The Huron Signal, 1883-05-11, Page 1r k THIRTY-FIFTH hE.tIt. WHOLE N.' ..I t i t :so,. . GODERIt YH. ONT.. FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1883. GENERAL IN.TELLIGENC� MCGILLICUDDY BROS, P1'BL(aitio. $1.5 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Mire 1 ty.rlI erene.. 1., a Il. U. T:.o.0 t i. - At:t:•. •.uta- R. Iiawle• To rurotei's-C. (•rabj. Sh•,rthorn, -!t. H Seeley Hitfi. School -H. I. Stria;. ypeclai B•arja'nr - t, IL WJ. theocrat 8.1rvast -Gia O.*,;.'. Tenlen Wanted_Jat. 4-itaiU. Bin -ding -Uri. W. D. s'i omen. Fountain of Health-Clareblll &(' t. J.t1y F:xsmlration. t7113 -Peter Adamert. Mont age Sale --Canines Holt A C'amcrou. Dentistry. Auctioneering. TAMES BAILEY, LICENSED AIC- el TIONICER for the County ot Huron. hav- lag enteral the list, is now prepared to attend to all orders for AetlmoeerIug. Orden lett at bailt•y's Hotel. Uuderlch.or sent by mall. p: Jmptly attended to. 1tpIF JOHN KNOX, LICENSED AUC-. y to the ratepayers. 1 • t TIUNFIER for the ('aunty of Hurou. [Wee attondod to all of the County. Or - dens left at MartJn'a Hotel or at this ue ee will be promptly attendee to. hint-tt. NEf 'S ABO I r 1-10M1:. The retort that the Grand Bend brittN 1* Wtttoostau. The flan Francisco BO- . tl- --- ' was badly damaged by the tire at t itis says: -"The oongregation of St. msagye.t.ikinr.,•t. Lute) on DIonJay, turas out to he Misr;- John 's Presbyterian Chinch met at Rev. .t chief[ a faith he'll prem t'. gersted. The bodge was wvud by the Dr. Scott's reesideuce last evening, and exertions of the r•esedents, and is but gave a warn[ rwroption to Rev. A. B. Meldrum, the new asaistaut pastor of the church, who had just arrived fr rn Tor- on1u." We learn from other sources that the recupti,.n was a tusignificent affair. The c'ttgrugatiou is a wealthy one, and the young preacher has been splendidly received by all elegies. The niftily fnunds of Mr. Meldrum in Oode- rich will be pleased to hear that he has fallen in with se many kind friends in TOWN T0�E• slightlydaruaged. it waa'inured by the The k'emtty Herald for )4y at lcurie' county authorities, and no loss will [all Ortuur stover rernov«d carof'JJj a;l and • cagily by O. N. Davis. ' The monthly meeting •'l the Schad TANrAatt W Auras. -10 cords ot. tanbark I Board was held un Monday evening, C. wanted et Smith's tannery. Ourterich. High- , Crabb iii the chair. With the ex- alt price paid in eaab. tt. ' -' Subscribe for your majarines and period- j oeptiun of the principal's report and the teals at tmrie's book store. Hegel* them an,teeeptiott of the plan for the alteration of dlroct. Yuo can depend on sitting tieus se the doors in the Central school, in con - soon aa published. furmit with the act of =talent, there Hove you seen those heautlf*I .twist tea T 131jss PRILNTICE, AUCTIONEER P and appraiser. Ieaocesaor to John C. StCur- rie the People'. Ancttoneer.e Office-('urrte'a Oil ead. 1a7$.ty. `I NICHOL.40E, SURGEON DEN- 1-� W. BALL, AUCTIONLIIR FOR roil.' V Ants at residence, Westtiteeet • the (knotty of Huron. Sales *tteadad • ••:, bine dal{ of Montreal. Qede. ton l Part t the (lonely. Address orders to [tall 1113. A UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE t� FAR1r PROPERTY. the People's tolurnn. „ / t ENRRAL iIERVANT-Atoll. ` 1 family. Ueod horse. Good weanedoa 'mpetent person. TIO 1RQING.-A rEWBOARDER$ 1J sea lad gout rcetgmedaalea br apply - Mg is MRs. N . D. SHANNdFA. St. Mavis Mt. 181110.31. IOBT-ON FRIDAY LAS[' A POCK- / et beet. Meek error, osatssatas enders tsr, role end ether papers. with the anise H. I. The ander will coater s gever ea tn,' owner navies It at this oleos. meal HORTHORN8 - A FEW CHOICE - Owns Otaand &Nitro the mole ;ar.d 7, 11180 -It 1'110 FARMERS -A 000D CHANCE 1 to Improve neck. My thoroughbred I': [ovens Ball rising two years old. will stood (.,r servios at m hew bt 1, 9tyasid read. (:ederMb 11.00. to be paid et. time e[ CRAWL May, uta. IBM 1M0 -it I)ARTIE8 HAVING A(ICUUM'$ gloat the nadersylwM writ [.knee sled corm V during the oomiat week. end oMiw. R. HAWLEY. Maitland Plock ls1►IT ?VENDERS WANTED. -TENDERS 1 will be revolved by the undersigned ne- xt LRb tort., to wake changes AM ad& t ions to the watrsI school ►ogre in the saw* of Oodericb, also for a water closet for At. Patrick's ward aced bettor. Pinus and spet can oro stage st m JJ ntEoe ('rabb's biotk. st. JA* SMAILL Archi- tort. Ooderioh, May 7th,' I1IR1. 1100-14 !MINTERS WANTED. -A COUPLE 1 of good painters are wanted immedlate- I' . Also a good paper banger. to whom good "ages will be given. Apply at E. R. W arson s Faint Shop. 13OY WANTED._ A tiny about 15 or lei years is wan:ed by the u,leraigned as an apprentice at the t&rpee- t ering and joining bustne'es. For ptrticalaes enquire of F. Smeeth. Ooderich ODEHICH HIGH SCHOJL--THE ` 1< sot Entrance Examination s -ill be held Ala the Central AA • ,wt Thursday and Fri - di). tall' and 201„ June. beginning at nine :..ro. each d4y. Intending ren•(idste• t. met not fy the Town inspector or Nerd hisser c ti later tban the 28th of Mar for 7 our r Information regarding tY he euamlaatlou ort ho, &poly to H. 1. STRAND. H.A., Ilead hos.. TO BENT. rhes large brick h ,•ae on the vomit K- ana Stanley streets. it contains moven ;,.entry and cellar. hard and soft water. F'or partteultrt apply to t • r f MRS..OEOlt'.1'. l'.1TTL;•:. FARJI TO RENT_ . e s.•res, nearly fres of stomp., (.n".1 barn 414.1 of ber bulldiags. Brick Cottage with cel- lar. ()ood orchard and all well fenced. En- t R T HAYl:Fi tib RIBS ,Rahe o . eppartton. 4 44. . i Under and by virtue ora power of sale contained in a canals+ utorWt�ilwgc which will bo produced at tke time of sitle,dated the gird day el March. 11110. made by w Robert Tag- gart to the Vendor. there will be sold by pit tie asetdea on Saturday. the UM day of Mat. 1a1k at twelve o'clock. noon by John KIWI.Auctioneer. at Mattlay Hotel is the Trina of Oedertek. la tan Comity of Hutoa, the fbew- faw raltue property namely -Tbe west half tat NNmber fourteen oa the eight grinner ed the towaabip of Wawsaasb In the sr of Huron, contenting one hundred acres of lead. stare or lass. ut the Northern Urano ts ate& Host. t .lt mile eweUarIMed 41.4.401. are saltoa trio the Village of Bel- fast. throe owes from Ihiagoasr' sad four tom sits from the Town of pertain station oa the Grand Trunk Rail war. The soil Is • good clay and is d a 'Mudd state of caltivatha, and it ki well totter- ed good *nags that sever /so¢ eoa4JMsn. There b oa the plane M iroaata at s aeras of the bot hemlocttraRN traims a wad cedar sad M It 1 Thehre lehones. Mge klthom ataarn. t ai 5a a U. a frame shed 29 ell and • etabte 1N as V. mu ,or fuive rther -wr r tlezlars and conditiows of CA M EKON, HOLT t CA M KRON, Vendor's Solicitors.' hated Mb April. lin X41. Loans alta Jasurance. MONEY TO LEND. -PRIVATE Oro.tlammso.,amierFreehold aocurlty. A ply to '300,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON. HOLT a: CAMERON. Uode- lob. 1759. 60,600 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND elV on good Form or ftrs4clana Town Property •t 8 per Dost. Aociv to R. RADCLIFF'i:. 1731 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount wenn borrowers et 0 to Oi per neat. Private tondo. Apply to Semis* and Moaru�c, OoderlcI MUNEI- TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private !lade fans eiveatatent it lowest rtes ea enaniatre[erfgyea Apply to (JARROW ik PROU DyOOT. LOAN[; FREE OF CHAROE.- Messer to lend at lowest ratan free of ear costa et charges. PICA°KR B MORTON. opppoosslie C4,lborm. Hotel. Ctoderich. Zed March 1.581. 1779. e20,0S0 PRIVATE FUND;i TO LEND W. on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. alortsotes purchased, no ('oncmlashon ek+irged; Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain roan) in otterly. tt Jpitie le satisfactory._DAVIHON & JOHN STON. Barristers. itc.. Oodericb. 1731 RADCLIFFE. FIRE; MARINE, Life and Accident Insurance Agent foro agent iwala o, 1.,vVV SIT 4e1 IffattRa CIC COC Money to lend on Mortgage. either in Town of darn Property, in any ray to sett the borrow- er. Office -me-stairs) Yat's book Hodertrk FOR SALE. A first class Wick 1.011•,. cellar order the whole house, situ 11 awes land on the Hoy- t -61d road. lto.terl.h.ther• is s good stable and driving shed,hard and soft water on the prem- ises. grounds well laid out. For rtinrnlars POon the premises SY Foundry'. or to H. 1873.11. • ` OTICETI) DEBTORS--'"OTICE I8 i hereby elven that all part i iseehted to the underlgned by mete or tin .. account are requested to settle the wawa* woo and there- by collection.i mean 3'.ARRAHAII PITH t- L"OR SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE 1' residence. corner BHttenia road and Mc- Donald street. opposite the High School. troth two tote. TM 4.0558 la t* poli it with , arrtaggs.V ty Oratllo ad ribs r out n mag 'jI*r aurae* stashed with r'fit tre*A. /pipe vinee.Re., H. Ii. ( iZZEN,. Foe tonna apply to Davison d• Johnston, liar rlster, IAN -If. FOR SALE OR TO RENT -THAT 4 ere as the Ines I sere l : with �a rem stocktmtam allow TM empiret e�ass etheret net 8, esu. 7, 1.D. " f fitter •[twin goad two %seem_ t�0erw��., of lin real and .44 wTMett [Miners Re Mw sora homily tlmherstl will, is eddies* :R. T. HA N !, .0. HIM JULY 111017101 -1883. -1883. FIRST CLASS, QRADt "C• NON nal PRO AL wM Ingle.st the 1haMM p• eta i..... r. isse s et/ H • Ire - pate thr rnteneedierz ew sH ----.2111111.21=8.01 GR. JIcDOSAGE, .D., PHYSIC- M . IAN. NU Re LOS, tee.. *raduatr et Tor onto University. I,ieehtl-eta of the Royal Col- ot Physiclans. London, Rngland, to.. Ito.. IK. C. P. S.. Ontario. OAlce end residence Opp1 site Bailey's Hoe:, Hamilton atri7404- 1 DR. M'LEAN, PHYSICIAN, SLrR- OEON. Coroner Ace- °flee and resfdence Bruce Street..•••.d door went. ot Victoria Street. 175t. C. MACKID. M. P , PHYSI- • clan. *moots and deeortober. Or -[stats olToronto tnlveltaity Ualceoppoaite(aswsr -oh & Cameron's Bank. Lucknuw. 4f not In office. enquire at the Bank. t762-7 RS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Psseleien.. Osrg,tees. Aocsucbet'rt &fa at lir. shammies realdenoe. mar the coNi Ooderich. O. c. BHHaim- 1781. J. C. HAY s 1781. • Legal. 1) C. H.1Y&3: SOLICITOR .tc., U.b,1 center of ten **i to and west 0010'?. O ►ler en, of Mir BuneC. *ooketore. seae7 4* at *wee rater W Interns•. LEWI18 tt LEWIS, BARRISTERS, .tttemets. ttellsittwe 1n Char, -a: y It... Otlaes In the (roar Hors,. Ounerirb IgA Lawes. M.A. B.t'.L. E. N. 1.1'sis. I7M. ' IRROW tk PRt):'DF(btp. BAR ItisTRM:4. A•'n-aeys S ,; . ,teas, etc Oe.lerleh. J T. owe,a•. W. Praidfua'. 175 $ EAOER A MORTt1Y, BARRTS- ilelea rec.. kr.. Oo4erjcb and wits/haat. fryer Jr..Oodericb. J. A. Norsea.Wlad )N, HOLT & CAMERON, �►/ l�trfaaa lotIel•ers le (•h+sorry. &c. 111. C. (7senerqe, ma. tinterieb. W. 17'1. L, ARCHITECT ke. end ilraisl murk An rid man named Andoion, a vie' $lin of the morphine habit, c,'Immitted suicide in the city host -its! at Hamiltoli oft Oat erdat e'er.in- l,v mashing hishand �y`___- frith a knife. The hospital tlwtlloriries t`F.T):R Ai1.11gf1tylrdeelinrel t.' speak of the eeinems: vie,* ort.rretsr4 (leder,lch P.Q +'tet'r"n,lin7 the '!'air chines at 5keppsrd's bsoh store tloderickl was nothing before the . . Pira FeLwwa !-In the worse of a discourse at Portage Is Prairie the other night, Rer. Mr. Robertson, superintend- ent of Presbyterian missions for the Northwest, said that there were over Ual1 sad sec them J K gem herald (lode- ',you lode Ifyyou want your dater ppuotp rewired is the beat manner. Davie eau tb K. Ueoege Acheson lorn* in his tailori depa t Thee Dew Seoteb and K tab tsogesd1 take WO His nutter. M. Onereon is giving treat wGf nineteen hundred younguuuwrried men faction. in the Beautiful Plains district. Yet Irish wp4kr)u.ted a gas ay Hyena pec'Ple enquire "what shall we do with have It wilt De • t you ever ctor girl+ i cheage drink ed m is fritan kelow J. H. Howard, the talented young of the milk of bristle preacher who has taken charge of North If ea tyro of final forever.' Bel- et. Methodist 'church congregation for a l t �/h is ooveett sed oat time,pendiny Rev. J. Waketield'a ewtor- s as elegant ppece of furnit�uren dim. to health, has"reeeired intimating b�•••t�r� sot okrany room. Saliow's pictures that he has wed his final examination areViscarefully taken. very creditably at Montreal Thec logical t Lre i m--Anypetaaa'rtshl r Cvllegi, and •[pitted a firs•claaa certifi- landen wouldWell t o weto their orders este. Mr. Howard is a speaker of un- dated'. WMr ae roller in Urs emon power for s, younga man, and ooaaty and eery little dra t. Every permit wh. W ow,. la kydstyt . Piles res- kap proven an able and popular substitute aeaab'v; terms liberal: dtaasaat for oath. 7 for the esteemed pastae 04 North street !WWI Ha, sheet tree or capper work in church. tress clow by O. x. Davis. Try bin. lot Gooxat, a. -Mr. E. I. Brown, ed • , ~Endre. American'[ who was for *nary years chief clerk in aro to tie sem at the post otl.oe here, left for (loderSeh on the • atttta . Thp e4(i ate Rusrar•ted Tuesday morning. Mr. Brown has die- _ atm IO low maw number nt• tor 7wraK• tfoirorbre-tosht, t maleds. me posed of his property on South Water >' street -the house and lot to Mr. Peter chemebse�M yLW'aye t8 at rheay*s bona. the Dickson, of Beverly, tor $1,7311, and the 11" el)O Wu/ ..........1414 psi tilt p .cheers vacant lot to Mt. Thoth. Bryan for $600 wieeflan: 1L t liras. --and in company with Mr. James Bond IL Y. Whir a Otaegew• u engaging in the manufacture of M. [sinning t Ce. Tomato masa t P rPo'aes gaY g Mc.rWur, Ilontrem1. Special prices for lay. soap in Goderich. The vtany friends of =Mlleewaat"Che e Che'apeet House t'nder 1fie both gentlemen will be pleased to learn s. of their summit --[Galt Reformer The Quebec is expected here OW Setas - day on her cirri trip up. Utrs;ar Rin -rear. --lbs managers et the Lanz charts[, Oodeeioh, oSae an exoel- Mr. and Mrs. John Hincks, of De- lent programme at the Organ Recital to troit, arrived in town on last week. be held in the church this (Friday) even - A large audience is expected at the reg. Dr. Verrinder, assisted London, asted rg oan mita! in Knox church to -night. by Mies Nettie Seegtniller, will preside Henry Tennant, M. P.P. for Morris, at the organ, and a number of local vooal- Man., returns to his prairie home this Rats will render appropriate aisle. The week choir has a number of choice selections The echo, tier Wanderer loaded up with to ahoy, and the entire programme is of lumber on Wednesday, et the Interna- a most suitable character. We hope the tional dock friends of the church, and all admirers of Mr 4;, A. Francis, formerf good music, will turn out largely at the t y P or oopening of the, new organ this evening. the M. E. cherish at this place, was in Pref. E. Hall, a clever young iliusion- iit and ventrilcquist, gave an interesting entertainment in Victoria hall on Wed- nesday evening. His tricks were all neatly performed, and his feats in ven- triloquism were exceedingly good. The entertainment is one that could bo given He is ar e•..thusiut c admirer of Wir,ni- in the most refined parlor and we, hope Peg. the illusionist will have a larger turnout We understand that Mr. Bieck, the of ladies and gentlemen at his next exhi- Chathani rocaliit, has backed out of the bition 4o be held here on Fridny evening proposed l recentorship el Knox church, next, May 18th. We can heartily corn- Goderich. mend the entertainment to our citizens Mr Edward Shane, n is puttine a ver- as one w nieh any one can attend with anda to the front ..f his house, He has propriety, ado built a wing to the house which has Housekeepers ' Attention ! Da your iu.preved tt very much. housecleaning now ; whitewash yeurceil- Mr. (:earns Gould, jr., of Walkertnn, ut4 Paper your walls ; tike down the wile': of Mr. George Cox, of this u8ice, Parlor state ;clean the chimney ; renu,Pe had passed with heat rs the medical ex- the mountains of ashes and garbagsfrom aniinatinn at Ann Arbrr, Uric::. 0 Mr. Richard Harper. inspector of the fora Life Ins. Ct .t has been in town during the past week or s t, in elle inter- ests of the et n:pany whicl. L•e repre- esuta town on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Hawley,and their daugh- ter, Mn. Stevenson, sail for Europe on the fkh of June. Mr. F. S. Hick, jeweler, of Weeepeg, is in town, on it brief visit to old friends. the back yar is, and if that case hus- band of yours decline. to assist you ur pay someone else to do the work, just take hold of the broom and brush him down with it, and he sure you use the !mall end of it, too. Then remind him if he desires to de so, he may att:rnd to Mr. :til:.. P.tl1!edge. wl._• Las s -cent that important business affair or gouffon two years ir. Maniteita• ha- returned to a fishing excursion down the river until Ontario, and is in t inn. He doe'• not you get ready to cook his [steals fit: him expect to gn back to the prairie Le since agaic-�Ex. lira some tune. The Seal rth S•ei is informed that Dr. Post'o1sr•. ---Tae social . f the Y. P. Stewart has received the appointment cf C. E. ot t::e North-st. Methctlist,Professor of Materna bfedi a in McGill church, anuunced f.r this evening. h,11 College, Montreal. Dr. Wright, the late eight children, song, "Way down ujein beer. postponed on a.-ceent of the to gen oticueent of the chair,resigned lately,and the Swanoe River;'' Mr. Cut'perand Mrs. recital to be held in Kn. x church. W. taken in connection with the fact of Johnson, instrumental duett, piano and . 1. h troit on' Tuesday last, the former t.• cern- the fact that the Deter graduated et lie- remarks ; National Anthea, ; lienedic- mend the Isaac May during the ctieing, Gill, world lend us to btdiere that the t:'''- aeas..r., and the latter to take a Sat •recti- tuforcuati"n may turn out to be correct. -- nate posftien en the serer boat. Certienly the authorities of the College A CANADIAN'S LUCK. HOarlo.'LTttttA:. $tlu:e•. -Prepare your .a"aid feel mare :disposed to give the chair plants TM' +for the Horticultural show, ht one of their own gtiduatea, espocially DI -reser) era Slue Mesta of seek salt at to be held in Gtrtier nit un the :'ail of as ho inn' deserving .'f it, rather than to Warsaw. 4,1. July. Prize. offered f r fruits, flowers, ane from anorhrr c.11ette- The people of ver ahkw, etc. 'Sae socre'ar far size Brucafield will nndoulothehappy totear t Itutfalu, N. V., May 8.-W. C. teeth- s.et tf T i' of this Detour's suoe.ss., though of c„une lock, of Seaforth, was one of the first to they would be happy to sin the D ',tor a sect ,{[airs in Warsaw, N. 'I j�salt-wens a Mr. (,et.rgo Bete:. • f Detret, has genial face once more amongst them. We go•d field for inveatnre.tt. His furesaght lewd Maitland l'lace hem Mr. R. Haw- i believe, however, that it was a Porn:one is rewarded to -day when it became w- kly. for the tern of one year. with the i conclusion that the 1)r would return ne Mr'"t that 11'arssw eu really a rich privtiere nf continuing the lease for three nose to that village. years. We welcome .,!r Bete and fam- 1.►• [ret. --Tote lectmse is l ae: tly to that section hose."which Mitran r�iirAOd M/. T. Md)illicudd wy re T 11 . nolo IM toss• turned from Ottawa,. where )w ked Mai ic«s of the Young F Sun Frar.ciaco. FeewesP.-A visit to A. Watson's greenhouse on Wednesday was one of the pleasures of the week. The planti were found in splendid order, and the owner says that he never had a better stock than he has on hand this spring. However, the choicer sorts are going fast, and those intending to secure choice bedding out plants had better order early. His supply of geraniums is very large, tett the demand has al- ready been heavy. Mr. Watson is pleased to show visitors through the greenhouse, and as he has an interesting way of chatting about the carious fami- lies of flower and plants, it will rept.) a visit. A Beatrrlst:L BISLZ-iilr. Henry Jack- man, of Clinton, is ib out to canvass the neighborhood for the handsomest and most complete Bible we have yet seen. He offers it in various styles .1 bindit , each neat and durable. Among other things it contains the new version of the New Testament ; maps of fhb's countries; sketches of the liras of the apostles and the leading reformers, with portraits ; an explainstion of difficult passages of scrip- ture ; s Bible dictionary profusely illus- trated ; a hill description of Bible anti- quities; natural history, botany, etc.; Cruden's conoordan,e, complete ; a valu- able test book ; and an immense number of steel plate engravings. Some beauti- ful adored illustrations are also given. The Bible is a library in itself,and would to invaluable to Sunday school teachers, etc. In feat, we doubt if so much infcr- mation unScriptural Wratten can be found in any other' Bibb published at any price. No one should buy a family Bible until they see it. The agent u a gentle- man well known and respected in Clin• ton, and is worthy of the oonfideaee of the public. He is also agent for a very popular life of Sir John A, Macdonald. SUN Da I. SCHOOL CONCERT. -The con- cert and literary entertainment, under the auspioes of St. George's church Sun- day school, . was held in the schoolhouse on the evening of Tuesday last. Thu edi- fice was crowded to the dour. The chair was occupied by the Rev. J. Walters in a highly s&tiefectury manner, and the fol- lowing programme was presented :-Mrs J. Elwood, piano solo': Rose Fritzley, "The lone child;" 1Villie Clavas, "The sailor's return ;" Loutsa Hopper, "Willa penny grow ;" Rines, brother and sister, "Soldier's poor boas ;" Mr. Cooper, song, "The white squall ;" Rev. J. Walters, reading, "I want to fly ;" Miss McDermot song ; Lizzie Bedford, Florence Ball,and Maggie Walton, song, "Three little kit- tena ;" Edith Elwood. recitations, "Our young folks," and "I tent see ;" Harry Rine., song, " Soldier's tear;" six child- ren, song, '•The tardy scholar :" Florence Ball, recitation, ''Little Willie Miss Bancroft, acoupleof songs ; Maggie Wal- ton, "Two tittle kittens :" Rose Fritzly, "old pother Hubbard " in character, 8 children, "Cock Robin," song in charac- ter ; six children, song, "Grandpapa;" Harry Smith, recitation,"No surrender;" Miss F. Horton, song, "I am the merri. est girl that's nut ;" Mise C. Ball, recita- tion, '`The last Hymn :" Mr. D. MoGilli- cud?y, speech and recitation, "The &g- nostic ;" Mrs. Meorhouse, Mr. F. Bond, and the throe .!listen Cook, sung : Mrs poorhouse and Miss Cook, song, "Lar- board watch," by request ; Master John- son, song ; Miss Parsons, piano solo • Captain Triune!: ar.d sen left fa• De- Dr. Stewart's web known ability and also sou m ;Archdeacon's speech ; c airman's Mr- Retry Ke►ers, o! Wittghatu, who y he EL (1/nteh a+ ir. town tut week, has [threat . o n Moeda ev girt e p Q People's $e�giety of nes i:, onntiectiom mita the Gstvel'Satemt , bristian Knde&v(w,wag lntp(elya.11.40tt RWe e e Mill a It men, trio[ oft, and on 9atui barna,-t surety for. •attention of the audience for about as I night ab out S .• elite& MA on tire e Mr .F !;•.1icf)il:irtay,dirintty *tttltiallt, heart at times the, e' nsidershle feel- I stet"t t -,f :n feet. stud kept oil digiting ud Pea beet. '.i en•ling a week at Attie. Ao hM • ha remarks The lecture ye••..r,lav reached !rl feet, finding a ,c, host wY a plea for the cultivation ',entie fnl tient* f itTh ay: ti,'L f r salt epeeati..ns. Tests of the mirk show the (:ouinleck well haa4tD ;tet .,1 pure salt, and &nether well tit,te 1.y .h.,ws 44 feet. The town of R'arrw to in a ferment of excitement user the dtseorery of a Ane strata of nook salt on the West Hill. The Webster syndicate have 1 -Mien diegli for two weeks mid loan to the Meniteha •aged The chair was occupied by v. Dr. Ure. notw,thatandnig tla chaff of tho Lot Which [hoes in the oeWt' sued.) d Cnex ehereh The ewer h Id th ptolrhes in C rg40vuwn on Sarins used will then leave for Benz inlet whore he will preach at hones mitre •n stations fns the evolver. The adjonrne•l T. try meeting of it. Gerrie*** church t -•,k place on Mew* evecing The Auistant Rector, Rer d Walters, recopied the chair, and Sr. Quo. She paeti seed a• vestry clotrk. The Mtatettsaat was itt+wall)ad to lite entry, but not [.dint print an adjournment was made for nno week, Int :hat papaw I ., r' k *a a East til %r sent, nerve, pluck, patience and Hill then art Wild et the discovery, and perseversnte and seemed to he a , .rvci- aged h the listeners. At she claire -u ante M'oI'le from etcry d'rectton Mocked then T m Mind •eds. H m. Augustus Frank, of thanks were nu %ed to the lecturer by ex.Copgreasaan, anti Hun. W. ,i, �•en. Archdraa.n F' el. who said ho , Hu:•,phrey were on the seen«, handling could not speak t.',. highly •.f the lecture. the salt. This well it i••'ar the Eno depot, The mittinn w,. aee.•nd..i 1't• key Mr.' and kills the plan to run a read frtpom la. Roy to Gainesville. in order to tt!fioll the East Hill halt wells, as now proposed. This is the rfchrct ,'epreita, so say ec- pseta, 1* the • - Y_'1 It is PT ported flit! +' , 14 Cr•"e•1t •t !inward. After rotes of thanks to the chairman, and to the choir for its excel- lent mei ice, the meeting was brought to *close by the ringing of the doxology. and the prnnntmonng of the henedieti.on by Vint. Archdeaene TALL HORSE TALK. The Opens Excited en the Trotting *tal- lies Quest No t•8alleaSes hosed on Roth Sid.. 1s we intimated in our report of the spring show, a keen rivalry exists be - teen the owners of the trotting stallions Archy Bourbon and Tontine. There was a lot of talk on show day between J. P. Fisher ar:d Johnny Beacuu,, the respective owners of the torsea, and this discussion culminated on Saturday after noun when Johnny wrote the challenge given below and handed it- In to Tile to V AL : Mr. J. P. Pt,tlier. Dna SIR, -1 am informed the: you have publicly stated la dlAreat places and at die format llama that you stallion "Archy Bour- bon- could last my stallion 'Tontine." sad that you would like to match him to trot s rue. Now• 1 will statch your home to twat a MOD of mile best three in Ate to hareem, for $300 a side, to bt• trotted the tart week In yOep woUuedhtetwA.meorbe icwhre,. ereUYJand )La,yW e1e, a5lhlr.owaL Miphforf oLr edabiaytusad tdeo up. wtt• dal w JOHN BEACOM. immediately upon his heels came tho owner of Argy BotfYboa with the fol- lowing challenge, which speak fur its- a.•lf .Vr. J.Ap Bcaeons. (';i*:oa. 81 at, -As 1 deem it beet Liar the public should know before the reason doss which to the better horse. I hereby ehatlease you to trot your Menem 'Toattae against m7 stat- llon "Archy Bourbon.' for $191 a side, ealle heats. beet 3 in 3. The race to take place en either Uoderiob or Clinton track on thither the 74th of May or July tad. 1 have to -day ds - posited 913 In the hands of A. M. Polley, Ooderlcb, as a forfeit, the balance to be put ap on the ssornlug of the race. This oba1 110&gr wIII remain Open for 12 sage. Put np Or shut ,.0. Yours. .1. P. FISHER t4aderieh, 51.7 ,i, 1003. Both the heroes ds oes are handsome ani- mals, and esch of them have many ad- mirers in the section. The stallions aro full of tee and a pretty race may be ex pected if they come together. When the owners fix upon a time and place, we will announce the race. In the meantime opinion i3 divided as to the speed of the horses. The Beads-Evesetts 1Mdtag. the following interesting account of the wedding of Mr. W H. Fields, son of our townsman, Mr. James Fields, is tak- en from the Jamestown, Da., Alert :- It is our pleasure to -day tin, chronicle one of those pleasant social events -which is always louked forward to with so much interest and never fails to cause a flutter of excitement in social circles -we refer to the nuptials of Mr. William Henry Fields to Miss Enuua Jane Everette, both of this city. The ceremony took place at 6 o'clock Wt evening at the residence of the bride's parenti oa Fourth Avenue Rev. Demorest of the Metlio,ist church officiating. In the darkened parlor well filled with the ins - mediate friends and relatives of the con- tracting parties the solemn marriage rites were p.rennunoe1, and the blessings of Gud 'evoked fur their happiness thrtmeli life. The bride wan dressed In a well titting dress of white cashmere cut pannier, en traire and heavily trimmed with white French lace. She were no ornaments save white satin bow, at the throat and waist. Tito groom rag at- tired in the conventional black dress suit. The bridesmaids were Misses Bello Everette and Eliza Griffin, attired in white dratted Swiss dresses with flower ornaments. The groomsmen were Metra Thema. Bow•litch and Thomu Fields. After the happy pair were cengratulatect the tfuests took seats at a wedding supt- per and around the mamuu,th bride a cake which reared its lofty sugar trotted head above the snrr,unding of the ether delicacies with which the tables were burdened, en hour of jelity and mirth ensued Mr. Fields is well kaawn in the c•otnntunitr as an industrious, hon- est pian who counts his friends by the hundreds, and of the bride. what wards can express the love, admiration end re- spect for her numerous aterlis,g quidities which has endeared her to the Mentis of many since her residence wont; u.. Mr. and Mrs Field here the rnugrat- illations of a lance and entwine circle nf friends, who wish them well as they sail life a tenlpewtle•ue. matrimonial sea. There were a large number r,( beautiful and useful presents received by the brit'. and grncin. of which the ft•Ilowing is a partial list : LNT 0" PRE+*.YT+. Mr and Mr.. R. E. Wallace, .rivee breakfast castor: )Ir. and Mrs. M Fos, "hirer hatter .lieh : Mr. Chas. Rotringer, tit silret tante settees ; Mr L 8. Miner, set silver tea el'•'nlis: Mr. and Mrs. L. Lyon. two retars ntnunted salts t Mr. Geo. Braune, silver and ekes berry dist ; Mr. anti Mr. F. w.'i bster. layer : Mr. and Mr. J. F. Velment, Iryalal melte; Fields k Co.. ebony clock ; II Ir and Mrs. A. Klan*, *date' dinner etwor : Kr F. L. Turner. silver pickle , Air and Mrs. M. McC:ere, crystal berry dials ; Mir. and Sirs. L. Duke:ssnn. damask *OA and t..tlet set : Mise [;die David - a•m. toilet Set : Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bush, damask fable cert.: Niro Clint A. Banaai, casts : Nr. end Mrs O. M. Oppey, sitter butter knife ; Mr. and Sirs. Corwin, damask tour's Julie 8a*ston, dimmah towels : D. N. Fowler, napkin rings.: Mr. anti Mirk Rsntictt. pickle easter: Mr. andijklet L gniith, It a 111iae+ Mabel 701tee end inn M rrow-, toilet sets and *yam t Mr. Ind Me+ C'haa. Hensel. damask towels amt napkins : Messrs. W. Rows E Rowell and .t. r. Halh•r. lnutp • A �.,, .. ort, 1 . .. 'I'herald. A A c