HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-05-04, Page 7Celberae. Our jovial 'milers Captains A. and J. , have mogi to their duties on the • waters .4 }loom. ditty will be sussed ia, our 'mai,: circles. We w them many a succeed -1 trip. /*Goon lbw )1aN. -Mr. Joke J. Gal- Isb.r, wholivga near S.S. SO. 1, has k which its fut frisson several 5, ago bow livounidl op one leg p. put this does a she at um hitgjer . trout laying 11011 eggs in a season, a w i as misi three brt•wie at phicken ring th • ismer t year* It " rod 71g. t se vr, Litre To?!4 11/4, James y. Belfast. Mr. J a short v y, I ism Mr. C or A bka to )1r.7h days agg, NSARLINA A. t• efliniller a faro. Asbileklyer as reto ith no"- seed d , Amin %h.'s- p, iltnes into t the *sop not gqickly haurtiuld ce uly ft& over an a injurgd. me-wh ey DW181111=a. but VcIdli • Wipe, of this reek. - 42: Mel , of the 12th faros al leg .101f rlik HURON SIGN AL, II; IDA , MA t, A3:; W. McKENZIER 42iit r3. RETHOUR & 00., Has on hand a ear..filly -elected stack of BY M 1.i 1 EATt• Iry OF OUR ESTAftlitilIMENT 1 li oms.)Exe 3:-)=x5.A..nrrIvz=i7T Sok Stuels, Hal 81clicz • Mn 1.3,1 Otte Lett makers. & Zvz..&„1:1L.Nj 1. lion atdi et. wive tire brAtit otioar t alio stock at the 1,CM+.11.40 par. h.ise. and I ... a nr emit ly 1 wholesale prikes tre ordinary retail &11C 1,1” $ for s • Barb vVire---r iLst Priz! 017 RI SICBT113 007a, OR1331111;148 za .A.E3 FOI-.11.01.1V : 1 ON APPLICATION WE SEND sAMP1.Es ' - Last Sabbath was Quarterly meatin • the Ashtield circuit. lisaday ached °peas ..ex oclock. , oug see boiler has orahrgentstred(11. h m aryl aigg, Next Sabbath, being tirst Sabbath in hik blip) . • May,QuarterliaerritAll will be held 'in OM* hill irVirortgil to lig suf- fering Co* t illrotractecr son of fa ' Dungannon is keep pace with the .nee. Daring the past year it hall be- . me it4ite towu. We have no rmin t came very nearly being seri- . -a runaway hopped on our stteota ISA . Wham Mr. Pion" ;red trips-ge throe eltil- yr, Wes !MAW Arai t he street, hishorses took fright. Mr. i=sai them a few* Sad 1113C- 614dt beadle% meter "or ilblibreseately so plass was hart and easy little dames was 11,0. : - IllrAlleserOttisa lately fraught the farm lately occupied by Mr. Echlin. Ur. 11C. Finds* then bought „Mr. sresdha ;r:,,;474,,ralintrit seek Mr. Was. Findlay, who formerly occu- pied the rums upstairs in Cloud store,as tailor shop, has reuse Pherson's old stand. "of ti In orderin4 gloves send 14.1 and ea:oar: ...r hosary send eine of shoe. 1,.* ‘N Linker .7111.$M roe IA.4 i•••• .213e11s ax,t.ca. Scales. All Matt orders reee'.re psampa ate,stion. and goo Is sent- not motifs; -atiafa tor; 104) he , t-,- ... IA CHOICE ASSORTIENT OF CUTLERY. / .. EIPEOTAibT4 a ,7).4;PBR :el?aslilnPgatrot iet4eDtterg ..;:-.. iotcant oft ;4 P 1-3.1:.t..k.,;,:::;),,,:iii.,.„,,,a.N„....:::..:‘,:,.ii,:t,.,.nrci.,1 rt:l.re-. jacji fer 4:ent.off forCi,-..‘ IL W. BIETII( )(Tit' c• i'l .1.. 1.,11.(r 7? fiord. Dress Goods, Silk6, Satins, Prints, Flared Entbrojile; etc, with width and price ot•it sro Or Lathes & Kisses Pd Ude. Gleves, also Hosiery to Solid Colors & LislE, TAT Large. -77°. 1\2032=01°Z.T.M. IMPOR ANT ANNOUNCEMENT F 1 take this opportunity t announce to ti.e pewit mat baviag nurvbseval the lizra1/4-2P-aczazzs ormgocic 7'.11 armors & tiaft.d45rs mcp THE NEW F5R 771.1 7ER and trade of Mts. W. th tihannon. and Laving made • -- Large) Additions to the Stock 1 cotton r,„; L i.n,1 ••• 7 Or laieh disi was pa.d. 1 ani tOW ?Toed toetzoLreat nargatneto ais wit* win favor pie et thc alma •-.• •• . • 1. 11.•.. I,. • 5 My motto shall be "PIUS Profits 1111/frilkk Returns." Title Pert ilt:er .• rat 'tr.,. r• • to.. a sUniniant. 11 e ey . y r.,., .1 kb.- 115 ti c 1 cr. ci ' ,•.'. garGookl,,, •Ieliverea free t•) tzny part of the town. • year, may not be uninteresting. Messrs. Wilson k Biala betook selves to New Mexico, in the Rata, to wawa* is gulfs (crumbing business ; SlilaiL lig..gles. 1;0..10 moved to Luck- Amor4 butase sou taken by Mr Nichol, a new-oonser.Mt. Ldtch, Presbyteries minister, vacated his home lot PeintAlwatd ;lir. Bennett, of Knox OctlitgeiSlli his place is the pulpit, Mr. 'unro, teacher, frees Wawanosh, camel t., supply the place of Mr, W. Neu.; Ur. Luther Brown moved iron th, vi -- ,e, and his home is occupied by Mr. from Wawanoah, Rev. Mr. Car- rie vacated the English parsonage and iaoved into tbe village while Mr. Rob- inson, 41 Waivanosh, occupies the par- fonape ; Mr. Oirvin supplies the place' of Mr. W. Wilson tailor, Messrs. Law- ry, Walrus and day have gone to find homes arid work iu the far North-west ; • Dr. Hutchison moved his oface from nest door to MM. Wilson's to next door to the carriage shop ; Mr. Truax has re• 'cored from nazi door to Hisoock' shoe - shop to ivens old stand; Mr. Findlay has movtd from Clendinning's store to McPinerson'e old stand • Mrs. Wilson wowed from the building occupied by the harneedaaken to Brown Malloughs • oAd stead, the harneasmakers moved a fair doors nearer the north pole ; Mr. P. F. Hamlin hu gone W seek his for- tune in Dakota; Mrs. Wilson purchased the premises lately occupied by Mr Findlay; Mr. Merklinge_r is our new shoemaker ; and Mr. J. M. Roberts pur- chased the Clendinning estate. RIDLE CIGARS.-°. ,CIGARS . IMPORTED -AND DOMESTIC: THE BEST ASSORTAlEiff IN TOWN • A full line af all the Leeding,ysient Medicines always kept on hand. (Phrlitiank Prilleriptio3.19„ a, epee' Jolty.) As 51°.4E Alr7IT42, EN -4"N BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE NEW MILLINERY. The Latest and Beet Designs In New French and American Goods, be found at the Establishment of Miss Jessie Wilson where the Latest Shades. Ne%t St Design!. and Best Goods can always be found. Trove Inns eisIde. GRAND TRUNK Main. l's... Exp's. Mix'd Ooderit L.Lv.5.46ern. 12.1M seem ?mew rittafort ,11 Ar.6.311 1.311 4..ti A 311 stretteredic.r.as tie 6.30 11.10 gap's. \Ibid. Stratford.i.viteipm 7.3emn s.aasot &Sew modem ILAr.11.511 h42 SAO S.10 OoderichAr. 11.15 7.16 STAGE LINER. aearow Stage glailyi atr. 10.11arn3gnt dep I Madam .. • IWedneedaY sad Saturday, Ar. 9.00a Sla The Chicago House, IS THE HEAD QUARTERS OF FASHION FOR A huiadrtai Gentaisd los. year to E.,;;..00t t 1..,•,. Garde,- too.- .L.1 at axed with si 11.'n • -8 • . .• with or!! v ;r. Seeds, Seeds, Seeds. JAMES T ITIC 1C EID 8 .A. Wish-. to tl.a.ak the pul..41,• for past patrcnage Et! min :. 41' •! . flW Crl hall the LARGEST AND BEST STOCK FIELD AND 0.811DE17 SEEDS ! •Ipai Out from 41)4 most reliable Arms in Ontario, which h.• is prep:IRA to •.•:1 ai; ,.. 1 : ',.• .:•• :,....., as any - Slone. other retable konsc. Among" le specialties in potato( s are the "Ncw Ititi.1...- -EariiRun- mris .- an- e.- "Beauty of Hebron." and " ..ate Ito.. The ',are ,......1••• 1,. faria:: 7..1 garden., ng of ' • ' i"" good cultivation and good Neve. Ask for 41,- 4...... t a r:eti. •.ta •pe. + : , a • n v it (A. A can !eliced it. Flour and Fccd kept constantly oli • •11. • .i.v:-. M. `: A l!:. • . , :-..edSn10.11. John :-:. Also -Agent for florin Cl.nia • ro ed. took Itiploina at Ir.... .66 .1. ; March 22. tan. NEW MILL, 1F, ItY OF ALL KINDS. A • heap tine In Trimmed Hats a Specialty. A first clam Dress Making Establishment amocarried oa in connection with the Millinery Department. A can solicited. A. J. WILKINSO NEW MILLINERY STORE. MEI _A_ 1:1 _A. ME_ late of Toronto and London, has opened out a New Millinery store in MISS STEWART'S OLD STAND swum sax OF LAND& cousry or titans, t Ily virtue of • writ of To WI,: f riert swim most eat of lier Ilitianirs Covet, Court et the essaty et Berea. -sad to eis directed sad delivered 1 e5the Mr*04•tearavents of Awes am et salt et Mitres, Oeveuterit. solted sat takes is Kierockni tbe fol- lowing leads. The AM twelve pad a•belf eerie of the Me hoif toot. Yi..2.....4.4 eithoit of let twoorsiaoi WIN thirteenth fit-4.-416•111tKrromE. tytibtZ ca IC mock esaelneion etjhe Tettip st No - Ip the Comity a Waren. lek loads sad tatesteot• 1 *ball °Vet f55 gala, at mjererte, is the Own Hesse. ia the el ea liaterday, the =y• ;Easy ot J . we., et the *we Of VA elegars. ROOT. 01 P, ellerkIrs Ur*" } of Mires. Agee 14th. 11111-11ero. tonsorial. and will be messed to obtain a share ot the patronage at the ladies of Gtech and vicinity. she will bate • Period °TIMM sn SATURDAY, APRIL 21st inat. written a well -selected Mork of .11the latest styles in French and Americas Milner, can be seen. The heidaese will be carried on on a cash basis, and all geode will be inarhad ta sue A call frees the Wiles aet lof Ooderioh and surrounding district is reepsottally ettioited. 'gm owest prier. - _ EEDSI SEEDS 1,193HT PRACTIC1AL BAR VT stir ow • -"'"'n '414" • •rru.Cri= w:grtrgratmr ""t" Parkirgif AT 'X' IS XI 31LX10I EC .4. -, IOW 11110CILIVI1 L A BOX ANTI TAROS ITITICK OF ' FRESH GARDEN, F , • Jusrr FLOOR olL CLOTH, .1,T J. ('. DETLI Pl: H SEVERAL BALES OF TAPESTRY.. WOVE AND CNION CARPETS. A CHOICE LOT OF NEW PATTERN LACE -CURT.AINS NEW AND NOBBV SPR1Nfl HATS. AT .1. C. DETD if; u. I 'I AN IMMENSE STOCK OF • DRESS tiOODS, - • . DETLi 6I tX04. PIMIST PPIZ .A--Srs,TA_RDMID ONTARIO STEEL BARB FENCE COMPANY IIMITE --el-C11173F11.2131111-1›- RHEUMATISM, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lame Book, Lumbago, Oontraoted Joints, Cramp in Muscles Sprains. 17"- r1c) Wire7.G=.=5...."1:18" BEST HORSE LINIMENT. AT TORONTO EXHIBITION, 1882. "Ilic ()NIA FIRST PRIZE awarded for Barb Wire in which there um. Comp( •it inn sALN BY W.. WU'S IE/sT Z I 2.1., OODER1CH 1.4Fge 25r. Eett-4. J. II. BRA= 110111M, P.Q. 1.‘ iz0 fdr A. 3E3 R I-1 A. 1\./1 S NI I rr I-1 CALLS ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING : CLOTHING, &VA LARGE AsSORTMENT EXPERIENCE. , HE. .1ND TLATEST ititeitiN8.-tra cur), FINE ASO:)RTMENT The Rev. Z. Wilda. well-ltsown 0117 Rev. Father'Wilds' *WIN ENDLIVA. V Mi I., Nil:RN-LSI TING GOODS. sclotlosary is New York, and brother a the kite osaisest Judge wildic.of ths Mainacku. 1 Mr A 1.1, THE LATEST STILES. .%Nli EVERY SIZE sotto Ilspresse Coorc, writes a• hollows : HATS /CALL PATTERNS. MADE GD IA' IN OOSTYLE. i "711 E. St., Yew Tort, Mar 16, 1162. AND A FITUD r.... J. C. GARANThEOR NO SAI.E.'s1VII OTHS HA mAloi tt Co., Gentlemne: 4 Last winter Plvasit itroubled with a most uncom- fortabie itching humor affecting more eppecially 1•TE'VC7* OGiP0 /DS9 IsTM-S.7c7 pizr.10ms• my limbo, wbieh itched so Intolerably at night, and burned so intensely, that 1 could mateely bear fi any clothing over them. 1 was alw, a sufferer CHEAP POR CASH. from a severe catarrh and eatarrlial eough ; my , appetite was poor. anti nay syptem a good deal run - -------------. _ ._ down. KnowInit the vaitte of ATRIell SAILNAPA- . SILL*, by =7 a r a" 1el.s and NEW ARRIVALStrlin , y, b It tor tbe above -awned dieorden.. lifi appetite improved almost from the arpt dee.. After a short Unse tbe fever and Itching were allayed, and all signs of irritation of the skin dimppeared. 74y i with all eadllienee as the best blood sisedicins ever devised. I took It in small dome three SPRING iiIMER GOODS' eatarrh and rough were also eared by the tame m seeand my general health greatly iroved until it is now excellent. I feel a Modred per s, rent stronger, and 1 attribute these results to the nee of the ?,AR5 ILLA, Vidal 1 recommend thaw a day, and aired, la all, less than -two bottles. 1 place these Mete at your eerviee, hoping their publication may do good. Toon respestfully, Z. P. Wilkie." The above Maumee is but on. of the many eon - staidly coming to our settee. obtek pro•• the per- fect adaplabOlty of AYES'. SABIAPARSLLA 110 me etre ot an dialwas arising from hapare or im• pmeriabed blood, and • weakened vitality. IELD AND FLOWER SUDS, hies .5 .4 the most deal,Werobratersa la the Deintaien: FOR SALE BOTH IN BULK & IN PACKAGES. 3r. 1101ka611, • Ayer's Sarsaparilla eleasere. menthes, and strengthens the blood, Mknalmee the settee of the emmeneh and bowels, and thereby enables the system to restseand ever - 'owe tbe Newhard all Hes Di••••••, Imp - Mao of the Ski", Ithansasisow, netwerli, Chmerat Dablhip. .04 511 dleordese reoulting tress power I IllefT•91.1 blood sad • km state of the system. recraeas IV Dr. J. C. km & co., Lowou, moo. Mehl by all Dir; petite 51.4. betties the Th AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS - east PurvitIvo - Chemist sal Drage* ovre Oreettrigatra jousiedt=6.111oadiatbe. sea 001:0313X�. everrellase. Always rellisige. Scott, Desk Irish & Calladain Tweeds ITU -GI -TEC DTI ND OP TorilitilmE.RsorillEcotiNTioiltitoN GENTLEMAN,- By request of a large umber of the yeomen 4.f the Cunt we have decided to saassiactar• CR IC ALP .A..20' ID31& OW 1141GSC.A.C121L 1%,T MO, in eosnection with oar Plow business for the year 1883, which for *material and workmanship will be second to uoise. De not give year orders for reapers or snew-1 era until you see those mandatitarei by as. We will attend all the spring fairs in County, which will give the tensors a good opportunity to inspect our maehiase. We will warrant *or seitelkiaes to tic, u good work as any other mad.. Vrewill en have a needier of good L .A. 14 ID kOLLERS for the ies wade. 0002Crls,T STOVES always on hand, and will he sold cheap for cash, or be eschewed for wood. Orne paid for old iron R1111011ILLER & 00. 0 oderich Posed