HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-04-27, Page 66
Iat ohne sprang to hu feet, sand presently
began dressing hinuelf preparstogry to
undertaking the day's journey touurds
"Late abed, 1 fear ; what sort e
morning, lads 1" ho asked, directing his
eyes to the window.
"T1 snow hu taken offend the wieee
Tare down," answered Malcolm.
"I am rejoiced at that, lads. Let us
hurry forward without delay. Ey push-
ing well on, we may reach the head of
Lech Awe before dusk, and reporting our
message at Kilchurch Castle, obtainahel-
ter there fur the night, and if the Earl is
within he shall hear from my own lips
my earnest desire of submission; and if
he is konest in his intentions --which I
hardly hope- - he shall then be in duty
bound to forwarn the King's officers tak-
ing proceedings against us."
"You forget," interposed Malcolm,
"that if what Barcaldine said last night
is true, then the Earl is expected here
to -day, in which case the journey need
not be precipitatey at personal risk."
Right, Malcolm," replied the Chief.
"I was forgetting last night's arrange-
teeue This fatal business weighs so
heavily on my heart and conscience that
my thoeghts are iuooherent and mixed,"
and he struck his brow with his hands
several times expressive of the mental
agony be was enduring. .''If I was only
assured of Barcaldioe's honesty into the
matter, I would encourage my mind to
be at peace and ho pe for the beat, but I
fear treachery in this matter -rightly or
wrongly, I fear treachery !" and taken
with emotion the old Chief strode back-
wards and forwards the length of the
"When is the Eerl expected here, does
Barcaldine say ?'• asked John, the
Chief's son.
"He has sad nothing defeit° to me,
answered M'Ian. "I only know the
visit is expected.
"Then he had better ask au audien:e
fest► from his presence in quest of his
s'sepinft master.
•''Deed, tuy guid enure', whoever ye
turn out tae be -the Laird o' Clendoe
I'u► tell'd y• are -I'll no tak' on my held
the (hie) grave end unco risky region 1
bility o' waukenin' up Rarcaldine. the
bees aw'ro tang .ervin' soy ruperiots -
an' BarcIldrne especially-- no tee keit tie
wisdom o lettin' &kelpie' dowgs lie. 1'11
e'en no meddle wi'm for twa hours 01
feat. But what wad ye wi the nmelcrl
I'm his responsible fee (hie) totuut here.
Speak yer will, and 111 see what sea he
(hie) dune tae serve ye," and atraightct,
h' If up to hie full height h.
Allan went to bed under Bat)caldini s
roof with a mind ill at ease with itself,
and full of the most gloomy forebod-
Tho hour which lad ushered in W oth-
ers a New Year of hope and promise,
had brought with it to him and his pet.-
ple a aw•rd of vengeance which hung
suspended above their heads, Damocles -
like, by a single thread, which design
ear treachery height at any moment
Jeelous, along with others of the Jac-
obite Chiefs, of the conduct of Breadal-
bane in the diatribntiou of the peace
money entrusted to his care, Mien had
all along resented the Earl's meagre re-
eognition of him u an open affront, and
had refused to ally himself with his
scheme of pacification,partly in tete hope
that his example would be followed by
others of the Chiefs, and partly believ-
ing that his refusal of submission would
in the end bring Lim and his people bet-
ter and mere advantageous terms.
In this hope he now found himself de-
ceived, and it galled and saddened him
to think that the plausible tongues of
the Earl's parsaites had been encouraged
if not instructed, to assist him in his de-
Several of the Chiefs had, it was true.
o•d aloft till within a week of the ex-
piry of the term of grace, but all had
tinally hurried in ere the gates of mercy
were -closed -all but the recusant old
tion of Glencoe, the renegade whom,
h rt thecrafty
w •r' by , emetic etephasieed the dc- I ,�
cut aturu by cheepipg his chin on his t
hre,ost by a sudden dowu-threw of his m _
ret td." e0
" Ana why 'tier demanded M'lan.
i " Because hes (kir) asleep, replied 1
tileubucket, relapsing at once i so self- esetrq'
.•ssur,nee and hicoloey. �-ra
Thea waken dun up be d -'1 C Z
eel'!" retorted M'Ian, hu►iog pommel
et his mind in the excitement of the t ,,. co
Aleut, t, and tuakir-st r threatening gesture D
at •!to self eonseiou. domestic. 1 �'
teelibucket, sttickeu with an elual
of amas•mesot and fear, turned up s, ^ '
• ee white of his eyes at the wugty Chief ing hens
several alx,rtiye and highly •t.'.i- I I ke a shut pheasant, hisocougbed three l' n opo
crous effort. to Mteady himself, gla - a•,d • istinct times, vetruned sug estive si- r e0
bottle in each band, workitte at the eine 'fence, and very obviously marvelled co D O
time these two handy if ill matched ai ti I aiasedly and perceptibly much. Q D r n
cles of equipoise so as to r"tuyr•r his r•Cat I, " Wilt you u,nounoe me to )our ural• 1 Z
tend balance 'ter ;' determinedly urged M'Ian. leak- Z
f N f t thousand 1
This exhibition of heroic diguity And ,ug a menacing step towards him. re I •�
t worlds,
self-conscious importance ".r the part o Not for ,u ,..
Glenbucket was ludicrous. but M'Ian's plied Glenbucket, falling back en his = z
mind was too tragically preoocupted with
the urgency of the business he had in
hand to notice it ; so, turning about, he
re -ascended the stairway leaving Glet -
bucket to his libations.
" Weel, weel," soliloquized Glenhuck-
et, swinging round on his left heel like
an unhinging door, " thee',' so. Ate he
gangs as if I had dune him an injury.
Wauken up the master'. Frith, no , I
ken a trick worth twa o' that, ony day.
He's a self -sustained auld c•ckal••rum
tha,t," he added, looking atter the re-
treating figure of M'Ian, " an' he'll hue
northing to do with the adjectives -
neither guid, better nor i.eat. i offered
him in turn, free, gratis, and for naeth-
ing, guid freenship, better drink, an' the
best advice, but nane o' the three com-
parative qualities wad he choses --dell
grup him !" and Glenbucket who in his
youth had once had remote views of a
clachan schoolmutership, filled up s
fresh glass, and having emptied it, trade
a successful though highly, divergent
advance on the kitchen, muttering to
himself as he went, " Thir oolandish
Htelan' divots donna ken hoe tae hand
an auld Scotch Ne'erday. If Bareadine
hoose was i' the Midlothians, or situated
in the heart o' the Wast o' Scotland, the
wa's wad be ridging wi' mirth and fua
frae dawn too e'en. Itut here, the Guid
help us, the hoose is as quote's a parish
kirk between the services. I've just
tried tae thowe that glum auld curmud-
geon Glencoe, but he'll neither sing,
dance, nor whistle ; and now for a bit
social tilt wi' the lassie hi i,. the kitch-
en,' and a hearty skirl, of sutprise em-
anating from that quarter a 'cement af-
terwards attested that Glenbucket had in;; his breast x;tl. let fere Inger chile
entered the culinary ap:trtinent of the he %pelt t.l His heart ti ever open tee
house unannounced. Time happily the :ala o' distress ; and :Le tear 0' (hit;
placed, we shall leave him for the time, sympathy i3 , ever richt try free his i e.
and proceed to take up the leading There. . a►ird, there,"- he a•lded,'wbeo -- - -
thread of our story. they had reached 1teP idiue s bedroom DANIEL
j door, ' • knock and it shall be ••penal un-
above all others of the pa y, of Barcaldine aid tet a definite assur-
and designing Rreadalbanentrap.t hall t wtshed snce on the matter," put in Malcolm.
•,rod plotted t entrap. In his attempt „1f the visit is only vaguely expected,
to checkmate the Earl's ambitious then we can hardly venture to risk lea_
„schemes of pacification M'Ian found ing twenty-four precious hours on the
himself foiled at all points, and the
thought that Colonel Hill's unexpected
refusal to "swear" him might be part of
a design to exclude him from mercy gave
him real cause of alarm.
That night, therefore, his ]teed lay un-
t;asily on the pillow, and worn-out as he
was with tlhe long days's journey he
slept but little, and restlessly and ill.
How that melancholy wind did howl
and moan around the turrets of Barcal-
dine'shouse h It took tone, t••o, from
the state of his mind. He hat: often-
times heard the winds of wine.; moan
en'1 icreani through the hollows ••f his
own sterile.auu sublime glen, but 'fever
had they before seemed s•, full of fore-
boding pathos are pow. And thinkin
f the long miles of mountain roads
chance of it; if, on the other hand. Bar-
caldine's statement is so evasive or un-
satisfactory as to suggest treachery on
his part, then there is nothing left us
but the snow -wrapped road-- come
storm, come calm -and cur own individ-
ual courage to face it."
"Well spoken, Malcolm! We can do
nothing beyond that. I shall see Barcal-
dine at once," and desiring them to re-
main behind, M'Ien went to seek a
short audience of his host.
Descending thestairwry' he
f •un(lhint-
self confronted by Glenbucket, who was
pirouetting on his left heel in the cen-
tro of a passage communicating with the
kitchen, retaking a partially succeeafulat-
tempt to fill, for what his conditionobvi-
,ously attested the twentieth time, a sub -
which lay between hin at d Lnverary. atautial looking dram glass, his dexter
with -vinter on his path and with the
heaver.a full of fatal snws, his brain
whirled in an apprehensive agony -' 1
Goll ! how ho longed for the morning
light to appear ! His conscience was up
in arms a•oainst him, and often as he at-
tempted to reaa()n an excnae f•'r hin►,.elf
it wrestled with and threw hits. •
He craved sleep, but the hurniug
takin'a tuothfu' in private before !hoc)
th••n_hts ui his brniu t •rlxde it. An
loner gate, too. situated on the ••sp•,sed adjourning tae the kitchen tate we et the
aid•• ••1 the hue • s.,niewhere, was ever craigs o' the hale housefil. Thir Heilal.'
• t ni
inges devils, ye ken beggin' per (hie) frac
by the :.11eunquiet 111 tiling winds,ack tand was asl►often pardon, for I see ye've ()lithe Lilt?, tier
bayed by ti.„ dcet,thr•wted wateh-dog, rnuchhaus'd sons o' the mouestain Imo
a e sic a (hie) plaguey lot o' dry mist too
whose voice warned away tinkers and
wash not ei their heathery craige, that 1
t: At length.
from the ear, tied gn winds f was e'en takin' the cannie precaution o'
At leurth, however, the full `
luiet, the watchdog Bought the relt'se of fillin' oot a thimhlefu' tae menet' l•efure
1 \l 1,mii at last slept. venturing ony faurcr but the hoose wi't.
t" ke sl e:, :ot' But, non, since ye're here on the grin'.
He slept a short feverish sleep, and I yu 11 jist'enipty that first, and I'll follow
while hu slept he dreamed.
smart-- hae, pit it owre"' and he extend -
He ha -I returned, he thought, from a ! ed the dram glans to M'Ian, whu. how-
ever, :eel weary journey, amt n•athinK a ever, refused the offer with :.n • pen lira
secludca and peaceful spot in his native lure of contempt.
(lien, 1t•: reste.1 himself :old feel - •ltimckly I
i "What!" exclaimed the :•atonislied
I Glenbucket, as he made an free duninry
A tinkle of falling water was to his lue_ard bicker, "y'e'll no mind it, willna
ears ; the rude war•,th, with the sweet ye 1 \\;set that bates everything. it's
fra,irence of the h other, was round hint, none o' yer clam stuff, mind ye ;but it's
and all was awectnevs• accunty and a rale grand blend to Ben Nevis, Ben
Cruachan, ate a' the ither big Itch
Humplocks in the north `cutlend.
Here, man, clap it in yer cheek it's
hie) Ne'erday m ornin''•'
kitchen reserves.
"Then find use an••ther domestic who
will," urged the excited Chief ; " I am
in earnest, ear."
" There's (Air) two re us in earnest,
Laird, that's the plague o't,'• promptly
rejoined Glenbucket ; " but as for anth-
er domestic' serving ye in thea way, it
siml.ly canna be. This is Ne'etday
m, rning, Laird, end the orale domestic*
are a' as he as the Clyde in spate. I'm
(hint the only sober representative o' the
hale up-an-doon-stain ltasealdine estab-
" That you at once announce me to
your roaster, my go�ud a ow,' said Glen-
cos, altering his mermen towards the ob•
-R f 11 d
t domestic, and slipping into hisresdy
hand clutching firmly by the neck a
bottle of old fashioned but capacious
aliape. Mien paused before him and
looking on involuntirily and in silence.
"The rale dew o' the mountain. your
honor whaever(hie)ye may chance tae
be,"' began Glenbucket, leering at Minn
with a generous side smile which opened
his mouth from ear to car. "This, ye
see, is Ne erday in,.rnin', an' 1•nr jist
time o ,
palm a piens of moneyastheessiest meth-
od of subduing the pot -valiant domestic
to reason and instant compliance' with
his expressed wish. 1
Glenbucket *tole a quick giance at the
coin proffered him, and finding iter color
of the right sort he smiled from ear to
ear, and making a hiccupping admission
that there were times and seasons when
rules -mural u well as domestic -could
he ptostably set &side, he motioned
KIan to remain behind a mt•ment until
his return.
Within two minuted he returned, and
beckoned the Chief t• follow hire-
" It's a' richt, Laird, as rioht et tip -
pence," he garrulouslybegan; "I knock'd
him tip at the risk o' my fine, life. It's
no for a bit money I'd serve ye, Laird,
but jut because I se ye're w ,, v''sfa, as
the i atiners say Takia' the richt side
u' hitu. Lard, yell tied Glet.nucket's uu
a teed a •rt ate that's use, Laird .tuuch-
T \,ij(1l7 �
1111 ft—
COW -C min
Table awl Pocket Oat1ery—Best Value,
Paints and Oils at Bottom Prices.
And tartest A•wrtment ►a the County, also a full tine of Shell Hardware.
—iKE: HIS-- ,
Barb WireBeStMade.
Suddenly the v.tllt•y darkened, and all
around hien rose the shrieks of defence-
less men, women, and children, mingled
with the shouts of a s:trage and bloody
a„l ie y.
With a cry of fear, torn of an agony
•1 remora'•, he w, encd from this dream
within a dream, :,t,d sat up in hest, star-
ing At vacancy• ••ith a cold sweat distill•
hag itself on his brow.
Mentally thanking God that it war, as
yet• only a dream he uttered a short
••jaculstury Brayer, an re:speed into a
-errand t•rukcu sleep.
'lie dawn hail grcye•1 the '*4114,11) sky
ere t ' Chief s sons erns.• from the com-
Inrtabl• 1'ed soh c , t ey had t..geth•r M_•-
u-up,ed. The &tigue • of the previous
dy's eourney was •:•• at, and their 1,di•s
ane;ht c orreep.in ting repa.et•on (rem re-
pos., and rest. The morning air they
felt was crisp an 1 eo1 l with feet. but
the who 16 had fallen away, and the snow
.to ,n was over fur the ,
Repairing to Mien's le them. they
f ABA the old Chief teasing uneasily in
` tt m .wt inn of hie name tie etareiresfd
"I much feet we shall not see the r as nuc
hereu- t dap lads," said Mien, on re -
to thee. There's Seri, to f
a. much, , CABINET MAKER,
- i c '
turning to his bedrootu, wherein John Snptear for 1ee 1 h
and Malcolm Macdonald had remained ! and w . m^ shout
, e a C
"H is atoll precieitetell t.? in an reticule hurray. t \
J • i%
during his brief absence.
abed, and 1 suspect treachery between wisl;ine, presumably, to keep out • f hs
toast;: t immediate sight_
him and Captain Drummond. They
were in secret con
accidentally learned from Glei;buck^t - a atrert•e sare»t1e creme.
a house do nestle -and whet is certain' Tee fines: he:::ing c•,ntpcntud i'.der; Ch
is that the pair either plotted lone- the cure: There is no s. re but will sub-
cuuib to its wenderfu, healing pr. per
ions; • ice:w.ept� oe
fcrenc' Ia.=.t night, s
dressing f
themselves, or, tubal [muco ref• y sus Cu:A. llmn3, Il:uixs, imp es, s' 2 D
peat- the Sari will t..t l•c ltr•re to•'•+y at 'l F
tc Fnce twc•nty-
that they have Rife •..3c 1 + ties. It is sit ntt,aiuebltl
d 1 P• 1 $cold
Bqi s, uswrtnga, e . • r
Irite amts at (i,, ICI' 31 drug score.
t,i:AUl1t;�ANi11�i IRs
FURNITURE AT et ITT; fit l'f.It';- FOR CASH. lee
1 have now t n hand :: very large .,tech, such as
airs of all kinds, Tables, Bedsteads
Parlor Setts, side Boards, Rat
t an Chairs,�c-
all. What think you lade,..
t - ;fel-
col �Iaihnt; a step acj•;as the eti•t.
A Life Aeries revere:
to t•l•. •t -d the do .t i'f this tit• ,n, which ;
M.. M. E..tllie•.n, Hutehif►son, Kan.,
rntrencc IA M. fah 1•w= . ft paitially saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of
n, ;►red re•nrntn2 to A1latt'e sirti.'. ere Dr. King's Nos I►iscuvery, for Con-
d-- suuiptinn, which cawed hint to procnre
Barcahin.e it .•i.c ••f the oi'.+ par- •a lerge bottle, thateompletely cured him, e
when Hectors, chance ref climate and New Phots,-gtroce�ies, Provisions, etc.,
tea ; the Earl is filena•e s enemy ; everything oho had failed. Asthma,
refore. f:arcaldithe cannot be eur BmCchiti.i, Hoarseness. Severe Ceughe,
oors West of +he Post Offi
Lses, it ung end. Let us suspect r.d distrust Lim
itharanteedito ccture.d Trial Bottles attJ. is!
houoiable met. suspect au, distrust `\Nilson's drug store. Large size it n Inspection i
ayes. in view of the urgency ••i cur
since!, it is our privilege, nay more,
is our dire neceaft) to do Lut us
forth • f this house at once '
" We kale rot yet his tiplarrttien,"
intetli••;►ed Jehn. the Chien s eldest son ;
he reey he et: the Et!! :•nly late
ill the day "
'•The petioibl- ainstesetices a:e se
tro;:ttr.deur, . erged M'Iao, • 1 caouot
affori to rent -r. hopes este .urwhaes.•
and he kept pacing the floor, hie Iliad
town by the rtn,tctiny emotions which
Vra� let ►)�o�a
Newest Designs and Colors
"Can i acs your mantel' .•stied Po*•0ssal 11 •►erose(
Alan, preserving a dry manner " Seo Glenbumett •4'ihu,' suggested•ppn
• Whew!' whistled out t :it ibucket, Mice elni, ' and.deteaod an audience of J�PI';
,T�. R its\.ILL, VI)
havingcmptied the gleam at a single gulp: Lis 'fleeter. •'tkerwise re ios•ently lift iri _
elf yell no, ye see i will. \VI Ind 2' m' was •, .,,t 1
Mist •....
rejoined Mian. Thu .evens° se tree'
eel. l trust notes end it. hemmer here
till ley return, :d quick •ie the im-
pulse of the 1111.111,11tee
etit the uld ebief co
more went in quest of f:kubuekut,wha•.' n 2�
bo found returning fmta the kitrhen
mines the kettle ind gt U fME111A()TMEII Se001.3:it Vet
" You will show me your mantel six -
n este (ilea*bushet , ( rum* see him. and
IA once tet, TN. you hear 1" Paid Wien
in a commanding tone of reser
" On ay, Laird. i hese hrawly, • re.
plied Glenbucket, with c••urieierable de-
liberation nt time and manner.. being
half -sobered by Glencoe sauatertt% "Oo,
ay, laird, I hear brawl).; but as foe
seeing the mastic i in a creek -jie the
w-,, lik+' that 1 simply ...puma awl th.
that ye was (hu) tutnt m. (r• ha• 1 i st .• • t...l.•
{ r 1R 7 imencan. and Canadian
reelect al ;hi , right. \\ heroes my bus -
(ter, ye was askin'? iie'siti 1.841, 1 t•p,w
Wes ups Richt wi' Captain Un:nun'•nd•
no mite- than two hours abed yet.
1 Mien started. Only two hours abed'
If that was so, it did not honk i tf Bar-
csldine's hupenor the Karl, was expect-
ed there that day. What if 1►e was be•
ing designedly delayed by Barcallise!
The suspicion quickened tern in!, as in-
stant d•terminatio.t to ,.•e hie host,
asleep or awake, and that too at Mice
• Were hs your masters bedroom,
o:enbucket 7' he quickly asked. "An
neunce me to him. (lo !" and :Ulan,
assuming an *litho,ity- which was native
t, him, 0 misused un skis ocesurinn,
�•••nted the sliebttj dteresiswee enmestir
••A.isw *POCH.
Stoves &Tinware.
Sarnia Agricultural Implement Ianufacturing Company,
Reapers, Mowers, Pinder:: & Threshers
1,• the Dominion Separator before you Purchase. The Easiest Ru►,-
ning, Simplest and Most Durable Machine in the Market
LIVE A_ Gi- 114 W A N '1` F: ]� •
A.Idrew at Once Ce•EOlet O E A_ ROBB,
(3eaeral Agent, (loderiel,
Ari B1glis iu Wall Papers.
Now is the time. it yen wish Owe or two ale. manse at home, to see Potter's room pstw•
He has over
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
Heantifnl rolnn. ►red N are tee boat vain* in town. and most most inferior rinds.
aniti. 1 anA s.•• them the
Jae, saenders ;Son
The 11161 Siiog 1i1nsand Fshiv,
TNI MOIST NOiISE utta(lt ref SUN .
(Nett deer to its Postotltr•,
.e`.t B V TIsd=1Z'e