HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-04-27, Page 7FR! HURON SI •NAL, 14" IDA Y , APRIL 'i, 188 Wort'Js OZ 1iisOom. Nothing overcomes passion vire than sasses. Stone sad sticks are tluul • •sly at trait• bearing tress. The defects of great men ,.Ie the con- solation ut the dunces. The man who is always ri•ht finds every one aka always wrong. Style is the gossamer on which the seeds of truth float through the world. If you believe in evil you have done evil. What wakes life drue .y u the ra,t of r*otive. No one is fatigued aft. r exervier of forbearance leleUaressal MsaselaaM. Mark Twain Ends talo glamors of cham- pagne admirable fur loosening the tongue and a -happy iusptretiun for an after din- ner speech ; but his experience has been Mat wine clugs the brain for mental work, and he out never writs to his own satisfaction atter even drinking even see glass. He likes tobacco as a stimulant. Oliver Wendell Holmes prefers an en- tirely undisturbed and unclouded brain for usental work, unstnuulated by say• thing stronger that tea or coffee, unaf fected by t .bele• • r other drugs. Ili face!ties are Lest under control in the futu,,, os1, LKweeu breakfast and lungti• He who is hospitahlu droll be himself The only intellectual use he can find in God's guest. stimulant& is the •yuiekenel mental se - To see what is right, and not do it is want of courage. Let no one overload you with favoura; you will find it an insufferable burden. Place before your children nothing but what is simple, lest yea spoil their tion they pn dace oh it taken in coin pas', He th.oLp i,l.• ; which thus reach the I.:Ain u ay reo:ain after the stitnulu■ D. Howells ntaer uses tobacco,cx- taste, old nothing that to not utmxeet, "`id + self defensive cit/arette' where a lest you spoil their heart. Meat weeny other portions are smoking The two moat Precious things ou this and when he takes wine it weakens his side of the grave are our reputation and work and his corking Purees nes! morn - our life. But it is to be lamented that ing the must contemptible whip er may de- Lyman .Abbott uses thither alcohol nor privs us of the one, and the weakest weapon of the othrr. A wine roan, tobacco. therefore, will be more anxious to de• Matthew Arnold drinks claret habitu- serve a fair touts than to possess it, "A-- I ally and it suits him. afraid to die. The late George M. heard found oleo - this will teach hint aa to lice al not t.. Le me d bol benumbing and stupefying, but to- Complaisance o- .... Hap been using your 1M•dieek iT ten as • live: roguish. ,Rd (+... i ssey seaetoae. Ohne. ll. A' 41 Vence Nock, In.ttaiwpa.11•, 1. Mew Wu fee t...rosea Writhe*, by I sees. Mobility sad teeasapMrt' the Great German luvigorrt••1 . only specific for impotency, potecy, nerv'• bility, unilrr..1 Issattutir, terra fn pun in the k or sides. tto tont • • shattered t'.. system Laolr L oesses of any kind, the Meat Gest. Remedy will restore Lb..1 a fun and euchre health and kala' 1.19- per hos, six boxes fort,6.Otti all drug. ists. Sent .•:. • , e•; postageIpaid, by le .1• tlheUey. Ohio, sole wont for United htat•• tailors and tertrtaoniala sent be.. by Oen. Rny'mas, rule vent i••' t ich. •'lin : GOODS t'HEAPER THAN 1E' • )A -r Tull - Oldest Established tri IN T.1-1= Co 1.7 N•1 Y- 11,. lest, L • 1, •1 Silo*, veto's, rthb•bs, all wu..l • cashmeres, factory and ble•t:he ••• print!. 7c., at less than w holi rale ►xi • Scotch and Canadian twee•ls at w• prices. (tucks, cot (woolen Ace..ac... are Co laisanc a renders a superior • - w .t rnirsble, an equal agreeable, and an in- taco., "pium,•tea, and coffee h,i•1 an cf 'erior acceptable. It suothes distine- tect precisely the reverse. 'ions, sweetens conversation, and with bt1 and zi ke Prof. Blackie takes wine to sharpen ' mutual benevolence, encourages the into lect sur . timorous, soothes the turbulent,harmon- Wilkie Collins nays that he is nerved tram the fierce, and distinguishes a and composed by tobacco. society of civilized persons from a parcel Thomas. A. Edison int, too violently ..f savages. incited by smoking or drinking, but gets La Answer Wasted. inspiration front chewing tobacco. Gladstone regards wine in moderate • Iuantities, as necessary to hila at the time of the greatest intellectual ex,.rtiun, but he detests tobacco. himself. It produces goo please every one in the oompausappetite, but never as a stimulant for good nature and cal k Can any one bring us a case of Kidney •'r Liver Complaint that Electric Bitten will not speedily cure ' We say they ai not, as thousands of cases already pct inanently cured and who are ,laily re- con wending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. Chcy purify this blood, regulate the bow- els, and acts directly en the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sate at,50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. (it : A Sermon la • Paragraph. President Porter, in Yale, gave the following ad\ ice to the students of that institution the other day: "Youngmen, you are the an hitecta of your own for- The W ingham Fire Brigade, one of tunes, rely on your own strength of the best in the province, recently asked 'xdy and soul. Take for your star self- the council of that town for new uniforms GO ;1'1 tiCIkER WORMS. Ohry. tat Ge• R O C M.3 1=4, Before you bar of midi its •.r ,t , t: may teas. Young Hylton era werrsh,. 1 par • ; hon t'cts. per pound up. Black teas is tiers, ; equal wurtheectr�. finest it. tea lr .rt'ta 7 .two. rt pound. All spites sold by We warnatr' pore. f31#4_RDW1l.11IR FAT OY - I hold in stock • large ,a:,.ortme.. • ' her iron, steel, malls. paint.. tani, 0140 nibs with s genera +s" 1 stn ant rR shelf hartlware and to Authority en forgery. The Toronto Nail tries to make it ap- pear that the letter of Sir Tupper, in which he said Bir John han "little confi- dece in the breed," i meaning either Ro- meo Catholics generally or the Catholic clergy), is a forgery and a clumsy one. It is not so clumsy as the letter which the present editor of the Mui/ forged with the intention of casting discredit upon the educational acquirements of the Hon Mr. Vail. -[Advertiser. reliance. inscribe on your banner, •Luck is a fail, 1 luck is a hero." Don't take too much advice -keep at the helm and steer your own ship, and remember that the art of commanding is to take a -air share of the ne rk. i hick well of yourself. Strike out. 1•<,un:.e. your own position. Put-potatlwa iu a cart, go over a rough road, anti steall ones go to the bottom. Riles above the envious and the lealous. Fire above the mark you intend to hit. E:.er,ty, invincible determination, with a right motive, are to replace those worn out. The council refused the reasonable request and the Brigade has disbanded. If ''the towel should be so Misfortunate as to have conflagration before a new company he or..auized, the ratepiyers will not ab mucin :affection fur the Councilors. t]Ite,tce Reser•der. the brat CORN SH ELLER I on the cautinent of America. Price only ::re dollars. Bring in some ears of corn and try it. C. CR.A=$ SQUARE. 00 •KRICH. life its aweepirit oy. and dare before you die., something mighty and sub- lime lessee behind to confiner' time. let • week in your ow g free. No risk. Everythinh �] any arre makind. We lggffnsrnetea gaa�ee h as men, and boys an, r piia. Reader. if you wa rat whiett you can make veal pay a tet particulars to H. H AI.I.ETx *at.r• Etched Tksaraod" A11 over the land are going into ec-tacy over Dr. King's New Dirtrovery for Con- sunaptioe. Their tnllo'.ke.l for recovery the levers that Iuote• clic world. D i• by the tilncly' use ., this great life : ewear. Diu t deceive, Dou't read teat , ing reuledy., dolens them to go nearly els, Don't marry until you can supla.It : wild in its praise It is guaranteed to a wife. lie civil. Read the I,Aloere. p n,i►itelp ease aerate coughs. colds, as - Advertise your liminess. Make money h'na, h:tr fever, trrnnchiti', hoarseness, and do grad with it. • L....• hour i 10,1 1 ,.f voice, or 'ant affection of the ,.rad fellow men. Love truth and virtue. ' tl: • tt end lungs. Trial bottles free at Love your country and obey its laws." I James Wilson a drug store. Large size - --- i ILIA. 2:) a realties' Threshing 1Mc�lnt• Yuirl p (':el••h•i, ..the sitting mem- \i: iasis in the desert is uo heti; her fur B.ethwell,•• perused with core the . light to the wanderzn r Arabi. han a b, tetters of Junius, he could have got a hof Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is to nost valuable hint. from the words, '`not the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney to attract the public attention to a char- Disease. It is a perfect, positive and atter which will only Issas without cit, ! permanent cure. S••1.1 by J. Wilson without bservati. , p p `tut' Banking. OF MOIvTR,EAL. - SV 0;4. L •lf,000,CJ . •s,oae,uoo. Goderich Branch.' - D. GLA" - - lfahaner. Black. ILL NOM and MAII;'I' W ELL MEN • • • t ; . r Rot sad 15A17 " , N6 ,at•aetac • . • t -est "mum gel':.. %. u7 lN.rlelrin/ /a ,,ted ender the •,1 �" •••• • ,i , ,-•.primus who ,i, Wnrkmen. 1787 T!4E GREAT S 1400J A iicrgss%. � a irata 3 WY11.L Ct'R6 • (. Mom 'of: ,:.K.:xa 1 !1•'n .slsttlaMs. h); b111s, f : helms. Scurvy and C�: - DISEASES. It wi:1 remove PIMP! IS, Rl.orcHr and heal Ulcers •and Old Sores. -0--- P A R 1 L A CAUTION. -Ask for " Dr. Chan - 1:2;; s Sarsaparilla," take on ',her In its place. If your . u ;st has none In Stock, rr•r • - .im to send for It. : RICE, ONE DOLLAR PER r 't'rry Davis A `otx A 1..: • S.,le Alrras, LMON'Fitt.A' 7 .1 O II N A. N A F T E L. CHEAP HARDWARE STORE. New Firm! New Goods! New Prices. Mart h, 1st. Just received • choice assortment of table cutler), pocket kllittr, ae'.sis1'b mimes. In there linos 1 rut offering a and oleos retitle. In both Ra.gers and Lock Wood's make) SAe1Otht, Eng.. Cure and see my ivory handled knit es and forks lath table and dessert • Plated. ditto. Also best bone handled, buck horn, an 1 composition handled. Carters to watch In every quality. In knives and forks for general use t have amongst others, a , arida steel throughout handle and blade, with small else for children. Especial value In table, desert, and tee spoons. Something ne tt in these. !larder than etiver. cheaper, and looks just as well. Clear white throughout. le'n't fall to see them. whether you mean to buy or not. No trouble to show goods. Farmers and others wanting a buggy call in and see the E:nreka gearing made by the (tuelpb Carriage Goods Cu. Easy riding and cheap. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. 4:11M/ow r, 1. , CABINET . MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. - A good assortment of Kitchen, Ilan -room, Dining Room and, Parlor Fu: nil are, et h a. Ta- tilesnemir thole ane ane.wood oodivated,. Glasses. lk•d•steads, Mattress s, wash -stand. Lo What- g N. la. -A complete assortment of Conine and shroud, ill waya on hand also hearers for hire at reasonable rule . Picture) Framing a specialty. --A tall built:At r 17.51 BOOTS&SHOES =0W -missies 3z We c .-up lies t. announce to the Public that they have opened Lu,•inet:. iu tl,e above Stmt. iu the store lately occupied by Horace Newton: Having ' nrchasid a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close 1 -: ts, \ve at c determined QUICK SALES & SIALLthPR Public. the BILL BE OB ti`OTTO '#'Please call and examine our goods before purchatsil:g elt•rn 1 4 4 . fliar•Remember the place, next door to J. Wilsoi'e Drug S'orc. Air -Custom work will receive our special attention. X10 -Nene but the best of material used and tiret-class n•o,ktutn cugdoycd. .1134r -Repairing neatly done on the short( ,4 not' G^derich, March f►, 1 Wiz. DOWNING W E D D U P LINE. U'7ITF;t) STATES NI \':. STEA.1KRS \Yteekl • to and from NEW Vutuc A5nGLAe4If1W. \1.1. 1.4.N, t suERRY l abin i'a5eage.Ifietopg. Rehlres. St10t°d le. Seeon t ('ahin. she. Return Tickets. 175. `steerage passengers hoot.t•d at low rater. 'Passenger at oomniodations unexcelled. .4 L1. S1'ATP.:ROOMS ON MAIN DECK. Passengers Looked at lowest rates to or from Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, L', nmark. tCc. For Book of "Tours in Scotland.-Itates.Plaes da, apply to ILENDELSON BROTIIERS. 1828. New York. PRICED C a'l'-t y aLOG UE, beautifully Illustrated, Mil- t/Lining all necessary information for the sue- ceasful cultivation of Vegetables, Flowers, Field Roots, Potatoes, eto.. is now published. and will be mailed free to all applicants. JOHN A. BRUCE A. CO. Seed Growers, Hamilton. Canada. SEEDS! RELIABLE SEEDS ! .A N (' HOR OC R DESCRIPTIVE $500.00 Rewaxd. We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver complaint. Dyseneeia, tack Headache, Indigeetien, Constipation or CosUvenee., we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. Vegetable, and never fail to g give are pfac00urel V luna satiefiction. S Coated. Large Boxes. containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. For sale by all Drugg ate. Beware of counterfeits and itnita- tion•. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST B. CO., -The fill Makers, 81 and 83 King Si. past, Toronto, Ont. Free trial pat !cage sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. Pae wale at W ILMON'M DREG MTOe& A CURE GUARANTEED. �AONETIC MEDICI:T TRA.' �� t.IAR.. - _.r• c • _,owsl BRAIN &Ni.tf1'E 'C" : i:r.- 'tit, and •event. Hate . - . , ...'e 1 I - - _1lL II Ilealth is We Allows intere': on deposits. I rafts, leilt'. of credit and circular notes 'bawd, pa7ab in all parts of the World. - 1781 !'IANADIA`; I:ANI OFC( MMICi:t 1?. l�� 101.600 ,/iu: Had .1. J. Hawkins, brighter 1. F..tt, $/, ri''.'^ sat. Pewit!. of Nu::, gl'.t/ 1JeMrSTRIi Cera rat Muna,�.; '. • H'. N.. a., Jt.Tv Coder:!_': Brar.ch. A. M. ROS -4, - MaNat.r.R. Had when n luta, hi 'Might o ,1- era , .1,. Interest allow r•; en pea it'. Urs.t. Oren Had trip done oro he sty a ning t. through ._ the principal Tour,. and titre in Canada his trip leaf Tuesday seining through These are mud Fath. , Great Britain and the L' .duel "gates, bona`. the Cameron, Roes k C. threshing ens- ( The best blond pn;rih•-r and system re- I and sold. chine. It may not kill him, but he tato guletor ever place 1 withi•n the reach of morAde endoraerl'aneesto nrmereH<n stet. with on(' 1153 never leak P.. pretty again." (London h 'r . •sly is Electric Bit A suffering tllliant : •; 1 en. Inactivity • f the Liver, Biliousness' INSURANCE CARD. dverti.er. Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, PRiltF' a nr MIN n. -Benne p•renns ;tar any diaesee of the urinary organs, or I BRITISH ASS. COT. T'neuNTo.,-Es'abl.she imagine that presence of mind i an in- i whanye enrorequlee he appetizer, tonic or, 1gn. etinctivequality that is never to be ac- I mild stimulant, will always find Electric PH(19FIIX INS. ablisp,odCl�Rt. cf ho8weM England) wired, but tat is at errors 'tiv sen- Bitters the beat andonly certainHARTFORD • uickl -Established 131 h e us view. 1 cure INS. ('d'1', of 11AI.Tt'm:D, Conn bamthatity with danger is grit known, They act surely and• quickly. o. Risks taken in the above first-class Offices the lowest ragas by HOitACE 11ORTON. The undereiened 1e also Appr:tf•er for the CANADA PER. LOAN am/ SAVINGS (•O'Y TORONTO. Money to Loan on fleet -clam security. row 7 to 8 per Cent. --Charges' moderate. HORACE HORTON. Oodrr' :l, Sept. 10. 1&90. .lucttve to it. Soldiers and sail.'.rs, as well as medical men, acquire it .by ex- penenctt. This is not available to all, but t. contemplation of the possibility of Langer, and of the means which should he taken to avoid it, will greatly conduce to the poeseaaiof of this faculty. 11 every woman mould think as tithe hest method Phoa hatine, or Nerve loots, a f'hoe- of prooeedure if her bedroom was on fire, 1 ,hate Element based upon Scientific she would 1* more likely to act rationally Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, if the accident did occur, than one who ,K D of Breton, Mass., cures Pnlmon- had Dever contemplated the possibility !pry Cunsumpteon, `lick Headache, Ner- of such an occurrence : and a girl who is )))jvous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia convinced of the danger of re/thing into and all tcaetitl disuse of the human the open air on her dress catching alight , system. Phaoephatine is not a Medecine, is more likely to throw herself on the I bu' a Nutriment, because it contain" no floor and Holl over and •ver than one Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates who has never thought at all about the N ascetics, and no Stimulants, hut atml� every bottle guaranteed to give entre satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fifty cents • bottle by J. Wilson. 141 To the Medical , fesates.seg nil wham It may subje ct. -- Horace Greeley, probably the moat powerful writer on every -day topics whom this country has produced, and who certainly commanded a larger "10'• lowing' of friends and enemies than any other political writer, used to say to his subordinates, "Find out first what you want to say, and titch shake it clear. Make it as if the man you were wasting for had never heard of the subject before. Do not be afraid to repent, or use com- mon words Use any words. repeat. hammer it in, --only make it clear ' There is as good • receipt for editorial writer as error w"• Voltaire }ingot t• re ego that before the beginni••e of •h • nineteenth oe tory Christianity a• old hale diesi- prareel from the earth. But the fact re - mania, in apite of th, ' ctiaat. that it 1900 there were 19 "100,0 0 •oa•fee.o,re ••f Cl,rietienity Out of ' 0 0 •0 ofhat in Fe, lisle s1'eakine t' 'p1r pretty well ire r the , et.tary. '114 wore &mons the 1r 'r eae•kin. 1'e• pl. al 'n. R9 ono 0 nNe-t"sts ••' 111 Mt0.000 Rom a Cath i • ss sgai'.. 18.fWiisen non -rel. i .:w-' le. ly the Phosphatic and (lartric Elements fnnnd in nur daily food. A single bottle is sufficient to convince. All Druggists moll it. $1 00 per bottle. LnwDsw & Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 66 Front Street Zeit Toronto at 1lwcalea's Ara1M salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts,fllcers, Solt Rheum, Fever Soars, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains. Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, gwtanteed to cure in ..very installs*, or mossy refunded. 25c. per hat. Iran eels bs i. Wilson. ly. 80BBEB DR. l:.''. WEST', `,-lit • a•:1, tlxAIY T11. T 111.1.\ •• 0 4 u.ir.ant'. • • for Hysteria. 1) a rifer (•,r::rldai. 1 •- r us Nem.:.tt a, Iiesa:. '!r . NnrYo:. • , I • 1. eRUIN .l • • t ,e .•i,_not ort• s,•ail.. - vie 1u1 U , ..,.r., Se too• . • ing t :n- oily w• t �. -• . '1 and '.. , r -la., ,.u, t. -", L..s,o,I'uwe•ine•-1. • • ••'r 1.usaH aptl e, tors u • t t• -r-, ti• py t e. -Thousands of graves are annually rohbed of their t•ict,ma, lives •.rolonged. happiness .ort health restored •: