The Huron Signal, 1883-05-18, Page 44
— s —
THE HURON SIGNAL i migsiuu, shall keep in gum' order and re-
pair the wharf and commercial docks.
is pao.:obi-1 every Friday Morning, by \t • t have further to inform you that, by
u i s L ••puv locus., at their Office, Nu: tit tit
toll the Square) the the same order in c,uucil the services of
GODERICIi, ONTARIO.Mr. Thomas N. Dancey, as whattinger,
I have been dispensed with.
And is despatched to all parts of Me mud I am, sir,
ug country by the strifes mails and trains
1lj sentinel admiton 11 bee a 'rimer °treats 1 sur most °hart servant,
toric MAR Ally othegsnewspeper in ode prof Wm. /Me ril,
tee coantre, d i neer tie raciest, rtewsiest Mit►irter of Marine, :c.
and must stns joutsnals is Onwto gyp'
possessing, as it does, tease tnre•aemosesentlals Horace Horton, Esq., mayor of G ds-
aud being in addition tote *Wye, a flretclas. I rich, Ont.
family and fireside paper -It is therefore a
most dcsirnblc advert Canny medium. Mr. Seager said the cousmunicst►on
TsfM*.-ei.ZO in advance postage pre-patd which had been read was a moat gratify-
bubl►sh,•rs; ai.7%. if trend etVure Yle mouths
ing One to the Members uf the deputation
$It not au pail. This rule N til be strictly
orrud. that had gone to Ottawa to eudeavur to
have the t lls rem v ed The deputation
HArn=.s or Aoveartslirc.-Etsht cent. pe p
toe fur first insertion; three cents pee line for
each subsequent insertion. Yearly, halfyearly
and Quarterly contracts at reduced rotes.
HN PNI\TIksi.••• We have alsoa first-class
j obbiug department tncouate loom and paterss-
tag t:.e most complete out-flt and bent facilities
t tr turning mut work in Goderich, ar? prepared
to do business to that line at prices t hat cannot
be beaten, and of a quality that cannot be
c,arv:ac•,i.- T. ems Cash
FRIDAY, MAY 18ra, 1883.
4B('LITI.0 (IF ILIRL'(tl: 9uLL.q,
By refereuce to our town council report
it will be seen that the Government h.a
decided t., abolish the collection of tolls
at Guderich fur five years dating from,
May 1st, 1883. It is contended by maty
that a good thing for the town has beeji
accomplished, and if the concession were
suede by the Government uncondition-
ally perhaps there would be some reason
fur congratulation. But the abolition
f the calls to the town by the Gorern-
ment has been to our mind handicapped
with the f•,„riso that Goderich must keep
in repair the "wharf and commercial
docks," and in such an event there is a
possibility that we may have to pay too
dear for ,cur whistle. True, some of our
practical men in the council have stated
that the repairs will Le comparatively
light. and will not prove burdensome ;
the chairman of the public works commit-
tee elidn't think the annual outlay in
keeping up the commercial docks would
go beyond $50 or $100 ; Mr. Murney be-
lieved the large shipments of salt over
the docks.would have a tendency to I..., -
ar,re the planki•ig : and other similarly
strong arguments were adduced. We
hope our town fathers are not astray in
their dedbctions on this question. We
would like t" nee their most sanguine an-
ticipations regarding the upbuilding of
the barber trade realized. But it is a
e,uestion in our mind, in view of the am-
higuuus wording of the communication
from Ottawa, whether the benefits deriv-
ed will at the end of the five years out-
weigh the coated keeping up the wharves
and docks, which the Government is now
attempting to saddle on the town.
CAPT. T. N. DANCES' has finally decid-
ed not to accept the position of fire war -
.'en on the tern., proposed by the tire
committee. We regret Capt. Dancey
has so decided. The tow'h would be the
gainer were he to once more assume the
position which he occupied with so much
credit to himself jor the past nine years.
We would like to see an effort made to
bring about the Captain's acceptance. A
and Capt. Dancey would accomplish the
matter. We would move that the com-
mittee increase the, indemnity to Capt.
Dancey, if he accept the tire wardenship,
by 850. The additional amount is of
no great moment in comparison with the
keeping up of the efficiency of the fire
AT a meeting of the National League
on Monday at Dublin, a nutnber of Par-
nellites denounced the Pope's circular.
The Fre. unaio says the Vatican has been
grossly misinformed.
right to hare the matter in that it °mild sults of Professor Laughtv's experimental becoming abusive over a harii*h' s item. I
be l f if h Allegheny d 3I t Whitney. That the item was very inuuceut wS
A,w'u w desired. e t ut re- es ,seinen relate v
pain e the commercial docks would light and heat, and the mutts reachel
re mp nw at a future time, 1 the
al .g any art °mi, VICTORIA HALL.
d ' 1 ti didn'tthink Thesetr 1 t tothe sun's aduoit but aben your crrresp•oudent esu -
average over $]W a year. I are very remarkable and suggestive. H.
iDl bertha tel 1 of 8th la w Edwards 1 the hrst
playa po•ople with Ives sense than him-
self to bra that d we dare upstt our
mouth to reply, we sill get our boOti
in o -
e, We are. We
your eeires xt est personally,
and a know the hidden tire that barn-
upper story, a is rtes •u or writing
as shallow•as tis arguments ; au that a•
can but liken 'him to an evil beast that
wanders to avid fro on the lace .,f the
truth areking.wl he may devour. Li
has Leen raidthat us moors
bong time fora drive at S,•ut
Wedeeaiiay & Tharsi W , M023-24
tNL t .( tl: .d It
Mr. urage to have he motion u erpapers
,war econtributes ; It 1 t Baird a4c3 r =den
worded differently. I of two nun the lto,lusuulfa--tl►riu - Nu w,luh ,ware the k d t r
Mr. Murney thought the e•,uueil tug the buttery of that dvu•ist djtwn t., ie -
dine a curb a challenge*. ..,;,1 rt..: ty 311-4 1111 in tiAAFRED,
shuuld ,t the Government terms;Itheres u of Alexander lL Tetpap*r know 1 u µ ,1 1 11 a•„t 1 t' ,:1,•..u1 ,.1 lasek',r-•.4s:.,Artists, 1•,
+tom{ K .e f..,.. ran- ,
but deuwr to Oa* conditions. is illustrated by thirteen porus v. T.
Mr, Culborue imlieved the tnotiuu was 3luusen Con, M. D., coutribut •
very burn-
ed w thio tltc meatd 1 uagetle of his r ♦¢ "
suthmently explicit. It tint thanked the ! imlxortaut p tper uu Carhb.ed waters,wit d h' t u ♦ ) j . r1r._s` si s V
Government fur taking off the tolls, and ! refereuee to their medicinal qualities and'
la V.P.G. - .t, •.. .t .e the Great .tu.r t U r oc
then demurred to the conditions primes- the various classes of Myelitis benefited cru. entitled
ed. The correct official detniiiou of the I by them. The new udvel, " A Castle in
words "wharf" and 'commercial dole' ' Spain," ill *trate(' by Abbey, promises
rebs 'for a
ruder and
n o u in the communication to the stayer t., be a al doyenne and popular fierce. 1 l c'rtaatt.- N1LLIetta Is 1T.,
had not rel,.,rted at last mcr:itug, pend-
should also 1e• arrived at. It will he to must ro.tdurs a welcome re- i !Pace piece p:• 1 ,' 1* -uw•rb Curr,
ing the action of the Government, but Mr. Butler sai the deputation at Ot- ' lief from the tedious psychological a t- now is his chance, but if h continues Correct.trine".: tacaui.rat !smote and
h h finally decided taw•m when pres sang the case to the dies now w prevalent w the literature his assumption v., -loll be c nn xdled to M"e ant F.K. t 'n•n« t'' t.utona, Yu"'
to •,U •V • , •
now that the
fresher was n y s •.;, . a. t3 rel Mullis
by the Miuirter of Marine, it would be Minister of Marine, had agreed t., keeho ..f Action. \tis. $p,ffind contributahi u ;real him a; ., ,. treated a 1 1 I'.•:• :
iu order t.. state what had been doue up the commercial docks. short story, •• rho Mount of Sorrow ;' "keel. diet 'mei te-reil with hie private strut. flo•• lies r •:.'cera Me., now uu sale
F at s Book -e,
during the visit to Ottawa. In accord- After some further diseiisaion the un,- Charles IteaJe a humorous sketch en- buvines., -. . oh c"utenilit. ; tf err tin i.,!:: - •••+b• u•• , I 1 u. It. ws'EH-
&nee with instructions from this council, tun was put and carried. titled 'Russ and " A Working -Girl," S,trti* .i iu. i STIl .
a memorial had been drawn up, setts Moved by F. Jordan, socuuded by J. a brief but interesting story untitled
forth the disadvantages wider whioh C. Defter, that the thanks of dais coup ' '• An-isthetie Idea •' Potting are cot
cru harbor r , owing k,1 i Llllh[ ll
impusiton of tolls by•tho Government, P.,fur the euuttusi.:e uxtea d hitt t • ; Bassett, . s ' • . It, 1.• . L' T1Tuk,i• fit,,, '1, e"* h,l s .1 ,i pr•.,•.:::
Cod i h 1 bo labored, to thecd be given to Thotnas Far ' ' t 3I 'tribute 1 he •lnnio Fields,vti's t A.
Owned.' . , .,. 1591.1*
:be::. nrr,nrl rl
tete delegation than went to we. t<, igoutery, and John 1t ebb o this 1 11 t DI 1f t Cunningham.
euaral9a daP
an a deputation was instructed to pro- o in t uta village •* r. a u —
sed t U t d hal l • ,obtain remission of the harbor tolls, andlvaried table of contents is a dad the Tl R H k h ► nee a u.u-lAtl.a.senatae end
° o Ottawa
an give ver exp an n Mr. tor. aw int, who, soma
tions concerning the matter. The dela for the valuable assistance he gave that always timely and interuahug nt.vtter in * telnl Fair
gation was received by the Minister of delegation in obtaining the remission of the Editor's Easy Chair, Literary and three wanks sin: e, Taft his etilopi fur
Marine in a most courteous manner, and these tolls. Carried. I:..:: 'rice! !tee- rdr, and Drawer. a•tit,,ha• has returned. So infatuated
Mr. Seager said Mr. Porteous had its- has Mr. 11. b 'come with that country
that gentleman seemed to have an earn list, 't iv said, he intends returning skort•
est desire to du Guderich justice in the tin'ated that the harbor tolls imposition, flotterleh Tov7 hip. lh aro said, he by one of Arhahorts
premises. The deputation showed the vas a heavy factor in deterring the G. T. fairest daughters.
Minister that the Government,in keeping R. from doing business at Goderich. Mr, Stauffer, engineer at the Inter- Mei. John H. Courtenay bar returned
on the harbor dues, were standing in their
Awn light. The rents paid at the break-frotn a visit to friends in Kincardine.
water had greatlydecreased since the t I Mrs. Courteuvy will remain for a short
imposition othe olls, and the Govern- lh time with friends and acquaintances in
went wee a liter from that source of and around Port Albert,. when she in-
t)lev'euue iu consequence. The Minister tends after:* ori -f visit t.. Golerich, and
seemed to be impressed with the views Toronto to rejoin her husoan-1 at N'inni-
laid before him by the delegation, and peg.
signified his intention of doing justice be f lx, TherBeaa,m-Fisher horse race, is ex -
in the premises. The only question was citing considerable interest here. Some -
whether the town should maintain the where in the neighborhood of tive or six
co rmercial docks. Ha had stated to the million dollars has already been wagered
Minister that sthe deputation had no on the result, but the stamps have nut
power from the councd to deal with this yet been put up. Should the race ever
ion. However he thott3ht no large come off both the wealth and beauty of
Now that the tolls were removed, the G.
T. R. ought to bo invited to turn their
trade this way once more. There was
no reason why trade should be diverted
from Goderiell, now that the harbor was
free. He submitted the following reso-
lution :-
Mored by Mr. Meager, seconded by
Mr. Nicholson that the clerk be instruct-
ed to intone the Grand Trunk R. R
amount would be required to keep the Port Albert will be well repremetel on
commercial dock in repair for the next 1 R. the occasion, e
five years, and if the Guyer ent meant Fernier, are becoming discouraged at
that it was expected that thein would the prospect of the harvest next season.
keep these ducks alone in repair foe that Few of them have but little sown as yet;
term of years; it certainly was not as while maoy others have not commenced
out-of-the-way proposal, and fuse town ploughing. Fall wheat has a very
in accepting the terms would tint be un pour appearance, and will undoubtedly
dertaking too much. But the letter from hlacca 1 be far below the average,
the department of Marine was indefinite
upon that point, and before the offer was
finally accepted, the council should ask
fur more full particulate Let year ft.
had been said it was nu use to try and
get the dues off, because attempts to do
so had been made before and failed. Bat,
the deputation which had gone to Ottawa
did not ask the remiuiou of harbor dues
as a favor -they claimed, the abolition
of tolls as a matter of justice. On this
understanding the dues had been remav
ed. Anel if eoeo if the matter was
purely .me of justice to the town-
then why was it necessary to impose
conditions on the town. The Govern-
ment were themselves henefitted by re
tnitting the dues, and had no grounds
for impostng conditions upon the town.
A statement of the case from this stand
point should be submitted to the Gov-
ernment, so that in the titre to come
if the conditions bore too heavily upon
the town, the question might be re -open
n1. The Government had expended
only $10,000 on the docks, and had
been paid $11,000 back in dues, and the
town, which had expended $10,000, had
se far received nothing in return. He
submitted the fallowing resolution :
M reed be Mr. Seager, seconded by
Mr. Johnston, that the clerk be instruct-
ed to t acknowled a the receipt of the let -
mutual concession by the fire committee t et from the Minister of Marine and
Co. of the remission of the dues, and
respectfully ask them to send a staff to
their elevator here, and give Goderich a
fair share of its business ; also to com-
fituinate with the various parties who
formerly did business through Goderich
harbor, to ask the Grand Trunkt
to do their business through Goderich
harbor ; also, that the clerk be instruct-
ed to forward printed circulars, an-
nouncing the remission of the tolls at
Goderich, thus making it a free harbor,
trope boards of trade of Chicago, Mil-
waukee, ee, Detroit andother p ; also
to telegraph the same to the Toronto
papers ; and also to telegraph to the
presidents of tilt Chicago and 3filkau-
kee boards of trade.
• Mr. Bingham wanted p know who
would control the docks now,the wharf -
Meer had been dispensed with. -
The mayor said this was a special
meeting called for a special purpose, and
new bt»inetss eould not be taken up, but
he had no doubt the harbor committee
would be ebb: te attend to the docks in
the me,...titne.
Mr. Butler stated that the G. T. IL
had sent very arbitrary instructions oon-
cerning traffic to Goderich, and said it
almost seemed as if the G. T. R. had
made a " dead set " upon the town.
national salt works, who lead one arms
and hand severely • in1ured few weeks
ago, is now able to be abbe aaaiu. t
will be some time ere t ee cam use e
limb, and it isquestiouable if it will even
be as serviceable as formerly.
Mr. Jae Burk, of the Bayfield road,
has eighty acres of fall wheat, 50 of
which he thinks willa air crop,about
an average; the balance not so good.
Mr. Harvey Hincks, of the 3rd and
4th, sizes up the yield of fall wheat in
his neighborhood at about one-fourth average crop. . Messrs. W. Clark and
prospect Robert Hodge are not favorably impress-
ed with the roc t of the fall wheat
crop, nor that of spring crops generally,
unless more cepsq h wear er soon comes
to the fore.
('omerrrsu See rue. -Mr( Thus. Gor-
don, of Michigan, and formerly of thep
10th con., Goderich tewnshi , mention-
ed in our last issue as having suddenly
died, committed suicide by hanging him-
self. He was known in this section as a
straightforward and honest an. It
seems through business difficulties he
did not prosper very well and became
depressed. He lost his reason, and be-
fore committing- the act of taking his
life, he wrote the following lines to his
wife on a shingle :
"Dasa Ltzzis,-1 can't bear to see
you in such trouble through my ownas
folly ; 1 can't work any more ; my reason
has gone, so that I can't face work any
more, so farewell ; lave to the children.
-T. GoanOi,."
His relatives reside near Whitby,
where the remains of the unfortunate
man were consigned for interment. He
leaver a wife and three small children,
the eldest being only seven years of age.
thanking the Government for the remis-
sion of taxes ; but that under the circum-
stances the Government should hot re-
quire the commercial docks to be kept in
repair by the town. Carried.
In seconding the resolution Mr. John-
ston corroborated what Mr. Seeger had
said concerning the courteous treatment
which the deputation had received at
Ottawa. He believed it would pay the
town to have the tolls taken off, so that
the business of the harbor might revive.
Mr, tattler said the tolls were taken
off conditionally. That was the ultima-
tum of the Minister of Marine. This
council should either accept or reject -
the terms of the Government.
Mr. Jordan thought Mr. Seager's mo-
tion covered the matter pretty fairly.
In the limitation of the time 1,1 five years
the town had decidedly the Lest a -f the
She 4belillesl.f eke Narb r Daea-MYatI bargain.
sorbets. Rr.11e — tis. t'rartet•Ner•s Mr. Sloane wonted to know what was
niers, Report .f the Fire Committee. the distinction between " wharf and
--- •`dock,"understood in the negotiations
May 15th4 1883. between the deputation and the Govern-
.\ special Inccting of the town council meet. He thought it would be a
vas held thin evening, the tnayor in the serious matter if the piers had to be
chair. All the members present except
councillor Mitchell.
Tho report of the special committee
anent the bonus to Messrs. Hart S.
Price was submitted, as follows .
The special committee beg leave to re-
port as follows : That after considering
the question of submitting a by-law to
the ratepayers, asking a bonus of $7,500
to be granted Meagre. Hart & Price, the
The mayor read a communication
which he had received from Mr. Haw-
ley, concerning proprietory rights to St.
Christopher's block, and asking the
council to assist in bringing the matter
to the attention of the Governtiqgnt.
After some discussion on thin object,
it was
Moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded by
Mr. Jordan, that the letter of Mr. Haw-
ley be received, and the council do re-
quest the clerk to forward a copy of the
same to the Minister of Public Works,
asking the consideration of the claims of events, which cause a flutter of excite -
Mr. Hawley, as therein set out, but that went with both old and young, took
any such claim be subject to a r;ght Af place at the residence of Mrs Blair on
way along the south side of the new south Tuesday evening 15th inst. The event
pier to the same extents* the public road was the marriage of her eldest daughter
along the late south pier ; and any other Marjory Jane. to Mr. Jahn Robertson of
rights the town may have. Carried. Colborne. Tho hridesmhid was Mies
The following is -the Eliza Blair, sister of the bride, and the
FIRE t'Ot[][ITTEE REPORT. groomsman Mr. Wm. itobertaon, broth -
1. That according to request by coon- eer gf the groom. The bride was very
cil they have had a by-law prepared for the ntly
attiredcdinin ta dark brown silk,
organization and management of the the bridhsmain a steel graysilk trim -
the with Spanish lace. The groom was
tire department, to be submitted to the dressed in the conventional black suit.
council for their spproval. '2. That we Rev. A. E. Smith, of Manchester,
would recommend that the tire warden
performed the ceremony. There was
'ye the sum of $50 annual' ,and that present a large number uf friends and
ae M d acquaintances of the bride and groom,
among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Young, Reeve of Colborne, Dr. and Mrs
Sloan of Blyth ; Mr. Thos Sloan, Mrs.
the council. 3.) That we recommend Smith, Mr. and the Misses Pierce,
friends of the bride, Mr. Jae. and Miss
that new tunics be purchased for the and Jennie Blair cousins of the
fire comeany, as many as maybe found bride, \lr. and Mrs. Munro brother -in -
required upon inspection of the present law and sister of the bride,Mr. Jas. and
ones, under the direction of the fire com- Maggie Robertson, Mrs. Thos. Roberttoo
mutes. Mr. P. Strang, Mr. and Mrs. Mutch,
001001 11.0.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forster, together
with Miss A. Forster, are o2 on a visit
to Markham, Ont., and James conse-
quently has the whole ranche to himself.
Fall wheat in this district is naThr --'
ing very prosperous, and with the excep-
tion of a few fields, will not produce
mere than than an average crop.
Hveromeo-One of those pleasing
he granted to the Ge erich fire
company annually, payable in December
of each year, to be divided among the
comaany as per arrsnaementa among
themselves, subject to the approval of
Jetta BtTLER, chairman. Mr. Thos. and Miss Minnie Hamiltpn,
Moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Miss Sharman, Miss Campbell, and Mr.
Wm. and the Misses Yates. The pair
received many handsome presents from
their numerous friends and acquain-
tances. The ceremony took place at
6 o'clock, after which the guests partook
of a sumptuous spread and then a pleas-
ant evening was spent in conversation,
music and games, until about 10 o'clock,
'when all departed for their homes Pat-
ing sorry that such gatherings are se
The persistent correspondent who
wrote the item about the young man
kept up by thq town. Mr. Butler, that the report of fire corn -
The mayor suggested the placing of mittee bo received.
the tatter in such a shape that it could A letter was received from Capt. T.
be re -opened at a future time, if the in- N. Dancey, stating that he would aycept
terest of the town so required. There the fireswardensbip at a salary of $150 a
should be something to show that the year. Filed.
order in council abolishing the tolls on (►a ftotion the council adjourned.
certain coalitions had not been receiv-
ed unconditionally by this council.
Mr. Detlor didn't think the motion
committee thought beat te submit the covered the ground.
whole matter of its submission to the Mr. Seager thought it ail, and pro
ratepayers, to the full council. ceeded to explain his view.
Hotta( 6 HORTO?t, chairman. Mr. Murney didn't believe the motion
should be lassad. The deputation had
The mayor explained in connection
with the report that since the committee agreed to the conditions of the Govern -
had met and reported, he had been wait-
ment, and the council should be thank-
ed upon by Mr. Prioe, and had been in-
ful for the remission of the fella The
formed by that gentleman that owing to does collected in put yeas had came
the unsettled condition of the affairs of out of the pockets of the people of the
the firm. they had decided to withdraw town. If the council didn't look sharp
their petition to the town council asking the order in council might Le revoked.
The terms of the Govern
for a bonus. Such being the Government should
further action on the subject was un- be accepted unconditional) He didn't
necessary. believe iu killing tine town by acting to
its detriment. There were wheels with -
THE HAROR TOLL- REYovre. in wheels in this matter, and it looked
The mayor read the following con_ as if public interest was being lost
ruuniati*n from the de{oartmgnt of sight •
of for personal purposes.
Marine and Fisheries, concerning the
Literary lsesllee,
HAarxa's MAGAZINE for June is an
unusually varied number, profusely and
beautifully illustrated. The frontispiece
illustrating " Faustus "-a poem b S.
8. Conant, is from a drawing by 1 A. of the south end •' has been giving us
Abbey. Mrs. Z. B. Gustafson con- taffy in your issue Af last week, mid
tributes an article, finely illustrated, on seems to want people to understand that
Lambeth Palace, the residence of the he don't stop till he gem through. Very
Ar_hbishop of Canterbury, "the Primate well ; he has had a good start now, and
of all England." Colonel Hig.inson wants some one to give hint more rope.
continues his American History series, He does not deny that he never claimed
treating in this Number --under the title a fair share of common sense, but he
of " The Hundred Years' War" -the weekly pleads as his excuse for not do-
ing so that he is too sensible a person.
He peeresses too much common sense
0, my, how philosophical, perfectly in-
comprehensible, a something we weally
cawnt understand ; but we suppose the
water eon our brain accoutts for that.
With regard to being a conceited simple -
numerous conflicts from' 1062 to 1762
between the Colonists and the Indians
and French. The tendency now ap-
parent on the part uf art connoisseurs and
dealers toward the Indian in place of the
Mongolian type is the "cession of an ex -
abolition of the harbor tells -- Mr. Seager repelled the insinuation of ceedingly interesting article on the sub -
Ottawa, May 10, ism. Mr. Marney so far as he was cnneerned. jest of '• Indian Art in Metal and ton we beg to u) that if there is use
Sia, i have the honor to inform you He had worked loyally and earnestly for Woad," by J. L. Kipling, Curator "f the there are two, and the only visible dif•
that by order in council of the 4th inst., the rem oral of the tolls, and had nota Central Museum, Lahore, and Director I ference is, the higger the boy the it, ar
and owing to the groat falling off ..f the allowed ;srty or personal feelings to of the Mayo Mchool of Art. The article the simpleton. The 'young fellow mum
revenue derived from the t 416 and dues looms oetween him and his d sty in this is fully illustrated by pictures represent- ! be sick. Oh, yo., he is sick and inter -
levied on goods landel at Ge.derich i ttsSttsr. ing Pie hest work of the Hindu artufc- ' nally. above his shoulders, somewhere, F. S.. T. March ; Treas., W. '
wharf, the oollecti"n whereof has "per- Mr- Murnev rase to admit that Mr. ars. Ernest Ingersoll con,rih ites an we were going to say in the vicinity of 8. Wo W. Johnston ; J. W., n.
abed Rrwatly to the di'adt• et the sewer had woresd loyally sad raantully article, ap.endid illustrated. call , his brain ; but we wont say that new T. BN R. (ilidbee - J. B,, W. isms:
trade of the harbor, which hes deer/wed i for the ab clition 4 the harbor t dl., an The H !me of Hiawatha. .le.cnbi ( because that lace would be hard to find, ugh Cotte pais o/t to the heirs n(
to an alarming extent, the tolls referred , that he had lone as titch as any one Minnesota, and giving *retrial attention A watery brain we believe is better deeeateel brethren for the month endiwg
to are remitted for a p.^rieel of five years could do in that behalf, but c nten.led to the "tilling isdastry at Minneapolis than none at all. Since we saw his lest 16th April the retina tett d $6,000, at d
frmn 1st May, 1883, on the distinct I that the proposal of the Government Wm. C. Wyeltaa'. mer entitled " San- week's article we beg o1 him not to study ' still we have a handsome balance to our
.nderstsnding that the tows council .d should he accept's' without question. light Myee M sheshe Met pular es- "Foul. Paradise.' It i6 unnettarary, credit is Thatwhat our young order,-,eiericta •, cr•nsiderati'n of such re Mr Bingham was of opinion it ss poaitt ta
u box bosschoree of the re- Hechore the S' nthender heavily with is *loins.
Our village path -master would do well
to notify the owners of those unsightly
heap of sawlogs un our main street to
have them removed. Neither adding to
the artistic beauty of our village nor to
the safety of travellers, but just -to the
contrary. they are it nuisance, and should
be treated as such.
A Tory paper published in the interior
df the county says it is likely Port Albert
will receive a grant of five thousand dul-
ler* either tl,i, or next session. Yes, or
the next, or the .:ext after that. or at
some indefinite period of our existence,
it is highly probable we may receive
some miserable pittance, like the throw-
ing of a bone to a hungry dog, but that
is about all we may expect from the pres-
ent administration. The supplementary
estimates and now before us, but the
name of Port Albert appeareth not.
Miss Cummings has returned home
after a three months' visit 0 Goderich; ;
Miss Lizzie Hawkins spent several
day. in our little burgh' last week. She
was the guest of the heepitable Mrs.
Mr. John Stewart. who for some time
tilled the vacant f- r-, a as jolly Tom's
successor, has gone to learn the art of
stonemasonry this summer.
A new saw was placed in the trill last
week. It was purchased in the Man-
chester •.1 Ontario -Galt.
Our jovial friends, the senior and
junior engineers, paid a flying trip to
the stirring village. '1 Dungannon last
week, under a full head of steam.
WHIPoorwilL_ - - The whipoorwill,
which is said to he a harbincer of warm
weather, has been heard in the woods
here He has our most geniai and heart-
felt welcome to make. a long Stay, even
though the night pedestrians will share
in his e..nes.
There is a good deal of rivalry be-
tween a cavalier of Port, Albert and one
of our much esteemed lads of Garbraid,
about a fair lassie of this place. It ap-
pears that the Port Albert lad took the
lead in the morning, as he was seen to
pass triumphantly with the lass in a gay
rig drawn by a white steed,but the even-
tide told a different tale, and his Gar -
braid opponent was then victorious.
We would just suggest to the Port Al-
bert lad the advisability of procuring a
darker horse the next time he comes to
Dunlop, as a light colored one is rather
too conspicuous in the dark. -Coy,.
Mr. J. R. Holmes started for the
North-west with a car load of horses last
Accident.--Lest Saturday as a gang
of railroad men were on a hand -car com-
ing dawn the grade a little west of here,
the machine came into collision with a
dog, causing it, the toaehine, to jump
the track and to be hurled gown the
bank, • descent of 10 or fifteen feet.
One of the men had a broken leg, and
the others were badly shaken. The dog
met with instant death. The gang hail-
ed from Stratford.
Mrs. Jervis, is so far recovered from
the paralytic stroke received it week ago
as to be able to sit up. fthe has recov-
ered consciousness and is able to make
herself understood by means of signs,
she not yet being able to speak, she has
power of all her limbs with the exeep-
tion of her right arm.
Court Selwood, Na 87. C. 0. F., at
its last meeting installed the following
officers for the next term of cis 100N/hs,
ending 31st Oct : -W. C. R Die. W.
S. Lawrence ; W. V. R , J. W. Mill;
Chsp., A. Halstead ; Rea 8., Z. Livia •
Aad Grand Bali..■ asee.stea of Tors
Will be Held at Goderich, on the
Fair Grounde, on
Monday, May 28th
I*on't Mistake the Date.
A Grand gala iat: The Biggest Day of the
Excursion Trains on all Railroads at Greatly
Bodo :oil Rates.
For Further Particulars See Other Bills.
By Order of Committee
Ooderich• May 17, 1965. 1501 -td
Callingwood• Ont. The Crowfoot Bitten 1
took cured me of Sick Headache. after twenty
years of anfRt erin without being able to find
relief. Mas. J. Hot.u:loaagAO.
Clarksburg. Ont..- The CrowfootBitters per
fectly ( urea the of Saltrheum. without using
any other meiicin Mite. Jo+trn l.otonsAu.
If you re Isla le set tar orta.fyour me.ey
ask your draggles fools.
May lath, 1883 "iilateles
Han OU uan.l a larg. .a -..entity of
For sowing broadcast, also A lot of
Canadian Corn.
Goderl,h. Mut 17th, 19x3.
Every Saturday From Quebec.
asowriclr 511 PAMAst.
Summer .lrrangentent.
8 .*.aO1sT 1883_
circuses* ..... . .... May 19
Polymerise.... fe
Peruvian - June '!
"artnattan. 9
Parisian " 15
esrt eibtn, .. 88
July 7
• 11
•• 50
Nov. j
ealwvr Ooderieh5 peen
estans.t with steamer at
awned at tty rode/tea
•..... _ M aeNit Uel fr is.e
• For 1
R. 1874/7 °W°,
TtekM opt
tiederfe8. May tyro IOW
apply te.