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The Huron Signal, 1883-05-18, Page 8
THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY MAY ib. 188:3. Carlow. Fall wheat i, a lAllure hero. Our fuer- suers ere plow:ng up a large Area sown last fall. The cold spring is keeping beck tiering a(xdln;t. - -e-..111M. • OLrbraid. a Presbyterian Sabbath Schou open - A l;io CA&,.- A calf dropped un' ed last Sabbath with a fair seen nee of Saturday last by ► cow of Mr. Jueeptt both scholars and teachers. Morris tu ned tl e scale at 97 p•.unds In thirty 'ears t eatdm.cu herr the owner never saw, a larger one at its birth. Mr. J. M. Roberts left a hogshead of sugar "m his platform one night Inst week and Bunte of the boys desirous of knowing whether it was adulterated or out, picked the bung. Those boys are out sure w hother it was sugar or cayeuue 1 pepper that the hogshead contained. dheppartittm. Moue HANDY.-- Vapt. A. Bogie, of Cedar Cliff, has purehs4aod the farm man- aged by the late John Strong for the Loan Co. of London, and part of the stock for 113,550. The farm contains 80 acres. The Capt. intends new t . start his eldest son well out in life as a far- mer. St- Atlrsatia.- LE.rtxs---Rev. P. J. Shea, of Sea - forth will deliver a lecture in the R. C. church, St. Augustine, un Sunday, May 20th, subject -••Ireland, the Mia3ionary of Faith, and the Protector of Science. ' I Father Shea is well known as a clever and furcible speaker, and the lecture will no doubt be well attouded. A literary and oratorical treat may bo expecte) ou the occasion. Losbnra. Mr. Geo. Halt hu returned from 4ruskuka. He looks hearty, asd hod a warm welcome ftiem both lads and lasses. Trwraa,Nee.-Last Friday evening, the officers of the lodge for the ensuing quarter were drily installed by Bro. J. Linklater, in the absence of Bro. D. Cumming, L. D., at the hall of I. O. 411. T., No. 213:-W. C. T., Bro. J. Stew- art ; W. V. T., meter E,la Horton ; W. S., bro. E. Brown ; W. F. S., bro. C. Jefferson ; W. T., bro. W. McManus ; W. M., bro. John Hall ; D. M1., sister Lenge W. C., bro. John Horton ; I. G., sister Edith Horton ; O. (:., Percy Stew- art ; W. R. A. S., sister Mary McManus; W. L. H. S., sister Helen Burke ; P. W. C. T., bro. S. B. Williams. Attend- ance last quarter good, Membership 33 at present. Bro. John Linklater will attend the county session in June and the grand lodge at Woodstock, as dele- gate. Instead of Levine their annual picnic on the 24th, arrangements are on foot to have one at the falls, P,_zsiller, aouletime in June. A Friday evening class has been stat cd by the teachers of the Yresbyteri S. S. for the special study of the Sab- bath school lemons. Sabbath evening orvices are to be held in the Orange Hall in conuectihu with the PresbyWriau :hurch here. Mr. B. J. Crawford is having his house on Ashfield street fixed up ready for s tenant. Mr Edward Paoey, fr( .t Liou'e Head, was back hear this week, and ou Wed- nesday removed his family from here t , that classic burgh. COMMUNTOATIONS. . Winghilsm. SUDDEN DEATH. -On Wednesday our citizens were very forcibly reminded that ' "in the midst .:f life we ars in death,'' on learning of the demise of Mr. John Robinson, which sad event occurred very suddenly at hie residence, .Josephine street, about half -past seven o'clock a.m. It is thought that he was getting up as usual, and during a spell of cough- ing, broke a blood vessel. Feeleig that something of the kind had tau place he went from his roent into the :" til and requested some one to go for a p: esieian. r►n:y a few minutes had elapsed before two of the neighbors and Drs. Mac- .lonald and Bethune arrived, and found Mr. Robinson lying on the floor in his bedroom in an unconacious state. He only survived about three quarters of an hour. Three of his family wore present, but he could not speak. The deceased had been unwell for some months past, but was nut confined to his bed, and was able to attend to bis store up to the day he died. He leaves a f 'may of six and sone brother to rnourn his lose. The funeral will take place thio afternoon at. 3 o'clock. -(Times. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opii.iuua of our t'urrespoudenta t'uutribu- ten to this department must confine them selves to public questions. and be brief. SHOT DEAD A d'asele.. S. Miry scads a t barge ..r *hot Tbroagh a Girt* Heart. Gyre Bay, Maeitoulin Island, Ma 7. -A sad attiair occurred et Julia Boy, near this phtce, en Saturday morning last, in which a young girl, Katie Turner, some twelve ycats of age, lust her life. It appears that two lads of this cillaue, Thomas Porter and James Smith of about fourteen er fifteen, were out at a feral belonging to the Smiths, where Katie Turner was stayiug for a few days, and seeing some wild geese near the Bay, Porter, having a gun with him, the two lads went into the house for Smith's gun, which they proceeded to load. Af- ter putting ou the cap, young Smith let the hammer down too sudden and the gun went off: The poor girl, who hap- pened to be standing in front ..f it, re- ceived the charge in her breast, and died immediately. It is supposed that a part of the charge lodged in her heart. The affair has caused • deep sensation in this village and neighborhood, and all deeply sympathize with the parents of the unfortunate girl. The funeral took place to -day. LASS Fagg, May 14, 1883. My Dace Mit. Ei'iros-1 think the congregation last Sunday evening that heard from a Goderich peipit the start- ling statement that the damnatery claus- es of the Athenaeum creed are endorsed by the preaching of our Lord, must have been a geed deal more bewildered than edified. The Pantheism disapproved of is not likely to oommt td itselt to many intelligent minds, but if a simple farmer might offer ou opinion on such a subject, I should say that I'd rather see God in a blade of wheat, than exert a perverse in- genuity to discover hell'. fires creeping out of the beneficieut teachings of the Saviour of the world. Yours respect- fully. A 14. West Waeranosh. THE MAZY WHEEL. Americas Bicyclists to Make a gig 1 hit to 4 •sada- Expected Is 4:edertek. The Chicago Bicycle Club has veteii t.• take • lung midsummer tour through Canada, occupying the first ten days of July. The plan is to leave Chicago on the 5.15 train of the Michigan Central, Saturday afternoon, June 30, arriving at Ann Arbor, Mich., at four o'clock Sun- day morning. From Ann Arbor the trip will be made to Detroit, thirty-five miles on wheel. Learing Detroit Monday morning, the direct road threugh Canada will be taken, leading along the line of the Canada Southern Railway to St. Thomas, ..ne hundred and sixteen miles from Detroit. Thence fifteen miles north to London, where an opportunity will be given to those who desire to take a•spin up to Goderich, on Lake Huron, tifty miles north. From thence the course will be along the line of the Grand Trunk Railway to Hamilton, Niagara Falls and Buffalo, and here the tour, for which positive preparations have been made, will end. It is the intention,if agreeable, to carry it down as far as Dunkirk. and possibly Erie, along the shore of Lake Erie, but this may take up more time than the majority may wish to devote to the tour. The return will be by to De- troit, lee cars to Chicago. Ten days will be the time set for the journey from Detroit to Buffalo, which will make the average wheeling under twenty -Eve miles per day. The roads taken in on the tour are the finest in the country, and scenery and objects of interest the most attractive. The Chicago Club, with great generosity, issued a general invitation to wheelsmen to joie in the tour. Manse Metes. NEW SPRII1G GOODS The Pepe and she rarsell Land. Paris, May 14.-A despatch to the Journal (irdudiyue says the Pope has ad- dreased a strongly -worded letter to Irish bishops, desiring them to forbid the clergy to participate in political meet- ings or encourage subscriptions in aid of the prevent agitation ; also recommend- ing the use of respectful language to- wards the State. Ronde, May 15. -Tho Pope's circular to the Irish bishops says : "Whatever Parnell's object may be, his followers have often adopted $ course openly against the rules of the Pope's letter to Cardinal McCabe and the instructions sent to the bishops, which wore accepted at their recent ineetiug in Dublin. While it is lawful for the Irish to seek redress for their grievances, and to strive fur their right, they should at the same time seek God's justice, and remember the wickedness of using Illegal means in furthering even a just cause. It is the duty of the clergy to curb the excited feelings of the people and urge justice and moderation. The clergy are not permitted to depart from those rules, and join and promote movements inconsis- tent therewith. Collections to relieve distress are permitted, but subscriptions to inflame the popular passions are con- demned. The clergy must hold aloof when it is plain by such movements hatred and dissension are aroused, dis- tinguished persona insulted, crimes and murderers go unceusured, and when p Itnotism is measured by the amount subscribed; for people are thereby intim- idated. Therefore the Parnell fund is disapproved, and no clergyman should recommend or promote it. Bol". OTTING THE POPE. Dublin, May 15. -Some excitement has been caused by an article in the Er - pr•• -.i saying that Archbishop Croke's friends seriously intend "boycotting" the Pope for taking the part of the Brit- ish Government and threat3ning the for- feiture of the episcopate as a penalty for participation in the Irish agitation. Croke'sfriends will refuse, according to the E'rpras, to pay even Griffith's valua- tion, and will also refuse to pay Peter's pence. Ronde, May 15. -It is stated that Archbishop Croke, on his retur n to Ire- land, will visit Cardinal McCabe, and the latter will come here to confer with the Pope as soon as hia health permits. �P.EIVED. Sunday -31r. Quebec, from Sarnia. fur Duluth, laasenger sand freight. --- Wednesday-str. Ontario from &arida for Duluth, pass. and freight. Thursday -atr Ontario. aldiaonal emigrants Another vacancy F.a.+ s•:cur:rd in the ranks of the early settler., of this township in the person of Mr. Hirnard McCabe, who died on the Lerth of April. He had I L•ABPa, lung been iH a (lochtling state of health. :suffering from censumptior. About two years aeo he paid a visit to hie native land,in hopes teat the invignrating breeze of the Atlantic would ha, e a beneficial effect, but his expectations were disap- pointed, and he tried the s. a aide !ant year with no oetter result. For the past four months deceased was confined to his bed. His remains were interred in the Roman Catholic cemetery here. He leaves a widow and family of young chil- dren, who will miss his fatherly care Arhus. The work at the hotel .: i r.gresting tepidly-, and we expect to see the build ing in its new location in a few days. The prospects of having a gco.i wheat harvest this season are somewhat dis- leuragine. Several of eel- farmers are leee-;ng a part, if not all. of theirs un - .ler. The obit; `teetisig at.:wunced to come .•ff in the Tempera.,:..ee hall last Thurs- day evening, has Leen t� Definitely post- poned, owing to the [rutraete2 illness of Rev. A. E. Smith. The rev. gent.: men is still suffering from hoarseness. The Methodists are preparing for hav- ing a gond time on the evening of the 24th. They propose holding n concert at which the autograph .guilt lately manufactured j,y the ladies. will 1* ex- hibited and disposed of. Mr. McKenzie. for...eriy t our (il jag*, but late of Oait, has returned and .tr!Kn !Alter, op his resident a .n. :rust us. Capt. Mallnugh is at preset en the n,ad taking orders f..r Messrs Buckle & Rrydges. Miss Matfett 'Mere. , , f Owen S •und, 1s at present visiting friends here Miss Arnie Anderson, of this place. has gone on an extended visit tc friends et Kingston and Amherst Island Mr. Robinson, lete r f Wawannsli, is inakieg preparatt ni t sttrt reals a h'•p yard Yr. Walter Stewart f..uad n wild tick in his barnyard t re morning last week The poor creature was evidently =daring firma some wild -bird disease .n11 ij sRs Mood Walters most Oren - it it that! in * fey lto• Sunday -ate. Quebec --eche. LadyDuf- ferin for Pine Tree Ricer to 1 .ad ties for Chicago. Tuesday -oche Ontario, ter KPar.ish River and Blind River, with supplies for Williams &Murray. !chs. Feelorer.frr Sarnia, with potatoes, oats, etc Wednesday -Sts. Ontario, fir e.trt.ia. fat additional emigrants. Thursday -Sts. Ontario for Delete. A TERRIBLE CRIME. A rather Tres, bersesty Milled by ■t. wog. Chatlworti:. t)rit. • May 14. -1 ►r. Satur- day evening last a murder of an anuaual- ly brutal character was committed abs ut a mile and a half east of Willismaford, a station on the Tororto, Grey & Bruce Railway, in the township of Holland. It appears that shout four o'clock a far- mer named Geo. Lambert, about 50 years of age carne into his hcuse for sup- per, and whilst in the act of washing lits hands was shot through the back by his s .n Joseph, a young man aged about 20, of eccentric habits, but not theretofore looked on as dangerous. The snot was „t,4 fhrouge a stovepipe hole from up-. stairs. The murder- ea' I• adirg his gun for a second shot when his inother istn (►n stain and implored him to lid threatening to shoot her next. she rush- ed down stairs. and while in the see of dom'1 .., the second shot was tired. tae• fn,t effect in the dyinc rnane head. and killing hien out-righ' The murderer then loafed his gun n third time, came down, took the murdered roan by the boot leg. and dragged him about forty yards. to the foot of the garden where e began to prepare a grave He then got some lumber. which he co imer.ced to measure and saw for a coffin. The neighbor[ were summoned, and a warrant was also got out for his arrest, but no one dared to toueh him. as he still had pntseesic•n of the loaded gun. He was finally captured 1y a ruse. and was taken to (►wen wound f..r trial it is said that a desire to get the nil can's fano pr,mnted the .:eel During the *tar Wrote tr4a1 at Vl uh• ingten, .'n M,r.day. s lawyer ranted Englan.t attempted t . enter the court roy,��w.l. . . }4r was it sate Hemming a Silber. It looks odds odd to see the premier of Quebec wined and dined by his political friends a few days after narrowly esap ing disqualification at the hands of the courts for personal bribery of the elect- ors. Sir Charles Tupper was at the din- ner, aired spoke in the most laudatory terms of Mouaseau, winding up by de- nouncing the had men who were pursu- ing the virtu.•us premier. The premier may be as virtuous as Sir Charles him- self, but the fact remains that he resign- ed bis seat in .,rder to escape being dis- qualified. the election being voided by the judge. No one begrudges Mr. Mouaseau his dinner, but it would at least have looked a little better if his friends Lad waited until the odour of britery and corruptil•t had brown out of hia clothes before doing hint a public honer. What lesson Ave the young men of the country t.• draw from the actions of tht,se wit.. •.c'cupy the high places?- [Teletnanl. There is ever a foot of snow over a great part of Ireland, England and Scot, Lind. The heavy storms of snow and sleet have" done ;;'cat damage. In the north the snow is as heavy as during the winter. and th,usands of lambs have died Auction valve. .euctu•., sale of valuable fared property in the township of Wawanosh, at Mar- tin's hotel in the town of Goderich, by John Km. x. auctioneer. en Saturdey, May, 26th. 1483. •Auction sale of fatal stock, imple- ments and household furniture, being the property of Mr. John A. Naftel, on the premises, let 31, con. 2, Goderich township, by John Knox. auctioneer, on Friday. May 18th, 1883. i.A<iLn, On May 7th. in et. Augustine church, W. Wawanosh. by lien. Mr. O'('onnor, Mr. John Drayer. to Rebecm HaUaban, both of Blyth. On May 15th. in St. Augustine church, by Rev. Mr. O'Connor. Patrick Kenny. Kialoes. to Margaret Fitzpatrick. of w. teawannoh. Robertson -Blair - At the residence of the brill'-, mother, on Tuesday. 15th inst.. by the Rev. A. E. Smith. Mr. John Re Boa of Colborne Tp. to MUNI Margaret J. Blair of the tame place MEM. In We*. at•aw comb. on April 29th Bernard M. 1 abe. aged Si years. 1WrORPORATxf• A.D. 1474. THE HAMILTON PROVIDENT Asn LOAN SO©IETY. ('APITAi, si.005.01p.l0. HEAD OI TICE, HAM1I,TON, ONT. intettditis.asiewera will consult their beet bt- w es py a Socet*iety. .b foreyM.s teals bT this Bootery. be•rttee gola Mss er rates of interest. loan tables and further parte-tears. apply to SAMUEL POLLOCK. Agent, Ooderteb. .n. Lata• I'•s iMi 111141te SPECIAL' ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING LINES. Factory Cotton, Regatta and Striped Shirtings at a SHADE ABOVE COST. Prints in all the New Designs, from the Lowest to the Finest Fabrics, and at prices that DEFY COMPETITION Tweeds and Cloths, the .Largest Stotk and Choicest Goods we have ever had, and Prices Right. 4,We wiah especially to mention Black Cashmeres, Black and Colored Dress Silks, and Colored and White Teblings. Over 100" Pieces of Embroideries from 3 cents to 45 cents -the Cheapest Goods of the Kind ever seen in town. In all other Departiuents our Stock is complete. and Prices are as low as the lowest. A Complete Stock of Groceries. Our 50cent Japan Tea deserves special mention. 5 lbs of Tea for $1.00. The Beet you ever saw for the Price. T9 L4RGE�T STOCK --fix'--- WALL PAPER war (tV 7t,RONli. IMRIE'S BOOK STORE. DADOE.S. FRIEZE--;. FILLINGS BORDERS. FRESCOES. STENCIL DECORATIONS. CORNERS. CENTRE PIECES. EXTENSIONS. CEILING .DECORATIONS. AND ALI. KINDS OF BORDERS, PiLAIN AND GOLD. The above Wall Papers are this seasons DiRECT IMPORTATIONS front the Beet American and English Manufacturers, and comprise all their Latest Designs and Patterns. Nothing can equal thein either in Price or Quality INSPECTION INVITED. Satidaction Uuaranteedt .' The Prices range from 3c., per roll up to 11.50. JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. Xoorhouse. North Side Market -Sq., Goderich. The Best and Cheapest BABY CIRRIADES in Town At Saunders & Son's Variety Store. HOME MANUF ACTURE PHIL0 N-0BLE, MERCHANT TAILOR, NORTH -STREET, NEAR THE SQUARE, GDERICH Ft 1..\1-1( .•' .UGF: t-'pl_� Gents' Clothing in F tenable Styles at Lowest Prices, ;;I to l t tt• e5raa11ai4 L fLTTL14: A %FM 1 at11 . Ft.Er1,1 T IIT Get'AtAMTVf.a+. •&aka• s eeisr'rse AiTCTHL. TO. vu1li THE £D,U*M s PHILO NOBLE, NORTH -STREET, GODERICH. Dominion Barb Wire Company. -° LE MANUFACTUBEr1 IN ( ANALIP. CF' THE LYRE FOUR POINTED BBB STEEL WIRE FENCING. This wire fencing It rad, , f the ,.,r, r, s y,.ah•y of wire the' can he procured. and the barb is the best. arranged bark made better wire fencing is in the market. wtUeh fact is attested for by Its increased use byan the leading Rhheedway lines in the Dominion. The he is the cheapest et cry time. t aland see it before purchasing ant it 'hall speak (Jr Itself. tt7JOHN A. NA/TEL. Sole agent for Ooderieb and vielnitr. I am also agent for the Queen City (Ni %Corks celebrate.. Castorine and, Peerless Lubricating Oils 1 have now in stork a large armor mem of this .ieat brst.de of white I.54 man,red, guaranteed free from oat Dime of adulteration. g-aIirr will tell. J 0 H N A N A F TFL , ( 11IL1P II.1F'.UWARE EMPOltii M. SHERIFF'S BALI OF LANDS. Cov,rr'rHt•wotc. • By virtue of • writ WIT : inset of TnveULslg SOW . ORAND TRUNK A.T. ptsii.. Exp's. Mild. Mir'd Uolert L.1.1.t.ttiam 12.41 pm _*.appal 7.40 as. Osatorth Ar.a.311 1.a' Cal 1 1t) Meat ford.Ar.7.10 1.40 a .s0 t..te of wee?. I'aa•. Ells. Mild. )held. Westford .1.vltelpm 7.30pm 0.4,1am 3.Upta Oederth.Ar.1t441 5.43 5.00 5.40 OederlcbAr. 1.1. *.3s 1.15 sI 15 STAGE LINES. erknow !lege Madly) arr. IO.team:lpm dep Ineard(ae IOlam1ase miller •' ttteeinesday and !atu rdar I A r.1.00am..De.0.11 COLBORN F BROS Rows *Mirif's Apell 1/'I Tonsorial. 1.Ni(IHT, PRACTICAL BAR BLh and Hairdressar, return a the pntsllr rM yaetc��,f r'• sod � coot s••n a Of ;N a sw Ioen4 414. chs rnt•as • 1ttl...•t• I+t• THIRTY -Y:11 it WHOLk Nihil: lira t. F'rnuiw;: Mott.•. , , ..•r .. . 1 g Ni :i r. ►l.• 1V1.rt+au • tires 1 ,,:... •4 , r icb She Pec LOST -ON 31 0• or sear r •, baa. s'iader ,v .1i dsaxat. office. THE COI' KT the town.hi;, r t sittut•; in tho Ilk May. uq.nosen 11'wSE !llR cat *Brie et halls, asdgaol w corner of /.steel•,, reasonable. ANA, inu0ARDcanMllrl. IN(I. iJ toCad goW.oI, NOTICE. -T C wilt seat n the O� Dederick. on Ty AP a000sata agau in helot. ibe dist meeting. Prr as May 21st, Iso. PERSONAL 'Bladed writ letters of warnini discovered by me, oritedre will vvHs attempti 1.0 le cent will recoil guilty head with rneverdoo oecyor regard fl e MIs o nail to you personalty s. COURT OF I COURT The Court of Its rich wUl be held i 1141 May gin..10p Goderteb. May FARMEI 1 to improve Prisons Blau rise for service at ne (Fodericb Towns) time of service. May. 1W1. ails& rpENDERS 1 will be rece ill yid inst.. t time to the cent of Ooder►ch, slat Patrick's ward •pecifications ca Aleck, Kingston tect. Goderich. Mai BOY WANT A boy about L' undersigned as' teriP4 and join(' enquire of F. uta '1 ODERIC lJr next Entr in the Central day. °.Sth and a.m. each day. notify the Tow not later than t tree informatio or the school. t Head Master. FARM TO to acres. near .tnd olt•er build ,[. Good oro! ,tntreofR.T.F ►R HAL] A first class n•hole house. a meld road, (Nod riving ehed,bl . tea, grounds 1pply on the t;odcrieb lout 1\TOTICE 7 11\\ hereby g the undersign, -.pleated to e ',y male an end ^i,. ARRA] RAI I reeidena 1 k,naid et reel, r wo lote. Tht carriage hou ouildinga. TI rult tree.. gr For terms Barrister*. (.41OR 1311 1 Valuable pardtoa Otto ,n acre of 1st :tock la Mori proprietor he tutrc his sole of cos. 3. 1 good erobard bie frame h, ..f which 50 i I tomataiag r gird wood. HAYNES. H TANTA ri k. a. ty Comets rneasur'ed an Jl . IAN,1 onto Ualvse 1t1♦p}stss 1M - D. xa ia street. O. 1 la. elan. of Toronto -rip k O. maw. ell2r DRi+ F Ftsysri •dN•e a r ,ctrl [dol ^r •