The Huron Signal, 1883-05-04, Page 22
the Poet's Corner.
Thr Mede) ./states Girt.
A practical, tolain yang( gtri
Not-afraid-W-tlitoralm )wuag girl
A poetical may,
A M gem ev: I.
and Tea.
Meleoesin young girl.
A nag
p*. clean,
4 prtletwed(-waa0a 7ouaaagirl.
A weer-benowa-►air young rl ;
A frer4enveie care owing ffirl;
;fly *aim
eirA wealde-of-rare-excels y'ouu,,g;rl.
Wtaat,,-reoln-titohenehowyuui 41r1 .
No indulger -it -Uu joaag girt.
Nuts bang on her brow.
To fraud not a bow
e hes • jest - what- he -scene young 1;,I1
Net a reader -el -trash young girl
Not a rhea fre141sab young gir
Yet & of rum,
Not a c wer of guni,
A apart el of scare young girl.
A mai) in :i rintgg young girl;
An active. aepir,ng) dung girl :
A morning artier.
A dandy despiser,
A pre%rse. %e. Canadian girl.
A loser -of -prose young girl ;
Not a lura -up -your -nose young girl :
Not given to splatter,
Not 'utterly utter.'
Hat • matter-o�-tact young girl.
A rightly -ambitions young girl :
Red-limemoR-0ellstoes young girl.
A aparkl ring clear eye.
That say* • I will try,'
A sure -to -succeed young girl.
An honestly -courting young girt .
A never-sesa-dirtlag young girl
1 Quiet sad pare,
A esodess desire.
A et -for -a -wife young girl.
t sought -everywhere young 'is; :
A future -wort -fair young girl ;
An ever glieereet,
We too meet
Thisouwanwienti young g.r:
Mla.ttlf. rulers's robes Tants sae Member
Om Last Marra sad tluhcr*.
The Mouse went into 4iamsiites of
Supple. On the item of $45,000 to meet
the repress incantation with Ube coo
pp{k��ioa� of the oe site, a debate ..4 some
length, rticipeted iia byre demembers
tu.Fk are, iia nhuwaee t.. th'ay in
furnishing the slatisties collected.
Mr. Komian the floorm slew to rise in and undertm reply,
Mr. Haman got
to detead •abs adhtiniatiet,'ton of the ale -
pertinent, and having goneluded this to
is own satiefsetion, he eulogized the H.
P. and assailed Mr. 1'atenou, of Bunt,
become he would not admit that a few of
the advance sheets furnished exhibited
wonderful ability and enterprise on the
part of lir. Pope.
Mr. Paterson brought down the laugh-
ter of the whole House on the member
for North Perth by allodiug to the rapid-
ity in which he Reason) sprang to his
feet to speak for the Minister of Agricul-
ture. He said he knew there were*
neuter of aspirantsto$11 his place. He
thought, however, that the member for
Centre Wellington, who had been nomi-
nated by a paper in Guelph, had the start
of the member for Perth. and he hooked
like a likely ntan to win w the race until
the member for East Huron Farrow) had
outstripped him, and demonstrated his
fitness for the post by prus'ing that the
N. P. had done wonders for the fowl,
swine and cattle creatiou. He said that
not having an organ like the member fur
Centre Wellington, and having allowed
the member for East Huron to get ahead
of him,it looked as though he were advo-
cating hirwelf for the pont.
A reeentltt ami tar Mr. renew. ; •s
Mr. Farrow has got the true Tv
o( Tory omnipotence thoroughly in
ed is his heart. Then is nothing seep-
tiealsbout hies. He uelievus that the
tures lay More eggs, the hogs grew fatter,
sad the cows gave more silk since the
Turkel crab int„ pewee and paved a
pltuteal'ee tariff, and be wee not salaam
ed to say 50 un die floor of the House.
Argument sod mien= some have no
weight with seek s ebasactsit. while Me
only effect hie emeif1/ies of faith in the
N. P. tiara bare ism payio.s the public
SWAIM member for North Huron is as
big a goose as he looks --[Sarni:. t )b-
The *rays ictal anaemia.
This is the way the matter strikes a
correspondent of the Toronto Telegram:
Now is the ',Toper time to ask why
did not fair John fulfil hisise by
gamine the Orange Bill 1 Herombargain-
ed, stipulated and pledged bis honor to
incorporate the Order in exchange for
his Orange vote. He gave this promise
as head of the Government, and as a
leader omnipotent in his own party. fie
was returned to power with a majority of
400 per cent. In the flush of his most
decisive victory, in his highest prestige
and greatest strength he has broken
specitic promises to Ontario Orangemen,
that he might keep implicit fa' with
Quebec Bleu. At no future time could
he ever b"j a to have a larger majority
or greater influence to carry the Orange
Bill than the influence which he now
commands and the majority he centesis
at Ottawa. If he had ever intended in-
corporating the Orangemen, now was
the time un the zenith of his power.
such is the point of view from which
the sincere Orangemen will regard the
question. The outside spectator will
consider it in the additional light, that
Sir John was indebted fur victory to the
support of two parties hostile to each
other in religious belief, and irreconcile-
able in political aims. The Orangeman
wants Protestantism dominant in the
Dominion, and Orangeism legalized in
Quebec while the French Catholic
wants Orangeism eapuuged and Catholic
ism ascendant in Quebec, with equal
rights fur the latter faith throughout
Canada. Sir John is in the position of a
lover with two sweethearts. To one he
gives promises, to the other preseuts.
The Orangemen received the promisee;
the Frenchmen always got the presents.
Every bill that the Bleus asked for to in-
corporate their religious and peculiar
sectarian institutions, Sir John gave
them without hesitation, but never fav-
oured the Orangemen with anything
snore substantial than promises. in
this strange C,atervative alliance of On-
tario Orangemen with French Catholic-.,
the Orangemen were silly enough to be-
lieve that they were hoodwinking the
French to promote Protestantism, while
the Frenchmen knew that they were
duping the Orangemen through their
leaders, and accurdingly gut Orange
rotes to Charter and incorporate every
nunnery, monastery, and exclusive in-
stitution that could. Ixtssibly strengthen
the French church. Sir John voted for
the Orange Bill but would not speak for
it. His vote was the vote of only nae
elan, but bit voice was the voice of
140 members, and he withheld -it know-
ing that silence you'd ensure defeat.
Berne think that 11'r. Flake should have
supported the Bill. Let us examine for
a moment the absurdity of the expecta-
tion. For the past twenty-five years
the Orangemen have voted in a solid
phalanx for Sir John, their promised re -
wird being the °maitre Bill. At the the
last Dominion election they entered into
a contract with Sir John to defeat Mr.
Blake, their long sought incorporation
being the consideration which they were
to receive. They fulfilled their part of
the agreement, and Sir John refuses
payment. Would not Blake be the
merest craven to pay them the stipulat-
ed reward for having given hien a thrash-
ing at the pills ! Aa the platter stands
it is a very pretty quarrel between the
Orangemen of Ontario and their Cath-
olic Censervatite allies in Quebec, when
Mr. Curran, in his seat tit Parliament,
tells the former that they must not dare
to parade in Montreal, on the 12th .duly,
or it will be the Battle of the Boyne
over again.
The Goveruntent gave the suns of Mr.
Rufus Stephessun -a printing job for
which they were paid $5,133.40. ON
this work they never set up an em, but
farmer it out to regular punting oontrao-
tors, whose contract rates were $2,-
264.92. They thus pocketed $2,769.48,
whish was clearly stolen from the public
treasury by Ministers as a reward for
political support. This is a specimen of
the system of plunder carried on by the
Government for the' benefit of their
friends—[Port Hope Guide.
John R. Vert, Hamilton says : "Mc-
(regor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and
.indigestion is cheap at fifty times the
price caked for ir. 1 am a commercial
man, and travel centinually and wa.uld
to more think of leaving hone without
a bottle •.f bpc(.regnr a Spee ly Cure in
my valise than I would of leaving nay
team at home and going en foot. Free
trial bottles at Geo. Rhynas Drug Store.
Reviler eve. fifty cents and one dollar.
Many of our ills ars dependent npr,n
disordered liter and kidneys, and an im-
pure state of the blood. Nothing equals
the Fountain of Health. Price 23 cents.
Tae Helrkete Thug on Ni rerel
Is Knurl's Finial Lightning for Neural-
gia, Headache. Toothache, etc. it does
not Lister ••r disc;.lor the skin : it -
quire' batt one application t•• banish all
pain ,.asgically without using any greasy '
liniment or carrying your head in a pout- 1
tine for weeks. Tt7 a twenty, five cent ;
bottle items (ileo. Rhy'eas' druggist. 2,
A iaeestnaUN.
Ismer, Fartlteatars .15MTe,Mt.te woe .
The Galt Reformer thinks Mr. Far-
row is better entitled to the appoint-
ment of Minister of Agriculture than
Dr. Orton. The reason given for the
preference it because Fervow, in his sent
the other day, solemnly declarual that
his experience as a practical farmer had
couvaueed him that the hens laid more
eggs, the hogs vrew fatter, and the cows
gate more milk since the inauguration
of the National Policy. Yes, Mr Far
now is eminently the "mean for Galway.'
The man who has such a power over the
hen tribe, and the hog tribe and the cow
tribe deserves promotion. —[Ottawa Free
ram are s:taetar.
Several of our exchanges point out the
absurdity of the Tory organs charge that
the Tupper-Maodonnell letters are both
stolen ani forged If forged, they were
not staled ; if stolen, they were not forg
ed. There appears to be no doubt now
that the letters were all genuine, and
were stolen and given to the press by a
Tory official who does not love either
Sir . "hn or Sir Charles eery much. -
[Moncton 'rrai 'utriPt.
e Power far Tilley.
Veelbalt sit Incise.
Fasttiaeia, Ga., 1pril 23- A cyt:Iune
passed over this town early Otte Morning
thong great damage, The 'louse of John
Register was Motel' down, told two Clttlt'-
ren were killed. (Mantel 1larru' hurter
was demolished, and his wife and child
reit badly injured.
Chattanooga, April 23—Ten %houe►ud
dollars damage w.m dope here by store,
!sat night. The depot, dwellings I.WI&
stores were Iii, uufeit, trues 01)t/cited anal
teness blown down. In the sunvuudiu.,
cuuptry the sturw was very destructive
Reports of serious damage to it wit, n
Nortl Alabama by the cyclone het.
reechkd here, Ind 110 particulars.
Dea Muiuet, la., Apt it 23-- A spec al
from Dunlop, Harrison cuuuty, ray, a
terrible tomato passed near there on 1.11
turday uigut, carry( t, he ay wary tarn
houses, barna, and kitting much vee
frets were tura °et by the r', and of t
buildings carried cotnplotelyaway 12111,
lila/ ..f lite le repn,rted,Lut no definite lv 1
oculars have bucu received.
CSALLENog Clue Karen -The Clin-
ton High School and Galt Collegiate
Institute Football teams met uu the
Clinton High School grounds Friday, 20th
inst. , to play off their tie match for the
challenge cup of the Western Associa-
twn. The weather was very fine, and
the grounds in good condition. The
Clinton Club should be congratulated on
the interest taken by the townspeople
generally in their sports as shown by the
Lugo attendance of spectators, of whom
the greater number were ladies. The
Galt team haring been on the road from
7:45 a.m. to 1:30 p. m. , appeared a little
tired when they took the held at 3 p.m.
During the first 15 minutes the play was
very general, the ball being kept in mid-
field the greater part of the time, neither
side seeming to have any advantage. The
securing a goal by the visitors seeu,ed to
reuse their spirits, and as they warmed
to their work, they made charge after
charge on the Clinton goal, giving the
backs and goalkeeper many chances to
show their agility and kicking Towers ;
before half-time was called they had
added another goal to their score. Dur-
ing second half-time the Galt score was
further increased by two goals. During
the last ten minutes the Clintcn for-
wards, keeping well in line, made several
fine rnshes up the field towards the Galt
goal, but tips heavy kicking of the basks
relieve,: wear goal from danger each
time, and prevented the home team from
souring. At the chase of the game the
score stood 4 to 0 in favor of G. C. I.
Mr. Auger, the Tory member fur
Shefford, who defeated Hon. Mr. Hun-
tington, is reported to have made the
following brief but significant speech in
the House the other day : If the N. P.
has put $4,000,000 into the treasury, if
it has benefitted the manufacturer and
hu reduced the prices of goods, I would
advise the Finance Minister to stick it
on. Let him take more money and still
further reduce prices.
Cables few sae Workingmen.
Sir Leonard, be it known to all, has
taken the tax off and made free of duty
rubies, sawdust and attar of roses. The
sawdust will not, perhaps, be of so much
importance, but just think of the rubies
and the attar of roses. Wo expect to see
every workingman in this country cover-
ed with rube and going around smell-
ing like a 'dude," scented for his Ange-
lica. Who says now that Sir John is not
the friend of the workingman' -[St.
Catharines News.
l elaeksiMt.g Prwfr.ser.
The London Ado rti.sor remarks that
Prof. Foster takes strange rounds for to
distinguished an advocate of temperance.
He favors the sale of liquor in hotels on
Sundays One can readily understand
why hotel -keepers and a certain section
of the travelling public would favor such
a plan, but to have the sale of liquor on
Sunday advocated by a temperance lec-
turer, whose chief plank is prohibition,
is a new departure. Is it that the Pro-
fessor is a politician first and ti temper-
ance man afterwards, or is it possible
that King Dodds converted hint when
the two were opposed to each other on
the platform 1
reit ate and Conadenelal.
When a business man has the un-
bounded cheek to go to the Government
and ask them to favor hint by fining his
neighbors heavily on all purchasesof
goods in his line not made by him, it is
not unreasonable for the victims to ask
for a statement of the reasons he gives
for his request, and on whish the Gov-
ernment leas acted in ,;ranting it. Yet
such a requeat has been refused. We
must all submit to the additional taxes
on imported prints and winceys. \\ e
must all contribute to the bounty to be
paid to the makers of iron, but we may
not see the reasons why. They are con-
! ffdential, Sir Leonard says. The very
names '•f those who asked such favors
are withheld. Yet this country is sup -
1 prised to be free and self-governing. -
Waterlao Chronicle.
Tie Ottawa Scare.
There is something laughable in the
,idea of ten or fifteen of the Terunto
police force hanging shout Ottawa. dram -
ed iia •pooch hats and got up generally tit
j a style to snake them noticeable in every
piece of resort they may visit. The carter
•1 all this display is the fact that a beer
bottle bunt in one of the departmental
building*, rr,bably depriving 'tome ,n-cr
worked civil servant of half of his lunch,
and the further fact that during the high
'spring freshet mune one tired at a musk-
rat that had been driven out of its lode-
, tee by 1 he water. The fico is have sub-
; sided, the muskrats have gone lock to
their subterranean retreats, and the
latest reports from the bar-rs,ms in the
Commons and Senate is that the beer
bottles are now on a peeee footing. The
police may there( ,re he safely milled off.
• ysdaNe Peale,.
Mr. it. O. (iota's, (filen Walker, Out.,
desires to make the felluwing facts as
public as pisuble. Ile says he had a
miry led attack of rheuuwtls'l, to his
ihoulters, which was to/ w% ere lliet he
.;cold ecarcely mate without the greatest
agony, .ltd further, that he was cared
K tui use of Dr. Dow's Sturgeon (HI
LAutnitnt, Hr. Gowan does welt in
toa►y"g liar wonderful ours public, thus
giving hope to tbeteeaads of sufferers
from' rheuatistn sad liadred diseases.
Jackson, Mass., April 23 Meat use
treeing accounts ountiuuu tt Li. receis ca.
un the cyst I e. one le' 061111 WWI glace
and three injured. The town a lis raitw.
Fr..perty of all kinds in the vict•utt)
greatly damaged. Beauregard is a pt
feet wreak. Nu how's eseale.t . t'nt
killed and wounded at Webauu are chit 1-
ly mill operators. Wesson escaped Is t•
(tally, oaly put of of tho town beset; 1.
the heart ul the hurricane. Laurel," t,
Miss, suffered heavily by loss of playa'
ty, but uo lives I.wL Aside troth labs,
sustained in the towns moo:iuned, the
devastation to tilt country tying tit 1..
path of the tiurrlcule is s'u:y great.
Crepe, lanai houses mad stuck wore uu
strayed. At Aberteen, eigjbt or' t
litres wege lust, and about arty poleaxe
injured—some fatally. At Starkvd.e,
five or ten lives were last. At a col rs..
church, there, a negro mar' was tate.
badily up. Ween last seen ho w.0 etld-
ly besting the air, seeking s ane.hine w
stay his progress
Tamotsu sauna■ atlas.
Bottrop, April 26,- lm the Tewkes-
bury iuvestivstion, Christian Mueller
estahcd to the tanning of human skins
rove, ed fico variuua doctors. .k hair
.0 tippets for elippers u a to fr,uu ., :rr
Wihll'. skill acre hill N- I1.
Sc1FORT0 V. GALr.—The Galt Club
having remained in Clinton over night,
reached Seaforth Saturday at 10 am.
The forenoon was spent by the visitors
in viewing the salt well and other places
of interest in the town. At 2 p.m. the
Seaforth High School andGaltCotlegiate
Institute teams faced each other on
the splendid grounds adjoining
the Huth School. During the
first ten minutes the ball was put
through the Galt goal, but it was given
off -side by the umpires. This seemed
to waken up the visiting team, and with-
in five minutes, by rapid passing and
countering from the wings, they scored
their first goal ; by similar tactics they
placed four more to their credit dura g
the tint half-time. The Galt team con-
tinued their rattling play during second -
half, and notwithstanding the heavy de-
fence of their opponents increased their
score by four goals. When time was
called the score s+nod :—Sezforth High
School, 0 ; Galt Coll. Iust., 9.
"I beg your pardon,' and with _smile
and a touch of him hat Harry Edmond
handed to an old Loan, agaiust whom he
had accidentally stumbled, the cane
which he had knocked from his hand ; "I
hope I did not hurt you ; we were play-
ing to" roughly. -
"Not a bit" timid the old man, cheer-
ily. "Boys will be boys, anal its best
they sh•'uld be. Yuu did not harm me."
'I'm glad to hear it ;" and, lifting his
hat again, Harry turned to join his play-
mates, with whom he had been frolick-
ing at the time of the accident.
"What do you raise your hat at that
old fellow for asked his companion,
Charles Cray. "He's only Giles the
"That makes no difference,- aatd Har-
ry. "The question is not whether he is
a gentleman, but whether I am one.
Owen? our bust citisena would say t••
the vitiate tart he liar tried Hall's Ca
tarrh Curr, and it is ell that is claimed
for it. )'rice 75 outs per bottle. Sold
by Groft.h) ties, t • agent fur O,ete
HEN A MAN ARRIVES AlSr meddle it is tine lis tap Mock of
teas the
of Neel
Hi the a,
may die
reaFrlisi ersetiertwardelF
en from die wear sad
rimsNrearm fort
osier some Went aLa
atseatknit till te•n 1►s miter loess trm►raonI
waMr. ef)Nler's Phosphates and Callas)..
spial& power to re dim egedy and
t•Igonte weak organs. a the ii.
may Iretent to 1,:k sufferings firmer pr..
long life
The ; n,uth of A;,, it is the time that
he %lie emu take. a Blued Purifier
.0 Bennet eat a better 'ir safer me'li-
eethan 1)r. Caraon'aStoutachmud (' it
ti ..:h •n (litters. Price 50 cents .t bet
t Asl. your da;t.t ist about it.
�o huu.ehuld sbould be cunsidored
a•mpl r, without a bottle of Dr. Van
u en's Kiduo)• ('cru is in the closet.
it is the only remedy that will positively,
permanently and promptly cure all forms
of kidn y diseases. SOLI by J. Wilson
Atlanta, April 23. —A cyslomagosseu
through the lower part of Georgia with
destructive results 'Ibis wind was heavy
and thin poorvd all over the litters. fa• -
lightning was so continuous that a per -
sun could read by its Lagar. Fuucua auu
dame were waahed away. Many booster
were blown down. Haports from Albany
state eight were killed and twenty-five
weaseled. At Kestmaw two were killed
There was much destruction at Americus.
One baby, ups WolnAll, two Nigro mei
and a whole family of lite were killed.
Macon, Gs, April 23.—A tern& cy-
done visited the south-west 01 Oeurgia
which was attended with large loss of
life and property. Nut lees than twenty-
five deaths are reported, while the num-
ber injured cannot be esttinated. din
a number of inatanses there wan entire
lose of farm houses, &a
A Biwa MIs.
\\' ilk 's the proprietors of Hurdnek
1tt 'sl Bitters p ret this renowned medi
Mu on the market, they bit it exactly.
they bit' dyspepsia, indigestion, anti
ver sort kidney complaints shard blow,
:nun whish thwv will never recover. 2
Pe feet, Vesture and Pleaeanent are
the cnres affected by 1)r. Van Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief in all asses of Kid -
my Disease is obtained afters, few doses.
Bre that your Druggist gtres you Dray
Vee Buren's Kidney Cure Sold bp J.
tllileen roderieb. Sas
an gala bees Mires -
He of whom I speak to -day was au ex-
ile, said Dr. Talmage u a recant seri on.
We have had plenty of exiles Abra-
ham from Chaldes, John from Ephesus.
Kosciusco from Poland, Emmet from
Ireland, Kossuth from Hungary, bis
this one of whom I speak, although he
had a resounding farewell, met with such
a chilling reception that not even a host-
ler with a lantern carne to help him in,
and to is more to be pitied than any
other expatriated one on earth or ba
heaven. Christ was an imperial exile.
He got down oft a throne. He took of a
tare. He closed a palace gate behind
Hiin. He was nut pushed off the
throne. He was not manacled bit
foreign transportation. He was not put
out because they wanted Him no nun e
in the celestial dominions. But he vol-
untarily went to an exile five times as
onerous as that of Napoleon at St. Hel-
Christ was an exile on a Darren islan.'.
He came to a Dry Tortugas of disagree-
ableness. He came to the back door
yard of the universe, in a land unfit for
the residence of foreigners, and toler-
able for only one-third of the year, He
was an exile in a hostile country.
Turkey is not so hostile to $ issia, nr
France to Germany, as this earth was
hostile to Christ. He faced all his one-
miee. His wounds are in front. He
saw the movements of his assailants.
He had no other, no chlorcfnnn, no
merciful amtaithetic. His eyes were
wide open. Ile saw the countenances
quivering with rage. He heard the dia-
bolic laughter.
Chnsta exile was "far fall h•)mo.
Have you ever thought how great must
have been His homesickness far thirty-
three years? He was born in another
man's barn, and buried in another man's
grave. He was in an exile which he
knew would end in assassination. Hol-
man Hunt's picture of Him as a carpen-
ter represents Him stretching His weary
arms in the sunlight, and Hie shadow
forms a cross. That ehadoA followed
Him through life. There was a shadow
at Bethlehem on the swaddling clothes.
There was a shadow in Galilee ; a
shadow wherever he went to the day of
the c: ucifixion. He had the doom of
desperate for mare than angelic cooei-
"Blood will tell." A face adorned
with Pimples, Boils, Blotches dc., is
not a particularly pleasant sight, and in
variably betokens an impure state of th.a.
Blood. Dr. Carrion's Stomach Bitten
free the system from all gross ht;mrurs,
renders the Blood pure and c .I
. a
is di -
ration and gives a healthy arpotite.
r sale by ad Druggists is 'ark -
at 50 cci tt.
In the history of medicines no preps
ration has received such universal c., a-
mendatiou for the alleviation it affords,
and the permanent cure it effects in kid-
ney diseases, as Dr. Van Iluren's Kianay
Cure. Its action in these diatreasirg
complaints is sitoply w..nderfe'
by J. Wil• in. 2m
tial Ger It.
Diabetes, Bright's I)iseame, K:dne1,
Urinary or Liver Complaints cannot be
oontractel by you or your family if Hop
Bitters are used, and if y„a alr( have
am of these ttiac.lsee Huey Bitters is the
nu y medicine thitt will p' naitite,y .-ore
you, 1),•a.t f ,;go: this, ;,ad d..:l t K"t
•cute 1,utfe,l ni. et,it'.'that '• :l: '.i,'t `iarni
Headache is one ..f those •listtessurg
complaints the de
irritatmn, bad cirfu,ation, or a •.iieorler-
ed state o1 the tit'•mach, liver, havers,
etc. The etliilter and proprietor o1 the
(evt1.neifa P,yfrri' 1 wee eared after
years of suffering with headache, and
now testifies to tho view •.f Ra-ti'k
Mord bittern,
wMwMTCrtT ata FAtsnAG(.
Halifax, March 21t1
''!li('ASS/A N.
Portland. Mar, a. 29th. Banta:. March 710.
1'.e RI.i.1.V.
Halifax, .tpril 7th
Portland,.1i.ril1'•th. Halifax, April lith.
Halite:, April fl*t.
Portian.. .sprit Nth. Halite& April (8th.
.Y_t RNA 774.N.
HaLlfis. Hay 5th.'
Tiaras. May 1ftb.
fgAner t,hiob tits teleses* will be de
patched 1r• m tJneber.
Last train lest es Tomato will the wisps aril
paesanters at 7:12 every Themeat seeming.
connecting with the steamer at Halifax.
For tick eta and every Isfortaattoa apply to
Ticket Agent,
1f you are sick Hop Bitten will surely
it'd Nature in making you well when all
else fail..
If jou are costive or dyspeptic, or are
suffering from any ether of the uumer-
•)us diseases of the stomach or bowels,
is your own fault if you remain ill, for
Hop Bitten are a envereign remedy in
all such complaints.
If yun are wasting away with any form
of Kidney Disease, stop tempting Deatb
this moment, and turn for a cure to Hop
U you are fuck with that terrible sick-
ness Nervousness, you will land a "Balm
in Gilead" in the use of Hop Bitter.
If you are frequenter, or a resident
of a miasmatic district, barricade yuur
system agaiast the sooure, of all ouun-
tries--malarial, epidemic, bilious, and
intermittent fevers—by the use of Hop
If you have a rough, pimply, .,r sallow
akin, bad breath, pains and aches, and
feel miserable generally, Hop Bitters
wr11 give you fair skin, rich blood, and
sweetest breath, health, and comfort.
In short they corn all diseases of the
Stomarch, Bowels, Blood, Liver,Nerves,
Kidneys, Bright's Disease. $500 will
be pard for a case they will net cure or
That poor, bedridden, invalid wife,
sister, mother, or daughter, can be made
the picture of health, by a few b ,tries of
Hop Bitters, costing hut a trifle. Will
you let them suffer1 lm
PEsiiill Ii'iig S1r,
Fresi Floier and Garden Seeds,
in Bulk or package!.
202plt_ P�OSAL131-11C:
1883 -SPRING -1883
Mammoth Long Rol Mangold.
Turnip mods. I Every \'sort y. l
Carrot )•reeds. + •
Garden Needs.
Seed Peas, Harley, Oat. and wheat.
Hongsrian Seed and Millett.
Huckwheat. Timothy and Clover Sea,'..
flat 3( ed and 011 Cake.
-ALli AT
Z. szloANs
..c: nr r Hamilton ant' Victoria streets.'
IeColl Bros. k Co,, Toronto,
Alt •ZhicI,ures and \V)wlesalc Dealers in
N• ;IL —Avoid the coralauton LARDINE
who jests at everything. Such people
disparage by mins Indicrons association,
all objects which are presented to their
thoughts, and thereby render themselves
:ncapa,le of any emotion which can
either elevate or soften them. They
bring Ip•n their mortal being an infiu-
erns mon withorina than the Watts of
' the desert. ,;;t It ('EI.rtRATFl C-.
Fu's; Lett Merest A game of foot-
ball iia cuptio series for the chempiot-
rhi of 'he Pr�,vir,ce will he
the Fier •;rounds hare, nn Saturday,
M ey 2'L:L„ ',etween the Galt .ollegtate ch
institute club. No fee will be chanted
for this ?Hatch, and it is hoped a lam
number will make it cnnsenient 'o hees
ds upon nervous - _
ppla Jeel
`.Ii-. .1. B. ieymoar, 11: ,g.,.a. 1.
Catharines, v. rites that he MI1,: al • er-
inereasing sal. f r Hurd.,,( Hood Bit-
ters, end adds that he ran withr:et hesi-
tstitey, recommend it. Burdock Blood
Bitters is the greed spec/fia for all dis-
nasce of 't•e Plan, Liver and Kidney. 2
brand is unexcelled b) ar.y ntber oil on lb*
market. in reeapition of its superior merit.
we bare re'eeiv.d
All the Highest Prizes l
wherever we exhibited it toner 111x, among
ether awards • Largo number of
Gold, Silver & Bronze Nodalat
be..dee numerous Dipiouts. 1t 1. warranted
inot to prom or dog: wean equal to Pastor Ml
and twin' IMP thes owr-kai the peter 1s tee
cheapest oil oe the market. rITRV IT.
Nils by
R.'T. McKenzie,
IMP flederteh
1 Lave jest le band a tall supply of
of all kind*, w hick 1 will sell rhea
I-' A1.SO
Fresh and Well Selected.
Crer uid G
of a:, kinds at lowest passible price*.
Geo. H.OId.
Siek 8*adseb, and relieve aM trwebica
dent to sasba$o tow sof the ear ee
tine, Names, Drewaio,w, a .giy
Pats is thenld, M tial* their east
able settees has ban shows le curing
WA crit VI
nesir.ehr.yrt Carteeel.lwle Liver Pillsare epea11y
valuable iu Csoeupauuooss carts( and preventing
tins anney lag tospisfat, white they also roust
all di.order* of lbs el*sarb, attmalate the liver
and r gelate the bswe& 'ma if they only cured s,.
Ara. tilt; wield heslmoetpriceless to thew who
suffer from lbls dietresolag complaint; bet forte
natal; their goodness does not rad here, and those
who once try them w111 end tbeee 1$1U* pule valu-
able in so mea y ways that Obey will not be whilst
Sado without the.. Bet after all sick bead
It the lite of to many lives tha�i . M where w.
make oar (resat boast oer /1�.can it wiem
Others do not.
Carter's little Leer P111. are very small aril
very easy to take. Owe qpr' two dills sakes dose.
Taey are strictly vrgetaW sal M son rt.* or
purge cwt ify their motto action plisse an who
mos tient. in ,lata u la seats; eve ler Row
Mug- So
by drtygists everywhere, or eat by ua*II-
Nem York Olty.
Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain
and Mousse River Country
Tributary lo the 1 natrd •itateei Land ()tf,c
hrrr{Oe1AL M tr and rrs.l. part.cul*r•
mailed raat to any address n)
H. F. Mi'N A LIN,
(femoral Travelling Agent
f rrawt ee Tarsale. lea