?i aty . 1MMEHII - Z••QT.TR3Z38 ••••>- RHEUMATISM Sciatica, Neuralgia. Lame Back, Lumbago, Contracted Joints, Cramp in Muscles, Sprains. BEST HORSE LINIMENT. n 1:rr;r /;,/,ec 25, ' r J. W. BRAYLEY, MONTREAL. P.Q. With which t.' accommodate a discerning public All Workmanship G I-uaranteed. I�RICES MODERATE. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. P. Wild..` well-known city ist4astonary Id New York, and brother of the late eminent Judge Wilds, of the Massachu- setts Supreme Court, writes as follows t 071 E. 54111 St. Vett• Fork lfery It 1102. )grains. •1..:, vr:R k co., •.entlt.nen . Last winter 1 was troubled with a most nuconi. -- - fortable Itching humor affecting more especially my Mahe, which Itched to intolerably nt night, FIRST (PRIZE �TARDFlD TI E and burned so intensely, that 1 could saetcelp ,ear any clothing over •bent. 1 was also a ettfferer ONTARIO STEEL BARB FENCE COMPANY from al setere catarrh and catarrhal cough ; my appetite was poor, and my systema gond deal run demi. Knowing the valve of At alb SAR.APA- front personal use informer ycara• Ibegal,, er cases, ELLA, by 1 it for the above-named disorder.. 't y appetite I L I Dd 1 T E D- t improved almost from the Arnt doer. Atter a ed, and al}'ittime ns of irritation of thefever and tskindisapppeax ere red. My catarrh and rough were alae cured by the same means, and my general health greatly improved, until It to now excellent. 1 feel a hundred per tent stronger, and 1 attribute these results to the Me of the SAlIAPAIILLA, ankh I recommend with all confidence as the best blood medicine ever devlardl. 1 took It h+ small doses three Utiles a day, and toed, in all, less than two bottles. 1 place these facts at your .ervtce, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully. Z. P. Wt Los." The above Instance it but one of the many eon. , stlyeoning100urnotkis, which prove the per- moitol feet adaptability of ATan'. aAIaAPARILLA to the cure of all disease:• ariMog front impure or Ms gove•t.hed blond. And a weakened r1tal!Iy. A T TORONTO EXHIBITION, 1882. HENRY H. RINES, Nit (.1 Snlith'a B. kery, Kingston street, (:oderich. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. 3-1\_1\/1s Mc1f AI E Tia 8E3E L.AN- t1"idn•;10 thank the public for pant patronage and would inform them that he has now on 1.;m^, the LARGEST AND BEST STOOK FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS from the most reliable firma in Ontario, which he is prepared to sell at a price as low as any other reliable house. Amongst the specialties in potatoes are the "hew Blush," "hardy Sun - rine." "Beauty of Hebron; and "Late Roan " The sure ateceta to farming arni gardening in ,;raid t+tltivatlon and good seed. Ask for the best varieties. Inspection Invited. A call .oli-�teti. Flour and Feed kept conetnntly on sale. . JAS. M.N.UR, the Scedaman. • J U s Lt ►Ula flit. (l.(1TH S. R E C E LT E D AT J. C. 1►F:TI.t)R r l'O'S. SEVERAL BALES (11'' TAPESTRY, ROVE AND UNION CARPETS, AT .1. c. h Eno R .ti i'll's, Ht ►ICE LOT (►F NEN- PATTERN LACE CURTAINS .AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. AND NOBBY SPRING HATS, AT J. C. i)ETLOR da • CO'S. N IMMENSE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. or barb Wire I'tes�c .x DS. SE SEEDS. �T Tit= ��1OCL 1 ALZ.. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ANI2 VARIED STOCK OF FRESH GARDEN, FIELD, AND FLOWER. SEBDS tram one of the most Reliable need Rintai souses to toe iisnrleieR. eleannes, .nrebes, and strengthens the blood, Istimulates the arnow of the stomach and bowels, sad thereby enabler the system to relent and over. Sosoe toe attacks of all ntels/itloss tfriamas, Erap- tisa• of ass �#4e, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Gswenl Deltic,, and all dYn#n resulting from pent or recessed blood and a low state of the .yntein. r atria n ny Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mess. , field by 011 tw. yi.ts. peke el, lex Male. for es. AYER'S FOR SALE BOTH IN BULK di; IN PACKAGES. ,.L�f CATPHL RTiC A Grand des DS'. Tbr :tt;dt•et Oar ••P ,: . I -Nat Purgative Medlolfte - Bter.Maw Tral^. m all P.,t ...4s at Greatly off Jo AN Chemist m I c°.P constipation, in.li�++tMn. a diche. Sad Ited.'_ra rtalee• r all Mltotsa IHIwt+Mrs. Ren htraber Pavilc" ° ••e (Other Rules gtppD3Cit2CH on field a re. ,dance H °vier d OeetaMr E[�DIOJ►L gLLL- tidaeMsb. May 1�,1tbA, 11111 -ed S N m't no Zai T tttE�.C-.E�=N' ABRAHAM s) I'rH f'.1LI.R ATTENTION TO THE TOLWWINO CLOTHING, A LARGB_auwORT7lPKT AN IF f1HE LATEST DESIGNS. 111$ He'll Ag80R�T111N 1[NDLEttft VARIETY.} li RN I►:31I I N C GOODS. IIATS, WALi. THE LATiUM ItTY1' ps AND Nynex enures ST Al PATTERN S. HAND APRT GU RA•r OR NII PA1:l. 7ICLOTI1S 1�EW CKDODS, NEW FoFtiOiCiEr CRIMP POR CASE