The Huron Signal, 1883-05-18, Page 1T TY•PIFTH YEAR, I
New Aalvrrslae sieesse,
Last --This Office.
Court of itevif,on.
('rowfo t Indian Hirt -r..
Lada 'octetj S. Poll.,.
[Western fort S. Sloane.
Allan Line-11..trn,.tr,u r,
Surrogate ('uurt Emma Hard,
('curt of Itevtslon- W. Campbell.
House for Sale - Sin,, R. yla trine.
Nip and 'rook -Reuel sad Gordon.
Grand General Holiday -Toe ('omntir ter.
Special Advantages t, Customers 11.
Hrethour d• Co.
Dsntistrv. •
e • --rdill*
•..7.1.• T[ i r. U O:►e s n l re'l inner , W est Street
1agree Isere ►cloy- 413[ of Montreal, beds.
She ,People's Solumn,
J on or searahe stouter. a lady's black tar
ts sr i'lader wilt oblige by leaving et Ttic
-)office.ioitat office. I801at.
A. sitting MwWip of Colborne. will bold its
tills lslabw Wwos.,ipkali ou Tuesday,
oeneasssalag at t o'clock a. no.
Lal -It,
hal s. and good eat bOUERwell on lug etas rsosai with
won er of Wats st. situated on
revonable, Apply to Ma.R kicHRtst.
Che Court oflterWon for the Towne (ode
riab will be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday,
atth May et 7.30 p. m.
W, C'Axra,t.t. Clerk.
Godavari May 17th. Int feel -t ins
one fad good accommodation by apple
injto MRS., D. SHANNON, St. Dant lk
se bred Ball riga, stock.
sari old, wilt stand
frir..r.t at hest lot t, eayfeid road,
Dam h CRAMS.
AMS. 00, to be paid at
May, 18th, lei, wlxts 1aFtt
will be received by the undersigned un-
it *.,led inst.. to make chaagea and addi-
tions to the central school house Is the Iowa
of Uodetich, also for • water closet for 8t.
Patrick's ward school kola e. Plans sad
specifications can be seen at m aloe ('rabies
mock. KI•agnts. st. JAS. !+M.tILL. Auris
GodarIoh. May 9th. leeks, 18111 -it
A bo abet 13 or id years is wanted bythe
ulde•rl.gnaa as , e
Desi ion pprentice for t hiartiec fors
'nears of easeeth, feedertch
les nett Entrance EZEARillatilla wit 1. b0d
to the Central echoed on Thursday and Fri -
a -a enoh day. Ir•'ndlng can dydaLy meat
Notify the Tows 1 "teeter Yr Heed
day. Otte and Oth June. t.uAxlessor
el she
not Wee Oita the sea of May. For say tur-
ner iesee encase ronseging t, - esamlaatios
tr the
Head *amok apply to H. I. a ['HANG. B -A.,
Thar brick Boase un the corner of Elgin
sad . erects. it contains clovers rooms.
pantry abard and soft water.
tw•`er pirt, to
:+) acres, nearly free of stun.y. flood barn
Ind other belittle tr. Prick cottage with col-
aolard and all nail fenced. En-
.tirr of T. HAYNF.d, l+hippardton. 18116-41t.j,FOR SALE.
A first class brink ►.ouse, cellar under the
wattle bowie, and li sons Lad en the Bay -
Meld road. Ood.rtch.there is !good stable and
rtriling sbed,lard and soh water as the prem-
i+ew grenade well Lid ont. For J
tpply ea the premises or to B. 1 {
GodeNcb Foundry. f,
Le hereby given that W portiere Indebted to
the unders4sed by nose or book account are
requested to settle hematite at on :e sad here-
by are an enforced cello -tion. 1 mean busi-
ness. ABRAHAM SI t H, 181111-
residence. corner Bitttasis road sad Mc-
Donald street opposite the High School, with
two tote. The house Is in good repair with
carriage house and stable and other out
onlldiags. The garden 1s well stocked with
reit trees. grape vines, ,hen tin,
IL He,
For terms apply t , Davison to Johnston,
Rarttgen. Isfg-tf,
1 Fishable Property known as the Ship•
Pirates Ohre and Poet OOle., with quarter of
an sore K land. le olreed Per sale or to rent.
Mock In Mee all new sad fresh this year. The
Ms ether Dtssfwess which will re -
qv to a le.t1M. Also the west half of
et 83 D Aoafsld : all new land ; two
two wets, sad oos.eefrseeer .t,,-
let +!Me we
Lato.s andail ns 1011E ,
OOM heavily timbered Intl;
Oa .0. address:1H T.
• Odie. lti
s sak.
res Yingisaa
o; s Liteaoue
avid vs wed.
JUL! EIAYI81TI0I--1883,
,. ( • NAL. will begin at the Nor-
mal , 8fosda . J Nest-
. .t fl
41.,.E lla.r,.., them Nes-Profee-
1, Hid of the
ly t y
a afustian [.mrr.grM
the ewsl.N1n of the
d the
Yaw than the
I tteovi t mea
the seee,s,ry
seek ca.dS-
as app/tea-
pass Verbate M MM orfli1
1 rhes 1tt+te.d 8i
•'::T1[P AD.t(UO'
wee etarr ttede,Mh P A
i Auctioneering.
lag for the County of Huron, hav-
Ing entered the list, Is now prepared to attend
to all orders for Auctioneering. Orden left
rt Hailey's Hotel, Goderlob, or sent by mall,
romptly attsaded to. 188E
TIONECR for the County of Huron.
[tales attended In alt parts of Ids County. Or-
den left at Martis. Hotel or at this oeos will
be promptly attended to. lay-tf.
and appraiser. [successor to /eke C. Cain
tie the People's Auctioneer.) Ofi-Camiey
Old oe
Stand. 181147
. the County of Haran- Ouse •ttiaded
In any Tart of the Comity. Address sedate to
Oodcrlch 1'. O. 18e0.
Under and by virtue of ■ power of sale
contained in a certatn morolio! win
be produced at the time of ,Ne,dated
day of Manch. tap, taws by Robert
Itert to the Vendor. there will sold by
tic auction on Saturday the filth dal ofila
1883, et twelve oclock,filthnoon by J Y
Goderich, 1n Inc County of H the w -
Auctioneer, at Martin's Hotel la the ion of
valuable property namely-T►e west halt
of lot ■umber fourteen on the eighth
*don of the townghlp of pawaassa 1n t
County of _Huron, containing e.s htadred
acme( laad, more or lass. •
Thee farm is situated ose-b.R tnHs Goa
dsrion ettiwelbeettled
itrict, two miles eetho Vlagrsit
fast. three mites tree east tear
Bel -
teen allies fres the Town
as Is ae s otokale Ory Trete a wv
st so oto sly %rad 5• la a
ed by three v. , W It Y well watsr-
good that never aW. The
fences are to There is oa the
ew donne se two acres of the beet
edf!z1k1 ms.Sg haWaehe ratta ch-
*x 8s, • Rase shed There Is i large •nab bees,
1; and • *table Zi z
For further -,artleasrs and ooadittotu of
sate apply to
Vendor's Solicitors.
Dated 28th April. 1883. God 18eai e -It.
Notice L hereby given that at or soon atter
he expiration of thirty days from the first
Chi teatten hereof court
ecourt o lif the Bounwill ty et Harron at
Goderich the undersigned Emma Ward,
MIAOW of the late Henry Joha Ward of the
of Oed,rich, In the county of Huron, to
MiS n of John Ward,
la a!astattestt elle Sarah Ward rad
jWeh.s children of the late
by ofOedMc6 his
andcounty of Huroime ot bnesaid
afore -
Dated at Code- 1 EsnNA WARD, by
rrIsNorman . May litb. I Edweed Nan Lewis,
her eollctor,
1.891-3 Ins.
%cans anb 3nsurtance,
toads -on freeheid 187
security. AOpb 10
Ods. Swenson, Ooderieh. E
W on good Farm or first -clam Town Property
t 8 per cent. Aly to R. R ADCLIFFE. 1781
amount to suit borrowers at a to se per
mint. Private funds. Apply to Stumm and
ehairrort. Goderich.
amount of Private Funds for investment
st lowest rates on fretclass Mortgagee. Apply
LHiss ss OF CHARON,. --
Money to lead at lowest rates. tree of
any costs or cnatge.. 'EAOlia E• MORTON.
opposite Colborn Hetet•
Goderich. Ord OIL 177e
a Fares goes@ etin- }Pgggggg..5 lemma is -
M nnc Committal**
N. B.-tw.w des menet urea one day
IETON. . Dederick. t JOHN
111r W
Aaddent fawn ace Agent,
ppanies. Almagenl
Brock IIHNIRAIICE fir. eitherTetra
the berm:
Kars blockO
. iAN, SURGEON to., Graduate of Tor-
University. I.1= dials of Royal coi-
N C. P. A., Guerin. London. a -res sae
Oppo. to Batley's Hotel, IiamUton tied-
GEON. Cormier he. Moe and residence
Bruce Street, mooed doer west of Victoria
clan, Surgeon and Appcc000cher, Graduate
of Toronto University. Office opposite Comer
-on t Cameron's Bank. Looknow. if not is
Aloe. enquire at the Bank. 1709.7-
aloe of Dr. Shannon's Surgeons.
4...o.. .wear t e
grol OodeHoh. O. C. Soewwoe. J. C. Ha n,.
OJe comer of Mc sate snot. Geller( oh, r
tey Oa
aney a w
lead at lowest rates
Err:V. is vice.ChasOry to
the OMertei.
a. ..g B. N. Lamm.
O trees, p: FP1== in
I leu.& 1 +A 1R R 18 -
Littman h.. Oedwtsh. 1. A. Heersm
/11, MOLT , & CAMERON,
NEWS ABOUT HOME. A squirrel hunt on the Square was the
divereo,n of the school children on
"A ch1e1'sar ung ye. Lakin' notes. Thursday afternoon.
1re faith hell prem st." Mr. George Cox, the bicyclist, has
sold his machine and has ordered a larg-
er wheel --a fifty-six licher.
We see by the Bermuda Rugal- Gazette
RC*rpets taken up, cleaned and relaid. G. C.•
Get your stoves removed carefully, cleanly
and cheaply by U. N. Davis.
Call •t O. Sheppard's bookstore he wants to
) J. W. Weetberadd, ( ertcb and
TANBARK W Arras, 200 cords of tanbark
wasted at Smith's tannery, Goderich. High-
est [rte. paid in cash. tt.
8ubooribe for yonr magazines and oertisti-
toots at Inde• hook store. He has
*cowl arrangements with pub/Whore to se-
esw Ise W co tenors a prompt and regular
The hest tin sheet iron or copper work is
town Is dons by O. N. Davis. 'Icy Esta
Then meaty he seem division en the organ
wit qhs t there >• bbatteese .g&a
Sem sproia.o[ (laNaei p8ot 7e 6mro ate .11
the 1M to llowe`aYr w but
thenand.e.vitl .w The weather isre
bread et the photegnyhie line un
Harpers Monthly. Delineator. Scribner.
Seems and Tou.g Ladies Journal for Jane,
for ass at Intrts's book store.
Ham wainyour cistern sump repaired in
the Crest assvier, Daub alb d
o it.
LE ends:: armee attained
The FIswer" was ••
k trepalar swag
ail w Vast apure. a M
tisnndessad8.s have the Anent Uses of
welt papas to town. Dado's, mimetlHfnsa
fib. Their picture (ra s ot 1d d
W sail ardent arewfilled pr Vny.g.
Cheapest Busse Under the Sea."
The reshlart81Qe beautiful designs in wan
paper atm eoati.aes at Entries book store
ever* 0 kala add fad 1Satwrday. Borders,
dodoea triose to match all papers. Priam
sweet is town.
The a r sestina sow agitating the goods
7rYtihe Ilya "" act the one ties vernment is how wfth get `he
at g5• sheeyw to get No 1 bash.
with Riess the ahoemak leering .your order
Mr. Wm. Craig intends paying a visit
to the old country in June.
Miss Carrie Simmons has returned
fent East Saginaw, Michigan, .
Miss Lillie Whited u home from Tor-
onto, in delicate health, from over study
at school.
Mr. Chas. P. Gear, of St. Thomas,
the weet relatives to Goderick during
Mrs. John W Vanatter left on Wed-
nesday last to pay a visit to friends in
Mr. George Swanson, of New Orleans,
has retutald to his home for the benefit
of his health.
The Mean. Swan, later strived from
Fifeshire, Scotland, are the guests of Mr.
George Campbell.
H. Y. Attrill arrived in town en
Thurscley last. The fancily are now stop-
ping at Ridgewood.
Mr. Harry Montgomery, son of Capt.
Montgomery, has gone to the Northwest
with a surveying party,
We understate -1 that'e saw mill
is now in good running order, and that
excellent work is being done.
Devotions are being held at St. Peter.
every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
evening during the month of May.
Judge Doyle returned on Monday from
his visit to Somerville, South Carolina,
feeling much Reproved by the change of
Mr. J. R. Grant, P. M. of Brussels,
accompanied by his wife, and his sister,
Mrs. R. Dickson, of Grey, paid a visit
to Goderich during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Cameron left town
on Tuesday morning last for Quebec,there
to take passage for Europe on Saturday
next on the Allan line steamer.
Mr. A. M. Polley has matched Mr. R.
C. Hayes mate, "Bird Hayes," against
Mr. Jan Bailey's "A. M. P.," for a race
to be trotted on Monday, June 4th.
R. W. Bro. R. Radcliffe, D.D. G. M.,
Huton District, left by early train on
Monday to visit, officially, the Masonic
Lodges at Kincardine, Tiverton, Listow-
el, Tan, a.d Brussel.-
BALlool► ASiIiatoN -By reference to
our ediertising columns it will be seen
that a balloon ascension will take place
from the agricultural ground., Victoria
street, on Monday, the 28th inst.
Capt. D. McLeod has returned from
his trap to California in quest of health.
We regret to hear that he is very weak.
Ile met with many friends in Los Ange•
los, and speaks highly of the country.
uantity of handsome rustic work.
Mr. Wm. Somers is making a lax
rticles made are principally garden
ower stands. and are being shipped to
ndon, where they find a ready sale.
Haartererraee Snow. -Prepare your
ate weir for the Horticultural show,
be held in Ooderioh on the 2nd of
illy Prizes offered for fruits, flowers,
vegetables, etc. See secretary for prize
lista. tf
Sarnia 0doseree --' Mr Shaw,nf Gods-
tith, pnrohesed a handsome span of
eaabhed ponies from Mr. Robert Whit-
titlah yeMee'day. The price paid w..
U1 Mr. Shaw Intends them f.'r his
Mew flee,
i< w. McKenzie left last week
fee hie Ms_ilehe farm, taking will" hila
a quantity of sleek. He is rid into wiaBgivory. Mr. James
Tate. will Mew lia hardware hominess
i. his abess s.
Mr. "IDsseine" sad
Mr. Jail!' !Waif • "MAO I Rnerhon"
ore regiseered far a tease to bake plass
about the middle of Ammo The
match grew ,•Ott of the doeak-barrelled
ehallenge, the particwhrs of which we
roblishcd last week
that Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ()arrow arrived
to the ulau l on Monday the ith, on the
steamer Orinoco.
The North-st. Methodist S. S. temper -
ages meeting un Monday night was a
great success, and the yoeng folks had a
pleasant time of it.
Mr. W. Napier, formerly of the regi-
try office, but now „1 the G. T. R , Chi-
cago, spent a few days in town during
the week. lie took in Montreal on his
Canadun trip.
We see by the Chatham daily Tribu,.e
that J. R. Miller, G. M. W. of Ontario,
delivered an address at the recent A.O.
U.W. concert in that town, showing the
advantage of that order. The concert
was a great success.
Mr. Foote, of Beantaville has leen en-
gaged as organist for St. George's church.
He played at morning and evening ser-
vice un Sunday last, and gave complete
satisfaction. His engagement will date
from the first of June.
SHORTHORN& -Mr. R. Hawley on Fri-
day Iaat sold his bull, "Beaconsfield III"
to Mr. W. E. Reid, of Goderich town-
ship. The remaining animals of the herd
will be shipped to Lansing, Mich., in the
latter pert of the month.
Bunrcuare. -A number of bicyclists
from London and Clinton are expected
in Goderich on the afternoon of Queen's
Birthday. A ride around Goderich
Square is said to be one of the finest runs 1
a wheelman can find in America.
Henning'• flour and grist mill is again sect
in running order after the fire. Owing to
the destruction of Hart & Co's mill, the
shutting down of Henning's, war much
felt in town, There ought to be a busy
time ahead of Mr. Henning..
• Mr. John Robinson returned from
Wincireg on Tuesday last, after a so-
journ of seven weeks. He doesn't
"boom" Winnpeg, to any alarming ex -
teat, and says that blueness in almost
3fcOlLLICCDfy BROW. Peet mea..
The- following, from the Hamiltuu 1 KNOB CHURCH ORGAN.
1}robtor, refers to a niece tf Mrs.
Looney. of this town :-"Mr.. Alice ( The Fir', Reel"' a rreaes.rrd •accee..
McGillivray, wife of T. Shannon 11IcGi1-
livray, attorney-at-law, Grand Forks, The unanagen of the church, and all
the lady medical student who carried off' concerned in the wore of introducing t..
the medal of her years at Queen's uni- the public the beautiful new pipe °nisi,
verset Kingston, has just arrived in recently placed in Kue x church,are to be,
Hami ton, where alio intends to spend congratulated on the success of the f.,rnt
some time at the home of her fether,Mr. al "opening' of Lha instrument held mei
Jamas Skituin, foundryman. ' the church on Friday Lest. The ccenity,
The proprietor of the Albion Hotel j was favorable, ands large audience p.,ur
can now boast of one of the handsomestI ed into the church during the half hour
oftioe. and waiting rooms in Ontario. I preceeding the o"mmencement ..i tete.
TM wail. of the room have been hand• t engaged
me. keeping the usher's actively
comely papered, the painter hu been at I engaged in seating them. large pre -
work upon the panelhnge, and a beauti- I portion of the audience were ladies, and
ful combination ceiling surmounts the every c.ngregatien in town wits wt 11 re
wilt"'The work was done by E. presented. We have seen few finer
Watson, and reflects credit on his skill:. audience. in Goderich. The programme
a decorator. We congratulate Mr. Mc- was begun by the entire audience, assist --
Bride on the appearance of his high- i evadhb. Awful choir,the singing
i gi and it wfu given in
tuned room.
Ied aDIATE AND Ncoortuerettet yYAi grand style by both vice and inatru.
EctnxArlot. --By circular from the o ntt'gDr. Verrinder, the talented Lon -
Education Department we learn that the don o alit, was the attraction of the
English Literature for 1884 will be as evening. His superb handling of the
folluwa : Intermediate and Second Class instrument drew forth high fine t iums
Gray'a 'EI • Goldsmith's "Travel- from the audience He has a fine touch,
ler. First Class C, the same as the and has a ffe masterly manner of bringing
foregoing, together with Shakes,seer's tart Oho effects of the various com-
1 hinaiiuns of the organ. Hu rendition-
"Coriolanus. " The English for 15.` ,.f the " Vesper Hymn," nut° oar mind
and the Latin, French and German ,,,r the treat of the evening His second
1884 and 1885 have also been fixed, and solo, oft's "Ave Meru," •n impromp-
can be ascertained on application to the tu by himself and a fugueby Bach, show-
Head Master of the High Schou!, .I high
onne piece
o ig culuvauou and his
Nir AHD Tucg.-The play, LS all who Mertel s "Meditation" and the " Hal -
have seen it know, u full of side split- lolujah Chorus" of Handel, war capital -
ting 'scenes and witty dialogue.. Its ly played. Miss Nettie $eegmiller was
characteristic is fun of the tuoat staying well received in her solos, and gave evi-
kind, just close enough to farce to take defice of talent and conscientious study.
well, and at the s$me„time not to fail the She is a favorite pupil of Dr. Verrinder,
iateuer. The plot is auftefient:y }Leavy who predicts a successful career for her
to give backbone to the piece and is u church organist. She played a spirit -
led out with ever changingcomic ed march by Clarke, and an andante of
nes which form the most prominent Beet's, We cungntulate the church on
and interesting parts --Net,, Montreal. having so talented an artiste in the con -
October 25. They appear here on Wed- gregation. During the evening appro-
nesday & Thursday next. It• -serve seats prute solos were sung by Miss Ks
can be secured at Imrie's. Mrs. Duckham and Miss Sneath, " Far
AeetneNr.-On Wednesday morning Away Where Angels Dwell," by the
u Mr. George Morris, of Colborne, was Wt named lads, being particularly well
riving a waggon load of sheep through received. The anthem "Guide Me,"
wn which he had disposed of to R. was well rendered by the choir. We
cLean, one of the animals
attempted hoe the man
p astere of the church will ase
jump out of the vehicle en Kingston their way clear toward giving sacred
reet, and in endeavoring to attend to concerts from time to time, now that
e sheep, he lost oontro! of the horses, they have en excellent an instrument to
rich dashed off, thr.gice the driver aid suchen enterprise.
violently the earti. Mr. Morris vHs ORGAN.
struck the ground Witt. the .ids of his Dr. Verrinder speaks highly of the
`sad and was stunned. He was carried instrument. it is well built, is of re -
0 whitely's Hotel, and Dr. McDonagh market>ly pure, rich tone, and ii a credit
led. He soon regained consciousness, to the builers, S. Warm t . Son, Tor-
sed with the exception of serer coatusi- onto. The organ has a case of chestnut
about the ear and head. t:..i a sere wood of open pattern, abore the belt
baking are. did not appear ua much being o,mpeoed of pipes with crimson
worse for his fall- flock, olive green paint, and gold bands
Hum ScltnoL Ltrssar 4r^err.- and ornament.. The following are the
e society held its regular meeting an et°ps
High School on Friday evening last. GREAT ORGAN.
(wig other business., the 1, Hewing 1' Duan Dtaa.ea , metal 58
rotes, 8 feet,
R t Dalcina err s
motion vita passed. That the society, 3. Mo►odla,
at tilt. its earliest opprrtunity, desires tu e. Mtopped Dia o, Ha.,.: •'`i c' '
thank the friends of the society, outside reit- Prue paw a ' rneul. s.t
the Schee!. f -,r the valuable assistance Filtcenttt " -
rendered at its public entertainment oho no
in preparing the programme, and in me neaten Horn Diapason, metal, set - g -
adorning the eters, and thus tending to i0. TM dbiapason,treble . se K
the success of the entertainment. And IL
bass. f 8
owing to the nett regular meeting falling 13. t oe i,:t ttaaioametal. 'a'c - 4 e
on the day after the 24th of May, thinkPEDAL-
ing Liu', a large number of the pupils 1t. Boonton wood,
27 Notes,
would be absent, it is boon ' t P P ,i , ec is tee[.
K.t. advisable M wefl*0Or aaOtSrrtl
to postpone is until the first ur June. 18. (•oaplerawellto Peat.
The I:tarary part of the programme " Swell to Pedal•
cl, consisted of readings, recitations, 1a. R.Uows Great to teepee
eic,etc., was then proceeded ,with. "Forte and "real Oeptan.
Forte "Plano -Composition Pedal
A-JN'SH or THE Now Tu.:. -A large j tN flreat organ.
tuber of spectators, amens whomlwere arcetAJ colli Sundayd
. y ladies, witnesaod the launch of the The services onlattended. In in Knoxe
tu,4 .ra-.;es toerke on Tuefolay afternoon. ceeornhg werev. largely Ure preached from
She vete built, or. the docs rear; the Har- the lllth Psalm,
rr1st verse, and in the
b..:• Mil', and wa.t +launched sideways. evening Rev. J. A. Turnbull, B,A,,toek
Considerable difficulty wte experienced for his text Eph. 5:19. Both preachers
ithe starting
herrs and
trpattienceied of
erred to church music and singing
th oil for about ser ho during their sermon. The amount tak-
d urs, the vessel en un over the ordinary collection, some
was reacted, Teat owrpg to the line hold-
1-er na(,ic by the bow n it bei Cut ' was given to the organ fund, The
L .moa enough, the
swung around art Sunday school and Bible class increased
1. -ling dews, a :d coming in contact this collection by $14.5e. E the con -
the pier it her doseent, a lank cert and collections ahout rift were
f realized.
in !,er now was aprnrq Striking the
water after a fall of about ter, feat, she
quick:y rights.!. There was a scramble TSO: *la OhUmtemU I., sysabout this is what
on le a:d, when she was feu: (i to be some steamer
Or-" ease about will
leaking, owing to the sentient The in- some steamer -"Captain Robinson will
jury is not serious. The t. g Cluaas came tall the/finest passengerboatEmpire on the ill be
aleeeside, and Ceded her to tee island this seated. Inc United will be
repairs le. F. IAwreuce Ind the completed tratriin a week and will then melte
•r of teeming the nen vessel. and •trial trip to Detroit before navigating
e a T,ottie of wine over her 4. ,w s• the northetn waters. The interior of the
slid down 'ha ways TFe dames cabin is inexpreasibl, beautiful and at8la-
eL is iii ter' 4*...t, lel feet loam, and tic in decorative desoin and finish. It in
net held .Ire ars nicelyy feet
t a waand lighted by veered glass, the painting in -
'*let hal ''rued •tp will be n lsndwtme traducing marine characteee e,f odd and
elbe:et:t tug •,`fj11 .k Black are inconceivable shapes. T1 cylinder is
ini thee: hotter.. and lieegmillre covered by a casing painted and grained
•. are putting is the otter h:achin• in imitation of the coati' hoods ; and
She was built ler H. Mvlt"^, and i resting against this cast is the beat
ne d hy Clar ice Br mei upright piano that could putoh.eed,
- T to deteratinn of the cwt has
w-easwk'• Issetwt• Iseeusa
performed try hie. Henry Cleats, been
_ the haadiersft rf this celerrstetl artist is
{{ d the direccora of the Me always a thing of beauty and a joy for
acs i.natitt4 t war he! 1 on the eveni e'er Mr. Clncas as elan a cartoonist tri
Masinsedar het. °g mei, mean talent. It fat'[ hu eAi.t•a in
.soot -The peesrdewt, Nt. l:•aibarrse this line are sometimes found in IJrip,
e chair, and 1Ia.4 Mtillur Nreher end Kr' '1 t Lie ch receives
. a high.p-
tlhewddy. Noritta,1. 1l i ppated,weeeition ti all he crrwcef Theand
nedfoot. Moore and G. ra will revs a crew of fifty h.rttmr
e minutes of lest meeti told.'
ap, rorat. ItOe me lead it now appears that }Lev. Dr. Denali.
• rerw,rt rat avenin; eiasse.a win h ncip al of the late Detlerin C
r.1 end sd •rtsrd nc"' skiPi+ i. ltasvi liabilitie„
t.•.tt-n the h-.nd wry( flP.lif..•.e
f. was added M *F• rsadm.R room
wed by Sit. Mieohal. wended by
fee. 8heppard,thst tine aneuel meet -
e held on t:ie With in.".
weenies theft ee inuettcat
*very branch is
Mr. 8. Sloane on Monday last ppurchas th
of from 'Mr. Jas. Thonngton of Denver,
Colorado, the premises occupied by
MeersMitohell,Ferguson and Woodcock,
and now ownetbe entire block on the ..
east side of Hamilton street up t , Me- i
Nair's grain *tore. cal
Mr. James McIntosh left on the Que.
bee on Sunday morning for Prince An ons
thee. Landing. where he will open out a
the business of his firm, McGregor do Co. the
Mr. McIntosh is a good citizen, and will
prove an acquisition to the Landing. •He Th
war accompanied by E. O'Rourke, who the
acts u his assistant. Am
Mr. Geo. R,binton, Fortner:y-,f Gode-
rich, war married at 6 a. in. on Tuesday
at Clinton Gt Miss Shaw, a resident of
that town. The happy couple left by
the eight o'clock train for an extended
honeymoon trip ending at the bride-
groom'. fraternal roof in the neighbor-
hood of the TuttleMountains, Manitoba.
QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY. -The anniversary
of the Queen's birthday will not be pub-
licly celebrated in Goderich this year,
but three of oar residents who want to
give • loud manifestation of loyalty can
take in the horse races at Clinton, the whi
band pic-nic at Benmiller, or the boat- ntu
ring, dancing and tug of war at Kin- L
A t I creaarret.,; Tarr. --Mr. S. Hick, mea
the well-known assistant in Jordan's
drug *tore, left yesterday fur Manitoba.
He expebts to be absent about six weeks.
and will not return alone. A ncaiden (.1
the Prairie Province, well known and
esteemed in Goderich, luta agreed to
share his fuytunee. We wish the young
couple much joy.
Mrs R. Hasley, and her (laughter, it".
Mn, Stevenson, arrived in Goderich, awe
from Detroit, on Saturday Wt. Mrs. skit
Hanley, we regret to state, has been sof• wise
tering from seceve indispesitien. They
will remain here for a short tithe, and
will then proceed to New York. where
they will take passage for Europe on the
Anchor line steamship, City of Rome.
It gives us pleasure to learn that Mas-
ter John Williams, son of our townsman
Mr. Joseph R iliums, lumberman, has for
passed his first year examinatioic very but .
successfully in the School of Practical bruit
Science, Toronto. He is the y.,utight site
student at the school, but stood high is Che
hu class. He is studying the science of i f
teninnesring as a profession. and (rives and
promise of success in that difficult line. and
Thirty toga were represented at the mak
meeting of the tug owners to adopt a A C
card at Detroit. E, G. Merrick was elect- cry -
ed president, S, B, Grwmmond, vies. s
president, and 8, A. Murphy,
and treasurer. The aid rate of Est ti 1
was adopted, and the old tonnage will be
need u a hula for calculating hills. The A
rebate of 10 per cent en the tow bills of clue,
schooners helongine N, trig -owners will ; of
net be allowed this season. Pr
P A Hati rat a ita Tree -ort. -Mr A. UI. 1 in thgdi
° i presenters hr dough-
tK Lottie Pn ley. with a beautiful I Pn
Omits! sada est °t gold mounted bar j Th
Mee for her Shetland pony "Pet." The and
tens out is oiled the most attractive we! Th
hare sues and the piety little fw.t5y "'IV);
ei v
Geese to be .a payed se anybody td the t 1n
miaotaw. The harries was mariifae- 14810
hy C F. Stranbel. of this town, pend
sad is a very eredit.bie 'Wee of aerie Mo
Mae Polley's peony sn4 rig wc;M hold Kr. .
its own in an • city in Ame+is* it is • int h
greatly admired by American , isle..,.
trig to $60,reett ort 170,0010. ee
Too estate
Will nay perhaps five per cent on thedet-
Two tr.loured baseball club, front
Richmond sed Petersburg. Va„ while
in is match in the Iatteuy city, quer
Knis,e mid pistols were need,
feve nee' fere, Ire attire( • f their e- oasts.