HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-05-04, Page 3110N SIGNAL, FRIDAY MAY. 4 t&33. 3 Origin er sem• burner, Shrew& I / -- "Cinderoll. ; or the Glum Slipper," ie I LL __ a very uld story. Thousands 01 years The Vi.nger of Riding Tezu. ago it was told to toys and girls The P011ieS. urigiaail read that u► eagle !tots the slip --- pf+eer of a very pretty Pvyptian lady sed Great ha•iermeaes se la.esaeu.err steer. lean it off The eagle dr.ppeai it, and some one `arri. d it to the king, who nude it known ill ever his sieedum that he would parry the lady whine tiny feet it should fit. And se ('inderella, the ,Linder -girl, became queen. In France, t Tenney, and this country tee story has taken several shapes. and his always epee a favorite. "Little Jock Horner' has the t..11uw• Ing history : In England, in the reigu ut Henry YIII., there lived a Mr. Hunter Henry, the king, wished to tear •lows all the tiue utu,tusteriei aid abbeys of F:ngiand, sell their lauds and p islet the utnn,y. This Mr. Heiner ens butler, lir emiething, to an old abbot, who tnought he would gain favor with Henry by giv- ing him twelve of his best slid richest in,uaateries. a , the abbot went deeds of them to the king by this John We- lter. But Ho orner (hough!, AS he 'sat in the center' of the carriage uu his way to the king, that he would see what •U three great papers which he was carry tag should mesh. "He pet je his thumb and gulled out a plum"—i. e., he evened sad read the deeds, put the use for the largest piece of lend in his own pocket, !gave the rut to the ling at Louden, and mime borne and toad his master that Henry VIII., got his fidelity, had eked, hist a pretest of ooh of the largest tract, .•f land. 'Blue Beard," ti.., is .airy old. He r Is sappuood to be Giles D.lavel, Lord .t Rai., and was Marshal of France in 1499. "Jack the Gt•killer," came from India. He breaks forth iu all worts lit d(de all over the store -books of the "And se of"Jiek and the Bean- stalk. "Babe. in the Wool" is a very touch- ing leery. 1 think the origin of this May be oensider,4 s very, very old bal- lad, which tells of Richard III. murder- ing his own dear little asylum 'rhe story of "Little Red Riding - Rood" is found in the German, but not exactly u we Id! it in English. The Germane have s great variety of ado*g-foke-Ione, or stones fer little ,.nes. "Mother Gouge" was a real person. She lived to Boston Her daughter El- isahetb married the printer, Tues Fleet, „the ptbu•.d op the cease, melodies of his ynttber•tt•law and published thea. flood now tell you of the meaning of an old ensure rhyme : "Four and twenty bhaekbirds made into a pit :" these are the fe e-&ad•twenty boors of the day : the'i. is tie .pact between the earth and 1{m sky. the IM k►olibie 10 rsI tbu horNDJc i►aID i 'remand Ise, the bottom orad, the is bsr3i riln'thingie es` �. u killing ase. nave rem • in *rod " N ,e the pie wag r• 11E BUCKED. a happy Tkeeght and a Nap.•l alas. (ran lorsuctwo Yvcuuur 1'0111 1 It is • fact beyuad .lisputu ta.tt ties areas . Trxu• ploy Is uuceriaiu. As e Igeurr•l thing • Tunas charger cru he re- lied epee, suuurr or later, to 'medico in his little act, popularlyauroral eon the plain* as "bucking." You can't culti- vate the puny suR"ieutly t.. inducer lum to forget it. It is um 1114 IIo d, sed 110 d icks to it by this power of heredity. He wuuld pn,bably go without his hey for a whole dee sooner than threw away a fair uppertuuity to "buck." It to a part et his life, sad the °61st article iu his creed. lis short, •'Cera• pony whmuh won't buck is nut • '1'eaas pony at all. He u a uoudusoript, end unworthy to Ise accredited to the Lune Star State. !dr George Ridgeway, reeidueg ne Jeder, i d reet,'Oaklaod, will puiwbly ettdurse the above heartily. Al auy rate the ac- cident which befell hiss this moru:ug would seem to be a sutieieut gsarant, ter such inference in the minds of ob- servers, for Mr. Ridgeway narrowly escaped death. As it u well kaowo, this gentlemen is $ finished horseman, and is fond e.f riling spirited samaals. This uu.r ring abt et 8 o'cle.eck he rude up Montgomery street at a very rapid pace. When upp'stte F. Garcia t Cu. s restau- rant, p.pelevly known as "Franks,' Mr. Ridgeway suddenly chalked his bores sad attempted to wheel. list the posy grew obstinate and refused to ub.y the will of the rider. Mr. Ridgeway at- tempted to Toros the huts., bet the pm -- vents mindere of the waves declined to be enforced, and then cussed a struggle for the mastery between horse and rider. Taw to his teatimes the posy AuaUy prepared • cots. ,feast, and won the vic- tory. Jumping into the air, the devilish creature stilemed his legs, humped his beck entil he described an ievetted U, ~.e duan eat the street with all tour feet at ase tens, plunged kis head be- tween his forelegs, sod the set was um - plate. Mr. Ridgeway struck the grouud about six feet in trout of his hoarse. H. wee insensible. A hexes crowd of cook- ed people ass attracted to the apt. Ki.d mads tenderly lifted the ammo scions sufferer end boss , Lia late Frank's A. aalsaaget was dispatch". for • phy.ician. In the meantime rests. ratives were applied, and every mea. known to those prevent resorted to fur his resueeitatian. In a short time Me. Ridgeway , showed signs of returpis( earoiownes•, and moaned in great poen. Regpsiniar bitty power of the hurt gentlemen said : "For 's .make do +.tea and tits sky bang lite I g . i.otsge o wad, a e.,whet day bean to break- 'i1,e birds ben to i. s., the hones 1. begia merrily. ' "lam, king in the tarter cattiag out his umtm.y ; the •'kialg' is the son, the momerch of the Bern he is enthroned in the sky. f He is "rid to be counting out mewey, be- came the sunshine is gold -color. See fa how he "counts it out," bungs it about him, the beautiful golden sussbtle. "The yucca upstairs eating breed and honesy. Of course, if the king is the sun, the queen is the moon. "The maxi in the garden, hanging out cloths." This • Iuaid is Aurora, the goddess, not of the a,y, but of the dawn. Now, "up jumped a little bir,l and nipped off her Imes." The little '.bird who did this very ungallant thing m*, of course, tl.e first Lour of the day, for Allier*, lir dawn, disappears as soon as the king, e•f sun, arises you a buttls of St, Jacobs Oil in the As the tests of winter vanish ender the caloric influence of the sun's rays, se* does Bright's Disease, Dropsy, dome in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Infirm; (nation of the Kidneys, leave the body upon the administration of Dr. bran Bu rens Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Willson, 2m Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and Constipation promptly relieved and cured by the use of Dr. Carson'sStotnach end Constipation Bitters. As a family medicine they are far superior to hills fe large bottles f,0 cents. The TPMI.w Maas. " Jud the thing said Mr. Garcia, " I bare some of the rail conveniently fit band.' • The sufferer was denuded ,d his ohdh- ing, and his right sbuelder was found to be badly bruised. Quick hands owned the great remedy which is new creating such a sensation on the coast, and in an incredibly short time Mr. Ridgeway be- gan to show signs of satisfaction. Soon he said that the pain was greatly reliev- ed, and the application of nearly a whole bottle took away all the pain and reduc- ed the •welling which had commenced when they b•gas applyutg the oil. Be - Ionisation revealed the fact that lir. Ridgeway had not sustained a fracture in any of his bones, and he remarked subsequently as he was sipping s glass ct " imperial launch," that Fut. Jacobs Oil had doubtless sated hitu gran: and protracted suffering Calling at asitcigh- boring drug store, Mr. Pedgeway secur- ed several bottles of this wonderful heal- ing substance sad went home. The doc tor arrived too late to see the patient The exhibitio a of such wonderful er by the St. Jacobs Otl set a:: tongues wagging, and inany gentlemen present expressed astonishment at. the amazing result of its application. Mr. Garcia ex- plained that the Oil was reputed to be almost miraculous in some cases, end the incident of this morning was simply a verificttion of what he penunallyknewof it.aswell as what wasetated of it by person[ of his acquaintance. lie though so highly of its splendid ourativo properties in all doses of pains and hurts that he never failed to keep some of it on hand Mr. Ridgeway would doubtless feel a little shaken up by gee• fall for a few days, but revere! more tip/dimities, of the remedy would urele .eledly reel his shoulder all right. The " in at the impulse' pheruucy of J. A opts Buyheu, c.'rurr of N.uth .•tri MItssinestreets, and asked the prv.unetor a hu had utuuh call fur the tit. Jaa•.b. ' +11. bit. Boyken re- plied. " The • lreet (i irm to R +Itu 1y, St .1a- I e .h. Oil. has burn lieti.ig a big sale c th , ,nu lately, And .oy cusLo.uurs cru hiRlo' ui thoir praise, •.s s cvn,(uer''r of A hie •.1., le these ti -b ere d. o ded wi. ti,.ctueuts, i. • to pru.:ure t 1i , If you am liver iuurtiv •, .,. there is uuthi,:, .1 cures yuu so gUIC . They are a blest 1 t can Ise had fur only •ef James 1Vtlsun. 0, Ied. w.114/Peru :1114 adcer- {C.1uw what ..; ure pm) t out of erase, minted Sebilitated, ,he world that will .,e Electric Bitters. t • ill mankind, and fifty cents a 11ett1e [21 Bays Dryden "She knew• her teti sand. when you taut ROOTS AND SHOES and swear. 0 in drew yuu to her with a suivie hair.' But it must he beautiful hair to have tech ewer ; and beautiful hair can be ensured by tbetuse of Clauaase. Hat Rrlsswae. See at 50 tits. by .r. Wilson. 2m Tae Tear does. 1 Ya a can be weak, nervous, debilitettd, and dtap,ndent, disqualified for ....A of head or hand, or you can enjoy a fair snare of health and peace of timid. Bur- dock Bleed Bitters will alleviate your misery and do you • world of good if you persevere in their use fur a few weeks. Tessa ees.taas•. The Ituv. W H. H. Murray writeaeu thusiastim illy el the Boston Herald that ruxas is just t: :o place fur hors. -breed- ing, and that the tough little mustang* ere the right stu:k to tike hold e1 fur impr..veseot. He declares thst they trace their union back to s "race of equine kings ane queens,' and have only deteriorated ender hard wage. "I have seen these little 800 -pound horses," he uys. "travel eighty miles with • 190- puund man up, under a Southern sun, to a ride serves the country, without rusdw.ys, frtnn sun to sun, aha that, too, on little grain, perhaps nothing but the grueling get from the prairie at night. Many of them pace---ps e like the wind—pace so fast that the play with you on the prairie, shoe gh yoti have a blooded mount that oan ran like • greyhound. Other trot—trot nee uraUy—with verifies eat and perfect, knee action, and will do nothing bot trot, however hard proses. I hart rac- ed through the prairie grass and dowers at the rump of a mustang stallion fifteen and a half hands high, and blood -bey in coker, with a tail as black as qig tt end that world sweep the ground •,font, and been unable to break him from his trot •,r range up to his side, although eiy mount was a three quarter bred mare of 1 000 pounds weight, that t..0k t,, the shame with her eyes brazing and ears laid back is • way that plairiiyr. tntel • her eider that she fat a good deal as' he da' Mr. Murray sdrisssa eons from a thoroughbred stallion, ►ndievm_ that it would iurear+ the wee whim elt i .sine toughness, and produce the best ...idle - horses as wallas trotters. sheer. Carbone C.rM The finest healing cootpound under the emu. There is.no sore but will eat cause W its wonderful healing vapor - ties. It -is an invaluable dremiog for Cuts, limns, Brumes, Pil3ples, &aids, $oils,Peeterings, etc. Price teotty- ere Nentir Rhynes' drug More. 2 JIHR PPATHER'S POSTSCRIPT. if course, a pillow sham starched so .tiff it will stand alone, is not very nice thing for a than to jam bis he id against when he crawls into bed. But there is no qqmotion lent what a woman can find a thoseand and -one rea- gent. The reporter was greatly' 1 .!cry+ted in why she pillow sham should be per what he had witnessed and resolved to petrated as a thing of beauty. leant more about the Rerfermance of tbo Ail airps/sw.t water► a lta.h. Peens. Mr Varied Se zees. ,'1 AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No other eomplatnta are so Insidious in their at- tack aa those affecting the throat sad lamp . oath so mead with by the majority of hatter.. The ordinary cough or cold, resifting perhaps from • hiding w uaeeessioma emissive, 1. oesiw bat the begiuing of $ fetal siskaew. ATaa's Cssaaz PIeroaAL has well proven Its emoacy In • forty yeah' light with throat lid long dbwes, sad •said be takes V all eases without Olay. A Tering Cough Oared. " Ix VW i took • Severe cold, which affected my I. I had a terrible cook sad pared MEM after sight without sleep. The doctors gave nue ep. eI tied Avaieseetinurt ratreAAL, wits& wi art«tbrAehi WM. Te ay s as. DE the w of Pa 7O.&3. 4 pima - n est core wag' effected. I am tow a year, olds kale egad 'Marty, sad am satf*4ad year meas Y racro•u...ved me. HOaAOE Fatesairams." ttoehtagilsra, Vt., Jety II, UK!. a.wp. - .1 saotah.. Tribune. " %litho is the comae, keel vender my 31{11. boy. three years okt, was takes in with e ; it w hored as If ha womb! dis trout (feed the family suggested the ash Aran's Cestair Pseveaia, a bottle of able& was al- k•1111 Lk.M f• the hoose. This was pied Sa small and frogman doses, sed to our delitlit la ter them ball M bear the tittle patient was lreat&tsig eas- ily. .rIly. The doctor said that the CarkeY PacrosaL had saved my darling -shin Cam you weeder as oar gratitude 7 Sincerely�otys� Mas. ETNA Osney.' WI west I.etk rat., New York, May as, Islz. •• 1 hare sand Area's Css*.T PICIORAL to my fatally fur wveral years, and do eel hesitate le pr oasis ce it the most etfictnsl remedy to esmfhe sad colds s • have ever tNM! A. J. Cants. ' Lie Crystal, Mita., ]fare& las 5150. " 1 metered for eight =Nr.irp.m Oro.ceitla, .ad afteetrying many re with no theme, l w eared Yy the use of Aran's C5[aaY Facroaaz JosrP* WALDau." opwm, Mie, epee s.1etll.. 1 teapot s•7 aloe& ha praW of ATza's C.wssT Pecl otaL, Monts, es 1 de that but the it wee 1 .&t.id leag dace have died front fang Irbublea. Y. nfAcooti,'• Palestine. Teas„ April 74 lir:. Nb case of aa affection of the throat or lungs emboli which cannot he greatly relieved by the Om of Arse' sOwnase P.erosAL,And ttwill always awe whet ale disease is mot already WeeM the soetrol of mediates. Nut long age one of those wee r,t ,trate creatures called "mashers" sent to an es- timable young German lad • lett-•r, to whick the pt was added : •`P.8.—That my darliug may Hake cu mistakel remember that I wilt wear a light pair of pants and a dark cutaway out la any ngght hand I will carry a small cane, sad in my left a cigar. "Yours forever. Aeoeee' " The father re,.had courteously, s!atint that his daughter had given him author- ity to represent her at the appointed place at the lime. The postscript eh led wia as follows "P.3. --Dot mine ev n tray natio iso miandakes, I viii Ise dreshed ill mine shirt sleeves. I (•ill year in mins right hand a glue ; in nine left lend I vill year a six-shooter, forty-five calibre. You till recognize me by the vay I beta you on do head a goople dimes twine net the glub. Veit for mo on de corner, al I have soma dings impordant tem inform you ,nit.. Your front, feLl[ttic:t The beautiful, c , snowy white pil- I Ise shams, looming up at the font of the tied, and standing alone, looks very pret- ty, and the lady of the hove is greatly pleased with them. The men folks also find them very *tidy to keep the hair oil off the pillows so their wires will not complain about their pillows being all greased over with Men can escape all hard feelings liable . lee engendered, by neglecting to take `f the shams when retiring, decking out •he lovely linen and fine lace, used in ,ianufamttnag the sheens with choice ind fragrant hair nil. And when he gets tired of having his ears sawed off, by coming in contact with the stiff linea, mud his check wore raw with the starch and lace, lie con gently did theh to great remedy. Meetlag Mr. R. Young • printer in the Mercantile Agency, tied at No. 3e0 California street the question of the healing power of St. Jacobs Oil was introduced. Mr Young immediately and emphatically bore strong testimony in its favor. '`Why, air," said he, •' I had been troubled a long time with stiffness of the neck. It was especimlly severe when I took cold. I had also suffered with rheumatic pains in my shoulders. It is, therefore, with feelings of gratitude that I say that the St. Jsocbs Oil relieved mo of every pain and ache. I fMet heartily rec ive:end it As a superb relievant." During the morning the r'j.' ,•-'s du- ties called him to North Hach While e sham there he test bIt. Charles Schmittts, pr'oprietor of the North Acyl Cti.r:vder 2te foot of the bed and lent his fest The them to keep them from Nouse. No. 2209 rowel! sire.' getting I following cotrersati.o ensued ip in the night and walking all ever him. I „Mr. Se"*", do Yr"' t. • •. y' (encu the must energetic pillow sham thutgabout`5t Jamole(til'1" l " 1%'AI1, 1 should rap seo ! It 7m just the grandest remedy foe eta+tts•ir" ever trade " " Have you used la, me 1- v10110'0 " wiltlose its energy and t1M force after bite stamped and crumbled at the foot -O t ,w bed ender a aa►'e bet. The pillow•sham is nut in any hue's to any great entent ; the mea eM yret , with them and the trouts tss. reialedy to tense Inc two imi e. aril et without them, so Na Pa' im is nothing -like it We could Rot los iit&ai will not M obliged 1')go. " well Art :to without a. lt:area cat !ren i l'eek's l'--- pt rasraaze er Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mese. Sold by all Diagrats. Now that then u a reliable reit ody for kidney trouble*, half the terrors attached tuthese complaints have been remeeed Per this let all be thankful, :►rad t,. Dr. Vau heron's Kidney Cure award all praise fur }using thus removed a hitherto tusidered fatal disease from our path. It was neror known to fail Sold by .1 Wilson. 2m . A Life paying !reseal.11. fdr. M ls. Allisoc, Hutchireem; '-tan. , saved his life by it simple Trial Bottle of Dr. Binns New Discovery, for i!.en- sYm•i ption, which caused hint to procre a largo bottle, thatoomeletely cured aim. when Doctors, cha.ige of cl n.at.e entV ' everything else had failed. Asthtaa;l Brocchttie, hoarseness. Severe Ciet4eu i and all Throat and Lung diaoases, t: tie' guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles a• J. W ila •n'a drag store. Large size $t ' 1•.• Ali Oasis in the desert is no brighter light to the wandering Arab (lir. a bottle of Dr Van lluren's Kidney Cure is to the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney Disease. it is a perfect, positive and permanent corn. Sold by J Witw Ueeler,ch ja•• The it untanance of a healthy •1:1:4 •f the systemis themtreet protection agnft st disease , esperiouce has al:owu that uv mose' the u•f Pr.Osrenn Sbnuarch and a,n- stipetior Sitters, a perfect dste of basil: cau he assured They free the system (011 impurities, ;bones anal purife •' Blood. Fur sale by all Dr igg.at• , cents a bottle. " ['sed It ! Yen, it hs, but. t stead - Ow r4.rhslurttat� i barna, l•reidss std e kin.► "f ache or pall. Then fey Cutokt,ns. - A name well known in burs it, tai i always have mullion with the Hair Renewer fhicLisew: 'tansy Noise, and ,% frit. ,odors hail t. an nat a red color by 1 call tee i► s few t* � Boldofd et 60 rents per WOeie-i sOnly • few today Jaws. Wino. 2m d•is' MTM. a drayrwii Yat badly hurt, ARewAII$' Oi oto dune "Trtave- and 1 cent out a bottle of Pit Jambe tor to any one •mdingthe hest fent lice MI. They rubbed it on him and it took rhyme on "Timeliest'," the i emu rkahle away the hair'Thcm�a very grater little gem Inc the Teeth Intl Ratt• tisk world *n i seed • ' .at ttent! fine in the roar dre0sat or address, Wieser two P T g .i.__ 11110csT bathossea.«., gggllmsegt ferlm h tslpa p��d ser- tna salmi re�e.bte fission ant me:draft 1 ;^.e C11EA►fttit On- t[ octets NO MORK Ikea tnierlOr Orme oa bvtrl el, lad oe hos t s. Ns Nos eat other ._ a are mate. Assess as we rex Barvesiers st1:1(iesrtr�. nineties Il r•.gsa corn-�nters. Carrla tr., a. ,r Wagrmn. ,tCUARANT[!O eetste NO Petroleum. t%1411Y s8 &•b'+~ T our PeeLet rrioriilt6 ,a/ rinses Werth [north, mailed (rye. MICA MANUFACTUR*NACO. 2!a SS ttuOnSt., New Yora. Cleveland. Asc ). aad Cago, In. SAMUEL pl) t *2 • CO. Toronto.Ont- .' • -•- •4 RN the Domini° a In At the' )ldtat Established [Msec Store in Time, d1ess Variety, t. suit the meat fastidious anute k• /suet economic be , MY WINTER STOCK Is now complier, and I take pleasure in informing my customers that et ed pro bus time have I had web a Large & Varied Stock As at present. 1 he raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Rice unto it is a positive fact that no such value in footwver can be got elsewtsere CUSTOM WORK. of every'grade still receives- ray prompt and careful attention, and will beema -' o . in the most approved styles by first-elanworkmen, End of the very best material obtainable. � _ DCS 1 . _ A GOOD WVESTMENt will liars Money by Nairn,' Your Groceri.es AProvisions AT D. FERCUSON'S BTE�� TT - We are New Selling This Season's NEW T &S From 3Octe ger th to 7 iiet. :New Currants, New Raisins, Coffee. Rugar. &c.Will be Fold Proportionally Chesil IPiourExtra Familyfloe.AT $2.2Z pex 10CI floe. A Full Supply of Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Brow., Snorts, etc. Always on Hand. The Best Quality of Coal Oil at the ileac Lowest Prices BOOIS & SHOES dt Wdl @ciLZp th Beg t. announce to e Public that they hate .pend e business in the shore Storer in the store Istel, occupied by Hume Newton. Having purchased $ large and well assorted stock of Spring sed hummer Goods at clue figures, we are iletermined to give the Public the benefit ()MCI 31LB3 & SELL PROMS TILL. R OUR !LOTH; }i 'Please call and examine our gouda before purchasing eloewi.er.•. lier Remember the place, next dour to J. Wilson's Drug Store )11111 -Custom work will receive our special atteetian. , 'Nene but the beet of material used and first-class w,,rkuten eeip!uy,•,l 1 s• 7Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. Grtodeeh, arch 9, 1882, DOWNING & W ED D U P 'Why should ,t r weeks 1,1e041 s • within Sit lirehiegrarideirecutInalabaate-t Or let fib Hair grow rusty, scant and U. :n. Whop "OnroaLaolw awrwwlb will tna5S it R"•mw the taster Icor mem by .1 %Y}; Wet 9ei " lgnrdeek ttreea tells..', Owes .eTdN', eryatpelaa, rot 1 1 , p11Ea aa11 taw beniave of th.blimil. Musee drip:e ais, liver nerRrlaiwt, t.ihe, noise. on.Mppatien, dropsy, kidney ermtplai..ts, krad elle, nerrettee aa, female .salines ad ,f,,,,o...1 I.Ail:ty what. ilii.: :p tine RINCIPM.+ LINE Aid w1 points le Ire's, Ilea meta N lite curt. awn ran, New Mester, Alf:'ens, M Una sad Teras enr.TEsT. tt exesT sad *t..i Ilse to Bt. Joseph. trh lion. Topeka, Deni- son, Dtlisa (lel• MIC= C A C:21 - We, roe•,. h.a ,e.,.wperbr 1, - Albert , Minneapolis and St. Pont. Cot :extol- t. v 1e4ut'1y reverted d es M beettah� tonere-4 +••1s rte. Gt (�,ar ble e lt,itrned e1 111,, w'•.'I4 fit : ! nee" 01 leer' KANSAS CITY Toast, CNehrive4 • '^ •• NOM s•' .,niece to 115e 11 A, sea Ess•aa Try ll and ,ne waw Awl tesr,•llec • Irtury, tar•./ of •e► rests!( t. 1 TTEele lh lvat 1.eMEll. of She Pen.: • • v nes. Pass des-_ A is i. • .:..lea . els ilhes J. busses. Canadian Pass. Ag t, Torero,. f nt Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. ' o• 11311611FtiFtir CABINET - MAKER ANI) ["NDERTAKEli Hamilton Street, Goderich 1 A good aasortment of Kitchen, Ned -room. Dlnine Room andfl-ertor Furniture. such as Ta bless. Chain (hair, ane and wood misted), Cupboards. ised•etrads, Slat, icon e, trash -steads Lounges. Sofas, What Note, Looking Glasses. e N. B. -A complete assortment of ('atlas and c!,ruu.ta AIi'ayS on hard 4'•n Hr,.,," a feet ►ire at reasonable rate . Picture Framing a specialty,—.1 can solicited 1731 (M. ii. JoNR•TOY, look.! use floderea 110 Y stir JOHN S ON'S° T4d SARSAPARILLA Y+Yirp Wife atI L?I 'eel fir Purifying the Bloat. : 1 •:. been in eon for aD years, nn 1 :.5 I 7 , bi tae• Ir -•t reelver.tuw n ::..•L f.,fStt-R IIE!tt at NE. 1'M' 11i y t.' MC:. oil DA( K. LIVFat , ['m. i .'':T el it:tori Off T111. VA. L. 1 . . 'Ni t. pilsim, ed all LAWeleat TM ,..,w bon DMordrled a. be b4r.l teesade of aur L•�s • ;le t•'k,. it RNs k to ?brit res- . 1 Ph ; incises prescribe u daily.r ffllh+rr ti „.,” . onrvt. ,. Inc)•• frern w*Mow k. N r..•., , to. apes IIs ...,. !n.", . t•.e et, lilraatV , • �`is-*e nen •.u' r w 11 itMw� eY�•e . a., : "e It h i.vi,f{y eeg� Oda. ewe . , aa- e- t in. rasa .ENtat• roadttin+,n th'ttaedlehmt to me 1 i Is r ' by at1 rompne4ble drurrl • . r fur a quart bottbottle.tr r ,: a ,loll":. . ,v. , •.,,+•••,• wewln a k., •. - •- . , their dry:: , • .. ,+•.n (14 ales! and we t-ul • ,. - r"'nyrrtY • 13. Yass.h:'..inn. • -to :war ,).e •. Fop sale ht .IAet tc[iS('' H. S. Hart & Co. 1.1:UI'i:I*TOIL, OF Tice Goderich Fills (LATE PIPER14.1 heg to return their thank. to the 1.1,1.1 the liberal patronage revived dune/ the pas year. lid to state they are preeerot to de rt I !+i '[' 1111 Ga en the shorter notice. or for len ' ,.•vee.eeseva :rot pe-;tt,ltriag at a distance eel exce•nae gristle at their town ,fere fent: w. 1r. Kiffvnni a, ) AA -sonic Mock, Etat et. omen& 1• .ae•Higheet price paint for attest lin R EGYPTIAN OIL, The Grea' Pain Coagaeror, repoty dIsl.et, pa u tee»p,.,n1e,l ,o evwee Ilefel emeltdetartfnwbred rho.- Iva rata utak 11 applied to aa) afgeta4 vtrfsoe of tart body, as went ache. weereligha eLeuteatim, dh ., rt gl1oes the vnlRrev error r and Inr. ant relief.* is a ebesiesser nenedr. 0011 te-. ant reoo.s refute!. ' it not as rrpreses•ee1. i % 1 1 PM esti + t•., beer rr.peNtere. Itran't net, rh.'erie J. C. Naat®1, iy • . ter-:. for Gitlatu t.