The Huron Signal, 1883-05-04, Page 9r
t'fiE rit;w'N Sit;\FEUDAL, MAY 4, 1385
Lrabal W 11, bvisrinle,
J►.1. Xee.... w relgptwse.
0 wurr. ! begone :
Two a dark de) orf suers
Whin 1 crossed the wild say v to ow dyna-
mite au.
sere I meet het r lees sews.;•.
Why rouldu't 1 he sly.
And sir) In New Turk like a sensible man t
Hod .cram to IL., threitore.
And all a:llts'ort
That take prw•luuo lira to keep out ot t .
1 don't neo• what U o use :s •
Farm ane earaen.
Most varieties of grapevines, currants,
g•.•neberries and wenn will grow readily
Irons cuttings.
Trees are more apt to winter -Lill in
dry, light nr sandy soil than mi medium
heavy and moist. Iii such sell. plant
Butchers' waste, such as plucks, ata,
when boiled and thieketied with weal,
answer a guod purpose ass substitute tut
insects when fed to p.oultry.
Aii English paper asserts it costa
Of expluel re. and (use.-- as tnu.h to transport a bushel of wheat
tit%e use a sbhlelah before dynamite• twelve miles on a turnpike road its Eng•
Me curse nu the pracbin., 13nt1 as treat so American'.rt *Cruse
The trick. and the talent• - the b...,,1 .1tLutie.
The gang of Int e, h, ,..,.rm 1 was alit lh, not allow a single bone 10 Ito wust-
What one Ir. h was 1 twin', in4 about your farm or yard. Bury them
Te be le 1 to tan•• runt. at the ,sate of grapes mew ur fruit truest.
Wills fuse, and bowie. to blow up Parliament. Dead e, cotta ur chickens should lee
utilized in the sauce ' 1y.
11 ben ro,•ts are loiured, as 111 trans
pl.iities. toe bruken fast should be cut
• ul..,tl► eud the top cut back in pripur-
ttn t., the routs reulovu4I. Dead wood
is v! .. • use and should always be taken
Ulf `• 111 turd 1.if. rater
And I'll makt it fat warmer
Fur them, t ins :`• •)'re trying to wale It tm
Aid you''} ore. in.. homey.
That my terrineony
Iv ill bang the wbuk• Int. ase 1'd Rs sort free. "1t.
L:t.•. ary \rifer.
H:asrst',. MA..AZIrx for May is All ex-
ceedingly iuteresting and beautifully il-
lustrated nunetier. The opening unticle A pure Italian bee should have Hire(
is $ striking and novel presentation of distinct yellow bands or rings acroaa the
the salient fe:uurtw of San Francisco, by 1 lower part of the abdomen, rated a bright
H. Bishop dt p effeftit•e1y illurtrr►tetl. yellnty hair over the body. The e4) -called
1 leorge Ticknor Curtis concludes Lis re- Albino bees are a strain of than Italians,
view of the ne'gotuttions for the "Toasty having white baud. and hair. The latter
of Peace end Independence." The art- are the finer workers of the tete sod t*si-
el. is illustrated by portraits of Louis er handlnl.
XVI., Count de Vergennes, and the A single thoroughbred wale introduc-
four American Commissioners. "Rom- ed in a farming section fur purposes tf
an Carnival Sketches," by Anna Bow- improvement adds inure wealth than any
.tan Blake, Wan entertaining and pictur- other investment that can be made.
toque paper, illustrated by Mr. Rein- Though worth but very little in theshe
hart. Benson J. Lysing contributes an e4)! so trany pounds of annual matter, t
:article on the National Academy, with 1 value of the prugeu 'nay reach away up
in the thousands. Fanners sho ild lutrn
this fact a,id take it into consideration.
Mangold, turnips, beets and similar
stn of the building ef the Brooklyn roots eontaiu about 1 per cent of albumi-
no:1a, but, as near) trine -tenths of their
Kridge is emitsibuled by William C. ``weight is water, this is equivalent to
1'onant, with two, t -one illustratirms. I about 10 per cent. of the dry matter.
Walter Hermes Pollock contributes an
article of great literary value on Anth-
•ny Tndlt,pe, accompanied by an excel-
lent portrait. The frontispieoe of the
Hbumber is a tine
wy s picture. "The vflltld.n. of A
serial novel is segue in this number, ell -
sided "A Castle to Spain" --et story full
yet droll h.aor, with a vein of rousse,
r ening through it. It is profusely il-
lustrated by Abbey. Professor John F.
1Veir 0011tributea an article of especial
interest to young art strdents, en "Art
Study at Home and Abroad." In Pro-
fessor Weir's judgment. Americo art
schools are fully equipped, and saflsoient
for the purposes of academic training ;
but he advocates rat travel
Abroad i•ir the study of the old master%
His article is timely. in connection with
the offer recently made by the Mearns.
Harper to young American .atiata•
John Fiske onocledes his studies of the
olonial period with an interesting and
thoughtful paper sanded "The I►iiddle
Colonies before the Berohttiou." Kate
W. Namflton contributes an excellent
.bort story,entitled "Nehemiab's Plan."
Dr. T. 11. Coin's brief article, entitl-
ed "Fresh Air in Summer," is timely and
suggestive. Poems are contributed h
The so -culled blanketed mr Catch cat-
tle ars: a neat and dertte-sized breed.
They cru tine boned, well built, and put
heir feet to good use. The brood band
extending around the h id is the chief
source of attraction to the eye
especial reference to its three surviving
}sunders -A. 13. Durand, John Even,
and T. S. Cummings -whose portraits
are given. An exceedingly interesting
Straw contemn from 2 to 4 per cent. ;
good meadow hay. 10 per cent. ; clover
hay, 12 percent, and wheat, rye, barley,
oats and corn from 10 t4) 13 per cent,
and good linseed cake eontaiyp 30 per
The Bostos.American (as/Neater states
thee "the Mit and u.asst important son -
adoration in selecting a @put for the pr-
dsa is the situation. The must suitgble
is a very gentle inclination toward
the east or southeast, that itqlr
have all the advantages of the mg
ing sun. The next prefixable
pwore is south southwest ; if shelte
from the north or northwest, so um*
the (better. Always avoid, if pori
tie asigYerhood of targe
trees, as their roots will exhaust the
and their shade injure the crops."
Mw 1. Crew• - Te -Mess.
Thu plants for early tomatoes
sleeted in brasss in the house, it to
lura bendy garden, but 1.41 Dela cul
large hot -bests are uoeesaary. A
plan is to sow plenty of t,t-ed in the
to miler to insure a t,urici.sit muwb&
plants, and if they come up tis, thick
rodeos,' then) by thinning It is an easy
Elisabeth Stuart Phelps, Herl*lt l matter t.. trw.rsvlamt then foot tt.iro to
Cfarki, and Louts Chandler Moulton. tins, in larger Mixes, until ready for
rhe editorial departments are fell "f setting Orem out.
timely and entertaining matter in their I Tile sun C..r tuzlat<tua should be rich,
i espective fields. and of a kits' that has Leen will cultivat
• and,previouely well n.auured. In put -
a seed Offer tt• the
plants in the ground they should
},•, a r,s
tire:, nn p..uib:e, as they Hill
The Chicago, Burlington A Quinsy i better prot;.ie therneelvee with moisture
Railroad Company has just issued an shuu:d a dry spell 'went-, and, a:thoui::t
illustrated treatise, ''The Heart of the I the ,,,mato ., 4).,t part:al to dryness, yut
Continent," describing tho wonderful I it is often injured by an excess of mots -
growth of the six Great Staten. Tho hook , tore. Lost season we mentioned the
is beautifully printed, and numerous en 1 cat& of a gardener who tried experiments
graving. of high merit adorn its purses. with several kinds of tomatoes, using
Any one sending their name and address ! differ,nt methods ct management. The
with two throe -Dent postale stamps ' most st su.x••essfut plan was one in which
Will receive a copy by return maul, by { „quare holes of eighteen inche.a diameter
.pplying to Yemeni Lowell, General ' an : the same in depth etre dug, the
Passenger Agent, Chicago Illinois. ;it
Te pee rleeMeal i w.ta. eles, sad an w hew'
Y mey .Neer.
PbompQkotiue, or Nerve loth, a' Ptes-
phate ltletent bared upon Kci.otific
Yart., I''or sal..teda�by�Pr„fr.sor Austin,
ILelf I ..tun, Masa, CUM Prjeeloll-
ary Qtw.auntpiws Sick Hoodntks, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vestige and Nenrwlgis
suit all vitiating diseases of the human
system. I'h..rphatitle is out $ Medeeire,
bra a Nutrr'nept, bttwuse it contains no
1'(401401e , • • literal Poisons, Opiates .1 no Stimulants, but limp,
ly (fid 1'tioaphatie Sad Gartric Elements
fumed in oar daily feed. A single bottle
is stitlicient to convince. All Drugsnats
sell it. 111 00 per bottle. Limpets &
00., rule sitwta for the Dut..:nwn,
6b lereut Street East Turtinto
My Blether --
liar 0C1u5 y bur Burdock Blood Bit-
ter„ :., is herr remedy. and finds theta
vet_. t•dinastour. Clear. L Ainsworth,
41 Vince Bleck, Iiidiawtps,Iis, land. 2
New I.lfe for Vn.etlems Weakened by et.
ease. WNl/ty sed RIDIpattea.
7 ho Great Gunman Invigorator is the
only spue;h. for impotency, nervous de-
bility. universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pale in the task or sides, nu matter lone
*battered the'system may he from ex-
ecastisuf aur kind, the (Treat (Lerman
Remedy will restore the et funetiou•
and secure Builth and happiness. 11.00
per b. z, six hoses for 16.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sunt on receipt of price,
postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rgittt for United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent flee- Sold
by neo. Rnynaa, mole agent for Code -
rich. 3m :
M� er
1i b to eosgaer
tine. Neawealt is ye str.srg
�S .Etat free. 1f. r . ;IX= Oi l not rm*tred. We p1U tin==t
MsI rI*1. llamy ens Mstlsr iotrtwaa
ee make es roach es men, and boysan
erto make great pay. Mader. if you wseit
at which you eau Dake �t pay Se•
write tar particulars to r1. HALM&
Portland Maine.
MAI le swe•pina my. _s
yo0 ale
and sub
St Co..
a or MIZAL
- 111,000,000.
. 06,000,000.
• - - Manager.
isllivan EaUrely .ensure I p.
BooTON, April 26. -It is stated the
ondition of Sullivan, pugilist, who had
revere humorrhage, is improved. It is
thought the blood cause from the stomach
not the lungs. The impression among
sporting men is that Sullivan will not be
Able to engage in a fight again.
wen newardee.
A liboral reward will be paid to any
,,arty who will produce a case of Liver,
Kidney or Stomach complaint. that Elec.
trio Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring
them alott4, it will lost your nothing for
the medimne if it fails to cure, and you
will be well rewarded for your trouble
besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious-
ness, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene-
ral debility are quickly cure 1. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed ur honey refunded.
Price only fifty cents per bottle. For
sale by J. Wilson.-- - [r4))
Lord teens'* a.ereaa.r.
London, April 23 Tt is new generally
understood that the I)uke of Buckingham
and Chandos will he the .aces.*or of
Lord Lorne as Governor (len.•rel of
Serup.Ia.e easy
Dublin, April RR. - Great difficulty was
experienced in f ,ening a jury for the
trial of Fagan, as 75 persons called failed
to appear and were tined £100 each.
(army, the informer, testified that he ar
rated to stab Yr, l'orater ether plots to
shoot hurt failed, He did net attend
the meetings of the Amas/ination a •-
ei.ty held or $erday ..n ,csount cif Sib
bstarien tempi's, eves though he wished
to kill them He belief -ed it was no sin
to kill Berke.
Seeing is believing. Read the testi
menial* rat the pamphlot on 1)r Vas
Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a botiie
and relieve yurnNf of all these dMtthte-
tag spina Ivor Dream* can tell yen
all stout it. Sold by 3 Wdsnn (7ederreh
bottom filled w•th claps, stones and other
useless material, and ap on these placed,
to within six inches of the top, good
stable manure. After covering the man-
ure withrich cart!, the planta were placed
in then: and watered for a few days. Aa
they grew the hullo were gradually made,
and, in compsrisun with other plants
cultivated differently the advantages
from than system were tory marked. The
growth was occasioned by good drainage
afforded Ly the loose material in the
which permitted all excess of
water too pear downward, and yet retain-
ed capillary attraction during drought.
The greatt uantity of manure directly
underthe pant could nut be washed be-
yond roach of the plant, and crested
warmth duringthe earlier period of pro-
gress. Shahifertilizers ho used, • mix-
ture of equal puts of superphosphate
and saltpeter to five times their weight
of wood ashes are excelhrnt, and the
planta art :41a.o partial to aonnvet salt.
Shoal i it be desired to get them out
in the open ale in order to hive then( an
tarty start, they cnn Ile protected with
paper coverings at night until the frost is
past. Wass iota est worms, and guard
against timir+sso worms, which rets them
after they leaf. Munching around the
plat is beneflsial, and weeds and grass
must be kept down. Clean cultirstion
skim keeps the real bop and mellow and
feeilitstee oro eyik. Tb. b.nintn is *plant
that secant trecuperate from damage ow
injury very reedy. It sends out new
breaches and blesenses all the season.
Wbht the that is'Vann nn .•ne part it
is begiee ingot' another, and once it cola-
mense to bear it deme Dot cease In bear
until late in the season. it is therefore
re�t that a great drain is made on
sato ferniels pleat food, mil it u
eswari cal, thMsiMr, thet not oslyManor*
be placed in the pits or hills, but that it
also tie warned into the sert,le. et•1
`� s
RtssaiaMll lees. Batty.
The tutus tmeiiptl Raeder tet the
world. AanwatedI erre
Burnt, Hreime Outs,T7lesrw, Salt m,
Peyer Sorra, (�s:lcors, Piles, Ailk►ina,
Wm, Tatter, Chapped lisadeeelfera all
Shia :reii8isni, Sas tttslli aeries in
every met Ines, or money rmftin a 26e.
per her Far sale by ,r Wlison ly
Drafts, tette.
sates 'Wird, pasab
1. 5541
LTSAMOF cf r,lME;:C .
'r rnp'fn - f0,000,00e1,
Ilea(, - FI,400,000.
Pro r:d;at 1(u::, tl-AM McMASTFI.
Oewrrnl MaraQrr. 0. .t. ....ur.n.- .
Goderich Brarch.
A. M. Itl►8Z, - - - ,I ANA,.kI
intercit allow tel ou .lop sits. Drafts on a
the principes 'Iuc-i.i find Cities in Catrmds
Great Kritale mol the United States, bo
and sold.
Advancesto Fanners on Notes. with one()
more endorsers, without mortgage. 1751
BRITISH ASS. MTV, TotwNTu-r:stablinlic
PH(ENIX INS. ('O'Y.of1MNt,nx England)
Established 1782.
HARTFORD INF. COI', of 11A::T►•oRt. Conn
-getablished 1810. '
Risks token m the abevefirst-cbtMOtheee It
the lowest rates by 11ORACE i1OUtTON.
The undersigned is also Appraiser for the
Money to Loan nn hest- :ass security. ore
to 8 per Cent. -Chargee moderate.
God a r' n h Sept. I0. 1880.
A week made at home by the in
estrlou*. Best bantamnow be -
ore tbeepublie. Capital bot need-
ed. We will,etart you. Men. wo-
men, boysands wanted every-
where to work for at. NoNir is the time. Yon
can work In stare time, o? vire your whole
time to the tastiness. No othe'r.amsiness will
pay you nearly en well. No one sail to
make enormous, pay. by engaging at once.
Costly outfit and terries free. Money made
fast, welly. and honorably. Address TRUE .f•
Co.. Atltlrueta. Maine.
j MARK... y .
Oldest Established Nouse
Silas. satins.' oth►e,nti s;1 wool Freneh
osabmerrs, history .4).d blc1, bed cotton,
pasts. der.. at less thou a huh. ski 'settee.
Neutch and tkumdlabt tw.xvls at�wboleoskt
pekoe. lbucks,.wltouades hese Ike./ t ery Ions.
fore Too buy of pedlars or pillagers try
5, .. se, l ming Ilysou ten warranted _pure
ti wi, LK:ta t s r pound up. Black teas at Nets,
equal W most test. tea sold. My toot. Beck
law. worth Wets.. durst imported at 7Scta. per
pound. AU spices cold by use warranted pure.
1 hold In stock a large aaortmen of bar
iron, steel, sidle. patios. oils. glass thee
with agenteel •tw' roe ens of shelf h ware,
sad the best
4)a We t.,ialnent of America. Prise uuly the
dollar.. Krieg In so me ears of corn and try )t
ANCHOR LINE,Gray's L;Jaci o &e11ui d
l'VlTItu9rATE`t SI.111.RTK.AMIR14
sell Wee LI) to u d 'sere,
)iso 1' uaa ♦ytO1.AaM,w, Y Lt LI1.140albanRr
Cabin Passage, MO to $4,1. Het sraaSL$t. low.
heron 1 Cabin, fits. Reines 7lesets, �%
Movers(' paeset+sere boo d at how IIpaK
Passenger aocomuuotaatloss.sezeel
♦LL T$TOe0M 4.01 Sis1K DECK.
Passengers hooked at west rates to or from
Oermasy, Italy, Norse ,8wedeu. Denmark,
For Hook of "Tours is Eastland,' Kates, Plata
dr., apply to IIKND):R$ON BROTHKIt1•ty
18 s. New York. i
Q� �■� 1c�r000�
C. Ci■■�� `lrii�13,
Chrystal & Black.
New 11O11.KKd and etALT PANS manure.
:nrwt,en shortest notice.
All kinds of Repairing eztectlted et ea . U...
p•r.ousl surereision of the Proprietors a Ito
Practical Workmen.
P. 0. Box KA 178"
$600.00 Reward
■ •
We win pay the above reward for any ease of
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. 'sick liasdaeb0.
lgnnadisestios, Coned toe or Ce@tiverste�stlpp�j e
whenothet cdidirections are with West's vieayessagENwith.
Thal ars purely VopatoW sad sever tan to
give satisfaction. 6uysr Costed. Large Bowls
containing M mato.Pins ss mato. For este by all
(ti�otna,., Druggis' be waver mel «innufacturredsonllyyila-
JOHN C. WM. & CO.. "The Pin Makers
St sed as King St. Itket, Toronto, Ont. Free
trial package sent by wail prepaid on receipt
of a Scent stamp.
'sr dole at WILNOS'ts MUG ST•RE.
Realth is Wealth 1
1/R. r.. 1'. E T'.S NKR,. l: ♦rev CULL,: TREAT
MLNT. a glarutte..i spet•ifie for Hysteria. 1.1..5
xincs-..-t'.nvul*3131. fltr, Nervous Neuralgia,
Heath., be. Nervous emelt sit iota .at:Mrd 1.) 'Le
use of a:, ubul or tubs.,.,.. 5.t akelulne,s. Men-
tal lh pn stun, Softeuit.g sat the linin. result
Ing in In,enity and lead,ng to misery, decay
and dens, Premature add Age,. ltarrertuc-s.
.1 l'awc? In eithers:x, invulahlaryl...*ece
and `I.ermstorrlr.•n. a sust•d by oiler-exertl<•n
of the t,ratn. eel(-e:bust ur iter-indulgcnvo.
(inc I.,* .,ill cult recent ears. 1:arh box ret. -
tains one month'etreatument. (m -dollars box.
or six boxes for fire <toilers : sent by mail pre
paid un reeetp of price. We en:traatee six
boss_ t...•nre any ease. Willi ••sch Order re-
eSlved by its for -is boxer,, ueeumpaated will,
live i1ollsr., we t, ill send the purchaser one
written guarantee to refund the money 0 the
treatnier.t does not effect a care. (i,.nretnlet
imnlydonlypbyJ.UFA WILMON. eele.anthot-
lset} agent torGoderirh, Ont. JOHN C'WEST
St ('O., Mule proprietore, Toronto .0nt.
ur mens et a ,v....••1
V f purifier
the following diseases :
1tkeausMinns ,
shalt Khoisan,
Scurry amid
man DIAe,
1 • w i:1 remove
GI)i1J1'i 1 c, 1SLU1t; HRA
I and heal Ulcers
and Old Sores.
CAUTION• -Ash for " Dr. Chan.
ning's Sarsaparilla," take no
*than la Iia plane. If your Drug-
st has none In stock, request
him to 11e./4 for It,
Perry per$ ii k Lawr::. e.
Sole Ilge.ti, UON T R E.5 L
annually robbed
trtictiwts lives
hap restored
by the use ofthegreat
set'sh poetteeMr en.( yrIirelleat , . lire fur
rutcwet t•unnr4! 1., Ix....a•e Of cony knot:l
emits.; tr eel ,..-. ..b.' "Il Gulf fol. �f
low 55 n rte, It, r, • .• . '. 1•.•.e. u.f lm-., of en-
er)r . lel'.. ..f i.. . .1, •ten.,: la,•e•i:e.le,
}win in th.. 1.4..7• -. or:. peenst-
•n.,-ol.l age•. ;sae' teen• 'lee.1.orase.1441
1m•! tote-altit> ti a ,no,vn.l I u.: rad a pr. na-
SmA f.,r.-: 'der- w:t:. I0.''m.nlats arc. by
mail. The lantIGAINif t $Ant I. sold at al per
Iwlx, or six Mace for S+. by all deuggiste. or
will be gent tree :u: moil..e.•iirvly scaled. on
re.vip5 of prier•, be oddrresing.
F..r.'et•tl'SNF-1'. Urugee:st,
157 Summit NI.. T()letlu, lhlo
(:en. Itnvs s',
Sole .%g.•nt tan.- (Soder'. '. ,
I'i.att.. All n ur--
i{( ltlaaNe 1
KA K Y eu' hi1,
thea. unnd ali:•
0107 c'il
dlstaK:•s flat,
t: Hence of
!Mut feasor u1 lltcta uY
teak, f'ah In the Kaci:, illmuebe 4,1 C'1s on,
Pre:Winery old age. and a'anyether ,1',/ saes
that lead to tosan!ty sat nonsutwp11..1, mid a
peruses sire grave. Ca Ful l tt i. No
n our
pempblet, which w•e d,alru mlto 5 u.• free by
mall toe ertone. TI s) g Td14 Mcdlt Hie i.+
5011 by all druggists •tt11 per psuls,:e. .r rix
patksgr. IS nr will be suit n.0 by malt
o.roeeippt Of t'.,• mannerl� by whln-s jer
TIiEOnAY AIEIHC1N1:CO- ?rime :u,0i4.
ma Sold n Goderlt 1 y '''!fern
,11 NTIN TA101111.
i1 It UESrltlll'1\':, 1').1. 1. ('AT
. %I.' '(;" r:. ht•a • :, 1 . 41 coli
Tams'...)) i.' 'etinry '! i atc-
ee•t:t•'.: ..:: .t :Cr. i. .L worm,
field 1:. .•. }•t"•4),.r • a IR. v.Lebed,
and t. ill ,. .vile., :re. a.1 .l.}: ` -' ' •.
Jtill N A. IIHIX : kC1t.
Reed Growers, Hamilton. Carats.
tlTLAND 1101'EL, (;OI:FIiICH
The ale... i•ee• and t:ref else 1 ,.use. close to
the Italie `n Stant±nn nett toe% to the
teem, la second to none is fn.larfo, ''rcom-
fort aid 34.4.41:4W dst}..n. le 2-e:ted 1 p Ho:
It a.tLl\E It triad, .... ::I:,.. RATI'
1•r�,.i1.,•1'.1,...I:the .nliee9
11., D1441W
.4(1 0;1 l 1 0;5) n• I. rl:.•.rlter.' n1►:ani';u..t•,nm Irn'< r.•utlierg cot,
.tenth !n nt•:. t:::.t r. Jno. strut n:: 0, Pro
palet ur. it alis
Farmers Please Consider This;
with woitl rjel ,y.pidirp and sever /alb,
when taken at the oommeneereeat of an
attask, to oars
Cholera, Cholera Borba.. ,
RR well as alt rammer c^mplatnte c' s simi-
lar sates- .r.
For Toothache, Berns,
t Scalds, Cots, Bruises, aAtc.
it,. PALM KILLER will be totued a willinr.
physician, SCa'y and ..Ale to relieve yoof
anterior without daisy. and at a very inns
meow oat. For
Colic, Cramps.
Dysentery In Horses, •
the PAIN KILLER has no sol,eatlit ham
never bean knows In 1. an at Souse is a
lsissle instance. It is to egse of the
the mold. Toarap,dIt to 1�seayy~,e�er o
Pes its
oe. n t,.. e4xent tale wf11 rester.,
P.iv 1Cn-uL �z
a little
them to imolth ver .
- tar Thu PAIN 'KrI.L*R is for nail by
ilracrict..lp t .e*riss.Oroe.nandMedicine
1 e Sere throughout silo w:rld.
C a 1Ito i . n' 4:wC
�, ,, .` . a
e• .4)t.., .(tan
0 4." . .. '.1 . !1 Mesa
ha:. v • • .e.. v .1 , ,•.. • r wo-
ntrn. .o n.n,• it.. In their
•.we lot ai ti:.. .u•' i.,,. t:.:. , e. week pro-
perly fns,: 11:e• nr-I c: l-:. '!:., 1.: ,.s r will
• .err Ile •, 'el 1 i•,.. 4•5-41:1 err s•'neer.
Ex -
ye min ve n:.t::: . uiuago ,: 1:..•. No .rr r.l.nen-
ilyti•� t ti:. .a'. u.•.ne) 1,5- Ily. l eu can
greed . ,.:.1 t't ;1 , 441". or only
)nrlr i ^:i .'r.'alitn and
all 11,. : tele „dare -r STiN-
pleasant to Costain their owe
e a safe, sure, sad effecraal
d.+aeyer of sept h►Clibtras or Adults.
i •
•c ow lBRAINascii
ser Old sad swamg. Male and Female
Posit) s • ly cures Nervonenee. in all its tag
Weak Mrrwory, Inc. �o%f Rein Pourer, 8.trwn,
Prostration. `tight :(slim.. 1p.rew1orrkos,
/.et/rorrhmn. RosTnawrwa, 4.erl/tsal W
owl (hoernl Jwoa* of D'ow'er. it
Nerrnws If'nwlr. Rrfvrrwntrw tAe Jaded
lert,.trr.LJ $even the P*ferSird Brain, n.d
,tia►ro Stu r i.f rows and /' 4e IAe
hwevar4 UeeresWrsata . Or dr en
Ater 1aw TwttvathRes t ream
Are dollars, we will (seed our W rlttea Ower
&Mee to reheat Ike er to.toss if the txatl*emt
dem ewds care. it la the Cbeape t=
Deft Mdlt�sa is the sorttat.. �p�
ar ml , which
le cold by Dreg-
ar ft boxes for 404.0e
primage, oei rrcety:•t of the
trtrde ?, Ont.,
field 1a priesttk, t}S JAW WItl5e*
an T.gRjallieverrwhere 11104 -Iv
rel .,::..
MN e1 1 e poles,
A11 Throes% rerweeere reine4 est feet nrpetl*e
ree ler e.. est all rw••
rral Tteliverewlel
the n 1110. strias i
as ase. �1
eels •,.et eatDr .wt u, 23ee•M•1 r M•
ore of stie
as yew eeyeea 38.8.4 ee*., w M /see
A. s. fit. A, a T. tui 5111,
rt.. FOR A *WI e.11 :.s ' 1%. a ►,.• Are
i^" ""ESS, 0171/NE88,
. LriCr.
Aad every species e1 diesel* arising frets
disordered t.vtR,KIONglra ST .0111A001.
BOvvE L e OR M.Oift)
1'. ■ILBURN & CO„ R""r TtoalONTa
NAGYAR°;r ..
l `air
p A LN1
11-.1* t\
W.•, .•n. tttg (`say. Lnebt
AG EN 1 "5 Wert, i ewopl.yg� to
or Capital rery n •red J . . s . I.a,- & 1'0 W
;real QI.eb..- 1. .11
r _
e t�rstlalB�
Jul Recommended ht Ptralrtii e.
Catarrh of ins NarTl CEye Lnrer,• and t, tit"
f t • hr. r or Bra. ttYr !t takes -
INTERIM -1r. an.r arts (IRtCTL apes
t5 steed rad NecwtAwfat. o1 1he
liI at�a�_�,tpS m• bo est 'al Potaer
ln1i*wMILD, ami! e'..', ALL
INC it $.argst fie it, to
THAI alone.
tj-r IN TIf,Y. a1A1s1ERi ,W,
$IOU 1/s xarssp ctrl ae $100 100
►. tw:'vet:.rt,, tint.:: ads HM
My litho nowise «,.lar... •• ' . e% OslarF►
for Ise 7~5, wee very to • 1,441111111618k'1
Use wrI •Mao• Catarr.i Casa
about Curet. W. T
j <N
int, ala.., M..reI, ss, ass
1 have need " tial C stab 0: a--,•' suet /win
1 from eel grstunt1 •l. rte l ?ricins sir
Mewls, tit stew t► 04* the rams
N aash
ONO of anemia 1ta 5. eona.m gr:
...seswbi. (ante.
N HF.LI.F.atp.
Wetr. (lar o • , e.1. Blas M, 1 Sw*
P J. Cwr.•rrty 4 On. Toledo. 0.
Pastaa--Have sold Rall •Caw nth t'nr. tar Hat
• tel • ear, sr 1 1: etoss rwtlre witte testion.
Y'.ars troll.
H. W. N(in 40N, Dro:ttgle"
Hall's Catarrh Cure
'gold by .;1 eitniewtla an 1 P. -tail Ilituddrtt
awl Dealers to Patent T«•ttebsem
tee Unite 1 31a24W mal Canada
ti Ct1'ntR a Bottle. $4.00 a Dry.
Tb. oaty rename Sal', Catarrh ewe fs maw,
orf s nred by P. J. OItEIIKY a 00., Toledo, 0
lilitewsre of Isettettaitt
*ceased tet abs ('ntartn ted. by
H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Ont.
(3RORan 1lRY:f
Q^iM A Tent