HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-05-11, Page 51 ME HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1888 5 Z111216h. un Monday wonting, about 3 u cIojk . he Fountain House,keppt by Joseph 16 t:renner, at (Nand lletad, wax totally de- ▪ ..trujud 1,) taro. The the to :waled in ▪ tbestsu,.. Three lionise at, . oast cow ,wilt burnt. •1 eleauu►ureial traveller wk stoprkti at the ]oust lost n apses of The anb*ugganasd walla his tubatnhl0,b , dammed. Total Iowa about $4,00 whiatiis iattly wavered by ,insurance, • aunt 4f Gro nut kip.* 4 .• Mow. sckpuL RE N. -The pu- pil obtained hi hest iarde fa llhe iu the v'avaos oir 8. No. 1 (10h4otr f .%prix. Sixth Class.- -Etta Phrtter , Mary 11••hertson 50. Fourth Cl see„ MaF•s,ie TAU t) ; Ida Sellouts; •18 titirlitig b7 ;Auyuata w B. Edw'1rti tie ; (Poor e, )Marr 47;- laiaa 8with s''4,;(.'Third l i as. -Ma ggs; Coats% KLi* lluchatutn 86 ; Joel* .',shoe ;At , Alice Sallon•. 79 ; IWby -Ifobeftm• a 77 ; Mum. Tr. We 7.1 ; Mary .. K.:Nevss 72 ; Ledlia Edward 69 ; 1 cosi• Bunt L3; KlattJ. Findall 634 sr. Sec.•n(I (`lass.- Srtg+ U.'yt•,.t lrthJur I+Laakey off ; �lae�:ut \1'illill til key & ; -\]term C.4l1e ,'ante Pot r 80 ; Etta P 77. second Clan. --Willie Cb .1. Cau.,,lrell ¶4'I Elizn \laigand liarkwell 81 ;0 .lane E.lw•atd 78• Part Walters !'•t ; Henry Allen I;loe 82 ; Daniel Mogan 82 ; \ ; Clara Bisset 76. W. F3RETHOURC®.R.MCKENZIEH.& W. p Has on luuld u cur/fully selrctetl Stock of �ReA INTr="01ZZ7_ Siiaes, Shovels, Hoe, Rales, &c. s 1E-21 Ma'.e l,l' tIIt Lest tuapt t-. A LEA GING FEATURE OF UI'lt Er•TA11LItiIIMkNT 1S '11:1: .[''�� ��.C�. I•Mr URGER =1 .197 P_AI N T S O -T i: D " - tae.ru. 4 tvLi. i . ustowen eecWiiig at a distance trove the bene!,, of unr cn:ire n.1 the ,.tow thrums �y 1 croons, pun. tiatc•,and that meat's eau, !ly n e wbolesale priere t1 a urinary retail ,tale pays teas hi. ytin l►. • Barb VV I re--- F i 1 st P I L e 'OUR SYSTEM FOR MIAIL .ORDERS I8 Ata F'OLLOI 1'PE; _ ON •tl'P LI('.1TI,)N lvi: -'MME; Or Dress Goods, Silks, Lawns, Satins, Prints, Figure[] Muslills, E,ilhlloi[leries, eicat etc, - IOL'R >1't)_1C Of'. Ladies & Plisses Kid Gloves, Silk & Lisp Gloves, also Hosiery is Solid Colors & Black Lisle, is Very Lwr�e. y� ^, ��►►11 •.��t, 1„ order i, :oye tend eine aed cu.our ; iur !.ut•ery se .d eiz.• of •hoe, say- whether Mese. 0,r 1...'G a. azxxl. Me11. C a1ZG.. ra1 e - .111 orders receive Prompt atten•ty.l. and goo not previa.; ..ttL,ra. tor; may he :, •,. rood, a J C$Ol~` E IHTM1•:\T (I f' i 1 Ci_ER1-. •. SPECIAL OI .V Za�l a io all Parti Desiring to :niliv_o Per.�Jral Selection and Pur- lt: r (Tut. otf for Ca ! a�a :Iias:na to the arnDant of $30.00, w.; will pay one return faro. re 7r'•lt;e Mary ; Armors.]. ud Tre!rle j( 3 etlerick Tovaahip Mr. Thomas Cottle, one day last:week e while pulling out stumps with the hors- es, bed the mfafortone to get kicke.l by • •ne of the annuls. fie wag thought ail !seat to+ be dangerouav hurt, bat is now' lecovethig Very last. On Siturday last while Mr. and \Ire. Alex Taylor,of the Hayfield roa 1 were driving (I ti , rstation to pry ic'y• t.." abs end the funeral a 1 ow at than pleat., the hornet r..0 awn and Mr . Taylue was thrown •�at• bkeaaataieed meters juju:, legthe spine, but, we understand, seri. u+ c..nsequences are not appn•liend- •d. e'w"r !t ‘1f1itit ti that Mr. Thomas t:ur- l•'u Lrtaerly 1 this township, whietook lou dejartute fur Michigan last autumn, to dead.. A teleVam was received by \Ir. Swallow, of Clinton, tin Saturday M last todiaisse. His wife and family have the deep sympathy of the entire ••mm city u )lx. Go tori had made Dans hilted. by -timing manner: 11:. , r. .., .d.., if.BRETfrO t 1R (‘i' ' ( j.. lira n t/'or(l. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT I Llnr>ri,,nrn Q_ �� .1 U1u1UIi I take this opporr;l_ - 'n am -t nee to the public that having purchased the RR'Y 3-C S STOCK a:.•trade of ' l_w. W. 1).$han:wn, and havieg n,•_•'.': Large Additions to the Stock !; for h hich cast: -.vas pari. 1 ens now prepared to give great barga:na ;o all auto will favor me with their ettatotn. M) motto sbs i ix• •'Srnail Profits and quick Returns." 3jrGoceis delivered frt.. t ; ttny part of the town. W. H. RIDLEY. CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED. AN D ICOM ESTI C. Duniov. THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN Aiu Ali TILL- Last week my Leeburn A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand- -.freer indulged in a little tweeting on the question .d horseflesh, but we think (Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.) he will have to take water after a11. Our 1•ork•hireman has lust refused $200 for .•Cub." $100 has also been refused fora tin 111.•1.11.8 old colt, and it' -'00 for a 7 GEOE E RI3aTITAS • e.iare Brown Bee.+. These nags' 7 were raised in our town. and so was 1 Punch. .'f whom Webster Brown boasts 1 • so loudly. His late owner couldn't get • horse to suit him in Leeburo, and lefts that hamlet and came here for Punch. 1.1 ear hopes can, uut-draw, out -trot and ••f•j..sop wry nag in•Leehurn that ever} ulled t hrou 'h a collar. Let the chroni-'i ler .;f that oaths" ilretts ti rest on the 1 1,orse lomat stat Ind• e BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE NEW MILLI\ERY t"• •The :-at es: a:..i Leat 0 :n. --We this week 'announce the • - at Mr. Prince Morris.. whonas•t+J New French and American Goods,' way aCJoliette, Mich., on the 22nd e It., in his 7bth year. The damaged was a native of Miltahit'e, Eng., gni h•ttk'l ii can he Co ..0 a Ilse !•.4ah;al:ment : • Colborne in 1834. He was for naso!: years a county constable, and it used t iS ee]t t'wdoty adithe,trgthesiy.. Affcourr ams Jessie 1Ti1 s ori wait 'wadi the frond urs. A tea yc;u - :.go he rel. need to ithelnean: Tw.. . his sone, Charlaa and 1Vtllisin ars r. oeeted re,tsidents of Gsrhraid. lie e a- wt;ere the Latest=lades. Newest Urs . _. and lies: Goods can always • be found. der brotler of Mr. J..hn Mnrria of _ Morris.iale, who is one of thefewleft- th,•.e n:ho first settled on the 9th ani if 11 con,!. of Colborne, and chatire 1 the forest wilds into slailnlg farm,. Arthur Sullivanf the well knoon music crt►t$oaee; Georiu edit••r and writ/it, And George .►. \IacJ art l . Mus. Doc., have been created knights. Dir, Justice Torrance on Monday, gave formai ju.'_menr at Montreal, annulling the Jacvlu.a Cartier local) elet . -u with Costs agaiult Mr. Mouasc*u. The crit has already been issued �or n urn u:ec- r r.: u tie tion. So far .1r. Moseeau is the linty .:andidate. The Chicago House, •- THF:, 111.1.' •-...\CITkf;-' We FASHION NEW MILLIE RIC OF A.LL KIND S. i1 a Specialty. A first , lay Dress . Making Establishment ! » Travelling Conde. (;iC.t]U TRUNK I'aae. Itt}, - EAeT.ir. itht iF.NEW MILLINERY ST 0 RE. t atttt'.i + tioderich,Cv.s.vem .12.10 pin .t.dipm;.loam Seaforh. Ar.11.1t 1.14 1.S5 810 j Stratford.Ar.7.10 3.00 6.w0 11.01 . wrwr. :Ins RA AJ LL_ �tratford.L.12.01pin :..%Orin ',rani .a,/spm seaforth.Ar.12.be s.42 1•.0e 4ori (iodericliAr, 1.34 4-30 11.13 7J3 :ate of Toronto n•,,11.0m.,11. :,a. rl . ,• •o, e to STAGE LINKS. 1,ncardiStageWsltylart.lttenm:as..,1 MISS STEWART'S OLD STAND, Kincardine t eeser.:aan .. MISS I t.7 Roomllter " (Wednesday awl tasterd5') .tr. !t naanl.. ne.S.1f. Department. .t can r.uiic L•' -0. A. J. WILKINSON. SHERIFF'S 8AL1L sir LANDS. o oI oay to.. I cturv. • in 't .r. 111a aur• ,.f T.. et IT : ' Firs{ Fartanned owe of Her Majesty, caseate' Curt of the roily.; of eti M etas dies ra ,. te £. s. >o r�itila M MaetassesW The soreshof the Wf of the ti QTMf Mt#s loot, wench ,�,�e�r� �f RItlap t, U�t 14.0 if1 tat:, a lw nem le ma the Vows Isot sip. M wt gap of lorkk,. w.pa. ItofT_, GI $b 4 '. flee.. Ae/t1r'leh ' April lath, lett. • Mr -Iran an awl 1. di be picase,l to ,.h ,..n .+ l..l: • ' pa•ronnu•• • ; 1',r .,,1.•s of Ole. .ch and yicimi . She w:11 have a Sprint[ Upeniu;( un SATURDAY, APRIL 21st inst. h hell a well -•elected• »tock of a'1 the 'west styles in, brush ail Amer,oan MIMs*.ry can be seen. T1s., bn.Inrae Will be , arncd ot en a globhasikhad nil PS10,1, WWI be marked In plai•: thror..t , • '• ,..1 pr sea. \ ..,,: •1, !site: r. •-• , . 1 - • r. 1 t:'. _ 1!sti+ • is resperllully solicited SEEDS! SEE AT "rIFECIri 114FDItJAL HALL. .,t -.-T It.E.'Elt'En , •\Loa. AND vAuj 4 -rot!: UF' 3aFISH GARDE`. I'FIELD, AND FLOWER SEEMS, 4To/1.oria 1. ",'KNl(:A'F, PRACTICAL i; 11: waft awe lialvabeaerr, hes,.%) rang% thanks;'to the pnhile !i v t pitttgteseilp • wayss a Pontouin na� 08 Pkeht7nesr always be found Pn 1 ()flop (ieder•r1, hoot ?musette Of thetas. tie ::ahie !teed Warehortsr. ;u the Dn,nin'en. 1 1)1 S BOTH IN BULK & IN PACKAGES. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, M$ Z IOAL 7a2ALr c wReo-Ci 2C RICTT SEE HEF E ! THE NEW FERTILIZER. Cotton iS'eed•Com,VOlt nd is Mawr. and as good or better. than most of the (otnmercial Fertilisers u( the present day. This Fertiliser len real manure, not merely a stimulant, +L.• value of whiclf is proved by its increasing use wherever introduced. A hundred thousand tone were shippe.! last year Gardener. take notice thaind for ty egetahpurpost alum. tate ah1Fv man- tired with it mature and ripen earlier 11100 with ordinary manure.. John A. Nafltel, Sole Agent for (;.Hlerich. Also Agent for Herby Climax. king of feed, took Dlptoma at Provincial Show last fall. March 'L'. 1885. 1116.' Sm a 43 n OW S • • e �. .- k t i ID -UPS. IFA • U.�,4I/(8, • Lttmh : co, i•tt a,n;l i - ones, ,•:�c LI.:.:. 4T. e'. W. EF,AYLEY. MONTREAL. P,Q. SCROFULA P717 -173:L..- rIC ZNTOT:EC=_ The undersigned hetes to call the attention of the pul,lie to' lei- h,.•, rt: enterprise. Being called to the B.•neh, he coneeit'es to he the best Juilg.: of the Ittuntut nnder;hln.tin,� His Upper Thoiighs Being Connected. -.:lith the Solea Though his an -1 i.. ,t.aked un his 1.1, (lit un.ittrtaki117. his e'ndti are forlut•.l for tit.• PUBLIC ADVANTAGE. He presides at James Watson's old st'lud, where, I ,',toles the repairin_ of soles, he ha, :f stock , f u:ut.'rial, tvItich for The Quality Cannot be Surpassed Which he intends too ttoulttfac'ture into BOOTS AND SHOES With which to, la:continu•late u di'cernil►g public. All Workrnanehip 'Guaranteed. PRICES MODERATE. HENRY H. RINES, Next to Smith's Bakery, - - Kingston street, Goclerich. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. SAME s MC NATE, i.• '1'I3E BEED8MA1NT_ .,t.•• 00 thank the publ;., feu. pm:t patronage and would info! tit tlii : and ail arrofulona diseases, Sores., F:ryalpelas, Eczema, Blotches, Ringworm. Tumors, Car- buncles, Bons, and Eruptions of the Sklu, are the direct result of au impure state of tate blood. To rare these diseases the bb,n,1 mutt be puri- - sed, and restored to a healthyau.l natural cw.di- tion. AV•ER•% SA RS..l•ARILLA btu for over f,•r1 years been recognized by eminent me'tieal au- thorltlee as the moat powerful blood purifier in existence. It frees the system from all foul hu- mors, enriches and strengthens the blood, remnres all traces of mercurial treatment, aid proves it- self 1.self a complete Roaster of all scrofulous diseases. A Recent Cure of Scrofulous Sores. " Some months ago 1 was troubled with .er-fu• lone wires Imleers to on y legs. The hooey were badly swollen and Inflamed. and the sores die• gharged law quantities of offensive matter. Every remedy i tries failed until i ed ATan's SARSAPARILLA, of which i hw have now taken three bottles, with the result that the sores are healed and my general health greatly improved. 1 feel veryrateful for the good your medicine tae dome me. y llrs respeetftrlly, alas. A'° &Bat oN.•' 114 Sullivan St., New York, June 24.1/02. CIF' All persoes interested are invited to call on afro. O'Brian : also upon the Re. 7. P. Wilds of `e East 54th street, New fork City. who will take pleaanre In teatlf, log to the wonderfnl efficacy of Ayer's ?Sarsaparil- la. not only In the enre of this lady but In hi. own maw and many others within his knowledge. The n.lt•kno:vn rerol-rnR the Boalon Herald, B. NV. BALE, Of lin.t..t,r..writea,dnne 7, IPF:: !laving watered .everely for eons 7'ean with Eer.r.,a, a,.l having tilled to find relief fries other remedies. I have maddee use, during the pest throe n'out1i.. of A.'R'■ SARSAPARILLA which bas effPr*,•,1 a ev'm,r/,fr rum.. 1 meadow' 1t a ms;;uifl- eeut routed) for all blood ,lemons-•' Ayer's Sarsaparilla ittntetates and r, Folates. t1.-• • u f I. gene. tt>Ae Mata.ilas re organa. reve5. srresiallman e s vital kovese, mad speedily ewes >pMMkW11as. leeNehlia. RMfasatle oast. Csaeer'p. *..._i d ;•Aptly, atwt all •IhPays arl..ng ha\ ille11WorNAiad at mrrnpt.1 u.n, of tis Ms* sett a weer•wei vitality. 1,8)wooslraf711jttts4psagestblood mod.!ire, "n *ea'neetofMeoweenlratetiAte tie 11,1n ;:rest enter ogee allMaas. PIMP %Rim PT Dr. J. C. Ayer £ Co., Lowell. Mese. sow ey NI Drggisa: ,.Hee. Si. els ursine ter es. t.ttw 0:l LARGEST AND BEST STOCK - FIELD Al 'D GARDEN SEEDS from the moat reliable firms in Ontario, 1. hich he it pn•pare,l to Fell at a pt;,,, •,;; low ay n other reliable house. Amongst the .1,ec!.1tles. in twtatese are Il.e' \eau Hhtsh," ' F-arly son rias: "ltca'tty e; Hebron,- and •'1.at.• l:roc 1'hc•tM au.w cue to farming sod gar;lcnink iv gond cultivation and gnat !wed..OFk for 0h•• he" varieties, hwpectinu !nr it'd. A h. Flour and Feed key, constantly on sale• ,IAS. aMcNAII1, the Seedemanall JUST REG-b:TVED FLooR ()IL CLOTHS, AT .1. t, DETLOR ,, SEVERAI. BALES OF TAPESTRY, WOVE AND UNION CARPETS, AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S, A'CHOICE LOT OF • NEW PATTERN LACE CURTAINS AT X. C. DETLOR as CO'S. NEW AND NOBBY SPRIN(.r' HATS, . AT J. C. DETLOR ,t CO'S. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF DRESS AT J. AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. FIRST PRIZE A.WARDFD ONTARIO SPEEL BARB FECE r,:fiffP9A➢, ffeV F`ox Paib T isc 1''ess.cinag AT TORONTO EXHIBITION, 1882. The(NLV F'll:-l' i IltZt- awenledt for l orb l\ iro is., rob.. '. there woos (on,ppr-l)t:c,n FUIt ALJ Hl' R_ VT. M• IC -3E1 2I1t , I:t)I)F'ltlt 11 = N F' O ABRAHAM SMITH ('41,1.0 ATTENTION TO Tlt1 T01.1,0% -i' CLOTHI\4. , cc.4 LARGE ,+1*t litltil'f', L} ANIS Trek LATIttT LLKIONS.191 OWN TINE ASSORTMsemENT t•Ai;14:i .1;,1 . 11 N tyifINrr coODS. MALL TiIE LATEST STILE . . HATS. t* -At L }'tTTNHXR. MA IA�SITGl'AR(ryI.E. Olt N..--%Lli,' il.1J.01vHk7 NEW G-OOD8, NEW FRjCjg' OH1RAP FOR CASH