HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-04-27, Page 5k ['IU HURON SIGNAL, H'RIDA1, APRIL 4, 188., Sheppartitcn. t! ARS RAtrilli(i.-The brat raising of he sewn took place on Friday last on Ole farts of Mr. James Kitt: .trick, the a'okk being iii charge of Ch. 'es Morris, ,1 the "Shaw. Flies." Ther, were twen- ty peen on each side, e•.iuul.t .;led respec- tively by John Thompson, of Cummer. - yl, street, avid \% w. Hawkins. The for- mer was victorious, after a struggle of 40 minute,. The building will be 62:32 feat A pleasant time visa spent at the suniptuoutmold at the conolusinu of the heavy lifting. 8sam111er. Spring Tflitlinery. Dominion Barb Wire Company. SOL11 MANI'ir ?UHL'S IN CANADA (1 nth. LYMAN FOUR POINTED BARB STEEL WIRE FENCING1 This wire fencing is made of the . ery best quality of wire that can be r.nure.l and the barb is the t arrsugut herb made. No be!t.ryvire (claim, a in the market, which dict is tes atted fort its inure -awl use by all the Toadies Hallway t . in the Uutatnluu. Tisa best is the cheapest every date. ('a11 and sec it bet a pur. u' • and it shall speak -for itself, ...JOHN A. NAFFEL, Sole wool for Ooderielt vioit:lt . lam also agent for I he (;...ten 1'ity Oil Works celebrat :1 Oaatorine atz>,d Peerless Lubricating Oils t'n lfattrday last a. cow' Leto U to 1 hate now In aturk a avant wont of the best brands of whit.: lead manwifaclured. g ttarwu %ed t w freta u.s a of ndLltrrutwn. Quality wdl tel. H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. �3Re�t.N'TF'OR�_ i 0 �PPING,- i I� 11: WIA 1-:,'. Mir Mit. WK,. 5 B M _..QA. I 1 .\ I.':-\I,I\1; I'F.1'I'1ItM:W. 111 1: t,F\1.11-ii\It\'1' 1-'1'111. • 1.. , ,•,r • t .. een'. nal oottnot..., exaat ctl distance te n holesale pric 11 a ordinary retail dealer I.a> r,�for ll bG. J hn Breen, of th;• •. illage, was ft tithed ntothe liter by..'uta: toys, and J 0 -3 N A- N A F TFL our By5LE21E FOFt BIL. ORDERIS ' \IY roux %vas tat a d•,w•n with t} � want ; vice a �e ,fit dal of the neighboring In tart along: the bank to eau what wutrid Leconte of the poor 1, but she 1100.41 got out of alibi and they returned, giving,. op all hope of her. But whslut mune to the band in the fiver Mr. Water's eats she was was ashore. 'Tit. being; over a mile she had to battle a ith the watts, after which she climbed tap the bank to Mr. tValten barn yard where she gut .Atte frail ;ta 1 retut'ne i .10 her honks pnnetime the -milt the• night. all safe and sound. 00111402 . ' ('HkAY ILtItl)WAItL: IS AS FOLLOW ON APPLICATION 114: SEND '+1111'1 }S IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 1 DM `:1!7,1;1 Silks, Lues, Satiny!, Pants, I take this Op?Qttenity Iv announce to the ltut,lic that ha•: il:.- Pur -),..:c % tf.. with width and price scakd Figure Muslills, lEll11br:. i) •Out t+TO•'I: IiF = R Y CT O O S S T o c K Ladies & Misses Kid Giffes, Silk & Lisle Gloves, also Hosiery is Std colors & Burl; MI6, ..nd trade of Mr.. W, D. Shannon, and h.ttirg made Large Additions to the Stock 1 tonNlllchcahwas paid, 1anihow pepa Atovieegr tbargain,to.IlwboHill favor me 1'he'Mluliar.iy faintly; see;..r and jar, - )ty motto •hall be ?snail Praha aid qua k Reten e ior, of this tewnship, have been left 11,- 000 each, by the death of a relative, tits Iste James Michie, of Tor•ontta Junior members of the same family who resides in Lucknuw were also bequeathed 11,080 each. The deceased was worth over - 0400,000 and was unmarried. He divid- 10 ed his estate among a vast number of a► Iatives and educational and benevolent societie. In the O41 I -.IM pnt1oa is sada sof 1ie�eldes weedin,;of -•lir. aid Mrs. (iso. Junes, of Beverly. Mrs. (:rein, of Colborne, the dirt daughter on behalf rf the y, toil Orth V)of ape aes. with a inn apeetacle.' H. R1DLEY. 1Faniiers & NEW MILLINERY. _ y._. . THE NEW FERTILIZER. In ordering gloves tend size and colour ; fur L..er .cud size of shoe. ...> w.o•tb.•r .11:•,ac. or 1.ur u All man order. receive n• pe a•1.•,,r.Ott. end goo 1 -cat not proving -. lata. to 1111•. 1.e rrntnu• I. SPECIAL 0 r To all PortiDo.si' . to snake P.: • 4 i"al Ss,l . :ons :..: ci 7t,:1-- . a.. a�t'hasing to the aim)'1`.1;. of * w30.00, a' s will 'rine, re'. urn fire. If. Jr. I;1 J'TIroc'r (ti- ri•f-►,r11,1.(1. SEF. HERE I Ta•t.►dews ea.! /sot edge ss New French and American Goods, • • awn •.. Irma at+- >'>�•1 Than Fertilizer thmanure zer is a real ,nut merely a FIELta AND GARDEN.GARDEN. Cotton Seed Co;n.potend w t heaper. and as good or better, than most of the Commercial Fertilizers of the present day. stimulant, the value Of which in proved by its increasing use wherever introduced. A hundred thousand tone were shipped last t year to Zngland for fertilizing pa alone. hardeners take notice that vegetables man- ured with It mature and ripen earlier than with ordinary manures. John A _ N afte1. Sole Agent for Goderieh. Also Agent for Herby Climax, king of feed, took Diploma at Provincial Show last tall. March 22, 18&R l�&.Snt Seeds, Seeds, Se;eds. J.AMES MCiv AZR T s IC 131 >e F ra o a.[ .', . W is. te• is tsar► I l e p, a far pant ,. -s. . w•oq ' •.f.r . r.uw LARGEST AND BEST STOCK r'..r Tur,,,)tu. Nlr. He.... }. r, Miss Jessie vv ilson who lige topj(�.resyled here, leavca t + 14,7 W14631) to°MAWR, where he will re- side ositu iu imitate. This isnot tketrot tine he has made p.'eparationa to depart from our 1 triage ; the elder inhabitants of this plain at,d vicinity will remember when Sir John A. was at Ciliates, our deent't- trig friend nmkrebed to the foie Its prooseslon with data in hand, toadies us to the ground where the speeches wen to be made, *ben Sir John, noticing this ambitious eetleman and the hororabley- earned medals on his breast, carte up and tapped hifp on the shoulder\ saying •`that's all right, 1 have a jub at Ottawa for you, get ready and I'll telegraph for you. • He got ready, but the telegram r never caste, and he watt oue among the many disappointed office expectant.. The };o.,d wishes ..,f his many friends ac- ..mpany him to his new home. -New Era. - Stanley. 8011).--41w Monday last Mr. ylcEwen, of the third con. Stanle," mold . span of colts rising three-year did for 1.1112 ..f $380. STATISTICAL. -The total receipts for I The undersigned will tire to any young -person under the age of Fifteen 1151! carF a Hand- :- ■ e • where tar LA:OMade, adss W w•,: G+s:,rns u tt.. o..a.e.. an niwaysbe toast. Ths Chicago Hose, IL 18 THZ MD t4l01/'AHTERA OISHIHON FORt NEW MILLINERY OF ALL KINDS. A eked. Rae in Telst*ed 11ste a Specialty. A rag c Dress Making Establishment ! is also carried on in eenaecti0n with the MiltLery Department. A call soli, it. il. A. J. WILKINSON. 1883. SPRING. 1883. • the year 1882, including balance on hand ,ome Prize, who unaided y friends will solre the following Puzzle, vis fronttn,last year, 16 t �1 16.10 aro 13484.30, ind the.total payments for the year are,' 012, 054.42 leaving a balance on hand of $14,119.,98. The payments are as fol. 'owe: -County rates, 13,111.41 ' schools After doing so read the following advertisement and you will see what tame and kill can. 11;980.62: - "do. . tstbe,•n done. In the selection of goods for all the branches of our ever increasing; business, $4,3fiti.20; roads and bridges,WWI our lai,ter premises we haee room to dispiny aur goals to such advantage for customers. municipal govt., 1551; printing 124.40; "Balers a circle let ,appear • Twice twenty-five, anil five in rear, t ie-ttfth of eight to that subjoin, And you'll quickly find what conquers men." K. R. coupon., 1300; sinking fund 1250; charity and sundries, $1,431.79. A BLl N()Eft `.,MEwRERF. -- A mistako -ccurcd between the treasurer and col- ector of Stanley township. the collector thinking he had paid the whole of the :axes collected, and the treasurer that it eras all ps d but. 1200. The difference vas stn sbIv adjest•rd by each party p.ly (c T t ,u> �J ing un the full amount to the maned In Prints and Dress Goods we • X.L. and any customer has the option of etting-their dre.t.cs cut and /Stied betore leaving the store. In Kid Iaovc-i we hare a tine a,aortment. In Handout!: Enibroiderica we have been Sucre/W- ild /n getting cis doe Ines ,vtth a -trade diiconnt" cur. 83 you can look out for barga•ns for we hat e got theta. In Millinery such as Hate in the mg ons hundred dollars . f the hes; 1 ersey lily" andthe Romantic. .hip. It is somewhat singular that such They ao-""rb in Fiowe•+ and Feather. toolors) :rushed Strawberry and Terrn-Cotta. `otne- a large sum should slip away hetWenn thing very rare. and new Ideas in all fancy notions expected daily by them without any ince of It barn; .eft. 0otlerich Township - XPFtESS FROM HEAD QUARTERS. Mr. Jahn beeves is seri., '1 t 'ty t-.ttingg;oc 's Manufactured in Paris Hamburg London, the effects of dropsy. 11•s d with the nid of medical treatment' IRMSPEC•TFZTLLY YOURS, LARaE LAYS.. -A few days since .. ewe belonging to Mr. S Phipps dropped STEWART . alamb that weighed Nibs, and one but longing to Mr. (leo. Middleton, dropped M S - ■ a Io pounder Mr. Robert Hodge has purchased a e,rh,.\pri1.letil. tram the mew sM ata, time is f,tttaarie . asrt .. • pr. siker red abler rites s til. _ ,a paras. , e . •,tile.' "seiusyof Hebrew sod 'TAW Ike wr. ,•....as to paid cultl•aeLw .a4 as+d w . Ai tie..,..tr. edteitto. Y1suraa4;west kagladaieatly sass•• JA9 NN ORTH AMERICA: snow Throat and Lung OisewSAg co°DRWiLSONS PULMONARY CHERRY BALSAM Would have Prevented Sold Everywhere at 25 Cents a Bottle. Two Bottles In One, 40e. J. W. BRAYLEY, MONTREAL. AYER'S taly i. -nun 'rh;.p:,.5 .&a rareopporun: n g,• 1. is tecocX•n� Ne.t Cork and switserlland ,tln r give down your own nnont�or to select from to the satisfying of S ar sap ar ill a why ', 1 Will b•� most happy fti P' thoroughbred hull front Mr. ,John Mid- i( dleton. Ho also sold an entire colt to I Mr. Abraham Smith for a good tlgure 1 Mr. Hodge finds that good stock is pr,. fit able. - The h:a►vy draught stallion "Pride of Carron," which has been wintering at Kintail, has now returned to his own stable, Godcrich township, and will travel on its old route during the ensu- ing season. Mr. Stewart Me1ougall was dotes one of the judges on hors" at the spring show at Harriston last week He is an experienced horseman and deals consider- I ably in imported stock. He has the re gnired abilities to act in the position f, r which he was chrnen. Goon Rt t.t..-Mr. Peter t' 'c, of lot 20, Baybeld line, remintly bought thornughbredDurhamhull from MEG, Thompson, Peel, for which he paid the sum of $120. It is a three-year old, is a really fine animal, and the fatmerw ..f this section should appreciate the enter- prise of Mr. Code. Gioia W V'VT'. -- Mr. W. Anderson, left on Ttteaday foe Abeedllea, Dakota, near which Alter• he own a ltlat1111: sectio L It is said that this w-111 be one of the largest places in Dakota. Mita Green, slaughter of Mr. Ileo. Green, left on Monday fir Fisher's landing. vibe bar brother resides. ram fres Port Bern s, eat.. *at on aTesaiay si t jsd .1. Anderrof Clinton, Ont, was of a ppo'eketh..nk containing nearly OM. Inst t.efore letting a (;rand Trunk train h at Fort (,ratter. He ia of NEW MILLINERY STORE MIL . S S G- TLA_ 1=I A. MiilL •.to Toronto and Lrmdnn, Las opened nota `.ran t :r•ry Ftnrc :n • MISS STEWART'S OLD STAND and will ie pi •ase.1 to obta,n Phe wr,l1 ofthepatronage pring �p• nbe lathes of Ow.ler.ch and vicinity. SATURDAY APRIL 21st inst. when a tt;. -• b•. v.l -rock :.. 1 • . tc-t style_ in Frenh end A,n,H•an Milliner can be seen. The b::ainea$ will be a-- • .1 ..^ ,:n a ca•b be.... awl all g. ods will be mark in platin ttgnres at lowest prism. • Ing district ie reapxrn•.I! : solicited.A rail tar n the ladles ' EDS! SEE AT THE ]AFDICAL HAT..L- JOifl Pitt Fi% 1' A LAT.li. AND v.(11lKD STOCK OF ■ FRESH GARDEN. FiELD. AND FLOWER SE$DS, from ore of the most Re..ahie !Ir e.1 War howie. in the Douala ion. FOR SALE BOTH IN BULK & TN PACKAGES. F. JORDAN, Chemist ani 10 .t ... nay . t '1 a.l.• ,Llan tarot az 11.4 nardeaisse haste. ' ,, n 1 Red. A gall le. NAT he •Seedmaga. JUST RECEIVED FLOOR OIL CLOTHS • AT 4 e I)IsT1.4ll:wtv1';; SEVERAL BALE.. t)F TAPESTRY WOVE AND UNION CARPETS. AT. J. C. DBTT,OR & (:(►:�. .> CHOICE LOT of - NEW PATTERN LACE Ct-RTAINS AT J. C._UETIMH nr NEW AND NOBBY SPRIN(: HATS, AT J. C DETLOR s CO'S. < AN IMMENSE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, AT J. C. DETLOR as CO'S. ONTARIO STEEL BARB FEPICB COMPANY, 1.1.. hart( ;Lath.). 11:, Glitl,!.-a IIANUF.\("rt'REttr+ OF THE INTRO', :-.t) 1.,I1.'K'nAltrt. Four- Pointed Steel i•=enci-ng Wire. 55 AND 57 RICHMOND -ST. EAST, TG;3UI1T1,). FJR SALE it's' R- W_ Lt : i Z\i ZIL, I:+1llA:Hl('li. rare. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Rheumatic Gout, General Debility, Catarrh, and sal dl+onler, 0: no' 1 by a thin and impoverished, or r.nn-upted, condition of the blond; exleKing the blood -poisons from the system, enriching and renewing the ld..,d, an.l r. storiia i1. %itrl- izing power. i)uring a long rcrtrst of unpirnlrelsd us.'ful- nema, .A\..Rb SARs\t'ARILL.1 has proven itnt perfect adaptation M the cure of all dia'aa•+ origluatin; In pierblt.sl andaw,•aksue.i vitality. It is a highly coneentrated .,-trait of gores- parl1la and other blood-pnrifying roots, combined with Iodide of Potaaalnns and iron. and i. the safe..,, moot reliable, anti mea eeom:micn! bl,o.i-tmriticr and bl.sal-ft,od that oto 1a' urrd. Inflammatory Hh v-mntl.m Cared. •• hag's RAN+t -i 11, 1.t ha+cunni un• of the Iata■,slatery Rheumatism.wlib w►t 1 hate suffered for many years. W. if. Athatar.." Durham, la.. MMareh 2, 1..2. " Fight y.Nr+ago 1 had sr. nttnek of Rheum*. fissure ar t.l', that I eott i.) t of ,note from the bed, or firma, wale td help. I ti ....I several remedies withoutstrh if gay relkd, until 1 t.•ok Araa's SARSAPARILLA, by the ta-• of awn M.ttl1• of whist t was rewyktely ran ,t. 1 have not been tr..ealsd with dm Rb■euwtioo since. Have sold Ia�s quaMlties c( are SAHA PASILLA, and 11 stlf f ltwtRs wreiwAt e�ralsrtil tlka luny MAI ta w eseesee 1a vlsMtyrises se offerbest ed so In 45. /akMlwever P. ails." Mies tri., Rn'5rwd. Mass:. May 13, 1x2. "Laid March 1 was in weak frost general de- bility that 1 s.•eld act salt svikont help. Fol. ;.wits,Ube s n••tMatfsssert1eamesenmid Ise Arta • x••••AIOU.A base. 1 AddlesiM esMteea ekes s 1 *a se wadi a■ 1 /vet did la pp 1 sits been as Veit row for tern mnnt7e, and Mak .nor AAISAPAalLLA the greatest blood Idleine la OW "Id. JAN.,. NI 4.1 v' i nn." BM M NV rot 4:.1 fit., l aw Tnrk..tuly Ian, IMM. Aerate A 11.1.5 euro. trrnfwla and tar P tul•sa Cosepealsta. Eryelpelas, Ey- adema. R*.grr•rm. tsl•trhe.. gore., Ron., weesstr..s.d ZrnptIew.ofthe akin. ftelesr. ibis blond „1 all knpnrates. dM divot ion, +idol' tales Ik• netk,n of the hovel*, and Ilio+ r -rt"me vitality .ed str.egthena t.be whole tryst, m. ►lar♦RIM ar teens*,sod bale* hen Thesis, ?Si �$DICAL H A i r CI(.Dfi1RZCA Mimes -liar *e+ De. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Msee. soli by all Druggists prior 51, ills bottles', 52.. _AB RAHAI\ SSMITH CALLS ATTENTION.To'1'li. CLU'I I1ING J tl'A L:'.lt(}E ASSiORTIIENT. ANIt T111: LlT68T 1)I;�il:NB.'iE>< t:r-1 FINE \SSOttr1X I NDLE'' VARIETY..? RN1S11ING GOODS. HATS)! ATS)! t:rALI. THE LATEST sir \'t.ES (� t� t' .\ 1 I. I'=.1Eft TTXh. if `NI)I•t,F1'f (CODA 1 1) \Tl'd OR Nu, ' .11.F:."i .i 101.0 1. H S AND I;VLItl• IIZEita fiTEW C+OODS, NE'VAT PRIr`ES' CHEAP FOR CASH. NEW ARRFVALS SPRING &SLIMMER GODS Scotch, English, Dish & Cauadaiii Teods 1 -1 -CIG -1-1 U zvzoP fti IIIf,FIIi11EL'1IIf Tllh:l',U11T1'Of IIERIIN GEN•iLEMEN,- By requ• At of a large number of the yeomen of the ICun we have decided to manafacture• 1REAPINCn . NM WCOWZig GI- ICA 014 X q zs, iu c,mne,-tion with nnr Pow business for the year 1148:1, which for tnatetial and workmanship will he second to none. Do not give your orders for reapers or mow ers until you see those manufactured by us. We will attend all the spring fairs in County, which will give the farmers a good ogp,.rtunity to inspect our machine,. We will wamnt our machine. to d•) as good work as any ..ther made. We will al- so have a number of gond LAND _rt.0LL ER.S for the Spring trade. °OOHINaTOVES always on hand, and will tie sold cheap for rash, or Le exchanged for wotwl (lash paid for old iron. REF:0M1LLIIR .t CO. (7..d arich Foanby