The Huron Signal, 1883-05-11, Page 71* t 1'LI HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 11e 11i8S Fun and Fancy. "Are )ell timeline 'try ill," asked the physe lee. "Let u u rot yuur t.gytue, plane 1 "It es i1u est, , tenor," replied the poorly, 'tii. lu,•g .. a tell how bad 1 f.el" "Did 1 utt.letNar.t1 )uu to call me a puppy, sir?' •• Yee, sir, 1 called you a puppy. • ' ''Lucky fur you, sir The ii. suet is t.•, anulil to doties; bu had you called me a dug. sir—an old dug I would have tuu.:Joel you down.' A lawyer ones jeeringly asked a Q r if be could tell the diaereoe. betweal 1 so and likewise. "Oh, yes," said the Quaker, "Er•aivis a tett laeyer; his talents lie admitted by .,.:nest every one. You are a layer, also but not likewist . Nothing So thoroughly pleases a man who has learned that a collection is to be takes in his church vu Sunday morning, and who las consequently been unable to be present on account ..f a severe pain in his back, as t., attend the evening ser vice and hear the clergyman anuounc, that "as many alio desired t.. give were nut present at the monoii.t collection, it will now be. repeated." The following story is tell of a distltl- geishas! Edinburgh professor : —! bailing to go to church nue wet Sunday, he hired a cab. On reachi,ig the church door, he tendered a shilling --the legal fare—to cabby, And was somewhat surprised to hear the cabman say, "Twa shillin', air." The profeaevr, film; his e,,e on the ex- tortioner, demanded why he charged two shillings, upon which the cabman dryly answered, "we wish to, discourage travel- ling on the Sawbsth as much u possible, car." It is dntbcult for one to understand how a woman can be happy whuse seal- skin jacket has been lengthened by sewing on a piece of fur. She knows that her )aches is shirt, and everybudyy known that her jacket is short, and everybody knows that she knows that everybody knows it, and she knows that everybody knows that she knows that everybody knows it, and everybody knows that she knows that everybody 151115.. knoaa that she knows that everybody I ox Cetus. Pin—Take the treat cut knows that she knows it. from the head previusly to making the -- — soup, shape it in neat pieces; mix a sau- cer of flour, season with salt and pepper, dip each pieee of meat into the mixture and fill a pie dish with it ; pour in a little water; river with soot crust made in the proportion of half puuud of suet, finely shopped, to one peuod of flour ; bake for two Yours. Scrr PcrrnsNo. —Chop fine one cup of raisins and one half cup of suet 'one cup if wanted very rich), add two cups sweet milk, one cup of sugar, four cups of flout one teaspoonful of cream of tartar, tie teaspoonfuls of soda, and s little salt. Cover tight and steam or boil two hours. Leave room to swell. Pork chopped very fine, or a little less in measure of pork fat may be used. Eat with liquid sauce. }touseholb }tints, Bata:, resew, --Add • little milk, pepper, salt, and spice to au egg and bel. aell together. Cut soiue slices of bre..d of et en size mud shape, and fay a l.glt br..su iu butter r cal. Drain o n mar, pile ou, a dish, aid serve with tu- wato sauce. SAVORY Rlci.—Take some plain honi- ed rice, put it into a saucupau with a lump of butter, and add as much tomato ata.,• as the rice will take up, and plenty cat grated cheese. Mix well, and keep Stirling on the fire tall hot. Serve piled ILO en the dish. To MAKE Pot. COLN Daus. ---Take a late cup of sugtr, put in a luau with just enough teeter to dissolve, and a smelt lump of butter, and buil until it commences to 1i:own in the centre of the pan, t hen pour of er the pop -corn, already pepped, stir well, :.e.1 press into balls as hut as eau be hashed, rubbing the hands w t'. alittle butter. C .T:.':. Pt'LLI No. ---One egg — the *Lite and yolk beaten separately—half a ;•int of sweet milk, nee, tablespoon of hotter, half a teacup of sugar, and nearly a teacup „f ttour and half a teaspoon of bikin; powder, Bake and Servo With wine sauce. Oct,Fas.uoski, I.• t.I-t. Pt I•taa ,.— Two quarts of skitunacd milk, two-thirds cup of molasses, and salt t , t ate. Scald half the milk, add the meal by degrees, stirring briskly, scald a few moments, ane add to the cold milk, molasses, etc. Bake slowly three o: four hours. Eat with create sauce. If you haven't the cream milk is • very good substitute. CANDIED HoiEI ISt-ND. --Buil hore- hound in water until the juice is all ex- tracted. Take yuur sugar and buil up to a feather ; then add the horehound j'iice to the syrup : boil up till again the same height ; stir with a spoon against the sides of the sugar pan. When it begins to glow thick pour out in a Raper case cleated with fine sugarand cut in squares. The horehonnd may be dried, and then put in the sugar finely powdered and S1..th consumes faster than labor wee. s. Be not overhasty in dealing with & cas- te tater By continued labor greet results are achieved. The truth is tee strong ever to bring its possession into trouble. To be a philosopher one must experi- ence something of sdverrity. Avoid exaggeration ; missMItementa are sure to prodcce tremble. Nothing is gained by "croakier." Time thus enpended is thrown away. To -m rraw is a bad word to woe in business ;always he equal to to -day. He who wrt,nas his neighbor had just as well rob him of his possessions. Honesty is the boat policy . beware of misrepresentation as of unfair dealings. The !stuns of experience are valu- able, and serve to prevent many mis- takes. Owe ne man anything ; pay as you go, and avoid the humiliation if losing dun- ned. Every individual has opportunities the secret of success is in knowing how to use them. If you try every day an the week, and work hard, you will net go hungry • e Saturday night. 1 If you earn tea dollars s week, 'jou must live on less the that, lir you must ultimately suffer. "Be sure you are and then go a- t head." With right satif you are al-' ways in good company. Fine words are more applicable t..I - drawing rooms than to the stern every- day career Madness. A than nen( not hesitate to undert oke honorable empbiyment ; it is no sacritice of pride to isbtn. It is not necessary to follow the fash- ions in order to gain the respect and con- tidence of sensible people. Keep your affairs to yourself. Oilier people hare no interest in them, unless you force theta to hare it. Beware of the first lie; it may re, vire a dozen to hide it, in any one •,f w�nich you are liable to be caught. Seek through proper and honest ef- fort to gain a good reputation —a pos- session every men should strive to se- cure. Reason should form the beset of all undertakings. D,1 what you have to do always in the Most reasonable man- ner. Show respect for age and the opiuivus of others. There is nu one so ignor- ant but who msv teach you something. Nothing so injures and degrades as lying and cheating. The two evils are so closely joined together as to be in- separable. Deceit and hypocrisy belong to fools, who expect the world to circulate their curraney, and give them full return in god coin. Extravagance in a poor men is sadly nut of place. Do net live beyond your income, nor yet quite up to It, if you would lay hy Something ter a "rainy a lama* Mmeevery. That is day bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an ugly grave. Tnly is Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in the Thrust, Pain in Side and Chest, or any di1ease of thea Throat and Lungs, a wartime ewe. tiyarentue.l Trial Bot- tle free at J. Theo 's Drug Store. Large size el.00. (6) laolrwsyd sad F.r ward. The clot r"Puzzle Editor" of the Lon- don fir -,em , se:visii- iiiiiiesse ingenuity us prat idin_ eutertaioment forWerendea. He •'f fired a piice fer"1enfI06e matin sense whet ; ,r read bacit ward or forward." Han• are several rent in:-- Did ir.;; •'ray ; winds mournful are wakingg: ries ow ting, holding revel high. Nlaiitly. nee breaking. 1 0.1 •n ',lad vast treasures— silver and gold —thin':a precious. Happy and rich *nn ,e:'t. NAA he. Faithfully st•rvcl he Coil. . Shvslt•la.nentiu,; etdly.vften to.. touch slime. Dear flurry—devotedly yours remain I. Have N•o f••rgotten 20 -pound cheque? Fi 4 v .iente.l.ately please, and hand to y..ars Brace Darling. ('..ii -fully boiled ogee are good and Lott' is Leaven and Neaten is love, youth sayr. All beware : says age. Try- in(. is poverty and fleeting is love. badly governed and fearfully troubled now is Ireland. Adieu, darling ! Time Nies fast . sails are set, boats are ready. Farewell Exercise take, excess beware; Rise earl and breathe fresh air ; Fat slowlyr• trouble drive &Wwaay� i Feet warmish keep. blend work with pier. Mauer and mind and mysteries What is matter ? Matter is—never muel. 1\'i.at is mind? Mind is—never matter. Heusi and truth are good and ad- teiraL:e qualities, as sympathy and hove are endearing traits. 1'- litics and religion &cull arguing in. Here is geed and sound advice. tt,•andaloussociety and life make gee - i site frantic. lane day.' 1 The month of April is the tune that the wise man takes • Blood Purifier. You cannot get a better ar safer melt - cine than Dr. Canon's tltolsach atm Con- i stipation Bitters. Pries 50 cents a bet - tie. Ask your druggist about it. N., household should be considie e.1 complete without a bottle of Dr. Van Buren a Kidney Cure is in the closet. it is the only remedy that will positively, permanently and f.rnmptly cure all terms ' of kidney disease*. Sold be J Wileen , 2m Perfect, Pretties and PIMraanent are the ewes effected by Dr. Van Burnt it Y Kidney Curr. Relief in all cases of Kid• nosy Tluwan is obtained af'er a few doses. Flee that yonr Druggist gives you Dr, Van Buren s Kidney Cure. Mold be •1 Wilmon (3cwlerieh ien To else 1111.11111 hsnad.a. *Ed ell wbelle M MIRY millet.• Phusphatine, or Nerve fust, a Phos- phate Elemeet based upuu Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Bootie', Maas., cures I'ulwun- ary Cuusumptaou, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wanting diseases of the human system. Phosphatins u not • Medeane, but • No' luent, because it euntaitu no Vegetable • . Mineral Poisons, l)piates N 'imp, Narcotic., and nu Stimulants but 'i ly the Phosphatic and (Metric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sulticient to convince. All Druggists sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Low»EN & Co., sole agents for the Dor.,Inien, tib Front Street East Toronto Rumple.', Aralen salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily care Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Cleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sures, Caacers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded 25c. per boa. For sale by J. Wilson. ly, New Life for E..elle■a 'Weakened by Dia ease, Debility sail Dtaelpatl.a. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or aides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of an kind, the Great German Remedy will restore the lost functions and secure health and happiness. $1.00 per box, six boxes for $5.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt ..f price, postage paid, by F .1 Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole rgent for United States. Cir- culars and testimonials sant free. Sold by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for Gode- rich. 3m : ss not, life 1s sweeping by, and dare before you die =unt mighty asd, sub cave bested to ooagnmr time. $86 a week in your owe town. es outfit free. No risk. Everytbinh new. Capital not required. We will terms. you everything. Many are making fortu a . Lediee make se much as men. and boys sr. girl' make great pay. Reader, 1 you wa d business at which you can make t pay sat the time, write for particulars to Hattie -NJ at Co.. Portland Maine. Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL - - Ott000,ao. SVRPLui. - - - - 45,000,000. Goderich Branch. D. GLASS - - _ - Manager. Allows Interest on deposits. Drafts, tette. of � the world. o l�notd y issued. 17btab parte ADL4N BANK OF COMMERCE Paid up Chpital, - $6,000,000. .Rest, - - •1,400,000. Nv1,WM MCMASTER ifs newel. W. D. ...... � Goderich�pBranch. --M.l t/�` ss, - - A..EIl teregt..Einer*.'. ,m dei tants. Drafts 011 Town+ d4 Citlre in Canada and tiro United States. bough a�n.in.g*. Fanners ea _Qotex with oneo , .rMT w About seartRsa'e• 17:•1 NSURANCE CARD. 1HHEITIIH ASL 0011', ToaONTo—gstabusbe 1831 IPU�NI[ INS. CO'V, of I.oNuoN Ragland) - Ratabl $she' YM. HARTFORD INS. l'(4V, of HARTFORD, Cann Tintabltahed IMit Risks taken in the above first-class DSOs st the lowest rafts by HORACE HORTON. The unnersemed fa aloe Appesiner for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS COW TonoNTo. Money to. Lnat. nn Arst.•tttes security. oat TtoBper Cent. -Charges HORACE HORTON. Ooder' =b Sept. 10. 1840. QOODB CHEAPER THAN EVER IAT Tail -- Oldest Established House IN THE OOUNTY_ lilies, satins, ribbon►, *J N'oul Fr•1101 cashmeres, factory and bleuchod cotton, prtats,at 1 prices.than whulesale prices. Nook'. and Canadian tweeds at wholesale prices INacks,outtunadea Ace.. Ste., vary low. C ROCIERIf]B, Refute you buy) of podium or grangers try my teas, luung Hyson tea warranted pure flow Warta. per pound up, Black teas i1 1051.. equal to most i0ct. tea sold. )ly Mkt Black tee. worth Mktg., finest imported at idets_ per pound. All spices sold by me warranted pure. HARDWARE STORE_ I bold in stock a large aanurtweut of bar thin, steel, nails, paints, oils, glawn together with a general awr,rtwent of shelf hardware, and the best CORN SHELLER on the con]inent of Auncrt, t 1•r,.e only five dollars. llriug in eumn ears of corn and try it Cm CA., SQUARE. l;J lEcl- ,.1. &OOERICH BOILER WORKS. Chr�atall & Black. TO MILL MEN sw$8a1JP WELL IIIEN New B011.E1te and SALT PANS manufne t ured;on +kiss sat notice. All kinds of Repairing executed tinder the personal .•toervis(on of the Proprietors who ARE Practical Workmen. P. O. Box 1431 171T 5500,00 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any rale of Liver complaint Dyspepsia, dick Headache, Indigestion. Constipation or Co*tlreneew we cannot care with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied wtth. They are purely Vegetab)e. and never' fail to give satisfaction. Seger Coated. Large Boxes containing 30 Pills IS cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imita- tions. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WE'9.T t CO.. "The Pill Makers," at and 83 King ht. Bast, Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid un receipt of • 3 rent stamp. F.r 5*!, a1 WIi$ N'S Darer *TOSS licalth is wealth f A Mao .. • Drug Marr. Neter wu such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at J. Waves for a Trial Mottle of Dr. King's New Discov- ery_ for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All person* affected with .Asthma, Bron- chitis, Hoasenesa, Severe Coughs or any affection of the Trost or Lungs, can get a Trtsl Bottle of this great remedy free, hy call•ng a! abet. Drub 8fnev. Rego lar •,.e $l (1): a t...d seer The (`hiug'•• Berlingten & Qniney Railroad Company has )pat leen.e an illostnted treatise, "Tho Heart of the Continent, • deeerihing the wonderfnl gr• wth lit the 'i+ firwat Nt*t.5. The hook i. beautifully printed, and numerous en gratings .d liillh mint adorn it• pewee. Any one sewing their name aid addrnsn with two three-eeat postage stamp% Will reeelcs a copy hy return mail, hy app lying to Perceval Lowell, (Amend Paaasngle Agent, Masao Illinon k A we, -k made at house by the in. duetrions. Best hnsincas now he fore the public. Capital not need- ed. Wewill start you. Men. NO• men, boys and girls wanted t t cry - where to work tor u'. Now id the thous. You can work In spire time, or rive your whole Ume to the busincce. No other business will pay you nearly so well. No one can fail to make enormous pay, by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and honorably. Address TRtit & Ca. Augusta, Maine. A CURE GUARANTEED . MAGNETICM DICI NE. Da. E. C. WEST'S NERvi AND BaLIN 'Tatar RCM a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dix tfaces.l'oevulsleea. pits, Nervous Xeutalgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of sl.ohol ur tobacco. Wakefulness. Sies- ta) Ih•presskn, Softening of the Brain. result Engin insanity and leadieg to misery, decay and death, Pnnaatarc Old Age. Barrenness, Lugs of Power in eit tier se x. in voluntary lease's and spena.tturriwta. canned by over-excrtiop of the Inuit, cit -abuse or oter•indnlgei, line box will tare recent tats••:,. Each box cot: tains one loon; Ws treatment. (qie• do1Lere t.nx, or six boxes for Ave dollars' sent by nasi t, e paid on mete of price. We gwarilatee mix I, boxes 10 cure any care. Wi' h toed order re - c 'heti by tie (hr six boxes, accompanied with Ave dollars. we will send the purchaser mor wri•t.•n guarantee to refund the stoney 1f tar treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JARMB WILSON. sole author. lard agent for Ooderich,Ont. JOHN l' W))T dt ('1).. sole proprietors, Toronto Ont. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMYRH Sall Weekly to ,nd from NEW You Anu(1LAtw.0w. CIA IA..uu*u4KatT labia PassageNO torte. Relents, $11•10elle. 8eaoee1 Cabin, 11140. Return Tieketa, afr t=ricerplaseenger• boulasd at low rates. accommodations unexcelled ALL OtATaROOias014 MAIN DECK. Passengers booked ea lowest rates to or from Germany, Italy, Noting , 8wedeu, Dessert, te. For Hook of "Tours is Sootiaad,"Rates. Plans p c.ap tily to HErr NDERHON BRptaklta. Isis. New York. 1 --- Gray's SpEcif t Ec�11Jii TRADE SARI( Tim Oarsr rasps MARK EMIL/NH 1(5 tot - /stains cure for Seminal WSAIw 5411, r: er mat ur thea, imp.•' cosy, old all diseases awl (illi w arose Win TAgati, (4•tcoce of rel. 8,111 TA S. A...Jw r� t.aem of Memory) U.. ,,.s ,.r,.t cite, Pain In the Hack. l)imnear or valets, Premature old e.g., ltd many other disc Unit lead to Insanity ur cwesImpttnI and a p»maturegrave. Vitroti paitiaalar* lot pYpuet. which we desire to se, d (tie mall to c.eryone The Speeifi$ ludas$ sold fry. all ‘' metric!. lith per �pid• 1 age. s1 pacitagee $3, for or w ill he soul fr. rmall1,, all on 1t the moor)} by addreesiog rink 1. .% \' MEDICINE CO.. Tntt_r.to Gut. Ti Sold :n Goderich 1, Ju. Witosi 1141 • (e CI! 11. qt. '111h I it .'Ili 51� r .rte` 1- D H A N N. F G THE CREATIS MOOD A f'uri(ier WILL ('CR8 the Asliowing diseacec Rkcu tuattsam, by pklltbny lean Rheum, %curt, and b 'It wtl remove -441PLtS, Lie/1CHKS and heal Ulcers ■ 1 L L and Old Sores. A OAUTION.—Ask for "Dr. Char. rang', Sarsaparilla," take no other In its place. 1f your Drug- gist has none In stock, request nim to send for It. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER Rt)T'1 . Perry Dais k boa k Law.. Sok Agents, t1ONTRLAI.. ffBETbouundror&rsvea air nnneatly fobbed Of their 7l111101,1, lives Archyut4e. hrppisaas Lenitl: rcetored by the use rafehegreat GERM NN 1N1GORATOR which positively anti p*30ane5t y cures sax- o�Nate.ey misused bp•eweespire of wry ki'a , firm lsaf',remitere.■%�,, mid all i7incuscs cleat ,.,- low as 0 ,e ienee et welfeettec. as losscf • • ELoa, 01 tnenl0ty, oar1)'rsal 1aaits.'.•. in the ..back, din:a.ta is ad veils t., 7 r.-110, old age, and mans' other die.•a.c,• t: ii: Mod toinsanity oreenal: mitt.rnesd n!•r r••• tore grave. ' ' Send for circulars with 0,, inioniale : e • mail. The INY1s:okA're1 is sold at • r bee, erns boxes ter g6, bis ail dried -i A. , will bo sent free my mail, M.'erely Deal • . ••1, receipt of price,sddtetr.R. F. J. CHnENEY. ihnoiretst. • 187 tela snit et.. Toledo. : ibis. GEO. Rill' NAft Mole Agent for «oderic' _ „1 z pa---...asa't 1• Sr L FE�i.611I�►T�'.3 WORM POWDE :S. Are pleasant to take. ('()Ant, their own Purgative. la a safe, sore, au 1 efrreraa! 4e*rr•oyer of worm* in Ci•.ildren or Adults. LMows[BRAIN &Mira rlrVrtr, r r. See old awl *owes, Mie ales TMsnle Posit ively cures Nervousness in all its stages Weak Jlemory, Gus of Brats Potter, .Sexwnl Prostration, Nigel Sweats, Sperwatorrkao. Ln,rorr5an, Barrenness, Seminal Weakness and Genera/ Loss of Pnrrer. 1t repairs Verrone Waste, Refwrewates Mr Jaded rwrd- terf, strrspfkrtsa the Rwfrebted Brat*, aced Br - stores Norp riwiw Tone and Vigor to the F:r- koeated Oewrrn1jre 0rwaws. With each or- der forTWSLVE packages accompanied with five dollars. we will send our Written Guar- antee to refund the mono • 11 the treatment does not effect • cure. It is the Chempe•twhd Meat Medicine In the market. Erroll particulars in our pamphlet, which we dewire to mail free to any address. Mack. Mag.etle Medlel.e is sold hy Drug - /Data at as Os. per box, or II boxes for at, or will he mailed free of preface. on remitrt of the moaner by addrem inngg li $a'Y'w 1As:11ETH MESH IIE s'... W lndanr, Ont.. Canada sl)SolrduIgngOsntdear,w17 JA1ay1Aitlti.layd SEEDS! RELIABLE SEEDS! 11 li DESCRIPTIVE PRICED CAT- IJ,1.(Nit F.. beasatwny numerated. eel- tatning all ne.-owry Information for the suc- cessful cultivation ca Vegetable.. Flowers. Field Rots, Potatoes, etc.. le now psbllshed. snot will be maned tree is all &pplleaita JOHN A. BRUCE at 00. Seed (irowsas Ilton remade. N4 AITLAND HOTEL, GODERICH 1 ONT. The Moore new and Argo-elasm bon.., cions to the Railway !Station and cosvrnlrot 10 the town is *Mond to none In Owtarlo, ►m nova fort and s,rnmmnd*tion 1a heat.A by Hat Atr 11 *11.1,51. D4YEA. IWIMMI*5, •*T1 (*ropier lawn and garden nn the premiere HM and cold meal. at all hnnrsfor travellers iAs Oetd nlhns to and from heat. ancars con nutty ,in at tndanre .inn Pearlman, Pen prl.tnr las 8ICe60, ROCK !SLUM APACIFIC R'Y Cans m. attestant M t,avelet+ le the eeeR•1 .55 - .4e Eta ilei, enumerate( tae Let end the wee ole .tersest rotate. at nerrftae pas. 'natty yT O,e Oo. e( tsnHbetw•ew trek. •,n LM l,�es■ a 1. Ooune,l 1iuw4 resit aonsme s•1,4VVV " Iam*a•.MM and 5,. cwt. t 00.15.5,. 1e. ntee distDeopetoAt with •11 t$• ■e Pseuds nq•. •f reed betwese the Au.5"e •5d t • T.maw Gear.. Its .quart eteat as .nnv,i d •lid Altai tMeat, belIeeotaper:1 1.1.1 Cesr•"aM• S" l Se.ntl(n1 Del nae ' 1�5I$...i 8 Reeitm las ('5.tr L1.',, rwN '1 rr•tn•.t P.l.we atorol•i.e C.rt s• se Diming Qatn ld the World. taros 'r r.:,. .uw• aoVo.Sa NtlInAteprAie u.rs "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." • w.. ta.d Eamon Line, ate Mane, • ' Kmtsos Wee. aY reeamtty ► • betwa, .. h .'1%4 . `w .•ow(awoltriirt M•,ylmtL yam•» i Ly,�aes,� p nwet .a*t5 1 51' .mai . 4 ot.r ewe 05,a0A, 10.5. air •1,s • t k tel • td 'rs • ►•n n,•. All TT r.,•ta•t tSaMnm^r. r,rwl en i'•a: ityr.! .Teo •4t .teoa d er ae.wt 1'err.O�c-•. r• ▪ yn,,.A es el and MIAMI. ..raw. e* ' en ,bagel awl ego's .. Mee a' says .• Inv •• e,s*eeter. taw •err, 1;+. MA •n �,r : •u,.M .afntS.enn. LE 15. MOT. • .1 ran .r5 4 Ow OSLAT ROCK I$LAND ROUTE. At rase woanwt True.. limn., m s, ewes It. l . P. OASg, C. ST. .IJHM, a..., en.. h 00 1 5 1 . 5.w' ^re. . Paw ass oNICACIO. ".-S8, DIZZINESS, !, DROPSY, TION, fLUTTERINO Of THE PFART, I i%'1l R°, ACIDITY OF ti .. R!iEat.'f, THE STOMACH, 1. ".'.4TE ?.Y, DRYNESS 1.7.O CBE, OF THE SKIN, i'.*d story +pert -a or d'esese ari.lntt frern tgesrd•red l •vrw, la ONEY% STOMACsh DOWEL* OR 51000, T. MILBU RN & CO., ^tv'r,k,,,q H AGYARD Jit 1ALSAM AGENTS"'^`"' doe re... r.lght Week (b*al*nt wm1-1 y • ea or Capital require.'. 'awns 1 i r R l \'on tee& Quelnee •'s•, Farmers Please Consider This TallPERRY DAVIS PAIN KILLER sets 1 with w•aderfwl r•a.idirs and waser faifr. when taken at the commencement cf an attack, to tuts 'T Cholera, Cholera Morbas. t as well as all summer enmplair • cf s ria[i- las nate». For Toothache, Burnet, feedaldd, Catty, Bruises, ode. the PAiN KILLER will be found a willing yhyrieian, reply sad able to relieve year suffering wit, • t delay, and at a ,cry taaig- lidloaot cost. } .r 0o11c, Cramps, - Mon/ - Dysentery in Horses, the PAIN KII.LER btu no equal, and it haw never bean known to /Al to effect a cure itgpa dale* liv��rys.tabl s and used ors. infirmaries 1c. the world. TO resuscitate yosag lambs or ooh o shwa shined sad dries from cold. a litt1, Ktvt.r.a mixed with milk will notes them 1, health very quickly. ;.11` The PTT KiLLER is fir tele hs I't.Jrl't• Aiont_ tue*rlee, (inse•rsani Mediris* Le s.ed uhrtagkout ter werl 5. 'envie arc always en the look got for .Lances to increase their earning8,and 11time be cense wealthy : those who do el Irrprnvr their npportun Mos remain 1* poverty. 'we iter a area chance W make mow. We want mien. Wo' men. t,iys and girls to work for us :n their awn le.•slitlee. Anyone can do the work pro - Peri; from the first start. The amines will paSpzeucoe ve more ut furnished Ilion ten ft�ee.nNo ontv e who en- fant; to make money rapidly. You can pivot* your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full information and all that 1s necessary sent free. Address 19111t- aoN &C0. Portland. Maine HALL'S ATARRH 11Jf-E t IItH� �...a_�ss_a } Recommended hr i'! t'ctgns. CURT:.r3 Caeoda or l.s bat! C vky -Care'.+- 111 bklvq vrst C I7f1�NNAll.1'F,yaol offRflt.'Tly kips. • M Need and Mscett ace, rf the System. of Is Sus best !nod P et in the WORLD, and i, worth ALL stat it charged for It. for THAT alone. rut.: ONLY INTERNAL CURE FOR CAiARRH Lr 1Y Tits: a1.tRKLT st S f 00 Ta:.1r.u, s'*11:7 -.):! (t I Cstw i w:.: tet :::, 00 ',VSLr.4Nd.. 't.:. ',t 1re', 1. incl. My 11(11..as••*uwr was tr., ,,'r t R. :agent' tet two )ser, +u 1 W.V. eery ....,a;, 1 , tted by 1M um al •' Ha o's ('. *n- S ;tore t, is now about care). W. T .: gigs, Wrtt.swk On. 4:.: 1 ISM limy* uss.l " Hales Catarrh tist • • .1 Jade. hag from the good moult, t .lerarw.t . um one heatia, 1„'tsywit will our. the re•,•t •tuhborn ease of Ossarrb if 1s. lir be cont:.: sod las' • reasonable I4.tgth of tints W. R. H( t,DRMB. Wgt.t..sn, Out, blare , lJ, Isla r J. Cwy,rsy k Co., Tnledo. O. emits. -Ramo eol.1 Rail's Catarrh .. ••r, far as ;let year, ase 1 it give. entire satlefact a \'•, ars truly, _it W gran'n'. :longer. Hall's Catarrh Cure 'sold by all Wirt'eta I. a:.1 Retail Orngggekg sad healer* is Detest bledtetn-a t. the Vetted Suds end Cac*•:.4 PRICE Cent a Mottle. $1.001 a D. Th, only 'goatee Ash's cstaatra Cassis adaetnr.d by r. J. CHENEY dt CO.. Tweisa p sernow*rs of T nftatinas. Ao4'l.l f r the Ont,•', tts le t♦ H. W HOBSON, Welland. Oat iCtFnk•.F. RHi N.AR, '• Atepre