The Huron Signal, 1883-05-04, Page 80 THS HURON ,SIGNAL. FRIDAY MAY 4. 1883. FIRE AND SWORD STORY OF THE MASSACRE GLENCOE. 11'Ian ealdine's CHAPTER XVI. TittST AND DRCtrt1ON. ▪ Captain' Will the Earl be here to- . day,. "The Earl," answered the other,''will OF leave Clsnorehy this mning, refresh and rest •t his wtellatedorstronghold Kilchun , pn cocci here this afternoon, and oa the Iuomw he willpass north to Fort William to look over Colonel Hill's lid of 'penitent' names (ibis adjective, offensive in itself to M'Ian's ears, was emphasised to the point of inssh) ; 1 1.11 here awaiting his arrival, that I utay es- cort him as a King's officer to Fort Wil- liam to my Colonel at Fort William." This special fraud --mutually concoct- ed by Baroaldine and the unprincipled Captain—had the appserauop of troth, and the "bait," as was especteci, fairly took. If the Earl is on Government commission to report on "oath -taking" names, rneutally meted Allan, he can - nut know too soon of my submission. The chance of having it personally and from my own lips is too opportune a chance to let lightly slip. In possession of my formally offered submission he cannot there -after honestly allow Gov- ernment to proceed against ine and my people, late t hough nay allegiance is thus, by misfortune mounded. Meutal- ly reasoning out,hia position in this way, the distressed Chief strove to sincerely intimate his satisfaction with the state- ment made (although a rankling au pie ion kept possession of his mind, and ex- pressed his resolution to await his Lord- ship's arrival. "Glenbucket!"cried Bercaldine prompt on M'Ian's exprseeed resolve to re- main. "At your khic) service'" said that repressible domestic, who seemed to in highly popular request at the Ba dine establishment. "Breakfast Glencoe and his part The Captain and I eon wait, having rather long shed. Do you hear 2., "Yes, yes ; I hear like thun'nor lichtnin' '' answer d Glenbocket, from somewhere below, the latter clause being mumbled in • Bort of undertone. "Send the (hic) Laird doon !" The dram was evidently rendering (llenduaket disres- pectfully valiant. "Come up here at once, sir," retorted Barcaldine. "Aye, aye, wi' the greatest possible plesaure, master ; but this hic, con- foondit Lang reel-my-rall dais aye fricht me unless when I'm (hic) stayed up wi a mornin' dram. It wad e'en talc,' a law- yer wi' a poother wig to successfully coont an' •clim them," and thus deliver- ed, the worthy domestic clutched vague- ly at the bannister rail, and began the adventurous ascent. . Half-up,he discovered M'Ian standing at the staircase head, awaiting his com- ing thither. "Th- ih—this way, Laird, this way," he half whispered, fearful of being over- heard by Barcaldine ; it's a deil eicht easier for you tae come doon to ate than fur me to wauchle up to you, and, let me add, mair sensible -like, too. Sae come awa', Laird, come awn', doon," and frankly ehoting his aria within that of M'Ian, he led him to a small side room, wherein a fire burned warmly, promise ing to bring down the Laird's "twa brave sons." and breakfast the " three o' then, in less than nae 'time," and " fon " as Clenbucket undoubtedly was, it is but justice to state that he was all batt as good an his punctilious word "(Sive me your hand, Captain : that was a well -played shot," said Itarcal- dine, the moment M'Ian had left the room. " The old fox is wily to a paint, and it will be difficult to trap him. Ile is suspicious of us, but has ewalll.wed the ' bait ' at the last moment. He is now safe till the evening, but how to hold him reasonably after that I am lit a loa9i,to devise. There'll be a flare-up and' an explosion, I opine, Captain. Khat think you !" gaming admittance to Ba preaenctecourteously sought excuse for the abruptness of this intrus- ion, but in defence of his action insisted on the extreme. urgency of the business he had in hand, of his sleeplw anxiety thereanent and of his natural, and he hoped, pardonable desire to be re-assur- :d of the Carl s premised visit, and the hour at which he was expected to arrive. 13arealdine, who had jest risen from bed to re;;eive M'Ian--wrapping himself for Cie winos in the ample folds of a dresuog gown - - affected to sincerely sympathise with kis distressed guest, and informed him that it might be well in the afternoon before the Earl reached Barcah ine) House, if not late in the eve- ning, as he was then staying at his Cas- ted of Kilchurl., and in view of the state of the reads might be delayed by the way. "If, then, the Earl's visit her is to depend en the state of the toads, and his appearance at Barcaldine house is "merely previsi..oal, replied M'Ian, "my lunger stay here. ib • mistake. I will once more fans the road,and at once too. The exposure and hardship of the jour- ney will prove far less than the agony of expense which 1 now endure. 1 shall ;{o and summon my friends ;" and he made a ntoaemrr.t iu this direction of the door. "Stay, stay," urged Barcaldine ; "the Karl will bo here in good time, and your further journey south be rendered unne- cessary. Compose yourself. In the Earl's hands your certificate uf" submis- sion is as grind as if in the hands of the :sheriff." "What assurance eau you give rue of the certainty of the Earl's visit here to- day T" curtly asked M'Ian. "None," deliberately answered Bar- ualdine, fixing, as he spoke, a scrutiniz- ing gale on his suspicious and openly doubting ,guest. "The Earl leaves his house at (;lonurchy this morning. He will stay to dinner at Kilcheru Osstle, and afterwards ride north to Bsrealdine. I have no immediate assurance to give you. Du you doubt me ?" "The extreme urgency of my husineas demands the trust jealous and inexor- able severity in the fulfilment of it," an - red M'Ian. "I cannot afford to place the lives of u.y whole people at the mercy of any single, man's word. Have you heeu formally ' lettered' of the Earl's visit 2'. This was llarcandiue's special oppor- 'unity, and he as,tuick to use it. Springing to his feet lie thrust his head ..utside the bruit -teem doer, and cried at the top of his voice : Glenbuckot (:lenbucket !" "At your rervico, sir," piped that wor- thy domestic from the butt:OUI of the stair. ':What's your hie gracious wull "Send up Captain Druinwond here at ,ace,' rejoined Barcaldine. pleasure, pin, w•i' plersuro cried back Glenbucket aloud, qualifying the a .rata r ,' ;air—rection of - " W'i' (aur, I o shuuld say, the rather, for if that black - „amid captains sword's at hand, it's jist .alnoi t as muckle as my life's worth tao rouse him up free a drunken sleep. 'Od help us ! if the devil's buckie is no lyin atap . the bed, weeded and booted and bolted. end anorin' intoe the bargain like a horse wi' the snifters. Captain Dr1tm• mond ! ' he cried keeping his positidn near the t•rcn deer. "Captain Drum- moud, the master's wantin ye up stairs.' ” N hat ho ! without there ! the en- emy ! the enemy !" cried the disordered Captain. springing to his feet. "Throw out a (tank n:aevcrnent to the right, and hring up the reserves 1" and drawing his sword he made a forty and move in the di- reotion of Gianbucket, who fled the spot, to phraec the thing technically without raring a shot. Reachii.g the end of tho passage he paused to look back, and observing the ,niracul)us Captain emerging on the pas- sage from the doorway Of his loom, re- ,atimated his master's desire t iwmed- •btcly sue him, and sceint the Captain ..cling on the euggeetiorelie retain gather- ed! himself together and taade a tolerably steady anti yell-t-,e,ductcd rear( -at kiteh- enwards. In half a n..nate Captain was in the ,ud his her $aid Bareshl t'e, assuming a lofty air -"Our friend M'lan doubts nay word. Ile fears the Karl will t o: he hero to-das -that 1 Lace l:alf invented the story, l.ke.'• The hraggart Captain turned a Laoghty eye on 'flan, who retnrned not the stare, but kept his eyes fixed on vs. nanny, eith a face ar motioenle's ns msr- b!e. "This as LI authority to the natter, Captain," continued Narceldine, turn- ing to )('Ia ; perhaps you will believe is leis oerefirrnatioa of my atatement l VrItat helm you to gay on the matter, r- an up a reserve man. But list ! there he 004110s --advancing upon us in echelon of division, and full of spirit in a double serve, like a true euldier of the Kiug." " Glebucket there !" again cried Bar- caldine, putting his head over the kau Mater. " Coming c coming "' replied the indispensable (llenbucket. " Wh—wh -- what the deevil's up two, I'll like to n r - be real - Y. lain and forth at onus on • night journey through the snow-covered, wintry hili. [to as moronism. J Tiers is a stst/tesotioa of nature's latent rigor elm 'whim. Like the world count yto, ttrleew your oomplea- iou, invigucate year powers, cleanse the channels 1•1 id.. eyer's tisresparilla is the means to use fur this purpose. " You're down, anyhow," retorted Barcaldine, as he witnessed his head domestic subsiding at the fuut of the stair with the question untiniahed on his nerveless Hpa " CLII out the reserves," shouted the Captain, with a loud hoarse laugh. " What's yer wull, master!" asked Glenkucket, maintaining a sitting posi- tion at the star foot, " what's yer (hie) gracious wull 1" "Good fur Glenbucket," interjected the vivacious Captain. " No surrender, down, but defiant. True British pluck. Sound a fresh advance !" " That you immediately go to said Barcaldine " I shall call you when you are wanted." " The most (his) sensible thing I've heard ye my for many a day, master, re- plied Gleubuck.t, unabashed. "Minoan yse thing an aiithher, I'm jilt clean warn aF my twa lair waukit feet. Up till three t' the mornin' useless than eevea times a e sok, waitin' on you an' that drunken Captain---" " Call out the ieserves, Barcaldine ! Call out the reserves !" cried the Cap- tain. " Pop that knave, Barealdine ! Pop him!" --an' syne," he continued, ''gettin' twa score less than forty winks, when jang gangs somebody's voice in my tor- tured lugs, an' there ye are, or rather (hic) there I am, as fu' o' the love o' work an' the spirit o' duty as ever man was, but as sairly forjaskit an' complete- ly knockit up as ever spavined nag was at a steep hill fit." " Go to bed, sir," reaturted dins. 0-rs wipe, toaster.' 4rI'ui+ageing, master ' ''"Qt' at onos, Glenbucket '" tale tberahtf a gone!" and rollita* bod- ti� reasetensw oe takes, hs got steadily bedll@wems''�in bet, and the eaftarmade a hishipmeaseardel rush forward in the disembowel hi bedroom'. which was situ- atefileis s.hamli tat of the hawse. • "Igneltgoas; in truth," bslghed Bar- "The devil go with his!" added the bhnrt-tossasd Captain. "I crossed the itching pale with gold hat night, and he the pink of deferential politeness ;to- day he has the manners i.f a pedlar. Barwaldine, I should like to have the military privilege of quitely- 'pepping' the arrant knave . ro the just go .lads .ef insubordination.", "Why. this, you know, t-'aetain, is Nterr Year's Dip, and Glaibucket is but seasonably merry," answered Batenldine, expiatively. "Bless my sword and scabbard : ' ex- claimed the Captain, "so it is : and we yet remain here, with our throats aa dry and dusty as one of the King's hiehways in hot weather "Praise gieal heck, , addt•i Iltreel- dine, "we care quickly aue.'i d tali—selves in the painter of this neglect. Come, Captain, let us adjutant th x.atairs and shoving his arta eithin that :.f his mili- tary t.. the tory friend, the pair dt.'x lower flat for the ostensible tu,po. - "f feline, back en the domestic -letter% es' of the Louse, ss the Captain technicai- lp phrased it, by electing a s,.tstitute to wait on them in the room of the tiepo•aed and half-mireculousGlet:buciet. Meanwhile. the Glencoe ,tarty had been duly "breakfasted" lichee Clen- "The devil go with and abide by the bucket's final collapse, aid the old d—d Jacobite !" wan the reckless C'ap- tain's hot-headed answer. " When the evening comes—without the Earl, of course--" (and the pair smiled at each other knowingly) we'll e'en let the ras- cals go. We have robbed them of twen- ty-four hours' time, anyhow. They can't advance by the hill path after the night sets in, but must remain here or put up at an inn on the road till daylight to - marrow." ,o•,nd tho. :l.iitered presence of M'Iaw EATING WIT Terse /KNIFE. ear of sa. cameo of ocarinas amens senes.ea 1a sMseaar. kt Heidelberg, writes• correspondent of the London News, an English friend once dined at the table d'hote, and, be- ing seated oppostto • young utas who wore the badge of a "corps' acres him breast. he could Dot help noticing estrauedinery seeeeeris t young man teak hh Meal. at Itot admired him fur the skilful ,Wanner Ip which he managed his knife, which in- cessantly pass.d from his plate to hie mouth, ie•vily lades, ss it was, with peas. Eel whet' the sWriemt, vines finifhisheti his meat, toot up his ravy with the knife, the Etselishesan to feel his blood boil within him. Pudding with apple moos followed, and the student operated with his dessert keifo jest se hewith heleror knife bat the, mould 'me- tro' tuned? ue !a a beanie whisper headdressad his vis-a-vis, lay- ing, 'toe All cut year month opus if you don't leave off eating gravy with your knife." The student looked up and answered, " Wirt is teat tayust I can asst -ser *ettth..epea to my ears for a/l piosi vettrstgbt-te iatestsre." "Ok, nonsense, said the Englishaan, coolly ; " you oan,t expect a decent parses to let bou hatchet yourself at dinner.' " Oh, yourselfut I cua .though, asd . you 'hell ..s, Dummer Jump 1'' With that the stu- dent roam and left the roues. Demmer Jung* ! (stupid fellow !) siagiikes as a challenge. Whet' the student's **e- tude came to arrange details with the Englishman, he was terribly serpsieed at the serious consequences of what Ise had deemed a most natural remark. H. offered to apologise, and did all in kis power to hays the int' ter aturagrd. but he didosit and on his way to the ntaorT x to hie Inco& :— shame —shame twat I should e�roq fern because he 'y the proper use of his it would b. just ed Rang in the but chance Baroal- U1 iia O b 0 0-3 1', c') 0 tri 7d O trgstang- rt t I/I have to does not- k knife and bark. _ as unfair, to let hose The Englishman i sir if he had the was sieges to Wes; to shoot first —the him' young Teuton fell without a /near- " The Earl will npprnve and reward our devotion to his own and the King'a interest," added Barcaldine. " Of as much as I am sure Glencoe ir his heredi- tary enemy, besides being a rebel, and it is meet that neighbors en cunning and dangerous as Clonal* and his d•e•el.1 - vire should be put outside of his fa• -r and the King'. mercy.'' " Gal sae* the King,' rejoined the noisily efuaivs Captain, making the steel sheathed point of his 'mord-scab- bard nne on the floor ; sad se this is the first day of the year, 1 feel as if i would drink with a *fish both the Kinds health and the health and prosperity d the right loyal hews of Barcaldine." " Bless ate, yes, Caption, my board is at your eery welcome service.. L.t us bare congratulatory wishes, and a plea- sant exchange of sentiment. Olesbuck• et ! (Cienhucket !" shouted Beircaldinm, going to the door. "Why ! 1 verily he - limes the old General's drunk, Cap- tain." Chief, ill at ease, fretted and chafed against the slew progress of the hours like an nninial of the forest •in bonds. He lunged fel the coming of the Earl, striving cheerfully to hope aganot lupe, and wishe3 and . watched and waited hour by hour for the nppraach of the aftetnoon, which was to see tl.e 'great man at lt,trcaldine Hype, and for the stir and hustle which would annt.uwce his presence at the anter gate. Ana the hours went round : anal the day wore steadily into the aftetimen; and the afternoon faded into the gray id the gloutnin'—long dela, e1 by the white - gleaning paths and surrounding hills, of •now—owl the grey ..f protracted glos- trin' deepened into the auk o1 p.is;ta, and still the Glencet tarty watched and waited, sad hoped and feared by turns : but the silent eteow lying ot. the road ..vtaide the gateway remained of horses how's, and the white fringe (aeiag the doe slaps eatrd.ien by human foot. And at leehrtb the black night settled slowly down, and the ansat les crept el,ser toeetbr fest few, GM live wind moaned at.rrowf*Uy astisgthalialiows of the hills, and fitfully, as if half afraid, the stars l.a,ked furtively out from the clefts in the dark sky ; but still the Eari name net then e Then M'[an, with a great s..lness at his heart, arose, and calling for his ettd and plaid, avowed his intention of fac. • Put him in the gssrd-rein in l call ins dancer and possible death iv teltisg Simply t �athe effect of Dr. Cure in my ore. An elderly lady writes this frees Antigonish, N. S., who had suffered frompmba pi twenty years. Sold tet! rich. 2m restaa-Cord abuses. 0 Hu. 0 0 zm 0▪ . n o ARDWARE. RW. MCKENZ1E'S It is atraoge tttet those roppiest hooka on etiquette which airecfeat-bones shall uut be thrown under the table at dinner the teeth picked out with a fork, .•e the chair tipped upon its hied legs in the parlor,. do Lot devi to ;11 bast a brief sec- tion to the use and .tbuse of the postal - card. It nay be at -"+ace •ol•jecte.l th.tt eti- qutte does not recognize tit.' n.e of pus- tal-cards at all, which, being at untie al- 1"wed, the fact still remains that postal - cards are used, and it should, moreover, bz e. ident to the most casual oh that .. me effort rl.uuid be made to modi- fy their use. At present their abuse.is far more c.t:ur-..n. than their legitimate employment. I'cop:e who should know bettor send ul' to post'ilcat•ds the moat private or r.rn c.lui:rotnisieg tnartnages with :.n t btu.ity and o1a161u!t t stattlitgt et en in t1. w.•rld '•f tor.tl del rsvity. 1tu14 anal eeeffdeoc.•., re:andel and piety, c...uplimunts. threats ,anti cnr.fwsirns, go f. -nth ah..ut the Ian.•: leetitute -of even tho decency t•f :. ig-ler.: te, ca., et' thoir ea.ed- nes+, when eel; etel:sa•; et...•lopee are to be had 1..r a .o,.4...ud k.'stage rates are of the taint reas..ttalole. Flpldolay deli- cacy seen,s in a fa.r st ty to become a thin; of the past thr' ugh the ill -lived et5- cit umess of three •.btrus.. o bits of card- board, and in the inte:sett of both man- ners and rr,..rala there ia'derti cr that it will leans be tieceassii icstitute a wi- eldy fur tI.t .upr.d.s.: ,f the eestel-eard altogether. We d, not aced to call att rulers to sin obt-inus a breech of good manner% and moral.• at the black:.:ailia which is done iu the rbitp.- -' pastel-rnrd duns. Nu yetil.g 114 au to r.s:itty, mho t.ai been forced into payout t.se 1,1! of n persist- ent t.ai .r ..r a-a'he. ,. " ei hs ;.0 iineer tintnt cmmueici.titai ,rel ethich his ivaaginati. 41 saw trite.:,.{ the facer of penny post, aerv;.nt-gitl red landlady, will require any ampliticatina en this point. But there ie a larz: class of pos- tal iwpertinences which arise froia noel. ins; et.tse than tb,ughilnasrass, and to these the voluminous writers upt.n eti- quette wtii;ht address themselves ; their readers etre likely to he! ng to the num- ber of tl.tee guilty 1 the ,leretictiooe of whitln t' a speak. Tl.jc.saoda hear wittesn to the rrasi- tive ceratite powers of the (iaZAT OFA- U+v fn's -cowries, iia ..cly remedy that has tinted itself a sifle, far general drbiiity, een,inal veaUties, impO'•tenev, .a,:-, .all th+esataOMarise from self - abuse or to crtaaaed Main. wally .ntlpig ill c. s.s...,.t teal. ineen•:y and a 1-tema ture trace Sold byti.eowistit,car will he bent free •m tectipt of 41.001er box, or six boxes for $f. Address F. J. Carssi, Toledo, (i 1., sole agent ter the Uaitstl Sestes• 11141 1 fi r:cire-tlar sod tentisauaiais of genmiae curt,. five. Rhyna•, Goderich. "m Answer Obis. Can you find a case of Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, Diabetes, Crinary or Liver Complaints that is curable, that flop Tog:"es not '.r can ;• t curs' Ask tarif they oar r b. - Thwesasdsaim tieing cured of Catarrh ever, year with Ball's Catarrh Cure, that he doctors had `iten up and said could not be cared. 75 cents a bottle. Sold by Georg• Rheas. pole agent far (1.A. r ►*^ --TO BUY YOUR CrossCutSaws&Axes clavvvis*Amm Table &a Pocket O s --Seat Value, Aad Lar eat a.sprtna t Soday, tllesratflln bias or Iden[ flaadwars. Paints ands at Bottom Prices. -qrF. Hld Barb Wire --Best Made. R_ W_ Mc=NZ '— DANIEL CORDON CABINET 35.2A$ER, Th1:LEAPING v%tIEI{T:t ' LR • - FURNITURE AT r.OTT1)M PRICKS FOR CASH. -avN 1 hno,• now t. - tnil :t very large .,tock, such as Chairs of a..1.1 kinds, -rabies, Bedsteads Parlor Setts, Side Boards, Rat- tan Chairs, &.c-, 8.n0., azo. 2 Doors West of th3 Post Office. CHAS.- A. NAIRN ut t,• irt.raoIb aTot'x OF New wits, Groceries, Provisions, etc., An Inspection invited. COURT 1101.:13Y t'QL'AR P. Sarnia Agricultural Implement Manufacturing Company. LIMITED-• ANT_TPACTTRERB OF Reapers, Mowers, Binders & Threshers. S... U.,uunion Mep:hru i • f• r.: 3;)t Purcha.o . The Easiest Kim ning, Simphst, and Most Durable Machine in the Market. • •11 --... t Oo 3EORe3E A_ ROBB, (Intend Agent, pe'Ierics ri Deig in Wall Papers. raw s tea flans '20 fire e+ fo-t wok ear es t H Woo mono at bone. to see Pisan,* repope, ,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs ' ,tt wirelike. loan vrrr r,'n h 'metier some. (alt and se- them she th , best valets In town. sed soot tte•et.t. Tip Lam, String Bazaar Paten's and Fashions, ,rc°it 137.7"17.-iERes 8