HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-05-11, Page 3$ THF HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY KAY. ! ! 1833: ' 3 SOWS seers i'eastlesiee. Treachery is a detestable fault ; there fore let nothing tempt you to betray NW* to rimosv1.d dates. A Single Wuuun of the world, in a Punch', Pocket Book for 1864, gives the secret confined to your honor. What if the friend who once trusted you, and told you all the .eor•ts of his heart, has beams your enemy f You are still bound 1.• keep your word inviolate, and ereserve locked 111 your heals the secrets confidentially made known to you. A WW1 of principle will never betray en enemy. Ile hold, it a Christian duty never to reveal what in good l faith was placed in his keeping. While the Al- bani%aI were at war with Philip, King of Macedon, they intercepted • letter which the King had written to his wife Olympia. it was returned unopened, that It might not be regi in public -- their laws forbidding then to reveal a secret. Among the Egyptians it ars • criminal offence, to divulge • secret. A priest, who had been found guilty of of- fence, was ordered to leave the country. Have you another's secret in your keeping ! Then reveal it not for the world. A confiding friend may tel you a hundred things, which, if whisper- ed abroad, would biiug hiiu into coin tempt and ridicule, and injure his char- acter through life. No one is so upright that he may not here committed some ungentlemanly act, or some impure of- fence, which niay have been dune years ago,before,the individual's character was formed, and before he had a wife and children. Would it not to a p. o-ana- tio 1i of the most social duties, in a fit of anger, or nut of malice or revenge, to divulge a secret like this 1 A man's enemies would nut care whether it was the fault of his thoughtless youth or his maturer years, so long as they could snake • handle of it to his injury, and thus effect their purpose. Be careful then, never, under any consideration whatev.r,tu repeat what has been whiap• 'red to you in the ounddenee of friend- ship. A betrayer of increta if fit only for the society of the low and vile. .w to mase glae Gerdes Pay. The garden pays well, even with hand labor. It would pay much better if the main burden of the cultivation were put upon the muscles of the horse. But the saving rat out in cultivation is only a stall part of the benefit of the long row- ed arrangement. It would lead to a much more frequent and thorough culti- vation of our garden crops. Most farm- ers neglect the garden fcr their field crops. The advantage of a frequent stirr- ing of the surface soil to growing crops is greatly underestimated. It is said that it pays to hoe cabbage every morn- ing before breakfast during the early part of the season. We can testify to the grant advantage tit cultivation every week. Thia frequent breaking of the crust admits of a freer circulation of the air among the roots below, and snakes the most of the dr -.s and rain that fall. The manufacture wf plant f;.nd goes on more rapidly, and to a certain extent, cultivation is a substitute fur manure. Another benefit of the long -row system would be the almost certain enlargement of the fruit and vegetable garden, and a better supply of these fruits for the table. This, we believe, would have an impor- tant sanitary- influence in every house- s) old { Tb. Swirls et "News.- News.- 11- 11- It it is commonly supposed that the word " news " is derived from the adjec- o tire "new," but this preposition is wrcne. In former times it was a preva- lent custom to put over the periodical 1,ublioetions of the day the initial letters of the compass, as above, this importing that these papers oontained intelligence from the four quarters of the glebe. From this practice is derived the word " newspaper." I had been for eight months unable to work, and felt as though I would as lief die as live, through Dyspepsia and Indigestion. I weighed at the time of getting • bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cure 190 lbs.; used 3 bottle*, and now weigh IG5 lbs., and never was better in my life. it was McGregor's Speedy Cure that brought nie around." bks says Wm. F.1!, Hamilton. Go to Geo. Rhynes' drug store and get a free trial battle or the regular size fur 60 cents and 111. THR Boston sheriff who made the an- nexed remark is level-headed : "Many women come to me at the jail and want to read and talk to the criminals, but i tell them to go and read and talk to the same class that are not as yet criminals, and keep them from being such.'. nesse% Plead I.Igbselatg 4 urea T.,othache and Neuralgia quick as flash, relieves any pain instantly, the I heapest and'giiickeat application known. Why suffer with Toothache, Neursfia, H ad•^he, Rheumatism, Lambtlge, �t atica, Sore Throat or Acute Pains of any 'ti kind when you can go to Geo. Rhyme' drug store and get a perfect and instan- taneous cure for 46 cents. Ask for Krant's Fluid Lightning. 2 All who use tobacco knew that it in. fallowing advice to maidens : "1f a iian wipes his feet on n door - nisi before coiling into the room, you may be sure he will mike • good demise tie husband. 1f a gran, in snuffing the candles, .nutti them ..ut, you may be sure he will wake a stupid husband. If a Ulan pu . his haiikerchief nn his knees whilst taking his tea, you may be sure he will be a prudent husband In the sane way always mistrust the wan who will not take the last Neve of toss_ or tea cake, but prefers waiting for the next warier batch. It is not unlikely he will make a greedy, selfish husband, with whom you will enjoy nu 'brown' at dinner, nor crust at tea, no peace what- ever at home. The mate, my dean, who wean goloshes and is careful about wrap- ping himself up well befure venturing in- to the night air, nut unfrequently snakes invalid hu•haat that mostly stops at haute, and is easily cumfurted with elope. The man who watches the kett'e and prevents it boiliu); over, will nut fail my dears, its his married state in exercising the same care, in always keeping the put builinv. The man who doesn't tike tea, ill-treats the cat, takes snuff, and stands with his back to the fire, is s brute whom I would nt t advise you, my dears, to marry under any c onsid.ratiou, either love or motley, but most decidedly not for love. But the man whir, when tea is over is discovered to have none, is curs to make the hest husband. Patience like his deserves being rewarded with the best of wives, and the best of wuth- era-in-law. My dean, when yea meet with such • man. do the utmost to marry hies.—In the severest winter he would not mind going to bed first." Adults le a Hey. Get away from the crowd • tittle while every day, my bey. Stand one side and let the world run by while you get ac- quainted with yourself, and see what kind of a fellow you are ; Ask yourself hard questions about yourself ; find out all you can about yourself. Ascertain from original sources if you are really the manner of • man people say you are, find out if you are always honest ; if you always tell the square perfect truth in business deals ; if your life is as good sad uprigkt at 11 o'clock at night as it it at noon ; if you are as sound s temperance man on a fishio g expedition as you are et a Sunday -school picnic ; if you are as go of a boy when you go to Chicago as you are at home ; if, in short, you are really the sort of young man your father hopes you are, your mother says you are, and your sweetheart believes you are. Get on intimate terms with yourself, my buy, and, believe me, every time you come out from one of tit... primt. inter- views you will be a strouger, better, purer man. Don't forget this, Telemac- hus, and it will do you good. Liver. Widow: a.d ertgtbt's Disease. A medicine that destroys the germ or cause of Bright'► Disease, Diabetes, Kidney and Liver Complaints, and has power to root them out of the system, is above all price. Such • medicine is Hop Bitten, and positive proof of this can be found by ode trial, or by asking your neighbors, who have been cure by it.. Tee toentry'a Rich. The trip of Sir A. T. Galt to theNorth- west cost tha country 21,000. During his tour he purchased fifty townships 6f North-weet lands ; therefore the ques- tion arises, was this sum given him for the purpose of attending to his own per- sonal interests. --(Guelph Mercury. "Graf /1 Oil." The above is an ola taw as savage as it 1. senseless. You can't "grunt out" dys- pepsia nor liver complaint, nor nervous- ness if they once get a good hold. They don't remove themselves in that way. The taking a few doses of Burdock Blood Bitters is better than "grunting it out." What we can cure let's not endure. 3 St Catharines .Iuvrnal, Tory. --The Orangemen agreed that two Irish Catho- lics, Costigan and Smith, should be taken into the Cabinet, and another, 0% Donohue, elevated to the Senate, provid- .d they were granted an Act of incor- poration. This was agreed by &hr John, and Ise received the united support of the Orange party. They hate been base- ly deceived. Et cry Person e. be • $Ml •.occas. In this life must have s specialty ; that is, must concentrate the abilities of body and mind on some one pursuit. Btar- dock Blood Bitters has its specialty as a complete and radical cure of tlyspelsis, liver and kidneycomplaint., and all im- purities of the lood. 4 Lady Macdonald created some sensa- tion among the fair occupants of the speaker's gallery this evening by appear- ing in their midst clad from bonnet to boots in scarlet, witboet the slightest patch of any other color to relieve the glare. Seeing is believing. Read the testi menials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Beren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bnt;,le and relieve yeumelf of all thou distress- ing pains. Your Drums* ran t.11 you all about it. Sold by J Wilson Gederich les One of nur hest cite nns would say to the public that he has tried Hall's Ore tench Core, and it is all that is claimed ,ores thorn, hut lack the moral enrage for it. Price 76 oents per bottle. Sold to quit its rase. Fountain of Health will by Gen Rheum, sole agent for (mato brace yon ape ''•, cents a package rich 3m Negated Dothsa. Mr. O'Raff.rty, an ustiu Heberniau has frequently had ttosion to, rebuke his boy, Teddy, for failing to have the kindling wood ready to light the fire in the morning. A few rights ago, t)'Raf- ferty said to Teddy : "What is it, we bye, thtrt you hive to do first thing in the meaning "I iir.ow well enough, fayther, what I have to do first thing in the morning,' replied Teddy, laughing: "What is it, ye spal.een P" "The tint thing 1 have to do iia the morning is to get the kindling wood rea- dy the night before." Use [trt.trss deb. When Rufus Stephenson was asked to inform the Printing Cdtwuittee how gulch he paid McLean, Rogow & Co fur doing the work he had charged more than double price for, Mr- White told him not to answer and the or,tlamittee, by a parti- zan vote of 20 to 7, decided that Stephee- son ,hou'd not analyse. Mr. White had no doubt a tellies feeling for Rufus. Probably he has bees there hiniself, and there is no telling how soon it maybe his turn to take the situ's- box. -Sarnia Observer. `Why should attar whose blood is warm within Sit ike his gra/shire cut in alabaster Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin. When "On,aai.ass ZIMMER will make it grow the faster. Por sale by J. Wil- son. 2m Don't read books and papers which suggest thoughtsou would not utter. They stain the soul; they burn theheart. Can you thrust your haud into soot and bring it out white and clean 1 Can you singe your clothes and net have tbesmell of fire on your garments? Beware of books which aro su ire of evil, though they be clothed in the purple and gold of fins language. Don't watch for evil intentions in those around you. Hold every wan honest until proved otherwise. Thus believing in otherwise. Thus believing in others you will draw out of them their best, for mcg, ordinar- ily, are the best to those who believe in them. Also keep your heart young by faith in your fellow -men. As the fr stir ot winter r:ienish uutler the caloric influence of the suit's :aye, w dose Bright's Disease, Dropsy stone in the Kidneys and Bladder, and InBam; mation of the Kidneys, leave the body upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu ren's Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson, 2m The main close of failure to raise strawberries is the setting poor planta. (Md planta are good for nothing; new planta from as old bed are not worthset- ting. We shueld sot plants that are grown from thou that here never fruit- ed. When a plant produces a crop of fruit, that fruit,exbausts the energies of the plant to a certain extent, and its young planta will not have the consti- tution and vigor of three from plants that give all their energies tc the young plants. Simply miraculous is all I can say of the effect of Dr. Van Buren's Kiduey Cure in my cue. An elderly lady writes this from Antigonish, N. S., who had suffered from pains in the back for twenty years. Sold hyol. Wilson Gode- rich. 2rn The Two B.'s. - -Lord Beaconsfield once said that he would be all-powerful in England were it not for the two B's— John Bull and John Brown. Neither of the Johns took to his notions. Jahn Bull mistrusted niin John Brown thought him a bit of a showman, and wondered if he was of the race of those who counterfeited the miracles worked by Aaron's rod. The Highlander did not like a man whose hair fell in ringlets about his cheeks and had a w.•man'e taste for jewellery and velvet. In the history of medicines iso prepa ration has received such universal com- mendatiou for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney diseeses,•as Dr Van Buren's Kinney Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is siu.ply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson, 2m "Blood wi'i toll.- A face adorned with Pimples, Boi1e, Blotches rf•c., is not a particularly pleasant sight, and in- variably betokens an impure state of the Blood. Dr. ('arson's Stomach Bitters free the aystem frottn all grow humours, renders the Blood pure and cool, aids di- gestion and gives $ healthy appetite. For sale by all Druggists in large bottles at 50 tents. Thousands bear witeese to the posi- tive curative powers cf the Gar.t-r GER- MAN INtir.oR.AT.ir., the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, seminal weakness, impotency, etc., and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in consumption, insanity and a pietas- ture grave Seld by all druggists. or will be sent fre e on receipt of hl (4 ler box, or six beers for L•. Address F J. CHIttiffir. Toledo. 1)hi. •, le sent for I the United State' Send for e irc l', n, and testim•.nia',s ..f ig.-i,'.i-•.e Nice.. 1 ... Rhyuae, l:.,lern ;. :;m II eeetrdad to - - _ - r the beet sneered RaI',.aI is ,T• w • • Keep your etigageuIents ter the letter ; s•i • •t..-, ..e -.., Of Trs have been .p... spent in ad S}TIEiES�BooTS ANLing the celebrated uB rdoock Blood wt- ten, but this fact amounts only in past ciao eve T4111.. on E A Hoge What wee lasses. A weak stomach t r enfeebled ciscsda tion is like a rope a et our uecka We are strung up and nstrueg alternately till existence becemse unbearable. 11.r - dock Blood Bitters will arrest all tide misery. Burdeck Blood Bitters ie s boon to the siok. Let to remember this. fact. 2 At the 1)ldewt Established Shea :*tore in Tuan, for it. enormous sale. Its merit ha* made it what •it is—the best blood inedi- r devised by man. AYF.R'8 Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshman of yeah. faded or gray hair to.a aatural, rich brown c or deep black, .emay be desired. by les rase11111111 or red hair may be darkened, thio hair thickened. anal baldness a.., though not always, eared. It cheeks falling et the hair, and stimulate e w.+nk and sickly growth to vigor. It prereabaad. cures scurf ad dandruff. and held tarty every d;.earepeculiar totiaasalp. LesLdI.. Mode- Dressing. .Ir Dressing, the VM+es is.eso wndsd; It seadol.e neither oil nes tip, mailers the tar soft, glossy, and silken fa appearance, and imparts a delu•,ata, agreeable, aa.! itisttag perfume. Mw. C. P. Baww.sa writes from Grey Q, Ada A Igor:: '• last as my hair oomaw out. mad in a Best tons I beast tea ktli I used hpart of atattle of Av Hak.Ymmoo{a,, topped the falling of the hair, aaMmartad a eew'growt . tears now • fall bead of halt `(rowing rigorously, and ant eoertneed that bat for the wise( your preparation 1 glottis bass Woes entirely bald." J. W. nowise, proprietor ot the McArrhsw(Oh/y Pers.rer,wry* : "Arose KAra Vte..IAssoft excellent preparattoa for the hair. I aped et It from my „ern .:perfesee. Its use prewesea the Rrowth o1 now hair, and makes it i�ik1oaaaay and soft. Tb.' V i.t�.tt ia Also n sere cure for awn,. Net within iso kuen-ledgs has ills peepnaf,os ever falie.1 W dire entire satisfaction.•' MR. %sur. Pte ttainY leader of the age- bratcd -- t'airGti rn Family 'r ot Sopttesa Vocalists, write. frau nee**, Meas.. Ped. a, tem: Maws einen.sy hair began to give silveryerids.eeet the ameba.- whieh tl •.ting time proettrett,1 tare asad AYKa. H.Ara btuna,sod so use been able to tnn:ntatt. aft 'ppe*ranc. of youthfulness —a mu- ter M c„n....ft lobo enyeguess to mialeters, osteon, artor.,asd ie tact every one ob. Ura is tits eyes et firs i.u1Ue." Mara. O. A. PRP w yry,,nwrittI teem M smut tt., (#�lrsgo Apere0-4 ir'ds d o *rev t thinned v mat t my r came ode cry rapidly, and f was tart growing 1p On d ag caw grow hl■ V10011 a. tames stopped and cewand ft about a manta myherd was �tp�� e l W .Isom( pair. t has oxntinOsA/o gtww, Raab now as goat u before it tell. I regularly u.edb.t ere le of the V,twa. but n,.. 1:x t .c:aetan- aily es a dreeeiag." W. have hand:editet s4milar testimonial to the efficacy of Avra's HAIR Viooa. It seeds bet a trial to convince the most skeptical .t its rales. • PawraaZD aY Dr. J. C. Ayer 6 Co., Lowell, Masa. 8o11 by all Druggts;a campoeed largely cepewerled Mos or tela Sass. is the ett$T and C NgAPIST Isbrles- in tar world—lite OUST becsoar tt . . not dtrrw, but tones a matey potsMd our - rune over the asle, reessotnd p'1.0 , and tghteeingthe draft; t'�e CHEAPEST be - ...mass it coots NO MORE than Inferior Brands. and one bos will do the work Vero of any other rwake. Answers as we far nerves't'rs, Mtn (ieutag, eur•eelag nal ':e1De.i. 4'o rcn-l't.tntetn Carriages. nagione etc.. as for M.tg'tnr. CUARANTE&D tttcqq =.r stain NO Petroleum. sold br all Osiers. T Otir Parket (' op.d`fs of mien ren ::,,,rows marled tree. NI ICA MANUFACTURINOCO. 3 22S Hudson St., New horst. Cleveland. ). enc Chicago, 1n. S e NUEL wOCtRS & CO.toretrtto,Ont. • -' i f"r the linmttiton. _ nd I ess Variety, ti• wit the most faatidiuus and te- most economic buyer Y SPRING STOCK bsaw eomplete, and I take pleasure in infcrmug nj customers that at no pre vious time have I had such s Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Pries unti ' it ,s • positive tact that ne such value in foot: wear can be got elsewhere. CUSTOM WORK ef every;grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be ma eel in the most approved styles by firateclaes workmen, sad of the very beat material obtainable. A 000DINVKSTMENT, You will Save Money by Buying Your Groceries A Provisions AT D. FE a GUSON'S I IL?'oN STREET. We are Nun Selling This Season's NFW T B S Froen 90cts per lb to T3cts New Currants, New Raisins, Coffee, Sugar, &c. Will be Sold Proportionally Cheap, Extra Family Flour AT $2.25 per SCC lbs A Full Supply of Oatmeal, Coraemeal, Bran, Shorts, etc. Always on Hand. The Best Quality of Coal Oil at the Very Lowest Prices. BOOTS& SHOES mourn% CZ Weds: Berg t, announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Store in the store lately oocupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large sue well assorted stock of Sprung and :summer (foods at close figures, we are determined to give the Public the benefit. QUICK SEES SIM PROFITS WILL BE OUR IOTTBI AM -Please call and examine our guoda before purchasing elsewhere. e41 -Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Dnig Store. ani -Custom work will receive our special attention. .nmeNene bat the best of material used and first-class workmen employed., „leer -Repairing neatly- done on the shortest notice. Goderich, March It. I983. DOWNING & W E D D U P Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. CMG. 113.1%3FLEtlir, 'ABINE'1' - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. A g.tod assortment of Kitcho4 Bed -room, Dining Boom andllParlor Furniture, mut h as T:a bias. Chain their, carte and wood seated), Cupboards, Bed -steeds. Mattroperr, trait -etude Lounges, sofas. tits' - Nota. Looking Glacil-a. N 1s. -A complete 11.4.4.,rtwent of c'omne and Shrouds always on Land R: -u )It nisi,. for biro et reasonable talc . Picture Framing a apt t'atty.—A call solicited l;il PRINCIPAL.+t,INE . f -, Tb. 'SHORTEST. tit' !MUT end awl al' +.� DIRT unit t. Si Jneep&. pinta in Tows. �'�� ( teblsen. T�.pets, Deal. Nebraska, Missouri. lea- 1,T ) Inn. tt.:tee su- ers, New Meati.,, Arl..na. Mo. t l . , ,.rub tsaa so 1 Visa Cl o • . Virg rat ": Psui. • riveted se te• Sres1 chaise nothing detracts more from• man's repo ration titan inattention to prom' KANSAS CITY Alt emigre,l,,,. nese I. 1 , lN,.. SMOKE newel 'e7' Ticker. .:A 11,4. c,,lebes,rd Lin, for sir .t .n , 1-rsi. t'esrt. TWIN -NAVY THE BIG lO`. PLUG T 1. Pones. tC Coat Unintl .. at 1 1 r Few% f see... at. r . thi ler;:.. 1.1 . et Mese*. ITS .1. Sterao.s. Canadian Paso. Aft 1, Terence f t ' 13 b, ll. Joisir.TOn, Ti -bet Agent. oedema F •• eel. to H. IS. Hart & Co. i'ItCil'Ri7T(1RS (1•F THE C oderich Millis I.1TE 1'iPER's. iteg to return their thanks to the public the liberal patronage received during the par )car, and to ,tate they are prepared to el, on the shortest antic.-. nr for the eeeee*leneo etreveleslireng at a di.tanee will mintage gt'tet. a• their town store Ifil.'iorJ't ) M..cnt•• Klock. East At. Goderleb. Saft-Hu •hest prier paid for wheat 1R +EaYPTIBN OIL. The Great Pain Conqueror rapidit, .1t..p.•li pair:. i h•Aepuuntui in wale. SOU cure is dieteaeting heart ache in flee met ut.w. It applied to any attested surface el die body. as tooth arbe, nen rhcp,g� db., tt dives the *utterer set sad 1.sen;* rel Mf. it 1. a charming y. Mrs money .r.f•inde.1 11 not as reprtwnt.d. 0. T (PM *TT A e... bele Proprieties.. Branford Ansa,. W. J. 0. Naftel. VIM" 'Oh AAM Igo oa ialf.D.